Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1868, p. 1

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K. WAL OANBAIMCBNK ON9TUVit PAkc K. F. LOCJCiIAXTI UAUB16'STElS$AND 'TR1~g.~ Là, elliOîtorstD Wthe BBaik o0fMostreal, WMràon.j toiosn upon good monurty. Ap- lya6 fia, 15.. 0< iteItrait Court lious, LOuth liia b ititfTPi80, Attorneys, 801 ioWs or, . -~~ I>prlOE-.W,ontert u,arac bifnrge Olt OiIre'ii'tot,Toronto,O. ,W. ANGus MoUR1I&Oùçi. -' J.A. i;AMreok. Toronto, uily 20, 1061. 2 Ç OUNTYC'iUWZ.i AITToUiNY Fuit ON- f arlo , harriter Rani Attortiey-at.lîw, Bo -litçr la i lianceray, Nolitry Iaîblil. &.- pmDo-in lliow',a New Blding, Dundama GEORGE Il. DARTNELLIt K, A.1UL18TE À TTOl3ikl' ,CoN VEYAN - B éaDputy ltqlîsrar, Mtair Uxtraardi tsry01eiî xangaimjrin (.haacery for cbe(Jocuu &y ntario. office Brock-%tý., Wî:ltby. ROBERT J. WILSONI. B AiuiTu.t noitiHtY AT LAW, 060- .verUusoBak OW tl~ . M.JAUVIS, "t flARUI8TEIL-AT-LAW ANI SOLWCITOX laim fIitsati@aay, C(Jliber-iu'rorotito-St..' - AltltigI£ER & ATTItULNIaYAT-LAW I ollstr la Chaeuiry, Coawaiyanacor, No-À tirl'bica. to fthe Store et.af L.J, lia('IOi NOTAILY PUBLIC, &o. &o. ho W. Il* DILLInrI, DibBObICIUu, 4c., do. 1IIý o 08ic; ut ixit OU> liLtolwarrOn 1Jrck Sticot. » Wiitby, Jan. 28, 1862, tii diHiiLEg C. KELLER, AT JfîYAT LAW, 8OYIc 10R IN to n , I A M E IIeR EE0 .OW . o. TTMILNYK-A $LcTRIN Bal nilas Street. t-Tire. 8iJoà lycît f 0ptii at O0114m16 CtCliANE &à CbcIIILANE. BAI<itliTJiUa. ATI'IltNEYSi, CON1IEY- Ba:eianad Notati:bî'nuublie, atc; &a, S I. Caictoa, LL. B., 1 W. M. Cocuaaiat. (Coia-uty Cruvu Attoraîsy. Pors-hlPorsy, 2Ofls voccinuhr, 18065. LYMAk t~'Et0LISL, L LBt -- 11s-UI$'g' AT LAW, kioliaitos ln aulan- Dits. Cîourfà&LAW, Cosiaultatibaa ot ?&ilfaiveili grece ef charge. Witltbý' .uly 20, Thtl. -2D DR. HANCOCK, (FilouM iXCLM6I, & volonve.) suRGE'ON, ACCOUCHEUR, ha., il)t4cas& rr * Orn-st Iiv . liudgai,j4 I.J. <IUNN, M. D. UttuIiN TO TIIE COUNTY GAOL, By i>roui Street-, W halO,>. 4 BKOUiAbM. - geM OrisIoust-S teo1lOa. M., andi 8ite 8 - e'ck, 1). ail. JOH-fN V. HAM,. NVOTAJiY PUBLIC. Whltby, Auna l îfia, 1888. THIOMAS HUSTON, O WN CLI:l<tl< iLEAMdUliktIVWIIITHY VICTORIA ROTEL-; vitu ici AuER. ILLIAM MCUTT,I i'IETOE-( Lato Witt. hiuyataii's.) 27 JOHN JSODINSON'u Hair Dressing and SIlAving ALioON s, - 'ry SIU* caisor visa BArm ON llouTuRAxL. . Wlitby, Jan. 22, e68. 8 BOrNTON's IIOTiEL, WILBOYNTQe beg oglu f'us-tihe lu- hY liautsaoftii.Coiuty of NVictoria and surrucuiiig Cuuiie,tiiit le hais openua flua Hoiel on WIlliam tis-cet iaheiy oceupia.> b> Juletimnd as ito baslid itiiltaed anîdfurriwut- edItirtset eiYto,lsho-ilitfud evarjcouve- ailonci. winob, Lîquots aud Cigare of thse beAt ualty. A&atisnfive stlstalvays lu tt sud suce. COMMERCIAL MOTEL, BROOK 5T., WHITBY. T US subuerlbn begé toencanence te bis Mrondes aud the publia, fief ho Issus-.- oumod possesion offhe@ aboio voli auci-fa- torably kuovsu hofol, wvicia Is mcvlhted up lua e ipdtiet maunes-, wti every conveni- #e@e fer thes roopîltmn of guosfesumdfIa. tra- voli publie. W'Beas secommodaflon, sud supettor * neos,liqiors sud cigare. Oood atatlin i vut enteiosed yardui, sud attentive Otlers il. Imys on tlsspreminai. Charges iloderato. Ba. Mi CALDWELL. Whtfhiv, ,Jan.14"10888. 1-1>' SN. VA RS, >IIACTICALDoisfIIt, Ohv -Dsnts. b ino, dlrOetlyoppbe. tiîrdfloraorifth effie0sfrio 160 AUENT, &é., &Ibo Agoul oaflngu, to gl ta gue4o, sud givie quirementsof1 ia, TE 10380k HOUSE, DuNqDAS STREET, WIJTIY,. G*EORLGE BOISON, Proprîsîor. s't' Iii o bis s. io-- ER,. uti beso athei, Tii r oaa,, yeaîîatl slîuated * oppoaaite tht l'oit 1ce-sdlth centra oft t aTown. ;lti Thoia .>Oinlbus celle iab the lIkotsl,snd the itageo4 fur Uxbridgc sud Beaverton lbave tisadbor Cvii7aaaornitig. Board$SIpsrulay. GEORGE ROBSON. bty AY-1863. 20. GEORGE cCÃ"EMAoK. TM3I<MILMOiANT, Carpenter, and .LuJonr1,'ro6I st. Whtby.-A largequan. tlfyor< Iiiknds otliutriberconstantîy on band. UNIDERTAKCING. FUNERALu fauîîL:upplied sud sttoudced WfA Rresto Whiltby,FOb. Sti, 1862. 1- ,Brook1jn Drug Store. D BAER l Drieâ,patenit Me~oaiio ot«lWlinas surd T:I ilof the boit quallty fforea 4,rAeedcfnalays Siloeand Brooklin, 0. W., 186P 1 (Orenl.j À1 sii,' ,-i I7iff~ propaurecite gir. Mualo aci Siatging1 AÇppicatlon te bc umade nt thue iOffce of j( i.. aie, Surgeous Douînist o<'rt s flyrne'sTmodilemiî, Break kSt. Witby. las ýoit ma# - -. vnis.-.--..- l";W -W. 0. BILLINO04 Vrltb, ,Nor. besis, 1w.moa h. bliy TH1E COVNITVOP ONTARIO DI RECTO'Y l'Oz 1869 ~'70. rfE PUJBLISUP-8 ef tise above wcark are As If le, fiel-Intenion sta publils s vos-la T[lIROUGHgLt RELIABLE, Andi a credif te asCeniy aveil as te thein. suites, tish oo 0fhaulot' hvîwli recel.. fié suppeustavile lhabituaita tiarougiiont. CONNER à rCOLTiON, Nov lf 1, s- -45 Query- Wiy lu if hs litai lu sch a mun fer pltfliroi CliARK'S GALLERY?1 t is bocuusse h iseobatflubout Galles-y flsthé coallman ud lias mare Patieunce wlth cli reu ftin aauy otliir Auflîf loi tise ucmuty, sîsi eau do quîte unsigood votk saily oIit isumju Lthe Tisast'u, wlat's tFe mmates-, se don't is bela wrcl about oiialtig tes-yard. BILOCK ST.. WJIIITBY& Wiiliby, Nov. 12, 1807. - 45 LICENSED ÂUCTIONE&R. VMOS S evsvmao, ONTARIO, YORK & PFEL. -e- W ESIDEri'E-ILot 8, @tii, n, hlarkhur.-iosî Ofice-un leuville. SALFS îtteidaluioiii tig lotei notice, sud on tossnicmble tes-usas. , Terniesibho viaido, 8A bliiprlatod atiie Chrouacis cffice for lis-. WELLINGTON LIOTEL, MAIRKHAM. J.1UF.BOTTOII, -Pioprletas-. BiRITISHl AMERICAN Jà CROCKER'S 1JIOl, (LAT£ PLATT's,) NÉLCN sur. TORONTOI NORT'IL O0FKING ST. BASSETT & KEEBLU, - Paopnigveas. frpitrs-es .ectilly aonneoas té T o 1flude, sut ixaice, es volias noir honuo, fluait flua have talion tfia bvtpreulséoo uhat iel:i-y respectcoiiaetlsu nitu p foin a . couufnodstloi ti stoi,,iad the travsliapublie' Tisey vili aiistfactiun tu ail<whc niay favor tltem'wlth a ail. 86 YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMISSION MER OZL4N INkilu RA,àteh &GENEJIAL AGEhT. Wiaitby, Jais., 16til 1866. 2 REVERE HOUSE, MA&NcEE5TKaR C. v. 3.PLAekt - - - - Ps-oprieto-. Stfages; tuanidfrom Wiitbr euh daily. Evet> Menation paid te gusasý Curottai #cd afien- veo atlet,. 9 1868. 1868. M1E LIVERPOOL AIND LONDON INSIJIANCE COMP'NY, aes bîcu lu exixtence thlrty-two yoants, anal luriuag titf patio>lisse paîd Loais, axc.diasg vorasuneta hall million posndu ateriiag. 'Tlao dlt'bnrctit fttis a igotauuus; suit, ver ai wiilo esc-a, laoas witiosut doubit, moini Uied te a s iiiiai uaofutilsInguatinm, Cte u.OtIfialcmtICaaOfl'mJaLiar C(OiO5, Aiz- HAcT", ilmecatfsima d baasiunets mon geus- aahl'y, wîtarever il lu rea-aatcd. aitN.firaiveiî, 188, tIi.,Pire-.I'remiumm atlone aimonnted tai., à. ::,*"* £, "iti; lotis ya, 1840.............947,708 6*20ili yens-, 1856 ........ £222,270 30StIa yeair, i.rG..........73,882 U ur s-latter, 1857 ..........£1a 3 Tho Fis-e Ucuarve Fumtl lu név $4,727,484 Tha e lieRes-veond la nov *9,2t82,,468 Thea UCiatiauis la metaited tlanbitaft Onîn- io tatadl JlFî a, b> ilalinematial Agenstet raum application for Insîî'îîce may be made. G. F. C. SMITI, Rxuoico USac=amtu* Mruxzs FAIIfIiAN Rt, Ja., Aauaua, W aul-sau, OLu ltRciSaRuy Ozruo. Pebmnsiry 17iia, 1868. 7 TUE )NTA&RIU KRE1 MUTUAL- N'SU1ANCE COMP'Y- PRIS5 Company tà nov fnlly ergan1.add- Lil ps-opus-aid tW ae'pi ritale on Farut tîldinars, salud r constenut@, Couni7 ySahool ouses, mud Churchea. Ttosse wlsiiag tW in- ie. and ihoreby support a Ilome insursuce inmpaany, hasve nov unopporinnity of deli i uiuaplyin cuIter ntt iau iiemd Office, oente y ttselmagents ur rtes viii b. fauudP l u hseany respousial, Muat llu- 1ne somanylul anaae L. FAIRBANKS, JE., IIzOiKTA5I. IEAD OFFICE-Tuie 0>ld egisir> ffc iadins- rck treet, itby. IOTEL & PREMISES FOR SALE. " ai Ci In I wil ali Col go, sui il ui It T BAT odi etabliahed auJ vel kuovu HIo- tel, he CENTRAL bUSE, ElPE ON, Splendid reetnY îtabliag, salds-lJviug steci, tegctlao, wlula eue ktifio mases et land attacht- .,as maY b. desineal. and a finé yunug boit- log Oroliaird. Thereaire t#-o velle vitit goaci pomipe sud etetaltunt wa.et. W-Tahe violo vilI be soici if s bargalu, and Jeaellefthflicbeit chancs lu fie Domlalou fer au active noineas mian. e *1 bc .exalangéd lof isstpsepein ' lPrforma, Ïha., apply (it byyleter, pve-$ssd) Oc ofobs WILLLIAM BC .TON, Engou.1 42 Oco. Ayers. FIR8T-PRIZE, BORSE-8HOER, IJUNIJA9TET WhblotUbif g18?:As- ASSURANCE CBMPANYI Capital, $40,000. Aieit for thae above cs'npsuy, la ujw paeraus-dute lus us-apropos-tr $gains,,Lu i BP VR,oui1 tae Most fmvorat.Ie tes-n.. Al.ply te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-iZutes. Agent Whîtby PAIREWELL &àvJcGEE, DAtISTERS, ATT<;RNEI'S, SitaL1Iel 1> TRils,. cONVEYANCERS ANI) eo. TARIFS PUBLIC. Orn:-Oue door nes-ili or<iha 'est Ofice, (Ottawva; un.> MeFecerat'uuBlckle, opposite Towvuliait, Bovusaurilie. J. E. YAEEWKLL. IL. MGozz. JOHN L. WATKIS9 SURO EON DENTIOT. Mmnaa--Ovp-t JAS. BY19NEIS bMdical iill. Broek kStreet, Wltitby. W *Al vos-k mrtati. Pari-itia ateîded aips-laite s-Oaideucoi. TEETU qZ"EITËACTED ffl WITHOUT PAIN, BY TuIE USE oF NITIROU8 OXIDE LAUGIIINLD CA .3 OR TIIE NEW L OCALANL.FSTHETIÇn, DENTAL BOOMS1, DUNDAÏS SiRIEÉT, WimuiITBY,-C. W. ROOMS.-Ovev M. il. Cocus-mo'à store. Whiin)y, Jane 26,i867i. 25 SBOE TOOLS'& FINDINGS. A cmen pio smauo tthe lama-sa paiteanct Siie Tol, . ouia>mud Macha;ie Tir-ad l lcaiic 81.Sia lPag, SM iaNils., Uho, Ta11«E'ileel sialdToctliems, &c.. Se. W- WflOLESALE ANb RETAIt., BYAN & OLIVER, 12-1,' 14Yoiuaz Svm:mv Tonio. Auericau Shea-um jaesii taiotl.ac ^tari arad j inmù emigaua Eoitsiga.ipr.vaa iiaeagiilhoredua Ca-aye it aI,,Bn a'lpeed les, 'fsPes, Se., ii lli,tl'sautquaity iad ai leseg incas. 12.1v Importera of ss-dvss-e, Yong. Sm.,Tnmauio. TO MAJ-IN,8-I-éî Steel Haies, Steel Sqaress, Canas-e Osug Vernsier aSteel M ai ips- Raies, Cilipar Sceo, Amas' m-izesru«qo bel(aawafsetu.s Cilaapers, andl Di. 'asn tal.ax lasanal To f, Patent tilers, Siobei IrAN à& OLIVER, 2.Iy 114Telfga 8t, Toraato. ro CABINET M-AKERS AND UPHIIOSTEREXi. 'es'saesingv., CuBifana, Tos-evtisoa, c 'ml,.FîlintPapes- GluaPiuSteol MiCoffini siaimiugs, l UiLates-et's Naasio.s ad Beà!tas' s Cas-e.is I, Exaesauu Auues- ts, o- staca Hardwar,&Srussuale t ai Oces-adltiardw.ra a-ith5 lely 114 Yamge Si-, TorôshO ERYAN.& .O.LIVER:, IMPoemTEs OF IIARDWAIH,, 14 YONGE étTBEPZiT, TOlLOT UV*odaivso u.u banudsasauotust0<Bildo o»r' Ca. s*M " à" 1. 1 ,<fl0uoMucha Md0rcities-; kSea'smlo ;bm4,a :ibf: T ,Ptym.wabsîee-g~ ub e , aiés Pt b1 i lu m.prqpasce- s. o àIt 00t ' "i - - niter it- TOWN -OR-COUNTY;: -W'Araugenonî* ok, alas 'eaubemeude oit ter stitheCuauauOficoce, os-it Mr ovaj OMMe, Brook lstroot, Whltby. Wltby, 8opr. 15, 1668. BROOKLIN HOUSE, BeiMost reipeettllJ tolnform tiese li tint. 0 the , (oist> ot oatrio, tuat he hessed the abovo prcnjAlaueold>occuplit Saanidy IPcrriw h ielcis)asbon.ncviy <ai' ed bmd rsiiovattd, asud1,la . repau acomanodute tle travelling pubîr. The stocked wit the boit laqaaoru med cigaire, au attentive ostler îiwayri an sttondatiot. C. VICKERY Bro)okliu, A Pril, 1866. Grand Trùnk Eailway Iloi AT WIIITBY STATION. ~T.O'NEIL havlaig purclîsscd the lI vv nd 7mloies known D fAshe u Lraaak lo.; Wliahy station, begs ttoII lia lii frlbilà;i and thae traveipag publie thiai liai fliteal ap fli I luae snd istables ln fi chu stomyle,oand iay aitoîaiouto Ilia. waaîl thaa.e wiao aotr hua wih tiai paroa trisoit.to menit a cortinnaincs of tiaeir cu.. W P1artiaai tiiiig tise train aaad lIt hora.ex wil sîvo tlaam weli taken est, of fhicr rettanai. W)ithly, Sept, 1861. A BMILLION AND &QIUARTI 0'F T flz Subscriher linu racelvisoi lafitons fronil a geîttlég'anuhip aiin Ularge arnoumt Ofuuoaîey hiva-ted lai Ifiaglilua siantle, tn lu- voit t lia stnie for Ililus, lis tiiosudaad 'Joisiaug Countîcas, ou goed Pus-m Propos-t>, os- Deben- 1 tr c onius.rpeen freo h I ifes iii centàmaxi.ts-utiosa-uttheDfiaon t.. thirgesi n noy 011sltheii tio li a ihe oahu, feriis.c oe oiSt 50f dtaae tenus. lre ulero ei utIae Purinsendàs las-ontitif v ilcliaefo sualihs up. uaii-o IJLudfs For fartier parttclaas , spply te JAM[Eh ftibLDEN, Clâkqnl Apiigneo, Mu'ney hltokes-, Coumis- silse-, Notait>l'bb, c* a, &a. OFF1C"Ooecnd PIe)r, molloa'sBlocke, Brook Street, WbIatby. elles nilii ed tg t Bar lTaid Yo, terni la-t- tom.- IER LT N. B.-Ism aise prupii-Sd to Invo a i rauseabon glaf sund solci;- AIse ilage aiiiaullt,<SjLvr erestes- JAS. IIOLDitN. BUCK m EVEý GRAIN DRILL* va nziiaî TO CALL ATTbNTOTêDUa BUCK EYE GRAIN D)RILL. WE WA1IEANT IT TO 50W WJEAT, B1113 OAATN, AuT & G ASSSS, Il i1101W laiesding Dl inthe ut.Unit ed States L 4,00b,) four tlianîd ettiem ns vifag beei b nilt in eue Eaatahisiunnis iiiOaa, for ti ScrewThstead of Gear Whes. Can hao ahungaci inîa Moment, aadinst as utucl os- Itte iliflYfe iclbielu ithe sowiug, ne ay> be deiire.. W- M' auotabsiip ai onco, upon seeelpf of es-des-s. 1), 1s~W. £'LEII, Exacuior, Land ! liii,,1866. 11E ttul.ersis-efYcs-es the folloving liai a1 t>- FAIR VA LUATION, 4ZOi SBE RNL, rpic sad noir taie aasruor. .Taaia wiiaieO be aterm (J'o; ra PAIRCEL .b, esou Bi oc i WhliamntreîslasIcn'o f Wiitby, user nilvwat Bridgre, axaiO aissrO er ed th PAff"RCEL .-Ow Ji u e >uxahl 0 reih Ilfffr.,s au oolke , eue pa W Fr tle crr na ous Of al Bob -t ou, tsslk-hi WMl, 'êsade. Mi, 2, 1888. 8- eu ily Gïreonr Wlas à Spinïerii Nr. Bo2, .WnIOHAEsis 3LOCýr OROCKRY & GLASS WAI ;-"AAWELLSBLECTEDOTOCIC O F Ait kiàDS, As.t ceaa u nia81Y,' l.inCanada. Mar t9tli, 1867. C.A. ilroiçh; Darrifeor, loilcîtor le Chiiucery, A farnev, he., ho. li(os romoved lAsOffice t te1sf Scs-oit; Oivaatio RBasa. Whitby, 7c., 1868. ROYAL OANADIAN BANI DIVIDEND NO. 1. NomI e laaeoby giron îtai s iviloend day i'Man dcîreal, snd flaithe ponte iii royable if teis nd ciits Agenaie on a, t'ior Saturda s , h b oam d day of J nu s Tii. fransfrrbocks *111 ho losoalfrotemII 10t tO th@ Mot Decomber; bothi days fuel ÊY ores-otof the Boar.. T. WOODSIDE, Royal Cianadissu Rank, a li 211f laNev. ittiS. f CHEAP FOR CASH!1 L O 32AND33,lotCONCESSION 0C V. A. JONES, Barristes-,&ho.,wlsiiby Nov. 4, lads; 44-tf PUNbI FORnt -o-- T 1191 TRI7ST AND LOAN COLIPANI fiaavefun de for] nvestment, ntiihilumun rates cf lulresi, on tle anriiy of Improved Raa Estte. Leaiis maoda for flxeci peros-a, o e aymble by ianal nstaainc-nts. Fnr'.lac and tull inforiîatinu eau be ha.> b letter, setdresead to tiie Couumisins-maa Kiatgtte, or fs-onu L. FAIRBANKS, *. Resai Esate h Guai alAgent. 'uniEs-Brock iS-eet, Withuby, Sept 15, lS6â. fi O MOMERCIAL HOTEL, S <No3,in 2uc: couaoîsIbu cfrItacli, 70 acres cicareci. U.,4 Né- ID- ln thoe8$rd coucesion of Read 10 scies cbearoil. No. 28. lu tii. lotit oouêassiôn 6< Darllngfo, W0 ares aImas-ad. Ne. 1, lun 80)scen., Mlata, 5l acres cloarêci. N. E. li. Ne. 27, inu Luc oncessions Wiitbyp 1000 acres in SbiueI't'tl1-jei0 acres lin fltxley. 2ÙD nsites lits Lsxton-4acr eses in Baînonni. ÀppI>- persotuilly, Or by lettes-, pos>i-acito R- E. IPERRY, Ju airy th, 11M8. 1T8 itxé henoi f 0< <iftiimn tng f0 limusi £.cal friande, li Wbû thfit ho Ispro- Lmnud to racoive pupili for nltisruetion on fhe ceavingoiai ton 0 exparenae,bha fe.?. vuoncement cf pupils, vso uMay h be dune bis tusason. Instruction glven lunfsou ig Bains, Bill- mon ,cduter-pean, PigcTJeo-y ôf Mua. ranCopositIonianil paurfiaular saetou itôvU beý#jlntee ii.cftvaioi of tke l'e!,. 11115 -Ilnsfrstieu tifrje ian o, $10, tbory f usîaicomeeidon, &à.,etr$, Wiff+, épiebers.,18647 AtTOTION-BUSI1NESS té 1O M A S M1J S AlzSÉ UCTONEBfeor thé_(Couuf ja f O t ti o e i st 'O W n fo rn u h ie f r o n e a "a isdj bie thst lis ;-d pyulhôr«ofse tc tmîïee r m ICmIimpte- ulnfa4, e., sud tiafail ldage -àt tis kuvu on l attisle Dayi of MI eS.« Té Sali, Lenat, or let ou shares FJ'ARM fax alh, s-cnt, os- leon sSharou-W cet 1'haif dOtIm t uiconcession et Uxbsidge, 100 sur«,,j.0 acres el( ira. Apply (if tiy lettes-, pcat.pial,) fa Wuîxray P. O. or reimouing tianiaer voofetau> leisiwhat- ovor, from theaitiove loi, sud et.> persan <oued deing %o, sftes- tim date, ms-e trcsptaers, aind wili be treafêci asi BIn, tio fu nlexteut ae- ii. la*. WItfby, Set1,10. tf-SiAL S. FtTLLETI. RF. NDESIGND las n handt, càia tity ofSs Sii ghgs, lrien'sssiq. WabOc.28, 1888.M JORN HIlER, 1 5v îbulfgi"O; 'ioci tiSas-J ---'a rut a 'un t litait laîve ulual- - a,.., fart #4 4 ie Itz Brat j il unforis tfia propiaaeci tai tIue Iltiakitv fic ulo ILL, ED auime puru liatatwok. >4-tf p iv, aIl kias prempir g'&, Dindaaa ýEC. 1782; arc. , tisa Board- G IBSON Y qIVFNI-f tion wilisa 'l 1 -l tc M. 1 m7p 1 Aliglist loth, 1868. OSHAWAi Whitby, Sept 15, 1868. j - i ýt 1 IMPROVED -- FAR'M :Çash 1 1 1 1 -l 1 ., 1 1 ý 1 1 suit couse ont qulte jnty nd besomlii# l artd aiàîM -e An"e I heiloute tiés, £ borne, -There ores bundrod aud qneotier uotibus tii. bail of îpt1or ýi .... - ll£ Ith. lvêkethlbti sor. e dd 4oct .JO a toilot;, bow t6out qis 0W ifil o -àUWbnal ýmn u'prayer p*ie0viiî, - onmnt --- -eut 'H"- w eaSmfb" T be , i a i ,-11 1 o o < s n d l i e r W h o b o i r a a m n d r e s e , . , .~ a.rv , o l i, j " ë d i l i 6 k l ldS a' {r- f i nuit T i.s «Za n-mào bovord thI a ilsUy .r, - or a y of the indispensables l e - bolnviaew t e a l lOOk astbi1i -- the, liwobt Wiilfr.d of W aia. veu ifd w ad obe, ov n te un derc oth -- 'lov re i r &iy i ýof roc Scidy, Apri h l 182. I. D . Maéc z. i g I ute ot e u aail lbhé dd end-,f b > i1fý aii'oîti É 00t ________________________mat'riais oeeaybave. Nothiug g0 hèaquiittr of-»emvéette eut.~~1 wipL~t vse" sud7 would tek.as g vovy thauleful to yon for meqý»oqlng . L4~ Cr i,eîimeutmo ie ,igbt .Magaziue te me, for yqa Seo It bas belped. 4 A 44.~~. tra c,tfor rve gt' tired of pinchi g and m e o t of m y trouble,' ~ ' ' -. ûe e w iu ¶ to n o èrp o e.' W th a li y 'H o w vd d y o n p lap e r .fl's k e d th o , . - 'lia Vulsgpewaa.Cjrîe. bea !m,'an frsd you bave always h>qçu tied, seine time -Inter, lun<ho onîl, li e s m a y ,o th ers, a p en n y is am 'd ro p p n g 6 , e e if M i mSi ii<ls'h oj, ,a Ai n u e m . O A -?a . P o u d fo olh û h b u t y o n b a v e o ly to s n d b d b e e n r e s liz e d . -" . _ ' or -tbreedollars. and purelise à yer's à bý, w Oh, 1 everdid se Weil 1, W kv :1JsCa'~ À d r w ev u m m er a f fe ro o n : b n g o v r e r p tio n te, .fm o l.est'eM o tl y . a a i . Or le W i tbse, sc le atis actio ar t e m y gei f YB ., the. da ltY fittie village dE May a ile, ust-' That lo the. id, c unselor, and he i a pd ever one f m y cutiam ers;, iiitftt f ling am o ag the. g e :uOonnec f.lenî illu. l'le b e t lling you et'a I ha e c s .a variety f be auitifal styles - h levsc h lseigvn sfra*ung A t ustu Mrs.Brow u bacod thAt Ovn teladies ro m itbeity, boatr'd- * the. pr tty whiteo ,cottg s just stirred lu te glances ut of, the wind c. I"r1bh veo ng iiresb otg, ti4 alil tby. tquirè.! ,, , * th e s n ub ne, w hileaven t ii. bee s d t bé j s fi uilsed M y to y l u Ure," said ishe, Tim e ffit deisvftly by , -and a ain -ibi , M e b u t t e r fi e s c e p t t e s h e t e t l u th e . h e r t s ef b o t v o ie s u b i d i i ig' 9 - ' T8 1 a 0 1 1 e v n g c c e a m t S W e M a a . the iront ed sd vhtisroses, fi ltly'tnd.- Wele co msig up 1the.garden path ; yo n W hat*a vaist impr evment.. tere bas& ding to no re oce s îcal z phyr as It la u. $hall have ber o vu testi aony ï " - bea l u ontu vi llge jince W Co have ko f gn!shed by. From the. open Windows f 'Bonnet and monde, disposed of, ard Dm aao ssv'î oiwvniL 1, exclaimed :bli.s:a i, idow May's Il boit o ern' & hum of vol- ork Ilu band, the n ov co r n v spro., BJow , during a p au e ns. juthie onvesg.-, s ces stole ont, pn ,the scentd air, and pred for the consultation by an activ e t ien,lo . M v. Iart, did y o us takç M te ; ' withn, more.tan. a score of, busy bndsa1rsi ý rom Mrs. Brown of a portion of Wél'is.dviée and subsi e or the village i E fashioned divers fab i es into fai t shp tli- ler ev u e d lier uig lbor 's ece utd i - Pape r ne e« , t vas the vek tys. e win gp- ecii leo rc course. M is. W ll s' outrance ad boe rs e ;'o in; dnd I m ust say, lt *faÉ j os tg ie h i.Maysviib linreP, for vbich a fair *us tho signal for thq resolvlng t fthe severt mid-Mr, atsu -s,-covdnoe l u pros pect , a f bt fat orm ed thl b r t higou e fta t l n tut4 i4 g e al con.- 410 do ith o t i L again. Ie th i kis 1< o f th u a fe n a nn e c o n la v e . W h o u . v 1 8w v" t ao u P & O t a fte * HW i s e d a n x o s l y s e l r e t d a u o e <l s a u rî a sewing-cilvcIeithibut its little tlibits of for bût sentence upenM-.Bov i.n Oti ot oinion ofetheid.' bu.gosîp 1:This as ne exeption te ftee-ttir. - cisl ui pnonc b aazine, vle . P e e ufy a c ee y face ooked p I am n quit . pr pa ed to i mdorse ff ai l si des, va are e erfaily iii brig iter, and -- f sf norn te e o'î g anci g need e: sid ye te day-," . torn od b s neSlis co - b tter , sund h pp er, and iser t irough:it( "Din uo, h si ebe eg.clusion, osilingly survoyiug ber aud 1 sinfluence, It le the, genentralemark;ç 21 ber, Il that love quite aifte uid my opinion "sua d 1 a u even ay moto.., M re. Brown There la n ovw one thig for vich, I bvd - - of K r e. W ells. lately l MrY do 't tat t- kind y com p im ented m e yesterday upon a r t a bi o . T h l , t tu t. p a aise bas net otived et," tii. dringerent cf iy M e;1 dtid,mgxe club la g&tju h igztu nÉ a prtnup,~ Atm Hvwla tuft on naed te thinle lier thin o. of 700 pi-aieàd tiei fides ffi b'an os-gin fo; t hochus-eh. 1 bave a ls-eadf the mott elttrav a nt vmau lu the vI- vwey f pasty and other releshmetes et about it by .applying to tere of my' luelge, andtilhotr ne av but vu vete quit. cotvbufed te the refresament tabls cf friendo. -flud I bave oly te show r- rigit. Te my certain lenevfedge 6h. veare oé ltye»efar.Toh-kgldd- oy ftf otbyte snifcmo 40 the m st no v dre o e, n ov bonnets, sud r&rtm en t of the M agazineo va a m y gu du ; it e m tifs . ' t SPe aka fr iiecf, sd tby se co eti.,t W say o fi g of t e style l s' _ ,l ',nepe ia hi>' devoe te WItem s et in 1t h ave bie au e ethu l s îl ieai t , app té. h ic ii tose e idren of h rs are rim podi te boue e epèrs. Y eti bav e seen sn cb eation ns e et th ir i iuhie h tIw h pon . p i1 Y eu d o ut p v ten d te im ag in e ,4 . p rat t al i lus t i i e u s o l fle M ü bli f flié u p o n any li s Iinia i y . W l» a n y f bosbînd carn stiand le, 8 mnch botter thaïs vions roceipts,that 1 need àSercely d veî you aid me r th e l-h1I mi b i iiie i o h M" u p on t. a1 E v y v i-co c im ed lu a se ,it» A s w o - IOh lue- 1Mr. W ells in net nc -only IlW hero did y en Icarn f the. existence mon lira> & d eo vien -te>r havoesa iet prc f co m fortab iz' co f y o r o ac le V I q esti ced r s H ai t, Ject if he r , > fhe 'v e uf fd Wirb t v i nv l cfd - m d g o u d tfou* nd- t he ir " ýs c s yu > liff .can, -aerdtvo nov dresses té m>' I ei f f uTii llae1pe. - eryn lo aituc Ins" 0red ofait te lat tatl-1vday. the.enfire suisciptlou' sul Maybe y u dontf know o y tu cecon- N t taike the M y ii o e Tim es Ion Ivai o u lise jountey te. Ilhe Publisehe f m ise. iÙisuprised. h y, i's te e éye i euo l u- D rsxelusv's Mo.NT JiL , N o. 828 o aT .'Ecoumise i Id like yeaî te pint ot teret te faie the local paper. Yu get Nov York. tho nother Wvnsan lun Ifaysville vho aus yor m eueys Worth oeva nsd ver. I n- attotch eut a dollar furtbev'u I eau VI shold as liai boe ouf cf the vos-Id as te b, Gazàa i' Bîzvs:x-Loudou, Dec. 12.- "Yen, 1eaus do if." vwithot the. news. My Ianaband saysli h e i. olloviug ministois and officessoe- "Joattllt me, aund il Itsks a leison acte as mach store by thoan as 1 do by my State have beeu appointedz_-Sorizeani- ig at off .,,D ernoresY a M on th i . T haf m uaI h ava if r , L r h ef J s i e o û e l Yenu ifght prefit by it,tooas 1 bave.", been the ressors vhy lMt. Wells did gos c ifedLord Ohief Jstihacellforuoe1 f t6 - D o te ll î'" m u c h b o t te r l y b is g r a in s d b o y t ao n B n b o d D l n n h n e t s f < ,lesat~ M ss. W ells;." Ms. Hart. Y en Se.o l alid h é advantage ciy of L aCater. , Ewa.-àd Suiliva no "M a. W ELLS i That d»e# bout m y f k uu* ita'g ev t e soif, sud *vien sud ie ib eér ot tas-ia mùeàit (carm i l o , Atto -- *1 lme-to set ber p as a model i No , I tvese to fltd s god eustotues, sud ail ey-Geuesai fet Irelaad ; Charles Robest * d ae s y , if o n e r osît>' k n e w , a i. p e ud fhis t r cu g h flh e p a pe s, v ile n e ig h b o r B arsy , n m e t F r l m u e a g r . just fis-e timon as mach." Hart, aven theugh, lhe g quito ne ahrewdvd n olio 'nilfrfýlù .hs "Ne, abcdeesai't, nor lu tact auy more as bargaiuiug, huad te trust te luck alter yene S ie aoi s, G Nera tro 1 s nd Tos ) y th o n y e n d e 9' a il. M r . W e lls îa >s lie f ld s g o 0 a n u ' G o g a i g a o n o t b o l , T d s "O h , n n e se 1s ow 1 vd o y o u g e L o v e t ite m a f nu s.te hl m a b o t g r e u u , u e e re ta ry o f W r,; M r. V iv i a n.T re a s ar r the toboninisa,,sudthe dresses and fn- thon there as-o te qutation s-mfrGie Lord te superiise îîlhIItry epentiture. y. cv furhelevs oee lvays meos abbut ber r' >:ity maarkts. IL vent de to trust te beaur- AxrovhERcAzDsata i'aÉoÉi» Tdsero .- - T he. litte m ats-n a ook hib oned saga- SaY>'. Y eu a t a reliable source for 9 ncb te d on, D c. 4 .- Mr G ad î ue las 1- clouai>'. I"Ne, ne, Ms-s. Brown, 1 eajcu- infermation. We vaf ch tiiepaier;,adsued an au ddreis te théeoloctors cf Green-_ laiet. dia vieo matter lu plain figures. ave gee-ali,' juaf about right fp* a vêty wcpeiia ohsr.le*n-o Nofristance: Tce oe ytv onged sale. .Yustf ake a trial cf it, sud if wicbo roehias-y ta bis ro-elo iso gbonnets last year. lied tiongit aos tbougb yeu den't confeaçi thîf yoq wender boy bt o-agans.rotucasreh i 1lshuld have somithing bettes- than fthe yen eéal- did *itibIot f i pây thé, ceat iceptanceOfcft£iulaîeial office. Hof sais- Mbideous thinga Misa Smith gettaùp l injéo i fy ur subscription." fer the. paet t fia byh an lu the. move, - village, se I vent te NewvYos-k. Weil Before au>' eue ceuld rept flues-e vas a ment ?or fiedisestabiishmicut ehbe Irisi Ithora wve t o days bast juif geiug m lgb traanedorasd the^mext Chas-ci, it vas impossible for bim te dé- Scemiug ut Lie very urne I vos moâu valut- tPsoent achorus cf eoiaes velcomed , tie chsfie thesik cf fàriuss aMinieîry. -Ha bd ed. I tils-d m y s af alm ost t e d eat i o kin g ood s aepherd f th é M ay eille . floc it irâz t i e o c m i i t a-c0il de a - a fo s- so m t in g re so a b e, an d at la t b ad an u e g b is o p tl .- Ole ttke theuearest to lilyfiniu. Itihough i Wat bava yeu tbes-e r' said Jenula thé confidence cf thé country, sudproms. )y i L veu ici d e W eil en u g h l îi 1 tg ot o mn e, K p, fia p et sd b elle p ar -e zcllence f t e ses t e use ver ,' ex ertion w ic b u uî rged ot and liv. W ehba; calleti o u m e next d i>' villag , as, a fter the greetigs voe e ver, hile out of o"ffice lu the Bo s e f Cote. iii the ver>' ovellot bonnet on bier ead th, revesen.> gentleman sat dovu beote-e mou.- i ever svw. Ihnover cost lois tisan tven- tise fable sud bagars divestîng a amati Potiticus bava beei prýeseufed eeuest-, ty-five deltasailuthe cit>'. I mean that packat lb d cars-led ouf its vruppiug. nte'lcisoC4 er&ýd37 < g r e ,' v e l v e t à h o b a d l a t a L. " S b f l e t i u u g f i t I f a c ie c i m i g i t b e f i g h o e c o a c f 8 L i r l m d 3 "lf k o v a l about f . I L did 't -cs f use sd interest t e you ladies ti seh pur- Co ue svativ e m e ne s oft he irongi. 6but six dollars, ud if ddn'ft toine fs-cm uance f your god w ek ; D astomses GueoitoBFIa*Ncs Tnâ ir.-Geo. Fsai s, t- faCity,, MONTHLY MàaGZI-i." e Thra vas a rpici Train han been set at liberty. T ii. Pla'sin, "Six dollars 1 Yeu must b. draamiug i interehauge cf glaucea amoug thé neodie- tils sai the casa againît bhlms avinîýwith. 'And Whie, in thé naoimeof e-etien, could wos-kcrit. rw thsue.Tanbsnidwi auy eueo get sncb a bonnet in Mayaville? 1 'il hougit yoti disapproved cf lugîxt dav ii aisoTrabi sisnetruLor T h on, agij, vý o I vo s lu th e. city 1I s v r ad i g ," v eu tu r od M iss K ip, m s etie- igains t M a - ush e ~ r o u - o d s d -e s . o m d t in g fli an t b i t a . m r in e e t v o u l > . L à ue u n t o f -Ie la n d ,t f ô è . lià d re d S a tW ells ' e v e ry b o d y ik e d se m u c . 1 'S e 1 d o , ex c ep f ii n lie ta i e ar h n n o llirs ta as é or ati e iii p t - -thoug t 'd eonugh l it t e buy IL for A da. dep rtm ont cof t uis M agazin , If is astsuc- c6i ent; aJ i nmist th é Eb ly V l St el 1 kn ev th e tu f a s'f mos-o han four- iv oe ufrtainig, sd ca cu ated toe xert C om pany for $20,000. rn i i ii i l - e au shillings a yard, anditiftak s just lur a strng m esai influence ver u t mind . tise Atutraksaa* trous Qaeosfo n t- yards; but be idq , there vias fhe m îling This M nthly is a-gr at fi t le, t L .the ts < r No ot0 4ud trimtdfg. I vent lu snd priced IL pasi<oge. .I1amn a regulat iubecribov, .--pu@ .. If vis aigiteen dollars." for I seSrcely tfbnk ve conld do vithout M Âfbska i.Glueansd "n iuie Wollo' cent lber motier oeu t>' Il. Wiiaf Iprasumedbaveii b. cf spocis a b o u t si u . ' 1s e r v i z e n o w ,v sy i i s d e p a r t m e n t o iAd S sW a r s u , i h i f s c a g i . h é t . e l i l e ' a v a lo ie m a s d o - ;i f "T stut s its e et sd out. W héra ln$, about wvich I kilo v itat h l6, b oti % _ a@ ppoféd 6y fier lisabsua dt d sol fa.. d e c s i g o t e o t u a i b a r a l u r 'v î c i m y i f e a l f f i r n u t o f v a ' c o t a i n s f i eé t i e r . H o i s s u d t a h a v e b é e n p a i ug b ui "N,î-h o teotn ucf P.lgaynsvil" mon îvilablesugg stos Xpefugsdss eayon gilsdtesvo - 1 1 1 - 1 ýn >1 1 'loi 1 - 1 1 - 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 -, i

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