Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1868, p. 1

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WIJITBY BRANCH, OINTAUZO BABIL ILD. . J.OC àevoIÂNT 1 Ply àt he dpestoof tirin Coi'r!tRbo '#outls viii; 8 TIASISTESAttorneYs, S010Oilel tor, -i povtoz.,Yeotertl*uraseua ilinlgs A UOUYUI1N0ON.- . .RFPOMIN 114 S. inCl. OCIINANL . Lbt . -0 inYITYCIOWý%NewATTO tiNLY b1oN-de LIoct, Depnty Kegistran, Pitor putraordi ttar,atid xanuincui lcen>' fou IicCouui- 1>' ofUOntario. OfifieBool-t., Wlithy. 1) thlI8Et AATIIUEVAT LAW, A>SoiotorgsuOhatiery,Et-. Wliiîhy,C. W. 01104- Over 0Otario utru n nn Nar la T ltISTIeit-AT-LAW ANI) SOLICITOR Toronto. 9.)2m A> SollOilot lu Chaucer>', Coussysuser, No- <Jerms- fut door to te tic1r'*o! R. & J. Campbell, Brook dt., Witby, olut. Wahlthy, Nov. lb, 1667, 4d s OLICITOJi$ NOTAiII PUBLiC, &o. &a. 081aea, U. W. W. il. DILLir4OS, - oLCarUR, *5., &C. " <terur, tue'fls OLP hIKoimvsifOrrci, Broktmaet. WliIiby,Jan.28, 1812 ÃŽCHAULE8 C.KLEN ATTUILNIeIY AT LAW, SOLbCITORIN on, Brook, . %., J. JIAMER CIiEWO> A rt>iitNLiY-Ar-lAW. SOLICITOU IN oltliisery, Nstery Public ,'onvey.SllOe, Wlliyl .lios l ltnai"I.l 45 J &MIES JLAMION, Dundas Street. li lce Joons WesL of illiopontIoffices. 16 cCHaANEd&eCOCHIRANE'. OAltBLiITtt4, ATTOINitYS, a'ONVEY- B- enicoand usutaien ll'ilil, &o., air, t'aue ALiiitlT-Ult>'O - Oppouibe Tovuî Latitt>Crdwl Altumais>. 'ont Penny, 28thbsteeter18. t *LYMIAN ENGILISH, L bIL. i~Rtt3Tlt A'T'LVA W, SdlIoitoi' lu -V leu. 1Boon.-o ppostetbe lVogtQ0010e, t'shavsý 40 baIs, CARSON d& LAW, Cttmsulttloui ofPaitturilp trucofoScharge. Wiithy, Job>' 20, 1568. 2t DR-- HANCOOK, (uiuv seO.Â7uhTORONTrO.) SJUNQEON, tACCOUCHEUR,.)c. -' yrouu tasat. S Na. J. GUqNN, M. P. -~slUIGey ' T-O TthtCOUNTY GAOL, Byroli troot, W Iistby. -Dm W.i FIRîEReM'il. . g .Ousiox louva-9 ta 10 s. MuS., said to 8 o bolp. au. 1 ,j014N v. HAMo' NOTAIRY PU13LICO WbitLy, Ahîil 151h, 1868. TiiOMAS hUSTON, OW CIrtUs!TIIlSUlhlLWIitTBY VICTORLIA NOTEL. ILLIAU 801COTT,L'iIOPEIETOR .(Lste Win. Boyntou'.) -27 JOHIN 1gD1150Usng De3g- ana shaving ISALOON, , w-OC ET., WI[ZTBm. WM.BOYNTON baga to 'ufolrm tia lu- £nrroinduig Oouat ho tlah as opanuai lia Melon Williamiint it atly ocouptea b>' îi ewtt,itd sas lue bh iai lîfliaadiurnlh bd ln ftrststyla, vistors VIIIhi ud everyeonve- i meWlues, Lîquors sua iLgote e!ft$ho COMMERCIAL MOTEL, 13CI T., WILITBY. stitob*er hegé to annonces ta ila 'fr- ianeidSsaid tiipublic, sihu bonlie M r butc4 p o ofSt ae boYoWllAdfi- >M $nbl> ivut batl, whïob I*D* nop slaaprorMannauar, vitblla t ouveil- @meifor thé -réceptioni a! guesta aad titramUs icoaiistPublie. e t Acomm edtostndve aI- 'fraye ontise prombses. ChaVSog iedortta B.E. GAIsWELL. Whitbv, Jan. 14, 136S. - 2.> V ~ ARS & DEVLIN. IontJL oom, oqsiave»0 siift tbi d dobîaQrt oté nt" SiPESAGENT, L&4 aSaeibi \ ai . ied#Uti and tandard luisani Cà,.17 IIu'tbe au omunsùaa, ta gilys graor satcisuc uein buttser aisabteai tao ma qircuunts o! SI» tmavailas omin DUNfl)Aà STREET, WliTlBY,C.W., TlphfZ oBabUIol'h s te aiuune at li ceaauilesed uhewbdldtug fornserly kcown aie6r turf,* aotei, whigh bas hb"" renovât- Ad èurollî,d, sold it Uptr îisebeetofaatyle .Tii. mfoui ' atuaed, Ouoyte th& postOtlo diith eftee ,6Town. Th#eItiiway omnibus ,ill. At theo Hotel,and th# stages (gr Ijxbridge asud Boivertoîî bave thedooreverynaormng. JosrdSl perduîy. ORORGE ROBSON. GEORGECOMRMEO. -TUbMBIJI MEXIWIANT, Crpenter, &n& I.jJoiner,Greeî, st, WhbithyA luarge quan- tityofti lkinds of iusnbercoustantly on band. JN D E RT A ING. FU XASfully an pllediind attendcd F huituotios,.. t lui ak. pI cous: s.uî 1 band. WVA iloarae 10 ire ontlberalternus. GEOROECOBMACK. »rooklia Drug Store. gul., d&wg, D RÂLER lu Drugs, Patent Medblasnes "Plalats, 0110, Oye Otuffs, conf'ection. ery, die. Wlues sand Liquorsof the betqnsllty e-rldiosi pnrpoits. Morte *CailMhedi4ineaiays onland Brooklin, 0. W., 1 BOP 1-. 25 (Organise AU Sainta' Visu&treh, fliti'.) 91 prepsred to givo Mukîcmi lnd liîg les m otos, tonas litmltc'd unher o! puipls Appliciationtebc homde st the Offie of John L. W stls, Sirgooti I)catlmt, over.Jaîmes Byrue's Modial liasl, Broek St. Whàtby. CROCK ER'S HOIEL, (LATE 1LATTS) NEL.SCN ST. TORONTO, NORTII OF KING ST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, -. RPRIEaTORS. MIE Topieto, rspecflily nnotanses to honie, thut tihe), have tasisuntbs ahve prenilves wtsîeîî ari) In vry respect coinulî iaîî u ominfortshbly ltted np ion ths accomiiiîodatiniî ofguness stod the trnvqilng jiblie. They vili b. rounid lit constanit persoaail attendait ce, and wiI1lcavo nottliniz îîiîtlbtlo On tbsdl risrtto ire satitoitio te#fWhoao ny favor tsolin witla st YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMXISSION3MER OHÀ NI -NSURANCE, & GENERAL AGENT. Whitby, Jaîî., loth 1866. 2 RIEVEtE HOUSE, MAxoiuZBTZa, C. W. B. PLANK, - - - - Proprietor. 8tages tesad froi Whitl7 caîl dally. EtIery sott-enitîpaid to grîsts. Litreflal asad tt siî- tiv. otlers. 9 1868. 1868. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. INSIJIINCE COMP'N Y. flIs beau lu existaafsca liiry.;twa ycarsi, one. Jnrîing tint pcniod hoanapitiJLussesl excoadiug lIte ua a hail million pounals sterling. The dlahburscuuauL af tlo iis aitnmres n avar a vtho ores, bos, vitiacloJubt, contri- buteJ ollîsestabîislumeuL<f liis Instittiuui, lu tlise eouft1teccq P-usuMERounici, i- CAt-sssi, lIousEuuoLDýEno, aui buaisiacs mou gin- orali>', wiroer It l iqpresonlaed, lu ia first yoau, 1836, tbe Fane Presuiusatour amnountea t'la.............. .£9,70 Inut l OLl yoar, 1868........... £47,708 I'~ 2001 year, 18516...........* * £222,79 un6 8oLb yoar, 186 ............. £78,32 (leyear luter, I1M?............ £81,08b Tho Fine Reserve Fondailai nov $4,727,4134 Tii he i emsvonPad la nov $9,282,468 Ti'se Coin1ay6isrepmsseusied iltaonglionh Ou- La tai ned e, b>' Isaifpentisl Agentas, to vhou appication <lit Insiùirttuce nia>'De. mude, G. P. C. SMITHI, EssusaSxsZMraar, MotiarZA. Feboirn' 7ti, I86S. 7 TUIE MUTUA]L INSURANCE COMP'Y. 1118 ompo>' I uav(nIl ' gzedandu T liaCp. ppa'reai yte acce,'pt' rlsrks aon ar Buitding#, eud iheir contents, Country Sciîool Blouma, anti Cinroutes. Thuone vishiug ho0 in- siSe, sud Lioroby support a lloiiie 1luVnraco C0mapn>, have n-uv su opparLuulty' o! doliu s0, b>' appl>uug otliur eaLtie Head office, cr10o ais>' oh tletloqsa gents. Ounr ratas viii ba founa es loy au thona oan>' rospensîbte Msutueilu- ursai eCompany aluCanada. L. FAIRBANKS, J. HE.AD OFFICE-Tlie Olai Iegflsîr>' 02u Building, Brook Smeet, Wilby. RIOTEL & ]PREMISESs FOR G6ALEO T BAT olestablIsm sudai viiiknownU o- 'eNtRAhOéE EE Spleufiai roomy>' tabliasg,, sudaidrilog hnus, tagolhie, Wlth oue or tva acre. 0kisadattach-. te, me ic>' bis lesa, san yauu g bar- log Uroimaid. Titre aie tvoe v ilgOd pompeeiollent vauci. Tii.vioe vil e slaiet a bairgalu, sauti >1 su1fts eioace uts aan -, WILLIAX BC LTON, Oeo.Ayers, GENERAL BLACZ.811171, AN» FIRST-PRIZE 1ROR8E4HOER2, »On0ous m coneuas e bowasard, issu uuuu...5.' gu uireoow es içwsa i .iu.a wilspyto the juago o!f s al a -fornotuetia .Ta..w 'Oit%&*lj adabc ag, undir thé salai 'Alu JAMESMaCULOUGU.TOWN OR, COtEfNTY Mis Attorne>', wïiem.ATB ZU BE TS Wlutby, If ,îd Sept. 1888, 1011C-89 A1R, NBL AT8 _________________'jar, 5Arrangeaent* for mets u~ncluadeh eltlaer et tue L'suoincu aOffice, or autiml7Owi F v v. L fi, Brock stee, Whiy WTO LEASE, A VALUABLE AMN& HOTEL PROE RTY~ WhIlîby, 1epr, 15, 1808.,S AT DBA'VOETOit. BROKINKROUSEP lnIrE BUiLD>ING$ area sitnov and weltl ICEY - - - Proprietor. TL siluuiteu, lau thîs mont central rt Of *0:e Egs mont epesîfnl1 toin!orm thie lhbî-l! T[own, tIse uorhoru te-minus o! tIse 'ortOP0alnts et bIse . onut>' ofOntario,gOet hoebias Lîndais> sai Bevertoui Railly, on Lake leaseai the aiovs preunimes labely coceupiesti>' sisucea, nov lu ceurea ofcontmistlou. sandy PFei, viie ie o us navi> foiilî- gW Ihishidtts pomssîôigîven. .d sud eovated, Aundihe la prepaireai te Apply 10, sainsodate tis a vellni public. The Bar 3. CAMERON stooleaitîlltho beat liquors andd olgars, allai J- AMBON «Attentive ostlea atys in atctitiaiso. teavenhon, 27thl Ocoiner, 1868. tf-43 C. VICKERty, fl in ~r 'v Y Br»kliln, AprIl, 1866. 1917 Whyrl Ist that ti.a.ls sncb as n for pictàres AT CLiARK'S GALLE-RY? It la becanse ho lins tbe bhast Gallery litithe Cont-,.sud liesmors piatience witla clJren Ilian asîy other Artlost ln tbe Cuuuty; snd eu do quita as good wark as euy utior ninln tise (Jounty. W-TlinVi'swwht' la . îmotter, so do't be baokwarcl about tonialng forward. BIROC1 ST., W~ifITD-t. Wilatby, Nrov. 12, 1887. 45 JOHN OARTER, LIOENSEtb AUCTIONNEER. Grand Trunk RaitWay Hotel. AT JIIYS TO. W .ONIIL heviviz purchana e tii.buai sud iremlaaes buowu a% the <Grand Tr oa lte1, Wbitby station, boh e isforîn hM frlcndm sand4the traveling puhibo that ho hemq fitteil up the honte- snd stables lu, Itz claie style, ssie hy tttliou 10 dibMtilîb sof tboo wbo lavor LA iitlh thoir patroisago trustis Co mnit a tinitaintaof their cu4tomn. W l'anties A klng thié train snd lestivir Jiorses Will bae gthrbm wel taken sbeaof tlti their rctdiuý 'Whitbyt Sept., 1848. I 1 MILLION AND &QUARTER ONTÂRIO, TYORLK & PFEL. 1V lV yTO ILOANý. W ILEUk)ECE-]Lot S, @th Von-, Jlnrkham.-Fost Oiffec-Vîîiouvillie SALES atteiacld ou the oiliorteat notcs, snd on resunabl oei. Tarnse cai hbcînode sA. huis pristed aetho isChrouluole ofica for bMr. Carter. 17 WELLINGTON IIOTEL, MARKHAM. J. RIJEBO'WTOJI, -.Psopristor. BRUITISHI AMEIECAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,000., T IIFudTRigued having bhean appulîrterl Agrent for tuea isove Cnînpani', lmi1.w Srpre.l atîn re propertv sagisiiaam. Lainýs 13 111Ef£, on lthenioi favoral 0termes. Aî.piy to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-l2mos. Agosat Wlitîby 11AR][EWELL à IGEE, B AliiUTSTFRS, ATTltZNEYS, 8<>tICI- CONVVANCRSAND - TARIES PUBLIC. <>vvcz.,-Quae rdocr noril of the 1'ot Offie, Oaliiw; tout Melrter's iBlock, op'posite TownuIlall, Lownassvilo. J. E. FAREWELL. R. maQaxZ. JOHN L. WATIK1St SURGEON DENTISTa Ocnrx-.--Over J1AS. Ba1N' eia al Brook Streal, Wiitby. lV' AI Unle vewrrainîca. Penilfies ettindeal et prisaIs naidcncem. TEETiI EXTRACTEl) W~ WITRO19T PAIN,.,& 131 TUE USE OF' NIRLSOXIDE LAUGLLING GAS, OR TIIE NEW LO)CAL ANzESTH-ErO AT DENTAL 1100115, DUNDAS STRIlEE T$ IVIITBY,C. W. RtOOMls-Ovbt' 1!. Il. cotilî*eibi be Wlitny, Jua 26,167. 25 SBOE TOULS & FINDINGS. t'egs, tSho. Railsg, Siomi Tisait,, Heel adeuail e aias, &aC.. &C,j IDWIOLESALE AND RETAIL. NYAN & OLIVER, 12-1>' - 'ý1l4 Voiçax SÏszxaToîaoiuvo. Amenica nealtesTrimumers and Politeofail izuas Eqaaes, cotisaidales, Stalgitttcalmpr.vea trotus uansd Amraian Cyofte, lcP tir'led l, Ips agiuti otu t qoalian sd et loveat 12-iyRYAN & OILIVERt, Jau iiporters offmrware, Venige Sti, Torems. TO MACHINISTS! sal BIlbes, St#al fqaanesj, Canne Oese, Fernur IClipers, Steel CaîlparBigles, Caipar Squares, Abusai Uiveursel 0-qaarcs, 00S elf itgistg Cul is andl Di. vidais, tais lleasd Tâols, Pient iOa, SIseet swel, &o., fIbm a. > UTAN E& OLIVERt m2it 11t4 enge St., TafMsgo. TO CABINET MAKERS- AND VPEOLSTERitzS. sir seating, Card Ilar7ergv&à Sslk Twine., Chair vais, IJutuen, 0in. Tasit, Vjbsufajer Gie Siol Seres, o .0 Taiiaiiinga, Uplhofstereejo Neds anM Regaiaters, AMis SCern'Toots, Extettoioia Up 'Atier Mis, lIa. &t6e*" ardware, ke., fer " d5itsepnas 18-1>114,VYag*e S., Toaitx,. 114 lONCE STUEET, rTONONTtI. ave laiweyoe nO au ue" raimtmuldraC. isae5skidt~islteua 5i5i.Mais FaeelslAW F=si's T IIFSubsenlher hine recaea lusptrhitlons (mriii a gcutha-uîau iaiissWho .eno cf uuauey liaveisted Ita Jfiî)i!c6sosni,sl to lu- Vegt tbs Initiaforh1111, lulnis sua maloiuing Countiesa bas good Parfis l'otiy, r Debeis- 1 Aillbll afitîibtt areIcnt tlsbnoro!tbi largesî Muitot.my laîilîltifotonm lu th iuer alifiain, tisat ucuai monue>'ian MIasbmntadlanagoous tenais. ý AlIeoa !largoenmer cf velI sî,Llivsted Faruimsusd auy au>' tLity of Wild Luinda, for sale cic0ap4 Fer furtisor partîcubers, appi>' ta OlBialal Asigine. Moins>' Brokor, Comis- sbouer, Ntr'iuhh. o OFFICE-Second Flasel', M3lliea'ilhocke, Brooe Streot, W bltby. Angust 24Li, 1868. 184 N. B-I am misa prepgreui ta lnat îh 8s ilds eo! Deacusures. Greouhsele bouglul sud sebd; aiea a leuge 1qoatuil>' cof siIvom borsis. JAS. IIOLDEN. IMPROVED BUCK mEYE GRAIN DRILL& -0- Wl DîSîRE TO CALL AITE7<TJON TO OURi BUCKEYEGRAIN DRILL. Wii WARîRANT ITTfl SfW SF11EAT, BARLO.Y, OATS, PEA@s &GRASS SEED, nITTER Tit 7As < OTtER DRILLb YADZ. IL la% nov tlesding Drill inthe UileadStates, ý' 4,t-OO.) four thousanat of tluem hsiving bcen nil hlioue Ehasbliaiuaueut liOhio, for luis seeaioî's trade. Qnantity soya; egnileai hy e Serew ilistead of Gear Wheels. Cen hai chaugfa issa mmnt, sud jnst ais macl or litîle diffrence nuade ini tho sowîsag, as msiy be deaineal. Mr Wuo-cou hhip et once, upou raceipt of ordcrs. F. W. GLEN, Exa sutor, Osuîn*À, Oser. Augnat lIbt, 18883. sa Lanrdi1 ,.Land!1 T HPEFSubsoniber ofYrs Lhealoawing 11mb bi landa», wviëth ho vili sali aet a Ct>-w FAIR VALUATION, -:O S. X, No. 3, ln 2nd concession ofRèsthi, 10 aicrmss lcsred. B.3 X, No. 19, lu thse mai coucession o! Roais 10 sicesclsened. Nb. 29. lu tho lOti concession o! Denîlugton, 00 acres cîsareal. No. s tjln UI îcon., Meat, 5sacres cleered. N. . No. 27, bu 2ud concession W hitby, saIfi areai. 1000 Ooe s omerviile-fiO aces lu IelexI>. 200 acres lus Lazton-400,heféi lh oft. Appt>' persosial>', or b>' leifli; >JO ad I, tO R. E.. PERRY5 Jonnar>' St, 1868. Public Notice I b ereb i gn, liai applicatIon vilI hi mnamie 12y't hePour Wonwutmar sitePsrPxe xàm.-eày uoîrAîsrto thi probincial Parliument c! ltae Province of OuiC tar1at next session, fer au Act imeudlusgL Il AUsteta ncoorpato die, Port, Wbftlbr Efla Port Pair>' Eaiwa>'I coma 'i r eîlarflung die povins of tho saaMid Pau u lise lainiouienai oustrct- lug of tir r xieuEslway, givlugsu»Ch Copat>h1e furthor pver sud suÏtiorli>' ta popossiIliay, té auoh, point upou thte vetodLe ke sumaca itsIor near Nêavrton,ý saieb as' leot. Au« fainhaér ta laoui 1, ounstruet mua ild a irsuico! snob jRllsy, ftoxa soli prt ereof as ti" >' emas4aîrto tbe VILL 0 F VIBRtîýOE'wvI-thia Comssy us eaie tih~ôfsem ecoifoea upen tisîmais>' ti;se sa l t io! lnorAatton, ana ahosmendîug tie sa set hb>' etrklng ont fron th tiseiety-biîrd sectionii hereof -tise Word@sIdprovide lva>'.," sadiliereafbor off -tue sia sMotion suai allier aisimadoust isroz Debteaills ieniy-iutlr4dY O! Bsepietser, Seerasr elisepart Wliilhy, Oct.?, 1860. 40. ENCOURAGE, CANADIAN GENIIJS' The Oreateot Laborr-uaving Machine of the ,,Day!1 To the Ladies of Whitby and County of Ontariol1 The New Dominion Steam Wasliing Machiner Can bo iised in any Doler! Only Four DfIllaro. FtulS MACJIINF, oparates nFon pnrely acieaa-ti epriticiplem. It lasel facting aud J mphufss asitineiy vitîs labor and th LIas or of sliotiien. The lhot sidaand esati ,b>'tb O tion of fil'., are dnivs,îup haro' ic bi libTr', ponraisipoisthie clotheai, au-aiforeent llroi~gu ths abris vbb satortabi iier apld*.y, bbnSiufaug iL perfectb>' wItbout rubbiuîg. t h ne tliorouglaly testedand u4roiosiuic sedîtlei ss a clothes waher by,thloo ho aeudI AIl faibriu, (roli Lthé fluAt mtIrisa othe beit hlukt, aaus ho wsbed penzepîiy sud vitb cape., wltlaout thb traSlî1Ooar. For fiaunaît iL Is &ivlslAs tho rubblnir. iollng saiS prsslgg roceis mupt receâsssnbîy fui thien MOre or legs. It tL3 trul>' a lioi a shid Cboîles savlig luvesalon. Wasblug vîli uoiohuilerhbc s isaralsil î, 11114 washtîg is'a terroreand drend ite fiousewbveai; Tlinvention caas ho liise lusIn ' loll'i sad the lInw prico o! Lie article, $4. plabeis I witlisn Lih. teacio! ur laiy.T is acia~e ho& bopustrucai aud tLaOrUOglIJ' tasteal hy difeoreut Partes, from vlaom tcetitioiaibli ave boee rectolveai. Vrai. L. Iloncle Mrs Jas Iamiltoni bMra W. t.!. lIiglli, , Ãœs. Il. J. MahaontiI, bMrs. J. hI.tireeciwoead, Ains. M. O'Douovan, Mrs. M. Il. Ceehîrasua, Mr%. Jas. Byrue, Mirs. J. . . Pcmrry W5r. L. Fairbanks, Mlrm. J. Agusw, Mn. LCchane, hMrs. M.Iliper bPars. Dr. Eatwood, Brai. E. Cildweiî, Parsf. CoSî o n . C U I É Ail moaiiiii-in de or muId bas tie Confit> of 0iriao ad Duraniass at bave tIsa propnîs- tors' atamp, beanLig date of pateni adliii lîsîtials on tÏue bottutat, nas piacli suatieef *Is- fniîagetneît val ho prosc-dated tousfutex Seut oS tise li. 9ole Agent rom the naninlastthona ut sli tha, Coniuty cf Oiitarani u Diaeln. Oshmwa, Sept. 23, I868. se To Jobbers & Teamstero. T lIE MUBSCRIBEIIventsi ta lot, lu lots tai su tit .uppl ieauits, thue cnttlugT an.d hauliiag, Js.ritig thsee uiauiaig vister, os' aq nantit>' of %aw logsansudalinglo boitai, o*For particalara appi7'*tel Ul. T. HARRISON. Bmoolli, Oci. 1, 188. 89-ti PUNDS FOR I nvestment! -- have (u is for 1 nvemîtmeniý, et thAir uul rates ci litrest, ou ibh o sunity of iproveal tOSaI Fnae. Loatis moade for fixeai periodi, or repayabla b>' anial in»atlants. Fuîitlaer aud-fIll informatîionu n cat hbea b> letton, eddresaied toLias Comuiionoro ut Kîngairen, on (nom L. FAIRBANKS,, Jr., ROI eutPtate & Gemeral Agent. Omauc-Brock Street, NVIItly, sept 15, 151. 51 ONTARIO HOTEL. WHITBY. B. ARMSTRONG, - - Proprietor. AIJCTION BUSINIES.S THOMAS MYi;RS,. Y ICE2ISED JUCTIONEEII for tbe Counut .Lp ntatho. dJenes 10 forni ils fnienis aufiJ ise puibilitait ho la redy jus heretofore to recuire ordare (air %ale of stobi t ain tmple menu, &0., -and iuint ail biJars lifntei CuaoielLz office viii ho Jnly atondlad 10. Dasys oSesala appoluitea aud tans mde kuowu un application ntt he CnlioxiB e ffice, or al llacklo' iioLi, v hcro bbosith eaulnes ar c k apt as usuel, T H @ X l . Wlsitby, Angust 26ti, 1868; 1<84 COMMERCIAL MOTEL, OSHAWA.- JAMESiINl'GLE, - péropeér. Land for Sale., T IX North West quarter of thé But bl! oS Xlot 16,limt cci. lus ths bowniilip cf Reecb, cofltiug 28 acres aIl oîefd, part o! tiseof-' tal, cf 110tsa lie eur>' M. Teare meno hnldIip o n the haid Fer particuhtre apply £i. ov.xecston, GEORGE IIICKI]NGNOOM Ã"BissiP. 0. TLIOMAS'JIODÙRON, WVbltiy, Augusi islti, 1869* Lietor iMh. pro.J. -Post- H JaS bth. bounr o! annuneluig Sols ami est fr .ii , sWbilth el *a proe, parta ta eootMvo -pupfltfor iustructloalui tiha iavlag bail t4on yaseiperience, ha feess cousldhat ot belinitsle te rroaiobes aijpli sA- vyonc.moot'o! lpuplis, visho âfi41>ploea under oe- r ý th-ne essiteouranth e -rovaise Woodrnff, lu ibm.. persiels. Prcel lI.-Cossistinr of,% Tavern Stand sudi Store, lu Lie, selai-Village of- Erongiem, vîi about hbmee q narf rs of su acre ef grounai, juait Wost cftiiTaë'mpctsýce 5411, îtd ituatae on lia mohu Irevelisari mad (om eobal :Bar to Uihld#e viiwe Iud tus Mrliaus The Taveru lias Fourteen Boom'r s,$ton* Cousin, and geca itblhng ande ho43 secommo- datlon. bThe Sre sàd thei are of in, suda story anid-e alf hib,eaood gardo n sda mmListplaîm ,orohard ettaobàd., Tsvern novociîpleii by George Cw"pr, but pospepsion of hoth ravoru aud, Store glyen te pautisaer on tha FîrsI o-Jotunary uext' psy- nient of one-f,iirth o! purohasse mpuey Jeivtg boeesn mmd., suid ortgago Ilvon a se eroln&ftr inasationeal. Part-el 2-Contilstinir of about 46 sereso! tuie South-west port o!lot nitibar 19 lu 1h. iltli concessIont Townsblp of Ptekeilng, Thsis partel la lmm..diately idj0111111 tr-sudl Nailili o ali aisVlloge or Btrou gram, sud part of it touchait on tise tilis corcsailon or main roadfnom Markhami Villyoe b Brooliln VIlae. Tbe land lla au excellent éa oe'iirs, sud1 h81e undar tha plongh except 5 acres of ou t'is rare*'l,and lie excellgutst~ iby et of Duffins' Creeletaoaly s ,tibsdiitanflby a *011 tiarbl lid nbsJ.lnmaliate posaessiou givenion pismrrit of one-f>nrth of purchaia. Moiliss M gi n ortgage asnlaorelnafter provideai. A depoisît oi one-i'én'.h é? ptii'chfi hifiWy te l'e palal osa day et sale to the Vandors or thaîr Solicitors, anda furtber suisi enffilant with sieposîtt 1o mule one -fourth part o! tht6 pur- chase montyw'aitlsa a iuonth troai sale vîthaut interpet, sud haisace lu thre p ars with lus- tereAt st %aven par ceuit, payablie y9ir1y, to ha sscnrod by uiortgairs'. lit ather r4airacts die cotiditloum of sale vili c ho taualieskbonîdi- ions or t 3court or uhantarý'. For iisrther paiiiîars au nelluof properly s pi vt'O Massrs. Hauenný ledorson, aor JcMurrayca Ruse, Solicioa, Toroto te W. IL l. cheil, CîoeinîîIt. or Mair. Powell Wood- ruiT, Village or Bronglistn. In addition wlil he offsned nt tieseanus lime sud pace bue undbvlded hasfof asnali tract of landl. belng lpart or 'the EnAt-haîf ot Lut Number 28, litsthei. Broksen Front conicesasion of the aladrTownishlp o! Pbekcring nov teroi- lng part ofrtV e Town plot oS the Town of Liverpool. (formerl>' the village of Fetlrport,) wlisleasld part-aI or tlactofîtend sud pramîseoi nsy bhotter Isuovit or dcsacribod aisfolow , Thaut lxsto se>', the. vole of that block enel or sip ot land on thse South sud of tho muId Easthait f ti. said Lut Nomaber 28,sud coin- muni>' calîrd auJ known an the beach lyli,g bctweeu tho waters et LaeeOnasrio sud Lue mar rs thKonuan sd ad 'olunq r aid block net-k or strip of lanud, togeti aer with oua claiin lia wlclth of s.Aëi mairs h aboug the violo ai! the North edgo or bottudaary et salai blook naick or trltp or laaad. Tbim pr>pgr.ty levaînga>btifh.jl*staiuwpuir: ose, a i viiibhaolai ta;rmrvedly for cil, lu one lot, aaid iaiîjeet lu otlîsr respects te tis s;taudiig conditioum of esaleof tbe osil Court. Datto, Twsnty-frtat Octoben, 1869. A. N.e DUELLé TO FARNERS. TUE CANADA FARMERSO 1NksuitAtNC1ECOMJ?'Y, (OF 1L4IILTO1I) Pays the <nlenionut of Iuâiiru3b. be The Preminni Note Syotem bas beau bendon&-awsay ith b>' this Company'. GEO.IlHo RIO Agent, Chronucl. Office, Whithy oct. 28. 1869. IMPROYED FARM To Bell, hein, or IbI onu SEares.u F AlM toistll, ret, or lt on liarss,-West- j2<tîulot 26. lait coucelon of Uxbridge, 100 acres. '70 scres ci aret. à[Apîply (if by IcIter, post-pal,)to S., FuLLER, WaIuivarP. O. NOTICE.--AII parties are fonhiai cuttlng or nemuviuug Llînlr or wooi of auy kleusal hat- ever, (rom the ahove lot, aud un>' person (oued doiig so, aftenthi date, are trespassens, and will mestreutedai s sucs, 10the -fuit extont of tise livré S. FULLER. Wloltby. sept. 15, 1868. tf-8T LMe of unclaimied Aettersremalin nu thue Whitby P. o ot JaofNov. 1l6S. as pnpiter Andersons Jtatel. B;oyau, Mr%,. thuianX.'Beckear, John Tiokusali, Jasa A.- --Brown, Miss Catli'bue alle>'. Jathas lMm. ëO. Bons,. Benxon, UmaViolai BaornusIl. W. clIua(leron, Mrs. Clore Crouleri, C.- Clail, lira. Amelle Compili. Mi Ïs. C. A. Citersou. Wtn. (cars W.Buickeoashre, Campbeoll, Pater 11roo1aes, Mm. Tlîas. Colqusan, James e'ap ,Hoi, lramncame Cumami>', Laird (oS Aiex.Catmpbeih. DryJon, JIoseph (S) i>ryaieu, Johna Drydaniesaco(t) Dryden, Jas. (2) 1)rydsn, J. B. Diamana Jaum Douglas. James L nU. V W Eok, e'.5 Fliti, MrsWin, ox, J. M. Gouldîn>', Wm. t'Gordon, ies E.Jeue' Gi 'eslmmIsabel> artmeo! O. lhrapar. lluaur W 9h Iluokînsg, Joseph (6), Ilall, ti;Jolie Uvelino)e,ý Hiall, W.Kukna,.ob 2 KIug, Wmn. CwSu . cP aens, Plimel Kltceuoii Met Mforov', Mia e Vdxban a rlerhu(2) Korlast>'.Mlicaeh Mîillagraf , IM o rr s dile h aiet i t i va , D . Mcr iter IotieGeo. Moiris, Wm. Mor- toimser, lMes. N. 0'9 fna mss,13 O'onuer, Ziba U'D)onmld, Mislm ridge$ , -a.i.aSI _ Pmxtzov, q- 21 piee y6ufaM-US tis taat: he ta Nona Ouir atbbes * avera us. Tit eus lu sping igaduet i Tie siminer flooproclaim Thse b los trsthut autumis poars, Ou Causai-ont haine. vumeolfsi te vîlai bird reins ber brood Amsng Monlist Rie' ou Iardb>' scait L Uevricafloda TiseHunrots enud Algonqulu braves Unlom fs us out hein usine, .1 A canuler race uoa ou tiaiga Whah.udî lie plongiordigaa sieugb5 -or tilia tise irgin molu, A>'. reapa as't weetespiis' o rth RMade svastoen-ybis bol; Whosa slb euaneheisî tforasat ree, ler pîsastà-a e ng a'1omu ine a sark for is alurace Anm mo>'àayiu naruô. Gaedriva theis vi ibemt from is lair Mai gîgrd >'on tnmbllîg flodi, Thero's mou>' aihaippy bamealcusaiyoî Tun youder-oomnir oada; -w-". TIere'a rooni forslier' gaoai fora' ,- To fesai ambitilu iuse, Theràaa tro andl carIers fàr tise greai O' CanaaOur he. .AnJd drain the cup o' lear, iankiud ibac ever beau the taile ThaI moai a unea feai'* LoI, knowloslge bha i ncdly seat, Upouyonroi hfu' t-mev, 'thewhnld lasth àma' regard for thea. Wh& wag au enipty pot. h s owe -Vod s, .o n im id a i f, Yon mitaibin a a r e o sit. lu man directs asweei placcai Inve Tbat varmuns lie pattlot's brasait. Wlîou winter nichts priecituldaidîai iiiih;t U tbkà ha i n isue it tlasws -the froits, anmitafathe suaws 0' Canada Ourhaie.. Yo souso 0seisulet Norindy, mul £rils.olildren seasn, Anad ve theeprîde o' Albloi'mIsle, Cho snugie vi' us liane, Let a, tlhe Éfdinals a,- lt aI5i Lie.lbnried vi' théIi.iim; B3ut ide h y suds, dsfogi Le righïï O' canada Our haine. Noa ye vha meet lu Ottawa, lu I.ai.siative iha'%, A youthfn' nation ti usts ta ye To gis lier propor laswg. (judo ruIons mnalt gatide citien- Mlay we deserve the uamçý- AuiIn dor a' the varIa rexpect For Canada Our hiome. ,Ayont the hraab.t deep ses Liaeabolit, Tliere's ans tint grcets y. here, Aulai Seofia wie îneternssl pride, saintes liera sildren dear. The monai s houons nul th. land, Frac viiencalhm fatheis scame, Will boahit few ta honor hlm, Iu Canada our haume. 'is; Halloween, ny i>crtrs folke, ÀAid ronittbthoxPi;able bart, Wlilt baud a crasic a £ v. Aubtier y>5rbathali ibosei thé.land Fras *la*ah our houatiqe caite, Sae us ye'r pipe uai; ndsiiiftib sp rise, 01 Canuada unr hoe. Moutrsal, Oct. 12 68. An Expected Strange Biglai. Our nfiséa5ci Lards--; ifomuinerapeas f ine-muet hi propaeeaifora e sînuge siglat upon its cnimmon betchas. Tii- noble Lards Mea anyday 803 e king takiusg bis tet emaugat tiens. The King 'o! Han. over-cr ex-kaing, as tie diepoeemqg 'Presialti catIiti-iik is faîher, Daube of Cumberlanda anda British Peer; sud bis flHti üas 'et of ie mael1à ara, vi suppose, entirel>' asfacteaib>' eltier is kiugsbipor hieectnel deposilion. If. he doos assert is igit ta ia Euglisi peerag,visat *111 hi dé uil i? Wili h. iite long speechses in dénonciation of Prssia?7 Wiliieb.give ns bis vieva an Germen poilles? Ca he tisrow ligat oas fomeigu effairs? Agsis, boy oeetiaotier memberi of tise bouse to refer a t? Ame tise>' lb 6d$èek a!Tisa masS gracions king ou tise cross beacies-!or iboogis Lards vote in tise lover ides hy ,vwiois th"~ actuali>' ait, îbey are eivsaaspokaus o! actonflng tt ba rbigier eziemnel n'a. Tisen if tise ex-King be a Britisis Fier vitis fnit riprsta, coulai bo taes qce muSaer tise Crovu?7-Coulai ',iso laiPremier or Socnitar>' of, Stai for Foreign Affairs 1 Fane>' Mn.,Dismaili witb a king under bis thumis; bo me>'notisiusg o! tiseteema aof DuRs-on. createaihbiimsl!-viios h manages edroil l' hBaron BkuaL,4nien tront Saxon>' by Bisarha rimes la Vienne ta coafiaut bis nod fo(ailsd il vanlai hi od if tise mb&sàedor front, Prusis veut to oua Foreign' Office, aenicunired inljthse prnacipal chair tisa diaposiessesi Sovomeigu -is m9sttr ade à ad vioi.-- Agolîd lsdapÀséul b>' tise -Unitedi $Wta t George Piahady, Esq., ks nov on exiiion et Newv Yomr, v bince fisf te be mei, to London (or sexhibition as thse ~ianton gauler>'. -Tic medlik ebon& threeInluces ln dlsmeter, Withibehehuaieto! .aon ohé.ubildeand- outhes oth,the f,,,hîioà9"V e eopeofni theUnited, '1- *oId ait& lu hall self fnoa, r groes s t vuîn jt ms beCaos>S, ut ecfin ,ialndrèué'. -R1A ii'ter eus éré-or ie ' bracelets eand ibangtest are t in eeiafi whrî -fnther drs s Ufa novu-, aud, esrtb, draS8, thoagis geneeRl>'îosstà'bîi serves aprett>' mnch as' a fonudation' for viet courtes>galoesonsemauba. S O! course wo cia'gé ihe ladies vitt moat cf tis davatiail la fashion, but tbéy me>' the chiarges are aIl d'ne le their dàesime la plëiees ise geutleuun, wbo deaire tbin Couïtauhi>' ta seek frai styles b4 ridicui.' lusg su>' style'wiic isiutrodused. Ti inJurei creatures bave beau leheiring et th!a -uueudieg tsaR Ço'rgenamationl, kudin aaee no hope ef-ppece or a terminlation of their efforts. The>' are greetb>' te bc - itiod. A auetseereis for noveltiea in. dreas sud onsamauts muetbha vomma -tien eiways rollinu p«the bill ibat "mameleï ' atone" vicsi i b olaS deis tagaiui whou t i ea'h'o'thtisaP,,. A TÂisLV-lu the ueigbbonisood cof Been,,tivo bnotiera bava receuti' manried e muSsersud Jeugiter. The mother muset me>' to her dAnghe, Gord mamning, aig- ler," sud vi ce venuir. The Lsoband of tise ,moîher bas; hecoiW faîhenin baw c-f bhk ovu broîber, via, on bis -,own- aide, ceni oeil hie brotler papa; àùass- iEelàte rl mv Mamena. As yeî thee arc ouI>' four meusiens of bath femities. Themo ae, îhemeore, a motion aud daugitenr, tva iresmoanae atier in 1ev, aud tva hnothens. in.isv, andi :vo aistes n l w, aind if tie -other sbouhd bave a mon tue wouahd b" isîf-brother ta bis aunt.- Àcern lan wu a 'uniéd; e iptoast h vife sud isad s stone erected aven ber grave. He' marriedaiesecond i*fie, ait wien elle diad be had tise bousbsttu- sp i ad it tins serveai for the ico. depar'- Hae proposed t ta hird, e'ad the lac)> ttnsinir xc:arsaed: I ~do mot hehiave tbat atone vihi uplit again." A refumal. -Ai apso e eeol fii mnBotel i e fwthule h aier oîh#bed r olaei, vas fuonua ;ao Ltv'a o Fndeory aeiwu, fond in Oaway ion the treet. T, iie andlppen ii'eâ inamonte s illesn Raîpis vtie about hesr amut-smolinmTrandh - te Caboaff a taegotacefoi r elima in, Caa .H oihbni ghviib, isfora io lu ishi.ts andi veli aIucated. i -. - The nov Roman Cotolie Oburcl inl Stratfoudalvs opemed:ou Sonda>'b>' Bishail 'Washb ssisied b>'a enmerous body. o' cîergy. Tise contributions ,ou tise, occasion: amnonteita tGOO. The ca'i ei't ise huildi iug op ta tua predenut is $25,000. oae's knowledlgr.,- A greet man>y fugenions 'mimdi ppeef Le bave baien muci exercimea i b rl- bisbiop Wiseely's riddle as ba via finsi beard thsmnaiofT bots upon lhe 5151mB of tise Ark, sud ti ugeatced repiy tiseS Ble iteMAr il first wltoiwert before Two pairs ofs,-leu and 'cals Hfere ae tva tw cemmenta ou tise asaer tramntie Pabi Math Gazette- 1as allier Noah kt-nes' vail -ow, Plili ont cf wve t eal, -It seem niuua Ilely ' t e iaArR - lildi ,ud0lr sot. nor eol.- - Tisiile yet gai ; IL vilI be aie; Wiîb vauter ont aun "bs vlwtjihut. A blussaenaI 'Ltotil l be ee,- -For »oies or sels ta enter lI. 1:60e ibi'a st c i cfthe Boiton iI Hgouai, Onigiuali>', laird andi building, vai $1461335 . Tieme bais receutl> bien a-joli o!f repaira- put apon il tisat 0051 just iwci An entèrýAjsfs pc, ai- is trb s vitale fs4urè sàà £tieutral location iu Philadolpisia, and i about ta balai 188 banasonse dvîlbiug ibouses, vitis jarge sida yara. q5.iitie iosi viii b. more tbatü A Mississippi edîtar, fa praisinge favrci lite candidate, gaya. l His a sfiue a e' 1ev ai ever lifiedai ebaitoa slady,-or ai boot to a hlurgaud."-- g4wher4 &Té Ton foie.'?" asirekd à 16-h

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