Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1868, p. 3

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ns£a F RAINER CD t-' a0 & oe ai o' Co0 0 5 Are Dow xnanufacturing, on an extensive scalet their celebrated Pianos, for wshich they have obtained Prizes and Diplomits at the varions Provincial Exhibitions, during the la, t ten years, as Molowo, viz- *1869-Provincial Exhibition, Kingston, - - 1881-1'rovinclal Exhibition,- London,- 1861-Téronto Electoral Divixion and Toronto Xhlanicms Institue. 'Union LExhibition, t 1866-Provincial Exhibition, Toronto. - 1867-Provincial Exhsibitioni, Kingston, Fiaur PisZE 1868-lroviicual Exhîibition, bMontroni, a. PFi 186-Provincial Exhsibition, Ilamulton, F usPiîzz m .0 1FtnoT Puitz - FLinwT Puizu ÀA3> ) IU'LOM. - Fzr TPEtizEA»D Dîroiu. - Dimoîu. AÀ» SIFECÀL Pau. ,àz5O DU'LOMA 70K - I'1AN0oir AMY Iis. 11551 PBîziu- SîLVIMED1AL AND J)xpxosU. .ND DIPLomA 708 PiAx AxN i AYKx». On lBth ef Soptember, 1880, MuIitRa ens btaned a Patent for tha ELLIPTIO PIANO, viichIs em nbines auormeus strength, wlth beauty and elegance of alîmpa. Thm. beautiful insstrusmenta are fuas upersediug th.e ld style et square iPiano ; and, wlîh bis recent Invantion, by vhici tIse sReeoftise Grand Piano can be applled te other formaetftte inuitrumucnt, ws11 aoou tae thse place et tse -Concert GIrandi, aîiug ail thse poer oethLe latter, with greater comJ.actuess, beauty, atrcugtb andI cîeap- The casaeofthé .EFLIPTTO PIANO la nmade.-of tiveuty-tve or more quarter inchs pieuxs, gluod together sud maisidetI undor Immense pressure, lo the proper terni, usskitig iu tact a solid arci, impessuible, lu the aligbcat degree, to be affteted by ths arain ef the strings. lTis shape-enables; the cornera te be diapenseti viîh, as aise the tbicle part et lie souuding'beerd, andi tIs e uvj' tlmber vork neoea.ary te givestrength to tise Square Piano, but wbich dttracta froni psrity tt 1n aact fvbain Thse reat stronglis of the EILLIPI'TJ PRIME enablea thb visaes te ieeep np te coileart pitch, witheut taillesg or requent timing, whîîe thse olldity, powcr, andI purity of toue sud vibration are valy improyed, - Tise three legs enable it lsiwaqs te beir equuslly, wbether tise loer b. iciel or net, and by luis means lise Iviating aIrain la preîs-nt£cl, by wntil Istrumensarcstiug upon tour legs areo* hable tb be icranged. Whltby, Novesnb.r il, 1868. (li Toth atpayer8 of the Town of Witiby, GENTLEMEN t At the solivitation 01 inany cf nMy fclow îownsiuen, I am niiduced tt> offer inyseif go a eau- di*dateo for thse MAYOItALTY, at tice ensùlog Munîicipal election, I bave Ithe houer to eq eGentlemen, Your faithful Aervant, 4150. Il, DAIRTNÇLLJ. ST. ANDREW'S FESTIVAL ST. ANDREWS3 SOCIETY. t lsillcloeisg & adjoiniug Tovualisîp. A OCAGTIIEIZ.ING etf"slet!a'ao es iiIluugliters," ani isa'dî'iatiuul- nct*'viii bcIssîci ln Isboisas l oi' l, Wi o51udrthe:;upee.orethse t.An-; eoitag h veli.g Xonday, the 8th Instant. lis eveenlng'm entertsiniucnt 'viii coualt lis : rt oe tpilirt ddresoeu, sina#j le n op U61ie)Pronf. Freescan andi fauliy. suppen served nab ocIuo,p. . i Phrp. Tfise 1'realdeost or tise bidet, 19, J. Insusi, Paq.. S. D.,'li tulcc Vie CItiant 17 o'clock. 'fiocea 6450cents,.e0211 b ui ert ieubera"sti tise C'nusltco sand at tise deoor cfbie 118li. and their doneassssanta. hnjsper proviJd I.y Mn. Wsu. Uulin. Ceîns'svr tî Mssaeivzar-Jeie tler, litigit Fraie. Jta. Ilt.tierrie, W. W. Cowoli. jl'eoîtis, Jtlsu IeLtis, AIe%. l'rlsifle, oiis Pringl., Jas.Younsg, 1.I.Jrnl'on, I>îss'is DoweG, (GoIsrdon, Johsn Iveedit, siohis Fat- qulisarac, Wm. Dow, -fan. Stssi, A. Andér- "0Ja.O ipei Jolits fisoinseis, iaq N'o (urdou, t, Je. Ihloggl., Adons liolep, A. Mlrnett Joh esul tlevry, A. W ilson, W us. Loinsg, Jas. Coinsuron, 1). Camenon Alîusu Ciimereis, John b'riuudto,c, Wns. L.Aul 4400 I'ei'suck, C*iloleII, Wîskhy; Wm. £ogan; 3Dqvid Iiirreil, Ji. si. Coiîpbell Jas. Bitrrell, Angoisa McKny, 1Pickerisng; A.bFantiln, Jaus ['ingle.o. Olsawa; Ali. ttWison, Aâh bssru. GOD SAVE TUIE QUEEN 1 Wn,. W. COWELL. Noev. 1751>, 160, ereay TENDERS WANTED FOR 409M0 Railway .Ties, 0 obe dlratieeote te I.lit. oftheiaPort W bitby ami IPort IP.rry liailway. To bus etTauirrcls I0lek, Rock lklm or Onkr, 9 toutle7. vith square euda,-QU Iscea Iie, and 7 in tise two; osda are Tho e Tnders te b, doliooe.J t thce Ole, o th. nulrgnd nioulser o et' Unie, en er baor orenon of(the 155h day ef Déeebrr.1668, WILLIAM SKs 'WbltbyMeor-1811, 100- 14, B1 8-Ko Tender will b. aeept.d for les» Is1,00T, td-" IBLACKSMITH SHOP ofI-5ai n the. Ta'e oRecie, te cmn. T les t Wlslby, willb. leaa.d fer a uumber etfypars, A dvelllng beu.., barn, ilt so ares et land aud erolsard, talâ lncnnet- tlon îiiertvIth. k t lea geod hbusssstand, 'Appir te J As. FOX. 1NSOLVENT ACT 0F1?864 i Àriv AugnDu ENTS TY.ETO. k ' revies t Ouati lasthoeInel veut Court th 70ityo wJi 1. t ftario euovs Out t uute latsefstee 4 KWASESM, an lu-1 ~~QI b sierby iven tiat ou lie tourti Aida e VbrsaYlueSI, t ton et tIse elock La t)se foieuoo, or su *oeil nn(baume!eau be regetundet attisa Sovn eofWlilty, <in ceissty o ltaml, tistilotir day etf14venib.r, A. . 47 ~ JOHNWARREN. 45-tf NEW, ADVERrrIsEMENTS. WAÏVTED IMMEDIATELY 31000' 290W} 21000 100 1,000 500, busiiels of Spring Wleat. busiiels of Eali Wlhcat' bushels of Peas. bushels of White Beans. bushels of Oats Good Dressed loggs. Fir whiclî idie higbest cash prie w~iil bc paid. N]4EWLY ASSORTED WINTIER 11KV <00OO8 Just receivedl. for cbeapness and quality un- qale.Extraordinary bargainq in Blankets, Shawle, Flannels, TwedCassimers, Overcoaings, Clothing Made to order, and a good fit warranted. New Dress Materials, Gloves, losiery. &c., and a nice lot cf Fancy Woolen Goods, a few extra large Buaffalo Robes, at OLD NO. 1. 03> ChoieL"amily Groceries, particularly Tons and Christmas Fruits.,IHardware, Paints, Oils, &c., com. pleto in stock, at reasonable prices.- Farmers Produce of all kinds taken in exehange for goods, 5 per cent discount for ail cash purchases. 1Whitby, November 25, 1868. YEOMAN GIBSON.1 25~TONS BAR UtON. IIATCII & BRO. are recceiving their stock of Bar Iron, Sleigb Shocs, and other Steel, vhicb for quality sud priéeare 1%o. A. 1. aise lorsr.. li, ripo,iltes, &r., very low. A.etswer(M50110 PLINT'S CELEBRATED DENT STUFF FOR CUTTERS, BLErGJas, &C. CJ' Sold at bis prices. Hardware, Hardware!1 IL. IL D. are aise recciving thoir stock ef Hardware from the best lIeuses in the Trade. Their icilitiesfoi prc«- n sod t inuc bebtter rates tha" petty purcba.ersenable thons te soi th.fr geodaat p ieas bh hdy coeeptitlon. * Tbose IlBOGUS"I' I0!J DURES (se ealled by our wertby epponent) are following each othor In rapid suecssion,-onty 2 now lu stock; mer. ceming1 who i. the lucky man for the next t Aise other heavy metal Coeking, Parler sud Box Stores îey 1e. or AXES WliOLESALEA AT MONTREAL PRES. M é6xwl a É M u40 3Ui Saws, Bntting, Cross.Cut, Patent Tootb, Rand, Rip, aud etber Saws. JAMES, Geine and ether Paint.. Englieh PainteOlls, Varnishes, Tur- pentine, Japans, Mized Paint#, &c., at tbe.léNoted" Cheap lieuse. t~> Duit White Cool 011, only 35 oeu. per gallen. Terins cauh. H1ATCII & BROTHER,Ai Sipu ef the Golden Avl P. B.-Firet, second, third and lust tisue, porions whose accounts arse ast duo are respectiully requested to gay up at once, and seve coïs,. -El.I& B. >Coanitry -Mereisanto raquiring c1ieap Pettat Outlery cms b. suplied by cllingon the. aboie, tbey liaving purchaied a stock at unuaually 1ev prices. ylou nnoe thle <SI. liTsiga, GOLDEN ANVIL. -. Af D.DO STEAVED Iem tise omîms e1thelb. - b3aulier$ Lot No, 2latise 2ud conceaion ~LREM et Plceerssig, A 1RED bJIIYMt2 pairaeld, A LABGurmNe' mit iwtte &pot on bliereshcj. mtise îop < i Auy petuen giring tufommatien tlsat un elad Tise uaueby provL te lber teîym Il wMb. uldaly reardei; and na sur parmoi retlng fier ater thua untm lee il! Penêo bu rmoti ýGLOST. avmtuidlsd Dog came Inte »e et the Oubiriber about senti. ThiSovser tan isave rkw proerty aisé paytug e- JOHN TYE, Fort itby. a. o I 0 G, "i r HE ROYAL HOTEL is now flttedl up, in the -best order foq. f the reception of guests. Everyý, :attention paid, to rvles and convenient'apartments provided for, Commnerciail travellIers for the. display of gooda Vgjlle recent alterstions made iu thse promime, tender the rccnis-ligbteeme. healtby, and comfortable. 'lh. table ouppIitud with everytliing iansonsen, and tile charge as moderato au aîîy other hottl in town. C~> Roomy Stabling, Sbcdoq and enclosed yard reo> 1Wiltbk, Ont., Oct. ai, isi. JUST KENT kWALKER.1 RECEl VEDI A LARGE ADDITION TO OUR STOCK, Tweeds, Flan nels, Blan kets, Furs, B*uffalo Robes, Clothing Madeto Order. NEW x TEA% And FamiIy Groceries. SWhitby, Nov. 18, HAMILTON & 1868 CO.1 FU RNJTR JNO,. TILL & Co. Would rsp'ectfully cail attention to their large Stock of Furni- ture and Cabinet Ware ; ail of the newest style5 and design. An ezamination of their ffIlST4-LÂSS STOC, will warrant them in saying that there is none superior in the Dominion.. OE' Upholstering of ail kinds, and the work guaranteed to be extecnted in a superior manner. 03» Particular attention is requested to their NEW SPRING MATTRASSES. "'Fu6ierals Ful"y Suplied. C~ash for any'quai Whitby, Sept. 9, -1868. ntity of PFEÂTHEýRS. JNOt ýTILt & o Caldwel'sBrick B1ock; çD~ -i IIIhI~ *mia~ a. MI'MILLAN & Co'd. Neir Newr Newr eut saiNanties. White ahd Grey Soal Xew Canadin iBlnk.ti. New Ovorcoats. XG1r Olotbhing of etery lir Ne Planis, al colors. Noir Canadian Cottons. Noir Canadian Yarns. SAL I M: ]lob Aldireil's colebrated Ales in packages of 10, 15, and 30 Gallons, at Nanufacturero T. H. KNLN o Wsbili ,Nov. 4p 1868. 44-1, DIRECT IIIPORTATIONS! Ré ' C M/VPBELL Rave j ut receiedc ex 'Peruvin' two case containing- Newr Dr... Buttons and Timna Bonnets and Hais, Clonds and Koods, Ribbons and Feathers, Dress Gooda, te., &C, Which they offer at a smafIl advance on the sterling coSt, for. C~ash ;,an immense stock of Ready-MNade C Io[hing, ClothÉ, I<lnnels, Biankets, Carpets, &c. SWisitl m a manoiater, Oci. 2Bîb, ic. & Ir. CAMPS=,L GENTLEMEN'S TAILO RING AND FIJRNISHING HOLISE,. .ALEXAN DER PR JNGLE Takes leave respectfnlly to infcmrinbig friends and p>trt)tis that his Stock of SM' WINTER CLOTHS, 43 is nov veq complet., andi ef thsever>' boit qnaitanti that h. is prepared te inake U*p wi*aJth dià- patch, ant inaCthe lateis$e Gentlemen's Germent. Gentlemen 's Furnishing Goods of everyi description, enibreing--Shirts, Collars, Soàcs, Braces, &C., &c. SNO FIT NO PAY 1 Brook et., Whitby, sept. 16, ISOs. NO0TI CE oeuuty et Onutro, t T E1E IE te Wt: ' FtisaI Ztisa (leurSto Goearal Qu#farter Seeslona e ii Pnasée Ceunntours. lu sud 10?t te CÃ"hwty etrdatai- io,'vilbe blid a tisecourt lliue lu tise 'revu et Wbbhtby, ou AI tIhe ur ofTl*oliao cloknom. of etbfob ail Justices ofttis Paee Corâa, i,..., b1i, aud 0il etisera conetned, viiit = nue 5 geiern thetsiavsceodingly. Par X. IGL 55Vd<OLD5, bberigia '2fe . O. Whlîby, NMur. 14, lUS. 1-. INBO UACLT 0F1M6. ne OJ bi5idiâEthé tuseh'eut are îsetlfle te met u9mIsaOffimptb. istsderlçss a n th dathe 855o.e liov#mnier, 18m, et eue o'lsteem.~~b'Publie .ssa tnofis 6ise.tdrlngetthse affaira Lb.aSastgeoslp* AXemm Olu ALEXANDER PRINGLE, 88-17 ONTARIO HOTEL IN81~VN¶~ACT 0F1r 64f 1. ttgegattrITniOMÀ FÂTMAX, a lu., Th.o reilles oethlais.lslent'are otffia toe ettthe o2osof the undatsigitu the. Tern et Whbyouity ooCntar. on S"r- day, 26bdye fvTiba, 168,a10o'oc a.m.,~~~ fo i.pbl zmnUne tise slem enudertsorierlgoftisbe afaetW fthe. AND IR MKI&E HOLDMEN,0 ûe*cwOwm of.tAuzo '1»1OL .ý1.hNirsbr,168 47 lu.mnte t e miETPERC4 lan t4- Townof U Y, c=y ;rofftioon atur- dae. tht itisdaof Noveâmberb 158, sfour o'Uoock, Fp.ý% r th*-publie examnitln ot th# sa"C - , a&t for <h. orderint 0 tise' lu list.ntheVI T %go s pandé buaib b l 1 Fer tenis, at., Octeber, l,188 DUNBAR, 44-zll*' Patley_-Milis! GOOD RINNtORDER. 'lreeulsy eplrdthe a, be la GRti8T<ING_& Cib4O0>'PING 'IV.r d lu tii, weak. -sitiAbestioli ut yen te te .11 ie 'afavor hlmt with thir vile. Ar- r.angaelù iiaive. jireenuiado wltii thé proý rlt or tte oIl pitoe l rerh I particP. eemigte the sstove, II rdss i eh Osi, ag exempt frein bu durs. J0O3N THOMpt;ON. lbltby, Nol,. Ir', 184 8.,116 made-o the Legiiliture éttbs ie e o n- tbio:n elo ing 1 preacunt iisbiou for uin Act to cut."Ta.s <h5TMiO w-FÀ=RvEÉS >iAI[mm sAlase cmpANTr. , te lmas ie eien of ler auto upoi. wlte ipremium miay ne1pain in cas, and te griot toe i.aad Vohft'»m'y ithsr pewerâ net ceutsslued ln the Qenerul A Mtansd amndmento therete, roguletlgMutual lueur- ante CosnpauskS Dssted ut Wbltby, iistisird adq,,<Xovein- ber, A. D. 868. 4i-7bts 3L 1eqrO . edC SHIINGLES FOR~ SALE, T" ' UJDEBIGNEb bason bond, mand Nf. l9AT, PprdrW,414.LiurytZi, Wbiiby, 00t. 29,-168. - Cah!1 SCash,!'àl H£ fNI)t.SIG EI) illp3y the big heu wIMTEBEÂNS, POT&TOB, AND PLAX SEI», JOHN KBITHa, (Jetobor 25, 1665. Wood,*cCoal, Drav lb, test air aud ebneklis gops«ee roi * I yenr kitcicua, and theo nil-ef eôkbnÉ 43j rem tis tore, by uaing BarueB Patent' Dranght ne- gulator andl VentUi«o. esor col devnis, lt-dib-l tV t. agiýenaa et lindlng w ,diand tetreume ci li tinc, sa bhe fit, 'vii riniin *11 n git, witi- ont additlonab fuel. Take It l, ogetlsor; ilb m tire mes ecenemicoland é ealthy appendign for kiteheci, parler, sud bed-room hltovo. tise bau eaer bae luvsned. -Se teatinioniale lit tii, broute Désily papers o et t O. ('ns agents viii uolbntyour iroirs u twdâs Sa ui if[thsearticle dosnet Rive entité aallsl:eliouj. 'va 'il! reninve 15 'vîthynt echarge. Qrdere left atiMr. Blala ihôtel, or at tihé Prlutsig SIffle., 'viii ha prempthy, mlsendt'd oiý- Funiterreferencea penbfttei L the folloçi- au geutcxeneothbistowss et WLbtby ia Ir. J, Gnn, oanr Stephen FnlerŽef Watan, AsberWt Hall B nr' Jas. B. 6 us em»BI4ck , r.ayey. IL f. Ilmolusld, . aypol, I. r- m 1<0751 ljàdsoiBanIk,-'eanSI urilJohiu WilkiusounaleMf ' r. UuiteJ C. Woëloy. Lý'~ r.SilT .lb BilliiIu, Wus-. bu oseeurai ie ls.gt te umunfc- C tiste abers. 0 lbTheprit.eoftchia iuvalsssle inatrnmert lonly 8. r$1.12 4.tin pàt up toryronssud irll pay fritaalt lu tisa a meulii. N.Bw-Tovs ani Tovnaiip rigista* fer aae. AIT partie. are cactiored aganat latsingiug on Lb, paent. Aniy listringauset Du e, open Draugls; »tnnper lllio vigeroiy pro- A. ]LATILEY- PubicNotice L Bisa.i> <iantisS appliSotlôh kiTulbu Miode b~y tii. Fori Wnmr .AsO Pmorrmr BAuvA? Ç »ymrto tse Provinscil arliauient of tise Provînt.e t OnaTiorsot aite next session, tersa AetsmupdloghsbAt. ojtkorto thse Fort Wibtbl i>26 Fort Ferry Etsilvay "'b et - lu* ~ tise poveos of tie ,tý My ontadiistrùt- -ig t i oèed *y givissg scbl layont édUrm, emdsudcontrut -heir ,w e ci làeS"Dce, ut or rneur epasrten, ààtfymay algol. Andé turtiser te J ont 1- eortatret asd builléa braneir t ofse Is WB-, *oi isuds par rwI h-W defre it the VILLIAGE OF VXBEIVUZ 'v the,( sr içtp, povers and i elees tolhe W5. Cosnpauy lu respect :iuroeets are- 'Nmferred- -upen tisons iy tlise aliAc- t4uerpsseo in, and alto assi.ding thséékl'ndseby atnkiug mit- Irons lis e ty-tsird aectigut tlreoit ie vwir ~ f*preli* aI' And,"al) 11tbsre osfre -tho idu4ono otuêii tests ert-- DMi*'1êety-%ftI et orgfossber,' MOINET Jle IVlSgOlri :&CmtbSouewofthe portWbltby ansd Port PM P RugEo1rgy.ssy' 'r14 y.nOaTC.mry aor itAWees Or. omjorle",1bw i..4 mn ohm pd 1 mpitsud to i.srheJ pu M isd Téln vo elsem i dTelu imer bmw.m.wel osmê et- î~Soed -mb MMeY, i5 6 8-p , Immj -%va uodoe wu I tuela loN a aobar#or Jie u.Jeié V«w~ra. bût aime. I barebeaue .g I urdraep.aa<GS fleamimmiol drfa wt* owmgqui.. li.(mm Ien- vdare roSsI urlrloeew oil~ Cino wu oWm t * n a 90" C Ï4,Set. joie iSfrnf, iMhssL auger Cent&=asEsjsen Co. g3-Iewrec<Pdlr, is um olagoo -~orofflUgebe 1eu * l paskaoe. 'Nethsgl 37 ,s,. ,~,,ut . orluoneoeatOomOtdutii Lm.pmy viiiddibse pretulum la Te* t&ils. oribr. 4Amy i 23. 47 s! IVALL TAX. ':i t'1'BY llc toer0( Ooc *P. as., SA LE 'ra (or asIoe lI. ges Cenl. et tise dl la twe us1l84 e Centre veau. LOAN. ust or leva pro- htllAaassi, e-t's "i ORS At tihe 'sn r. siportant vion te l'et id enorgyt,, liva, coin. titia olust sC nier a tisais fût thie $0 iktit I*. GEARl". go 1864rsu seAON, qcrry- 0 P. Bulstud nt r, and ta8 5- "M 1 »Il , "se, M*ý .

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