Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1868, p. 3

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Rostov RAI NýE-R t0' .,5i Are now manufacturing, on -an extensive scalei their cetebrated Pianos, for which they have obtained Prizes and Diplomas at the varions Provincial Exhibitions, (kring the lut ten yettrs, is&i -Provitîcial Exibiion igftou, * 1861-Provincini Exhibition, tohdoh, a 1861-Toronto Elecýtoral D' Vision sud Torouto Mechanies' Iîîstituto Union Exhibitioni, * 1866-Provincial Exhibition, Torouto. - - 1867 - Provincial Exhibition, Kiugston, . uizz l'ja 1868-Provincial Exhibition, Moutreai, - F 1868-Provincial Exhibition, Hieuiton, FlUeT PMZE - - FînRS Pitit S FîuRSrPmsu AND DPOA - Fin«T Puizu àAND DfLfrUx - Dn'x.oM AND SPECàirL Prnzi à» Dnwà DIL OB PîxîoorON AUKuw. Filmr Pîz-SLvER BEDAL A» Dn'z.xÂ. .«D Dzn.oxx 1FouPiANO or A"Y Ebm1 Ou 19th et Scptember, 1860, %Mî t RASua obtained a Patent for the ELLIPTIO PIANO, which fores combines enormoùà strength wlthbboauty sud elegauce ef shape. These beantiful instrumenta arefasat mperseding lte old ut yle of uquare Piano; sud, wtk bisi receut invention, b>' wlîich the ucale eft h. Grand Piano cen b. applled to other forms of the inâtruinent, will soon Cake h place ofth Concert Grand, baviug ail tihe powar oethtie latter, witlt greater comç.sctnesu, beaul>', strangth aud cbesp. Thse mae of the BULIPTICI PIANO isu made e< twonty.two or more quauterinch pleceg, glued ogther sud unoulded unuder immnense pressure, tb the proper form, mmaking le tact a solid sois, impossible, in tii. ligheet degree, to be affectcd by thse strain orthie strings. - Thii shape enables te corners te be dispeuucd with, as aise thse thick purt ô the. seuuding.board, sud thse heavy timber work uccessar>' te giva strength té iiie Square Piano, but visicis dotracta frein purity oft ouc and capacit>' ef vibration. The great strength et the ELLIPTIO PRAME enables h wiies to keep up to concert pilcit-ilit f aiiing or treqnent unuiug, *whiie tiie nolidity, poer% sud î,urily et touesud vibtalion are vastl>' iipu-oved. Thse thu-ee legs cuable it aivavu ho boar eqoahi', wis<ther thse loot bc levai or net, sud by tbis ueans tise twiting strain la preltented, b>' vbichistsruments reuting upoa tour iegs are hiable Ce bc deraugcd. Whitb;, Nôventber 11, 1868. NEW A»VERTISEMENTB. WHITBY GYMNASIUMO A MIErriNGxri f thîe îiiliuîrcfr ite %Wilt- l-y iyîIiluîînsii Cliii> îill bu, lîld ut thiieu îîewly llîted îîp C % uiiiiisiiiiîiilitiliîg, ut the rear ofti eptu-usllice of Nu. Alex. 1riigI-ln di srutlotosIl r. iui iiuuitl heOht- tarie htel-cpii bluiduy oeaîiîîig ieXt, the 16ilu lut., t 7:80 p. in., t wlich a full stion- dance ut Iltibors la reqsiietl. Dly eudu, W. W. CoW ELL, secretiury. WANTED- ASTII(>lG ACTI I', LA D, of fir eduen .Ition, os Iv) titiAppreletincu ot ihe rintiuug bmno.kiiquire ut tu c tice of thi a pepr. OOMPOSITOR WANTED. Etiquire nt the officeu ciblé spaper. MECITANICS' IBA~LL. A tirent Musicali Trent 91 The OId Alieghtannh1I1 Vocsj#ali midSwîsA Ieuliluigers, Igtely returo- cd froni Europo are coîing1 Thurisday Ev'g, Nov. l2th. jar on0 O*T'ON oEIT O  o r N O? IiES. '-oultig inthoirtluorgngenlentm they con romain ,USITIVELY UNE 14101T ONLY 1 (Organlzod lut 1148> Ly J. Mi. Bert.ABo) ilX IYG5ust retiiued fuom a six nienth's teu- lu Europe, (tlurug whiclî tlme thay guretwet '--aglt ouceful Concouta lu the uaitSt. lme uie'ill uLonidon; parorinadlit the Cu-mtal Pllic, on tii. 6th ci Jaiinary, ho- lore ailà tudloncaetflavon tliouaand thu-eo buntlued aud eiglty-fonu- Pcu-olalimIe hall lb. distil.guialud liciter cf luicariug before Thâ UEN&ROYAL FAKILY AT WINDSOR CASILE,) Would i)O on tetreM)uetinlly aonîjouce ruIs 111911LY J>oIuUÂÙI" bs Y. ATM'àt4ÂINEIUR aiboya. Tiuhe 1lu. iaed bty thale luua wovrt lnatiiifnmoured ilu wiizeulaid, exîremaly fou- tmi, du-lug Ibhu-rlate vibit te Europe. Avulumsic-25 cent.. lk-meivlt ea tg-50 t!emî't, r ile lu sdvuie eut Ailin'à Book %tore. Comceuiiiiout L oclock. 0.M4.BoutAuo, Dîrector. 1..WmriwAt NOV. 41h, 1868. 4 TO liENT ORt LA RM 0ON S H AIRE S ';SjOUu!Hiebalf cf lot No. 20, in thes $rd cou-. Coeaboo of Whitby, 100 ACRES. Apply te. 'Whitby, Sept. 2, 1868. -8 TOWN 0F WI1IITBYÏ'. MEENTCUE8FOI SAME SEATtECD Tenders vihi b. vecirvet op te Baturdayo tii, l4th instanLt, For eh. pao-hasof etabecturrou or Bbe Tovn ofWhisby, te tise&Muto . Tise Debenîmre are payable lu eigb;at a-- $100 eauhsycr-frem itue tiraI day et Septens ber, Ibos, sud beau- Interest nt thfi rate of six peu cent peu aunum, payable lialf-y«auly. Tondeste ho lnarked "Teîuàetoifor De. bouau,."and sddreaue te thse anderslgue4 THbS. USTON, Y#= 2emaevr Ols..44 I 45-tf NEW ADYVETrISEMENT"S. M'MILLAN & Co's. Ne-w Velvetenù-'antIes, New cnt seat Mtuties. New White and Grey Seat Nanties, New Canadian Blankots. New Overcoats. New Clothing of every lihés New Flannels, ail colore. New Canadian Cottons6 New Canadian Yarnu. Âldwell's celebrated Aieé iii packages o! 10t 15, and 30 Gallons, at Manufacturera Prime. T. H. NMILLAN, & Cos Whitble Nov. 4,1868. PIANO FOR SALE A Speiilid?.ntsia limn, w ichtaoi te offret to os.. tio la tïIter'a bsc.mi la a flu-t-las Plane, sm regar-du tUba and finish. Apply te GEO. H. HAM, At thc Canoiçios Office, WitbY. Whitby, Oct. .5, 1805. 40 FOR SALE CfIEAP FOR CASH L UT 32 AND 33, lot CONCESSION OP f3o«.Apply to C. A. JONES, Barriter, &o., Whitby. Niov. 4, 1888. 4-tf Waggon Shop WC> .4 M w. Olot, la tbo Village of Dobrton, a Wag- gon hop nd oherfttures, where a god busineass hasWndu for à numhber of ycara. Fou- tennA, &c., mpply tW Octeber; 4,1888, 4-i NOTICE ýteiveayln vEN made te the Legllatarecf the 'rovince of On- torio tlrlngAtৠpresent Session, fer sn Act te enale"Tus OnTmo Fanînum MsuL INstr sANsO Coriv"l te imuel'1oliolaa of Inau-- suce upoit whicl the. prmin i ..y be paid iu cash, sud tW grat te the sald Comupny other powers net contined te the Geelets and auMeaanta theratej irbulignlalgtuai lueur- snob Companesm. Dat.d nt Whltby, this ibird day of Noyri- bar, A. D. 1888. L Fitrbanke, Jr, 4-linSucrtary, 0. Y. I .Ce. $0Reward!1 acoitulungaapubi etmnoaep-unisudmveisi notes ~,fsiiI~huEothpp6u Muefnovaae but ta tb. O*Ubr (esu P4#blut W hé h.nota bu been stoppe4.), Whftvw Isr viiraie . ochet Bock tW Uns. Wm, TiliJ or etthibs oafce, vwinl r@l' the. above r.#rid Wbltli , Ut.,15lm. tf-48 TO FARMERS& INSIIANCE COM1p'Y, pays lb. ful*Mount e01 Iunrmano.. jar The FreiînnNote Syotam bhubeen bees dOe .Avuy vus bY t i bCciPany Agenlt, Cron* Os*ic, Witby. 44-11 SHINGLES FOR SALE. T II F WDERSIGNED lias on baud, and offets fou-@ale chesp for cas By quan. lity:*of Smwad S51ugles, Iiau-rimemxs nke.. N. JRAY, PrtuprùIeir ftA&4 LIvap Stble. Whsiîby, Oct. 2s, 1868. 4 8 Cash! Cash!!1 oea o, o a- o I o (g> I. s r RE ROItAL HOTEL is n0w flttedl up inl the best order for: jthe reeeptioli of gtiests. Every attention paid to travellers, nl dconvenient apartments provided foi, Commercial traveilers for-the display of gooda. OU-The receut alterations made in tho premises, render the o Oomnligbtsomc, hoaltli>, aud comfortable. The table supplied ivith everythiug ini seatiou, sud the charge smodorato se an>' othor hotel in towie. O> lloomy Stibling) Sheds, and enciosed yard rooin for farînors' teamos, 1Whltby, Ont., Oct. 21, 1868. KENT & WALKER1.1 WE BEG TO INTIMATE THAT OUh UAL STOeCK Is now complete, camprising an extensive assortmnent of Fancy & Staple Dry Coods, MILLINEILY & MANTLES, AT VEILY LOW PRICES. Black Silhit, Colereti Silka, Fana>' Duesa Stutl'a; F'rench Marinoes, Ahl wooi RepS, Wiuceys, Buttons, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces, Pesthers, Velvets, 'Veivet Ribbou, New Flannelb1 Shnwls, lçantîci;, Balmioral Skirbs1 rieakfaàt ShrawIsi NUbilisu Wool Seau-fs, Whiite Cottoni Grey dci. Prints, Lituiîgs, Millinery Black Brosd Ciethi Black Doeakium, Silk Mixed Costings, geotch Tweeds, Cainadian Tweeds, îlats sud Caps, Neeli. ies sud Coilars, Braces, L'mbrellns, Cotton Ticks, Stuipe IHassians, Towellings, Goods,j Afull assortment of Ready-made Ciothing Clothtingy madeo ho order. r Famnily Groccîries anid Tiquors best Brands. HFAMILTON& of the CO.1 'oà pl frsyqaty ttFDi$GNE i~l yte higbeut 1Whitby, September 36, 186 8. WHITE bEÂNS, POTITOESt AN» PLAI SIXDi JOHN KITII, Wturar. October 28, 185S. 481 HIEIFEII STRAY EDO T R D, on te.day oe the Conty Foif, awoy old lier-Ipr a for lier et&- white color-belonginiz W IMi nderml nef. Any person retunuig her, or diviaur liforrIi4 tien a* te ber whecaboute, wlli b. auitably rewarded. JAS. I. DAVIbSON, Aanum <P. 0. fictober Oit, 1888. f4 ROSSI LAMDER & KULOCKp - Barristeri- and Attornoya, SOLICITORS IN CIIANOEY, &kt OFFICES.-Mmnio hall, Toronto street, Toronto, and MoMillan'a Blook. sdjoning bi. Holdeu's 081.., Brook et., Whitby, Ontmrio. BON. 1. NOM, . 0. A. Y. LÂDDu. WlI. NUI»R. Whltby, Oct. 14, 1848. 141 TO- OUtA .TWOS puwi t do&, to s.14 nela r ;;ý te 551flu pIWom*t rpoU5 Wil1 bé noassuy. IÃŽROWN & PATTEESON. Wbitbi, Oet.lu, 18.40 FAR6M TO RIENT, C'OIÇTÂUING 160 ÂCMEN 900d lsnd (l0aof *hlab lire @Sl.smaatust4d on thelfg" oa d, on 19 'I 8the 251mL ou. t kerlng. Thoe.le a poil atone dwelling bouse on the. Fropurty§ good bain, st4bles4 , .,sud .aitf(SM onalns.A splondid oprul~< for.d te ny one doilroas of retnt a Apply te SO X LO Wp ort Whisby. Otttf 6, Oto 1n ~A.iwrTN".A.c'X~MOIu'2. JNO. TILL & Co.,' Wonld respectfnlly cail attention to their large Stoék Of FnrDizz turc and Cabinet Ware ; ail of the newest styles and. degign. An examnination of their FIIIST-CLASS STOCK, will -warrant them iu saying that there is none superior in the Dominion. [JJ-r2 Uphoistering of -ail kinds, and the work guarantced te be executedin a superior manner. Ojzj Particulat attention their NE* SPRING MATTRASSES. is requested U Funurals FuIIy 8Supplied.' Cash for ahy quantity of FEATII ER JNQ TrLLJL & 1Whitby, sept. 9, 18680 CO# CJaldwcls Brick Block.1 E O I h. o> i - i WI I- w<se FM E Where c eer>' kiud of Light ôr Heavy Mautie Clotbs 'ha d <g> a> 0 >~ o z AT DOMINION WAREROOMS. W'heio cati Vistiy.'s TapeâtPy Cariets, &., be got ? AT DOMINION WAREROOMS. Wberoe au Al-wolal sud «Union Carpets be had? AT DOMINION WAREROOM98. Wlîere eau the largeot soiection of Dry Goodo, Mihiiery, lleady-msdo Clothiug, Gu-oteries, &o., be had ? AT DOMINION WAREROQMS. Dominion Warorooms, Whitby. Whitby, Oct, 2lst, 1868. 42 Vro,~ 0 o. 0 Pr> 1o* DIRECT IM-PORTATIOKS!1 40 je CQEI/MPBELLI liave juat receivediei 'P>,riiviani' two maes containisg New Dreis Buttons and Trimmrin"é Bonnets and Rate, G1êiÏdb h>id Hoodei; Ribbons and Featheid, Dresis Goods, é,. &cl Which they offer at a small advance on the Sterling cosL, for Cash1 an immense stock of Rcadym1Iade C io[hing, Cloths, Flanuels, Blankets, Carpets, &c. Whitiiy saKanchester, Oct. 28tîbj E.&J. CAMPBELL. à GOODS' HPi Êtbsribr *ould beg tu iitinàté that hg lés io* tin te- Tceipt of his Fait Stock of FRESII FÂMILY GROCERIES, CompIete leery ýdepartment. He would direct speéial atten- ion to bis large and cUmplete assortment of Croekery, GIast; & Earthenware Glassware in sets tô * match, Iitmps, ChimneysB, &d. ; ail of whiclL ho ià dotermined W oise scheap aâ ZDy hbuso itown ; in l'act-bound inos to be undemald. Cati and sce. 8Z3> FLOUR AND FE!), AS tJSUAIL Ctwh paid for any qidabtity of god Firkki Buttel's doirner Byron & Dumu..a, Opposite the ltobsbn Ilouse. Whitbe, October 28, 1868. GETLMN'S TAILOeIING AND, FURNISHIN'G HOUSE, AL1EXANDER FPRINGLE Takes 1eas#e IIOtf ,te iufotlnbig friendscis and ptrons that &« Sok. of W" WMETR -CLOTE, - .id ercope, gddof the 1,ery, bout qtwity, Éud tbst be epr o ur&onkuwith dis- Éatb, nd in ultest otyl e(élembu aGaimbltrs Gentlemen's ,Furnisbhing 4IÙwoods of every description1-embrding--Shirta,olr, bu ocks, Braces, &o., &e. WNO FIT NO~ PAY - Brook ut, Whiiby, sept.li l1ofe#X3~E IIGE8!l iOlEOuiKii &STARK, IM.fo- T. IJIC§iLF.-k SON._ A. HAMILTos & Ce. WhereSü F rench Merinos, in ai l oors, ttc hadl ithespeet in tWwn ? -AT DOMINION WA1t1ËRO0MS. -Wfxire dtithtu best selection of Dresa Goods in' the Coftey be Iidd1, AT: DOMINION WAREFROO)I. Whiere can the most IY'shionablte Dress Trimimings AT DtÃ"MNIN WAUERýOOMS. 'Where ean a Splendid 511k Vëlvet Mâantie be had? AT IDOMINION WARitELOOMS.ý Where c'an Veiveteen Manties, or any kind btMffahtleOfo the Latest Style bu had ? AT DOMINION WAlUÉUOOm8. Wheroe au tho moat Fashionablo Millinery in the Cocii4u 1>. had?-AT DOMINION WAREROOMS. Where eau a Ileavy Beaver Overcoat bo bail? AT DOMINION WARELLOOMS. Wheroe au a suit of Clothos bc got up most styiish ? AT DOMINION 'WAUEROOMS. Wbat nomSbau the largest selection of Silk Mixtures, TweedsDOMINION WAREROOMS. What store bas the best selection of WMitueyu, Melton,' BeaVer, ad Pilot Clotho ? M N1 e W R R M8 OTICE. oygthiitàýctlÏ NOTI e by glvph tllataPÀXiàLcTiOFi nÀ< u u t i t a îîie x t S e B i n , fo r u A c t te in cerjiorate the DOio ix'o -. WILLIAIK MULOCK, . Solicitor fer Appicant: Whitby, Oct. iith ,186s. 4 FOR& SALE, OR TO LEASE, A VÂLUAJ3LE BOTEL PRO1'ERTY AT iBEAVEntoï; T TI, ULDNG re ail new and well 'rown, tbo nothern-te-nnînut of tbho Port Hope; Lindisay and Bfle-artoil Rsilwav. on Lako Sirneoo, ,ow in cenro-e ofcnsatruction. Apply te, 1. CAMIERON#, I3cuverton, 27tli Octoicl-j 868. t4 I?ËËOLVENT ACT 0E 1864S Province of Ontarjo, InTotue Cnnnity Court Couty 0Ontario >of tho County of Ou- To WI t: tarie. la th:e imtter of JA~MES ïérCULLOUGiI- an Insolveiit.. 14~ NTU ESDAY, lie eighth ,1ny eOfIÈcEm - 0. BER îîext; nt towele-plelock noone*or ait soon &ài cohnspl con hi, heufl, the nnderiiigned wilI si pply to the Jndga of the said Court, for a dlmt!arg,nunder Mie muid Act. JAMES MrCULLOUGIIL Whlity, O2îd .Sept. 1868. lOin--SO IMPROYED FA1{M. To Seil, Bien t, or lot on Shares. - 11ABM to Féil, rent, or let odu Ëlure%-w-Wot- 12 laf lot 26, 1"t concbasala of lUsbridge,. 100 acres, '10 acres cLu arc . jý Apîuly (if by icici, pob-pïid,> Y.*FT 'LL%,' NO"Ik-'ilparticus are forbitl etttlii - or roinoving tjiiber or wood of 007 kiwi wllîat- evêr, from theo abova lot, and 9MY PUrOIX fouged doing muoi after tljiuudâtO, are treapagrsr, and will Obtremte'i isuich, te the fuit extent oi the lai. GRE4.Spt 5,16.T Auction Saie.q ]FARM sT.rOCKÇ T IE Sbscriber hli m reetedintruton. tid oZ3r ter aetby Publie Âùetion, on i' ]NO 18, lu the 1thcencesmeon ofF.ickcËtg 49outh of Green*éot, on Thureday, Noi. l2th, 1868e. The fillowing vuiluuhle 1etirty, belenging t'u mat. GEO. BALIiABII, riz: 2Sapi of Workiu % omses, Ijior1w. a Coitý. oUd, Shifbe4, one yr. old, 4 Stteo., 5 pprîuu0 - -avos 44ibep, 2 lumb.r Wagq.om,2 oaTkC' 1i ijidoaiMe Bug mi ongle RjUVY., r, Spair M ou oble llmarrow& 1uêleu tp- lb~ achine.2 pool Plonghs, 2 Ïafng lil 2 sole of double ilarneu, 9Suaiset 0*8 0 unr- ne", 1i Bolier, 10- tonu of good ty,1,O busbls t Tu»It, Nouab Mrrois.; gastit 09two tel MnkS. uatity labri (Ail ido,) Neck-yol.e, W lffetrecu. lfo.,SiadesuiSovelâ, sud abler aricok8 au* us irn a ntiou, iWTh e 1: ivctr avirngted b fa ~ reeffle ' Sale at Il o'clock, a. mp. lunuchi arved si noon. TERI 0F DALE,-AU su an=--sudn under $101 cash, ever thamoutit ' Ilcouthç .edit ,ii b. -gveuit parties fornighbl& op provéa notes; Intursfromd&Y 6f gale, BIf - pald wheu dac. Ton par aýnt sIlowd for dobsh LEVI FAIRBANKS, J. AxOTUdit VoKiDERUL 0133E 0E OoumpTION i MWUYOiO k itA DaT.l%4iT1uI cei itsi daty 1 eme teyen, asiweil as te the public. laisititu yen or-the mmot woidcrful cure of cnianupion. GC7 compidid i mypeu-sn, iy thce vse of lie Orvetl caaplflied >'suedy andlis ssi cong ud a'recs dealdsayaidiit, expeeioratiiig lu-rge. quiuititicm of atier. mndi ad agreai pain about my ielIluig.lisaiul cold chillis everyl -ay, and severe night aweat, urery igbst.and betweeii the uMelcLng ouli sud %grIot swèiul, i wal alunaoit dcprivcd of à-lerp; by hcÊe isuleicas il u x y the lins;, ofppelite. 1 wnagone - dnced ibut 1 coula Iardly tinuy it lue. I was uîudcr thec u-e ofa &Yiciar or a leilgi of lime, but ruuding ne relief;1 I ditlereiit recipes. VUtsili Wilout ury geotd el. tquire Petersois. of Hait, Sudcninendcui me ouse theieOurut Siiasbonces ea medy; i 1p*rVbrel ltre isbtles et oucaiitte Pilla; go $on as1 rein* 'mentied insing it 1 began tu gui butter, ndun 1 hacuuI i ttniuheu ibis cenipknient. iiec cugit, expectoration eo' mnatser, pin about thé loup, ebulis, sscmiing, &c.. el>t nIe unitliv eutillinug ila use 1 ime rueauolig and hmfly tlie* o>rar two umuitis sie t quit ti.> Ruey ibtert hzaVe beu sno ymptoei of tiuý ieus u- i . and u 1 b ave tl, u. ndt £i.uruuw ix.,:- iluer ud beîter tmita hurbae becu lu-r e alg g exirg. 1 truat rosi iulimuktim hnoumne e cptubli-. ln l muy bucuuadel'mre of the peeuhiuu-virturb :>rti* trÙi- woidrfuli nilitu RIemedy. -. PE'ER C. V. ltlLLEMt Eaueion, Uc. ïcf Leiixoxk&Addingteît, Oni. 'lO allite wiioii a e Tialato e cuiiy i!. 1 buve heem acquulhted wlt te abuve Peter C. V. Millecr. Eist, fer iuaey ycnrs alla-bavre know, hiro nl. af Stete rilefri-itiihet repctnitty, >ln «euy cmsdiend crediiua lrss m00Iantoifcu liat i cufi itfcly ýoUÏ-h rocihe trulhéfiie aliovecraiiy other siateulent made by tînu. SB ly REV.WJ>P. 8. IIARPE, Reeluuu-of Bathý F bîovl o, 186. ýk nec or tilog pur- r%,atliy furrMethf- resiotecla to the ,Ib miti Court. r,180î. N~BUELLe Coal, ina gasmes uont i or' 0colUug rauoeht R.e appeuiuia4 ove#, te$a 'Oh. (bar V daye, sud tisbiactione litlby sa I1 h. jout rlghlta nsaÀnufa aintable lnstumontt put 'p l'or yoi , sud ip rglta sforjale agealimulintîlnglng bc vlgoreubly pro- ~.îh'bîî :sw. CHEAP Trovu TresaurtIl Ofice, Wki by, Nov. , , Ife S. FULLFR. j-cý UV . 1

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