Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1868, p. 3

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BW OemCuok Eooé*y' * bobila she od sud n.u a le <ied, 'ls ain sse, by ide sof Canterbury. tby tha Atlantico lests of îqPrilm- h. Sîlhinlst.,s yssrs, Dr. Long. 1 of csatsrbay, la it of Ârohblshop say ea7 7el .d' the ra Il Eagisnd, El. e John Longlatyr ester, sud wue born 1794, At s very saie ta ente the acisool, days vas cd applicatîcîs, At usDme *1l1 long b. i'e snd pride, sud raîs thee ospects- as ho- hade' hlm !partare ta Chrili 'd, remsrked tkeit ta metit, hie vay.' *gain dimîlnigqlah. ciau in claualct, for smanedîne h. iq laborlous varlc -och and, more rthe clwrch over aday a iing evi- le ceai se au ln- mrwards a1palinted ,5aulflev. 'In the % 29 Icart or aea, ted te tise perpetusi le village not fer reusslned for fouir 'bile enrate of that am tisai ha veisidr vhiia still lu the la ta the rank et a.. lu 1827, ha Tythesey, Hsmp.a' d his progrea va. 1829, ho va. ap- Hlarrow School; s by sey bat ra lua. ed autil 1838,,ihea e firsI Buubop cf eari he heïd that- s the res4usation of niatsd ta Durhaum. y four jean, ýfor, kblahop Maîgrave lu luhbop af York. -la ioued, Archbishop .Losgley vu sp- As .reisbsop af 'rimai. of ail Mugi à deesand hold th. iair of Ail Slt r&; aime cfi Harrow. e, London ; Vîimilr gumîito'a ,College, )f King'&"'Collage, Dr cf the Oharfar al Traitee af th. mie la of the sunual g. snd the pao- lge. DrLongley rare lwiical'at- ' po.esmed of ounti Tisere va. notblng' ; arcis" about hlmt tise Canadienaundi stiînded ut4 Couu- vere ail mach lin- !y and ouzd Judg. pramînsut <stuies Arc4bibluop. The Yerkt vhe iilpro. 1100806u, e ha mtou at'Ohrewebory a College, Oxiord, chasitr and BEriuol d Dr. Longly sa. > a le tise auteuroe' sud, lu fsrned a u s day appoliti f , Prince Alfred, to -a 1h. Sout--L-i- bu uhffle8u va5caleW0 Wt mU 5P7,oe Iula Jslm o b. ismslélob. r ygrand Pl" of operBtion ' - qW s oopfibeid,, à<le motbU igo bc pubiiubd -s' voluu11moo woii TOIStu* to rbilw, in wblch sua imm.'n'omW of stansd suedotu ,vm nwnîd i.s oadabi. fOrg.'ý The oditi. cf Amerioa sdlîovuareasm #Mme su thon of polilciaosd iwllgioi-t loto. 'Thé Louisville D.mocrat proolsimas llii bsd Hum that 0' sattiae osNlagl MM&O5IDU5Igolden, 510110118 Domocrâtil triumph" a.bu a gieud la Kentucky. ,wbtcb 1i1iu.rates dé b. sdvsstag. of cou, nhlidst.dg uaU.d, otsvlng, old fabloa.d, méaduit.ritd, Démocratieo principiu.. TuEIDA, Oct. 27.-X. lioue; Toronto; Y. >oe0Nrs nS 'iuaAibut; wonTrno;1. I ark Intson, Toron. 1 0. IeL; * . ofireai; Go ilr 1*zier. 1lejliville Iu~A~'J 1.Caineron, . ], ', rota; Jin Dnogoiî, 'i'rossto ; Iscctor Camseron, Toronto; C,.alttorsnu Toronsto, A.WI*î,'ler To- ronto , A Baker, Mail ham W. M. êsseh. maie,, l'rt 'arv ; Mr. Md»v, Pritidsa Albert John t iposy, Dsuftnss' Creek ; Jus'. Iiotuon. Oisawa; A. Aiexanler, lrueklln ; J. W. Ilealey, liImihi<sî,;W. C.arrolli, NowYork; W. r t. 5i.eaîiarimo. WxiutAauy. Oui. 28.-Ator. Atchlibon Mon- trial, T. (*iovsr, Montret; 19. kMovel. 'l'ron- D1. Morri., New Ysrk ; T. Montagne, New York.* W. Iioyle, Musssreimi ; J. Tisrrstsil, ro- ronob*A. $Is.eweli, Iionfrasl ; J. Ssnylhe M&w 'crk; Johns Fraowai, liamitois. Tîwsusv,, Oct. 29-1Ï.1B. Ilutelinoin, Mou- trftsi; A. J. ltirch. Ot. Mary.; X. Mailewon, Wooutock; A. 1h, Lrmtot. Totoo; W. A. C ' rWto rroy ,S. Y., 0(.ljswton, Clerc- Fîuss)à, Oct. S.-T. W. C.isàslrberlnd, Montroal ; S. S. Layvler, Ililevillo;1 W. W. Molntcsds, Newaastle .Thisne aifsslLon, Newca.stle ; L. Ji. <'urrne, Prinsce Albert; J. Wrighît, iPrince Abert. 5SAressut p4Oet si.-B. Drya Mbancliedser; osp i . 'arou, Siral.foriJ; J'. C. Macklilî, lirri1ot CM. tnitio Toronto, I. Lcoîîssîd, 4<lahava ~Tsrua 0. Ilawtlaarr., 0s'taaa; T. (Sa Nble, Toronto ; IL Its.aritt Osaswa, 1). (.Waldron, Agentiiwloo Bell Illsszr.' Moléuwr, Nov. 2.-VionasusAasIltosî, New- castîle o Jîia C. campbll. Brcsokilis ; Fred. ThouslAa, ir(sskl'is; lrbert 9.. >1, 3ico Chiy ; A.Al,,xassd.r, lut.eoklisi. ar tm Tux.u,, ov. 8.-J. W. lio.sy Toronin; J. Il. 1È. iloag-Ilourî Frry; J., W. Mintis,, Lonîdon ; Wsi. Porter, llowinsiiie ; Joliti 1'asnroy lit. Mary.; iýdwtasd Lucit-, Lôndon, nsaiox souma. Tlaucaaay. Oct t 8-lan liawolig sd lady,Lois.. dteu ;Ueo. crecluihaî.ls, t'renfia i, 1.Jeai.aiî, Mn- ir"i. WVs,. pèsasa, 'tlihnu - y, XS. lIawlsag Uiuial, N. Y 14,L 'i' Macisitn ,J. iB. Payse, Cueil s;D. iiNnlsuu Aleairrai j J. McNisier, lileilite r Eras îatr, 'fsreurda 58 Y. ; 55m. Alulen. %MwjoeClamç. C. Kelhn, 'PortPcsry;-, irs. Melden, gIte#raer, 1N. y. Friamy. mI-Il, a.l,isusou Tariin - IiJoaanaisas Markham ;taMBui I Pckcrin:r, 0.ii. P:ork flrogfg. barri j . 13, Wbfps-a. 1.i14- Naps'sce; 1'. e. tluiwkilui~, Bllals,, X. Y. t Uu'a luslse, cz.. lridge ,A. lsod.suilss; Jitussu', itisledo -W% IPrie, d.; i csse isrïSmp.a.ss. Ua5rsair; J&P,'I.55"Ch, k;tt.t;s K. lissvas, taripsit ,Is; Jo(ilUs. euy. do. hlturdoy.iOct. il-les. N. Illr.. T'sauaso;. Itiait, Itroukis J, WiI.oti. Mosssrs,st ; J. J"sss'swtll, IiOWiSIIa O , 0, -;ai io~r, 1'tktars i ; Oro..$liurd, do., Mn. Dada., (tarte; J. Teule end ltady, '3lrussgliam; Iter. A,. oPaaN fiaara ;J.,fM. Cesci .Tus' rrensot Coisrruis. ae -Sir. Care , d. Toseodiy, Nou. îru-J. Rl. LowilutauR. C. Loyalesa, Mdooirti- ;P. Uassîg. lopuaro', 'Ji, .Mi Tos nasisus lAsi.e% u.MssrsuJ. Il. Ullsusta us s.s-.IL Mf'MILLAN,4rÇoS.e NIéw velveween Nintie, Nw Cut soal Xazitltp. New ýWhit6 in G Oy-al. Nqw Oanadjan Rlaketoq. New YlaDI& elS il coors. -New Canadian ýCotton'sf Ne'w Canadiazi Yarns. packages of 10#, 169 and 30 Gallons, at Kanufacturers- prices. T. IH. NNLA,&Co. Wiitby, Nor. 41868o. NEW ADVERTIBEMMENTS. CHANCERY SALE.' 'TOleai"yPublie Ancitln îramstee -T f0 eoe for Sale, mede by tisa Court af Clmnesy ln a emuseaofi MITT vir. SMITHI, suid witîs the approbalson af George learry Dartiisel, Enqiire, ti se Mater of tirssales Court at Whltby, ou- Tuesda, lot day of Dec, next, At doen e. lock ln tise forgnaolistet iaON- TAMIS> AUTEL, Brook saroat, lu tisaTowns ut Wlalty hy L. Fairtpaoik a, . Alictlasîecr, scertain 7Vreelsold fresslifl eo asîg eosnpawed ai PARCEL i e-TIsuE ititMlit.l îs' Lot Nsum- ber Tlsrce, lu tise NUits cuneeissia of lise tawn- lslip of Mti tisi tisa f!sssmîty of (Jaiarlo, coss- tailiisg One fiiuudred Ace, more or las, PARCEL 2.-Viliage L.ot Nutssiabor 28.5, ln Elck lY-Y. lu tise Village of Uzxli'ige. ne-: cordlng 10 a planimije by J oliu liier, P.-L. 6,. ]PARCEL 3.-Village Lot Nsumie 12, lei cosdug o tse barej.Iiieavssgtisre eer T!inuraccigtieesuecc.lJble wil ofr tise lae aef sii.vilswflle b.Pro- d!Jicea ut thea mule. PARICIL 4.-Lot Nusber Nine, lu Bea- dlon Dl froutiasg ou 1Brock Streeit, lu tise rown of Wliîby. Thse La.isdgfrty mnniosued will lse mosli ,înb.ect ta a 1mrs 'a e tssadis i.y tisebIcte l.a tmtia, sstsd no' te d bly C irt Dssweli, nJI., ni tisaft 'rvita Wlisiîiy,tispon vîsicis Luecis 1epaeddue lfurjrinoipal lintereutsud cet., tiu. 0u1nos$1,479 Sir,isa viisa Bih "ef farclosure llsa iafie?, sald htia îe fur U:ytsseut apirea oisa tise Meveutîsday ai Deceu- Ssiext. Uron parcel oua l1- crected a laz honite, snd X. MsanC, e lV. Os',-. a'nresssa;J . railesuss5uIBIJU Ug5j5Urvin Done 11'*.o bridge. Tisi el'.%sia. Part Yrrv; U. Le.. $ssrk. conditiosn of repir. Thflu esiare ln ooadI 1 fougtssim -JqîI.a iî ig.im.i. Citaruisiss t es.. Fayisa'. order ansd 1tie tarins la in as gaad salata af enti- àtyrtta; i. Berr, OUIsuiira. l'is l 'orle .do. vvalonaud iesiri>ail cieued. 'lucre in a gued V.' lwaeti. Plekerie ý,Joli" Cal5"uu. Brssi ; la. orcliaid un tisa prernmeeand s veil of good L4lsly,filos ureui'tir.io.ic' cuW. Jarvua, valer. Asseraiect ain. Thse nemauîsismg fonsdarc ansut te-am' Whlîby Latiketa.Nuaaster rwo Wil be nuid .suljectL lo a mart.- - tb m rsto e a$ta Jrissepîls Ussld, lise tnios:sit dise uspun un Iiclis iii c lie sokuawm uatIshe Unie of lise Wbiiby, Nor. 4îis, 1868. sain . FalilWhet. .. $1,20 W41~,30. Tise îssrclsmsrof ecsespsîrcel leli yl a dejusisfit ltiste Vesdor', rialeitar sit tise ime af Spzing do......... 1,05 ta 1,07, nie o, ,10, lor a.'uery $101, nt Clua pnirclsaae Bsrleyf... 0........$1110, - îamuey, ssindtise "Issulssc3wiliim o e iuitli Peaw.............55ce t t lTi. lie rcutter, wîsiîiel Rye ....0.......... socle 10 S2cls. In aiai rc.ipectsundai xecept as ishove meri- lbouscd, tIse esdiuuuuss' of mnie wiil botise' Onts ...... ....... .47ctstu t sOd. Standing Coudilsaus cf isole of thesourat ci 1pork . .... 0...... $5J to $6j, ciaiicery. Turkela....... 60ets te lScta, Tise Candiianai Ssle asîd furiher partieu- Osem...........Ocista 4c~, lare may bc obtiined ali i. 3Chamubers alAise 30ets o 40e s ad Itaiser, at MWitby, anssd.inc e 815,or Dack. .........4Octs ta 5Oc pr. ai C' A. Joue» arsl W. 11Il Blligsîsti, Euqtl.'ire, Ciekeni, ..... ...... 20a ta 30ocpr. ssd oainoauîci H. Cuebnstua, Erquire, Veu- Cordwood....@.... $3 ta $4 pi cord. slr'. Mlicllar. GEO. H3. DARTNELL, -MEIIO,ANIU'S' HA LL- DWta iisa rd day af Novuiber, 168,8 44 41n A Great Musical Trsat I Tise Old Allegaisanue I 9GREIkT Vocalittmand Svif4ss Bell Ibiiigers,, litoly return- cd freinEurope ore cs>miisg i A u t io n Sale, Thuroday Ev'g, Nov. l2th. 0F ,OIxt hi n' eeigte lnrenîsin IPEIN S AuJaAIVLuNaIuL IUSsAuJLY i IIE Snisseriber Iboan eeeived Iuetruetiaua ta csffer tor sala by PubIlic Aimeîian, on Lot No 18, filitise Sîls coucssion oaiceritig, l3outis afGreîsiwood, on > AL119Thuraday, No-v. l2th, 1868. Tise ia.inwissg vainaisle property, belanging ta MX. UEO. BALLARD, riz; 2epsîs cf vorkis c horms, 1 hsorme. 8Colts, tva yroiod. 0 iuilis Cuw", 5 flaifera, tvo yrs, aId, 8 baellers, ossa yr. chsi, 4 Steeram, 5 apiisg esires, 40 slucop, 2 huinier IVagicotsa,. 2 markt bielis, 1 double Bug iV, Isiimgliu lligny, I Custer, 2 pair ai doul liarruvas I no Maap- Ing macine. 2 gond 1'i#U.nIZIs, 2 IsiL1g1 mi.., ~A R E 2 sets'afdasuhselaitrslicss.2 Msesfai aisgie Ilar- oesss, 1 Blier, 10 Ions aof goad Iisy, ,000 ' buaiseis ci1'uruipis, S500isussieis af Carraisa qtlasilsy s(Pt tso-siil îîak, as ujoaoitsly af luisber, (ss ii sssl,) Necek-yoks'a, %Iloifltra, Logigl i fillmsu, scythses, Slitis., Fsrts, liuei, e aipa and Siîsvels, aud atlier articles .OTanzd lho 1840, 1t'J. a. B . UnAii) tac, usssserafinLus amsentions. H AVIfNG J usi retnorned froun a aix msiab~.le WTise rapretor liaviîsg reuted Lia farin, 11tour In Europe, (during uuhlcis tno Cetise> l bis e il u oit bmssid vithesmt tise silgistee g ave tvelityelîglit sucenssf'si C'oncerntfis tse îceru'e. Grea 3Ontisiemes'sli, Lansdau, pisotrmed at Sale at Il 'ciock, a. mn. Liunch aervoed at tise Crs iétaiJ'aiaeeo n Cie Mis aif.assuary, b- o- . tore ai audilence ni i eueesaiistaisl ttais E5-i unau hisidrcul amd eiglty-four penassss. io had TEJSM 8 OF SALES-l omsn n tise -diakiiiguielied lsoar fa os' urpaisso before niir 55,essais, ave n taeuUuit l lo iaeli 'finie crit ylul ho ivc bj parnie. furrai4jrialie- prnuad sotes-iasoraunt ro a utsyailse, If asat QUEEN & ROYAIL PAMILY piscmwîseudise. 'fe7u par cs:,t alwed fur cassi. AT' i1 ASSILOZ,) LEVI FAIMBU.KS, Jr., 'Wanld nwovmt repecttnlly anîsau nce 'sr.s. uctifeneo-. Ii5etsylY 'rgu"n smuamo.u A TIU? m l'.. ilck<er-ig, Nov. 8, 188. 44 aboya. Tise Bale ie os Iy tIse Aloglanns era mauisfstured lisi iwitzeAritmdl, exjuness'y for ilsens, daring tîsir Joies riait ta Europe. A c i n S a le Anmisiavo-2i5 Cents,. 1eervaid Seita.-Nl0 <;otite# for sale lu asiencsioiat AlUla B Iook Sitere. commsence at & aollck. ~B P C L J.M. flautMs, Diracer. D.G. WàLussox, Agt. DPE EN S o Nov, 4tls, 1848l. a- TOWN OF wIIITBY.I DEBENTURES FOR BALE S RÂLE» Tundons&vii be-iaeved up to Satuxday, the l4th imitant, Fertluepurolsabiofi'Debctures of Ltse Towu of Wlhiy, tiste amroul of $800. Tisa Dabautures ore paya ble b lnogt yesr- 0100 eaclu jaur-raun lise lraC doy aà(iSeptm ber, 1808,- and bear Iiteetal at the, ratea cisix per Cent por annun, Payaleiaialt-yasarly. Tanderfftaw >e narked IlTeisdeia for De- bouareu," and addreaaedla tise underaigued, TUI0O. - HU&TON, 2'e'An llv r4r. Town TrasiurotIbOffice, i-4 Wlatby, NeVI.$',188,2 T 3,UNDIEISIGIlDlois roicelvcd lnstruc- WEDNESDAY# Nov. 11, 1868. Thse flioivng vguoble property beozsnglsg ta, DENNIS DU LLE AI SOUTil OSHAWA, VIE: 2 Mares, 8 jeta. ad mateied - 1 mare, 10 yre. aid ; 2 calt*, 2ysne aId, by -Ikeunet' a;s v lu caif; a yckr luflnIelfrs- 2 yearlinfgwstem 1 Durhsamnbail ioerÏd buggy ; 1umber vsggoss;' 1 dasuLle cutter; 1 asir bobale ligisu; 2 pioUds; 1 gsng piov, 2 Ba&tsWoodabanrava.; 1 Transacngler; 1inissng isalI ; i atrav cutter, 1 sddle audbrille ; 2 sote sdouble hbarne& , 2 mettes iàIme15 tans of uy ; a qnantihy cf omts, and mvn1 Uea ta oc nmsroua td mention.- Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. TERMISOF »ALE 1-Ah asumo at sud under $10, cash, oavor tisat asisuIl moulu. cre- dit wii bu given, by partis. fnrtsling op- proved Note», Intrel iroinsdey ofsasie, il îlot puld visausdus. W l ay M auf 0s, . L. PAIRANKS, Jr., 4 - Axroozam. uet Wl1~ ..118. 1u4 44-ly f i -~ 'r-' o t o Uc '4, a> a. o I a, oe 'w J-. z LU. ON~ T H ROYAL HOTEL is now iltted up in the best order for the r eception of guests. E very attention paid to tra'vellers, and couvenient'apnritmen ' tqpîovided fur, Cuommeréwàl tra',-clloro for the display of goode.. . C:SThe recent alîerationc nmade in thse promises, tender the rooms ljghtaome, h a ni d coînfortstiI. Thse table upplied witlî everything in seadon, and thse charge as moderato as any other hotel in towîî. t:>- Roomy Ststblisig, Sheds, and enclosed yard room for- lhrmers' teanis, So' AiL y tÂN 3,. oNC'S-ON ONWhltby, Ont., Oct. 21, 1868. Nor. 4, 186,9; C. A. JONES, flarriater, Lic.. Wlsitby. 44-sf Waggon Shop T O0 lt, in flhe Villaeo'sns.oaWg busissesslus. beos dona for a smsaber of yeasa. For ttruo,s,£W., spply te WU. DUNBAR. Ouiober, 4, 1868, 44-Sis,' Teacliers Wanted! 0' «W<> Femnsie Techier. Wanted for ftisc2nsi .1 sîui rd Dirilons, of Gse Uxbridge Cosn- mon Acis3oi. gar Applicai ons (pre-psicl,) statlng cortiAl- cae hel.l, sudsl ialètry requsrcd, vili lbc rdued untîil Fridssy, lSth ii., by J. BASCOM, 1. B. Secrctmary, Board of Truistter. Nov. 4, 1868. . -liu* 18 fill1tEBY QIVEN NOTIFA-iint applsicaion vilI bc made 'o the Lcgioaauro cf tIhe Provinsce of On- Inri.. .lsriss ils presnent 8easion, for ais Act ta essable 'Tsm 4haTàcto FALmiME 4uuA. liiu P.Ais4cS casrÀ%W." ta Ifsfio 010108or lissur- suce upaisowliietia the presssios i.say te pai luis cais, 1ndtlagriisîlIo tise aaid Comnisy otîser pawer» net conaiined lu thse Generasl Acta aand assieîslsnt-sî,. tiicrolo, regointicg Mutuai lîsusr- ance comipssicss. Dihstd at W Iitby, tisi third dasy af Novcm- ber, A. D. 1888. - 1,. Fairbanks', Jr., 44-7in 8.weretory, 0. F. M. 1. Co. $20 Reward!1 L OST, on Friday laxd, bctwoen Iliimer'» Cornerx asd tise lows, a Pocket Book eus aisig ui of rsoney anîd soveral iioteai (-f bsand, sial tiser papers' of no v~aue but ta tihe aIg'r,(a* î1)03sment a1 thse notes lias beaui atopped.) %i'isever wili retnrn tIse Pciet Book ta lira. Wins Till, or ut tliâi office, wiil rceive the sibova reward. wb.lmttby, Oct. 28, 1888. tf-43 TO FARMIERS. THE CANADA FARMEIEUS INSUIIANCE COMP'Y, (OF MUN1LTOIi) Paya the fulants i 1 lîurallec. :e, »Thse Prcmium Nota f"y.e isîembauc beets doncse way witls by tiâ aCompîany. GEO, H. HADN, Agesît, ()sord.Office, Whitby. Oct. 28, 1888. 43 SHINGLES FOR. SALE. TF E .UNDERSIINED has' on ibond, and TOller, for luie ciicap for cassis oiy quan- lityaf tlawed iiisgiea, Ilarris.os'o4 make. N. RAY, Propiietopr lutsdy Livery NIS41a. Whllby, Oct. 28, 1888. 48 Cash! Cash !! HE UDERSGNEDwillpay he iglsegt WHITE BEANS, POT&TOE59 AND FLAX SEFID. JOHN JLEITJF, wsisTay. October 28, 1868. 43 BOA RDE LUS. nNE OR TWO GENTLMMEN CAF. 139 O- ssesssuac itis cessîforiatle buard in £ îrivaste faisiily. Eruquireaul tisa OMMlof aileipper. Wlsitby, Oct. 19, 1868. tl-42. IIEIFER STIiAY El). iSTRZAYED, an tise day af thse Cotint> Fuir, a twa-yeasr aid Ileifer-lurge for Iser âe- wihite colar-bangist te e.lgsed. Assy person retnrsissg har, or givivit informai- tion ne ta ber whcreuabosîla, wiii bc bnllably ravarcled. JAIS. L DAMISON, AmwzuuP. O. Oetober Stis, 188. AJiELA. WILiUN~ llla4~ RENT & WALER.e WE BEG TO INTIMATE THIAT OUitt SOCK1 Is now complete, comprising an extensive asortment of Fancy *c Staple Dry Coods, ,MILLINERY & MANTLES, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Black Siikg, Volored Silkas, Fancy bress Stsmft'c, French Merinoem, Ail wool Repu, Winceya, Buttos, Trimmins Riblions, Laces, Fentheru, Velvcltg, Veluet Rilbaon, NMcY Bistuket5, Fiannels, ShaWlS, Mandesa, Balmoral Skirtp, Mantlo Uloths, Blreakfast Slawla, Nu linas, Wool Scarfsu, White Cottain, Grcy do. Priîti;, Black Broad Clotho, Black Doea!eisss, Silk Mixed Coatings, Scotch Tweedsr, Csnssdian Tweeds, Ilats and Caps, Ncck Tics and Callars, Braccs, Umlirellas. Cotlton 'licko, Stripe IHasalane, Tlowellitigis, Siseetirigs, 4GooIs,- A full assortmcnt of Ready-m ade Clotmisg Clotliing made to orcler. t0:7 Famnily Giroceî'ies and bcst Brands. J>îquors HIAMILTON of the & CO. Whitby, September, 30, 1868. 39 JNO,. TILL & 0o,.; Wonld respectfully eall attention to their large Stock of Furai- ture and Cabinet Ware ; ail of'the newest styleg and design. An examination of their JFIRST-CLASS STOCK, will warrant them in saying that there is none superior in the Dominion. 7eD Upholsterng of ail kinds, ..aind the work guaranteed ta, be executed in a uperior manner. r Particular attention their NEW SPRING MATTRASSES. is requested to Funerals Fuli'ySupplied'. Cash for any quantity of FEATIIERS; 1Whitby, Sept. 9, 1868. JNO. TILL & GO. CaldweU'ys Briok Block. Bonnet. D~ssGodsr&o~ lWbich i hey offer at a small advance -on the, Steling COat, Clotho, Flannols, -Blankets, Carpets, &C. netA finrniash m Whluby sud Msaet oOct. 2Mt, 43 vitk the i CBam. c ~cx~ 'vitV at i CHEAF GOODE t THE. subsriber would beg to intimate tht hlie f noir in re- ceipt of hie FaîL Stock of- FRESII FA31ILY GOEIS Complote in-every department. Ho would-direct.-special atten-- tion ta hielarge and -complote ,assortment- of - FOR OR f0 LEAI B OT] ELPROPErRY, T Situae in lutse mst central #ait ôo thse isw, h ortherà tanusos the Plb. Hope, lndsay andfleaverton Rlva ., uLake_- W ltsimedatepessealongiven,' Appiy t, th- 7.cAJIerON168 Crockey- Glass &Earý,th e' -w'arel ls'ro.flOtbr 18 Glassware in sets to match, Lamps, Chimneys, &C., ail of whicli. he Mi deterinuied t0o ell as cheap au any house in town; in fiict-bonnd not to loe underaold. Ciiiand cee. orFLOTJR AND FIEED, AS USIJAL. Cash paid for any quanifty of good Firkin Butter. - Corner Byron & Dundui-sta., opposi te cobson Ilouse. Whitby, October 28, 1868. FRESIRIARRIVAL 0F BOOTS &SEQE01ÉS. s 12 12 (12 Re J. YARNOL'DM Has just received a very largo and wel lec Stock of! BoO0TS 4' NfOEis, 0f the BEST QUALITY and latest -style, fôr Fal and Winter Taade, which will bë sold at prices that Cannot be beai Gi'- Meno' Caîf, XKip,_ and Cowhide Boots. -CO c>u Womens'- Goat, Kid, and Caif Boots. -CO .O'- Misses' Clulcdrene' Boots & Shoos. -ÇI (L rr- Gentiemens' English Lace and Elas- tic Boot& FELT OVEROES, ail sizes. Ladies' and Gerits'-Best Sewed and Peg- ged Work made to order by CASTLE FOX Repairs neatly executed- Remernber.the stand-next door North of Royal (Janadian Bank, MeMillan's Block, Brook-st.. Whitby. Henry's Rifle -Cartridge.s TOR SALEVER CHEA]P.-. R. J. YARNOLD,4 Whitby, September. 2nd, 1868. 36 BOOTS& SHOES, 0f the Right Fit and olIake, mie iAtYNDEv BEGS ta inform bis-fiends and customers, that lie bas recei'v- ed a very large stock of Fai1 & -Win ter Boots*c Shoes, OF THE. BEST STYLE AND MAXE. Also on hand a large Stock of HIOME-MÂDeE Boots anud 8hoes41 which cannot bè surpassed, for q'uality or price& £~-All Orders punctually attended to.: Repairs neatly donie. -Remember the, place, nearly opposite, the Bank, o! Montreal, Brook Street, WhiLby. Whitby, September 32, 1868. AND FtXfNISIIING HOUSE9, Takes lea e secf!y to inform hie friedand patrons thàt bstofe 8W WINTER CLOTES, 48, is xe vr cmloe and eft he 'yb -uiî, u htearemotroupwi"0 dPl Gentlemen's ,Furnis"h ngGods ofeviery,» description, emibréing-hrtZColr , c<,Braces, &o., &c. tâ' NO FIT NO PAY t - 3rook ut., Whitby, Sept. 10, 1868. '- ;. -' SE&SSIONAL GLO BEe r E OITABTO 'LEGIBLATUE vIlI-g T .., $cnseoilm rd Névemluer, viseusl mont, lsiglily'-important nmatons: s.'It. cane for eieet.n4vf scs "TisE G.oza PMsruseeCoI&.Àtoive reaoivad té mail THE .DAILY GL-OBE To allâ aatbetm dnring lthe entiri sebiioss, FORn 0.B fDOL Ait* TIhepapervii oontein each îmorniýgý full re p*orteaof tise de- bate of the evening preriana, sud s very lssrgsr amnnut af late neye and gcuucrp1 rsssssiug. Among other topibg lIkely ta cerne tmp ara tise Land Sattlcnmeut, tîse-Timber snd Miureral Lsnds'and Itie CoIlege Grant Qneetiane ; aiso. Lawv]Mnnieijal and: Asseasment ]Ref"arnsd îhe istribsusion of $1,007M ~ Surpls Fndis. Ordera ahould be sent lunltutssédîately ad- dr.-s'ed tisthePubllisers oair- TîsxoBr, Ti.- routa.o 4 FARM TO RENT, ÇONTAINING 1560 Aen"3ff8rond 1Iý S140ofai vlicliare clesired) s, tus ste s teKiimgt5Can Itaad, an Lot 7T, lu the-2nd Con. of l>ickerig. Th are lea sgoosl atone ilre.liîng laolme 0n5tlss Property, good barn, stasble*s, &e.,atsd sdi ferus coîsvaniancea. A splendid oppoAnity la aP fered ta any oue desirona afi rtiug sa=. Appiy ho LJÊO. W3. CLA1IKE, lorkvie. Or to JOHN BLOW, Port.Wliby, Oct. 26, 1848. 34 TEACRERWANTED W ANTED-a gra4t-eees Normal Selsool- Certilleated maIn Te-aclier, for ascls-l section, No. 5, 'Pickerinug, ta! contnce luit Jauuary, 1989. salai>' ib.eraeI t a s osnpeteist and stabola pereon. NEISON CFEAPIIANtTi.s or DANIEL McBMiADYi . ' satP.O Oetobe- 20, 1868. Sn4 T Oui-RPATROs. "T HF, diasetrena lire wlîielsdes±noy'ec aur .-Worlt,. neceaaitmtes aur aaking,,mmmcn- siaste peymeut Of aul noies ann consirt, uilicil are nowaat dutateaid ns lu ra0-buildlig tisa BROW11Fk&PATTERSON. Witby, Oct. 7, 1808. 401 INSOLENT MT OY1864. 't-ovince Of Onul7r0, In uthc Consîty Court_ cauugtao Ontarioo!Oflime Cunîy Of On- Wit aro Iu tise maCler di JAMES MOCULLO1UGII,... an Insolureut. 0N14TtESDAY, tis elagistîs. ly ai i>ECEM- BEIR uext, ut Cwais.-é oclftkuoon, ors'- OO AR secannaldecn bce board tise underigsesI -*11JaLYte eJudge Of thse oaad Court, for 5'di» brge, under th is tA,,-, - JAMES mcCILouGiI. Ifii.Attorney, ad Bien. Whitby, 22ud, Sept. 1868. in u-30 IMPROVED FARM To Oelil, Bot, or let où timaîp. FA'haulf re ni jc% oloon of Uès-wcdget» 1s ces, '10 aeresa-sreJ. - *Âpply (if by lette>", Ëpoetqial>to NOTZCs-Ai partieosab forbid oùltlug or n.movt;ng tlimsie.r orvaod of auy kind ia' er,'fé bon tseais-o lot, ai sjproîn5 doing no, aftei lisadate, -arseapaaeru, uni viii be treatodaoueitatise ox0#0tenof Witby, Sept 16, 1ofs., - ,FU LR.i. PIANO .v'OR SA E offered for sale. It luair sr.niakeau lusiiat-ellsaPiano, àu»axesîdtàue sud fBimiii Appiy o - - Wiily, 18e6». , 1858, FARM ON MHARES, erolra-baîî ai lot Na. 20, ln -t aerdcn molé oeao t Wilby, 100 Ac i - ÏVA5. LAIJON, NÃ"TICE TO 'rIE CONTR.AWTOI-t>S ~ suiscrbotare 'P-r iÈtfi~ <n --o libbonsand Ea1het'i 1 ]NEW ADVERTISEMETS FOR SALEý CHEAP FOR (JASHI1 r i ALEXAN»ER86~-iy iHOM,.oJ 1 -B.A& 'b., iL .1 1 ý

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