Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1868, p. 2

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Âmregs leb.,St. & sï We On Thbray,> o.5L, on lot No.- 14, l . î conceslon 'of putWhitby, )»!iy for0-.J.»4a0evt z~s e rs Asctiousur. Qu TUApdY, Nov. 01,onl oi"0 -in tue s1econ. cf.Pickeriug, Farm:Otock, 1uplements, 4. b property of Joseph aud John Whbie--Tbemaa Nyon#, Ao. 'oh 1'uaai, Nov. 1 uh on'loât No. 1lt,. luIboth 6uLàconcession, or Wbitby, 1Fera 8took, Implo.nentit,&0"., th. preperty of 1f.Oe. Ldde-LoviL Fairbanks, Jr., Auctioneer. On Thursdaýy, Nor. 12, ou Lot No. 13, Inlu b. 5îh àcou. cof Pickoring, South of Oreenwod, Pana: Stock,,,Implemens,k&o., hoproperly of Mr.Qo. Ballrd.-Levi Faitnlu, jr., Auctioneor. On Tuesday, 'Nov. 111h, at Soutb Osha- wà, Fam Stock,,,Implements, &o., tbe jlropurty of Donnis Dulle.-L. Fairbanks, dr., auct@ui@r. ONLY 8150 CENTS A TEAR Wliltby, Thurs.ýay, November 51 1868. Gladitouo and McGeet It la ono of ithe attribut«s cf true goulus thalitils tterauces tre fiortal. Tbougb tho-lipe that ha"e broathfd forth living words cf eloquence oïmd wisdonm mal b., cosed lu deatb-tkouugb lb. familier pro. &ono may bave pets@&d(rompoar lke- thoulg he i.porsonal infuenceocf ithe orator and statesmau (magleal as l la,) may t e uo longer feu -stlIf these vers lthe endowmouia of eue who vas filled wiL ithe divine afflatus of goulus, bis spirit lives, bis words aie undytongp and dé hough ho b. dead yet h. spoakoî." 'Bach a onoevwu the martyred satosman, 'wboeo mory la yos and evor yl ho jreou aniong ce the citizen§ cf the uew wationality ho so largaiy sssisted ta cou- solidate. And, day by day ia witneased the. growth *of reveeuce for his wiadoun, aâffection for i. -largo-hearted iympatbhy and liberallty, sud admiration for bis lorcight and political sagacity. Jletween the lamanted Thomas D'Arcy .1cGee and tho present great leader cf the *liberal purty in England, pointa cf reseun blanc@ may ho remarkcd. Both possessed o f univalled aloquence -, ohouwitb mluds onricbad by cltivation and extensive roudil both deefly -and siuceroly attach ed te th. religion cf their birtb, yet se swayed by the eternailelavu f justice, as te bo tolerant cf ithe opinions, and ready tu do right by thoe whoso religions cou- victions migbl differ freon their ovn & theme, aase 1 the parallel ends. Theoee lires, Ilthe rose and expectancy cf ibis fuir itatet," th' foreuuost champion cf liberal opinions ; wlilo the aimer lies in bis untimnely grave, the aictimn cf tuat foui conspiracy whose protousions ho expcsed und wbose- tenets he abhorrod. The living statesman bas lately paid a noble tribute toe l.meuiory cf tho de- parted grant ;'and, in o. speech lately de. Who, I bliave, Was veil known la Irelani duringnom uch cf bis, hf. as ho panse ihore, as oeeof the. most vehement i IrIlh patriots, and as one cf those Wh( cither exposeul blef on that account tt the penalties cf îlïe law, or aise was'vitli ln n acre cf soeoxpoilng himmeif. Tha was the uharactor cf Mr. D'Aroy MeoUe Heovet te, Canada. Canada ls under th swAy, cf .the saine ,beloed, quei. I wbut dees Canada differ frein the Unite Klngdem 1 Canada bas eçfree palianieri asti8sebavrvWb, but canada bas net ÉC unjei las netmlthelbteaure_ oth~ land onu-wblch the p copiej depend fur sub sistence, and canadla Las pot. gel Instal and eîrnt uexlml5piîees th OhunoL cf n sunal n>nonlty. (Obeers, Il vas sald oDldt balàt vocrosse mhe se. cha e,19, oi %hliaobn tboir piud, but'mark iL, ci'àg Whig ~sed upon hite o~ f Mr. <nîy' weghty than I eau- give yont-wo1sb canut h caI~4 einlWofoibly téoi fow monthà &go M"10. '4ctcGa soi as follo*g at, npublie Ëlu'ti «wgion himoeif td bis cellé4gueMMopîni ;Bpeakn of FetlniDsU>, snd ét ibe.spi wt h1ch h. wu prepareil te o is h as-'I vl*sb tise enues cf ber1 urnai luad,1 wlsb l'te ne"c,fý SDomlni)tloonUidertforsa'm4omout tl &et, and to Ailithebom l,,s*à to olsocaty Phmlh engblos s *1tslo mvep vo do ln Ibis maucner, wlth tbe fuit epinS cf equal igbt.s andt b.' trens sT, IaW ase hoi lime * ot Ifs.hssflled' Tr, lt'lmly a nônvlty, try patlàstly sund thovougbly, -atatesmený bftbe empireiL.héminaeîloui 'agency ocftlb equaln ~eat justice- for 'ene M«tveo genrtiena'. - fOýheens) Gentlemen, I vate on %0>nlnds f lb.' peu- l 9 aor n, àa&LL"de ~of 'Mr, D'4rcy luc ïth ma fei t ,m'wrd o vrp uttened v th a, vim ese ,et îLy pneed. ad Lasabéesui4svédý,frà i bis' lever ail tel 'Faulan litio 'hW ~laiadded aba melancboiy dlgnity and n an ter aug- mentation c cgtn ec ob u im.a premivesenimets bipbb bas uttered. im (Obeers.) In,, lu pnrnance'cf tlhsela opInionîs tliaIva vepréoeed te Parlia- f mentI tLe pelicy on vblcb yôu baîve te pshig ýôurjudgmeut. <Cbeerè;) After speak- pu ung at some futher: loeb on- t'%eques- tion, Mn. rladatese closeîl as <chlooa - l Gent lemen, va uaL ycu fer yeur Lelp In tic the'efforts that Ve are abouitte make. We ti tek yeu ln tho naine cf the consitttion net lms Iban lunLthe ascret ineamo9justice. Pe We as oir ô ita listen te Lhé voialîk ocf se pellcy, anti cf prudence, anticf Î gairsity bu andi ef equit .Listen te thal voice-the voice.nowVle tdead-wmi ch bau coinoteo 0 .ls froni acroas tbo Minutie,'ant igivé us 0e yeur streng belp te drive our feeble annir, V and' ennlble us (o go faalaésly forward lun the cause cf nuth anJti usie.-' m 3Mn amcipal Couacillens Wauled l t As tbe lime for tLe muicipal - leetiens '0 approacht, peeplo about ilb. tovp anM ho- . giuuing 1ta ltas teavI* hahéi, and voim n~ ougi lo e LeWho. 'The present Ma'i-m, w' Dr. Gnon, Ve uudersiaud, iuteudg escbo. " lug Municipal matters aliogetmor npd vii ln net. clanr bilsifor re-eloction.. The hi terme cf ired cf the Co nueilents expire lm Ibis year. Tbey are Mnr. MoMillao, lu lb. !4 leortL Ward, Mn. Allin, limethéCentre e* Ward, and M. Caincon lu the South es Ward., Wieiher uhey viii aIl ceenagain V' or noh, ve are unable le ay. 01 coursea Ihere wil L e the . usalélection for roiel sud deputy neeve, àdted o eiîlmer cf tieela offices, on Say otimor in îLe Cenil, (apI. 01 Rove viii net, Ve havq e mn te believe, h be again a candidate. 1fr..Helden per. S formed hlisdntiea tLe présent year gocai eflcienfly tiat tLe loui veul*miss bis services, eppgecialy rm lhe Conty Ceun- cil, and Le 1 e1ssitsate romain -it veul0 be for tb. intemeat cf the ratepayers te r seud hlm biok again. We say tiis Mocb s Vithout t ai al luuovlug vat tLe genle-b mian'& ovu inclination mal b.. Tic Lad> lov pased disqualifiug Begistrara, C lorls cf tim]eoe, cnuty Aterueys, &0., de- t privas mnniipalitiesaie. ;maklng salée- P lions frein hem bést qualifieul atd ablesî 1 mon. And lu Ibis respect Whiiby la ast grenier nuiffaer tban.aMy place vo knev a of. But gentlemen,' lock cutil ime, aMd and Malte use cf lime lest matéelal have. Tali us early 'whc l tho WbWo. I. M. Ocuboat C4#rub paid a sauna- vhai langtienol viit>te cor harbour last P waek. Forer slat Ivo yaars elie bas rbeen saaioued lunithe Detroit 'River nnd ai sUedericb, but is nev under ordors ta join 1îte fleet at Balifax. Sh. left Port Dal-a 1bhusie en Tbnnadaybui ou Fnidny a eaav Il gale nriing, sud being deéply Modn, uciý only vith ber evn anuameni Lut tint cf .the Royal Alfred, and etier stores, stress c f venther compelled îLe -commander to put about -vien off Pert Hope and - moa for Whitby,.wbici port vas reacied aboutt ;dusk in tLe evening. Owing te lihe loy- Sness cf vaier in thme lake t'Le vemeelý go% aagrevnd-rbnt verked off viii thebo lling c f the sos. -The gale counel »dnnoing the. whole of Baiurday, asud dning lus 0beigLi the sacoer Todmas, 'cf Oakvilil, indeln yuL coal, lun ,ondeavoniug te enter he neldlng~aean ikeilaetfBreewmi9, b township cf iavas <caul ave h... cli time 2811 nil. nmelauoly e lt l searoul'ydlatingulibahli remalus f île bit, ïu nte o éms blrneoiT ver fpan th. tLe fre às, seru, uasetalne'd, en- b ol tg mae.Mnr se-p. ho llalykupu a 5Jock '-vusoue af IL, leektisasla the lItes. tLe ti Frat a~ mconis ther. 15uov o sun wi te w E .tg pi 'be -ai'o tenuile loesr a rant imat psgt 1 Clfax seconed. vît hal r ýr4~ n O.nbleI H am. rîh th limmu tig.foi0uu senty arnied go, 9tveeu -ibmprties; vo arc quit. iadier, as 'fvbc, beoam, îii. propniet o f ibe czxeff tb ir no Vor -aIt aùm-y aller tIm. ho gentlemen nametite reeùuil. uboir 'r ses fproprielyyLîedeiaîc bc transaction.., W. wisb 1Mr. Ram .very ck vith-hi. hargalu.s&And lu saying Ibis, oe asure 1 Mn tLulv.do formore ilu Mve 'k 'no*wa lii.froup ebildbood, aMd in iîàe lmouty-to-biï 'many good traits cf ýaraete.We bavealvaya irusted hlm mplîit.ly, and hoeh'Lusnover proved unfalîh. '0l te any trast or confidence repcaed lu unè.- Ho la înduticouaprigl, sud sota, and all 'vbo have business dual- ngo viti him, yu' l Ciiim, se. Bispoil oul i b CaxinoLz,9flcO, where ne. âlng vas conceaied, <mcm h.im, gave hi. aculisi' facllities, net aloen t heome aqnainied viti lus business iraïaaeuions, ut -yIII&déail& cf corneapondence and thon cessary "secret" cf a nevspapen, iffice.' Thoe ogive him an advanuago, cf nbie, so- fanrs tLeeditor cf tL. CERoN. ~iu, and Lis affaire are concned Le la t full liberty In avail Ll.aelf-hnt vimere te privai.e orr.spondenoe cf cîheri is cuerneul ho can%act as Le may ihinli nroper. Fromt tLe long habit cf lustruet- lg and adiiug cur yonng fied-by whîcL ve trust hLebuprofiteti-be viii scarcely de.. itbis veIl-meant 'hnI au imptnme On bis outrance te an honorable profeaicu nnoabeofhis future ucces anadstanding viii depend upon tLe rccd on bail impression Le makes apon oûtemporaries. And nov, having soid! env ay, ve couehudo car bnief neumarlis by wisblug Mn. Ham botter succeas viiblthe Gaait t han, thai vhieb, oventooli $o mnny of bis predeesors. Mn. Camnpbell may (for tLe present) reeivo th. tender cf or onagratulations *ml tb. good sale ho bus made, sad wvo Inu thîle ho la saisfieul et tLe honorable mauner in whieb Leobas effocteul II. Tii.iMusiciLu as tLe Mectanica' Balli on Tueýosy *ening, laitvaswu inavery 'aspect a deligbtful, musical trosit, sudsi t "eIl deaenved te h,.a great suecass. Thé hall vas ercvded 10 iteatumosI capaciy- and the gallery througed, aud many cf the. male spectators vere obligad-te conlani theulves with standing rocun. AU wOft ploed and deighted, In faut tho per. fruance cf tLe ladies and gentlemnen vît tock part in lime ententainunent migmi veli challenge criticism. No wondcr therehons the kiudly entbusiaum manifesuad hy thi audience. The programme conisted ci tvc paru., oaci part being introduced b1 the oplendid mualcal performances c« P'rofesern Miller, of Bewnuanville, ou tii piano. Mn. Meuriry, cf Bevunvillo, &&ni tLe paheticand patniotie song cf IlWba viii thay say uin glaud" ylua àmanunrti elitit the varmest anulacie. And bore res;ounudng plaudjlet, lIaiWotod 10er0on PTrofesàer lllar'a pe rnum th 'nîe Pianovas mme-of the Sbeaý*w'.ver hdrd., RHis aeceompaonuots-ýadded ntas utile to limé ch&Arctoel b igu,ýsoofeu'- tn éf"' iThe Prodig:l,,8 -'tii Lvori t ticus, a gmaud,-Wlîu, billiatito, sudd othor1 se1lections' could -acarcely bho * snrpuusd. Bnlf t ilvu as e Plie TeO performance vas-mest feu asud applauded ;bt*the aud'ience. Pov if any preaent conld Lave beard that deligilful cld air played viLh sncb harmony' efore. Bq gave teil vha Meeroegays et "The gir'. vhc gave te song-wh.t gold ccnld nover Meurs. Raner à Cela splendid iano- tle "iDominion Grand"l-served for tho occasion, and ih. splendid A4ose, grant pover, and flue qualilia sea a musicl in- strument, brought out s lby voe.by Professer Miller, eited gênerai admira- tIen. Anothor Lenutiful lutilinstrument,' a cominalion cf the ongan aid barmen. loin, Lelonging te Mn. LeIbkaanad* hrcught ie orequisition for the eccasîcu, vas mach admir ned ulfroun, ils nuwevu *o maule vas the' source cf machm com- ment. The eutertninment concluded vith lb. National Anîheni, which vas well mnder- el by ail ibm performers Speaking of tLe concert geueraily, il vasas vo bave said alreatly, -a grand succass. And, -doubileos, the fact tLat time Congregniional church vas ¶im.final churoh orecteul in tLe tewn, sud nt whicb many present b.d verahippéd, lu times put bh. fore Wbitbyl bd nu Ail Saint', n Saiut Audme's, naMibotodist, Baptisi, Roman Catbolie, or any of îLe splendid cbnrcim buildings which nov aderu tLe tovu, ho upe sunnl exicul added eonithe occasion le tLo very large gatimoingi Ta. SvissBEL.L RuxERaS, CoMier.- WHAav v"sREauceora PREW AuaS.-We cp>' lime follovirag exirnets fron long odi. icnial notices in varices religions papers cemplimeutar>' te îLe Alogbaniaus, Vocal lais andi Bell Playera, wie reiunel lion 'iboir Enzropaiun Tour a foin yacks since, andi are to appear lu thea Mecisuies' hall, on Thursda> evpuing, Nov. 12th. Thein ooucents are very pepular, anti alwnys ni- IoulaI b>' our besi citizen@, iucludiug thme clengy cf aIl denoninatieus. The Chriaia World, Loulou, Eug- land, Januan>' 1866, says -.-"No descrip- tion coild couve>' an aleqato ileof tLe charng pathos cd tua gnaat musicau The Congregafiomalisf, Setianti, says: -' 'They> bave not oui>' natonishual, but woen tho admiration ofi aIl car levers of sani etirriug music." -The Bey, Mn. Sporgoonsays t-.tuNo Luman longue comiti discourue more molli- gnus mai." Town Connei. riîLont going îirougL tLe programmin u Wiitby. Monda>' Evoning, etail: ni vo adi!jusi inteuded, e Suid vo Noveinbar 2, 1868.1 GC uatl am>' îirugh viti vLat ve bave te The Council mtaiaIticheusuaiLehur, anti av M. eMrty la sngin duttaihîe iambers, (vit thie exception cf 1>' Mm Mcunry isosan u a tu aCuptein Rove, sud Mn. Camupbel,) vere i rih Miss Garnis t' Wbat are the vilti préent. The ioilowiîmg ilas short aon- aies aaying,"' next i, The Quesn'as Let- miary' ofithe businests doue. Mn. Draper- er Itandin epl telon cele or neticeocf motion ton next meeting ho ne- tu un, an inrep>' e bl cîlsforanpeel iMarket by-haw. Conucil lu eoiumih-- s ucore, lim ai iamiug litho saong IlThe tee cf the viole, ou motion cf Mr. bMci- fa V ip poor-il." ,M. McMurîry lias a Ian, te coîmidar account of Mn. Couvuy, w for extmas ou accounit et drill ahed. Cen- I rIl tanel anud final> modulated vaice. mittea alter laugtboetid discussion repot-G lissinging,alvna acenrate audgod, bas cd in laver cf puyiug Couva>' $121,ou aC ach improvel sInehast vo iad tho vote cf 6 te 3.&.Cochrane, Draper, Camne-p ileaureof meaing u. .as niîl on, MeMillan, Hoiden andi Sucwî< ae;- dg plesur ofbeain bÏ. Lt nghtitAluin, Garnie anti PLilp, usy. - n the , rau excellant, antiloft scancel>' auyihing voefo r adopiton, Allin vohel vithb tLe as te le dasimil. Ho is ai immense addition yeas. The item et $65 lion irn u as the ji euh>'onea unden discussion. Au applica--tl te an> muisicl eniertaintunuof lest night's ion of Mr. Powell asking to Lave a drain escriptiona. Misa Gibbs sang 't Dovu îy nade, West of hie pramiees, on Dfndassl ie rversil," fio wiciou n ~ Street, was considonet lu committée. 81 therivr sde'e fte wbeb onan mooeCcumittae rose without doing asnythiug. bh tendonrlîtIe hallad offi"l'Il ail îLe A motion cf Mr. Gennie tuattho stricts 1 %as-ovr." She plie sang "10 nats nulimprovoments Cenmittec cf the North Wirl ho alowel te expeul, an additional1 or-c ýTbla appy Dayl,ansd being emcert sun cf $30, te comeouofe neal year's8 malu-la mluta 'littho âefil over"'; appropriation, imought, cut ahI tLe taleni aduot libîlMiss Gere- Ibu lie Star-' cf l.t councSil. ' Mn. IDraper-opposedth te 1 i' ý d'î -expenditue as bing' cotar>' tca& l pr- -ilt"anIdplay,'i J-tv' style i"Jacki calent. Hc vas ahvays opposol te special B'îot'a Gallep." ,Mise Gibbs, bas a ver apprepniatiotia. The estnalen for theC,4 mveei ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 vo'-au icnp'i" îiee i eianyear balbeen nal>d" 'maIe up,n eceivel pi-oved Lo*'iiuucimhonrsaetsciug- lav for tLe council of ibis yeur te sopeciai-' ing maIe lian'a 'favcnlie. vitm lb.au ionoeï.' 1>'appitopniato -thima ait 'of nz.-Mn. l jr _Hollauld1 sang "Beauti fat, 0iaves," 4Cochran.e raimoil a storin b>' accusin*g Mn. gir. ý, Gerie vitb clxpcuding mneuys in the "Ti> Voe l ear" sant ve. ceunie "NonfihWand wviheu6ti -consltiug Ltee timent sengs,- acquttlng ,imalf'ovoal lalui e ni .eMIbonuofthe coummitce, Ihat fi 'spent liton as te rOCelvo asneuCOre, invhg s elmatie ,other expeulitures vbicb .gave lie udiene lai a roaôii.'i ig'.ainen f gVeat issatisfaction te man>' cf îLe-rate sinal-lns" ~payera. Mn. MoMiliantooei a il b, lu sginsug ticii esGri brnuging Mr. Garnie le bockanul tielai-1 vileàs a ood veiêq, ntiuosacapitaJl rgentleman inlignauhl>' ropuluieltue apluemeeM'y>' anis confidence te leasw 'tecuaiona The, vasaIt of aIl asI v,-eciti of t M. Gerrie's motionanul 1h. axai>'bwôpotltens o,èlindI -soig, Iu the pss iaralte e h feiLmi lulta idi Mn. MMUorti>' asti M!ies i eoln in future pai, Ly the tresaur- ver>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o plalg>. Ma nks iaso uDis signal b>'e a ot eme meun- ber c et e omnuîle 5savolaes &le chair- mmiii apoplar faorite, v, us aime busmn eft«e hein oifermer occaieu, undeut- àA ligbt passage ai arma oceurti b.. si'l.star oethtce venlng. S"- sant , emayerna ýý ut M., 011àmion , 'Te thaï pull>' i goniog ?- ,m' mu' iigough ingumt of rdar. ,Mn., Cochrano appeal- ie la& MIna a r ILpi irougn ifnI gtel.coailvespotIb > ibandos et ppiaue. Ta ~ à;amajorll>' ant the laa's wdeciianf : 1 b" go' PP'W- b* diP'»g A lerva e necivet ron 1Mr. -Cochran, imasnd lllgs eor effi! uusorel ihelrfe n .P.0eitb!n$, niu von until aimé na~~~~iâs tuIion 'Ounccu iijuisrcie <au> deaeiueg tala by him'tbreutmbîLeneglocf ie cerpe , br Mearaffl. Tho;w0,flbakDQo id muei nation, iu net ke.pingtheir sîilîk0. oduhe al o g Bacf.. I» asr ne1t A resauhon cf M. rprlsrat Seffor,; -bat tic audience appe&W.cd4e a,- lu lb.elerli te ativetis fer 1teniders foer ~uroelne il aimpoos. e m fe $01 cthe dnill ase 1deheutùu simple Thea Oancil,*t munigbL,aI ILauu I'tg" alletI. lêcé Il vasu oti foriL. uuala'i, ilîb,' wathease alroady aote4 i tose col. im o f t enîy c f a, bât <rfominth 48ors.oQÇ Meus. Ttoweà Aovll. ue ibis cas, aotid :n. fev veeku ago; the irnhdjrybrnogbt lia n 1mb LIIfor oh- tainlng $400 fron Nicholas Duffin, ou, fnlse pretencea.' The parties, il appenmed, settled cut cf court, andby bave cf lb. Jidge,'noevOidouc vasoffoetiand aver. dict, cf Not Guilty recorded. againit, the, dbfendauî,in Ibis camefer man. asaglter. He vas coim1mitted for the murder of bis 'cbild, it willbe vecollectedn andl the proceedings hefore ltietagistraten given lu lies. colmua, ai ibe'ttsie'xciied seine attention. The jury returned a van- dict cf Not guilly. Mr. Wilson for defi. 7%c Queen vs. terouo-TLis vasthe case cf nîteumpt te commit abontion, bore- tefore ueîiéed In tlb. Csmommzoza. :From, tLe evidenco il appenred Ihat lime prisuner. vas a clark in Mm. -Gordan's store, nt Man. coster, sud t&bat the girl, vmo vas theo p ostr, resided nt Port Perny. Baving se bedler, lhe procumed the services cf Dr, Andrevap, cf Maiposa, in May lust, 'te affect thecrime; - but-tbîiiilleged eperaticu vas unUCsucasfa, id.tho -girl vas since, delivened cf a, child. Qénov vas found guilty and sentmnced te six monthe, yuLh iard labor. Mn. Wilson çoucul for pri-' soner. Dt. Andrews, Who vus indicted for the sune offonca.,hLad bis trial -put off, and vas comnitted te gaol, bail satimfaclory le, the Connty Â.ttrnuey, Mn.* Cochmane, being acceptable. Thme prisioner Las been ince cniarged, baviug procureti the requisite bail. James Ayles, iudictad lu the Oshaa manslaugbtucs,,'vasseuteuced la four menths in jail viti bard labor. The business bafoeeb Court couclnd- ad enrly ou Thursday morning. The Grand Jury made the flleing- ilieir onihs, present, lia lime>' bave dis. pooeti cf the business breughi hafore tien, nul tint îLe>' bave visitaI the Jail anti fbaud th saune dlean ant inl a coufertablo mtte. The Jurons have bornaI limaI dur. iug the 1mai ivelve o mniis, tome cf tic prisoners confinaI in tLe Juil have es- capol, andlhava examinel the Juil yard- tLe pince pointoil ont b>' Mr. Sprowhe, the Jaiion, viiere tLe sai! prisouars lit es- cap-andi finI the sane ion avery unsafe utahe, ou 'accoant oli bans or gratea.beiug placal on the outside of each vinlow, vih serves as a inîden for tLe pniionera te clumb ven tLe vaîl,- and- vonl recoun- meudtihat the propen au' 1 ority attend te thie sanie as:scens poss4the, lu orlon thai the smonemn> be mal. salle. Your Jurera voouid <uer rooommend that lu future, tb. JaulIeore ocaution, iy Dot aiiow. ing more tban oespiscuar at a lime ta go et liberty' in îLe jail yard. Youn Jarons loaru viii regret tial a priaouen bas benau aoye a trunaistlargo, ou acconi of net jiaving imoon receivel mbtc Jail b>' îLe .lnilon, îLe objection being thai a chiid accompaniedti he pisonen,. Youn Jurons ame net avare cf thme nature of tLe mlu ibtis monter, but sa vrong Lai beau dooe, vould mcommendti ttihe ai- teution cf tLe propent>' anîhonli>' hea liaI J.B. oPemu,ý Grandi Jury Booms, Ociober 28th, 1868. --4---- - Maina anti Rama Plougblng mlatch. Ou Tionada>' hast lime annual phougming match of lime Mura sud Rama agnicultural ;ctal>' îook piace on Mn. Jas. Maiony'a fam. about a mile * crm AlLen>'. Tic reathor was ail liai coulti b. iesireti. Thue jutîges vere, men's dlas-Mss.& Cia. Harnet A. Thoruhon, Orillia, anti Chao. Hcvf't, Atheri>'. Tic jutiges ex- iresseti their satisfaction ai the vork loue. A substautial, repaît vas preparel by Mn. Mahouy for tiejudgas, ploughmen anI tiair liieutis, wicit as doue ample nostice te, Tie follewing le ieseant cf Lhe mnathLi Meu's dais, wiihhbonses-Jag. Mabon>', lot; John Mars, 2nd.; Oliver Thouipson, mrd. Boy's chass, with ionses-D. McKenyîio, lat; JçhïLi MNulty, 2fi1 Jos. 1-Lee, 3nd. Mon'.s aë, witL ,oxen-D. McDouald, lai; Tics. MoNult>', 2n1; M. Baille>', Ird. Seaxian cevntGgc .uh Iteaer Greiani sruci arock gins- canling the Gallops RepIs yostori memning, nulvas viii difficulit>'run jute F.wdweiairg ha>', vîpre mie, souk. Nc livdâ vue@Icet. -Il la intendéd, ilmat li "Lord Bigin" 'simall couve>' telits destina- ion iba freigit mtli renainiug ou thi veecli at Elvnrdbngm, wheuce il ami b. farvarlal b>'tIL, "litàguet.14Tb, 9- Champicn" viii replace tlé."1Greian' spcn ~ id îL 1. Suas île Ab>'uimim Wan, (hner-0 Napair ba'is reiva ape:ago Mas ar et respet, et aigenercusntion.'Sine iii. Soutier.Boellion, General <Ivailu rcivole Lg1deal revards iii iho gift e Lis, grtfulcunn .An , rnovrovey msouedi invil' ote eprepriegors cf Ï1 Greaêt;ShsfuoaeeBRmedyi>' fr ,i.b>' a - Drugglate ____ "Tïe Marqes or Hertfor liwabi eVie bis vlali.e Bois de Builogue, vwii aome lK,000,006, te the Prince Impezio Prentice says lhi, if Boler la sc Ic tb ilBepeimn parti andi Porno>yI aS, h. o waaliso lime pari>'teshako] etnnlit applieci te hloge Impnovenieuta Inu o uecifny ntiImpemetaby -whilïîmanntal f aàber la dinilied an i aitthe sneîun tmo ýd' Stil lered mare productive. Andti t as an atdi Lot tonal, plaeurs te noie, besides-tboue fruits cf bt ineçbaical akili, and a representàliàl-loethlie 'Sm nons cultivatetilsm'îs as gave,: romni, -cf the',oi uohlel achievemients lnn hue te caule. Thé> ogpecle aliogeher ciearlylniicateti adiffualon D12 rimutuet ieketi coutnatfo et l in tie paut quarter Uf a century. cou01 i regret thaï; ciirenmomta shiehl eid nult veCl be COLttolloti, have thila ferprevoe ithi aniruiers lpeuiet- l' sdjnsl the dîfereuceg dcn boîvean this Province anti thst cf Quhbe. luisije y especl hdce ti udciii.antileuate o bmo-) ioçtobet »blvenileni, fro m eoilig on îlie thou asi aseneti tOent. I have,.hnvnver, geoul lins rnnds for hlei I oii xaiatf f Bm a cnuitsrelattive te hesamaltr. is il i sontly engage tloir attention, andltrusîto beabie te, Luil m'inneunce. ut an eanl>' day, the fntua ean of-cBe' Lbeir deliberaiions. It cives me nineb picasure- ta info eu, 01 c limat tii pelle>' adoptoti by -you turinc 1he 1aI ced Seosion vith respect te "$fra granti'," h&ubeen »<mcô 1 a grass niessume a muccesa, anti l X41 -nov - tb. fanimer enouragement cf celonizatîoit, lan- asu f er grittaf lantiatibaare nw athoimil b> lav maynualwvij;ely' ha madetie t ailer lit tovnsiuips vbaee ficoomldtrable portion of1the va snrfnce laBnt, eOU adepteti fer acinal cultiva-c lion. The poerxcf the. general anti local goveru montasheing concurrent, vith respect te imi- wvs gratian, lthaa beaou deanmod advislable ho bellite, a conieonce ant RaaItedevina the hast meaus cti ioreaslgng the flou ceta portion cfthe fe reduniunt population cf Europe.1th le Donuin-, j» ion. Bepresentatias cf- hrea cf the Local (loveruME'nta mol for ilmat purpose at Ottawa vii lîtgmt week. No positive deciahon luaiyct 3ien 1 amnîved a. it Voniti lieprenistire 10 anutcpa1lte the wiîat plauitcf action viiui ha b Alop * but I ntertains the hope cf boirig able hort> les le report to yen thitan vil organiZeti schene no, huabeau ugraad upon for the furtheranceocf Ibis ail important elject, in wvlich the people co cf Quluri fe 10sedeep an interagi, n ei A juxl panse cf eompiaintm Bast forth i liclIme frequent preieluont f grand juries, with respect te 1the tiatentian cf convies eand other frt lunacs lu the jais of ibis proviuce,, liast, Iauni Sec ield hou>y, lbeau remedieti b ilium rare al te the Bockvooti 'Asyluniautinigton, untier an arragement vittitheo rovenothe Do- 1he minion, -iieno tho>2vllno doubt recoite tie le. properatL i!clu ieutment bi)et luliedti e the r utilonnuite cndition. sec Amoudments hnnlime lav cf electien, aut vol t t a in tint wlîich relaies te lie iutipeitiane ocf tit the muàmbene of jour leuse, tige dis4ptisoil)g wili certain iitings antreoncf bte (ouni> aul Linunta andi Quai ter Sassions cf 1the Pcc, anti 16 the albolition cf Recordera courts ln Cillas-_ changes vIch vili 1 CatIf leasenth time hi- * ance ofjuners. anti dîmlnishvery eonmidarahly i6 the cmte anti oallay lu the administration ;ef justice, vithoni hmputlirl g is eitlcmealcy-'itnd ih modification cf the premessaW relaling 'te mines anti minerai.4, vitis view farier te on- courage the tievolopuient or ibis important sl m r e a f u r p r o v i n c i a l ve ul t h ,il v bt h o n o ng the nîcasuces i liât viilha snbmnittcd for yonr couisideratien. ,, h, i coii,nond te yen as objects imporaivelY eellg ffr yAur myuInputhy, the .ieef, dnmb anti Vi.li.idrTite neSà;,ty iot feit tor n public e inMiliutioi n 1tlij01cile Province l l !h ilh i oo ecLasses cf our teliov snljectil may reccuve sincb a cour,4e of instructioni as ,nill tou enleb amteliorate thair iat condition,,aitil rentier he rn et te sa ne lim e im ore useful w-muler ts î f Society. lt viii i. for yon t e ieiti iat messureoi relief abldîtbe exteret te tbLeui. au I anunot avold bringiîîg unden y-onr speciai en notice thosaie c or rprimons lah once lihe ne- cep.0eoc iem e hi.lardenet aoffender ati l tba bu nîovice lu crime, rouera!>' lintidiet together Di vithoul regard taele rclassificaion. Theig 1i.î'er cre! ougit net ti ha exposeti te it- ficelîces ccnlated te mille the td tipltlon te 01 rt-btrui vniiesgain ait liberty.Tie objiecin s te tige premeuit a mm!eila as.1i ore obvicus in the euse cf untriati prisoners vlo May net be te fc,îti gnitty cf Mie crime ton vimicL tL'.y are BK comnmitht. EBull niera lt Ildeu n e ecame ij eitlemnalca cfa likeecia,. Iracommeut oyen mtrûngrly îLe erectien et insitutions lu centrai $1 ilocalities, te viloli tit sentanced for pois eW, ilesçs thauit vo )jeans, may b. transierreti frin tige sni'routii ggolco, tea tiergro hm termi g of puim6ihment titier a systtet cf ugitidiscip-f hi hule analagoute 0tint oetenilentiaieam, e vliere thein mimer clin ibe ut?'ized tovartis d fr ryng the ceai cft-alr evu mainteuance. fi I sihahl direct the Publie A.-ennia, wvil the, , as-imates ton the contn u boa e alaid hefore yen, anti 1 have no doubl thathlîe appropria-li ftoi.s voteti duniug the lit Sogssion, viii ho fi fonuti ta have beau .xpeutied thus fan vith caro andi a tinoregard to ecouomy. 1 roi>' ou yonr readitiesi. te granl the supplies i .necenry for the. public service. F lu logîmlating on ail theso atidctîîer men- tires whieb have for iheir objeet the promo- l ien of the moral, iiielectcai andtiaerial il woli-belig cf the people cf thi@ prespe"ons 1 Province, yen iii Sund me evr wlling anti ,auixions te co.cparate vith yu-. F.njeying aF .constitntion franot, inut>' apy, lu acoordanco q vith our oxprosetu iis, which securea ,te ius le greal bocu f self goenuient, cc vimii vo are dai!>' hocomine more attacheti; vitit .ne bundtusome iaxation lu appreasâni%, sud fl Csiielded by the powenîn nation, vione history'- 1ant ilitions are jncgthy clienisheti b>'us, aut 1'te which vocoa utail thîn li ppet-aIfor protec- tionli the heur-cf danger. 4Jnuuio moy vol B exuli in the enjyejut; cf great anti siiigulin ýfatvauitaes. I Lot ns% trust, untien Goti't providence, ta ti l ur legislativo labors nia> cuuiiuce tg iLo Tua- à I, izatien ofigue poea, Jiapplueos ant conteit- niient ocar peuple." t Th. Attoruey-Gonenal foxmally iro.-i 'f lwiug parties, for vori loue on the, seVOr fad, as ,erLn»MmIssennerarepnt -John lau, $30, for vemk doue on silo ho eaI beiven lots 16 aid 17 , la Stb cou.; ou ic.Rcad1$30, for building plnl on Kinguteu woom4 i. front cf loti16-; Tos, Thomeuncu $40>,'Ïor vorli dose hoîvoan 'lots 10Oand 1ilà1*9tkcon.; TIcs. Young ML$0 for ýk '1âe beteen lots 4aul, i. iiCi 'cu'; do., $159 fer veék on' tii il!, 50, f r r doue ou île ,road1 voeun lots 14,aul 15, iu (IL cu,;' T. igain, $20, -for vonk doue in front cf -4 2-in 4i- con "Ja éds$9 .-ViPin~ lfront of-lois 32 sae,l3,,-in4th ;Jas. Geddes, $390, for"v'ork don. tic Brook'rend;, do., $380; 'for vorli ne, en rondbeivoon lots 32 'snd 33, lu con.ý; le'., $ '15, for nepnining founda- m-pl.ai0 uare'ekbridge ;' Calvin Di. %bam, $20, for stnaigbbeuuing lameél on emI reud'; Tlios, Rie éàrd,,*60, fer ra-- ldiog'abuients on Brock rond.; W. ýYes $85, fer building culvernl u a. rond; Jein Bye, $30, for fur 1niaiik Ian limier for'brid.ge ou 4tb -cou. lu bât of ý20 ; Jas: .Geddasî, -$121'.20, '.fOrt lding bidige onaide rond: bel vçen 14Y 111 in g2ud con., On motion cf Mnr. Panken tle hreurer su cîdere te psy hsase Palmer île -suun $0,foi *ork dé ou n ouae-lina.' - Ou motioof tMn. Wixsen, the troasurer sa ordemed te o Io.Burton- $12,25, cever disinrsements ndl py constabes es iu arresling and, eonveyliug' <nom Bey., inville te Whuîeale el pioer ebargeti iii arson. Mn. Gives gave nouaibai Lt e yull ni ineit meeting cf tbe coutcil tmeve, for' ave te intnolace a by-lav te taie off tie )i quarter cf Ict No. 19;,'M the 4tb n., frouin scicol, se ctiona No. , suLd au'. a time sauna te section 'lNo. 9;, mit mîso ke the menti inif oet-loI No. 6 iu Sth con. 'On iection No. 9nul annoxtic saune 10 Sticu No. 5. Mr. Wixson gave notice thal bo vWilI 'aI li nxt meeting cf lie Conuicil Movée1fer Sve te introducea nby-lnv 'te aller uchoci !tion Ne. 6 eui, Ly adding tic vicia cf ae said sectien te section No. 5, excal ei seuiL quartera of lcts 117 12 -nl 13, ad the south halvas cf lots 14,15,nl 6, lu the 3rd concession. The ceancil %ben adjoumnel until the 6ti day cf November. Wnltiy Township Caujiclle Broolilin, Ocicone, 26, 1868. AIl tbe members present; the reevo lu be chair. The reeve presontod nd rend the cierk's ertificate, certifying tint a majenit>' of li votens bad apprevel cf tLe raiîvay Mfr. Spears mioven, secondaI by Mn. nuilis, tintthe ree Le sud la hereb>' ubomrisel te grant bis orden on tie ires- iran iu favor'cf the undermentionet par- ies : -Timotby Fier, as par orlon Davidi 'eiong, for vork on' Brook rend, $150; Jopbau k&Rebierhs, for icîhs andi fixings )n tvo bridges-and 100 foot timber for do. m per acot, $29.50; Thomas White. for eaming six deys on bridges, $18; JToseph lem pî, ton tinys wcrk ou bridiges, $12.50; loba Gibbs, ted days vonli on bridges, e12 50; Riîchard Campiu, for 1Si Inys 'rIek on bridges, $22.50; Jein 'Oldfiold, gading 146 rods road nul cntting dcvii, U11 on side-road, Leivoan lets-No. 24 anti Z5, 4iL con., $166;- James -Dun3can,- 160 elt juber for bridge vest cf Bokliu, 11l.50; Lob, Fink, -160 <cal> timhber fer bidge on 4tb con.,811.40 ;L. M.' Thomas, ron lampu nul mb, $1.92; Harrison .& [aockinu, 1171 foot of lumber deliverel ii te mouti cf Jal>' aud August, $10* 70-- 'eoo ndtiWarren, umédical attendance sud mediciuo fer four indigent pensons in '67 inI '68e $30. Mn. Spena moyeu, secondel 'k Mn. Fitoer hetthe reeve be nllim ereby re- Luired ie grani bis erder ou tic treasurer in <aven et Mn. John Willis fer tliem cf $15 ieimg lie amount oxpendel b>' uim for support cf Widov Flamning nlfa. 1>', froun Su Jnly ho 26ii Oct. Mr. Dryden moyeu, seconded b>'Mn. iilis, tiai a funthn -suin cf $15 bc ap. urepniateti tovards cnîhing lova vimal it termaI as oes h ill," nuldliaI vhi Jchu Shiox, counmmicoer, sall aîiae.cei. tified o e econipletion of limeoeiginsl çoutiaet, the reevc Le iereby requirel hc grant bis order con he treasurier -for lb smn of $150 in laver ;of Benjamin Tripp, Willis, dih lte hy-lair t a lse.mc flfteeu bnndretidolla'ate ho given as bous for te, ceâatuctlon cf île Pc Wbithy- sd Port Penny Eallwaybe no nom? a -tird tune and- pssudati l -ragve igu tihesune andi affix Ibaieûali -the corporatÏon teeo baudsoeun Forty lx Ready.' manifesta verses <clk But vait Au, Whooe A' oono Bu if voI For'ti lo >A n' for z pur bme, bibi [lie second erize "Y est ilt feelinghvas e vian tie Ive 'iltg micht - euew Jute, '.- 3is iut.1 finie, ce The Laie Arclibighep cf Canterbury'. 'The telegmaplîlo repert by ile Àilnu cable informas us of tîL e atL cf the'Prim- aie cf ail EngluinI, on lb.- 28ti' insi., at > ie advanedd ageocf 74 yaars. Dr. Lcng- loy suceededti o thcSec cf Canterbu,imn,l ,the yaar 1862, ou th. bau c f Ancimiisop Sumner, 'vie baI for mny yeans bell lie high office cf Primate cf ail Bugla ;- Be vas the sou of te 'ite John L eng 1 Esq., Recorder of-Rociestmr, muid vas,!xoru Au iat Citin tuhle yer 1794;At s'-very earl>' age -be evincol a desir o-oton the oebcil dering,. is scicol laye vas ntail for bhis idusty and application. At Westminster sobool, bis name vill long io renembael yuL hpleauüreaul pnîidc, nul Most iorngil> did lenlfdtLe expecta- tionitof bis luter, 'v*Iaas ho- inde-imbhi "igool bye ou Lis laepanlure te -Christ Cbumcm Coîhege, Oxford, ëeriel limai "iCLarIes vould be sacre to umke-bis vay' At Oxford 1fr., Longley ' agai'n disîingused Limmîf nd ioek a Iiias u.i'chassies. Aliter aking bis degrea, fer somne lime Le devotat biniseif (o île dry, hahorious work etf s cohiege inter or, tcoaci';nul, mare tia n e clergyman -of the, cburcim ever vhich ho presîdd,,la to-day a livIng vi- - douce cf bis indefatigable seal à9 as uii siructon. _Ho vas alitervards appointe d Causer, -anti PublicexBamineL 'Iu the- yea 1823, hLe bein ig 29 yèeof -'ea Mn. Longlo>' vas appeintel te'*thm e petual curacy f Covey', a litîle villge ual fan f<m mOxfrd, abers ho remninat 'for four yoara. Lithe it b,'vileea. cf imai insignificani a adronun bl e voulti, vithin &ajev yeas, andl vilo stilll'ia the prime e týanheot, nîtain te lb. n ank of ,Bisiep. -Yet, 50 h vwas. Iu 1827, 1ho sbire, and tioncefonvard bis progmeas va oxeadiQglyrTapid. - 14 1829, hl asu p- peintel bondmaster of-Baa'revSeboli a' poition uevoraccnpied by any but frai clan F nsu. Hors enominel ouIl 1836, vhon L lue vasconsecratid the firsI Bîiuop cf Ripon. l-,For ivent>' yoans hb,>bell liat office, outit, 'là 18566,on the 'roignatieu cf Dr. MNlîtiho ewus îansîated le Durhmam. Bae li e romainel' only-four '-y rsfor, Opon thb -deami cf Archbbicp mosgnave in 1860, b. becae Ânýcbbisbop etf cnk. lu 1862, as befone inentienél, Ancbbisimop' -Sumnen. ied,.and Dr. .Lougloy vas op- pointeIim i. -sucesuor. ,As &icibiaicp cf CJanterbury anti Lord 'Primate:cf al Bung- Ianndtbe rîht revsrend dibeossl blhaleb fclloving, offs -Visiter ef AUl Soult Menton -Celleges, Oxford; aise f Harrcv r Scimool, Duîvici- College, oulnou; _Viailor r aniSU~ orc St igusiian Cle àCanterbury-, Patcon o . Lng's College, Neya 'Scotin;' Govern'or-cof the Charter Huenl'a'i1'tiucipal. Truste. cf the -British Mueum. -'!fTbq.msplaof the anuai -value cf £16,000 sterling. aud the patron- Ë* econsIsta' cf 177 livings.-DN. -Laigley- B asn'etoinlya nman of rare classýil at- -tainuneuts, Lut vas aIse pessmed cf sounil d practicai, geel senne. Tieme vas notliug 0 cf thie pelant or "beoki vonn" a .1>ut i., le anul bose dignitanios of the Canadian' andi )9Amenican Chutai vie stoudel lime Coun- ýe cil ,l nfi eon lant ye r vere ail m ac k im - "rssa vith tme connes>' an saunti-jidg- mntul vili vire-mieLp.rpomineut 'feaure& rin-tiec.baracter-ef tic Ancibhp. The 7Y preseut Archbiahep cf York, wv i vIro-, W bail>' succeeltlethie' vacant see, la tho 13 Moi Revoraul Dr. Thmson. He vau l'i Lorni'181p,vaà'edueiicî atîShrewsbury 'Scicol and ti iQéu Cohioge, Oxford, -bIcame ýBiébon fGeà*7à"ns Osêverai e' loquent . Tuesd mn the Duli Ig set ontý ns timeMwo Ir. e rile ï )tRepubli Sird oe of , ,- - "nom fan te 1 t trelai; T. t+iev-xr D. I. Morris, Ni 'York. W. Hoyl route: A. San, TDTains, (> hnoal ;. J. Bir 'Woeishok;A Fià,Oct. Moeiai, Nos NeuicaOli; L. 'Wright, Prince. oniito;(/ ILNoble,Tae G. Waldren, Ag caile ; -John C -,Thioms, Broks!i J. . e=lo Pomrey, St. Mat Tuida>'. OcL Jte[leviie r -Ezra Allen. Madocý C Meoise, Bpciicsei Msrkbam - 8. BO. latin; M. i. ebl ls'ide; A,. Hoo& Penn, do.; fHenry bcoti; R. Inrin, 1 "MOtaLlrd.>'. OeL a * Bowmsànvihe; à. do.; Mr. havie, Cie! bv. Toronto, itIr. B.,tmas. u, 1; Taaedîy, Ne'.i Idoatrma; P. ini Aiea. BelL Moi7tre bridge - ThwPs E- itum -l!. oe -La bylonreu Spring do. Banc>. ... BRye .. Porki Tnmkeys.... Cordvood.. Vz reat una ThLursdaý 8~Neoro >-W*Mi-t i f ore aun 'ion biutrati antid -Wouht n)ov ne anboya.> TheBoltaut marutictnred -4'Centâ, fer sala Stoire, Conme .h.M. BOUx,u, '*Nov. t, 181 'TOWN ý to the same. ti 01

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