.MUSICALE1 WILL BC GIVE1XAt TEE MECHANICS' HLLI wrru'r, on Tuosiday ev'g INov. 8r4, 1868, e :aof thtiseContertiessal Cisreis 11us.. Ilo rliowlug hlent 0s boum soolrod Mr ?tise oefuaiois profesasir Mflletf ronui , Imnvllls W. J, 740Murtry, fre1om sssvlh is 3ltbs, or Neow York; Mr. Iais. !ooso Tiscee yul be assîsteel by tir able *ni&- MM sse.Rine? &Ce. haie lhà nly gi'anted the useo oitheir IlDoininlenP i Pl,"for tise epocoit. 'Caida of actsiuilon 25 cents acneis; an bu hl ue! tise aor i essia. L. AllIi, J. R. Gerrie, sud Wm. Bumae. A slect progrmme ls le course cof prepra- l'eOns sud WIllofplear seit wceir. Deors opoen ut 7afpia o à ctk. Concert te commuence at b, precialy. - COD BAVE TIuE QUEENI1 Wlltbyt Out. 21, 1868. 42 WANTEI) nb RENT A byAddr1101189,witlu grdon, lis wlit- BOX 1580 42 Wilthy, Ot. 21, 1869. SHEEP STRAYED.' OTRAURD rom tiseprenilos #)f tise Iste S Mr. John $Ides, lot go. 5, Is tise ft coi- cmnesien etIikring, IWENTI .TWO SliliEP. Miyperamen rettarps ng, or givig suais Inter. moin aa wiil lesel ta tisir recovery. wilil Fe ststssbly rewarded. If found lnlu ay persen'.l casstcndyp alLer tis adte,ftiacy wiii bc prose *ttd. ]Pickering, Oct. 21, 1869. 5u4 BA&VE TouR Wood & Coal, Draw fthe foui -air and obnozions iuagsa rom yoiir kiwtlenus, sd ties meli orcooklng rosi tie Ateve, by uiaiig larnos's Patent Draught Re- gulator and Vontilator. rI19 ioy Pi p e wlll b, foin-A great .ariiso T lu fiiel-wil i cisse tise sbsve to a eli tise liet, os ccci dnwi, If reurd-wil sPaye tisa tx pesîse or' klisilissg yw05o, ssssd tise trouble.cf ligîssîg a tia lice viii remain ail sight, gii oss siithe 1sait<ite!.Taise it altostiser, It la tise sdi tatcicissicsinalausi tlDias ends- aga for ikltcuaii, iuricr, sisi tsi-rs.,sniisslees, tltit so a ss I)leet lsvetted. i4ee îertisssessissls JO iilite T-srste P.siiy ousescf tise 200j. vuar -' - uglitiswili sPoila' itirosInlua 5kw dity, 0us-I if 'tis aba iv t is,es ! ss0.A gile ontîra sstitis.- lutuen, we %'Ili relviue It wtisettChsa rge. Oliaers .Joet 31 r. lsek's isotel, or et tise 1'risitifisg Ofiiers, wili I!i ronstiy ttesidlei te. 10 The. jrice o! titis isîovaluablo lisatras- ment la osly $1, or $1,2A vison put ui) for ycu, 014si iipay f14r Ibisl i oUueatiss a mentIs. -N. 1.-Towi sud Titvnaiip riglstus for salie, ApIîly tO - a à r1- W glt'lsli otel, %Wbitis Ti. fsjlowiug parties; lis Whiitby and nucirîs- icsiiriees, te wlnin refresce hotsî bopu sVer- sîittuai, lia.tie 01R1eglllatcrs Inliune. A Wilsost,, (sime ien; lia iS, fariner; lMr. .1. yssest, l'r. 'ssLussss I ily; iir. Jit)ll ;atoieli, Nir. 111 tIsrraM. J siislBliaec 5*u4yly Fritkolé ule I)r. (Iiis. (tisysir,) >7 J. ýëd ilM. (0. Dssa l.lsstissiig, Isercisasst Distisi'.Crack, tir. J. F. Tsru insrelisatt sufilisCrack.' Tor, W lily, Oct. 21. 1 sas. 'is NO0TI1C'Ea N OTICE la liere'igvcn tisaS application wii ho mode ts tise I'AsaLsiagtr or' CsAisAP, eaStils iext flelesn, for u Act ta lut- eorpersto e t INIONbhsa. WILLIAM MULOCK, &SZo, ion fur icnt. Wlisitty, Ot. lsth, 1811 . 42 NO0T ICE TO TI'E CONTRACTORS. T îleot fsossrl esae rpr te lotennoi- -rassîled i>*isedas rrustk Ruiiway, iltMIi t 4 ti Il b at wee ,n Ki l gstotis m4i Trontw. 1Par, ,,Coi dsssircu« ooutrctlng vii jlease aisirea.4 fisc uisderaigsei, wvise vilfifsrsaiaiî fili srtico. lin, Y. & R. o'NEILL. Posrt Ihop et, Oct. Stî, 88. lss-' BOARDERS. n'NEO08 TWO QENTLiSl'EN CAN BC %J accomnssiatod vitis ao:nfertable boatrd lu sajris'te tomil. Enquîlre t tise ofe !thiispiper. Wlitby, Oct.10, 1808. tf-42. Bull Strayed!1 ASSIALL1 TWO.YEAR OU) BULL cae lmlbotisr1 ns1o0ts nbeie Lot tts,.153ou4is ieltesss 'ctr Issg. Tlisa ovuor lt irqnc.-tud te prove pro. îîî1, 1 eps olpeisîio, susdtisIiksMmaswuy, otîer, v I isse ls ibo soie! ccorli 1isg to law. JIENUT tGORDON. P1oIcitring, Oct. 19, 1868. *in42. Auction Salel FA1UD1 STOCKel * f - IMPLEMENT8,&o i. o. S'1JII E UNDEICI8GNEI lias ecelsed lnstruo. i. ~ .5.tiovsatu osierfAir soineby publie aonction, vsleon è nYDENIIAM YARMb, Pert Osaba, on ~~tcW s EDNEBDAY9 Nov. 4, 1888, issu ; i Tiié fooint valusabie psePortY beionging te 'Inn- Me TIIOMAS GUY, rail 2 liesses, ausâd , reedicg mare, lns foui ; if Assre, 7 yara ciel, by 'I11eiomesscsts, 1 cet, 8 I;D. years oid by' Illýiglilsmsd (isie',; 1 colt, 2 >ra, 11.11. éli, býý' 'roiett' ; 1 auckîiig colt, b> Comet; 'ion; Theire bred Itonattle .-1 2yeiir oh De- LII, vons bull-; I Dev'on bull calt; 3aiDevon cowa, miss ful<nl ra,nitisfinse condiition5, moule of witicls mb. ~teck laStîrize t Coutty Fr.r; 2 Due-: 1. roo voieu ieik-rs' 1 IDevon bote'r gomit;-1> osrling W. - buil hyr'slru, full broil; 1 Ayroisire eow, ful sTl- breu, îsea rYcai'sg;- 1 Ayrallreocal!, Sulilired - lies'.2 graide steen., 2 yro. oia; 1 yeirtiiug aeer; uigodrasiL'cesler; 10 Yearlinsg ram%, Loi- -- Cet r;. 8romîniamba; 12 Leicester liv..; 18 Leicester ove lombao. Andoverai otiser arti- - ~.~ull o ume sieu o itlf:thé cseoule. Tise fdiurse ftise Ternip erop, andise Dur. Oity Of othor !oud compu l mu toauui, ceos quogitjIore v iDo resne reonou aytiing 38. dvert d Tise SiOep are Salli bsid lcterasud 010 F 0viii i ng à agnoe iaem, or choicesR;06, - iAnd tis sa good eppertuusiby. ta.sle te ommueuat 1 o'lock, p.ns. Lanch - TEllES 0Fr SALE i-Al sRumbAtaSsud utsdur $10, cusis, 0Vr#Sti5s osi n etls ere- tlviiW -given, by parties fnralisilS OP. Lot Pos'd ISsU-iil4i'et f nons di>' o!famies f not para visen-it. SJC51n, 1mit Wlbby, Oct. 19, 1860 Auctieuces.1 p I i I I I I 's I i o a u I c 16 MC ow F OR THE BENEFIT OF INTENDING BIYER$. Where -tan, thosee Beautiful Al.wool Empress - Cloti iîW aU the- different colorq be got? AT DOMINON WÀRIZROOMS., Where ean French Meri-nos, l in l céolors, -be--had -AnlÉst in i. AT DOMINION WARBROOMEL Where oau the boeat seleetion of Dress Goode i n the County bc Lad?1 AT fDOMINION< WAIIROOMS. Where can the niost Fa;hionable Dresa Trimminge be purchased ? AT DOMINION WAREIIOOMS. Where can a Splendid Silk ve1tet Mantde be had? AT DOMINION WAUEROOMS. Wlicre can Velveteen Mantles, or any kind of Mantle -of the Latest Style bu lsad ? AT DOMINION WAREROOMS. Wlîere can the most Fafshionablo Millinery ia the County bc had ? AT DOMINION WAREIIOOMS. Wherc m. n a Ileavy Bouver Overcoat bu had? AT DOMINION WAREILOOMS. Wliere cau a suit of Clothes bc got up most stylish ? AT DOMINION WAREROOMS. Whts tore bas the larizest selection of 811k Mixtnres, Tweeds,&. -DOMINION WAREXUOOMS. What store-his the boit. selection et Whitnoys, Melton, Beaver, and Pilot Cloths ? DOMINION WARETlOOMS. Whcre eau every kind ofLight ori I{oavy Mantle Clotho be bal? AT DOMINION WAREUOOMS. Wlicrecvin Crosbey's Tapestry Carpete, t&o., bc geL ? AT DOMINION WAI1ER0O3IS. Wlsorecitfl Al- wool ansd Union Carpets bo Lad ? - AT DOMINION WALIEIOOMS. -Whcrccan the largest sclectioîs of Dry Gods, Millinery, Rendy-îîîade Clotlsitg, Uroceriesï dttc., be had ? AT DOMEKION WAREROO1-S. Whisby,, Oct. 210t, 1868. 42 s - s E - a - a o S' 1< 3 Pi o au S' O (1> (5> 3 a LOWES & POWELL, o M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lande n*hoff's IREADIN GS. r lIE ComsnItteeo f tIse bMchaiws Inatilute iinuour.ce tist ttho, es'a'.aecurce! lise irsilees o! tir. :Georg neuieff, fer tise Baturday, 24th of OCtobor, At tIse lial of theo le*leInatitule. Uild- ops frein Sisaskspere, Dickens, tood, Tistk- sr, assd otisera. Sec pirogrammsle. lsons opon st 7.80; ta conmmeuse at8.80. Adiiason 25 cents. Wliitby, Oct. 21, 1809. - 42 TEACHER WANTEI) WAN TFD--a firet-clngs Normal Sbehel- Certiflesalci male Ta',ehcr, fnr aeis<oil sleeion No. 51 Pickerinîg, se c-mmeucee1lat Jsautnsry, 118. Salasl ilserai, ta a cvnspet4,st alise! auitille 5'erhies. Ap;sly, coing Teatimonisdas, te NICISON CflAICA, tTrusteca. or D>ANIEL McBHAlfl, AUDLET P. 0. Oetaber 20, 18618. ain-42 HEIFER S1'IIY EDO ~TRA YED, on tIhe dity of the County Fair, ' stve-yiar li ilef er-large <for lier tige- vi ite oe-eoiis to theue idrsigssed. Au11Y perasis retiirissig ler, or g'viliglîtf'srma- tioss as 1 lier wlisruabouta, vilii ie suitabi> rovarice!. Octoher 2101t, 1868. j'As. I. DAVIPSOýN, Asscx11 0O C. A. JONES, Darrlter, Solicitor lu Chanccry, Atm feraey, &o., &ce JîIns remoe'i-,IKi.Office Wta laSIoor ovor tise OstAuo IBANK. W itby, 06. 7, 180.- 40 TO OUR PATRONS. T HF dlamtrouas Iire wiich destroyed Our lVorkmb, necesuitateo.oursking sine- tuate paynsasut of al notesandoui t is sts îiai are nov puat due, te id ns lu re.isulîisgtise samnu. a prompt neaponne viii ise semasory. BROWN & PATTJON. Whiltby, oct. 7, 1868. 40 ROSS, L&UDER & MULOCE, liarrlaters and Attornecy*# SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE.-Magotic Ishall, Toronto treet, Toronto, anilMueMllin'ss IBlock. edjelinie l'r. Iloldenis.Ufiee, i3reck at., Wlitby, Ontario. lIO. . OUq.0.A. W.@LAUDEM. Mi.XLOOK. Whtby, Oct. 14, 1868. 41 LIFE ,ASSOCIATION aC)oTLANDD. A.auraecdl in Force, £7,OOOOO,SBtg. Assumai Revenu., -a m»,ooo,64. Acecmuiateil Fonds, i£p,200,OO," Attention fn dîreewtedt the svaltlabe ten jutra tenlerfalnulre plan ef thia Compsily. Vîrculra witis (ssii partiaulars, nsay b bue of tise ageul. C. A. ZONqEs, SuOsWTOR, Wasrsr. Octeber 12, 1818. 41 ENCOURAGE- CÂNADIAN GENIUS! The' Greatest Labor-sa'viug Machine of the Day! To the Ladies of Whitby and Couuty of Ontario!I The New Dominion team IVrshing iMachine 1 Can b. used ln any Boler! Only Four Dollars. I MilS MACHINE operatea upon pnrely 1 ciestitlc prsscipiex. It i s s etisijr andi dio;penses estirely witisilabsr îand tise wear or cictises. Tise ihot aisss asîst sesis, by tise ac- tion of fire, are driveis upl titro' tis amtsubers, potsrn'i sîposi tise cloites, SAs~ foreed tisrotîgn tise far'ic witis iatotsisiitsgrapidity, cicalississg it îserfectiî witisost rssbbing. It hsue been tltorougilly tcited, and prosotitssecd utsteîstsiid asq a eivtiseswsssisor by thioe who nase tuseil it, Alil <jbrii, Irotnstise fliffs9t laces te tise best blastiketis, eau lie wsss'ised paricetly and i'ltis catie, witlsout tise wasboard. For flannelA it in issvsluable,sitise ruisbiug. soiliig and preaiig proctosa muasr.ecesairiiy rfullitisent more or ls. 15 la S3rly a labor and clotltess saviisg inventlions. Wallug uili no longer Ise a Itardahi p, anud wamhissg day a terrer alsd dresvl te fsouslewives; Thse invention eau bc uaaod ln Assy bolier2 ansd the low price of tise article, $4. laceas t witblu tise reaeh of eîser- ismiiy .T ii;acahine issaboeesitriedsutd thoruugbly t eaqted by difféent partie., frein wisoss teatimotils isavc beau recuiveel. TEl'TIDIONIALI8 l'iro. L. Ilouck, bira. Jasç. ilsmlos, hMs.. W. Hl. Ilirgint, Mrs. IL. J. bileedoiseîl, Mosà . J. IL. Oresswocid, 'iris. M. O'Donovas, à Mms. hM. R. Cochsrante, Mrsq. Jas. Byrnie, lira. J. Il. 1erry, ia. L. Fairbanks, lira. J. Agsîcw, 1m. iS. IL. Cochtranse, l'ra. M. Hatrper, Mr.. Dr. Eastwood, Mrà s. E. Cisîduceli, lira. Coult- CAUTION. Al ilcliels amade or aold is the Costisty of Onutario assd Durhsams must hâave tIse prozriil- tor' atansp, beriag date ol Ipaent and is isnitials oitLise bottons, as3cich ausd every !il- fsiîsgemcit wsll be proecited te tue full ex lent of tise law. Il. PEDLAIR, ouliawss, soie Agent for tise manufacturé andl aale ln tise Coutity o! Ontario and Durhamn. 0slsawa, Sept. U, 1868. 88 NOTI CE!1 TMEuudersigned effera for sasle tise folow. TlIng valuable FAIIM LANSDt, riz- 12 uacrea, hcing jart ef lot No. 11, lu tise fourtis onoasils lof t se TOWNSHIP' of PICKERING, Il, tise (OUNTY OF ONTrARIO, sud 20W scres, sdjoinisg on tlisarear or tise bir ecots- cession ut if'asldTewnship. 80 acres of sisi liani are ciessr. Tisons are anitabie building., and a goed yonnig Orelsard on thse prem!i"*. For ermea pply (Il by ltter, poat-psid,) J. HABER GREENWOOD, .SeLîCIt, &C, Wusvar, Oxi. W hitby, Clet. 14, 186M. 4in.41 Wanted Immediately. A FIIMT-CLASS Dinlnz-room girl; aiae a gced Cbamisr-nsaid. 'Apply te, SIRE. 1D. KENT# Witby, Oot. 7, leu# 4 SI'RAYED - S TRAYED lntc, tise remises ofthtie st- 0scriber, TWO BREEF. Thse ewner eau have tisanse by provicg property and palng expuiaes - Wu. JEFFREY, wVitisy, oct. 14, 1868. di Ma I.- 7 dw--a w T 1E ROYAL HOTEL ia now fItjWed ip jiktle best order for the reception of guss very-.aUention paid to travellers,: and convenient apartments provided. for Commercial travellers for the display of ods. Ot-The rouent alterations made in the promiïes, render the reoms ightse, healthy, and conitortable. The table supýlied witb everytliing in seasien, and the charge as moderato as any ether hotel iin towîî. Cz- Roomy Stabling, Sheds, ansd eaclosed yard rooni for farinors' tourna, Wiitby, Ont., Oct. 21, 1868. KENT & WALKF.R. WB BEG TO INTIMATE TIIAT OUlI las now complote, coxnpriSuflg an e.KtenBive aecortmncnt Or Fanoy &$taple Dry Coodsî, MILLINEILY & MANTLES, AT YEIIY LOW PRICES. Black 511ki, Colorci Sis:. Fancy Dram. StufYsi, FrenchIs erinoca, Mll sool Reps, Winctsyo, Buttons,4 Triminings, ilibbons, Laces, Feathers, Velvetss, Vrcîvet IRibisen, New Blankets, Fianncia, isiantle«, Balmoral Siirîs, Breakfast Sîsawîs, W%1o01 Scsrfs, White Cotton, Grey do. Prints, Linings, Black Broai Clotho, Black Doees n, Si1k lixed Costingu, Scotch Tweeds, Canadian Tweeds, île-tas and Caps, Neck Tics snd Cellare, ];rsccs, Umbreilai., Cotton Tickq, Stripe llagsîans, Tcswellitsgiq, Shoctings, coods, fAl Ita ssortmcunt of fealy-made Clothing Clothing madie to order. gj', Faîriy best Brands. G roccries andi Ljiquors HIAMILTON of the & CO. Whitby, -Septembcr 30, 1868. JNO. TILL & 0Co, Wonld respectfnlly eall attention te, their large Stock of FurDi- ture and Cabinet Ware ; ail oie the newèst stylei and design. An examination of their FIRST-CbA.SS STOCK, iwil1 warrant them in saying'that thcre is nono supetior là i the Dominion. 07e Upliolstering of ail kinds, and work guarauteed to bc exeeuted in a superior manner. f-Particular attention their NEW SPRING MATTPRASSES. the1 is requested O;"Funerals"FuIIy'Supp lied. Ç 4ash for anyq Whitby, Sept. 9, 1868. quantity of FEATIJERS. JNO. T IL & MO -Caldwell'à Brick Block. Of the BEST QVAI4TY and la and Wiuter'Taade, which wiil bei Ozl ens' cal!, Kip, aind cow c> M ies 't & C indrens' Boo ts & Sho o. 48u azrGenIennsEngIis Laéeand, Elas- tBootsL FELT OVERSHOES, ail1sizes. 'Ladies' ttndGents' Best 8S-wed arid Pe-g-'I M.1 Work made to orde r by. CASTLE FOI. Reais ihly. executed-i,,Rléeinenibethej stand-next door,,--North- of Royal 1(ianadiau Bank, . Mc>Mflan's Block, 13±ock-st.. Whit6. bY H enry's, Rif le Cartridges IFOR ÂS=, VERT OHEÂP. - R. .J. YARNOLD, Whitby, Septembeir; 2dc11 1868. 35 BOOTS & .0-H«;OE Si 0fthe Right -ri~t, dnd makeq B EGS to iniform bis friends and cêustomeêr; that lie bas toceir- ed a very large stock of Fail & Winter Boots & Shoosg 0F THE BEST STYLE AND MAKE. Also on hand a large Stock of HOME-ADE Boots and Shoes whieh cannoe bc surpassed for quality or prices., W~ Ail Orders punetually attended to. Uepairs neatly done. Remember the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreal, Brock Street, Whitby. GENTLEMEN'S -TAILO RING AND FUR-NISHING IIOIJSE, ALEXANDER PRINGL-E Takes leavFe ?espectfaliy to inform biés frints and patrons, that hie Stock of W INTER CLOTHO, P.gla now very complèe, and of the very boit quaiity, and that ho, is prepared te, make up with dis- pateh, and in the luteit styles Gentlemen's Garmeate, Gentlemen's Furnisbing Goods. of every description, embreing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &c., &e, orf Ã"FIT NO PAY 1 Brock st., Whitby, Sept. 10, 1868. Enlargement of Fremi"ses, INCREASE of STOCK@ TH1E Subscriber would respectfully annotince to bis bld eus- tomera, and the publie generally, that, having enlarged bis Stre to double its former size, ho is, in consequerice, afforddd room te shb*& îlsis season a Stock twice as largeo-as hoe lais over oflered before of Box, Parlor & oook ing Stoves, Dumb £Stoves, Coal Stoves, AgricultturaI. Furuaces-, Cisteru I'unips, Bransi and Ehianelled Prescrive Kettisu Tinware of every description, Childrenà ' Cai'riages, &c.,;,&_-, together -with the other Ccsoing Stoves, will be foiînd the CELEB1ZATED ARIMSTRONG, and the GENUYINE IRON DURE STOVES, whicii eau only be purchasçd ln this town, à t bis store. Eave-troughing- and Job Work protnptly attended to. Any quantity of. good Cordwood taken in exchange. Wlsitby, Sept. 22, 1868, W'M. ]BRYANq HATC & BROC Beg to eall attention of persons requiring Cooking, Parlor1 - and. Box Storeste thoir new patterns, 1-Wbich they are offerung at e-zcoedingiy Iow price. Steve Pipesý, -EfiowS, &c., aise Match'. Patent Dunsb Stoves. -.&B. having ,enlsrged their premisesl. have aded largely te their former Stock, inaking eue of the lrgst sud boit-aasrtd Stocks Wa the Connty. - TO BLACK$M ITHS-A 6Ooda à sOrtnýilt of the bet branda ofîIren, Steé el,&tOs iG o i nd, lfa i-t iwIdeSusuly paU for a mueh' laferler quflhtfl ai ose ir.nIla, rsp, filel, boitâ.iprngo, bc. -Coal O0il and Lamps, eheaper tlmit the cheapest, CéaIl, 0il -0 ly J 35 cents pergSIul. - TO PITRË-ais nglish grouud lead,. Euglish boiled and raw-011, veryIw sscortment. z Note the fact-st Wbtîtby, $opt., 1868. aOU Byl Sept., 1868. iB.ly CURE, 0r CONSUCMPTION! conspiebed fit my pcrron, fIbo pu Gea dsda dfb.epretssrasng large jnSulesu4 maeser. adameal8 a blmyleflAiog. I1 omil an d'betuceen sIte a&g c a"a 9s msistss i, uwelilas l'y thi Jsafappl .twuago Te-- duced'tissu c.suld lriy aansialie.JWaouundef fIhc r lfa phlait an(rti of lmeffn, beltSadmg 'elrIr,l daled ereut recipms.butS wliseal mr good ëffeeL.' squire 5'eterzon. ( ils. reeîmnei me a Mueeif<GrrlIIItomlseweuRemedy;l 1prueured ihreeilieaatôbnhc Wkthle PsliSSO a=oa 1 tou- wcnmed-ning it 9begastoet beteF, and wbenfli bas malter. pain a ou bis lgé, cisa. i.retulng4 &c.. fle« cie assiS y- otintiugÀuadu1 e Itime, sltoeg a"s braliisy.J t la now over two cinhasmnre4-. quit thse Rismend tisre lhaïe Isepn 110 eà ipstftt*ori'tis d» e,êturwg. sand 1 bave beissD a m>sow ieW Lties4be r :ish1 l'avebrea Lor ny yéars.L trust ca îii ilai 'e tbf kssoimto il'.pubiie. abat ihsiy mar ré isd i* r(thé wultaiarvfrturio(tb[a feuit wossdeefui ladias i 1E'E C V 1ILZ Tosilt o wsosn ir aomp-ellà é i bal Iavaleisecaquaissfd it tis ieabà i& V r . andibv niîfila i fiéy5~ 1"~ ergt espesssIlan very caiidsdand errdilsepe .a asd1 amcoida Isai s naefély voisrlsdon rt ist(le alveOraasy allier algtemcsst made Isy lima. 98 iy EV. W. V. 5. IAKPEII, Scel o oat INSOLVENT ACT' 0F 1864. Province of 1)ntrle lu tise County Court County or <lîtalo of the Vouaty of- Ou- To Witl ar 0 L4 TUESDAY, t'le eigbth doyf DCE- .JBER 'tiext, nt twolve o'cioc-là uoo, or a soon as cosnaül ceaubbeasrd thi undersigned WHi al BPy Otiste Jtdgeofotthe said Court, for a dise .arjZe, undpr ths aid Act. JAMES 3MoCULLOUGIT. Ela Attornsey,na 1i1m. Wlsitby. 22iid Sept. 1868. 101"94 IMPROVED FARM Wo »elil, Senti or let en shiarest 100 acres, t0 ac resua. Âpply (if by leter, pe.t-piltl,) te or resnoviug tissbor or Wood of auy kind uchat- ever, frox tise above lot, asid ar.y peraon (ouad dosîsg se, after this -dath, aetreapooaera, end -wili îte trouted na iteb, ttise fuli extent et thse Ia-. 8. FULLER. Whitby. Sept. 15, 1868. tf-SI PIANO 'FOR SALE2 ---. offereel for sale. It n la iner's nsakun, la a fIrat-cias Piano, as regards topse sud ina At thé Cauot.x OMMie, WbltbYd 'isisiby, Oct. 5,- 1869. - 4 SJTRATE» R81J0Lf Froua a Seidon luIci , elalith ÃŽemoilîoti etf Wlsltby, savisite yuarling Rlelfer, tise properiy of Alexiander W ilkin, lot A. elgisti concesson Pickaering. 'aVhoever will re5urn 'ver -te s ovuer, or pive inflormotioft o! ber iserenb6ilta will be anitably revaricid. If loisasd lun5»Y persesna' euatody attr *bis nt-tci, tliey yUil bu TURENT Ã"fR FAIRM -ON-SIRS C)OT t-sl'o! Ilt-3o.20, in tise-4rd cous- ~ caslp ! ¶ hi7, 100 ACRESJ. W*hhy, sept. 2,186. 11-55 NýOTI1C E. ceg",lotus"10ef tie :P'li5e of natoI0tfbo- Beutl'tsbith le Adt of uceorpotlsuet tJsos Toreuta suid ilissisglRalwoy(eiYnp$lY. LEY, MMIJEIC &ROBRTSON, Dateel Oct. ehi, isas; 1- , O411 Fort Whitby and Fort Ferry RAJLWAY. Teners F&5. -Building, Tar port wIby imdPortP4m w aE mou~ l'7l~th¶aInrf0 tenabie tesuto Biingari bWon a 1Itlsi la IBm a0ibac Olie thve sM".i sectonu e tra.k fer pale. ari afier St. Lonts )&lob (roma loterday, mty-sberiff d wothy lOt. 1. 'i hatW s od, throw- h.i. Four cars voe W Orleas adj@. of 08. as Frank. lt.- suisn or 'ru% 0 S. C, Oct. o prosolier Ills' o! the ua mrdered Calvin bus rty of Mr. r townshbip$ or tbe SI. lof Wore as- sud veto aet lan authorl' .11t. Their Burt Cr- sr surderer, hi fater'. tr la ln u.s Dominion Warerooms, Whitby. i - 1 Len- lips. tns wW ix;j liste% blnt M ;tel eïurJ ,Tei do. 00, lis m Y. 1 1- - j 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 ýl 38 Whitbf, September 32, 1868. Vs a> >' o E STaCKI