Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1868, p. 1

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:0 ANE. cAkUSlIcitr oneClakotmont, t. O.Owsjo,,. ' . . À. >Lex apon good seeurll'y. Pby th tou0000of Me ârinn. Cuni liU LNUMOIISON SAZPO 'rAtoonusys, Solioltlai, .5.CoCKIUNR, L. Le B. C OUIT Y CRO W N.TTOJ(NEY POUi tarn, srrltr sud 1on'-tLs Il1.lor la tQhaneory, No'ery ipubloie 01110-In Ellow's. Now Juldlng, b GEORGE -1. I>ARTMBELL, t7 ofUuîsrlo, ofice Brck-st., Wbftbj RIOBER.T J. WILSON- hfl TE ATfi'UEY AT LA BdlotorinOîîsnorry, &c.-Wlilbt0 8. Mi. JAUI, B AltllSTEl-Wf-LAW AND SOLICIT lutioory. liîebors-19 Toronto- Toronto. 9 JAhEI4 XXII-11 OfOO4 ('fJos-Nt.xtdoor-to lb. Stort of B.&i Campboil, Brook It, Whiti>y, Orut. wWhy, Nov. 18, 1807. I. 13De PAIRIJAIM.S 0OIT41,NOTARY IPUBLIC,&o.. OolWsC. iW. IIN Jar(j»'îon, lxsux Ulm RLiTIYni urook strict. Whltby, Jan. 28, 1802, tUIARLBS C. KELLERL, TUt.(YAT LAW,SOLIClITOR1 ont Brock, . i. Je. HAMEIIGLBENWOOD9 A Tr£UNuiY-AIT-LjAW. 140LICITOR1 M aiauory, Notar>' Publcoiio<o),Soacg Leo., WiulLI0Y . %V. . liotpuo, ln ictoieBloc se sitlifegit nyQfice, donlîrok troit. JADIlS LAMON, ATTOIINEY.AI£-LAW, SOLWCIT0I'f Dundon Streot. 1,W-Tirce doors West the Voit 011k.. - .AT- QUO- W.. 12M o,o N-W mon of or 16 b B~ARELdTIII1, AT*TORI<N tsY, CINVET. sueurs aud ltotaries l'ubile, &c., &c, Vainces Ai.usra-Oîanrx - Opposilte Town Hall. CounI>' crevu Aitornur'>. l'o ortor, SO2th Vocouiber, 1865. DI C. A. JOKILS, Darimben, Solicitor lu Chancery, At. torney, c.0, &c. OTFFICEZ-Nestdoonio tise old Re<gle- try Udlor, Whltby. 41 y LYAN UNULISI, J 40Ï DRI. L ARISON k L»%W, consulslos ol ebeîptrce hr WVialtbs>', Juiy 20, Ibos, 29 R.0 J, GUVNP, M. D. tlUBEUN TO 1110 COU1TY GAUL, Blyrois ilireel, Wliiby.4 D. W. FERmIERo, M. 1V. *Omfos liouwn-% te lu a. M,, asud Ste o'olibok, P. M. -16 JOHN V. HAM# NbTAJIX IPUBLIC. THIOMAS HUSTON, T Mfoo-Tfowaisa"I - lionne v93e 1 rVcock.1 VICTORIA ROTEL. - -i V5iMOEALEhlti. IITTLLIAM ICUIT, I'1sW'ltIETOIt .( Laie VV Wira. ~Uoyutoai's.) 27 jol111isIOUINsuONs RAIR-DRESSING A14D SHIAVING SALOON, jarsotn 1, UBR0C1C '>',Wvunzàl,. Whliby, Jeu. 22,9'os.8 BUYNTON'S IlOTEL, (r.ÂTIswn'r'a. W M. BOYTON biges b 'utornmihe lu- liabtatsof tise CeiiaI>'fVIctoulaud mnrroudlu iienxt u hblas-uipoued the Ilotel ou Wiihianu biroot istol>' oocupied b>' .4 a tInuistyle, visItonsvili ind aven>' ouovo- tienoe. Wiues, Liquors anti cigareof tise w Àaatuoli y o ostltius rase l a ttqe OMIMERCI-AL. HOTEL# BROOK MT, W]IITBY.* ft I uevbrbop s o #s20n1Mo ebis fnilonda aiS dth$e , bIiht ho issa e- surned possepson oet vlrlI', l ovsud fa- vonubly irovu Iote, , e oble SI teS usp lus ab 1ep#rior usuiie, vIlla ovor>' oovoni;- aue" for tis* receptien o! goest# isud lir@tra' !L. ..M...,nti...an sud asiuar 'VARS & clýrfùob«tiétravelling CemoCEBE. Aibion botel, Bout mrte Iq art, '1~eiemb 111, Il. 1 Tm IOBBON EOUI8z,' D)UN»AS#TBEEBT# WBITJIYC.W# Tr«Zmib#o0ibonbe àto annone# tbtbho JL -as lued ho ufij thorirlaghoai4b dehsbuuro LIVyl, Tbec5e'bs bodure piesssuul oli.dt poeî.11 os i Co, And4lu the oustre oi the Towu.- liThe lisllwsy Omnîbixa*alla et the flot.lsd th: = stgs(nUxbndge sud Beavrtou ls th donenîuouigBourdliprdai. GEORGE ROBSON.', T UMER IEJWIANTCarp.en, sud .Ld Jiu.rn..n i Wiy. A langequin. tiiof il înd ofuuxIcons4tsngy on baud. U N'IDERI T A X 1 N G.' FUNifRAL8 ful suppliid and stteudcd sFhtîî uoilcs. .ZI hand. OxtiI lIrA Hêesego bine onlbensiteruxe. Brooklin Drug Store. D) BALEUt ln Dnug.o, Paentimodiolues phia., 0116, I»', 8mf,, couf.oîiou. ery, ho. rog Wiuenansd Liquorm of the bout qnallty TorMocloal purposes. Effge ff Catie Me4idats alwys on &anI Broolln C. ., SOP26 (Organlat AU Sit'£&rk Mb. TS prepared tb give mule and hinging les- .1.U0 so a à lluxted nuihor of puîills. Avllein obo e made-fitthe o lco of John Ji. iakifi, urgcon Dati, Ovin .lumes Byrnu'., Mdei ld IlanBook sti. Wb1itby. OROCKER'S IOTEL, (LATJI PLATT') NELSO~N ST. TORONT09, BASSETT & KDEEBLE, - Paoprxnigous OMOe ihut thloy hisve takec tige eboveo propîimes )gue#',, and the travoling public-. Tlroy viii )0 io'uîd ill collisteuit pormsie tstendatce, aud iii Icae o Uoiing ariuiteonouthuir pJtu rigve rtintactlc.n tu ail wio ma>' fsiror tmensawitit a YEOMIAN GIBBON. 701MMLSION-MfER CHÀNI ou INdILNCE *GENILAL AET Wilitby, Jeu., lotli 1860.2 REVERE HOUSE, N4NCHSaTEnt o. w. B. PLANE, ;- - - - proprseter., stagea ss t i (nom ilWiii cau dail>'. EVen atteuntion peld te guetao. (Il-mnful ausi aton- livo oà§tloins. TuEB LIVERP'OOL AND LONDON INSURANCE COMP'NY. Jiawbiecu in u otsence tiarty-tvo yeux,, sud daaing tfiat poriod ho. paid -1emae xocding lisrend a haliinb pounudssterling. Tho dlshurc;noet f Iis onormous sura oerns ide tes, lions wlthout doubi, souni- hnted te th extcsisli'muui oftî,îa mutitumîon, 11s thse i01tsthI91O Of P îUBLI C osroU4'Onts, bMu OiiAxTa, lIarsatioLpuns, aaxd busîntee min gen. cmAl>, visorover lIlobs nopresated. lu Ila finit year,1826, thd ire rre Pninuxs lone . omouunted te................. 9,070 'Iu 14 lotir Yeuer,1848......£47,70'3 co 2layear, 181........ di " orbyoint .6.......£ 78,882 Thoee Rcetvo Yund <s nov $4,727,464 lixo,Lite lloa'ervo ?utidi<snov $9,282,468 Tiho Coripun>& is ri.pr-oa'exred tisrouehout On- tarie oad 0~, b>' <siducttiai Agoutri, to u'bouaiappietiou tun lusurumico May>' o uaa.e. G. y.0C. 813111!, Rrimamn, oSmnort, NMe-uîzà. L. FAIRBIANKS iJe 'AQEzNo, Wasam,sry, Ã"i) rEoiwm OMMes Fobruar>' l7tia, 1869. - 7 THE ONIARID FAIRAIERSel XMUTUAli INSURANCE COMP'Y. J.ro andproaydte cpot a Imseauu karm ilulidis usd ihin untents, Cuuty ofoixool so, by asppyiug eila, ie e tIoned office, or to au etéIo1lcalagents. (Onurates i i b. fcuud sovas tuoe.ot an>' ropousiblo MuueaInl- sursise. Company' lai canada. L. FAIRBANKs, Jit., IIEAD OFFICE-Tise Old Iteghaîn>'Office Building, Brook Street, Wlxthy. HOTEL & PREMISES FOR, SALE. T JUAT eld ,iusblibhixd snd wvol) kuovuHo-ý bel, thée Splendid, roerny îtsbimg, sud drlvlug cheai, Iospethsn, ith orle or ivo as e t banniattiseir. ta, as nul -he desînod, sud s lu, youu'% boa- lng Ureised. Thon. are tvo volk itI gooti pouxý àsud ecelnt vasn 4 lb bl iib.odat s ara, aun, ou. cftise béat ohsno.e la thse Domiion fer an activebusinss nan.' Wiih e ho shirgod ton forusppn t>' For toterm, *141, upi' ib>letopre-pair» teWIL LAàm Bc W/lON, 701co il OURGEON, ACÇOIJCHEuia,- , e" Wot i et !hie BaglUaiChunoix. -w hit b ,, ugi , 1868. 8 Public"No ticeÇ le buroxy 10ivonthast application vill ho Made by the PonirmrWanysd l'ow Pxiay BAILVA Voîwmr 10 tise Penliâeneulofthe ibeTcvluea of Ontario, nt IlUnxziDO"sibon, for su' Act îmund- iak th.e"Il1 b uo eonporstae '.lonWaithby sud Port 1'enny IRilwsy Compiiu>'," sud ex- tendlnganud ouiargiug iliepower sud sutixonit> Of ibeo sad Company, lu thl iyg ont sud oustnotlng of thoîr pnopoved 'Esilway, unden the 14d Act, b>' givirig tse smuid Comupany Ibo funther pwer sud suthorty te le>'ont. aud ooustnuoeh Reilway, conîinlnig sud build- ingt th.Rmeuete mnoh poiat Open the sixoro of LaolSmooe, at orusoar Bosserton, ae sy hb. coisidened a virxh1o, sud asîso te fa>'out usud consiruct sud inixh a branes from souch poiut ulwu'tià aold llvsaau 1h.>' MAYîlaluk bout té 1h. Village pit ,xs>idgo , t the aime ngixts, povons, plviliges, sud under asu, euh- ject te ia ne prrvl..lons iusaec. uow given sud made b y the aid Act ncorponutitig sneh Cosupauy, fr(oinlg ouitUdcoothruotixg ROBERT J. WILSON, SOuvàxr P. W. h P. P. B. Co Wliby, J une 24, 1809. 26 JOI-JN CARTER, LIOENSED 1jAUCTIONEER. -FOR "Z cOeuxnxxoyi ONTARIO, YORK, k& PFEL. BALES sîtcîsdod ou thse slortest noticoand ou rossonablo termes. Terms crn bcnardb s,,d buis prluted ai leix.Crouile offi, for>bMn. WELLINGTON MOTEL, MARKHAM. ASSURANCE tcom PANY éapitaI, $400OOO. TJ IliEudeoignod isaving been appoiailed .Acesut for tOe abovo C yman 01,<s no ~r~yeiit oigxure propmlv agais îBY ;relÉIon te mst avorable tensua. Appi>' te, LEVI FAIRBANES, Jr., 2-l2mo01. ,Agont Wlaltby FAIIEWELL & NZCOE,9 XAMES lIÃœBLIC Owyoz :-Ono c'bon norta or tise Pout 011ce., 0ohaav; snd bMelectcr'a Block, op.posite Tovii hlall, Vovasavilie. J. I. 3AIWL.1.Mlin.z JOH-N L. WATKISt SURIGElON DENTIST. Oryraa.-Over JAS. BYElNE'cloaeluall. Brook Striet, Whrthy. W "Alit verbe vanrttd.t Familles statcuded at prîvate rncsddnces. TUETIIEXTIUACTED t~WITHOUT PAIN, ,m . BY Tilt M OP NITROUS XIDE LAUGHING GIS, 1,O0ALANE;STHETIO. AT DENTAL ROUS,. DUNDAS STREET, 1'ITB3Y,'C. W. RtOoMs.-Ovev M. Il. Cochrane$a tore. W1ilta>y, Jun, 26, 1887. 25 SHOE TOULS & FINDINGS. Accumler. aaonlmeiax)(teraftis sest partem rens Io. Toali,rr94n,, andi ilsisas "lrsd AaMlatie 1k lse l'ags, sisce Nalla, Ohsoi. TuesJl sil Toes i§s SWIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. LLYAN & CLIVER, 12-1>' 114 Yoxaez OBiz, Toneatve. Ameon aussaTnimnmers, soi Peints et ail sizes Squarts,,enived i se,, tagit Ege, saprvrd l, laeire., eaioth tie asquasar>' sud at leweam' UTYAN & CLIVER, 12-1>' Impouronrs o! lwwae, Vans5.St., Terner TO MACHINIGT81 stel Rles, Steel Ilqase., Cintre usanges, Veruier calipens. SteledCiliper Rae, Caiper $quares, Ameo' tiiervil am aaeo, Self Repeusrnig calipro aum Di. videra, Store Viles sud Tee!,, ýPaient idoinEbsent Sacci, kp., tforie by R9YAN d& OLIVER, 18-1>' * 114 Veuge St., Terono.. TO CABINET MAKERS AND urHOLSTgZRbS. lï rateag, carli JarToy, et Chtaeiar wb gt§4 <, e, flaes _ Mils 0CiFi RYý 'EUwný, - .1,4onisel lmeuded tîr Toii b'the Judçes, sud' psfiidb>'al umue14, asjuoitisthngtu.,, s'uehip sud Oonuty Iliglstb foisaile ble rafs. AppIy te, JANESWAER MunsmP. O. tir Tis propniler viii be promneutsIthxe Provincial Fsir, prîpiared leluett pirile de- s<'oua ot puroblufg Rigîxte. T o Teachers. - Annual Examlnatlon Of Teacliers!1 'T BACHIR itiain.tlu Couuty ofUntanlo a.nsd thien concerusd, oehereis>' otîflod bisai tiie Anunsi ExPmlmratlou vilii h od vitii the Cnammiar dcîrocis of Wliiby and Uxbnldge, respectivety, ou the lot and 2nd days of October, COMMENC114G AT 9 oeCLOCK, A. M., Applicants are ncqnestsd to fumulestais slu- tory Toutimouiis o f goad nuuusl chasrmer, ftom tiseir rospective Misalatins, susdte b. for- vend uitLIh. commlnencement, 1W' AlilCzRmrAvxs losuod h b>'txi oard poos 0Msay labt, United iu regard to time ar or ecsllid. sud viiihoeh xbc alter ithe 1t1oetOclober. B3>'ordon of theo Board, lot Bept miser, 1868, J8 ONARIO HOTEL. WHITIBY. E. -ARMSTRONG, - - Prepnicoe. Count of')Ontario, t Trs heoby jo'ies tilsa Ir, Wt )J. tihe Court of Assize, NIAI Pylua, 'ycr asd Tinsilsior, and 1Ljeraernl Ga] Dliver>', viiibcbe lden lu aud fon the <Jounty of Orsiarlo, lu thxe Court TIouso, lu bbe Town et Wlitby, ou Tu -aOctaber 27th, .1868, At ilue iour of 12 o'olock nooxu, of viics al Coron£ers, Jus-tices of tho f'eaoo. aid ail ctller» cnceened viliilie notice aud goncru iisem- suIvesnccondiixgiy. NtELSON G. REYNOLDS, oruivr C. 0. Per B . Il. Toiouu. Wlit1.y, Sept. 9, Ise,& 1d406 Grand Trunk Railway Hotel AT - VIIITIJT TATtOff. W M. OINI avis. purcixsed the i-aId- and prenFigeskuowu su îlhe Grand Trnk Hotel, W 1hsixaituion;-begs lu Iîiorm lirs fricnds and tise tnrveliDng ptilîll tijat ho lxnuq lîtcd rop the o ',sand ,stable,, lu firsi- oinms style, sud hi ettenition te the varineof tlsome vue laver hlm wlrh thoir rotrousge truets te murit s cortlununes of ihertouom. W~ Parties tskiug the trarin and ain ixormas vilh have tîsesu eli takon cane of tilt bhier retumu., Wliîly, sept., 1863. 36 A MILLION AND à QUARTER MONEY VT) LOAN. T IIF, Onboril)errhum* ocelvod InstructIons J. rotilasgoiletusu Who han aalargo suion lit of money iuia.ted !lu Esglislbnur eun c, te lu- vas: lb. saonuefoan hl, lu thîs and sAjoiuiug Conutico, ou goed Jrmu Propent>', or ])ebeu- turcs. I Stilîl continunI to réproenlthrae oft bis langesi Moisotâny iuatttienos lnx the o>uminn ibat ioud moue>' en iho meut advrnisgoona tenus. lar Alun a large nnuuier et vufl isrlivated firms*, asu y> quanîiîy of Wild Lnoi, for For funihîn psrtclalrs, Apply bo JADIES JIOLP£N, Ml rIAssignre, Moue>' Braken. commis- sioner, Notar> b' iU, &o., ho. .OFFICE-Beeoud Floon, MoMillsnls Block, Brook Streot, W iaitiy. Angusi 24th, 1868. 84 N. B.-!am sîopropuredt te1Inveat Inu*al kîpisot Iveboiures. Greeniseciesbonglisiand uclr aIs alane quantity oet Bliver ion salo. JAS. IOLDEN. e-IMPROVED BUCK m EYE GRAIN .DRILL 'WB DEsîI se TCALL 4TIITOI<TO 0OUR BUCK EYE GRAN -DRILL. WR WARRANT Il TO 30'W WUBAT ATIy PEAUsi pora tboloi ny orinanitd o t0O< our ihoosanSof thom havlouLbie #ëmw taqurantif orthpie h Saow lnst.adof Gear Wb«oeI Ca« ho obsauotfa a41n'ornet, ija etn or ittle iueo. modeluIesvngessy be desîrt. MrW .a s Wý i, to1P.onLemN, 0 Jr t haï sinot failing too.- >lXiolnitve as fnd tý,gain; MiYSnyaword lu angor spokîen 71 ynds Il$ pasagehoux, cgsiu. DO not, thonl dpeaue TriS.th s bnolhe'a<mo; umrd it m a valuîd inessure- aOâred te youn owu gnoo mtoe Do not brin opinions blinlud>- lastily te trouble tenus; Thoeof vilouin we'Ve tisougixt uukindly, Oit bicorne Our waruoait friands, Kate Doynlou'e Kialake. $&But virore'. Ned il, "Oh i1iie's gonee otu, <lielodge &ain I decisre I got quit. ont of patience viii hlm istely. When vv ene istmorfond hoe neyer left lthelob of su enevosnug; but nov ho', oÉFr ometimes tw* or <lire. aiglxi a week. And ire's no aggramating abon il, tee. Ho won'î t.11 me a word o! vhs tirey do, or viral îley talk of ; aud if g"i oni patience-a" vhat voinu0 spirit y"I not at limes ?-lie vop'î netont or sawen me bock, but jnsî us>., lu hi quiet va>, s"Ah I l'uO sorry yen lake il ii ta vsD y-by dcsr; 1 hope yon'll ge, your eyes open anme day, sud not look ai tbis matîr as thougli yen vere a c'uitd.' Ai ihougir I vere s child, imdeediiIf 1 acîci hlt as mucir 11k. à obiid as lii tratment wonid indicate, lie inigiri bari somt, excuse for IL. And Este stopped quit.euot cf bresîli, as lier visitons' "uiugo" vere taken off~ sud galberaid ol linhge buie in bei arma, prouaratory te boiug esrnied lut. anoîher room. "So Nid lbas hoomme a funll dedged Ma.. son, bas ho P, quenied John Aptborp, an Rste returned froc: tireciller noom. "Tyes,") suswercd axe, 'Il gnose '(ail. fledgod' le a good word te use. That là what lirey apply to get-sa vheu îhey arrive aet mat urity, sud I warrant it'll grace hlm as wel. Tey're all s parcel ot geese, te ipend their lime ai lodg, meetings, wherlxer iirey'ro Masonn, Sons of Temperauco, Sous of Malta, or viratover tbey caill îemselves. Botter stal ai home wiirth teir vives, or tale ibenâ itili beinte ceuse lectur, or concert or the tireatre. Este did net stop tu, Ihinli liat abe bai lituie cause for conupîsint ou ibis score, for six. averagoi si lefittwo nigiri ee iolt anome oucb eu:ertaiumeuî iresides freqnenîll ettîr.ding s matinee. But vomen vbe part fnom tixcir husbai, s aisKte aidrom Nid that ehesiing, aoldosu stop to, resen, sud Kat. vas ne exception te ithe general ride. "6Wel'Il,"ssii John, "Mssonry iseorne. thiug of a hnnxbug. 1 visxlho vere bore îo-nigbî, so vo couli irall. op s baud at whist or encline. Nellie, boe, ssii, coin. ing over, tirati l iai beeu seme dime siisce we bs.d bidsagame." ,Se h bas," nespended Rate; bat bcere's ne ioliing viren Nid vili be ai home, sud I mard17 kuov vbo I couli seni for.*9 4W,811 nor mi'ni; ve bave seme nle iustead.Do Mre. Beyuteu, lot us bave nomo of those ltopera gemo. I sav yon tbora the other night, sud lnov yon must bave learut them by tbis turne."1 Thua angei aest ok s Position at tire pano, sud no- lest ail nbcolliction efthtie vexation oethtie firsiet f bo evening. 'i'bey ail iovîd music,. sud lb. eveuing passedl 'cry piissauiiy. Este and John vere playiug a duel vbcu the deor opeued,1 sud Ned stoi upon lire tirresholi. "éBravo e'"ie oîolaimoi, setire music zased. dé1Dy Jove 1iIf I bird kuovu virat vwaited me ber@, I ion't kmev but I irould have ten mysoit aa s 5nen.,!' #$And Dnetlaiton tIsaI la4t ride on tbe esat," iaugired Johnu;or givon ibat ,sunon-iraîllau extra roîllacrons Ibe flber, suglppose Ion eau sit dovu nov, vitireni )eing forclbly nenrindod of tirai bot grid. "Ohb, buSh 19, angir ie, -asnie s@book muds vitr John sud bis vif., sud Iooking gel anybody oie loto lt e sou'ape." i ,'*Bat il 1.'bu sucIbla hng, lard Nei, w'.où# Ot Our prlnciple., audA ou as ld oil muon neyer forgets, i. noyer orge !Y on@ to bMe o nmair. sooo.'oacon yj blamo blaslf -if b I b. agW~poWz.. YOD auderataud7 1I'go "sidae M£ AGGeG teo tbei utis(o*ltues, Nei wu talion 08ie1rabout ibis tioxe, sud eonfniei te bis boA. - is iliaesewu a s ver, broagbî ou by anziety sud cane, loverai pensens, vbom Este teeolleeted but silgil, came tb vaîcilivitis hlm, sud cirers callei -t.: maie lunquirles. she vas gnateful, - sd, tititrastiug tiat tirey were muaons,Ïfai mure linil> tovaris tie crier, bu't alb ftertîe& t te moue> sd Wii teu pon il, thinkixsg v iitheir ompi> fler rbarrel sud panse, fsovnriSnY ice tfiiiugé ,Ilcouid -bey, 81. sai as muocs, a litli bitcrly, one ev.ning, 10oun of tire watoers, vWho Ioekei aI ber luas a> s ho ceuli noS nu. deritani, andti ten maie corne- reusarit about charitable aocieîiles net aivaya prie t ising, vbsî tire>preaeired. Tire not dey,' about noon, as Este sat Stating tire luti bitof brea inlu thre houa., Pa afller lsaving mai. tire laIut mie otmre It gruel foer o er Iusbandi vire as stili tgont ofiris bead, tire irsl rang, sud sire éd. [ miîtei a strauger, one mir odaineyer cocu 4 bet'ere. 4 "Does Mn. Bcynton li-v.lier.?»9 s "He es1 "'Mn. Bivard Beyzrten, lateiy vitir inuiwal, Poilet & Co ?" "ÂAh 1 Andi6a utIle monoy vounid not comnearasi, 10bu> luxonis, sud ce <orih 79, $-Tg boy necressanis, rallier. Oh, ir 1- But vbo are yen 7" r "No malter. Ten vonld net lnov mse. He bas baid dalinge vitir our baul, sud tireo le a bralance standing te, bis credit." "6Mouey, lu a bonI i1 He neyer teli me "Pomaibly not."9 "But boy machr? Oh iti ago f0 on. ste 119 . 04 do not nov necll1 the exact sueunt.-1 But yen eau tale vhat jon tlintxl nces- >affy te-dlay, sudI ' will ourler- lotuli Tvior ane int ies tire gentlemen came sud escix lime lIÃŽA asoam of mono>'. Tire feurtir timo le came, h. sait- "Supposiug I sbouid tell 701 tirat oar bocks are square nov, sud no more le due your huasad?7 WiraI siouli jon deo?" iSO ar donotas' s. i le mchaC myuiery, and I ibave heu opiug ih veuli Tire gentleman di net reply ; but, after a moment ef siience, he ssi,- Irhai largo painting lu tbe Parler, OP- peaito tire door, is a eantifofuitbiug, Mrs. l3oyritou. Whst do yon callit 1" "iOb hI t inla The Fot.Paradis..' t Tirat is peor Nid'. favorite."ty a Ohbb111ire eaid abrupl>, a moment c later, anlslng te go, Il hope the bralane-.c iug of oar bocks vili net bo a source eft inceuveninco te you. Yrsu have inmeiiafi mussenougis, I prcaum.,ie lut outil UMn.b Beyutou's necovery ?"& Afler Este', relucîsut sud tearfai cou.h fession, tire smanger sai,- déI1sireuli 111e the painting 1 spele of i a fev moments aluco. I vonld pay 700a a gooi pnice fer it. ' b The strugglewvas irnt. Ete fuInl>Y agreei to letitilgo, onon edition liraisi Ned airould bave occasion :10 redieus h at to tomeo future 'time. wvitoiwas Snaily con- A senîci to, viii lire promise exiracid (rom sr Este liraI ber busband vas te kuov non ho thing of it nutil iris perfect realeratien to er Agsiu aud agaf n tis trauger came, sud offéeit mouey for torne painting or statut., utl Este gt'ev w dialike bmm, ienomiust- iug4mim uashmirner, atS vitir difilcuity reslaiuiug ber testm as tlie UV ber dus- erated parler. At lut NedSot round &gain, sud began 10 grov sîroug. But Este b.pt tb. parier deer closeS,'sud neyer buihi a fine tIen., i7-eaiig tiro day ef expesure sud, oxplana lieu. Siseliai neyer' before lept a, secret trous lier irasbaui - sud tire mrsthe pem- deSe ou bl hs,îe moeadresifusl a.emeié its'uaumoth propertions, Il l'y. gel nomore te noil#, Ur, Pawu. broker,.' Este sai4 eoiiiy one day aboutr tuas tiue, abou t Mn. Frnch, tire oue vire bai rouned lier parlon, irnuslei unceri-, Monmonsîy paat th. envsaltgr' te îlhe "soîly, Mrs. l3eynton," I aid Ibis gecr. lmrn. '6 Deeyour lusbaud lnov o! tbis 7.1?" ~iNo, sir."l "WellI 1:heugbt il vohi le a geod Plat be ave me' bers, te susootlr it ee, sien il via teld iom';anti as. la sabout soul nov, sund - S I yuili tale you bo »e the gentliâti 4ud'penbaps >00 vili tel l bm youoemlf," aid Este, a little lauglîli>, as the asben. i 1fr. Frencoltrtestlngsooo, aboe ber. limsiais vas' .su ssios n "i vo baSW todo vitir vlen y'Du voire tale sil. -Yenlodge frienis vero ver> lind iu comiug l aî rsetel viyen, sud euding Ilîtie luxuniese but they nover dreamed boy desthit. vo vewre, sud boy manch va neoici eccsaics, asuiBut pliait dou4t go soo asti," sire ssid, as tley ba arisoin, sud aor ealrsd'y lu tb. bail;* "I aiu't dene yst. AndsdiOn't Y0D boleve 1 love yen deanli sud cane fer yoh, , and venul do auyîhiug,10 pleai on en, "1Crsini>geo. But virai là the malter 1, 44Oh, if yen Ouiy luow- i"Euov loy t love Yen. No, Dmt laI Hev, I lnlid1tugel aleug -wiîhbet-" Hon. e bratinuieteins, anti coali a no more. ',Oh i1[can't tell yen, after .11,' sire ssii prteeudy, s hey neansi tire parler-' d o o r . - Y en u s u e o e e fo r y o ar s o f , P 1 "Se. viral 2" ho asîci, as sire opeuod the door, sud atepped back, tiraI ir migit, go lunfint. "6Wby, iml-i Sire stoppedin u ashtrneutassoie bon. self leeked imb ltse panlon, sud aw "'Tre -Peeî'a Parail," sund tire oîirer piiingi, sud tb. atatuettes on thero rnaletansd overytiag else sirelbail panted vitr for moiey. Sire vas speeciles,sud leoled fina at ber hushiaut, thon at Mn. Freucir, tren at tre vonls o! art. "Probai> I eau expiain tirs lest,"l eaid Mn. French, stspping fonvani, teiiing Nid virat tise rondin 1faluna lovsan sd thon îîiliug ho-o re bai tire lhings retnru ed le lire parler, ai à given signal trams MI vien Este vswu ntire lislpinrt o tire ironge. '&But vbaî about tire lans 7" alkei Este, smiig a beviliereti smUehrougir ber tearsa. "Ilbat vas as I bld yen?' ssii Mn.- French, "n. Beynton bai sud nov hbu rney cu dopocit lu the baiul, ublir al. vas, honnis its drafts." - à iWbat baul la fi?"VI sed Este. "(Tre baul o# Maseury, alibi evon> vorthy membir ivays Sud s ae. nvecî.a mont. Heaig vira YOD liailssii ou oue or tvo, occasions, sud kuoviug vhat your feelings vine, I tbok tir. meiheti I dii 1 teacr 700 a lîtIeIesao. Tire vite of!la Muoen may net kno tireun=importaut secet rites of tie re nio; burt sire may lnov o!flic venkings o! clinty sud lin- mani>', sud etf ia bnoibeniy lovend pure sud lndîfiet religion. if il bai net been 10 teacs yen yen: errer, lins.Boyulan0, YOD mgt nver'bave, kuovu frensvirne. rame tire succer ibat aidedIon lireugirs9 ciis ibat sla hable teo vertake ail Who dvel in ubis wvend ef Entened Apprenstice« frr nagents de ntetil lu esteutatien, but irnitate their'Mater, vie veut about leiusg geai, sud praliug ual etit, eigrte sunired years sire." i la needîuiebs adi utal rate- tonni bseîlu sa asiuging moA., ami liat su itternoon passed bappily- Ibsîbad premised ben mucli bitter seu'rev.- 'ýO, Ned 1', saiàEste a fea day, liter, ifter h le sîried lu business;,11I sav Ne l toda>', sud iho> have baril7 a îlslng loft. AUi tiroir fairnitune seS piotanes sud-d'ubes,- ani alusoit lire does îirey bave-on tir sak el, v efofre Ibey gel ilirengirlr rrwi.ll, I'ms sorry; but'tbst'e bocams ey lai ne mouy lu tie bauril TOBACCO, Tobacceo greva semetiring Il1e esb ýages, but I nover s&a noue of il boiiod, iltbougrI -lave ostour bitei cab tand sr ne gar ou h, sund I bave licard men cSI satocfgars tiraï vas giren Iben on elfre- fon iey vas uotbing out cabra5. bauves. robaeco stores are moit epî by vooden1 jns, vire stand at the doons sud try to bel 11111e boys by offering Ihen à laurlt Tf elgiri,sud la mais of veed aise. Tegs do notl 111 tobueci;' neither do Lc trie o îommoe ascigar once, sud it made ee ie11e Epsomi sli.o bai a vienteS î>.' a lsn aineS Wallon R&ligli. ct voura g tireug a notion apple,. Toni Y non is r einsa cinulof Psxrisu, andur u uoutli pnpered itir seeueg. Riots ilingera on ycun lips 111. liauey on a beaw'u psu, sud myriade o! unfedgeti kiàsees arAf Ibëe, ready te fly et sud liglt. me- * aie e l i t, bine hi n di eut oet1 a ,p ar n tiA -ues. Y.our laugli lingera ans'y earm llled 'a viud-harps slnalu, or tie ileai.of tg strsy Jamben s bluak llideii.Tire <lm-ý pie'oý' yor del, are 11e bo*irm làT beoitoes, or bbi la tinraaes o!flieue maie sugar. Iai yimg te fly te yaurprelceèandi pnenpeItireo bunng elo 'uince of My> ova tibrity > ireaivo peur out i 0coffee. .Avay frein yen I ana as iesn ehol> ÎÏ&a dcl rai. SourimesîIhein tlid Jane bugsof desponieucy luzzlng iu mt r cars, sud fiel lihe coIn izands oft sup in e1 i«Hudovu usylac. tinceutr fesrsý,, l i k ~ I l i n s a i u i n n e v a, n e a i im l s piits, sud m y seull a s pioceS Irougi viti dobi, nanau old cbeeselibredncivtis skippers. Miy love for yen la strenger tram. îthé t te cmie! ofCet?', patent buittr, or tiré -icke of a yonug cov, sund more urniflsli thon a ktton', -first catenvwaul. As thé gong bird, bankers fr te igirI et day, ti cautiona meo"fertie frsir bacon fn thé trop, as a, ban pop banes for novw m flkî 8e Il Jlerantire. Y en sre fairor train a mpecled puilij' sveetirlban is Yankee doughuut trieS lu eergium-moasses, briguter Icoth tep.- kuot Pintou l en h eof e!a unskevy: duel. , aecanly lisges, raisins, .Poumndcake sud liveetened tb u 7 togeihen. > ! tire.fia ;emanlm vill ensile yen t1i aee lilcoide of uy @oui, andi me te in our. affections, I &alal be asbhappy as a Vroodpioker ou a6cherry re, ar a stage berce lip a greeu paiture. If yen cauret recipreete myfthrîllng pasien lI ii plueo ayý libe à poisoed bebug, 'sud ail avay ron:the fonisirg vine of lie, eur nuimey brne; sud itale eming yoar, a h i. th e sa iM o vs <a il fr ein t I i b i , an il lir piloesopieo rog ings bis ceerful hymna, you, happy fu snocherc loe; cm couse sund drap a test snd catch a coiS ou the. liI estiug place of Wen yen nee a yeug lady se icnf delleate tit ch.esn't mile a bei, or put a couple oPpates o te.tl airle, andi 701 trts ove: tovo daly vihitheiOapeed of ' race lors, te jutuble nonsense itiu thé Beftpates, anti Joltinses, andDI)zesbefes jot chail ht dovu b's a pece f calice, your caurt fvesî asinlgle penny or puls-. ien l. -ÂA'girl Wah am'.ibe muscles 10 lift tiree t e n andi s pilo e u eao bul t tire s locomotive aud ahoje 1oai.ibus lino eut o ! b re at i. la nur institutxion 'ibat, - 11e prusalo acitid ad in aidslas te, bu! --r.î cl.WOfo. Young meus yul plesar btten np the firs fuotinaîboifnluèmex. Iu the cect îe yocug lady te aboal ve noter, tie yomg gentleamen- lae lut.' tonai the <set, dw <bof:mor?>sud- gour: Wiu mooli bon as one te ho -plied. .L.î AnisaI 1911, 1165. 01 Menc"I ritcTE» ¶95 TSI -1 - 1 1 - 1 1 i i 1 1 - 1 1 1- 7icq

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