Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1868, p. 3

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IwpOrtrs of Dry Goode, Grocero,é tdà~,a4 dea Ilechnt,.Corner o if ïng& imdoo, o a T hIAVE snueb plefmolre n nounclng te the pÈubiio tbat -'In 'àrd w te tùd .LMy businss, J'Ihave tknM.E .M000G41 M88apartperijutethe buêi. ness, and I tako this opportunity te returilmysineethnutemfrnd ani the public;Ie genlly tôor their'liherni p'atronage Aéurin -he pa.t9ix.yar 1 have hotu in business, andnouit'for the ncw firni a cofitinùsisuc et tue$mre, as it la Our deteM!unation toe cli goodsat &litammal j&dvùcê où ceet priccu Michael&Mra nom pepowet, 1 Cieuiar , c*e, , Oro»-ut ow, -o go b warreoom- 1 do. steell shdO,2O Issnnlsi llhiIarge VoMng tSteva, Wlkù frultitreo MPlt., ' N. B.~-Tetii.publcCpe. lodgon li ba Pested th*. wioldoifIlliepropertyon.qetl ilr. wii b. n. teisrve., Tise hock 'fa bredl frqm the beît Ihorposbroc! Dsrjssme IIL the * Jrolvhsce. and sae rdi, li second te alm lis tihe Towneltip. life inomen jw si o oi i n mpouid, su aisi *. p are <of a sperlor qualty. iguai* omnence At 1lu s.Dm., digtlS-Â i psà tant i er $10, cash, oor thtUimosint 12 smensthe, crediWt ul ho duse. Omis, cmii; ls.>, 8 mnatls; ?ip$ m . a Wlslhby, S . 3, 180. IMPRZOVED 'FA RM Tg'io Bn~go, or lot ons farou. .411111MtW $411,rent, or les ons Sisare*s-Woot- JY laitlot 20,8, ut ocemion i of Uxbrldgo, 100 ïcres, 70 acres 'i reO. g ÀpPi>' (if b' Iotfor, Pot-poll', t. h. J.-Wll b. is 'Usiurlîlge vilage, ut b'ssusiorel, totit Septoinler. NOTJÇE.-Ailparties are forbli uattlssg or rfflov t1inilsr or yyoo4il mn>' kissi wlsst- 4sVar, rom 411a shovo lot, mend sîr.>person feuus dolusg ao, s#fter th i,. <aie,,are treqssss.sero, Asnd will ssotctd a u ois,.tWtic lul itcilsit 0* tiselMi'. 1 8 . 1L<FE O0MMýR01AL HOTEL, JA E _f. t'ii<bL,fo a ropracherllIar tue s.siii 1m1li li IlRs, C.J. 1, KLLEB9, As Agesît for tiss Canada West riarmers' Insurance Co'y, The 61 Casla Wett, fo wla s al>Farisnerani Comanysi, saisilias the assltrsîie or hlig t es.sblltsssi for agts '-ese , bing lis al pomition i W <fsct lis'ssrasteca lt rt-ry low rat... Th isssîasy Inla ss eauli>' missi llosrolbisg conclis, i.Andul slgnsil secensi do sione lns ciafili . gZ No bsiisncaoss 0o on tise rl'riiim Note isytcîn. (JEo. TE. hA31, Iosi, BUruet.sr4, Wstithl WliiLby, Sept.14, 1868. ',,À TMON BIUSI.NESks, ATii. oomnienccî isont r. ePosncisfor 1Auctlon Sies tlsraoiut thecofsit>, 1egltu rtl urtistisis km ýfor tise libersi arn mgo0 arotofsura bustowccl spon me, în4to an- isonsice tilsai 1arn preptircd tW coutialeP, - eitler lis *TOWNý OR COUNTYl A'~ EASNABL lITEJ-. tirArrameciismfor malesa casibe smid eltîser Atthtis tot4iptz Officeoor lut My sws 0111., lBrooik rtreet, %W hîts,>' - L. AIRIANJCS jr. To fte Direct or ofte Ontario -Fa,, mer$ .3Utuat Inosw'<,1cdc(ornpalty., reêelptcf six I nd~boi to cksowicdc ils, t 0 IX 1undrd 01ila, lisfull of My eius.for loua by Alre, 0f the costselit fns>' Ont-OIisiilllsA, wilîlcit weIe dnoatroyed hy ire on tie se th of Asîgnigt lust. All i Mos't botcsrily ressomsrsesstl tatho >'ssirssîotif thlm and tis! assrosssdissg Coosioitîsale-proprfeîy utof ýVtolzttiia Ilosn 1isoIssrauce oCosnpass', : 4ýlloqthibft ý1q fa0sto hir lt<çrest t', s10 00., My prop#rty wsatdestrcsyedaos tise 2th .Au il", anit-t4h', jueL two weeks aifter- sud iminiaeslily upoisatiseprodisction uofsMy aissu poper, i 1recel V' My mns>uie>', anti haro «iMe to rettirîx ho;M e t-tisa. JAMES AKNEY. Whitby, Sept. Ili 1808. 8 L )AIRBeANJR8, JB., £SQ., Agent of t.lo .Liverpool and London and,6Globo: Iiwurosti Company. W. beg to eockuowledge thoeprompt lie amosint of Our Ineuanse lia tho Liverpool ans' Luis-ou nd GlobeoIsimaiece Cousmsyp oui Tools and molsiuer.y ln tise Whltby Fon dr, laiely sletro ed b>' lro sud to tissnk tise 0oecrsot tist £onin, for thirkluslanti BROWN à PÂTTERSONI Wliftby*, sept. 10, 18088. 87 ',F 'Z. ' 1D41Y1 JR~, E£89., - 4g.n cMP yo 31 tho 1 ou1~tlsaulç Daài s i. 707-- Are now ii reccipt of ýtheir Stoëc of'NËW FALL0Ã" Iwlskh w Ïft be f0uni4 ver' enîplec, cxte<isivet, osiesi, and of spe=or 4ual NEW 0CJ4OTHS forFail Silits recivtci, wlîieh wiIll bc ate p- on -premiscs by flrst-clas workinen, À good it (Iuaranteed. g" In the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT wil be fou ovorytluing new and noved. W, A. conipleto Stock off Groceries, Hardware, ko. As we buy nur goods for cash, you wiIl flnd it to your advi tage Ito eall and examine prices ý before pnrchating elsewhere. Tho highest price iu càsh paid for WIIEAT, BARLEY, ai lil Iinde of Farnmr' Froduce. Oshawsa, Si-Pt. 22, 1868. Enlarement of Premisi we Psj e u a wnjs,.we- bavo e on fi 4otbt I~ E PLAICE 1TO BUY THgE dit ,id, INCIEAS 0fSTOCKi. 'IC4 Subscriber would respectfully aununce to his old cu ,, tcrw, and tho public elfhly, that, linving enlargeýd Utore t double its former smoe, lie io, ini cosemquence, sffendeil roosu te lis tixis senson a Steak twico as large as ho bas cirer oloed bs.fore of u- bis 0oW Box, Parl or & cookiîrug Stoves, Dîîmb Steves, Coal StovesArcluuf-'incs, Cistern Psîn a Irnnui Enaînclle(i Prescrire 1tt mTinwar'fe? f ery dsescription, Chitirus'Carluga,&e., &0., togoiber with the other Cc'ekiug Stove%, wil bc foiind the CELEBIZATED AlitMSTRO.àNG, - andi the GENUINE IMON DURE STOVES, whici cotis only be pureiiased in Lhis town,> at bis store. Eave.trcnghing and Job Wcrk promptly atttcnded to. Ar qnantituy of good <Joidwood taken in exehatige. Whitby, Sept. 22, 1868. WM. BRYAN4, f1105. RUSSELL& SONS' CELEIBRATED WATCHfEs, frais amon înîsnrTestimonisim ho lîsireus uisil rinloIg parties.. wlsuhle.bccn wesring tus-se witclics for soe Lime. TIse Snbitrihcr lrcruby certilu lnt a the watci:emho. psuselsc.ed from Jsam', Johstusi,) lîbssfstfe y Tisas. ?isssaeil & suon, arceFas uu.prtdmcntcd, thoreugIly Iusulible tmokeepers, Whitbyà Thse Snbcrihr r rehy certf 11cm huit tisa3 *ustéIsishe plirsrARssl trois Jamesai lint-ou irassstctired is>.Thom.Ru,.rl &$a , laîa lsrpreccuted, a tlsorossgsîly relissisi, lime kooipr. TIIONIA-13 bAV'OY, Farner, lkLssqn. ~W Afilflamsortsusesst lu colda ni Sluef JAMES JOIIIÇSTON, Wsitcismsksr, l5rock Strecti Whuîby, sept. 2, 1808. .185 H ATCHE I3eg tcs cali attention off persona reqniring' (Yôôking,, Parlor, and Box Stovos, ta their nDivpatternh, wbiçh tbeyare crig !xoeigY lowpries.Stoo Ppas, Ebow, t.,aloHteh' Patent Duma b Stovea.ý H; ~ ~ g &Bhaigenlarged their èi ses.hve aded lagely to their former Stock, making one of thée largeet andi bedt aasorted Stock lu- BRO.U TÃ" -BLACIKSMITUS...-.A oed asertment off thol beat braadis fîoSteel, &e' ., e.,9w ont bandi, -ànd at prices usually paid fer à Inùeh inolrqualiey; *lao Horse nMils,rp, flsbi&,énugh. colaa011i and Lamps, cheëaper than the cheapeet, Coal 011 only TO PAINTERS.-jamd 'English grond lead, Euglish boiled sud Aw 011i, very Iow. e the fact-at IA H&1RÙ At Lhè. loil'st possible -prces. For.the MILLL, NELlYDEPAIIt7MENT,lieai< crdsmear W-1TEE MANTLE & RSS 3MAKLNG * - . -'CL vre are prapareu la execute ail orders, on the a - ~Ni 0 >8 o z &4' SlîrtsPo';sibIe NotlC'e.' ~r"I'iloingDepiarttienf, a usual, unclr the Superintendence of Mr.-,MILL, IJOWIES & POVELLi Dominion Warerome, Whitbý. Whidsy, Sept. l5tls, 18G8~ i' ,,' -y tiïçýd' 4onn 8,00~ 55000 OLD lIa. ýt Qffed.for Cëa§l on Dry G haigaccounts flingdue lst f o è,:1,a , ÃŽ~përdw due, 101 per cent wlil ate. -"' roods. Whitby Sept. 9, 1868. GI~SON. o 3 m~i (JENLEMN'STÂILORIN G AND FURNISI1ING [IOiSoI?, ALEXANDER PRJNGLE' 'J a n d as B J i ['akes Icave respectfuUly to inforni bis friands and patrons that bis Stock of W~1 WI19TEIL CLOTHS, .0O 18 now ver>' cemplete, and cf the vcry boit quality, ausd that he im prépnred Lu> iake np witlh dis- patch, anmd ini the latest styles Ge'ntlemecn's Garsuents, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of every lescription, embrcing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &C., &C4 3rock st., Wlsitby, Sept. 10, 1808, ALEXANDER PRINGLE, Ne H.s COCHERANE Is now roceiving the greater portion 'of hisý JNO. TILL & ýCo.., Wonld resI5'fully -cail attention to their large Stock off Furui- eurè and Cabinet Ware; ail of the newest -style3 and design., An examination off their, 1IRST-CLASS STOCK, will warrant them in saying that there is nou-e su'perior in the Donuiniou. tI~hlsteing f ail kihdg, 4d d he 0rk aricuato b atctenin s rirequeste to 0ork *gartc t eeaettedntion superior nianner. th e'irf NIÉW SPUINtI ATTR.ÀSSE S. , rim rais FuliySuppid Cashi for'any quà ntity of FEATIIflRS& Whitby, sept 0, 1869 JNO. TILL Ir CaldweIl's Brick Bleck. FILL& INTE HOD~ I Vhich is very large and complotein every departmcnt. W Prices very much roduced. BOO0TS & SHEOES s at uitablc for Fail anid prices astonishingly Iowý. (JALL AND SEE. pt. 16, 1868. inter ivear, selliig, XCU'f 0R S'- NOTICF., liiane, on lot4Iend 83, Second ifauge, Eokess y !oess, !ikmrng, ln thse (oussty t<ltrs, ore r e~ejetd to MmaeImînlotepa- xae i . Cowàsar, Who I. dutbyz by tis e t! to10recefr aise aenS ir<, c cti.. Jsd aili pmcus lisvigola agle tiseMid ltstq irate0pieat lto fsrnsli pa tclr of 4is, sainefbftht, <or idjams- wiJON PAeRKER, Duàbar9Ttoî1ýplts, 1863. 4ws-5l ATIc'VON RATT 0F LAND LN PJCKEIÇGJ t ---- 50l ACýES, MOTOeor le, m lîà PV w. quarter of lot No. 24, ln tise &P1 concesstion of Pickerinsg,,belig excellent Jsn. of wiih about 83ac « raelea«rýdide- clcaed. Pranieti loMns.sdfruclPiss Orcluard. on thse srciiea. wJJltb. s.old be Publie Anionm on tise pretélao, o' huradaj~., élty, : : I lai pszsmnnsie of' tle ternis of thse will or tisu! lasti W. l.BBNTLItT, of Wbftby, duceaaca sale to commence st 12 o6c0o"k, nsom, * BANNAI! SABLES, Exeeuri! TIIOS.C. JIUBBARD t septenaber ', 59'. 2l-iý (lAME ito. 1a oisescnt t ileuderalgis- ,todefcuy the aame TCeolmbes;g le . Olumbua-P maoi ~ r EI'l FÀI1M ON 5HARE'L cf rf-bl rlot ln, 20 n tise Srd cr emo rWbitby, 100 ACRES., AppI>' W AUTION lr BUIN S 1' lýff-'AUTINEERrorthe Conut- M.25io. ciilliesatfrlrer i b . and th. Public tist he la rasdy an heretofore tip' reçelve Ondefor gmie or stock, larm impIe - - supita, ho., ap94 tlsAtAai orl,,m left naS tus Vumor'noa. ile wil be div.atiesîded W., Days 9.f-mal. appoistect t çrmunia ont B cks otl ' el*otri l arelep$mus ig hsoo vtis c whitby, Xomet 26th, 1IQ8. YKES. Land for ae T~NrlsVsuqsnrofîhe eetliit M. I. CO OJIRAN Et Dundas Street, Whitby. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS R BG 4O Jj OUCd É A.!1PLL iip -fhaed by one;of the firuf in thed British Mark., foCah Their customers andtije pipbli my rey on getting. the cheapest and mesS Sîtylidh G0odi ln SOsais1a.Tbey will-liereeiviogweekil, by CanadisaiSteans- erg, tii. balauçe of tbe rOStock. -- 1- They dii'ect special, attentidn to thèi! ë.Stock off ve -ee'1e g~" Drss£~<>dà Ctt6,ns, Osrpets, CIothà; and (entee' Pruieisip Gqods. ott<n grain Bnp, Wa P,,inýwzite ssd colo0ra., à &f Di. Go ezd Wbltby, sept». U3, 1 soi autbeusepSot. Sus. NE W Just ,re<,eived a fine assortment of 55.1y LIAt r e e . 1 1 - 1 1 il lý 1 97 wiliity, Écpt 15til, 1868. -NICHA Stov- -es Sio-ves

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