Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1868, p. 2

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"Wilo&uia ut thse opposet. . tir te 4!ftN@mi,,sh.webF asMounti of, tes 01, $260, $500,$760, sud $1,000, " ~.Iwayiu isetomsbl of ~hebyuset, or the isole taroi, îhst wold be roqnlved p and reamsrtthisa, t he Rsiiay he.law gagdi ih. b.!... FrOM -Ibis table euh islad b@ssusla., thse rits glé o..the6.b-la. r at.payer.ca ums. op t u (us Wbo hi"0' will h. l.vl.d and oollëàeesry yet for iucm.ui paper for blamif. faë thése met 20 jegro. W. oaa undcerstand . 2. l *o. 2 a ho. a person, by readl^gtis, by la. sud N , N . . NO-.S-. -No. 4. K..tru nos weil! pouled- it municipal lai, might' total tuxe tata taues total ta%" -total '00 Yer u $250. f'or $500. f«r $Ibo. ta%"as arrive t t16.1 coneluslod. ,Buit, anone e-00 fofor $1000t Who bu oeepied &asteai a. aCouncil 1869 .27eo 530, 800 $1,06 botr l il nol tate anyîiigoff tiskiud, 1870 43e 85eo_ ,2e 1,0r Vithout aas.rting visai b. muet, know 1 y, 1871 - 42oe >-88eo ,2. 1,65 b. uanrae, or displa>in~g theise* ~upar1872 400 .800 ,20e 1,00 Louable ignorance *of municipal sffairs;j or 17 9 7e i1c ,5i 1874 38. 76o 114o 1,51 2. vus lthe -Intention, of wli 1l" 1attesnptiiig 1875 .87o 73a 1,10o 1,460s. to'decesivotise publico 1876 36Mo 71o 1,060 1,41 4. la &Il .by4sns eriating Jeans, 'Ib. rate 18717 4M 68e 1,02. 1,06 5. 1878 330 66e 99o 1,$2 6. suflleI 0 a>th issisen o Dbs-1879 32o 64o 96e 1,27 7. torl (leatihiescase$750,> sud tise lnterait 1780 Sie $Io 910 1,2z , en tise islo offtise Débenunres, 1tg~ rEt 1L81 s0c boa 89e 1,17 moat tuti b.tise goverslng raie ; oiis.r-' 1882 20e 670 - s86e 1919 by' vise the byiav on lte face, vould be bad, 1883 27oe 6"e SIC 1908 a11 in'lw.Tbt tte rte<bntt e1884 26oe 50. 78e 1,03 ne lala. iaIsttd it anotb 1885 2e 49e 74e 07,ed oianedla tise bylaw y b> visil Dkuosu 1886 23o 46o 69e 92 V ou tbeIliidiug ceaie." This provision hs 1887 221 45c 67a 89 P ade for tise securit> off lie DebenînOtre 1888 21. 42o 63e 84 bolders. ]lut$ w 'hile tise raie canot be For instance, a persan asesed for pj, ehanged ln tise byl ' I ulb 's bc.$500, will have tg) Paylau1869, 53018'9in.lu mess off ibe orporaioîolvby, te bsais- 1870$ S5ti; la-181, 83.., gradnîlly val cou ttb cororaionto lvyyeulsuh ednccd dosn a> 1888, wisen tbe lax îooid 4d a rate oeil es vil! 'e nacisa ry ta pi> tise h. 42ots , for ch.eeacoed valne off $500. p,, Debentares faling due. withie .the ysar, Tise total aMount ta Se eolleetad me and lise yearly Interest on thse ottaaLing for tise ituole 20 lesa, le $23,8001,6~ debeatuores. 1 S> tise iucreased value of maklug tise averege for oee year, $1190. e84 asseaable property, or.6> tise i ict ti a Tb#e averoge rate for the 20 yeare, on is 1. por1on ff isedcli hi beu pidand emi a4tessed val«~, sili h. a fraction 2. porton f th det bubee paiiq ud gverose dollartud teut. -Ove 1cents, on8 cons.quently legs luteresi 10 psy, a sMailler tise $1,000 of tasessd ývalue. 5. rate lisantisai natel la tse by liav sf11 We oart th.e loeil ezminatiionoff & 7. psy tb. obligations fer tis ea our bn, tise oar figuregs, feeling eatlsflad tbai lise * isale rae ulb. collectedand sot tise amouiof taxes sted fer saa lear off. tise20, are th. iiglesitisaI teau possibl> y gala.tiItahel iebllas. Tiseisolders offbe b eadd Deheturesihave received tiai interet; But if th. e ecced value of tise loin- tise Dsbestnres maturing, ln tise year have ship lucrehses year Sy year, aud sho lu a 50 ' been provided for; tisereffore no ouealc bOld aýtsel ay hwll o a resie lujured. Ih real> makes io dlffèrence 10tiso at at.e 1,0 oudjildceae' off isevisîhe inuequal proporion.- We venture Aul pin tise iolders o h Deboutures weo a ion,9 nad h ave no doubi butliat time will I rate off $1,80 On tise $1000,oOr Onily 00sl proveilis correcînece, tisaitise rate for tieser ou 160* 1000p be eollected, so long as tise laityear silI mt'bSe ts lu tise $190009 Debeutures and laterest are pîid et ra-.'lu Place Off S4tgsas given lu table tuo. Of ýciy Ts a htth uicpl lu n act 'é are ri> eonviuced, that tise 0 turty.Tisi l viai isemoucipl ~ rate lu no one year sill b. sbigla as 8r provides for. Notisiug more. Notising siated la tise above table.- le. When se -hear mon <uppoged t10 be lu. Of le tisecoiesoff tise Wiitby Township telligsutQasert tisaiuder thse by.las tise bylas, one.-tîentiet4 pari off tise debt, towunsip *ill tals ln tise 20 years, $33,. $75, l 10ha aidaci yer fr 2 ycrs;000,. aud îisàt ait tiie' Mouey, le ttobei $70,I t c ad ylr o t as giron btiste Reilway, there le reon t1On tisereffor tishe Intereel la juai 0 mucis ler (car tisas commoa sause, and common fir. Cg euch yesr. - *ore tise isole off tise De. necs ire,with îisem,aî a very low ebbi ideed. Pl bentures 1t a icuet-IcI off Jauuary next Thse townscip doe not puy 10 lise Railsay Pl tise townchip would hava to pay lu 1869- one dollar-in mouey. liti leihe $15,0otc Portion off Debeutures, $ 750 dhuae ia iib give 0 ia ai , 00way Comspany, and thisea il slib. tise 1 joe ar' tnerecl 0on $15P000 900 Suiness off tisetowuship t psy thse deben. w Total '70-taresansd terst aesy falidue. Pl * . Toil 150 We traitisai se have nov made tise J In 1870 tise amantl wonliJ Se lei,, la. questioni so plain, ihat escis and ever y l * amuiai 000oe litaluient wonld have Séela ratellayer osuasceriain tise taxes for hlm.fi *pald; eoncequeutly tisa iniari oald ont, self, aad ibua taie lout off tiseposer off i hi on $14,250. Tise amonut souid staud dasiguing mets ta mled and decccve.. tbas-for1870 STise Wiîea Triai. Portion off Deboatnres, $760- 1 years latereat ou $14,250 855 Tise trial off Whaleor lb. the arder off -- tise lassenled Mfr. MoGoe, bau boen go10g Total, $1,605 on ai Otlsa a ince Mouday lui. Tise ln 1871 il would Se again $45 lacs,th ti secoud year's Debeuturas isaving bec u paid, prisouer bu a formidable urray off .40 goontheamontvoud dcree $5conucel, Hton. J. H. Cameron, Hon. M. sanh ti 10 uti a 8sonai o i ecrase C . Camea'ron, K. MeKeu 'zie, E9q.. Q.C, - mch is, otil188, ssufiso adnd John O'Farrell, Bsq., au-abia Ad,.ooculs stand àfoQee.Syrliussbibu -Portion off Debcnturec, $760 rmQec. eeaisteehvaSe :,~1 ysar'sinteragi on casse, 45 eaieadtetrial-iskle s te10bepro. iouged for ceverfi des. 1Mr. OBeiily la * Total for 1888, 795 tise roin prosecutor, and le unaîded; by9 Tise bylaw provide tisaitishe Deben. oiiser couiscet' CiifJustice Richardsa e tise tares are oui> 10 be. iccued as tisa sork prc.idIug Jsdga. Geii mcet aaigisl prgess; tiseluai$5,000 off Dabenures hoexpeetifi, la maniffeced lunlise4trial, a.g so.tob époL nt, til tise irân le laidà'.1 mes, $à pée @mt, - >The winning apany tW &fi ie rounds at, 200 yjrd ddeL, eh. oucsason off the,$20. For ibis maltch .eighsout of ton Coin- mles ,èateted., Ibo firiog reuslw 84m No. 8 , Gteaood "q9 No. I Go.; Wlt......134 No;' C o., Prince Msr. 12 No. 4 Co., Whltby.... . ....... 12ý No; 1 Coi$, Uzbrldge.........##@#osilý NO.3aG00,9 Oàisva. 10 No. 2,G., GO"b....... No. 8 Go., BrooIlla Tne iiseit laidivIdidscore vas ma&e Lient. Poundoff No. S Company,,its score off $Op b.fag 3 over cei res. The xit moint shot, gergt. J. lImte, rfesfr- ilaaprzeaàeopy of SbtFIi. olnr R.- et. for ose yoar,> prieeted Sithe pro- fietora,.tise figure being 28. riss, gifi off F. W. Gien, Ecq., $20; 2od luze, glft off Luke 4k Bro., ch.cker-table, alue $10; Srd, gifi off J. Govas, $5;ý h> ple, $5;, Suis prise, $si; ft Ie, ri off $3 eaeis-$Ie., Open te ail sumbers off tise Msoefétion. An> rfle.ý tanges 200 -sud 309 yards. Pire &sta acS range.,Entrasice25 cent. Lieut. Yuug, No. 4 44488 'U48* <'orp. T. White, No. t, 58423 4888-j2 Priv. liefrangis, No. 7,44284 08828 "Il 13rler, No. ô, 3804834283-31 Ensulgu Gordon, No. , 88884 284280 Ji. y MW,882 Of442280 Privie Itosu No.?Il 482"84 2248-80 1>4v. Bladktoclc No. 2, 88448 32409-29 e. Drus,, Iijor Difln, '9388 582423-29 No. bd- zLw7sir Batzon-LoÀDsîUu îrI.s Puizzu.-For rapfdity sud soeur. wy oousbnd.>-lct ,prias, 45j for che igistoisnmh.r off- points, osaiIt cont mg ouae pointinl addition 10 point. scored, lit off Dr. Eastiood : 2ud prise, $80,_for àe sert iighasi gift of W. D. Michsal ;rd prise. $2. y Firsi prise, $5, for tise bigbiset umber Df points, gift off James Lobb; 2nd prise, 3t for lise sait higisstl gift off D. Bark; 3rd prise, $2. Virsi prise, $5, for tisa iigbesl nmser Df bits, gift of W. MoeCé- 2nd prise, $3, for tisa nezt igisot; rd prise. $2. .Range 200 yards; tisse'oua minute; uny lireecis-loader, magasines -mot 10 bd ced; auy position. Enîrauce .50 cent., Cosspetitors may culer thrce tisses on re- psyment off tisafée, Sut càa oaly tako one prizc. LIs Ibis match tisere sera 35 entries. 'rivale Barber, off No. 5, fired 9 shots, stig 8 imec, ccoriug 24 points, sud ibu rinuing a Oirâi prise for points sud a fi prise for points end bits cossbined. Dran Mlajor Dillon fired 10 chote, iiuing 9 tis end scoriug 20 point., icis gave il.à irit prime for bits; and à thirti prise foi sits and points combiued. Puie D. Cameros, No. , Ilfird 10 &bis, iting 9 timest amd reeeiviug 2ud prise fot isas,eu< grd prise for bsits sud points cosshiued, Eneiga 0155 aind, PrivaI. Gibion euch ré selied a thîrd prise for bits, anti Privau Brown a second prise for points. No..6-SvxrsAKEs 1Sieuhi; 18 au- tries; 1s( prise, $9; 2:4, $4.60;-, rtl Tise, match svas open t. ail messiers o tise Asocieatio;n. Rauge1 200- and 301 yards. 'Vi've shot&' ai esuh range, vit] any riflc. 1. ?riv. W. Young, <No.4> 44848 81284-8 2. Lient. Yonug, No. 4) 48444 22334--8 S. Capi. Douernu, INo. 1183883 28i-2 4 Capt.«NeabiLi., "Q ao 848 32828-1 . Elggordoýn, (N0.4) 8S44820889-1 No. 7"Qq"xT  AL-COM.a'*MÂTOS à.-" sutrisu. . ,Ranges- 200, 400 and 60 lards, 3 iSola aieacbà range, vitis a rifle. - Five prises off $30, $1ot> $5, $2-5 2. Sargt. PF3ttoirson, (No. 5)>44482&5-420-1 8. Prit,. W~ Yong, (Nô, 4) Us5 428 228--1 4. E£s Gà ordon, -No. 4Y84Sa448 280-1 ô. CsPtiD900t-llI N. 4) 5W",48 2W, No. ..-Ornou X*m r-Opon 1Ai Officerg. qff Velsalers, ai dBil regularsriemna.woff the-A"to li.Govseranct Fnoelds, AuJ, Pm tion, su e n ud 6M0yards., ý12 a 1iris.File prisesoff $1, $810,'$O, 1 . z en ig is 'P on d , N o. 5) 85 45" W 22 2. " liçron No.4> $OU4. 220-4. 5 si.Dartucl, No., 4) 4"48 00 4. Q, onvn,(o.1)lit 202 613 obb, 8 33~ .7 S.,8érPeBuoe N.4> 44 1610 9.~Cir. Rbb,(No: ,)'- 83__ 5 10.3.Mabl, 8 1342, 16, 12. J..u1lt,. 15 423 15é ite ths lUISO o l eb'ton' Bon.et*lsiiud offiemercballenged a like anumber of oMeere <o afriendly mbach mage 4«0 mud 200,7W84 ô o bist sisî rage. ThseprivaIs.'d"aoorgsifuef s uu si t eceedingliis.oring onu more, pgins tisa.tihe-, Wïite, -.bbesiB8g êIte Z6 isa làfa Iis Ia~h s20 yadsth..eojre of e.tbl1rty leompeiorïs g)io4'2p poits eut Suss.W*o nos thimis a ifre record eau ho fouîd, of 30ua fo ~ l~b ed ganllivsi, No. 4. s»04 14 2432& 15 29.ý W., Yoang, "6 5428815 430883if si. B. Dillon, no. 2. 43434 Io 24888là8 "à 0. P. Barber, No. 5. 23435 1,.4244 17 82. L. Ballard,' I '6. 0842 12 43244 17 29. i. iibon , ~ 6. 8085812-- 484418 80. J: fidd ', dé< f. SOM4414£2241810 24. J. roseeill, I" 8. 0822W 7,54a41la825: * * 127 164 291, Se.G. Cmueron .No.,I. 06222 e 248 15 24 Cor. D. Caesron" 1. 242M8 14 44388 17 81 bsrgt. Nirb&' *12.-01440 1084$M 16 26 l)rum-MI. lieulos 8244158»M415850 Borgt, Siory, " 4. 0038 8à4b22 18 26 corp. Waters, " 4. 8482 35 2284 14 29 T TWite, 1.80~418 44333817 201 ser i ie, "6. 42s 438 * 4w417 o8 sergt Parkear . d 4. 42483 16 28W4 15 81 SUa* er. J. <Vis, 082812 244"418 80 lu8 87 290 'MajorrFirman, MaorFrea, 02M 0 48282 14 20 et 1r'sno No. 1. 2(4382 le - e4424 17 27 , DaUrtuell, à 4. 43420 13 24222 12 25 Lt. Yonujr, 4 4. 433 51&5,44448 19 9 4 Lt. Pound, "fi. 2eO2 10 434"4 19 29 EncluQbc, "2. 00422, S 834388 Id24 64 3nlé, . 44U8216 U88816132 Enlu'Diokie, && '., 42242 -14 483U-814830 "Gordon, 16 4.44828 1 44228 14,, 80 120 154274 lb. ~ ~ ~ "Cn veolbue tti p uonld Ft day, .v'ng, Ms'.l, This aquinsuntchir; Tisyeng aMteudost arques' intheclaire.- queatnc fftie wv aut f rpos n oe cug gien ie f teelng oftpboepïrnoeein gi gieerTh îpeardlito eao-re1se b.- laie, amétie paredtb16 amusé conclusion, aunouneé hisseof a suppportd off it. Ad. diresses ver@ delivcred S> tios enuffl'mmd Mesr. Pérry ans! Draper. Mys-L.-OnSaturdpy cvaslng a sseet lug shiciswucvery largel> stieuded, vwu heIL it tise aceoolisousetalîhis place ; ise roos sas crowdâd. Mr. Maras wuevoted 10 tise chair.* Âddraseau.n vorr offlise Sy-laî vers, delivered by Meefu. Blgeiov, Pcrqy, Draper, sud, J. B., Camipbell. geurs. Alexanderr' adBiel spoke againat'ils passage. The diinsion vu Sept op, outil ,ssidnjsbt, _Wvise, off Course au uadjourameut bildto tab, placa. Au nnderstanding, isoi«fe wu sa arived eai tisaI thdis ssion' alounld b. reneveL ae tise Aisbo ununtiawiseu vo ruesuse wui Se a large attendmwe. -Tise, riendi off tise Bilroad«a - -hava sotising 10 les b> tise mut, asple -discussion. tise Mes.Camiipbel in u othes' -coîsms 1fr. RoberI -Oamph.l arriti bénlice l veefr from Bturbse, afber eossI#fting pus-, chues luIn *qBritisisMarkei tu<o tise laigest assounaIthe fitu haveisitherto ln- portsl. 1fr.,Campb.ýll bu «z m sfor files off laie Eu6lisk u oegiiaesq dusing fbriua niEuope SolsrsEurai m.e tiIl i' Artii.. oeà iibitin ,l classes 1IBO 11 86,03, 14 ,mus*t bd, cu'is grond b~~~de pleseut., ib <loiý mon Tlsaody; lO I C5fui oo.seù Où oUaf r i rvui. .'- 1-15n std os t s0urbed. Company.Tif 1116. .=csa'wbsve il* guarintee Ion orMga to Uzrldge, Xgrkbsm, or, ay oteD g ad£'d point.. we baveDo security luité.i oé tsaI ztise road may béb. arwgu e deul wUt wlibout,csnditsonao f amykiud, sud w, One of sMa»d nu theriby loft, to Ibe teider mercles oi th.eCOuspefl ,*Mger'i," w be .oe i'ur -Mo ey, sund lnu cuil we ti Dessu é o "dia ini b. ninoe)' for six montl for a branch fromin 9uxstgevl lage., cause $20,00 <rosi Ixbs'ldge i yl secure thisas cabrasais 10 Uxbridgeà ir ll a r c a n d t isau s p a e u s lu d oÏ dS'c t cn - 1 neOton vils thes'Oranâ Trànk itWiitby. lVtis. Iecause $0,000 for tise liitS> rond! la only two-flfis off the'$50,000, fori tise Nlpiasing rà 18. Becus1 illhas olto py$2,- Reilimy ta% for Wiltby, for .««Jy rva DOLLARS» for thiselleslng. 19, Becausiset #Whitby by-lav, ve9 eau misae rmisand conditions, sud cOms' Debsuturlea cauno be issue4, motltise by- las le complied wuts. 2Oblb. Because, Iff ve gel 'no Wiibyo ro&d, ve viilastlamaI, bava 50 taxes 10 p a > . I 'liaI.Becasiie.thé Vhitisy rosi vilI conccntraté sud consolidate tise bust ln- terestaoff tisa County. 22. Breauoe tise Witby s'osA le an inox tod, and casmot -Se "strap"or "sooden"s'alla. 2SrdL Recause Ibe lisitby rond la 10 Se "BooQAt> 0Âuo,"' connacting vilS tise Grand Trunk, sithout trausiipnt. 241h. Recause Wiitby viii h. ouI 20 'm iles fre s IJ x rid g e v il ag, w vi tue T o ro nl- tolIo42, miles. 2IL i. Rca. scu naI Wisitby, 1 vili b. 30 miles nearer Monîrecar o uers market, t Iban at Toronto. 1 Rtb, Recause vicu at Witby, I yll h.ý nçarer Osvego, than at Toronto. 27t. Beauce Wisitby bas a Sbetter Harboar, opas sanies' aud closes lt.s' tissu Torouto. 28tb. Recausa am a. "Couuly ma," anmd vint t. <osier tise voaltis aud prospas'- ity c ou oms' Vounty, -"lu tise ounty." SLÂTEPAYEILS OF' -XIBIDG, ReaL lb.e two charters, and Letarmîne wiala he s mot liSerai off tise to, tise Whitby or tise Nipissiug. Compare tise tsê togother, and thon ay visichIostle most hon«t off tise tso-vbricis gives tise hast guar4utfes to corporations issisting 1tise roade. THE 1sîu IÂrs gives tise corpo- rations passiug bonus Sy-lawu ovary pos- .sible sacurity *kuovu 10 our Railvay.Sta- 5 tue, and Municipal lav. Ts .Ni-xacxwlOiiGsarrs taises our mouey m uén d g iv s i u retu r n o Tuais a , ex ce p i a 1cortainty off rAi 'ro 5Y. LOOK ON THIS PICTURE-THEN ýON TUÂT! 1 Capital Stock $800,000, off viicis oue- tiir4-$O0,0ý00, oustbSe subscribed, and ten pas' ceultisereon pali! before tise Gos. paqy ciii organsc Capital Stock $8,000,000, off shicis only $156,000 (lire per cent) neetibcsubecrib- ed, t. orga 1nise-Cos paus sis 8$16,000 pacé~ ~~ lu'WisgjIauo.-VfnPer 97t, »oS lb. C--apIjtal Stock. Ou pulL up stock off $15,OO09, tise, Nlpssing Company, cancontroi l of isemunscipul bonds sud bonuses, tnortgage tise roué for tisa bal- ance, and not psy oua cent more on capi- tai stock. -WsiTBsn, 0Wc.9-ý* Qnaifiéshiôu off Dir- eciora, $2,000 stck. -Nipiiung, Sec. 19 -QWsai3ecatigt! pff Dirçctorg, $1,000&stock,' beiu% rjct7 vAs'off lie qasliflcaion Off Wmsav ~e. .-lîe adilitiowalPs'o iviiionil Dirscto'i canbs op-apointed, and ent 'board selotitii tockisoties ff2,- 000 uaisiicitiom - NîrluassN, lais. 8-;liree .'I»es- W'_Provi- Lsionel Directori cas Se aitolted, sac 'racaucles lu,-tise board 6 i&. Tise ses Diréctors unet ot isoone dollar off stôci as a îquallflGStlon.- WtizvsvSee.7-Prvîd s t muhlel- esaublu d inÈ slstock chall Se s<~p ,-, Tiôer J silo S. -51 mun ca1i Act,' sud Sec'. 78,_ Gýwier4*al1wAy * ebnrcmuioeSas *lcsi bi re fisevarens ai u t1 appoint, tise co- payapit tise t ira trutee, ail <o ra. ri, neis Tormntoand.ho to forsu a quo- ram. Seo. 13.-Tse trustees tho Couvert tisa bonus dMontures ia10 moacY, and 10 p*y. outishe sass pro ratc, on tise cerdtife of te leffenglmeer, "bcetvcen tise bonu- -darles off tise cie> omooto sud Balsas LekO." But on vhat paticula part off tise lino, the charter doges not siy, and the "bonus by-lavsri' caunot dseclarei If tise assistance ofcorporation was ly 'loum" os' "Iguarantes" n thelb.corporation couid vithboîd ise deobeaÏoreellli tbp condlitions of tise bllw ver. ,compied iitb. But' heing "bon e edebenturea muet k i a d d o v es'l u s ix wv e s tg), ttis a tr u ate e s, and tise trustees $Pen'd 'tise moue> visre taeman ,not is ororho 41n, pointa out4-Tiho etficato 0 engimees' muet clà on visat pari s l ie of -tise road tise verk u noe ou-ie 1numl'erng off tise miles, leng c uctîive rots tise bouarcoff oou. ut thseeSgineer ueed net certif> tisitithesorS commienced aI Toronto. O ui> tie l'bonus d c ureus" are to Se tissuLdes'tis ecoiol "off said trustees. Heuce tise suxlaty off tise Nipiés- Iug company t.ý obtain municipal, *bonus" lu rirefrrence 10 stock, lanti, or,;gusran- tees frein corporations. 'Wsîrur, Scc. »,-Corporation sMay grant moue> or debentures in the va> off s bsonus or donation, sud tise ýompauy sisal! appi> sncb bonus "te tise specia pur. pose, tor:wich the cerne. vre segrsnta&'" Unde th Whtbycharter, eciscorpora- tion cau, lu tise 5>-las, Lcclsra tisecofidi- ious ounvisicis thse bonus le te h. given, sud tisose several conditions mset bufui- filiLedte tise lettes', beiisretae compmny eau racaIr tise diebature, -or tise corporation issue tises. Ience tise miost perect de, curity l'o corporations, nées'tise Whitby charter, aud tise most reckleas risSes puder tise Nipliig charter. CnÂAOtEIi Or »tAv. Wutm, Sec. $.-Tse cospony must "1construci and finies an Isou Raiivay.1" Nîpuisua-In tise cisarti-r no Mention la muade, sisal Slnd of -as Raiiway la 10 ho bit It m uay So imow, cTRAP-Iigow or voonax uuanI5 d atili Se sitiutise charter. Tise Nipissisig compas> is not Soné to bouLdau Itou Railway-nelthez docs tise Uxbridge by-ls ay il isaltSc Iron. Mui luit., says about lis. "narrow paugeý Norths West sud xipliug Roads. THE BÂTTLE 0F TUE GAUGES. Tise council of- thse towship off Nos'- tisaie, lutise county off Grey, bas vils- drav tise by-iaw vulis It baL prepa*red for sulimiselon 10 tisa rtspayerm,Sud os iicia votewvas o have been tasais <bu sacS. Tiss latise'resaIt off a.,serles o meetings iseld lu tise tùwslilp, si wbicà delégaionas ie praeut l ros rout'f nd lamilton. A great demI ofimnportanoA wu ittached ho lise action loff Nétianbl by tise narrow-gauge mes; andilbgibrd ly 10 be supposed tisa tise vitiséra*ïal a tise by.lsv, comiug an c"-lose apon tisera fusai off Bentiuck-' and, Glcuelg tosubiaî sips, aud tise defeat-of tise-narrow-gauS lu àSmulivan, la ves'y vells'cculn.d by t&b proïioicrs offthe, "direeVI linq. - lfz ~skiÀèmnttan a-enternl ovgry suOz . ),*f ...W M - - ScIé (r enénUlu vaa,é0 neop,0 a, oryttendSmint tirla w"sesil sbroadte hros cold. vater os tihe e Ue lir. Ur oie follosad, sudé LIssé the by-law séèobaledîàacrtitumOf tars, eue o ihs pp ilsu'eatiseos sud ch. mter su the Port Ferrmentm a plied hîiul' mosi luborionsly 10 t tfon e'lieOf aateeasllluit terufad néenrdlut. agensràl'd ' di *Torossto asé tINlplsmiggietsi terf, 411e ines Of les lu support Of iss po.lti Ms'a. BIglow.ltiîelden ot-hs-Wbl Port pary llulls oz baîmgilvitOd ma&é ho osis' caine thotie meting l'os yms of hiru# vIsse tis eprostars01 routo sud, ifptilsîg Rall**,Ylied t b. brougise gm4ist-th.OCamp% nYof'1 liWthse boter of 1h.iug- ProiL ut; ior tise purpose of alfuordimg -anaS lis1 lu rafferance go tise pcuitiotroftishe W, PorC' Ferry COMPUýmunysst1lt ti s lIa1 loef vsai $W0 brsuchte i)Uxbridge; chah a by-las dap.nd4gtisé vote Off ch. 0iosiisiPt for a.isosinsof $150My,5ii41iho. ioulé b. p«cud;9 tAit.-y.lav 1-t isefore lise rate payers Off 09uogWv course ol'prépatatioic lor a boue Tise ceves msaha sld, sonié bonuss o lise amsount Of $100 00-. alreadyt u Olier front lîr. Nqelcon tc uarros-guge lime for $7b,000--tud 0 thon t.o otstruct a flrut.clas' brondi $100,0W0 Tise broad-gsi u lt-i i tise Dirachors ismé det«cruls dupos csms h pouleid aotmisilie pesiti wlîltby sudt PotPerry Comipasi'vI bo mesure itisý a crtanty tise0ons tiéo ouit rt er. fIo 81090 lu.tise Rmoisby-law va lor-tise exp pose oStisae Uxbrldg. braucis. M plained bow l tgwcs tisatise Uxbnl wus uttl entionsé lu tise bartr-4 lia salé boinz-the tisrli> dou tissà&,a 2 llthe rcesrel'nsedto itise ciace linsecoutil $hoseCompa Ia ilîty IWo outrnst thes- mals Il ob.aluug a charterlor a branài. constructIon of tis là;Une 10 once euterad upoibtisere voldé, i r dilDenlblin obtlo5ii< acharter, l'or to Uxisrldge, line Lat Isane les advente4es of che Port Ferry mL 1 ta Uzbnidg., Au preferases 10 lis inesdsl ia taomrîco Ilu la tiseftlno 1 Boav,aga. Giorgigon Bey, sbis woud 'no. scr"e"0 cameLlhtisthe dofftise cel dlrceh 1I Io ie aturi cisenel-4 'Ur. P.r w.a o Go- ne aer 1: ff~ s I. 'f I j- p e ofto lte damé. lie bal refis- itm. lat- oiug vol- ,itlw end bels'isd la" iroac tge, for «of c siics oras'h sme ofiSiy laclss go observe enln V l tsairs,

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