Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1868, p. 1

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>ABIIISTI&U, Attorniejs, SollelLors, *, B oxPylez-Weeo)4n, b..esao.Bilding. ,M obote. ,ooto,OC, W. Toronto, Jaly 21841M. s.w K. COCINANE, t. L. B. LI0 VTYCOÃ"W14 ATTORNE'ZY FOR ON.. 'tro, Bàirnatýr sud Attortie1-s8-LsV, Se- t tom a ba.ry, N.. &eblo*.- ame I¶,*loW's New imaîdln, Jaodes -G1JONOE 11. DAJRTNZLL, >or?, Deputy tegiotrer, Metor Extraondi «;"y, ad estlru3huyfrthaConu- ty«OnUtario. OfficeBrook-t., Wbitbj AIRSELhATZQIlt1IETAT LAW, BLFoliolttoriuchancor', &a. Whttbi10. W. Offe- Viotaria Bouding, Brook St. W ntby. Os.E. JARYle# AÂLRISTIR-AT-LÂW AND) SOLICITUR BAin tghas.' hmbr-8Toronto4t.. 'Toronto. .2 tan>'Publie, &a., uts-NexL door te dh. Stor ofR$Ji. tqsapbi, Break 6St.,, wýhitby, Out. 'Wl4thy, Nov. lb, 1861. ' 4d se »0 FAÂIRBANKS, OLIÇT0£ NOÀRYPUB3LiC, &o. &o. sommesTO, &C', Ac. 'Wbilby, Jan. 29, 1862. A ftTOK&NEy AT LAW, ëULICVkURIN £IL o> ,ouojuo,&o.,Cauuiug ;tonïurockUt.W. g J. FlÂNER GILEIIWOOD, A "1!i!roNIY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR IN .Mchamsien Notery Publie Couvayancar, -oWltioLi,.W. iZoome, Mlic Ttoria 1Block, .sgL'taolto#?a8r; 1111e, on Blrook 4tro',.49 J ààtES-LAMON, ATTOltt4iY.AT.LAW, UL INl Danda. Set. , Throe donna Ws.i o< the Ptt >iIce. O..CIRÂNB &CUCIMAXE. 4lo0; .I'~'~ sud 1Notarlis Public, d&c., d&C, Io Alaza-MLPoi- Oppomito Town ~ Psr~,rio.-BgOl W'5Bk. 8 IL Caocag1 LL. M,, 1 W. M. <JoOHÂxE. CeuniUV Cvown Aterne>. Pont pevny, 26th tiouamuber, 1865. 61 - C. A. JONES, 13imeflstar, Solîcator l ha aseany, Ate torse>, &Co, &GO 0'OTiICP-Nsxt doorto tbhe ld Regie tvY tJIioel Wbltby. 41 ly W. U. STOLE, Ssoioltor, *L*. sar 44, Clmunoh street, Toroato. ...O 40 PA.CARSON & LAW9 «- Consaltilonet Paîtnovsblptreof change. - Whltby, Jniy 20, 1868. 29 a . J. GUN, M11. P. tiLRGEON ý TO TUIE COUST>' UAOL, Byroffltroat, Whtby. '4 P. W. FERMIER, a. 0. BI&OUUUAM. Ovrws Houas--o L1les. nu., sud 5Ste 8 oILok, p. ni. 18 J,94 N V. H AMp' MOTAIRY PUBLIC.- 4 WLibyApvlI 158h, 1se8. TOWN CLE1LKdiTUEASdUREigWITBY VICTOI1A IOTEL. M ILIISCOTT, 'lUJ'RTETOR.(Late Wt.Bojntue.>2 JOUX ROBTNsouqs BIAll-DRÈSS1NG ANID SHAVING BMUCK ST., WNitTBY. ONTARIO MOTEL WHITBY. O.DAWE8- - PROPRIERIR t upalor sao oudtloOnne. Canfual Le Ion, othe neqinemelitso '0tnaielers sud gtilusale u .*-om n od os im àI,007n r lu un uorNTON'B ROTEL, (g..svsssvUIT's. a te oafor. Lhe lu- xuaty et Viaooi nasd til thtecreme- ti iad o! Lb 'astis,- 4vswgym'i aT 1ILHOTEL W1., WjUIT ' -- ha.go arcnonsate hie bib>', May 3560. 20. T UMBEUt KEIAZfTCaonrter, sud Le fît', GroouStW' 'Ay.Âisrgo.juau. baud. JW'A Hasrseto hfre ouliberslterme. 1GUOBGECOUMACE. WhltbyYa. b, ,1862. - I Brooklin Drug Store. RÂBLER lu Ding., Patent Kodicine "palati, 0119,e Mug Safe, Confection- fr7, &o. IVWin$% sud Liquons o1 the. boet quallty for ediceal purpeisa Brooius. qW., 156P 2mo À-<~s U &"Sita'C;rek, 1fmfty.) T8 pnepat.d toe vo uai. sud k5l,ging les n. ous, t0a a li/ited number of puPils. Application to b. made et Lb. 4>11. of John L. Watkis, Surgeoo Deutist, over Jamesà Bynnu'u Medical il!, Brook 8M. Wiitby. CROCK ER'S ROi'EIL, (LATE I'LATT't,> NELSON ST. TORONTO, NOBTM UOP RING ST. BASSETT à KEEBLE, . Pimernmze. T IE frprietors tes ocLfully aunonucea te the frindsut aai» as ew.il eu nean haontc, fltt>ù' bavre taken teaboe ronie wieilàa a n eu ven>'roaptet conveuiotir sui coniforeabiy fitted np tfnrLihe aeeomluodàtlol, ofgne,# aed the traveling publie. Tlaey vIii bo roun11fd lit constant poreOJItene ausee, sud -illi louee othing uaadoit ounteil part,to viro satisfactiolu Lu il whl ay >fayot thena witb a STAGE HOUSE MA14LLA. ISAAC FENTON, LropritoLr. B EST inessadlilquor.; .upanlorarcom inodatioturtravflen; geed stabllugand attntive faosiier. .1 1 YEOMAN GIBSON. 0C OMSIO2J MER CHÀN7 INSRANCE, & QENERAL AGENI!. WhiLby, Jan., lfth 1868.2 REVERE HifOUSE, NNC9397881 . W. B. PLANK, - - - - Proprietor.' Stages to asnd front Whitbï ocal!dail>'. Evor>' attentioti=paid to guelte. <aveful sied aten- tiva otmios.9 VARS & DEVLIN. I tAolUAIL Dontisi, Oshawa 4 1 ouu a ooms, dineeti> oppo. alto theoPooab tiic.-Eut l'uce ou 31moertreo"i'Lbird .loomnotb of the Outario Bank. go EXIPRESS A4EN'T, &0., aise Agoni fer Accident sud étandard Ineutanlce Cos. 17 Qery si Why t. 18 that thoi e le sacb a ru for pictural AT CLARK'S GALLERYOv? 18 la bocause lie boas thbast Gallery lit tho ceuni>', td bhas mono patiane.wth chili1ren than au>' othor Atist llu theoJcounty, sud eau do quit. as goed v'onk as suy otee:iman lu the W' Thoat'baetha-tuattar, sg ont1%b. backwsnd about conalug fonwand. BROCIL ST.. WEITBY.- Wbliby, sov. 12, 1867. 4 Farm to Rent PFux 10 TO 20 YAR. excllant Pr. Le rtoutb.'Townsblp. Alof Whl bbiug the uort bhcof " ot -32 sud 88, lu Lb. Iti concession;-,thana baing 160 acr@e lared eof ret tes seobluna god mte ot.onlivatioti, with good dvelllncg bouse sud eat.bnlldiuga. dembl lusa, vu!l b? ren on resenabie tLrrefor s perid o 10or jauyneo. Possession giron 1.8 For particulare spply te PEJTER N. BALL, Esq, Or te JAIM SLAION. floictort Wummu W bllibj, MAY 20,18M. - 0t àLOTL &PREkmmISES FOR SALE. rrIfT od-esablW msd velh kaavu No- OENTEAL BROUSE, EPEOXE, anlatAA rm .s Ltika. aA ivine ÏAëia.. WELLINGTON 1MOTEL,T AssulIANtCE COIMPANY Capital, $400,O000. J 11 nderslgued baulng bean appofutedl Ag'Ient for the aboe je nle v r.d te Teur. epr eaia L>S BY r Ch. m11 1out = ternis. Aàpply to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12.0e.Agent Whitby CLARK & VICKBRY, - Proprletors. flgmotrespeettuliy te infor. h. iniabl- tant. t te 'euty of Ontario, that tii.y have lessed the. aboe. preois latély o=cpied by Ssndy Pornoe, which tii.>' ave ilowiy fnrnlsh- ad sud renovated, sud tbey are prepured te sooumodat. tlii travelling public. The. Bar stockod viti, tho boat liquore sud cigare, sud au attantiveoieo lwa>'s luattendanco. CLARK & VICKEBY, - ropniotons Br,)oklu. April, 1866.191 FAREWELL k&JIcGEE, ARRISEES TT'R~IEYS, SOULCI1- ()mer, --One door uortb of the ll'ot 011e., Oxhawa; snil KeFetter', Block, oppomite Town Blai, Bowinauivilia. J. E. FABEWàll. R. MdThz. JOHN I. 1 KISt~ SUJRGEON DENTIST. Oro&.-4)ver JAS, BYENE'8 Medical Hail. Brook ritriwt, Waitby. W Ail vork warrauted. Famille.s attcudod nt privato reidounces. TEETil EXTRACTED ffl-WITHOUT PAIN, . BY TRE USE vT NITROUS OXIDE LIUGIIING GAs, O1R THE NEW LOCAL jANAESTIHETIO# AT DENTAL BOOMS, DIJNDAS STREET, WKITBY, C. IW, ROUfMl.-Ova' IM. Il. Cochrano'. Store. Wliitnj', Juuê, 26, 1867. 25 FIRE ASSURAN(IT CO., LOMBARD STREET & CIIARING CROS, GILLESPIE, MOYFATT & Co., Agents for, Canada. JAMES DAVI&viN, Mauager. I SURANCE agalust LOOS by FIXEare elfacted on the. mont favorable terme sud, LOSSES P,&ID withont friobeu te the ilard la London, Apnil $rd, 1866. YEOMAN GIBBON, Agoni, Wbib. 311OE TOULS, & FINDINGB. Pesgu, i5b.. aiJl., "" 1 Tulca,, ge saad To.«=se, jar WTOLESALE AND RETAIL. JRYAN k OLIVER, 12-lt114 Foies Sv,;sz Tosoarv. Imm lk% Mlovmsi IEXAN & OLIVER TO MACHINIS8S Ssais , Ste.0= 1pire., cmm ule mges, Ventle CsasMsiCa ilprnRiue=, CPeoqumresAmas' tiverea l uaes, soif(Rgan e .mg Osilprmail DL. vIdra Sftt! ies sud- ToolS hieanOSera, Seet* 8t1"l4o.(ormlsb> EXiAN kOI& R if.!>' 114 Fago st, T«omt. TrO CABINET MAKERS Tww. Sea saitgvr &M.O b, Du.Clsrwsb sontb-3'Lot 10, lu 118h concession of Mars, 100ý ACzIa, 10sBeï «eeisnd. North-3< Lot,14, 108h concession«o!Marn, L-ot il, 7 thl concession ot! Southa Oralis, kuovu as. 11 ttosmbéat Point ", o 4Lao CÃ"àit ehlaing, *bont *né ue is (rom Lii. VILLAGEOF. ORtLýLIA9- 8 maces, about dàares lens blance cf' Lotbeatifll' voda. Tle vitiont ex. ceplon l Ii. hstsitatd ret>'on Lake PoticigTii. viw etodugth iil In Rama, the.Town of Otilla, th@. Narrove of La Re simeoe. TOWN PRO PERTY, 11I E TOW N 0F WHITBY. TEIROYAl HROTEL, Tira. stonla, blgh, brick, vltb .psclou dir- lng yards sud stables. Aim e i.ajôinlng offies on the. South. tvo ieno whviite brick,,sud the 66"Chroeio Cco Bai ding on tise hOttitwo %tonratribrick. Tii, vbole >proponi>' bas a fnortageofe!148X4 uaL, n Bro k nsd uearly. 12 rode deep tes~ ~ ~~~h an20fevdo i.proeoni>' sndsr a rentaietof55 per annunn. W- POSSESoSION .lo ofOCT., 1868. bit Lots oa -DBron sireet, dirocti>' uortb cf the. rosidonce 0f ILN. brano,, En-q Fer pivat. raflideuce, not ereolled by au>' vacant propent>' lu Town. Sevrrs plots, fnom Iwo Le six lots, fencod, lu tb. uclghbobohoed eitthe uow Roman Ca- 'tioheCh unch. TIREZ ACRES, feucoa, kuovu asete old Cricket Ficld, TWO ACRES, foetgm, vesi et Cricket field, 1-X< ACRE, buccd, sut of Cricket falal. S LOTS, feucod, vasi of natidence of J. H. Gaonne, Eeq. 4 LO)TS, fauceal, vomi cf Brook stret, sud Souit fneleuceof etanuArnold,. 7 LifT$, fauced, RagL of Bneck Street, ai proeoat oocupied-t,> J.S5. Sprewie. tâ* Aime mereral village Lots, lu varions parts o e t ovu B US 81N E 8S8PREMISES. Tbe vacatui Lot .djoiltinfr Loes&h l'oweilis Brook street, 87 toit front, t95 feet deep, te Iae. e Tho vacanttoSuth et Roy'al Canadisu Banuk, 22 foot Iront, 918 (coi deep, tosailue. - Lois East et Brook Street, oppoatito te Dawes' hoea. 10 actcl on Brook mrett, Norut et Railvo>' bridge.- W 1LD LOTS. Nara, Senti, % 9,, lih con. 100 avnes. 66 Id - Id13, 1l lh 100 I 66 66 Il 4, l8Lh I" 100- 64 6 'Il20, tLli 100 id Ramat Pt. Lot 18ô, Ird" 180)1 ld; Lot 15, 4th 6, 200 '" Somenîlia, Lot 7, 128h " 200 d Bidon, Weilt-!424, 5th ' 100 BerCe>', LI)t 12, 4th" 200 " Gul River, Lot 81, 65 Ble, Lots6ô& 7, 4h 46.400 Broc!., Euti Pt. 18, 9tub64 95 Hlowtek, Loi 22, 15th" 100 Est Banri Eoad, Lot,2,5, 8î'd ALBEMARLE INDITAN LANIS. MILL SITE at tho monili of Ucarer River. Vilege ef Bearanten, - Acres. PO0R T PE RRY, Sovenal village Lote,ultablo for business' locations, sud priva:. eadeucea. W- A'io vlillage lots ln Brigihton sud lu Lb. Village ef Brechîn, Township ef Mars. The oaubsenuhor iiuing doerminied te closte eut tic whoieofet is .licil1 Entste business tth. prcaaont ycar, if postaublo, Lhe ubore propontie are efered at Iow figuras, sud on long tonus ef panment. Appi>'te J. IIAM IPERIRY, Wlîitby', 4h Jul>', 1869. 41DW-27 1868. 1868. TRE LWVERPOOL AND LONDON INSTIRANCE COMP'NIY. ls. beau ln eziateuceinty-twe ja, sud during that poraod bas paid -Losas .xeeodlug Byve sud a hall million pande atrl1agý Tii. dlabursom.ut cfibtis enormnous, euna oeo s vide oarcshan viiteont douteontni- bntqi 80the. astblisiment of titis Iustitution, lu the. confldcncaet i'nstio Coavoaiuoo, lms- CRautM, Houazaaunzs, syd business mou gen- arali>', hercvrr IL le nepresonted. i . itarst y"ar, 186,the Fina Premlms algue amountad te .. . .........990 lu te 108h yesr, 18"............ *47,7fa Il Out yesn,18.6.... ;ý...... 222M71 di" t 808hea, 1866........ ».... £789,882 oas Yeui latan, 186..........*818,056 Tha riraeRBeerre, Fnd 1MnoW 4,727,44 Tii. Lfe Rservo Fend laJe v89,202,46 Thé Coauplun le prisautïdlhvoglaout On- tario sudLC Qbe, b>' loflueutialAgat, te vhom oppl onafties <orlneura.My Wha&d G. IL C. 1WLTIi, Pabruar>' 111h, 186. ONTARIO RMflg' TO0 -THE 11Ethe. uudesadsiu e rcitauts sud Tv 'ro.iesmeu et tie Connty, f Oenalo, vOuld betcby- luformLte public, that on aud atfier tic 23rd -DAY 01?JULY,1868, Foreigu' Siir',r viii oui>' b. c epiod hb>'n t Lbe foliovinig rates ef diacount, Ll4uL le te ssy . 'Unit Dollar pleca. for........ oet. Quarter Dolear piace 4or. .24 etis. Dime paccea for .............. 9 ca. Bail Dîme plaes flor .... .. 4X< uts. Tiatis eoaith..bhes.adoptodlu ordar tW endeavor te suppreas the cinenieiion cifufroigu oein ai More th Issu llgitimata rine, sud te luecte. iacirculation et eurt evp carreau>'. as Wal! soi te proteet ounateves ftruatlae -ver>' boa' sud miteonslofs ail oia l t Lis cet- munît>' baye itacu subjecteil te for Lhe astfev ]y co-Oere o iii us lu ibis May'er, b>' refus- iug te sccept or circulato fqnigqjverr, oxeept ait tbe abore rates. hall, YeonanuGibsen Nafélii 'hBra., H. 1 Cros b(J. B. t'vingfs, Johon Sandens. M. flwtl, ailtuion & Col; T. H.. MeMilian & Co., Loren Brovn. 'Leva. Allin, B. J.Tai- uell J. A. BsndaI, Richard Yraue Thomas. Lawicer, M. H. Cochtrane. G. C. goce, Win. Br>'aaa, W.. Durois, sud McClug Ba otlaors. Durrurs'CÈnmx-jehn Lepn. FdnIuud Wright, James L. Thorpe, aud B. Bnutiug. BnoroÂw.-Il. P. Baud, and D. Denielât. CuAasiEXOau-.-J. h D. MeNabi, William Mc1'bcrseu, sud Robent Eldon. Wbitby, Jul>' 21, 186-e. 29 ]BARCLAY & SPAPPORD'8 NEW UNDERFERD SEWING MACiNE. (fONTAIN-8te tiieatcfinproveents, le %J tneng, voil md niata. iduraule, andtin lui respecut.iqua) Le Lte hlgb-priced sewing Machbines. CW CadI Ait the undereigucd's und sec epeointcn. JOHN FERGUSON. Brook Street, Wbuîhy, Juiy 22, 1868. .9 Tro Loan!1 Oq GODRM PROPER!F 880, ou Terni Pnr"T, nt 10 per cent, lu- tenectpnyable >eariy, lim e to sit bornoyer. Titre. ml' am for sale on c..>' terme, soi-cnal lanaî*ta et oiafier jet <Jetoben. AppI>' permenually te- .5. AMER GIEENWOOD, Solicitor, Witby. GIIEAI SALE BA1NEIIoT STOCK IR JOHNE ARQUIIARSON, o e Town ef Wiltby, Marchant, isviug nmade su assignuteuîi te tue, u.dor thte ILselVeni tAgi et 18684.sud ameadiuenta LIanneLo -1 viII disute et, b>' nettail, at uthe r.latefy occuyil b>DY lan, tii. Wh Ihiet aiétock ea~ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, kc, &C,. As 1 bave beu iurtructed b>' CrouLonrs te dis- pose cf th a Gooda ai 25 per cent beiov ceeu, vitic i viiibco50' par catit nuder the -ususi notai! pnicée. parties vantiug Ciieap Goeds muoln cFatihoeppe nut>'. Rmember 0- Farquharsoni'.-01d-Stand,' .YMarzi >pe ti te "Robwsn Rouas," langalu yull eni>' he effcrod for as mittLime, s. thea business vii h.cveund op asseMnsa possible. U I -<CAH VitiwVréayiug : unowew.. laTurnv 11:81bous eàt ben, Ples,..the.guarda-costa by î" "1be 1w md' Womosu la ropi>'. 'Man Puvasyin$g Il fow'forges Paenlis that Our lires bosot, Stite snd povert jqloai MI 'voleop 1" eaid Jon uuluep!>' 'mailwuvasying:- "Nov b. sure Nortsub fayott mesure, "Lova t"1,ald #ssir rpi>' Usais Bue*. 1.9e shall navet baie s penny,"#etormed. lUncla Bonc"111 itti eut hlm off vitb a' s'My dear Banc," e aid Il, "jou bave- alrmOsy coutvadicted youneifi-ia linÏetdny,- ing hi. a penny, sud ,tba promlsiug hlm tigelle, 1I neyéer heard Ion contradiet jourieif >(ahboiugh oten 'éther peopie), ex. _etve uspassion, spd thet l o b <rama of mmd l vhch ait dovu te alter jour viii."l "md jour ovu business,mai, snd le me te manage mine, ws the prompt suad encre rejoludar. " Yonr business (s mine, Nieholse," con- tioned Il qnlid, i"eluce veave partuers. IVo bave beaufriands, boy sud man,, for tha.. forvt jaes, sud I am net Sgoing, -o permistYODnte quarrel vitb me., 1. "&Who, vanita W oquarri rt'osid Uncle Bancs, pa.vlehly. 6ê'Weli, I dont;- but I voald rathue veu tbat ehonld bappan, than that My old friand'should do bimesf sncb su injustice s. teo odemu s jonug <.ev, v ho bu. Do othar relation lu the iwonld,nunbes;d: jyour ovt slstar'e son, George 1 I am uamed ocf s"tTbubsd? Pi kôfof usput-, tared the -old feljio. >'li ý " is th u'.s plain as *1,.90oo o-yourtaci" 9"Thank you 1 ilsaid I. "floweirr, lot May " sas.offensive thingesenyleuplae. about my nose, but dont be unjuet tW 11I am not unjuet. The (acta arethas. I hsd adopted tbat boy, and meaut.tW treat hlm s. my ovu sou. Ha bas dlegracad himeaif by bstting on a publie race-course a ou. ha had! no houait means of paylug if hao lst-. gambien, air, aud a cheair, that', vbst h'. proved himaif ; sudli bave nothiog more te do vith hi.", "4You hsdl bettar inqnire loto the mattar a uitile funther, Mvr. Buneaeelaid T, vith coma distînctues. of mannen; for I lli.ed Charley upon hie ovu aecouait, as vail s. bacause ha vs. th. oniy relative of my friand sud partuer, ona of the mont sound htartad sud gvoesiy preujdiced men vti a mile of dia Royal Ezehauge. "IThora in nothiug to boenquirad about, Mr. oea. Eleu if my laie neph.v" (It vs. jusL like vbat his flatterers called bis "siteru detarmination" *0 use the phrasa; just, like bis "&infernal obstinsuey," I say>) -l"yen, ain, aven if my late naphev bal! bail tha flfiy ponde 80 psy, wbich f am aura e h alnot, I vouid disinhenit him for betting 18, sud aveu if ha, didn't bat, ha vu. on the vâSe-courss, and that le a place no uaphav of mina shonid show his face et sud remain w>' heir.-Tbana ls a latter from Our Vianna corespondent wbich ra- quira. jour immadiate attention, Mr. -Co."I And viîh that, Unel Bunuchviîhdrav himmafif mb the glueueasathet lebis paon. liar sauctum at our officei and aiammad the door babind hlm. Our firm vs. Bunca sud Oeand ~lthora hal! beauno otha ,r mendier of le, eave us tvo , for Iland wtv.nyjaes. We vare no relatives (though peshàjpa not laest friand. Opon that accoun»,' but I caiiad hlm 'UnaleDuance. beesase Cbarlej did, Who, outi tbatenucky Desby day, Ws beea metroasfavorite ofIhie s. of mina; 'sud haerevare h. Yonug fllov's propect bllghtad, sud the oid made'ssieations lft. vithont auj blumain 'trelle vwork tWcling te, al beêasoma 111 naturelbueybody,' Who. kus Nicbýhla nua' batred of the, tanf,>bLd told hlms thst 1Chslrlej Thoraton sall h, gave>'. "Dut i eboli se. My lavyaa" tc-night sud girs hlm saab in structions s.i'*111, -aS aitavants, préent My propertt fahting, afiar my deceaass, Ita Lb. iisdo cf the ' haiUng-rng. Stern I bail oftaseau tnNicbolas Bancs9 but bitter Durer. 1yvu gisil to sec hi., bitter, furi mi vusprou! ha bsd beau voanded sse,-sad ounies. hobac! dearly lail Lb.e lad,' Cbrleyys couduet von'.d Dot haveé Walb topa-ver se, te, vomni hlm. No*, where 'thare bas once boa otlva, 'thare es lvays roem 'forrcnclao, sud s es. -Uncle ancune v.round Lb. corner,, I tookabanum om bthe.Swerd 'and eGau Officei Ilj b.d >bacu aorrgeil long sge ihat, on lb. neitoening, my psrsnai ud T1s'aould. dine tegather, ut, Lb. former'- houe;sud, va did su. - At onetimne, Chanle>' ai been sekeil, but'- that vuasls ovar nov, of course. tUcle Dunco, bail ot comaeta the citj that dsy, sud itwvaailent, by hie a rIead u melsuchely maunn,' that ha bail beau occapied la somothing distresi- ing sud'dissgncesble; badaud, I have no deubt that hfiébail beu rmaklng hie yol. I vs. net onea uL sfvad eofthi oldgen- tlenmn,bu t 1vs.resolvad te paL' s gond face DPO13 tb. malter. Zý"Toîr good hcalîh, Nichelas," ssid 1 s ha puebeil the, cliret to me,,after diouer, "sund Cbanrlcj's good 'Uncla BDoe ihsartas if hobdailbbeu stuug. 41 de uotvlb le 'bava that Young ma nDame meaîlound lu my heanlug," obevcdhe. "6Aftar to.night yeu'shall net hemr it, oulesi yen plesse,"' aald 1; ',but 1 mut have my, my for thlioe. I telil jeu I mbould do ce jastevdsj, sud I promiseil hlm. the saelut niglat. Then I shail hava- dischsrged my coumience; sud if jon eboose te Jeot jour uaphev -go te the doge. L it ilbu throngb ne omission of mine. I hava neithar extenuation nor spelogy to moka for him"-_ 'I ahoulil tbmuk net'," mterposed Uncla Banco. "iYeur tbougbt ile foundeil, boeer upon vroug promises, ichols.--'1 have naltiier te, makae fer him, simpiy bacause ha neada nons."P .Neede uones11 cohoelthae ld man, sud alîhougb bis toua vs.moseut toho con- '-temptueus, IT uought I detectod laILstu accent of hope. 111mesu vhat I asento ld friand," ra- plied 1, quietly. "The lad bas beasvd, 1 wil! net iay d's auj char jeuug ma vould hava bahavadin lutha 11ki circam-' atauces,' fer ihat phrasa is oftea ui!d W exense su indiscretion, but I vIlI say this, andI thets have doue vwit s bs mb. hsred s a true gantlaman, sud (espacialj> s a goed man of bacamineu atb he olo matie." I hald uptlb. ineglamsDalveail, my oye audtha iight, sdauunacleil myý lips lika eue vb, hsving relioved bic mind, may nov ýafford W anjej himself. Uncla Banc. saemad: te 'gs.Pfor air.' "dWhat ihaen lace lw y jeere-makiuîga loci of me," exclaimed ho a agaj. l"Do jon meau tell.1 me, h. difi uot go dovu ta the Derbi ',? "10f course ha hid. Thc govanmmant sent him." "Tho- governmnt-ent-b-im 27" re. paated un>' reepectod, parluar 11k. oue lu a dream. troula ,aid T. ffetudout letme iobeyen viîh tha particuas eto!àa ub. joct vbicb 1 se ledi4tasio!ml Le yon, sud iabeut vhich jYon hava quit. ausda-ip jour mmnd., I bav, nov petred my duhy la Lb. maLter,1 esi i4 .ansuend of it.-Tbis 18 godvne. I -f ilaeDo secret, may I M-k 6Fifty pouals. Fifty panade Lo tan .agmiust Palnpral,muttered tbhe ld mn T: "Iî'a ah a i ie ,S " cried ho sud, J&uly. "Hov data jon tslk tW me about Lb. goearamant seadiog- -"Mn11. Banes," icterrupteil 1 firmi,', I viii»o jiendure snob slma~-. You Msj' tmerorea nasuco rnîy pounds a t 'np.vas agaluat the mare; if the bhadvonuheoul& boa cisareo i fsj punds b>' Lb. trama- tiin; and m iL vs., slihongh ah. lostj té setate joug falloir muagad toaimeurea-Laun peundi, minuste .sovareigu eriginally in.' Bouce, looking, I Must amy, moest anoon- moulj <coli. 6"Hovevar, Yeu mail cou- fas that appearaces vere mach agaluat the lad."y s. Not o bit," siIL "ou thae obuafry Lb.>' mie vevj mach lu bis fuvor. Causetle tb. viulev haie, sud jndga fer joursaif ;' there b. le, ut tbe corner joulen,. vaitlcg' for me to vble for hlm. Ieee'lt look- 11h. oaa of jour connnlng hang.dog Tud- bsso,-eueb syon have pkctnred hlm, or likely ta grev loto auj sncb horrid shape?7 Unies.-he bappens te drair a favorite in a' svoep s noeud,,time,.-vbice 1*0tvary' lIikelj,,- ii anser fer hlm ibat b. vIllV noer mokea abat lu bis lHf. ogain. Com.,l sir, ion whise for hlm": su ad Unclo Dpnce hI vblstle ,.cbocrfndllj s."'iy blsckbrd ; sud as lb.yonng fellow r= up, b. héld bis bond ont thueugi Lb. open vluîev, LolJet hlm uov ast once that al vas azplslnad sud forgirea.' And than lb. camae indoors, sud somathhlg wvici 1bail caumeil privataly toLe, a hpt bot Ifor -blm- imovn tsirs-for hucha Fonce'& cook lovoil Lb. lsd- vasb rougit op by vsy cf dnncr, sud hocla Banco sund Isud Chaniaj hsd a menu>' asulg togather sftar a&l. Mysterlensm Pentu .1 a JTyseioaO _(Eau.ute Erio (Penn.) Ga2Melle, Aug. 9.) A lady uomed' Mr$. Iiiggs, Who bal -beau living et. the el& Martin Rotai, fIl Quand, <(the landierd le Mr. Albee-, va be. 11ev.,) sund angaged inu perintending tie eractionof oa fna rasilanca for hersai! ou Rice avenue, ina that fleunlshiog borengh.- dial ýquiléa expactahlj en Mondsy.' "h. camae to Girard racentl>', iutending te maire bernev bousa ber home, for life. Sb. vas raported quità vesfthYý. Mus. Rigge le originial!>' (rom Philadeiphia, vhere, va houaei,, sha maried. Her lest buaband' *boso n»m6 va have not learned, laft ber $400,000. A fav jeurs ince ah. marricil ba *prement buabsuil, Mt. Rlgga, o!fiNew York. Bbc rctaincd ber evu prepert;, and vs. verdi 'Bttoast $200,000 viien ch., diad. Ber business ageut lesà brether of ber firit husband. Ilis vite ie deail; bis dsughttr, s youug lady, hbu beeu viiihim, vaiting on Mms Riggs. The latter bad a suit for divore pending against ber bus- baud. .'Bbc vag taliou slck s veai befoe ah. died. This' agont sud bis daùghier exciaded aail' cbera fre. valiig upen ben, suad the agent administerel cihen, chlore. for., sud saab ether tiuga as h. prefar. red. 'Binceber deauib, Lb. lsghtLu ! beeoms serionsiy ill-ba fahan aheesacting, s. physician ta ber, A fev dbya befoea Mesi. Riggi lied, an infenior-lookingveomau caeme tW balp bar lady tabah.e cure of bar,' sud elomail to- bs-bar sister. Mats> cir- cumatances leokesa 0 tranga that the landl- lord sail that a pWoat eans.sumtatleaa' ,bouid b. b.ld eou Mn. Bigge!body-but on Monda>' uight IL vs. removed te Lb. 1 iWdecuof Dan Rics (vbo ilanuintimate acqusinasute of sail business aganî),vitb' Lb. Intenltion of t ilt Lta-- Maidaiphls- , er 6rnal. go far as coutl b. sartainel,» 1, ý Thé ooà

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