Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1868, p. 4

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YORK vPYL -0- WsIfCE-lumon, thl'o., ,ou th*a bontet BOtlu l sud sus. Torsisa eau bld 'e ats A Tio LOAN 'ALIg.uu - ---- - . .orur --on geeti mi ~ss etrity o omu# g.4hlIer o0Irs rb55 Isev tm to psy th. elepal TIse ooropepTsit 11w..Oftbe.laai mt n4oe- tay ÇCoàt g slu the Doniiniotld tlend - nna I1W ratesop m m suned to;" pro. Mj' s@tgn mr old FAT=s for sala, at ,Îtremoiy l-w prîjes.,5 $iller and Urcanuobouglt sud sel.- Appy prsOSSlY, JAM5 JOLDEN, OfillAsga.Land lusurgae nsd UenO- rtPFFCk« fen w itlllan'a .l3ic, Brook t. Whitby, sept. 25, 1867. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON- INSIJRM4CE COMýP'NY. Itabeau ln exl,.ten@e thl, ti e An d lurng ibat period bh spTi lousaimmeedig 'Aie ead a hali mmliiolPniI- seri Tihe dlaburslft nt fibis *noTtf lOU uni "vota side Are, bas, withsout <oubt, contri- iutd t-tia. staIolaslof thIs loIstituioln# lthse conodoce ofir WCotio eOsATo5 Ma uhASliocaitnoLlusl, sud buses nungin- erally, vlserovoer It Ilarepresented. luiaia essr,186,tIe Fîre Fremlunu glotne smntd1............... 4,7 In Ics lotis 705', 1841....... 96 2011 year, 16,56........ 12,7 "8:1tisyear, 5...... 13,8 o nt yesw lter, 1867........... 18618 The Pire Rass-o Funsd la nov $0,27,44 The lits RBemve Fend la -now 09,282,468 'fte cornT la repremie tl tîouehot On- ttioosnd Oueobc, by loiliuentIil Agent,, Io Whoum application fur InAulsUce May ba made- G}. P. . 5MITIT, Verunry Itîs, 1869. GOAL OIL Ii AM1P'S OF VTIHE NEXEST PATTEIINS- Bhades, 0(,As. nhL. thaehanest la Towns, ut AII. JH. GERIIIE' FARMILR891,mn 110 1,T) ibu îisersCa(rom IlleImpaflara direct. The oisif aîralle , 0 el1Y6iloopisiI lreet. i nreul, havie5OF5 iVtiI 1 ou«11ai UM IÇ# aclgeo 10 Ilientreis a ,lC cUtry-id recie 0a .-ery .ay 5aligne55Ae5 isi tle is.saXgî 1eslire saliàidl1 0ble. i'aa rs f tg t tiasus eistimoial§ altesdy ' 051 s tIlesIsilQueiseC, Jan. 81.m gantlleus.-Th8e #chesasel o trwarleiloma dîneeillitee, avrwved toi good orier. 'f ha q&Wlyilapure eid ,excellenît, snd p;wîelsen Ci.AuI 1 agispartlcuhsir mi bsu>5'ut hheliat quis sly o( 'f1'einIs 1a.Sind ,r &UM '<teiss, 1IUni piasetW t eqeaull yontisa il gises gels- efui daision. Your Oii. eevt. lliair w Aurs, 05mwa' ec. le, lm0. ce3asît..muThe iNIX oç -1,,Ilgli*Ia5 lrakfet ,ild Tuant; gliyauTei iîclsYgi wîUse ,sagivesa greel os. uat5"n. Vu sünu 317 petgisyfsiiia rs lni. 1 Oura, Se., î- S IINR TouasS, e, lcemlalf 18, 1M0. Gentlemen _The a vsrleabsb-f TetaI1led froisavona *asi, w.itseisw issti ineti.catiis, l.Yeu Win .rIa s-sa saIs c55 ie b osr.S. _w eona o. Je u a Nulle 1 5a " e eYss s , 1 1 1 ,s o i i l 5 5 mcs i l l e s u et , dg n p l o t l O d e SmW i ce sdots"lî &C's, S- Cmut . Jan.V8, M Tisa eulilsularalathse '1s~lc5journal" hale diaqse in esretil inic1 îieiiil tesirvos 'dieFsssiac 'ar# eatsad ly dvlîkiitgi lssî,sse tan. 'rtehaCoui- iiîy "as-e cs'e<siy scad sud enlmpoa ra e5p~Il 'l'OS gosi e lawarneil pur"easit e(ruPomin ce»Use ou"nm5a10', lu De 24,20, là ud il is..loxe. B3tACIC" c.Onl5)iongou, lBrokten li; 'Dca'el, &-M,,isa vies-rvi ew asoniils 1 OU a, ad me I1 Bâellenl'aFus ias-alveado.175C.; ,, Muel Ookiîi14c, 1 e.; RIi Plsivred do68.; s-crs- #M ie.. Ta Jues isi, 0.5<.Vlm ise litlsedo M Jou yo saOn, M O ijoFtidi. Alioeras for I iora(20cr25 Io.rtWis 1211. ,U%çarWgo (ouitethlae ois", .Teisa iotBwMW5505ed daaisssdlsti s anM is tisa Maulvesi 1mark55 = a quo;iv so l rcuemer -05-slisplieitllYroli le* 0 S. «voold habu t usells. two or 'birslulsig tlet cculd dIv-ita. Ais excellenit mised ,etaouidbI seait (or M t68e er gxd1 rmld l inomsft 8e MO-n l ni *ý l ivra i loutonswiilplisa it Iroisofficea arder, or vi. issiMInfotesl. Therisa ange wii to psld tate ieuaarrs (lis. Orler lumiii eoulsiln moses-, or lise massey Iah aeîetarit c lis ans- sy siea55fl h 1118?. ONTREA L TEA CuMPANT . le, gosial suce, MessruL. JK Rduaes mails te beya rechaisie unit u. Ailbohesauassi front tissa eastlisusset ss-.tisah fumsssu5s-'Mm rama ion t05 lais. biflIAGN AND- onufate to ontUes,aiJl ldnds O RemmW e 10 BSand. -WIiitby, May' 4,188 Spinw& Sume0 Tbe subseribor desfrea to return tbanks to bis nimerons patrons for putaor., and begs t o announco that ho is DOW mppieti with a choice stoi, cseiluliy eeoed by himeýo CANÂIDIAN, ENGLISII &,SCOTCH Tweeds, Cotlsgs, Conhmerse- rondoiethe, 811k mixtures, kte., &. Wlsèhoics e1 prepared to make np to order, on tiseshortest notiae, iu the la.. est style, andi on the Most ressonable tertue. àAL=E&»MNDER IGL lBrockl et.Wlîitby. March 24, 1868, 124ly $ 15,000 U. N PRESENTS!1 AT IIOYT'S NEW PIIOTOGRAPLI GÂLLERY, OSIIAWA CORNER 0? IMING & sinCOE TEETFIRT FLOOR. Prizes consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold -Chains, Brooches and Jewelry cf ail kinds; al»o Sewing Machine, Paintings, .lbunàe, and a va. riety of excellent dlocks. Life-like likenesses taken in a few seconds, in a manner te en- sure pefect satisfaction. IV Seo lBille for manner of distribution of pre. sente. Now ta the chance for al te seeure enduring riiOTOGRAPHS, and valusble presente, at a leu price than moat pliotographers charge forthe pic. tures alone. Oshawa, Marcb 24, 1808. 12 THOSe' LAWLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CENERAL OROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT CROCERY & GLASSWARE. TIIE CHEQUERED STORE. 1320CE STREBET9, WIITBY. Fresh Arrivais Spring Gonds of the Latest Styles, at omi isa Romember the place, corner of By sud a ntiDu sSte., Whitby. LBROWN. #my, IÇOV. 27-1867, DIVISION COURTS IN THRE COQU NT7Y OF ONTARIO, POIL TEE TER1868u. No.1 Wlb............. 2 1 3 2 -1 1i 1 1I1I 2j 8 lkvn........ ... . H 21...2 2 2 a 8,Mnhesft«& Irinoe Albert, . so8.... 14 29 : . 4 P 80 "4, 1xrd..........4 Si ....J 15 30 .5 . 81 z,~2 cn no..... . ... .. .. Q7 ...2 6,Isvee........... ..I22 ...23 ... 6 ", " ,Abre..... .... ....24 .. ...a.::24 Z.BUIRIAIK, Whltbi, JanUal7 lOth, 1868.JU L Oppiositi*on is the ife of Trade NEW FIJRNITIJRE WARE1IOOMS JNO. TILL &00.,0 Wil be found a full n cmleeassortment of well made Fur- niture. Parties wantin.ýanytlsnnour lino will finti it te their advantage te call and inspect osîr Stock before pnrchaiting elsewherc, ne we are doter- mmed tW sd l CIIEAPFO11CASH. EVEILY ARTICLE WARRANTED, W * tPHOLSTERING done with ncatncss and dispatch. Cane Seat Chairs re-seatcd and miade as gooâ ae new. gW- UNDERTAKING attended te on the shortest notice. .Remember Mie iplace, Caldwdll'a .llocle,iiree dvoor &ull olte late Wm. 2'z71'sFurniture Wareroom8, Whtitby. lOOlbs. of Good Cleaii Feathers Wanted. Guod News for the Nillon! $50eM00 WORTII0F GOODS Kuew ail men by these preseuts that 1 eau asud do Seil the CHEÂl'EST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARIO, and wiy ? Iecause, adopting.the Cash systeminmy motto is M. HL COCHRANE&S.1'SMA Lli Tweeds-En gl isb, Scotch and Canadian, nt M.,il. COCHRANE'S. Uloting-Ready-niade, and to Order, at M. H. COCHRANES. Groceries-A New and Large Stock,ât, M. H. COCFIRANE'S. Dundaw Stree-t, Whitby. 1Whitby, May' 4, 1868. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHJNQ Great Bargains in IJats and Capot. Great l3argains- iniBlankets, Flannels, Heav Shiring, l &c . a G reat I3argaiiis in Heavy Double and single Shawls, kc. Great I3argains in Heavy eclouds, Hoods, Faiey Scarfsfcy Great Bargaýna in Heavy-Gloves, Mitts, 'Houiery &c. ALSO A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F MY STOCK 0F FA.NCY A1TD Staple1 Dry Goods, he now complote, and for beaut>', style and cheapnese can't bc surpassed. %IE In this my'stock is vcry large, and more attractive than usuai, anti parties fasorin; m 0 vith their patronage, wiii finti it te their istisantage bots in point cf style anti cheapnes. A full amormient of MOURNINO GOODS conaîsntiy on baud, antidocu n the ishorteat notice. .Aiso, a choice collection of BRI DAL EQUIPMENTS trinsmedt 2 ortier, la the lateet style. W~" Dress Buttons andi Trim- minga lu endieu vsariety. TÂILORING DEPARTMENI!.-Clot.hiflg made te order on tIse promises by-ellrcias vorens, and an immense -stock of tise mut Fr.sbionable Ciotb te select (roms. A gooti1et guaranteeti. special attention calfedto te lot of BOOTS .AND SIIOES. lu mnens9a' womeu's, girls' andtinses'. Aise, Os-or Sboes for dam p veatiser Grocec, liard- ware, &o. Inspection là respectfuliy lus-lIed. Cash palti for Whest, Bar.>', Bye anti Peu. - osuAWrA, OCT. 28, 1867 BO.OTS & Cobnrsa ef.K nesd hMmcv Wre#M, O#haec. SHOES 10f the Rigkt Fit and M1ake, Tk.e subseriber beg's to returu bis sincere- thanke te friends and customersfor tho ver>'libers! patronage extended, to hlm ince hoecommenceti bueinees for hinee- In order to meet the preoect requirements of busine-es, h. hue remved te th. premdiee,- Oppoite Bank of Moritreal, f uly, uppliet. Patent FEavetrougbe ouly at .friteli and11 rotueri HATCH & BRO'T 20 "NOTED" CHUJ New B Iac Lceshawhe er nep t T. H. NMMLA2N Co#. New Dress Mushins, very chep, at T. il. MeMILLAN &C6os New DreisBiniiants, Very ceap, at T. H. McMILLAN kCoe. New plite and Cottons, very chleap...at T. H. McMILLAN &Co'S T. 1H. McMiLjAN k&-Cdu. Frcsh Groceries, Liquore and Winee. Fresh Importeti Turnip Sed, only 20cts. per lb., At T. IR. NeKILAN & Co'. KING STREET, OSHAWA, STAPLE & FANCY -DIII GOOD1S, MILLINERY, &c. MAN UFACTURER 0F :W CLOTIIINGI BOOTS AND SHOES. &Ct IM' A Good Workman Wauted to do Ladies Sewed Work Alwayq on hand, English Sole Leather, English Kip, Frenen Galf, and ail kincla of Canadian Lettber and Findingi;. WAICIIES & JEWELLELY. J MES JOUNSTON begs to cal1 the attention of întending purchasers to bis NEW STOCK 0F GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIES, JEWELLERY, Clocks, &c., ail of which will be sold at the lowest plces, con- sistent with good qnality. WATOHES, CLOORS & IEWELLERY, Carefuly Repaired. Whitby, May 4, 1868. 18.ly INRIA & CHINA TEA COI.e HO0ME DE POT LONDON & LIVERPOOL No. 23, Hospital St. Montrea.- Pue and GENUINE TEAS, f plendîd natural flavor, inprted direct froin te Company's Plantations in ASSAM, and on the siopes of the IMLAYAS, blcnded with the fine-t producta of CHINA. Only Two Quaites, viz. :-70c. or $1 per lb, eitber BIlack, Green or Mixed. Fine ilosehod e, consbining Stength and Fias-or, 70 cents per lb. Fineat procurable ............ ......... .... 1 dollar pr lb. 99 Sold in Packets and <anisters by the Conipany's Agenta, in very City andi Town in Canada. RA D E MR, MARK Agent for Oshawa, AGICUTLTTIIA L M A RK. ROBINSON, . >"rsgst.1 WORKS. NOTICE end< dets elins, ail otISakinds ot Cake,"-TN the hast 1qusiitr." 5" Fruitofoalkir.ds il mees, sardines, CocosNat%, 1. ne Baker, Confec 'W ithy. July 16, 1867. PR OTECTIQU FAMRERS &aOWME TRE 1ARTFODDI etfally lafomins -Ibo tantly propusred ta- Y&ens lu tbe BakMrs Fruit, $Pouge, eud Jgtan4Bisuita 01 am~on. Alon Lob- g, GInger Beur, "2e eDOIIGALL, jouer, &ae., Brck st 28 N FOR< ERS OF STOCK 0IV m p Y y XNCORPOEÂTRID BYTËR Legisature of Connecticut Wit a perpetnal Chartepr. îr8100,000,d<e' oated with tis Coinptrolloî sis security fo Lioey Holderâ.f This Cotiopasnv tanov preparel t issuePc licies on LI VE .STOCK~, agamast bath n DEATH AND TH-~F At modorutte Mates or Premnium, bsaetd on sa Englimh experiesice of over NIFTY YEABS. The Pioneer Company- of Amerac. HONIE OFFICE.-No 2a6 Main Streetj lIrrtford. Cotin. W-~ BRANCHI OFFI'C!ES.96 Wshington Street, Boston, t3pEBIty & Wmsnut Ma na- gers; 106 Broadway. New Yorik, Coozus & MuLzuy, 3Managers;430 Waltnuts~trect., 1M- Inal;.Ii, F. %BM. A. Consie, Matnagers; 49 La Salle Street, (Chictigo, MAmu &d Soerawzczo Managers. pytoi L.FAIEANRI, Ir-, Fsbrnar7 20, 1867. 7 De F. BURKE. FamIly Grocerg,Wlite & Spirit dealer, .Ne. 2,9 IH E 'S EO K KING ST.. EAST,- OSHAWA. CROCKERY &GLASS WAR A WELL BELtCTEDSTOCK, PRESE TEA5, 0F' AULKINDS, W.As Cebeap.as *ny homse lu Canada. 5 Mlay 20th, 1867. 21 L1 V ER Y,! DAus seet. 14 Ra. Til" PBar-Onr 5 ILCocaa.z, LI, CCU tVCrossa Alto C. A tryuollee.W1itby. ti 44, Churcis LYXAN qE: --UREON T NTI THRE 17DFMIGNED DESIU!8l TO IN- LfernfibIst friands sud patrons, that ha bas agalp eiumea business at tise old WHITY UVERT STABLES Lately oecupled, by Mesars. Coulthard andi Armsatrong. or' Ifa;ug encrcusedthebmnumbar anti quality of tise slnd, sud aio dded to sud Ims- pros-ad tihe colss-yaue andu4velsieqsou tise premises, ho hopes by belngiln a position ta iseet tise vanta cf.cusooers <o usent aaohmn otfpublso patrcuage. W- CHARGES MODERATE. . 1q. B.-Cos-e"dCons-sysuesa or faqisiia and-adses. 1'romp& attesdance, as baretetere X. RAT, Provatore Whitby, AprIi 85,. Landi1 Lan*if -o--- "T'HE;ubscssh.rOfiers 11w foIowint làstof .Liandb,iwhichhobeifls-ellaSna t>" FAIR'VALUATION, «q X4, NO. sii 2u oceession of Eaaeb,'O &s ecate Single Reapers and oe nd Retipers No. and Mowers Combined, The subsoribers would call the attention of the Agrcultuirai cern- io munit>' to the.r Stock ofl mplesnents, where wiil b. fointi aluscet eves'ytlg 2he par- mer mai regnîre, antiee$eialy at this seaso» of the year, to their Stock or DADRR AND MOI~R WaIÇTA e,h T VORN TIM. JAS, M SAXO, 19-ly ý Wliitbyq May 13, 1868. RETURNS11

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