Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1868, p. 3

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il, o ~ryluPuiby wlhb tbe U.iI.4 sis ut.iceU., bthe-people of Nova 5.ntmp sud gSonrouity «f the United 'Bwnust drns:ddîts Inuary. The Min- JsUury ouId be g*eatly le biame sbouid any tit4ovîrd qveu>t resuit (rom a refsaii t -grisas ibis demand, Mr, lla*t.r, imaer for Mobtro«ej se- conded -tb. ilIun made by Mr. JBrght. The Wgbt 0cm. C. 1B. Adderiy, Under. P*s<ia!y of the Coloneial D*partibent, srost le vpiy for Ibmo ouvernuwsnî.He- a@haowladged tai disceuîeauî prevaIléd, la th# Provinceeof Noie Seotia. ne toàl occasion tu deôy the correctnms o! i Biais -menutmade by Mr. BrightinI a speech cof the 161b oetlant May, lte ie .ctthat tlb. passage of the CBDdia Union Aci 'la Parliamont boes i fot final, but merely presiminury Io iisconfirmatiion by tbm .,&t#oIcf itheLegimatarts ou' mCh of the Previnges concerned. *Tie rixbt bon# _içondêeman continued b7 doarng thal tbe lippolin î ct f bis commission of Inquiry wnold b. a grsea vi, and wooid b. con- àldered an Instl by ibhe Dominion cf Ça. nade. Hé intuiom,4 tbe Houll. ibat &teps liad -been taygn by ihe Government le ai- lay th lb. pu0nt feeling In lue North ÀAmeri. con: Provinces, 1He said that ibis feeling, wow 1101 60 bitter as bad beeu: represened, for tbe Act& of tbe Canadian Pitrilament, kitiIng ni Oclawa, bird inoes been approvcd of by Nova Scotis ; and wbatove. discon- lent milA ezlsîmd wouid, prebabiy, disap- pear, as th, people of thai Provipt u~siad no reason zow tu apprelleud an iauraaas ef taxation or expendiîurs. AMîer furîbor diacuassien a division cf the Hous. lock place on Mr.,JBright!& me. tion, and resnule as folluws :-Fcr the commission of Inqùiry, 8 *T; against, 183; mmoiyagainsi, W8 Thm United States Oovernmenî bave abandoned tb. cbargeoic triescr agiinst ffurrati, bnt b. bas been ,indicted foligiving nid and comfcnî totee ncry. *Thie Fali Assises t Ottawa wil open on tb. 2nd September, wbon the triai ef 'Wbelati will be proccedled wiîh at -once, A statule ef lreland'u Patron SWint bri been plaoed wlîldn <lis niche en Si. PaI. rlsk's Uni], façing Vicîtia' Square, Mon. The l2tb cf -Juuy faiiing on Sonday ibis year, MIonday, tbe 13:h, wiil be celobraied by tb. Orange order inusead. Gueuàuu sîoasîus-Ws earn (rom la&i. ligish papers, ibat ibe emigratien iroit oermmny tu North Ameriea gros o, n ,wiis slrtordinary rapidity> mandsJe epeel. ad ibis year to rescb 2à)0,000, tbe larsjesî o.Uqeaboitou: ecord, .Uutîii late. J, i- wu -the South Guronan-the Poer Catbic- iebhlBy wuoemiigmtesd ibut ihe îewns iouuth 0f the uMin baie go& rid of lbeir séporgiuoas populatioin, anud now iî la the I'rotesîantscf(ithe Nornth (germen îewos, ta nuWho be bec u guling hy tMo ney fur smre yeasa illa ibis objcu, ibat are acok. ing a new home. blA BRIED. AIKMqA-IIOIICX.-Aî tlb. reli- dece.of the bride'a failler, on Wcdnasda-y, lb. 24th !mat., by 1ev. L. Warnnr. aes.imuZ ed by 1e.M.Siaier, Uobérî 1Peel Aik- mnan, Esq., M. D., or ticaýatiur, te Tillie, vldesi daugbîer of Lcwis Beach, lsq., cf IIiYDEN.-On Sainrday, !Dot., Lwnonce lIcyden, Eaq., ,tbe Croan una Illaes, Q. i3,, lu yean of bis ano. the 2Oîb cnk cf Lb, 65sh1 Wluttby m1uarueis. Wodnesday, June 24îh, 1868. Pull 4ci.....11.45o $pring.......... ..... $1,30 Barley.-It............... 70ets. Pl'a.... . ....70c. a 75c. Quis............55C. a fisc. Volues........45c. a bOc. lJny.......$10to $14 per tofi. Jitater.........121 le 14c. Wcell..... ........ 23 lu 2Scis. isva ýr01"d iu.eçoiituli are Juaauuuu;moi u6,113.lulua its»iu.. fut ro,u.a.ua ut dientuu,u.)lie aI lu# faiuauuau pillan Le l>r. Malstgo glaio utuuuitu steao rlair:.x îl(hY 12.2i otrî t liuu uair~Cuuuu,îu' u'ieu iauuui-- < lus-na ite ilu## l'll- uuu.y do. Imuu gritau.-luey ua4k,u ru . Cu$lula.'fy errata a viguuriuna u.uuuuue. mii o-ur. ~uiuîiuapy tmrututh le ugeuuuuuuu; 'luey unleie laver, efrir lie uad, uuud i.uuuuuuy theua .,. No, fuju i îuh prfiu s l sortm lu.uae u.s auresnsa ia l usiu aloiuuuuuVuruiluflue tulus, 'Tuuuaur, A,eunée, Mha tllue,-ui, lhIuuiu. iiauuaîulea - îuui s. Ciu..,lire uauuull traduaraldiuy alls uirivnliuuui -uuedicie. lisuflueat bMAUUi( I. iLv 1Id.ttlUt, D'1'aulEuTIC ÂAND VIAlItlIRA Pi'lL.L8, ruare whuene &auol iaro (ui, a uuiea r lUuuruu,..Beadi, Chlauimîi, Cuau, asulal niambrssisuuuda. ofisuuirs tasIntaili. 8oil b>' l ru) rgg'asin ice 2aper baX. 64 1-nraml...iu y iy uuu îggiclmlo 114;or Salue Tbhe grsuiutnt vei"sainae J. tlnlagxk 4#11 luOX, wiu "uile uotuLblagfruu i. J). Jlsisaisuacbave ihe IVlltisuiuwae iwîui ttowder. kkiat tDy lissay iîisaa.urk 49!u., Monutnosl, aend Lr- liAx, iiiiaiori & Co., luurus, imud ail lauaggi.ua. 40 aigu, IINOLOW'S GOO0THING SYRUPe j FOR CIILDEElI TEEIITUIN0, gneluiy fniliaten hue luproccas ou' laethiuugby 14011411»luggtiue guuunum, rtdneluig ai llamiamtou - Wvit tilinjyAtt P (UISail ili oticblon, anal 1,, SLIII *TO i tJA" ME JJWEL$. .i>Ioed ipctI, uihtterou IL uil givo regsil yqnrives, snd W-Relle( and U841111111t10YOU1 Iuufa1ntb. Wea uve pîuit Ub and l ullhuartuilie fer yettr, nuud Cr rieC,41 BA mlx acucli ue»Tarai ut Il sat uai vaave neyer beeu abe tte csy cr mu>' ottijr ueil -I'xu atmil Fm&zv lax A în. IssesvoEna~. cvu, iac tilunial>' usti. jev6r did we kntiw an inmimuuuui * c dlusmtimfiaeiioai >'DuY 1cai0WO u ucail. in fliasccuarry, il ana aifigited wlîLa ILs aopera- tieni, aud mjiak Ia termen0s ol»Illemudiiu ef lin; magleal etcoi*s ud Imedîuei amInes. WO hpeai lu th kas matr &uWL&T WE DO KNOw 1 alter year aut axperienoa, anal pivalg env rI- putaisil afor tieii nlIunl orf *batIra bue doiare. Ilutaimne jiev u uua"eÀ viien ihé lifnuuýt la suihieriug trous nanandl oxhiausiln, relief will btu cuîlu 9Vlittaenor Ivani>' minu- ttu taler théue syratp ileadntiîter.d- FulIl di7eurecilu for uoçluug wiil aomnpmhIy ascii boule. Nuoegesuinis niaiaS ilitafié- biiii j siruulls t JTI»uM 1'JSIKII4$, bNw YenIa5 li 01;ltheumitaida wrnppar. 801dla by Pmagi(no lsi oruaglat uhe werld. * FBICE,-Ousr 26 oeutspev i3otUe. * fl1Vl.1~,...ChFuVltoin Rtpmat. ler Tank.1 ýM- - D FRESH FAMILY 0GROCBRIES just received. A complete auortment (in ail kindà,) of thêe et ]tar#iésing Tools onlànhau4 , A1 t Iow Prim e or CASH, LÃ"I %sj Faintapn, 1e ." orAny uantiyof good Butter Wanted. OJr 2 0,C 10,bs.of god wool-wanted., YEOIYAN GIBýSON'S.0 .Rinzmber the pkzee- ON IYi. 1, Laing's Con" NvEW ADvE:RTiSEMENTS. I qEW ADVýERTISEMENTg. Ail PA N RLexbornal anîd luattrauu remeuy fo'r the cure C11AJP & PÂiAI* 1Khue'TONACII, Draini, DBim endScalls, ?upraalru, swcllluug of1 the Joint%, Taoiiaulae, Paulua laiache Yao, Naurnli laïudRuuuumiuu Mtore Throual, Ssidalua Coide, Cinuughs, &è. '170 lu once fuor uluy e1 thies, Etnayod viii iaa ver do vitîjout lt, £giT" iiewor< cf lnalîatior. Isciasldby ' ail 1 o-r4mon. lrîtIl> DAVIS & sol;4, Farm- for Sale- 13Y AUCTION. D>. M. CA RD, Esq., IN lnutrr.cied toeil by Anctirin, at ST. JOIHN llOTIEL, IN TITE VILLAGE OP0FUXBRIDCE, Saturday, 4ith of July, neit, AT 1 «YCLOCK IN TITE AFTIIZNOiN. The Psut-luilt cf Irt tNo, Sn, bril onrecsion rnt Vie Tuuw 11(41)P #.&if ridto, eolii.tir'g rot 100 meu,crop or or Itemj, 8about Ou mon cleNred, It IN a pend loominli oil, gsitnated on the 118w trrket roa.d, nearly 4 riku rom Ux- brid<e vIa aethr1 £latge barn ai onu or iwo -ofmali Ibuildings, aàmml> Cok mis acro*p eue corusr ofilie propsrty. TER*$ 0F IALg.LOn oreditonc fonrth cf the purcuua.s nonsey etaione of file;, the balarte inuait tiquulai rb' llsutlr,inim4, wth luýtore t, L l.thte ot stxper cenut per atnstn.Ilf' oti for . aa a4nnt of 5 POr Cent wil l bcAlloweil. June 24t>u, 1804, NO'IKIICES (.ountv ou' i f1,4ii, '1 ierclyi l'ugrivi rl) i'-', 1-5-liteu ijourn sud C'ourt Out <lariter 'a. -on,, ot' i e Peu.t- hi at tuhe C<ourt 'ios, ii i ue lew.a ut h~.iitb>, SATUIRDAY, JUNE 27th, 1688 AT TW 0 XO'CKR . 1., ftrio p:b!>t<W ou' nudi!iiug ia,10accouis ou' H. J,4 DAVD)ONELLi titank of tic oeuce, C. 0-> Jun 71,168. -un TENDERS WANTEIJ. TENDEMI WILL BERTiIWEIVED UNTIL MXONDA'!, JUL' 6th, 18688, For ilate bnilalisug et Lha Spireocf 66 AUi saints"9Chuncho4 Vbltby. Pium sud speeifleauionsanMay lue sceau atthue I3.1f! EIRY, Wlîitluy, Julie 24, 1868. 25 NEWLY IMPORTED PAPER IlIAN GIN GSi T lie tiut lie lJgaspunoiiid iuiuýli centuis iun uEngliuud, a tt ut' Il'LtIl Fa rm for Sale.*AEIAGNS 126 ACRES, LOT 7, 7tIi COIN, 0F UXB3RIPGE. O ýlil VElu ff 170 AOUE CE&EED <Joi "rîuuae tiabu., lbriviuua' <rpliurl, and tuvo large.1n I'uuu und potables. leltiy WaiOer g~Turngas Easy. Ajply o11lia, preinims. IIENR"MY ALL. Uxbrdge, Jâme 20, l's. Suuo-25 AN NUA L MEETING. T lIF, AN'NUAL MEETING oetthua mcm- Whitby' Mechartice l Istitute, Vour the ccruuslalera.tuun oft he Prt-miulenti'uRet- p.ort, ai1 elituouîof ;.f ulia-e;fur the ouuuiing )euax, wii Lu lil luinluir liurii, tn LONe.&Z June 29tho 1868, ,AT 8 O'CLOcK, P'. k. ~rA large. auteilanoeoliq remçpeifully Te- i in-25 StnTuT SUBSCRIBE TO, TUE WVEEKILY- TELEGRÂAPI TORONTO, ON'rAIOu, &Popular Paper at. Popalar Priées. ONLY $10OO ]PER TEAR. ht cmiai mrum nuuuuu-e u eti riul au' uuiutu )'n i,uu vile iibfthuretWLK.Y JO rriEîeul.wio -wii'ut ri rp'adl t1lau ecgt T1 auu u- Wîlot lilue I luuua'uul uu .huuuld cttuac 01% Y DOLL(i.IAR four au ceuru Mt iurip- tlu u huie Troptuecekly "eegrau ph, -a ujieuli<l aauuily çuulîur. lil u illuiter- i,,atuuag uuuci.ayreiiuacluariet aud Cautuiu licieju o lui, ujigu uiegruu;iu'e eurte, atraiti- iv ioawm, , ic0uuus uud maure uuilual iaufaruaua tion tluuituî eiou Liud li uoly oîuacr uuauier. ,As A 'oLruiciml 'Aa-uOitlailler,, ils opinions f(!rrmlasy, arolis vuigaur musaiuaund bu- couiuco;ait once-ai laiglu-tauuueu liauuJpat pau;uar. lus LUucOrxAua Ni:Ws lai crefaiY ,eieetced aand oriualeuaned. uuuaul tm Ctaitu aaanmid Auuîerienuu Ncwa lt; fil nuad oupluate froua i lparia uf Lia. Taju tFA>iy u t m VATaiu! conluangroalble mavicaoluuthe Fuuslicio;asForeignuandttomemitio Guumsip, ialem,, Skcteies, l'oe, IVi, unier, bel'ice nut An. lua CoitunouarDzrsr.ruzxumla admitical te coutanniu ore reliabie Market hReport, ltuler Gfiai, l'rodnee, (Jttie,.Iuniber, JDry <6outat, liaardwuuo aud Uocriam ie;uertod, tdagutla te tua lama ii aq; ou'doua sru.euaiied larga waakliios puall- lisliedi lu, Lrouto. Bond for a Specimen Copy. OU£ CL!) 1 lITE@. ylv. coliios, enaeyoar, toavay atidrea....84 50 1 1 4iy "6 9 I 0 0 ~ Ycrty Il dé'di 32 <W Ziglaty si 66 dé 60 00. SIITL9(7Y IN ADiVdNCe. IFor go mibsMors xwi h LooyÇ- .L»oek etiteo . tlawang MachiWorita 416. For6 sab.elboma a bauilîul Mcigodne Werth ,Ion 10 obbsOrIbOrs cIýb6r'A floue, $logerOr dheslrtW16a,00u athine. Worth u. For Ibo suabuiribrs eltuaeec l>rnnoo M Cc -Moilodatusi, o enaof Mmu M aUIi ocobrateel (ibliusl orgaso tir O Fire lanWhÏrnt»icli aveé a rTil-, ablm record cfthii. maîkata slicuid ha wthou'> lb, Wa.kly 'flogrpb. Rnenaber oua dollar lier ycr. Mddrcoà sale ah Ver>' Ihaaaccd 1'riccs. c2r Paintiuig, C.ranng, Glaizn;, nnal 'a per fihnguu;g, crcateal iui a work- iataike uaid cxî.datbou u auuiuc, un ausuai. £ A. C. WILSON, Due-Tam Street, Wlai.by Wiliihy, Avril 8, 1858. 14-ht' FLOUII & I'EED STORE& N ATIIANIET. »BLO<W bers to inforn bis 014 frie ls.i.ud thue pubilic, thist h la, La opouaca à leaiunr aui FeriJStore, ils MR, DRAPER'S OLD S3TAD, Welt the Pet-oities, ami îuorij voplto thae Gzdtte >ilIe,3l)ntda.u Street, Mli>b, Ut. Cr.-' T1jici'siof' loir. Brati, autul r-iartri, Esta eVer> uiiauç lsui iie q t lt luj <ul U aauu Wili be sOld i 1813dseaeusul rtaaîl, dCLali for MICHAEL McMAHON. INFOTIM.ATJ9N waîîîuul o e ct' AuuL Mo- i su', on of' Joii leMuuI<u a uuu ?Jand uSv cahili, 4-t Kelaulive, cuuaauty clure, irelaau'i. Ife livoui tt Nowmnrkei about sii 'yeuritaizo,mid Aluon 1. lpat lucuof <wau$ laviuug iguar iUtteplu, Couuauy lVelliuingou. Ais) iuîtoruuuiu %111 h gluauly roccuaved hy luis, tulttr, iMau:.Adairemus CAM E oittîuprenixemuu «tfluc Pnl.suuritiPr ut . h1wierkriollkiiiuý "ieuoviuuuur lx reuquuuuued lu'tui. tu'uuaJru;l wuuy uuuad puy axuu atlierwau.e lue a iliiuee'ulu lsiuaduate t-arum tutI ai fur iulyji1Juut ofual ie ue Lat Nu,. 1,qI)rhkéu Froui, I'iekeriuur. INI>'OUNI)EI) -BULL. [IF t iruer n i f >euriluîclz lui* !yingils luveyl iemtuetcl Io puny ehuaaze> mud fiuk u t iiuiitiauai aau otluuurwia.ue lue will nue moit lau due coauruuo of lauw, tui dufraay uxpeuumem. GEO. OGSTON, lti88, 4tla con. Wlitly. hiVIlhy, Juie 11, 1868.Suu2 J E WE LR Y AND Fancy '1Goods, AT L. ALLIN'S »TATIOtiER1Y & BOOK »TORIE. A.-Spieid and eluole a auseuinn, iaclud- BAR 2IXGS, < PINS, &o.,M iiPdg-ldy A ad almo bIo hame and fro*Wistailvor, Canxcos and Imniationus inolndiaig almomt cvery do. scripion cf lAidieu s idmnneis: 1, eî t oids cf cvery kind, noumning rings, curd fasa, baud- moucocrnubit, lus'tu mlea, fans, miesi, mnd craim omnieutb, 'pgrtanonnmlrm, matit--nies acwlas, Ianey , nlri ns, tusadubo ndi im eluain&e &o, **aio Iorlîu woo!, i"Amelo4 îEs. 111 klnds of ecilartri' oys lui qrmat va- r"" "' a Ei st eciunn cf -i.ALLIX# Stataonieiy-ond Pasnoy Gooda 13ore, Brook Wliitby, Juta. 10, 0 . Wt7iII ofer -,tufe wl1ole, of their extensive Stbok-O'f- Staple&FacyDy Goo0, BY PUBLI U0±I0É,wïïTkLOUT RESERYE, COMMENCING ON --- -AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., EBACII DAY, TO CONTINUE 'UNTIL Thursday, 2nd July. Wbiiby, Jane ý24h, 1868. * Terms Cash. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, AUCTIONEER. LOWES ePOWELL, ARE IN RECEIPT OP NEWMILLINERY GOODS, Pritîts, printetI Musliîs, Baregcs, Grenadines, black anid colored Silke, pi-plin Tissue, Bar.ce and black lace Shawls, Manties and Mantde Ornaments, grey and white Cotions, Sheýetin,,,s, Shîirtiungs, Cotton 'ïarîîs, &c., Par'aols, Gloves, llosicry, &e. Ladies' aîtd Misses' Kid Prtinella and Cativas' boots. New gôods ut rnodeî-ate p)iice... Ail1 ord,,--s in the MlILINERY.. MAI'JTLÉ AND WILL HIAVE OUR BEST ATTENTION. U:72'i nIaiot-iîicyDepartimcrit tas ustiai, Ëully suîppIi-d, wiih ÙGoods suited to the season. GROCERIES.-A Iarte cornpI<te, anîd weiI houglit Stock of the choicest Groccries to he found in Town. Our TEAS will be found to be of fine flaveur, anîd of great siren gth, an d at lower prices tlîan is usually sold in the Conîty. Terms liberal. Wbitby, âmen 24, 1868. X~c>W3~ awXE3cFXTXmra3E 95 Carnïage Factory.1 CARRIACES & BUCCIES Of evcry desCription kept on band and made te crder, from the Interet anud leut desiu,nt4, t theaoabove caruiarre w W~.~ iL1 tue enereased faiiities uo a ah l4 diuiuOSait, the iidersigucd is better prepari-cdtian ever ho execute ail orders promptly, witi wluili lie mey bu lavorced. Brbcoek St, Wiiîy, TJlnc 9, 1?G8l. M. O. DONOVAN91 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Furiiished Apartiùents, IN ouu'i u a, .rso iqTwn. with or wtloutBr11 ulonr ay andlGouail- iluua, or two Uliuen. târ Appiy ah ithe Cuazoxici. Cffico. Wiitby, lOLtb, 1868. 23 ROYAL GANADIAN BAN~K. DIVIDEND No. d O'lýFin lucrcby givegu,lumL a div ÃŽdend or Fou lie r cuatfor thue curreugt lualf- yomr, IUiufinaithue rate oet EIGIVVper emoit por iliiiîuuii utuoiuilue pald u>. Gpitml ol tIOliBauji, luis tiuindayluecuuJ ecinreal; aina l itilitai Umani will lie phyaulle ai tic Ilaiuk, or its mgeuuaies, oan i.nd alter 'lumday, Lue 2tid day of JuIy auitat Ttue Tronàifer i.rolcm Wu'iIlc biaise-i from bbc 1,51h to tbe 301h Junie, both days iuîciuuivo. Théuf iiliirlMeeting of tiabiurjèlemWill lee laeld ai tie bauk eau bMouday, thé ô611eday ot ulu liuexi. 17ue0ciasir te o -Atal i o. Dy o rder cfthue Boara, Jane l'Iseo. T. WOODSIDE, 22 public Notice las horelîy glven, tha!otl baivadnl'y lied for a paicul ora îuaiy nveuited leligh, lu ha kiuos'uagon "THE DOUMNONLOH, Ana l Psle &Te hu, aeuriaby catlenoul arinsi, iuafriuugiuîg oetutunirig4i. ati, ired b: id 4PO- Dàtecl this2ara diay et' Mev.,Ivîs, JAIIES >WA ltgi, 21 Àumue jrae bRt. HANCOOK, WHITJ3Y. What greater desideratum than a cool comb fortable weil-fiting lu warni 'weathér?1 And there is, no difl-l- cutyi otni g ise if peop 1 Q would only 'go te t1he ight y1c~ g *TUONXARIO BUOT &SEOE STORE- BoRAMdE he o hebs Bhu ort adS4 es t.' Mises un Wblb, e Juns O b'eié u»m n la -SPECIAL NOT Nlow Millinery, New Drest Cood6j New- Clothing, DECIDED BARGAINS, -AT W~ THE HIGHESt PRIOE PAID FOIR BUTTER. BOOTS & SHOES- AIT IREDUGCED PRICES i. Desires to irnform custoiners that lie bas now on band a very giupcrcr Stock of BOOTS & SHIOES, of -ail kixuds Suitable forSummer -W ar., Inèludiner Pruneihi and Kid lamoastongreis, -French Oaf ,tc aîsJsnpfiorÉg;s st r.d.make. A further réduction ln prioer bas beouu made, and a trial will be louud uuflcient ta convinqe âll whocatl t YARNOLIS that nowhcero eau they bc accommodated with so goe)d an ar- ticle at so low a ptie. c'R. J. Yarneld's Bioot aùnd Shoe Storq, next door tô the Royal CanadianI3ankc, MelMillan's Block, Whitby. INreference to the above, ]AT E FOX ck3ires it to bc made kuown that ai who go ta 31r. Yarhioid'a wili flud 1dim rea-fy to taki: their nicasure-Ûo, their orders, and will lue!guaranîe4'd a W'el iti ng BI -4re11 mado ]E C> 4C> Woe V# a a x- c>:m Or in'ything else in the Boot anud .10Joe lne, ofthe bùst work- manship. O'4- A lot ot'that SUPEFIORJ[SIN,, mpeciully orderedî for thé t*ilîderuigned, off wbich lue eùau> i pI l arn iha~3oe b ia Shori, andiill not le.botched iu the na:ig tiz- Orders lcft at thceIBay attended to uàs Li Wllitbju Junc 10, 1868. 1 11;. ,UAb'I1; FU-3, - At R .Yarttoid'à Boot& shoe 8toré. R. J-CAMPBELL Direct the attention of Qu akel her 0Éck Plain Drab * Brow'-n. Shawlso 'Plarin Ppiinsanld superflu'e Jroiwîî (ioths. import'ed expressly for their'trad-- AL§0O0F TuIE PU'ELIO TO TIIEIR STOCK OF l'ancy Dres Good.s, Patàéo1s, Englisê,ad $coTti -wedse 1Blao andi colouded B1.Iko -Carpots, Cottenis, Jlouiert and UGI*ves,-ýwiiâôw 4 CÃ" 7wamfWup Lgr TPHEIR MILijINERY ROÃ"MS coifasin- a IUended - rortmezlb ci Tweed., Bonneta, aùd Huit., silk-, Clotb à'tin e ttefkb. Ile Jaist received, a full Sték of fresli Tea&-Snaarà mCrrutî.. , ud1 CMOL ÂND CONFOIUABLE. ýi IN ýw 1 -

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