Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jun 1868, p. 3

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$ t. KLUW .WEDDINQ a ago) r.Y.Who id b,' t4a Fargo of MEC lvaiea miib kec.tu os NOv y k.F5.5. .5.It , i'wJ 5 aWhbite MreIlle and j 'let q'uiIts l~o~y le th# h; Set gi sobo~a -Tabip P)gun4bg -a.- p litîo r Oha ~'ork. dmuluon 95 eou; tUmrved Sets 60 e$ Doors aopoeat 7.20; teo aamnoo et o'look.' W h iu>ttJ due $rd, 184M. ROYAL OANADJAN BAUX: , le Bi Iiroby giveil,ýtu alymlo4nà < ,Fouit pet eolit for th@a curroist hala'- esar, baluig nt tisa rat* of IGJIT por son ai ,Iij LéPayblet tho littak, Or la»agontios, titi nd'ator 'btir"y, t$ ibd4V ,of July Th@ Taanfor Ikola *111 hé '090804 trowh h ýbù)tItte hJtine . ~botiadoj i Ivtssuve, 1The an qap metinig h'1« .iiéiod.sil lib'dai> ie wi ops ep a4y, th@ 101h d mJuIy uest. 116 achair t'OIls taken aIt UObwo 13y i;der'ofLth "rd, FENIAN RJ1 I S aETl LE w br. onoifA t hv.aana t os 1.in lnvus.ou 'c aou ribr blit "" io£ost 4douited£AIsâ RM .t.ftltwig lua bin ,utl#iLt uIa»aala l o14 rris:s4>ifi UwitiJ the latna Most uaprovoal foodipy 'r tia omisnfoiplurc <of Flan,aiift blotgs 1*5' J 1 'loil j>rsssa, and LIl - aw prepari totaxeo OUBTOMER'B WO1L I ,&Ad ansumlaouro l litMise moisI orkinualik. muineI&r hlo cs' klm.> oiUsthe' ns.yl,'. I& ilt. aI theownl4taiir.y' prie. for ahluit wos'k 4,rOtîs puitu ofet lia. oiisry. Tihe liiqfsi Csriisg, Yaiilîtgand CloUs Dressa- Ing vii b. trleti,' Attoutdoalen assi eassf"fsiiy dooie. Mqeviiggot a Dow endalmps'ovcti lleker, vitis noýw"Earrîlpg wa~iwnoa asgttaffied b o 01 mineliltsa, te lte silait Ltheatis'. atii- '<atiot i ii b. <vlassi ht.duateo rai'hsg, Mgoainl Attention aViii ho huil b b a oliii.1Wb Mt Vi!ling dbockiix Y*ra fur aaoth or work dons ue o pt las axohng viii hoa a .Iiopa TJs. uiapp The dubsortWr wlsll1* îstuanlig ilsaka the publia ltfo sat fvurd, Jàilno cuti olloita theïr PuEpor awtronage lninrehru, 'b. Ileingt n w sae tss"aiig opion; t groMa saptas n ake flge adIpota<i4t move monta for ti.s 64aaa.amodation fU 0 h'publieo, filet tii piziAla ougfit t 10 rcpropatas. idP trletthtfeiii; th. adyatuoi0 réredoproeai, Andi whli t cai) hé ha l* dafré 10 clotho ion fue ftl u p'pio Ibp pot b01l1. Sg"i, ue$il, 166S.- 20 li'tp f pnlalesdisataarenala inl un3eWuayFo ~ p c Ies, ai Jlrti , 411 aIl-l j >.sm W a, Mao.. ~ b. a rliiti iasE pc' lie"payn, Win 0ithals, 00 . a t,>. ie- Jl.MsV. Jus kti. i urporYréLoW oh ToLoisardon lra E A >1ua' sp4af4raW;«<~ $ii1tb, lias J. Wiloa MýOera .V Uraeiba, Ph. U.1 ht uo, hoe Mli , ssaun W i ce rm% lise 'abelu * si131 lila# wu RbMtei, XP. Solsoaîpffl u llwsW lw 14tv o .R.t o " UEjus The publié -mnay ýrely n g.ting ,Goud Bargaine during THIS ~ ~ ~ ~~f C141 L1,»G8NIBWFOUD & SMITIL 2I.Iy, Wlkinaons Block, Brook-et. WI4tby.' , tasCorporation; 01 thé coulsy, pl Outario, lXe per Tressre iaameut r ête y r enangpM as Cabh iWhodît of ITreAnu. (rotn 10601......744 Co, Ilaîqe, xaua àfasa '.108;A52 74 ~ o.Tiaraaj ';061, $5 16 o.iloft 1'06 05O Ïs 85OÏ9E1 f 88828U o,- Mufch, lad, toi. 4m8go o,000 0 W#gog "Il Il 4 M Uovo*'iàmg)1>fut. Criminiad j nto 8à00 9 R, , liatorsoe,oai «#» .pus'- 'lueot-lu Vtibldg.. 4W00 Pm 0 abbi7t voitib -$9109 28 PodýobtMoe ns ... 9 28U00 IÇon-reslioeut lkid te amut latomt Coono, Pou- .lLraide.at t ubete'.. 610 0 bil ybl Wutd .ýAM 00 -4 1iule 70 Legaiîla ci. saitBrook Des CO Vu litra *A Miaou,$10 QO yoi*lueslng " 45 oo Do. Mot .1 Do. RUagog. .92 bd »0' Tlsisîut. 190 00 Do. lislrdge 8. 40 00 VO, Wlsltby Mt 420 00 Do, WIsib,'..bot0 0 D>o. Ukbsidge .... .,...... Uo¶?orsîiolt suttal','*Ï- rîssas, On .0. 79 0918 jp AIWlIby : r084t Vo.tiiosbu f 860 o,'Wtlby, ou scot. 200 C o n ie 66 821542 P7o. Vbg. i 1686 G pr-r 22gui$57 municipol Sehaol Aleb"p- or, rooàgrsite-for18066. -1085 00 24 pcv son1troamiftios spnlry'$rpsr.r~ ss.192 48 ile p.s'bOW oistudsas C4211,ne.. 0...f.-....r10 MGO loir 121,111.1......f'229 $ *d>onmteA Sscalou, rors fron 1"1 . .f ,0,. w! 080 Ward.ae, ortie,ou, sceat. 110000G Do.Arias. o 100.*"0 0 Pb, em-0 471840 Count,' Clork, Lcourt huais. ge r s'wgiu anti Count,' 'Troua. à 44011147~,- s@Walla, on ucooutt...710 80 >,iagsstrav, eopyli &C, 3.... ;1894, 0 Booko fos' Bsý'ltr, utIe... 4m U2 Musdry prlLtitit anti itvsr- tlsiaîgâsounts. 870 4.. 5 ' Bsandr> eoil,4Otga Couotyy&uaseilloros aiudt- anisuadtiPlieg, e.., 78 1 Vêttô 4"tt rdiéu, andti*Ma Âdratod Mascs i«lt,lon, o80as 48 0 Paoit 87O O:I'lbti< cl. M 054 Juros 15' au,'lia j.#86 Iw mâcillaAvili*50rid4 déOA114. ?s'ln~~efS.nOr ta' NEW A1)YERTISEMENTSe Neow Blck Lace Sbaw4svery choap, f4ý T. H. MoMI14AN .4 New Dreas Muslinu, very pýpeas T. V. MÇTIILI<AN 4;f q New Dresu B1ia yevy cbcap, st X ýl,çeI4AN & Co*q 2oyipt P ndm4Cpttccng, vq7 ' cbep, 4 Tt IL MoMILLAN à, Co'c rn~pj Jptfq f vcryUnie, ver>' cbeap, 4t T. I MeMILLAN kCgo, ipresh Groceries, Liqupro and Wincq. ?regb ýznported Turnip Seed, onfly 2ý>ts. per lb., At T. KILoMILA utôI tÃŽRN!! TO BLACKSMITIJS i HATCH & BRQTHER 'Hlave purchased a I*r'e Stock of 'Bar IrF«, wbich they ore pre ard t104011 st a amli! advance. Absd Spriùgs, 4xles, Horco Ia",. TO PAINTERS.--11, & A, bave porchased a larve Stock pf iames' ei 6il, lind atMer Paint., Paint ONi, 0I0oh P#,1, V4rn»es, k&e, Wholesaae ana nousil, à iLowoet markpeti Rtes. B. & B., are noW' receivig their largre Stock of Hlouse Build- ing anti other Hardware; makinz nwoneo M J1argetocSks Lelt in the Comnty. Our faclitittlbr frc!rpgi006b no ut «are saaohm t guarafItefi pur customeis the 5edi* t ofhviua V t r 500 Kecs of Ciu Ny.44,T#pw ai nte1 Paint Oils, Coal O0, "j. ut Wh@o oaie..i"e A variety 01 Miied Iaint.tsalW . spades, Shovels, Forks, andi other Farming lipp$emént 4 he CN.t1Ificrj5 fliuu.." A large sock of Supexior TinWaife now on )id., Peddlars faly supp$ie4, FùCt n1e éro0ghs ouly st itsah and Brothor'â. MIATCH & IROTHgEW8S, "NOT»" fCriEU'ROUs iluefdssntnse, O Phlt$boa#, rAe.,Alers,,- Planxlng a AoSngd o.. 4"') DllliePrs.Ahr, Iulai Trsaaav.v, 0fBrook, 'loesringa 1X, Whltby no0 e<Trésaursr m ton 90n4 ~-48W9700 1070 'IMPORTÂTI QN 44e W7L -urn(4ûre lOOlbs. of Oo6d :xôï3wTHL. Clean F.eatbers ."-Wanted. 19-Jy aune id tii. extra iIiI w possu~*preiýbed to offeryqu ý»d at prices wlsich iwl compare Plon u trâde. Jl MILLINE-RI PEP.AUTMENT, tinder the superintendance of M 4s ohln to0n, hu tuIly supplied wikh îbe moustubs. lonable goods of the seaau. 0OUR MAN TL~ Qrç. 1makiog' PPRTMELTt tînder the superintendance of MISS GRAVI 14 tockedwith Geods suited totbe Mest earetuuly student tastes, anti ut plrke to-cot the timeu, TggI OLOT;eG Depaihnënt, titder the spperin.ý t ¶ufr XB, MILL, an Joug spd f'qAuy »known b the 'pnwl 0, f a r'rst-plaus utwerla s lly stooketi 'tb ~ I' u yscltig mate on ihe lom SzI W I Al ortiro fromptly ezecteti andi work war- 8*ALro stock Jast reeeved, PRIES Mm TI. cg Anti ùfrnrnl.bln, f 1sim~ng Zt0ok~ ~ WEbeg to intimate that our St1 1, complete, comprising 8.k we'have ever offereci, and Spring and Summer Stock is the Iargest and best gssorted at muz ower pri'es tihan Isut Yancy Drens oode, (i grat valetyq ryadWdeCtos B3lack Silkè G rey and White Shoeting. Coloured Silks. $hiztingâ..Il$1 lPrinted xuzn! Pncy and White Stays. t4 and French 'Meiino. Bats, Caps, -Necktiesa l3racei, Iu gteat vqriety. Spedial atten- eîoni liq invited to our large stock of Broad Clotho', Englnb, "ctch 'and Cana- dian Twetoîlbsmi whioh arc offereti ut very LOW i'RICE8 FYOCAR I ,XýOIothing Nado to Orer On the shortest notice, and ini the tôst Fashidnable Styles; .J 'R ARRANTED. OUR MILLINERy-t ýSHOW iROOMS WILL BE OPEN ON THE lat 0F MAY NEXT. When a splendid aesortmen~t of 4Novelties will be, exhibited. I ASo on baud a conpilee UMortment of Presli 'amily Groceries, 'Wjnes pild jquors, Field and Garden»Seèeds.' H4ML'rN.& Col .RigilA-.1VUON re - MlY- i 77 imýi9LÃ"'N COUJRTS IN THE G-OU VNT'Y îQARO if. 1,Whitbyl............. 1 %br lie .,rln.................. 1 86 4. Pabialaroi........ ..... ... . .'1 61 6, Canalnaous................ .I 2 61 8,B*ro.......... ... ....2 t 15 ii~ L WbIUay1 Jinnary lOth, 1888. 32 22. .04.. Jeis.z w4elEsJEWEU4 JOE itXN!ON begs Jo 'éoli the âitentio4 c'h Jpurchasers to lis NEW 81ÏOOK'Olé Iod6ékte&'., 'al ofW116 fi1 btii '*l d oà t tlhe oëtpli emtent wlith, good quality. tytth, wor e.hiwi.a cas'!,'on tise CUsroMx BUSINESS. ~Ait ordera for okpiet4lttddt sia excenkdth ed e" iddeptei liiyA GUUD F1'Ir.r1NU& BOUT 1D' iordena 1.11 st bisat iancé-aut be Bs,',viiireceas.promipt iattention. Xesa e.oshretofor.. Boat Farm to ,Re nt FROX W10 O20TY<RS; A N excellent Purin ta vent in tbo Townalilp ÊII orfWiltiby,beig tha nortIa licItes 4,f lem 32 asud as, lài tIse 7[h 'emâioq'.i-î*rb#lW 1<10 ~ ~ jë Ï0 :i Às fa aju pl1j good sLtt o uliitou al ji~sr.Is aic andi ont bu;]in. vaîl la m'pzot ois reaionable terme for a rriod oot 10 ros'2yeuva. 1'oewlon diven lit For particulâ'ris ppi,' b iJ&iEs 1,AMON, Whlth, , Ms 20, 1808. CORN FOR SÂLE'l' A 4fl~LTY£P~~N OILSALE. AT WIIITBY. 'Wllîye gay'2,16;802 RoomPaper IU8T ARIIMO. A N IMMFNSE SOP0 TU ZEST AT Wlbîtby, liarcii U,6. 12-t :NEWLY IMPORTED PAPE1R .111e ~th tho S lf osia aaq liiEniçs _ 'nMng Il' Y ' au Te-l

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