Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1868, p. 4

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iotoe, inth li se '7 A b M5e K ;4i54.E Bion mWltb i*JfS /1N1 enc t 0( he o oarc eini donnon.. - Maron ProiotsnWaùnaoo Centra i eslw WuniofApeitOMsgait» PuIs wlii b.fonmn Are niîomt unltrimiljIo .hir» eC, la m ur a» taltinolSwayo lbc uoninid. 07<11pli!L114< À DOMl Counat rfote 1 Connstefebtti I Ai ravierof Ohino poop e ra wot dat b prahs glA3tiI,5PLui or SAL.VIIunies.thé mnener 'I àaoa 'oprîetor, lu addtion in the mnnaO 1 Mulaij, lj'hi ilto engrvaitlip .urrouunting caucl loes br Pit, 3 _r oiS dby mrselptéctlo itaiero throbi*utii l3àsiiaico orCtadat,etai1 ý »5 coite a- Box 6r Pot. ý Alilrao W United BtaiimontibW addaooeli 10 1. aydock, No. il, ine Sîrect, New Vorit. -Patianent ifwite <rsaiy about their càmnplanti endt te Zny wlii bu reiurnait iy foiiowbtg mutli. Wnîc for <'1agls Teoalmeni of àW.Aas. FDA 'nbR'On 1807 45AS JJOYT'S NEW jf1i>TOGRAPff GÂLITRY, OSHIAWA -Frits ,vSneist of OoM d Silvétr Watche&Q'old Chane&ooib sud Jowelry cf ail klede »0also Sewlng Macbineý P:mftingeý, Âlbumsý and a Lifeilike likenesme8taken in a Xew,u u1 i apnr to en- sur pefec saisfctin. WoBilIe f f&dsribui:n nDi Pro sete Nosl the chance tor al toasecuro enduring rEIOTOGILÂPHS, and 'valuble presontioý at as, mpriS Mia soot pJ4oroýaphr" châyeortg. iQe1c, titres filme.- 'Coshiv, Mûch 94, 1688 12 M..ODonoan, PRACIICAI CAIUItAGB MAKElR* Oft'ers to tho-ublie a large msortment 'of Cutteý and Sleighs, rolling somacd Cutters, Patent front Cutten, Cor.red >Càtta, Poffland Thèe above' Ontters will be fôind -superior té anything nianu- tactured lin th, cuui&y,- in prce and :Bijh. c'at, xn .-~ ns Cutter for $26. ?articI$ar atention tapai n tng nd repalil atera. M~Ai work Wsautedu 5 How10 Iokeep 11w I, JOSEPH An,; BaANDEL L'S .And select w a ir f warnOversboes, Q will flud thein of ail kinda -and~ of thé: best description. In.m n e ew e e f i re .ta(rà a.Sb Ilcai. Qu ÉMUIan&1,150, I LI t SIo Gaalaan.Tla cians (ia loranld ou biane dine, ariailai gond oler. ne .quambis eàndBOS SOEo îul aseesil, sipueceS (0a.As is li é unesind suuupis tabnh>tg bu bid Aw- n.ersigned s unhorpas Yor obit. servi.lrgeto selict from, sand iun Os ou M blah KUSBDmleL. WAR'TED. UIE 1 mony 0u*pac ure 6ta«&. and examine. àoa*des, ac"mit,151 0cleo<T*twuc cititof<'l's 1 b. (rom yqMn eitLL cmbr4, 1867. ~ Imu bwan l afrIndcfminaeantlBrampton o4b hau Fate 'ition(i aurssons Ccm5oU i stueM ý-Co»RG. Jan. 8, tle. G1REA1 - bntialii,~4 *5$4 ilfr.l'oilait Cetwo boxas ,je yont nl I.oe c t elia t linpIil ilydon ai M cell e y ,pêÉI bu aeb. int.poce, anal oîlge JOUI%, &a i'se cotrbadl 1 tti"Saico Zur.l cov »d« .Aaddmu ..hfi. ..ouima tm Iti ibo isau mi.~5Ot<BriatLo tUccl, 0e. k.;V.ryVIn,1 Iutfalo Oversh oes. itg, Miîsséï-, and,,bhlidrens' evr- variety, ,the. establishmtttf the ;ed by any other in towËn. Thé stock is the wdrkflttùshîff good1 su nllasesam tilleg lviii flnd it to their iDterest fo: cail JUSEPIL BARGAINS .IN Get'atUargaiii' iian tFlanels, G~reatI ransnHayDoublë a'nd Single Shawlsi &CO r Great Bargains inIleHavy clouds, Hoods, Great Bargains in Hcavy Glo'ed tts ant1 of thbeet niake, eiltable for U~'t~EV,11688', INTS &NDcHladEEs«WEA cleatici canba eobtaine5~s~o i kidowimsfbé, to mensari a oipaîPa nae * NNo effqr4 ýjjl ,b&sar4ou11s4' oi4o.j$nsce to his eciwurs, enabis cearors ý tgiive thonevysa,, T l# tiou.n 1W P1~~ce8 iiàrI1d4lu it &crsect f NEW -GOODS! MoMiIIno»:i; We beg -t& ano te' ;Lte arivaiof a portion cf eut SfPRING' BTOO%, êonsiiet- Pauey Dress Gooda,ý Saucy Shir1inge. Grey and White Coftts. Al of which will be offered 26 per of car Spring Importations isili b. 10 baud lot of- l1. odAt.be 1westrmunera~ T.H.u.ILAN& . .00d; News, for the illon! $eil the CHE APE Sr GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARIO, ah vy 3cause$ dotig the Cash systcmi Mmnotto le 'SMALL, PROITS.4Q1JICK IEBTURNS' MY 'STOCK'-0F >FÀÏCY AND' Stâie'DryGoods, -:b now coniplete, aud for beauty, style and cheapuess cau'tbe urpaàad. 'lu this xy stoèk Ws very larg&e, and more attractiwe thjý.,psuaI, and parties favoring me witb tîjeïr patronage, ii find it Îqtheir ýdvaitagelboth iu point of style, andcbuslneis. A if nil aortmeht of MOURNING G0ùDâcobastatitIy oih band, sund don. upi in tbe. abortet notice. ,Aiso,.,a chokecolleçtion of -BRIDAL. EQtJIPiMBT8trimmled te rder, lu thelateastie..jarDreme Buüttons ud Trim- Muing& inu cuiese variety. , - pteremisés by firBtýcIask*orlune, and an immense et6o f themotFashibuable lotb .e lbct (roui. A itoodfitgurauteed, Ï Speclel attentinm oeiiod to a lot of 1360T$ AN'DSFO 1 e, n wouua irsAu i iea~Aso. <lrShefo' Oroersr- vire &l.1u~iOi.5T0POCtUl1ikiYtbdCashpaWfor hea, 13ir1y, lit)m 'wP kUU 5U I I /os :1 Qnuza, if Ring antI Matra. StWata, OshaMt. They diret sPie Are h'oiýn0 di; *ieït re stoi&kofTniimèd onné Ials, Fiowers, FeatherMandes, i., n aIl heçne*,s tYles TOiwellig, Carpiets,, Damasks, &c.CohsTedG brôn Mens' Mats, Tieis, Braces, â&c,:and i u Mn' and l3ùys! Coats, Pauts, and'Vest. Clothing- madle p to order iu the latest styles.- - 2 2 -Croexies, lassware,- GoiiardnadFeddei,&.A Weltb7 anid Mainchéstr, Arl16, 1868. :4 sly INDIA&'~ HINATEA COI ]ROUE DÊEPOT -LONDON& 1E1Ot lit No.23 Hopial t~IVotre a 1 Pre itnd GENtTIN TAS, cf selndid natdiali ivor, imorted direet, froni therOoiuany I -datio«sIn .~1~and on Îlb. SlOpesofIbth' MAL W 4 bla4ed_ 2fe b it'i d Ç-& liA - Ouly Two Quaities, vis.--.70c. or $1 per lb; aither Black, Green orMiéd.L e Fine Household Te, coiubiiug Stregh ad Flsvr,70 cents per lb. the ear inet procurable .................. r 1,,*. idollaijisrlb. To~<iy 8i Agents, iCeref Oit7 s Of ail k wbltby, t MARKi - De À,get fo~ Ùhu~4MR.MARK RI3NSON, o ' - Drugglst f 010A ïftk «st ptyrlo, s0d UNE PML lx A 1)0801 0MB PILÉ à 1.5 1- * OxE 1PittIN %A 00O 100 tlOt iitea oa dy «Y r am paddnw.un ou Iohsbts gblo el m diiu 4)ucrWobaV raéd m11 hI lassa ftua Ur.. yor ie auri w.. "Thon J haada«ý 19 . la10 g- e o e p. A1 'e., lanti ý4il BAIND-ELLI, 'ASSORTI 1

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