Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1868, p. 4

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Mirs O -hIa? Ohimneys, E3urnerU, Eveyythin dia .LÀ" S'USlN2E8, aI 10w ToW, ut JAS. E. PBREE Il FeauXM Duce B8»n3 Wbltby, De..1, 1007. tL1FE IN, A PILL BOX INT1.B1LLIOS YrLLLS. 'OEVLLif A voeuE! orge P]I li&INADOSEl What10len eradtyiaY (fo0 ien U ailcyrithe 'lbliilaglobal, "r.IageYonr pille haa i uMecf al blns- leunlr ,oloiIi dosesformin A " lsorton pis Oaina tn.due cfyour pille cured ta.» "rî.aî,baaice rasloft m-uref Bond aunoiher b0 o gt npIn the bg" belle, teoc "After ,ulTenî,, tortlles frc,,nr0li0u yommplacore iÏ e, ud i havlaid0nereWCti fot" "Oordoctors treateil me WrdrotiO0 -asîil.s, thsy called al, su'd i at seil Wou Incurable. lvcer ,= leaeu maWeiîs il aYema i adsty ",;cUr Plill arcarrn nelcla"uset l tt ntmsefu fr auciber box, ani keep to.nIl "Di Mguelbascaei m leadache, which ws 1i gve lal<f une of ycnr pilla te mir bab i ibýotera morbus. TWhoilear uile fling gui WeillU s Mynuas a onîing laslow curedb~ oIs î y~Tur box ,,fMgglel's Suive rured Meconl n il,. e i. i ru)le4 ,oinis-f ycnr dalve bbciail Iy verssudthe iouiulf 46SBnd ismetio IbusCs; i wani ci,0 for a poMr t- . I eclose adollar, ogr prie 14 twesiiy-ftve Censt, but ilie indicifle soJne!rwundia s ilîar." Ile»eI ume fOve boxes o orpl9 SILtma)%a .tiace ofo:Teà " Sr Wmb>' e- F or sll dIeuses ofrte lid,îeys, retenticliOf urine, bMa giel's tilts aresa Prect cure. pue dose ilil ais y ssîy une, FOR YE&àlx DISEAZSs NlerisaPrctratioli, mkual,5C5, Onerai Lasitude %rait ofàppetile ia Magieà' Pilla wili bfoubtdtu et. Yucteal rsaily. ÃŽ. MAGOOIEI.'s PitL'5 ANDi BAINS. Are amuit unlîiel hi ibrir tieteals ud a em duo vinmot id aysitc gammsee(L. r.&cu BOX CONI2AINS TWEINiI VILU. 07411 tILL 1IN A V55F.. Ait rra.er ofihis pulffr are warncil net ta pore.lisse tlAUGOlLI.S PILL4A on MAlVlt mlessitie nome cf J. llàmio a,ll'rofletor lu iieddhole loi@esanie (J btagalelIoinIubhe agrsved slip surrouinduiig euuib box -roIid hVfat espotlpie dolsIs hrcu b ee 25 Gents a Box or Pot. Ail cidors for SUnitdSta ssuat b t.dndt*a J. iuldeei, Nlii, Piae Itreet, Newn York, Patienti, cnwte frecly about tîsei Ccaipl5its end teivwilbe rtuVed b ollow tsaS>L Write for December ae, '150. 48.4Y AND se otheES, direct. ansece, hve 055 uvn Ou T .dsltagres tedz ,srancie utbcl is e s efleo ic4i sub- raae fon(fthse nussrousateaianasilslrd> jIn cd1.aolvimuiya, Qeite, Jusà. 1, ML* BO( Genlemnl.-MTie 0 chesta 0(»te frorée im ore daole ar niveil lu gowo oder. TIsa qusaity liipore unde ~~~ a ndeaprictis Chesp.As 1la epefliculan lsit b tý Il 1 t aiIuait>' of 'tae bc W fureu r g 840 j'lplcd sua nqueî5ttyenta lgve o.lr Undailatutf. T our obli. senyt.WA: Reus or gSwàini, Otaina, Dc. 16, 1867. -Celetulieîs-Tbe box coritugligh Blresftsud and Younîg Iysioti Tei wlulch youu&cils nie gvcs groea su- d tlsfsctiun, Tuay>' xîaci my future union.- 1 ours, &CcI, S&SKIN<ltR, -Toxo%?c, Deceauber 18, 1807. Whit etImsTetino chis ofo Test1 lad (rom you onsi weehusînce have gavit uaifctiosn. Yen indi pieuseforivaril la a ficui of uine ei Bramupton mie Ceinse lavoisncd 14.1v Satons Conseilsainsus ýrfnla, s s et 55 conts par lb. Torsvem ,a JAMIEri EDGAR. COsoffcv af. l, oa contIeusOlse4 beg te nfriss you lIti ll. iobos nft's 'Ir" 55 n nae o"(esceilistquailt>, eipeelaly fige Yournig ilyomet Wccents. Ploau sa sutlnoilien bux 0f(20'1b&ut Msaitule, andt olilge ycrs, &0c, P. OLITFIS Tihaecntribuiosto ibe Ise Mail'lecnsal" h9ave frequenil> docareil tIaiuneataf die isevnsu' Sleikes are~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~W aa "la eiliig i r Ts Ts Cospssy arc ow" yedin uJ'i Tua, ed Copin d .aessofdyA irt il eaudileirv cwu cae tmul -e te(o p» falotastsd, lt las 80go,20 idIllé5boe S.m.Jd Ouou% 4c;ich Fiaaced do. Sm.; ver>' Yi» do, o%, oca ,1,, mSe. ',.;Ver>' élue, gOc, WIa Twt 0> . '1e MOe; Fine do. 5aYuiiE1UM4 Oi. quBk,"100é.Fine do' S: " ý,M 1§u Ce0sud vslI c "Pso pqwe.n i $ atna aup.vo¶I c.$te, 1 ,Allordar <eW leeao20 cr9 Ibo. ertwo 1211% sent eseelge <et te onate>.TuasM tnet eilidW Iubloicila nl lit ~TIse coMP55V avs inetsirete, sMnfi ise os a u wslht4usltVlsl ilcsle u llspil M n Fat Tbe sibsdiber âeiroeto return thankÈ tb hi8 xlumerOWs pýatrOns for pMu fav.rs, ad 'begsto annctnee tht h. 18 nov SUpplied #lh ,hàwelo 'l',tc areidly seIlo1ýd byýimlmheI1l<- CÂNDlA~, ENGLISII & SCOTGH WhIohb. l repare& to ms3e %p to order, on the ihortest notice, ini the Iàt.ý est àtyleý,ad u the nidt reasoDâbbýt*fl. - Brook et., Whitby, Msfth 24, 1868. -i $115, OO 1IN PRESINTSZ'I AT IIOYTS -NEW-P1IoTOGiRAPa GALL eRY,OSIIAWA Prizes consist of Gold and Silver Watckeo,GroId. ain*, Broodies~ and Jewelry ot al klnds suc Se &wing Maébirfe, Paintiu.Albuàul M;â ýva-~ riety of excellent docks. Life.like likenesaes taket' in a few s6condi, iM *a manner 1» en-~ sure pelect satislhe.tom. fW'ee IÊiis'for, manner 6< %disbution ot pre.~ sente. Now is the chaice for ail tosemure. enduring Il"OTOGRAL'HS,. sud valible presente, nt a kss priée thon moit pliotographàX -àbaige for the Ài~ tures atone. Oshawa, -ILmrh 2% Ï1S512 TRAGTICAL CAURIAGE-MAICERt BROOCK'STREET,ýWHUTB 8Y, Off'ers to the ýublic a large assortment of Cutters and Sleiglis, rolling scated Cttuers, patent front- CUttetb, Oovered Catters, fortland ThJ fbOeCutters will be found siùperï ,or to anything manu- facturod in the couifty, ini pricesaud finish. Cali sua examine a Nery tbèb$ Cutter for $26, Partkllar attention paid te painting aad reptiriig Cuttegi U-' Milwork Wi$'ratted. iloto bkeep, hie 141e1 DRY & WARM JOSEPH Au BANDELýL'B- d select a pair of' warrn Overshoes, youl wil flud themn of ail kinds, sud of thre best. description. iperior BfaoOeshoes. Ladies' Génts, Misses' 7and Cide >TS & SHOES, Of elrery- varietyN the establishment of thei ersigned is unsnrpassedey an>a çther in town. The stock is ,c te select from, and the wt in'maship good and in ail cases LRRANTED. REPAIRS AS USIJAL. le- -Hads. of Families -wilflnd it te their interest to tal itby, Deceniber 4e 186ti. JOSBPHI A. BANDEIJL. GREAT. BARIGAINqS I'N Great Bargains in liats and Caps. Grecat Bargains ini Blankots, Flannels, "Il Shirting, &o. G reat Bargains in Heavy Double and Igle ShawIâ, &c. Great -Bar gains in Heavy clouds, Hoodo, icy Scarfs &W, ,Great ýBargains in Heavy Glove@ý -Miti:s, ALISO A- LARGE ÂSSOILTM-IgleOI GR OÇERIE$e PIWITS, fC, Also a large asortmuent of-CRQOCKERY, o,.y n haid, ail of iiiwhiÉ be sold cëheap for cash,ý at JOHN FARQUHARSON S liitby, Dme.41 i867. - - - Marcis ~' .18~& KuDow '*11mon :Y Lieueprients that.[cman sd do Seil %hie OHEÂjPEST GOODS in thé COUNTY of OtÇTÀIIO, iù wby ? ecause, adopt5îg the Cash»-qemp my motm&la 'SMALL PROFITS & QUICK RETIJRNS' M'r STOCK OF FANCÈ AND Staple Dry Goot[s,' ha nov complote, std fùr beauty, style and,èeçns chtbe " mnrasd. In this Miy stock ix 'very large, and moWeattractive than uaul, and parties favoring mie with their patronage, *11 And it to their advantage both In point oftstye snd cbeapnews. A YatI a*crtrnent cf ÏMOÃœRNING GOODS cpustautly on band,,*. td doue Up In the shorteat notice. MA8, coe olection of BRIAL 1EQUIPMENTS triinmed toudrder, in tbe llteat style. ~DesBnttWo sana Trini- mings in efidles variety. TÂILORING DEPARTMENT-Clothiflg made to ordër on th"premises by firat-claas workinen, aud an immense stock of the mos't Fashibnable Clotrto déldet fromn. A good fit guaranteed. -Spg" ctia tention eaBed tos-alot cofBOOTS AND SHOES. linmeâs' aud woments, g' li' and misses'. Also, Over Situes for damp weather. Groceries, Bard.' ware, k.Isection le respetfmrlly ln,#ited. 'Cash paid for W beat, Barley, gye aud W. D. MICHAEL, oSHAWA, CoT. 2u, 1W57 0* rner of XneCf.&mm oMSre, Okea TBOOTS & -SHOIES 0f the, Rigkt Fit Und M~ake, TLe süibgsriber begs to rýeturn his sincere thanks to frieéhd and customers, f@ the very liberal patronage exte»ld te hlm since lie commenced business fer lhmaell. Iu rde tô me et tue prescrit requie enta et buoIness, ho bas remcved te the p omises, Oppositie Bank -of Montteal, BROOK STREETa WHITBY9 Where h li as introduced a large and ýVaried stock of Ladies, Gehts, flioys 'snd Mines, Bontsahsd fSh'ces, of sîiperier quality, bd cf the lates't style and finish. iBe has also emrplôyed an additiobal number W3 banda, and is nianufiwturiug wturk of very superior quality, in Ã"i'ler to meet the ro- qmeeta of enstomers. fit and inake.' Wbitby, Jannar>' S, 1868. B EST AXD ÇIIAPEST plus. Wo gel a Jguod Buies Edacation Ï&ast the and Stration Business% Colage, loccted at Buf- falo. Thtis in lte ScoyTr mAOTSOL issvprganizad business sohbo luneialcuce. lu consequance cf the decatît e!fie.r. Il. îStratton, the Bryat sud lu erent bas been disposîîd cf lu îîcarly ail the College Atoles 'il hbenunder lte management o! Dr. J. C. BRYANT, whio wîll devote bis inhuie lime âud energies to the Tlýalnig o! Young 21m1inîmho iistaW chaulas thorougl i kcoinlae of aIl lise branches ap- r sral lu te a Business En cbiio . lEN- kÂN$Iie] BOHOK-KEEPtN11, ARITliiI- TiC BUS N 8S FlAC71ICE XMeIHAN- NEsi co B BELiAl- LAW, FINA CE. ud VULîTIAL ?£ON- OiT, re tanght Ilu tIS And f uit>'fllatratod ItY paos lu 1h. Col- lee liocinab> a fulcrpo exponiebsuoi sud tbtcughly. eopetlst lnatrt.tcrs. Pliptîs Un enter ut an>' tite. Thons are Jfbic 'ca lions. For termseSd Subér Informaton &aima PTV E tA T P'LABTr E R. fluAI, CA MAD TH Prof.J.P t H aà%;thfebonor of! a,,cnuding tWbis mnis-, na in lilthy, that boise pre- Lrd to reciea pupilà for Instruction ou the. 1lavIne had han ~aaexperieuco, ho feels contdent of heoja a ecloromote aripd adl- vuncetwent cf püjull, wbo ùm>'bc plse under hie thtiîon. , lustrncëtlon given lu îborouth fBuas, Ilar- mny, Couter-point, Pu r, lThoory of Musi- ca C Inp stion, anil p art culr attention w il bol p- .ttho cultivetlon cf the voina. 'lfYtMSe Instructioin of the Piaono, 10, theory cf innuqical composition, &c., extra $5. Whitby, 13eptember 25, 1867. as Land-!--,Land!1 TE EE uhaciber ciTera tbe !cllowiug liaI of lundh, whlcb b. ilîtsIli eta O> FAIR VALUATION, -0 8. X, No. $,la uid coucaisolon cf Èeuc, 70 acores loured. E.U, No. IDi. lu thegee mccuibn of Beach id amies cîcared. No. 2s. lu the 101h onon ~o f DitIlugen; Obiacres loarcid. No. i, lu 9tb coun, Mais, sacres beaitd. N. E.3. No. 27, ln §nd eoneSusibn Wbltby, 10oticres l t*llas-0 ores lu ýBox1ey. 2W 1 ctes lu loitcu-400tares lu Beluiont, Appljy pétscuilfl , or byltte-r, pcslpald -to *~~ Ë B i. E0PERY, col. 1Wbitb', -jsuùsy Ë, 1à6ê. ýÀt IN GREAI~ ~ARIE1~Y~ JAMES JOHNS¶'U Wutebiü*arnrsd jewe4rBi DIVISION COTURTSIN TE COelU NI" 0 'F, Ã"NTAA-105 3 1 . p h e te r *ti ri nlc , lb ft .1 - a 3 0 . . 1 9 b 4 . . P 8 314. =1 xrdo......... 1 81 .. 15 ,30!..... s.... Io10ii8 au ~Lmuington............. 21 .. ..27 ,..~: Whhl'by, Jauuary ith, 1868. DO, INDIA '& 'CHINA, TEA 00,1. HOMLE DEPOT, LONDON & LIVERPOOL. No. 23,HospitalSt. Montreal Pure and GENUINE TEAS, cof splendid n*tural fiavor, imported direct fromÙ the Compabsys Plantaton n ASSAM!, sud on the. alopes cf the. IIMAL AYAS, bleuded With the fleRt Producta cf CHINA. OuI>' Tino lqalities. fiz, ,-70c. or $1 ýper lb , elîber Black, Green ôt bUMihed. Fine Hcuaehold Te, consbiuiug Stresigtb and Flavor, »J cents par lb. Finext poirable ................. dollar per lJ. ýeSldluPakesud Çlnis ter yii.C ay's Agcut8., il> ete1r'ety sud To idnt. À- 1/- tRFLADE M .A ilK - ' mit MARK Drugglst. ESTÂBL1SHEB 1833. TILL & BjROTH] (SUCÉB4S o8WxW. 'L. Cabin er-lialkids &o- Cabinèteritre.ad, é HaVc~ ~ rs i4 o ha, fi larget an o sbtFtetSoc bb 1cuilà 1Jatheo Country, which they are seingatj>icsth sit'th tfineing detelitixed bot te b.u udbroold by an y honse in-tue trakd. (Jail an4 examine before purchasigg elsewhetb.' A. choiéée e lecticu o f it Monldings, (mrcnma1.ê0e) ý3 &4 imOC StEETLp, #HmiTB. AGIiCULIlÃŽRA. ,S Pl A) ~~VtQ * Fr ternis aditre propriator, New fi cnto th batquliy S LUXE, 10 the tc ail other kIcîndof Cake, T"art-u iscuits of ,.SWFraitof al ktr.d8itaseamon. &Iso Lob- sters, Sardines, Cocca Nats, Uîrger Bee; d&o. J. 3IcDOUGALL, Baker, Confecti ouer, &c.1 Brook st. *bitby, iJnly 16, 1851'. 28' PBOTEGTIN FOR FAIIMERLSi&OWNERS 0F STOCK TEE HAXTEORUD LIVE STOCK IRCORPORÂTED Br TUrE Legisl'aturei. éf Connet éù4i With aporpetualCatr ~*0,6,io 1 ited *witl, thé <Cburptrolluisa saecurity for 0olIcy liolderi. This COffi ery ltx noÏrprbpùç aim sue l'o- licieso onLIVE SOK j.îa'ît flEA Ti4AND' -TlEP'T1 At moderatc JOtes cf Premium, basei on &a English exporience cf over FIPTY TRAItS._ The Plànebt Cý,mpq6y cf Ameracal , OUtE OFFICE-No , É59 Main atrOt; gars; 106 Broudweiy. iNew York, Ccci. 4 MucLxAx, Ma ers';,80 Waliînt Street., Phi- ladoîpllla F 9. EA. Coiwrx,. Managers; 4 -. AAN , .1r.i P.ibruaiy , . IeT wir. u brlas enoedfarns tkie yuer rouadk di11he beat o aipl orFIRE WOODÏ Of aîlkindu, «à ti lie loweatiua*stpneus. W Woad iili bue ctiier deliverod or ci uteyarl W sBuât. w itby, Jul> e0, 1867. - 27 D. FâSUR'KEî FamIil Grocer, Wine & Spilrit o.O2i A wEU IAjtRISTEP-AT-LAW in P t Çhauery. Chamb B AISTIEî ATt SolWinrluChsucùiý *tary Public, ttc. Oxiics-Next dcc>' to t Wbithy, Nov. 1-S, 887. S. B. FAIMI QOLICITOR, NOTAR1 L>Oshawna, d. W. a W. H. B IL. SOLICITOIt, J J AS JIOED Ohi« L efiChasnbeys, W- Ont gistry Offle.ân ATTOUSIIY AT LAJ 'ton, Brock, C: WV H. J. JIACI ]BRRISTEII &- ATT Slieitr Coauty 'coui à. AER GiEl ATTORNEY-ÂT-LAII ehsicery, Kotairy P, cWhf1 ivl. %V.-Rool erto Rgpstryt4'fllce. ont J&J5ES tLA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Achauowery, &C., &'3% -DudilBSreetI. IT the post Office. C<,CIIRANE 4 Ci DAEE[STEERS. ATTOI Bjsucars sud 14ittrla. Hall. Pori'crry, Oth Decceals C. A. iff WOFFltlE-.NLext dci - OcWbRby. *W. H. STI Salieitor. t&0 44, Church Sireet .1 . AREW EL BÂIRIIITER-AT- t lleytaw, $ 0.oficztori of fitost, UIbe, 0JiIia ]LYNAN ENGLIS TÂH[TRAT LAW%, icoy,Cnveyaucor, t bîMaeest.-opposii5 the P, R.- J. GUN I.URGEON TO TUE lByron Street, Wlhitby. D., W. FEREI BEOUGILi SOrrcsncitasL-S toi1 o'elooc P-Fit DRi PE Diz. lostuxar, Ds. A£ Ail of Toront.- THOMAS Ut I l w l'à 1 - examille. ýl 1 gombo ý dO@lýl

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