Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1868, p. 3

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s, HlOUSE# Bis.itrordt wflVOThe Board orfUitbool Trutést..bave offered àa r.wswd of $t0t for thé Om and ,14coovictioti of ithe offondèrs. Yord Eiding Park and Drivitig Asooiaàtiou 6ave-made arrangement& for theii pig 'cours., od iis anaoancead îb't W.dnes' tlay, and Thursday, rd sud 4îla cf Jane, vi i vu .some exçitiag contesta ou tii. Agrioniural Orocnda. WhImprses vi ib. suflWeintly liral te, dra*' Wcme c f, the buit snd fatst magetiietptilua ueis. Au ol4 lady r.tly', li-atfemptiiug ýt0 pas from out, car te aucîtber en the. G. W. B. whll.tii. train va" lu motion, fell Ut wemn the. cati sud one cf ber ljegsvos cu.t of iiIow the 1w... BIBTH. 8AUNDER.-At Whitby, ou thb, 201h Iastas e wb. Wofi. 1Mr. ifolm&aund.rs,, 'shouunsler, of a sou. DIRD. HOPKINS.-Onu b oitiug cf the. 18th lInt., tb. b.iored vite of Ut. George Ropk[oy of Wblîby, agid 00 years. BROWN. -Ia Tickoring township, on -Monda, 2Oîhl lst., Mr. Nichotes Brown, ttged 87 7ars. Whttby Jluricocuis Whlîby, April 0, 1868. Jiarloy..... .. l i.20 a$1.80 peu.. .. .. .5c.,a&82c. Qat...............O5 a a60 mt p 0taàtoî0.......45 a 6Ots. NEW ADVERTISEMENT$& 8OOTHI.NO SYRVUP Y OR CIIILDit.N TEETiiIN(4, lgrotlïficiitalit.hepreuceaiet tetlini, hy ~tiotitilpg he gaonm, rudulî.gstellluiuntn- twIiaetLUIX pérn.il e u.uodic ation, sied liUitE '10 k1M4LA'fLt TlE IIOWELS. rDcpoud ult. ) îîulîMa wil gir.reat to u8lbilla .uILRMnit o ur Infantis. W. tsar, pu o p an iýîsidtl.*aricle fur 41#sd, àlt -in11< oj'wrieàgoB Axe TauTa Wî vu Wblanve nover bin abe to a.ay o( !atW lter odiciuq-,Navaas oAo T FAîteuin aâtML xkler..çoz'te it«ratr à Cu, %y. ci tiouaiy used.Éiaver did wva know auniae . to et 'stiu loly n ceueio s«d lulOn th. eoltrury.all arit dflglit.od wlulî Us opars- &lmi, ind esp a lrtrniâ ci cwniuendlu un cf se nijil aluttoti. sud niedicoi virtouse. W. bpmk 1il tsie mteor .WIAT W X u Km 0W' »itier yoars Ut experlenqoo, asdplvdg. car re- lpwatUoâ1« the laltiiaent or Wluî& ve bois tisclare. lu tluostaesy Ilstaiu viser. tiie intact lae s usg frontaplansd caiiaaegli, yelief wlli b. baubd lu Ilen or twsnI>' sulun 40 iltethe irup le adodiglsîred . ?l i dur ns or êàoig vii accoinpny snob bottl,. 'Motts puis. uinlemas ilo fisc- eimîla of vUIATIS i kMKiffi, blsw IYork# teàcenttié out-ldo wr..ppcr. Bou ,b>' Dragglieta ttroagbont he world. PICIE-Ouly U cei. y.,fBoul.s 0J11,Z s-2l15 Talton Streot, 1New York, W&Mhio~ightibrii,- Loudon, kigissulç 441 St. panî, rsteMoutresti . tisada. 3.>yr.85 TUE GR9Ar NE.D SUIMPLIED. PILI11VE been sapplidlunmillions io Mes fave b... mat.budlie by theu 1i0.ný4 Dr. MNweA00Le tve gmssst spscallà" Crs iiun'mncd W Ibise whie. ai dos. e, Msblulps <MM«là conc«ÀMravo. n e p:àin dl is ie elS:cmpustheuacive jrnciple of th tt ri eltds5s labic upeci"i .Theru le nu Sai. livs.d la 440 ,u:# cruel.0a"osgripley do onton* 4*0ble. Wbey creIaa g.roiss appetîr fusilcour.- tpndlngiy msueisathe diumtt .Tbuys44w b"vr, culnw lth éed, se td sia no& - Ns fora of mro*Fui. se..cati ruiiiei.disait.. .,*olxmoicofthê AW'u. Tussr, .hc.uui llsum "W.Mae.muplie, Pasînlus. eu.. 'autohoroaghly ýCî"w wuaU ,.llsr ail, visilefor Marss, ScalI, Citiuas1tnl, sd a-Ii mbrmioue of diiteskis., ue ln(aiiblo. Soid hT ailiDraggiow i M Orpur lox. 1-u eMaggli'. 1>551. or suiv., luo&b. lui. ThuYaruogna. *ane Ut J lb M. 1). Tbs geluiebavueltse lliti urom.dvMl a W ."powder. 4414 is t isa, jai'off 00, bMonil, dLv. 'VILAGE', OStAW1 ON 7 ,Sturday, 2aêof Mail' A. D., 88 AT inl t)'CLOYCY IN TUE FVRENOQN. Théo foru-erîy persiorLUt Ne. 85,sInlte saaoud cciicitc the Cintulr.ing-TWELVE & OhM-UAL? ACRES ;8ud M suce atiosalarlY <larIie< b>'m"ts ud& For ParticniaraaPPIY teJAME8 HOLDEIf, WLItby, or te 'Aprit229, lm.i- o VOLIJNIEER DRILLI COMANY No.4 W ILL PAEAflÉ 94Cl WEDNESDAY and- FRIDAZ, e'VNiNG(s, AT te . bLý .At the0 briuI Shaed, atI fùrthw' Ù10000. Tcm attëndiie of every 'nîiber ïIh q-i gdiy eniuMrilech meuiber iltl 119 e 'utlad té recelrs biglât dollar*, on compleUng litssdril. yonsig mon deetrens of jolsslng Uîe Company' wihi Jurui twlu * î'u t the Armour>', lu tisa =lll d, Uâ t i-aove eaeingui. GEO. Il. DARTNELL, Wlaltby, A&pril il, 1848. lin-16 JO0HN. V. 1H A M ziOTA&R, IW'UDLICi- WLtiby, Aprilt Sts 0. NEW LY IMPORLTED PAPE R II AN GIN GS. IlIE underoigncd i>cpuite inters» bbc pub. rne zhiîttliea iîsaputillsriisr bl trc- cesst miniisi Euglanud, a lot cf SPLENDID FÂPER IIAINGINGS, gelectcd caretuli>' by himmeif, vhlch ho hoa bu sale 4t Very Reducesi Prîces.- W~ Palnting, Iiralnlng, Claziug, sud Paper iaaug, t oeentedl lit a vorki. nistuîke siexpuitiousalMauer, aus tiaal. A. c. WILsog, Dundue Street, Whltby wliltby,April 8, 88 4t LI VERY 1H fL ortu M6iafrlbssdjoun sd pqlo sibt lhe luis *pltunrestm@J business a tii. ofd WHITY LIERY 8TAI31M label>' Oaupleê by Mesrs. Vouibiarndu jar ilsv.Iug titmc i tbeImmber sudt qatcf the nril, ans! ieoaued t tsd lui- evm the ouvtýy s d voilsebon lihe prlil , iitpes b beljg lua àosItion 10 iseettb *ti.vs eof oùsluiers to usert a ,iaare ofvdiu itiittmbn,. W- CUAkOES IIODERATE. .0 Ni. 1.-Coverad >Cltorcys for fa.ouliis aud ladico. Prompt sstoudituce, meslieretotore bo ssi ordur,.. k. EAY, 1Popriesor. Room Paper JUST &RRIVIG. A M IMMENSE STOCII 0F TIE BIRT tEglldh Paternta. Paper and Paper Hlaningo, AT Wlatby, Mrdi 25, 1505. 32-tf Mini rgColy N TII.ahebby elvea tthé b.fontiwn~ NCm"i ountse CAPITAL #MTUCK cf thg COutpsur. lbae .Sb is day beu madee scd art ayable atrib Trcssnrrls <Iesl, lu the TO0WN 0F WHITBYp ASYULLOWS, ËYI, Csll cf 4M#t jor shore payable Ilîli May,, 1508. $1 0140 . " 201 ,i"i 9 Du0 lott atse", " 200 " ' ~~4û ?£hat il su>' cf tle firegolugj,1le nrol polît vithia îwecly de>. ut«zs.nasse becoases du.xsu pate ~aor luwben e hie salitaIlleressae Seghhsi. e ible.te fDr- fafisrewbnt arther otie. ew ýordal SPRENG litPOI{TAIIO NS :OF; STAPLP, & D)ryGo Caretuy seectodl h bummr keti Fr u ln xpericuce in busi~es, ltdthe extra Ihilities wc posiese, wo tre euabled 'to offer you Firet-olnsé 'Gonde, oi liberal terme, and d1prioes which will compare Most fivorbLy wiîh the béat 'bou la the trade. iOuRt DEPARTMENT, Under th~e upèrntendance of OHMSi88Jo0iton, Io tuuiy sppli*d *ith îth iet féa. iouable gtutde t, te moes o :Jt KA NTiL 9 »oress Maiong DEPARTMENTi thndet thé supetittendanê of MISS GRAVI- le soled with Goods suited todtho Most csrefuily sîndeut testes, and aht prÎt30o meet the tîies. TI OLOTHINQ* Depàttnèat, tinde t ie uperin- tendance et MO~. ]M WL, olp fu8r#sfbly itnoloe tg the publie sma' Firat-lau a Ct4er, Mla îlIy tocked wit Mep' sud Boys' olotbing. Mmde on the premises. 9W» Al orders prnplyexecuted, antd worlk wnrz ranted imtifictory. Boos &Shopi gju A Lage Stock Js âed,ý An& C8i~p~T 1n 1unIhný GnsnsImes mmU we sIave, t ver i UJLrea,,auwL zuc,,uxsi .vs,ic aus..py s.uuu uelm seasonl. Prix~ts. ancy ?haànels. Painted Kuns. ï cya4 lite Bau Shawle. .~sey B3lack Cobourg, T4ébit Cloth, Lustres, Vietoria-Cords, Paramar- #ha and Fr nc erino. H~t, Qp~,Neetie,. racsin great variety.-8peiaj atten... Ciôn is ýinvited fdriarostock of Broaàd ClothEgI s c, cap J'Cnqm diai4Tw;oedu, ailof :whidh arc offeredagp'very LOV<pRIOEsF'.Olt CASIU.ý M, ý,O>1othîng IY[ade, te Or ,der, on ',the ýiwort est notic 1e, an d iaz> he iâst Pahion1è :tye'FIT 11ARRANTEb. OIIR.M ILLINERY S".rTOW XOOMSý WILL BE OPEN ON THE let 00 MÂY, NEXT. When a splendid atsortment of No#ieltitt *iil b è exhibited. go- MISO- op hand a complete assortment li' Ères hFamily' Grorezies, Win es and Liquors, Field #nd Giirdep Séeds., H&MILTION & Co., Whitby, Âptil 22, 1868. l6-ly FOVR T1113, SP RING TRADE!1 .A. New and IReaiitifu1 Stock of Staple and Fancy( In ail the ne*egt patterns, and choicest colorS, compidt là eVery depvtmSrtwe meet the wants of my patrons. JJ-ST TO HAND A FRLESII SIJPPLY 0F GU.LIR& GADEN TOOILS, And a large Stock of N19W 1PIELD ANI) GA9RÊN- SEEDS.. 8j'Hardware, Pairits§ Ois, and Window Glass, &o. K~r'The I3ejet Stoch Groderies§ kept constantly on hud. TiIOS. cf Chioice Fnmil1y YEOMAN GtBS0N'S, LAWLEII, WHOLESALE & IIETAIL, CENORAL COUER, WINE AND SPIRIT CROOEUT &GLA8SWARZel A large stock of the Fr'eshçstoad btls Field&QadnSds FOR SALE OHAP FOR CA8R*ý. 99-H1 CHIECQUERED STORE. ]BROCK STREET, WUITflY~. i' G M h4*' INFleMing& Co G À- R.& . A]LqPBELL B E to~mot~cethe rival, .fjijrsprn tock.' Ha'ving ben t>ae4 f ]B~ RITISH Maktby Mr. Robert CapelâuHïng theô,late dprsion rice, they W«J bé aGie to offér the=rgstswêi as the' IN T IECOTY0ONA1Q Thydirect special attention to the foliowing :.-Blac.k and col.- ordSilks, Rl e Feh Poplins, Empiess Cloth~, Faaey Déses MiislIn 86, h*s, l.3tuk Lace, Plain, Drab, and Fancy Clrd ft-diit-e do;V* qlIe, ibbbbbî , Lalee, Ctlairin C1g 'ost Parasols, &é. " TENILLINERY .ýROITIS Ar owpened, ëh alrgethck of Tri ed Bônnets and HaaFlowers, Feathera, 1$antles, &. naltenw~ye CottnsCon tiraettc duandnliin Curtains, ti-eking, Towelling, OCiret%= > aiksSte. "13othsTweeds; Gamberoon!e, Menii }:gati, tTie2s, Braces, &c., and' Re4dy-JVIade CIothing Xl eéls âüà* Boys1Coats, ý"Patits, and lrests. to order in the lateat styles. Clothiug made u Croceriese 0Classware,' slrolte -' i te d 9 ,4cl -A call isre Whitby sud Manchester, Apri 15, 186,8. 181y' ,W- beg.2 d IiiýËýb ..hè. àlàraÎbf ~oy1e' S Ift âiÀhton's Printsj l'eei'a Prnts, -'Brfflants8 - 'ay Shirtingif-o Ah ,6f whicIi;*i11 be ofrered 25 ýer cetto hul i et ",a' pMe. ,baac of car Wprig Topongmt qUu The i b. t lbndisco Aprl*itbit aWllbëe oad 'banuill>large, ait viii -ie &saisi a i ý r'lowsi reiun'eradvg X.iea Nez -, ibi ;of, FoUtà Prlte4IOCash. SECOND-.CLASS.MFEN. Pliâtni le, 08-A itee<irnlib>' h(ç, , l-ILi, cf UsslUsWI. eUconil Prite, $3»-A pair cf Kl6rb>' Wsuitaias-'ud Bri>, Audio>' $15 w1ta $2bmadded Ilh mtliplcnn ac Tird Pfie, $25-0ue cf ever>' artIole meL "ufcted»b>'Meemna. Wittng di Cow.ý' au, shaws. Fesartit. Prize, $12-A Sprissg-biîr Saddt4 FArcIi Puizo, 02O-By thé.lion, John §hum son,.t Sechu ig ~, $16 -. pir cf IlanrolIs, bý I'Bepberu Ro»rte, of BrfIék1nV TitîttnIkie, $î Cm&h. Fbnrtb Prise 05-A flm-r- 9orsli-raki Pmfh PI~s 48Cablal swozi-cLA Bfn6-s-ii. RS0 AGI, AND UNDIE. pârit!V*e,8býA BaMIre, sud Iffartingmlel by nL bsonWhitpy. Second Prize,-45 cash, b>' W. H. Bllin~ .1. by.* --s . . 0l44Pus,*-A -Brille sud Martien b>' J. Maybes, Broi4iuX Pink pPnxe,- - Âi Whpby J, K.du .CO WTTBIÏ D1 4tll!ÀGEU#t irÉkUw Pr$ beittehk Uhorg isiiie, Secrefl¶i < W. Kmerrueois n AIax.-Yc *zeJ5 Fox,.fussa Teni.cad. AqntbntuMlaI oçeey,-asud thiamr sou44 enitant freô' <o-mehslbeuw to psy lte sian of M.It,1 Seccuod-cea meu-O-pen te alt - "laa 'oui>' pluchuien vho tooli thes *Mttor e.iaou prias osaint ciomten, cf Irât sseecui-ale mua, Ili elthei r 1rvlnlaW orCouait>' 119l En Membe* thmr &4. r Nou.zuuEu boopsy thib ý . sd sicentraede e_74 -, lWdi'tobe td . ýà-f ,urtm.I ioât'Oà Zk. ft.Tob.d* , C'ne sgro t We 'a *~b.Pl in t Ocomme 10 Aâ'eutie' Ib e ùde th stI eretary, xý.. M.bntliU P.S0 W 13, XcÇ4U isW . S&TPE TOULS & IFINDIÇ1 Nailsu.,fsl Tac= 0 .UIOLsALE A4 ETAiL, ' 5x e TO0 !NEXT DOOR IoRYICPA pared gbonu4y,. t 6f lump' uizt;I The tronofkr. ooko wvJU b. .losed*.coieh* 14hta Cho stoa. lMMsntuili 'l 1 - q C> i xple is now our àà "ýl - iz" , c

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