Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1868, p. 2

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i i g aimi e amna t *moseu of *I8 permmi ia bo- ue ou t shbibrs mh oio iau* ofa ùIl MlimasofIl Itjew -mI tor("Sami dest Ilsis probbe enfflsena> i.te cflthl. m- qul<e o * m.aa tecuiy, Wueoare <sw e »Y f0 a uaon tdler acquatlu am wivlb lis prorillcai a feeling ot di- appolutsast bas arse, andIoi grovlug lus otreugtb eviry day. Mr. Criii, in lsro. dsclsg i. bill, bai naeSthéa wuise!a "IdigfaUaur, sad, for a tise @aictut, b> bis eovnlOvf ve01e, suoceded la .ecssalng Irens the publia the truceNafct cf il.ubewoo, Tissu appea ta beIltale douit tbat IL iboII Fmpa s sProesitonsrut it.11 «s«aithe deathinli cf t4 e egt.ln Velssiier egaleaiout. lthe von 0of< yreau iader tlb. presot systes vill bel tour. Thse OfeRam aiM Msnvili b. dis-a buiemnd, vbes tbe danS bea mter yen?. of toit and patiotl. ssdeavrr îl waueta bo ýplaieS on the sasefootng u SIi haboiu. ef Lever Canais, witi vhem lb. teli <cforvoontaiatngbas nver boe .vsq nl<. M. Carter tfifres edist t bimif for the sol*etibsorsblp of tb. Bill, &asdvweouvWel ndrstand it. Xit hip-.E panent lh"i-bu lutends legi.lutg for a am@ 01e affare raltng la ble ova Province,r and veald fore à systessupu île r.- noaltg Provincesf0-tb. C«nfoderation oiteS oIl tc the e. rsqanents of i. ovn.- Wllie telater sysies Ifisru- sielva them«action o elb. poers ibat bo" ier vl u sgoltat;of mon.Tb dilDeltyvu to ests elsiardro e b eunr, and te lishi île equ!ipsont of a Éos ta thé eteat atiovabli by car ieosWb&$ the Volsteers îles r.- quiraisuOrganisation . Dovwlitse lave h, ilsir pioest vaut I i en. Tb. «perien.. of the lais <ivy",r ba demonstratei itievricsmi kpoinsaof us VolasL a yt.&asd thebutbsefforts of Lie Mlitaiy&maSMiltisaamuuoàitesbave boas ta oueS> tIcs. defets,' bu remais-t id 01 ou>trr,'( ovm eni ttae ve certain grieranues ompWuieiotby ibe sesvo formeS lb. umatenof et9icforce# sui te ieerminaten lui laver se tisaI tise bardas i of tasse ibouid boc on iveauilsi&Wb" d.BI silltVoluator eanslprhogo amm muiolsa udby *10relngusaetof te bardes spa lie be'.mw , avives«the dbeseitd(if auY hebeb) ie pressât toe e uld bc «aWi L a W1b sausgt f lelone. Tiseéeoerm m!noa.ommWood isO moe iniel àsimm ove avepms. the ordeal tfsa Ilre yaus' servi., ug a partins et vhtch tb.y bave liSb. boeiEt aifeeelg the daly Ilh1'e doldlerm Ile 6el4. Tbe irouo mandignoant of Lie terce bavelong inee u veedi out or tallen.avay; sud ve bolier.ibai, lu sestualnimledge of their von and datlles, ibese ai promeut holding eemteslous la lb. urdu oe oIScompare mset avrabit vlîb tie offioars ef a lilie -terce l suMy country.1 Ob faer ou Mr. Cartier'$ bilîl ffodnug Msy cuoerap.mont le Volastiri, h mse-1 twah>isrisînates %#alutiibis. Tise Voluterevosmasdlng ofcelartabélS resp*nslble for tb. dueo mintenance of bts CJompany andin Lb. penalty of te-s tbani. ismsu lu, Odtwul> eamultuniieS h. *1 It PI ci #b.' advsrtlasmsOtf Num a à i lmport-voq weylmrgyve My My--"re tram Lbth 014mutuyau- M4esumua m esabi si Sirs.4gaqlu OLP No. i m b, mtt qtbeiaar ofaltpsbg goede aOli No. 'III' ky S bé le M"susri.- a Ou gm eloqunt sMda*&O. AVoteéet i milis v more4 b> Y, W. Biovn sq, M eond.4b> 3J. .Qoae, Boq., and ff-' l.dby eamtiou. Dr Teahgrbas ver bo.azedy, bl be moisieofIbis ~rest tiiist5, t. 1ue a 1>prie rtby ob>ety -ad deserrs a&U ibam b. woMt 01 "si lu r.istioa. i drst intrna a Weil a tepelque. la tb., Houe.of!Cemmu osTueed.y, t h àwa:th i ntention etmer Msjosy- to oew X,('a*lr a Bao det sh United Mingios, anSK.Lsnmgsval. CB. RtvàsArotyîlut Aiam.vor ma Ai-' Aii or Un. UMOn.-Tbe follo*iog site the rîvardse offred (« thebarrest ot th, assasin. of the Bon. Thoms DArcy MaGe. S-Doin 1IOU Govermest, 80,000; Dnoi e,$2,450; Quebocq $2,600; ity of Ottava, $mm0; City o<MestrmpJ, 8,00; Port Bope, $400. Total, *19t400. list, t vo i ad,.stable and «osi«us belosglug ta Coriluas Johusos, lt2, lbe ft Pi b e Mni.,vere deetoy. ed by rE on, 0m1dayevelu at, Tbe gre le auppeeed ta bare bain the vork of an ls elry, No lussrssce. lm bout Rxâoo lm Mr. HeRoa xosois This geutlmimaw bo bla l, made as extensive tour ibrougi Ca&&ada anhLb Status, bus boas îngsaged by tb. commit. Lia'o b thi KiobahlcsWIntitaet. Sellier medngo lb.tevoureing cf Indb>, the Sîh May nazi. go bui bad large and ii. pruiativesodiascaeslinToronto, Hamilton, sud elsevb.re, Ris programme .111 le. clnde silections rou s alrpoar, Toaln- on, Rfond, Isgoldsbl, DisiogsPoe#U, Halis Paiî oi ospows.-Kr. Ir, M. Thomas, of Brooklin, recastly pnorchaie (roms a gentleansiluToronto, tyvopair e( Braam Pootrba Potds, ai 8$80 par pair. Tbey versImportais ("om 4 ei4 .y Iriland, oui> a (av days mgo, ad mcdveon exhibition ai tbe Pesltry show balS la Toronto, wb.s tMr. Thomus pnrcbas. Tas Puue mtPIai eo Cm. Dios the. tiligrapi Informes la, bob placeon tmrday evasng lut in Naw Toi., Tbere vose about two bndred persensproment, inudOnt 1h eadlsg mambons ot tbe New York proe..Soria Oréel, présid& zzmniAr a .-Tbe (mnaisa naitlW viésue d.patahi ta aglssd lait I'ldy sight vus tslly osetburi biaviar ibisanaW, no demol og ta Ils large numbeof etsaipapere orvadedb> lty cestalning aaom-os f thémss«»W» tion, sa ueao! OfKM. Nae". DIÂm s Es Bom .-Tvro min na"e Tool - ad MoDonaS, eh. au, brotboriu-laval, vun quarrallng la the houe of the -forms.w, ait thevilla ge of Hampton, on tbe 1bih lIw,, wb.s trs Tool, the mosoibr, ao llady TO0yjarn of &go, endimronred te separate thas, amd lu the ouititeint full down duad, -"moa e b.d boom drlnhlng roly. Moit GoL.-A mev dilse of tgold la annonnead la Marnora vbleh vill, hIs sali, iclîpsa msything Lonud as yet lu tho mu elmq of i u .T b@icl 80n1tM. e9s ineerlte oet> toon tS usu tiebsi -é)t. ibm. Y.ésl4 if aeesny gle àmee vldmiset'Ibo - proouneeoe .tb.lilst baudsthoio"I the sous.' Loy; but enogugla boas sald ., 1 Tberebabs1ïs «04b tees lu fioer War lâasd Ilsle Wt.iO% &Mi .of -th tau, saffleaS these Ocnsd on- gcilastim o t h isi". Sally paper iu Chifago, detinmined ta bo fulWf op tetbe ftittises lu wbiah ve livO, bai adopiad tLb. novaIl mode of publisblng " mmrruimsinspOipeaoOt7A "rvtervt. oni ta ie ogla ceiré lieuses ia grat. oS da,>, b. oopWelis te o n1 mS bsesoàdi. datt fermatrmeuyba théb.plisre of usalg suv n s prlng amenlÇth0 lias ef bsslvspts, herglàaiIris, àa,, ame.l tisce scycraidaojobelote île important erOnt comies 0£f ir AL Aomt)n u me Gamu>Tîitu. Tba bcd if. a*,yosng samma00ames Lesît,a aillerbolongleg othe ba cooner Bellp, sou Iylng la the barborertai iis place, vai <cenSspon tbe rlircai triai botcvaou theDuffse'Craek asudWhiiby stations, on Tesday oraing lesti Ha wus ou hi. vayl, vImmar, tarejoin bis vau.ouad>nSbai pst vii nme icqui- tonnes about but-paL lava e'c locfr, on Mondai nighti. hlas upposeS tub. le ad itîber <allenailep on tbe trai, or beas kllJedinu ttempting ta get on a frelghi irais. Tbi body wuitnighttnly mOtae An lnfa -tvasbild by Dr. Tocker, sud an open ~verdict riîsrnid.Tb@ dacais vu abont 21 yearos e g, si udet of ý quit sud qpied> dispositon. Poseusr idx Mwnut-tr. lames Hisgstes, dry goede sarebint, of lMon- trei, bu forgeS iba nasues ofhbis ovus custserssud etbers -eta i. metiof shoui 8100,00j, ta nsoeor billesome of vbiah tb dmunedbatsa large- portion of vbihlczver. lodged ai collateral vf< à@o Bocks, XIsdome nos ippeav tit ibise. forgerletu v m e srt oi frtbo purpo of rAslg moué e> taoaeop a privale pu ior ta abéoood euht, bai only ior b -purpose 0of sbg Ihumte carryovar a large overtocictilt sbe allimg maies.gH 1vas irrçstedbat lavmg bues dqoitei ta sevs Imhiinluthe fergerWe, m»de, Io nid, vilIboaàiiarylouer. Satons AoCuIDZZ.-Â Young Mao naseS Matthec Blle vwusverely in>nuid on Tbsnuday afmiooslait. Havai en- gagid. viii otiiers, lu soving a builing 1on BrocIk street, nan Gioses botel, vb.n, ou loveilng onsla, iksltpped, ursing, bits a.nose tbe lips. Ha vuunder ile building at iha tise vith bis yocsger brother, vie, bouserrvu uninjurid. W. ara gled ta uistbat Mr. Bilt.ele aphil> lmproving. &ay&tst taheb.procaedîngs bofre tba "111gb Court" ose fsr ara vary favorable ta the Presidant, lb.e vidence (ib thelb tia. agaSos cndesvored, Iu vain, to mie ont) go. r ng 10 abshow ti r. Jobuson, ln tnrnicg 1ont Btanton, vu nst breaking any lav, rthe Inen- Tel wue (o tle Lhbrry of tbe RHoà!CMoos, 0 «bave It sbcew o'iýilfgfoual>pre.evd Il ouSeraÈ #a gs i î i a, rvyi vhiub buibeenleptin hie t.ibryoaftbalu HspialSdu lnrdlldc., et Parl, lb. ball fi vbicih iS Umariaoron u G5 Tb@ ietillery tMà;PtrRi er,-i Bisaifomivas iiicd lut veb for' allega't trasolion ubaremusa. Tisa couccrau e v sltiilfroein$.000 ta $10.000 ai le 's tise of sizura. siTue CàAÏFmu Sconiaz.'1-Tbt. i. lb. tl titlla of suiv parpublabdilaMtontreal,' 0 oivo!ed) ai lis »,* implias , te ainter- ests of Scotssen, anS avîntbisg cossit- id viîh the lui o' cakes. Ioiival gel op, Mud costaisi egra euom ofintereml- lus nesaiisg saîtr. RuontIdsuiios tu ENLu.-1'ba hibors PI p ut n.boldisg meeting# la van, hlu perte o o ai, v hich are tBos unsd sironly nmnîbotbiuitiesliy l etnieS, Tb. Irish grovamoa soaSl b. dt.anov' sent of rmliglint Sanation aran.thb.0 principal sbjeautsof dWt.cno, The ableosileadrso tbe Pantyatteandtics. 6OTis J.55Top uCî'ous"Jia Tbomai Brndeuell, ieventh EBal of Condi. t gall, vie led tb.evoi*,memorableicarga o! tlb.6"Six HaNudre4" dl ied esîbIis seat in NonbasptomUbre, 0'tg4nd, oq île,,%Btk abîme, la cous.quana o! injnrla-seiavii bya&fall rmes bhO e, ovas boma in the yem 1797, aMi rai consqueutly in thl. liii, Yeur etbis agi.3 covunily uni d oiestale.." Miiltr Nuvi-tfb. Ibulregimant bave recoived, orders tb b. riady le Ia1«" Tornto, vhen. tbcy llare beau itatioced fer a long tise, onu îb. 9<1 o! May,. h i. supposai tisir iastiasiîn le RaglanS. Fis A &T Lv.L..-O atnniay sornisg abottre téloa Oare, broie on o tW aGr*"otwsre of Mr.D.iMo. DonaldI rons t sr.g Tise folloving ý Pacs evr@etaml> Seiroyed.s-IlbsWil- swn'sBakcry ; Mn. lU-ertà's1D1g"ed stoe.; B. Coniod'bar &bohp ; D. Mi*. Donads Groemy; Coug.r Brou' GrMcm; H. Bmosargi's Joviry -&bp; 1. Prends1 ry-geods store,-ansdBrimber -k Pont's1 Tebiaco bep. Tot a o about $30,000.1 sii" lumbor ioerSo! Ottava, vu ften about four o'cloak, TÙM&Id morning, e1u th#isa ,' oesd, eri tlopposite the cil>, oestaflled lu tbe oheeif bis bug;y, sMS alnutsouSà. Ife ', 1<. bonsm vberî le bad been speading the eveuiug about il oteloab lb. nlght prasioJs sud.ladpro. ceded about tires mile. viensa se tg baie allen <os bis seat, sud vukick, id sevanal limes by bis botte. go vas stilI aliva Whou dlscOrerdt sud aiked tisï osvs trieS to extnheate im, te poil im out ganîly. H. vas nliorci froma bts position by tisa ramero! usof veisol o! the buggy, but cspired slmogissue- Tif.s13=uHsàs.-lt glatcorps bau won croditsisie dtiî'cîion smoug tha mavalry regiments et tise service, ils nmm apcna stisa bodeîhàrat in a vacant nonce o et Lievicof Si114a" Wbuaks . I L& n oatof le toW WB&vis Ilion for tig ?gai Assises ou a chargeét Of l ii r r. Dou scataniug tiai bbe & tetaPmend mnng iis ordeal, Wbuldon sémWitotà smanmt, ter 10040contrele isî~ "aklet Kn. OlBelly k asnroàgidtn' ser fon bavisg, brougbt op pr fs o-s e ril agawhombos ad li.aen as- wits a day etficckouinlg. Alter il.e»- ad moral o! lb. pri.onci sem <stnivi- Pl oencle vu-f44n, bots Buvrigit sud Mur- CI ph, " vIev.ro brougil trotMontréal ai da bogiuutsg of lait voci, Seing oaui-n Sd It i.noi ballerea to .iluthe iluloas t of justice Ibat the detailieof flaitsomony P abouid Sa commuanicsted nai prisant'T'bel t Gevoluaieut basdice , rsmined "tepffauora k b.e itrictest sqcrecy aSiie le amindar sa i lis. proctailtbojrü tie iig it in tlb. iuîeresis of jutice tbalta ÃŽponts 1 oboold le $ ýbi1îbu. 'Thodtctvs bovevi1 i édit; ibut dmni. Friday aer- ns00n imoi Important vtmm daaaau b WWainbu bien obtiaei, ami lIe, oz' w prose îh.uulvlsai perfaotysaitloi ii sM tha pnegreof Mtb. Investigation, A namabir of parties bavre anddîaly It Ottawa since the description ot the evi- Ionc. lu poussion of theo ahoritiicsbW cme mecw. Ottawa, Apil 20.-Patnrick Bucklcy, tl wbo isubelon undon pelice surveillance t "eIb dyo!tr ticOco'.mada, vuet mrrsta tu afonuenby ilargt. Major Lhaminntu, et Toronto, snd Ibisoveing eutumittaS tecloe utody In te police stalion. -This arical vus maeic l eue luenceoetis mnstisfacieory anuvori honi mallaiuIavltneu lut Tbmrdy, sud of do the cividoenco stucs lilcit i tisa rate inivstlgatlen now boing cannaSd on the police magistrale, the -mayor und O' lly On. ofthbee rtueasise bu bedin tis ixaminod le Zicard Star, sa mouCe employaS in tise Bousee! Ceuonsinte prapare puicols ton tise mail. $torr stntes lIai h. gair Whalcn ln the gulkvy on .tisa nightl of tbe murdcr,1 jait chonUrMi.lcGe wvasapaking. andl 1 bis attention ivu; paricalarly iuntrad to bitibj .aecing litn boaning 1eiertbea îiliing0 in rtin d ulaking lbis bond, mn a-maînne' Inglonnai at Ii. cGasvb1ie lia vas spcaking. TIme. as inoiher man viîh Whaîou to whom bor picuiutty turnod undi entared ltooclou conversation, Itoru suspected Wbalen, whom he did net thenc knoîy by nume, vaut saroand toe >0gallery1 wheho la u and telS thea door keepara LImai thcy abeuld fiot ultei mach charac- tara te enter. Afienvunds ha sac Whilen at the doîofet i lobby standing boido Ouckley, snd thon lu another part o! the gsîeiy vilh lhe sainaesman ea bafra 'Aganuhbu aw tisas lun ernst;converser-1 iotothe tthe i ls oi ttho attire jPst oulside etf1he. by b7,ven Str igeosinei ibmu closlaauni boscocasvueasty able te identify Whue tc mlihise roreaii- ihougis ho voie Siffanont cloîbea. About one W"cea Stm agiusuc liinl gattory und about toia en bu Irun ta maia parcel ai the postionice le sac1 Wisaisa lu conveosatieu vus Base i t lb. door of lise lobby, Sier n,irtru loto tis. reponier'sjsllery sud ou tb. op- pouetie"of the Be uleauing onua par- tiion viiolsepanaies tha Sanatom's gaI' tory freinthespasageiling tote publie gallcry, bo sac Wbela tise lts lime tisaI iglot. lVbau the Spator daclined, t.he ouase udjournai Whalou vant towards the door1 s if te go ont, sud Sior enat Sovn unir. frin tise rcpoI ~'sgallcry. Altogothor ha sai Whalen savon limes tisat night. 1Tis e vidence, lh i ihb.camon, t.asunllm- portant corroboration et Grabais .testi- meny and me s contradiction ot Buckl.y's chu stataS tisut ho lied nie conversation vii> Whulon tis i nghi. Aneibor cilnu, upen wvIe. vide-uce Bucklcy, cas placS ander cuutody, ls de- tactive O'Ncil, vIe vue ozamincd priva- tcly on Suturduy. bio statcd tis on thse merning of the uturder, ho chargeS Bîîckley cis kneving molthing o! the nîffair, sud urgci hlmte reveal IL Buckley ai final SanieS any knoclcdgeof et b.mur- dei, but uutarvardé ln reply te O'Ncil's continuod pressure for Information, ad, "My (led, do you wmut te nain sme, aud have iny bouma burrncd down over my bond?7' O'NeiI, conviuced that Bucklay ha - Lita -.apci.'--.tth. madeu i sîtî lbe otimauu viUs mi toisa miersege.-ena-- trais et e time vu goilug etthe rate ce 20 or 25 milespen1ieurm Thse cars biof esespai vira tIres -punéngerCor;- OW pet;U Car. sd 0oseun fregîi car. lmoe' limiova eyen ihe cliffvauaoll pauàogr Cari, and tiraeft leus sleeping Cars.t vus inteusely Jri ai the lime.,- Tve cars vans teunu tt e .lu the riror, anS te u es- car on lire. goverai panions vere exti - itaefromeuib.brnig a;but itis le. lieaitlleast, ft ke or es npenauhd, mnS gi.tIietuvete ener 200 pirsons ia tbe soffttce, Ibis ix a. loy ostimata. Th pasiagerssariS bai ahi îbey ooulS do <w rascua, te vouiod, At lire 'ctoci ai speeî urain, vith lIre plsysiaimas, arreS, -»d vora plow inl charge oftte vouniai, vbho .ver. brougllr tae- tIi. place ai 9 e'cleci. Anter acoout sa 13 vers, coSumadinlutue bursimge r, Si ciarred bodles baves, een necoered, butl h vili b. imppossible le 'dentity tb.m. AU îb. demi. et-the depothbav eSein identiidexcept a- isodomo boy, about 15 yaarsef ge, vis vu drovnd. -- Nec ton, ApMI lStl.-LAier adicas tros ItioSe lemihro sus p avents ut Mtontaee as toliever- 1A rooetion broie ut Moatevie -0n tte b o Potbry, asseSby a rlimg eOtlb. Chicsparty, unden Berro. <ban. Flores vasunurdered, neceiving éstars at&U f sud M anuel tF ores aiu 20 eof bis tneaieS sndd euly, sud vers sapposed toe eSeau. pei.ed. Reprisais vre maie 17yte populaion asüd tise tmoops tisai rassîmeS (suIfaI te île G'ornnmant Berr ilb. leadr, eft ne nevelatieti bai beau ilet, aS criai restea. Geir Baite vus leetd Présdet,amaitIlwu A orKea Cstdz.-Oa te, 22a e! Dacamber laits voman naseS Bashng- îvaii, rosiig aet imebond ill11, diafi coder utugalmr cirm oas ces, hidi ors nov Lb. _ubjoclcf ivesigatio. 1t vu sbovn aItilhe tiMeatint dasdi resutei trous île iecem of presuire bull, brogis about,, his labilevad, by lupropar seioal iraieof, èlrisuvensaitvas buie, 1e ever. Ssii oviug te recrut 'iloesmes haï bdy vas thae thar day aibamai anS sa poi moricu axamision lI, lb. roonfil oiet biaD ot u yas eau annencei. Daring but ilînae boinfoionsite vomit vu attendS1b D Lannxatàff ofBicbmoni HilI, mai Dr. Williaseo! ibis City. -A coroner isut preniàlve&sizwingte Gawlinglute fulionnite Paris Club. la seesiug nmmi -4à«i sd (sies" tIra eaven. bAtaly la pamet!in oise Clb iammien-tout mot ltaîa amillion, of fuai-tht ita91000 1 ville lu sueiher a mm oft£,760 vws vomi, Ibu- tb.ventir, dashing to maie bis gin.l round 40,000, playeS onmunItout aIl, exeepi 1720. Wbile, min mu Ibu mil iisig ibair ove ami ibm i lle. rlongunes en te taronof a dard, extrais- Suce oe!oveon u Sssuamijeeiey iteedi ail bossan., httbeopera, neently juhe exhibitibo Misaonds vas quis eop.: preseuve: le <b. ayez cf beholdera,sadnos!ce ilady' vu notai né Seing '4iteruly 6evrei"i, »vitI prectium stoues. Thenevspipers recordibat ,ertin iss, v i incuy t ib vite ! anexonabesmis conduelor, and ibroreo M a modeli station in Socisty, dbu jast, disiminei £24A0la îln te parebue it et, acelabratod set oM diamondsi ansdyei &Im sbaS, mi 'ssait, -previonsiy a store d gfrasier lstmat t suây. pnicoaa. Eeuar.-Oa n iSay iglt or Btn- b; da'mmaugealy; ibsis.li à Ut,-. . l Whmant of Maasr D. Mooe.& kchu- Jof eaam s lrmin hut iI lthomteasud gant te voin wu ow c tm'Jiriilt cspaciiy igio nn ieseOf, imd couthor i leeply affue ici . sbus III hurceratIeu. ne bas coplolely --broies S ovu. uani >les a gond Seul. 'Wiih regard to Doyle, tie rameur bau beau pravalemît tisaI lie muSe a confeaion le.Say, balt thon islm probably, vilI mai. oie, aS yal lie ham qtataS nsetbiug. - -TIare -are, il as maid,- cirons te prove lIai Doyle telS thisn thànlh lia uSbeu telSby Wisctan tisatie bad 611tt McOee.A vriyciicumnlocuiory nd net veiy lagal, soit o! ovidenca tisi, but roetbiug may bc gleaued freWIL i Doyle ls vory poorly mmmi suifra îlmch fru bis old ballai ven sud oIson causes liai bé is var ickly, uni ramer bms Il tisi tho gso daotor Soeï-oi oupèci bm le survive bayonS tise, 1.11.Tise ralter.!f île RusuilIBoe, Muselle, 'Io saiby on@e vttoissiebe ti. tas vlho vas vilS WIatmn on lIe ulgît'o! lise mur- ici, Enroposau Neya. Loxcox, April 1.Biussucmuet. mngs ot tbe liSerai pariy are Seing SelS ail mien England. Mtiay more are adveftso o ocar baniafiar. Tb. gnievaiiceé 'of ih. Trib people in generat, sud particolar. yl the disendocmeut o! ail religions aecta na Iîeiand smoelise subjecîs o! tiss.seat. loge, Tb. .peaiets embru ist ofethlie relI-knoîm libaral leaders iu Parlium. Lemmox, ApaS 1.-lt u sramoeaite. dey <bau aivices laed beau neceived from Abyssinis te lb.effact shai the Britiél captives aet Magdala lidbien releasod by K~ing Tiseodores, mandtiSs the objeci et the invadiug farce bavin ug Seattutued, tb. van vu over. Daapaîcbeoa <resua Ntapier vans recoivai ai the Indian off»c, laie ibis aftaîneen, Sut ibougisthe liars ii favorable tn tise hopee cf tise F e&iin, sova'"etioiiei auniksare nol cefirmeS. Goa. Napier reports lu bis lait Seipsic ibat b.e bu liftlatitude 23, sud la posiiu n tna a nth-wveterîy direction. Tise celamu et adrnce vu vimbi si siay mles ot tiagdalia, and 20 miles of ibis distanct blid bac,. succosfully naconiitered, The ltroepe vie lu ged spirits sud cager toi a figlit.- Accuna tron tMagdala isî r oached the camp. viic'b mpuaouid ibs tb. King vs. mnessysai evidnutly alarn oS ai tho iiaady approaci efthe Britiob troupe,.-Hi appareS te be besiistiug ai te visai cours e apumrsan sd aothing wu mecs atg vbit plan ef action b. vould adopt. Iî.suucu, Apri17.-bt t. reportei baro Ibmt Gis. Garibaldi bas loft Viapreni sui gos te -. Wplai The ruiner <ansi oome msauiess, ai tha objectes',f 'tIi Gaueiil'amoremintiseunoun. LOXDMmoiApriî 19.-Genrai Napior ic coiàzkaai ethe Abyssinida ispediisin his lut dispètal, roquets a hesvy remit- tance 01t resera for axponses1ethe strly lie sent bis bfore the nain> season sets à s b. aiipates Ibit dunsng liasaussc bis cemmniaiou vith lb. me toui vill b. treqnauily, if net vieill, iuierrupted, .oivox, April 17.-A vannant vas i., said isy lb. Beystriai Police Magistrate to.Siy for lb. murait o! as Goeonor Byte e! Jammas, on tise clarge o! ilIexaiIy'prî claiming mantial lac r rng tSe Ã"lstarbo ces ou tt iainS.Ti le elievei lisaiSj ibis meo is fe hgality et the Action e!ftii Byire, viijle Geversor et Jamaica, il adoptisg eteuodisary mmeres te sup. prou tise inurrection th@re, vilI bc fluaItj sud iatisfactority testeS. Fa.oauuo Apnil 17.-lt i. repentei bars liai Ganenal Garibaldi blaoft Ca pneus asudgene. te Naples. Thse mouj couses anme unmieule, ai the objects o Lb. G-eucrails sucieactearen nalinova. London, April 20,-The trial o! lbi Ck'ikanveil prison explosion Ik.uîiàn pri. meons ,coummenoud îo'day. Burkin'an hlm fellom prisencus vitI nexi bc tniet Tise triai excites mc mues ldtët. - , Tise Attorncy-Gcneial epoeuci ll ag toi lise prouecatimu. lHe uid ho cxpecte te prove tisai the crime of marier lu beau connmitodsmou lie person et voisn, ua e Ib --c -mPe4Lb. expl, Mieetings oMituconspiratorna me onoSit!s Maurpl*yslboue on tl b 1dsud,. 1815 et Dccmber. à ie biu bvaspreaint, ho w»sukuet on bodi occasions Sy.Engliab mdS lilie Dc.Demoamdi le go lo tI> fi- TiseJudgo.intcrnuping, questied lihe vlîuhesa s fllovi 1a- Wà dihe WorS, "6ex- plosIon" ased ? -Witneis raýplied, 1& iotlno«, mag- on utansvmer jeu or ne. Wtuas-Ne.AnbSon< faillher ao exaaminatien saaed tisai liebaS rtegolel tu, tara inieuoreibecaît. e tefaied' tnglish wôoatd chat'himelîfsa Qaecn'm, evidaibce, tise atter isavîng tiiiened te do se. ,Tise crogs.eamination e ft Iis wîioe-m vwu vary togund.pretmueed 'Vsu.-ban, lise ethar informer,vas tison castîsiby conuiss<or lIethéCmiwu, aud ex- edfined Sy lb.eSolicito er bnctaL.lie testilhad lisat le Joinsi lise Poniari ergan Izatiotsiiho 1805, and vus scoîu fi li bOrSor Sy T. Desmomd, eone t île pe'sen. ers -on tril. li t# lte satib Desmocd about nomn on -île day et tise explosion, wben Dammd infermediim o! IlploÏ Loi tisa ruIons. et Burka, Sy bieving up-I tiseprisonwatt. Tbeisa irens ore>pesi' tively tisat'tise pribenors bartt, Engliksl,- sud tisa twe Dessusonds moen ougagodinlu a conspiracy. »-On croes-xamnaion, tise imaiss sai isut lia vasàa taller by traie -tsa- hcbai beau lu tise urnuy, bat could net say viseib o tuccas-adeserter. lic acknovledgoi lIaI la cas giron te drink noui miglit' have bien eut ef lis * miS ut limes, lie contradictçd'bis direct lestimony by taliug tisai-bef baSl noyrer Sean scetu inth thea Pastaiàà orSon, iand statui tisai lis support bâti Sean pro- vidaS for b7 lise police sîmihoritiesmic b is otiar toe ge testiny, and tIatlie,. ixpaclai tte gai tle îeiard otiered fer raveating Itheenspirmq. A dok ndmia 9carmin in île aempoy o Moisis, Deatrise, po*der dealers, more aaetrally mvemns, anS testiiae tiste salo and deirery otpovder ite ene ofet îoconiplualters lie court tison adjoend.till te:mprtov moyning. Mander in Mountier«. Amam mmei Leciias Chatonen vas mandoeainlu uc village of Mounut Pores ou Tisnniday nigît tast coder the tolloving circusitances, as SataiteS lu île Guielphs r Dr, DanSa, smual Wisn, !iq.. sud 1Cbalontmib. decewssd, cane lu Sherveed's store on ibe nigisu of lie 16tis, mni bai - eau bs#iag a <ienily convarsation te- gitisen fer aboutl îbreo lourira, daiging 4 occasienaliy in iquoi. Tl. t bstoira &togotbon about l--pu e evin, Wilson Seing a fec psa s uSaiSfethIe otiser uvo, and vbeu crousing tlb. iti t lappeau Li-t uClbmen rbai San iu mtieig île dec, t or, vise, hsving Wbalis log broies lts w intar, vas - obligeS te use crutelis, but baS talIon is b edoctem, Wilon, loir. Sing some altercation$ turneS bocki, ad masted thi Sectr over ta h(lbsees a Sd ian ofnS et eoouiug, vb.rs tIser. vu a -large gateway lota îhe docor'sov yrd rWite slauding 'ou Lb. sidevali ats ie >gatoey, ýChalonot cme op -iwvu i polegiliug gte b»"rtefor, lestiug lia Ni <aI, be ho, <ibfouer,) ra isl g*t c and dasît-te a bloc on the soi, under tis eami, cusic lins ta <ail lni& So! the gmsciayl Wilson reprored the et boctor ton viât b. bai Sono, mot, suppos. ing th&& Clwaouer vawu, lIa TheDecio; loft immidiately for bis otu bouse, a loir 7pacei frets Lb. spot. Wilson vent la Cbalouer ounîli ft, Msud Sflerei Ibai n b.wu daiS. go immediisel apptised -tise Ducii eof thetact, viso cmen lad T agaln, aid lb. neigIsbors voee mnusdamti a coroner sanstfor. The - coupa v ume moeS setiste Audarsan Bouse, vh aua lusquesi vu os SISanS a posdMortexaex sr suimmion mais S, Dr; Yeoons, vweou o< pidene ven ouS ta .ctisai sblov bat baesa nac.ived troinsomebluat instromeai in l the aicli, Sbini 'sud uSer ticean, an a largoetffsion et bloed wvu (onS areimu IL tie as ! rle sin, sufficient lo bae .CauseS ntsm*n deatb, The jury ru go turneS bthéý-oltociag verdict- iiTba S! Samnuel Daubar-idi oniouly 1111 an' td ils'> Leouias Cialoue." lTb. Docte vus placet! coder ariest, and lofti lu cbrgo 8,0164u mmosamsty tunaral se i but andiktsteatmagethi An old y recent1j pas (rotsoescar te 'W. R. duile the train bIeemitlhe -cua sud 'omeut fble.the aie, - fIRT] 8AUNDERS-tV -ahoomaiei, eMa sou. - DIEX HOPKINS.-Oa lb î8thi lut, the beraie Hopkiis, ofl7itly, e BBOWN.-? Pick «"1da, 20hm it, ,. *ged 87 lest's, Whltby 31à FaiWisct,..... Spd g .; ...... .... - Peas ,........... -Butter......... N»W ÂDVXR.' 80OOTH IN G IFOP. CRiLDREN gretly fa"Dtattheuicpro ieoftam.ing tsi.e gmm,, rotins là SUR£ lu â.kkMIvLAi Depemd miSa-k, iu4lieris S W.ie pt 3" u -;- et il rImas ce lava ter sî 01e u eclueSi etdim.atioligtiqu lby ai7 e thm omiinry all arade ig h-ic, suamci mi nnui ilsnu~bu17allet. mdi m pakb in "uu.tter WUI j>uate a e niu tie oiu Infant ijeulabdg fretmr relief wili te toundbun ti. les alierthse srup tla uni Fun directiom fors eanis ottts. ]KOUO geini «hd oial f vUtTU &8 il hd Ou, the ont4ddevuenpjer. FKXCE-Oaly éat tùr O7FkE,-215 Fulton THE GBEAT-NB." TILlA RAVE beau soppli haaum OC mUdlA" in m. <k adieu. nim Stuc n mea it negumal po* lîvem4 <frithe setud daii nfonaMMai screouum defas «ut opmuiosmtfhe tulie 1 Itisanta, Boit#. l'm.pios, laen enudésS qi yhiauniv.554mn Ciabvesan ,d4ps faitj 'W VhfIlaa,, Cuis, ti dail atasI. u inffllble. DSod by adL ug Tite gti iiiî-Suya.J TIseguuuhaumui!aff < ati and i o z. CIRAMP& PAI Ni zaum a m b,- Riàuts

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