Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1868, p. 3

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.~ À LOWES &'POWELL S FORM1LE. ne t v*dl&nom1 Sf gaap m no <presse ~,w~frwi'; Fslebaaer. .,UesIaa, sppiy (if by lette' DLNIEIé BUTTa, Wunur W. Q., Gin. o, *81s.14 Vnlslmd 14ttm ro- dag st the. iVbtbÎlost 9, onthe.lot of APril,. Jol#ane. William ie, Modil, Johs ,.s' laie, Mr. Wi'hot.aW')Pen re . pi. Po*bi 2rdLaou1 Lrsdv.abd Jettera. Pestmat. Rocom Papeàr JMOT "MmeIN. imuri N EswEiSrC Or MTE B83" .Enillk Yv. Payer and Payer Hinge, AT Wbitby, Mareb 0, lUs. 12-«' SH0E TOOLS OIDNS W'~~~~w mBLAUA» 'un L à a à--ha un&" Ohmy li Yam mXesMeueg WC:6.aOS. hIopum. n etI WAREROOMS, Avo lu recelpt of s luge eteel <if SPRINd GOODS And sr# dbwlng tii.Omo. at sumly lm plu& 1 YANO? AND MXILLINE RI ,000DS la à ieyai ebselag lb. nsest de. sinasuwVbds -c-"- Peb bm . 4d Mto tb.fr bushesunob sw'brsab, vie:, DRESS AND 1VIAN TLE I - MÂKINO. ~te id. u.du 41ss o faà lutdw fDrets sud 3iSsUe 14ev, sd'bag to A r.o&kof di. 7 rueimbeÉt , F oit '&Oard S.d. Or 3RSAE Ce 4Pý'O C. 8E EE BEOUEIED c9g i i~ I t . CAIIS.! ~ rcevin alage Sk of, ChilldPebs'Cà4 .an~d ]Perbula- TOIR kof BR...a e g uaiattention to the bousemuidl(- 110dwaroi 8 moan s ormm i b(d iib id Ieir prM"àesl at ,muhquly and' Priem, sto conte blarge patromg ehlth. uio'dbythesa. Partisboulding vilplase nte o alt ds OMàep Glusw, PtlM,als, é*s., vey 1ev. ~ OVS kTINWÂRE.-IL à; B. manufacture a sprio t y cfXâ Pmii Fisai udlP44 Md à ge ral sesrtment of Tinvairî ting7 ri gTaé ~,-Sugar Ketties for sale cheip. u A 'r.T SI f r P'umeW produce, old &BROTllERS, e'NOTE»" CEEAP ROUIE.- NEW GOODS! MoMillan *cCou We beg to announce the arrivai of sPortion cf aur SPRING STOCK, cmiaf lut cf td».folloinlag les Pool'. Prints, Brillianta, PauoyDunesGoodi, Iancy Shirtg, Grey and WMt. Cott«Ous Ail of which vii be affered 25 per cen ltUi..ibslest so'sprie.. The baisses cf Oir Sprint Juporimlcsviiib. to haud lit cf AM*t, w" ble 11 .fonmtumuiiyl uge, ai Vii b. nid m* Ut I . qlcwest nuuanalv T.]EL KXILLAx&cGO. ring &Summer Olothing. The Oubscriber deuires to retumnt tbnk to his numerous patrons for pwvbm and be t momthst.ho w upl ith a dwic CÂNAiAN,. ENGLISHf & SCOTCH "«wodeCmeaflueOseuesEsmul&Coq1k itue. 4, Wbkbcla rcsre t nii.ujte aideron tii. soSlet tice LU i~ a #otsh$bmaMdc0U5T5a5i Is. -- Break et, Wblthby, Ksr.h 34,1891. AIiLLABU~ Z'ALE~L~, l5-ly $ 5,000 IN PJiESENTS! RUYT'S NEW PIIQTOGJL4II{ GALLERY, OSRAWA - cO5*~Ao1'Kg~G&uucou flKEDT, PIES? 7100E. -e-- Pg~s~ çouâto< Qoldan48ilver Wa±ohes, Gold 4~haf ne, -Brooches ~ *e~wisg .ciiis.~'?uiedugs, Mbpuw, sud s va. sin Ut. sinles ARE x1'«W or Imtu iSPLENDDM S. Tho ect the b. omhics t a 10v.u byîb athé uidqpa"%s Md#. Issr lit b.rem, r1ty L 1*tIa M, pslsle4ou ig eoe iis>aao ppidU' holtMr una yons t a Ofis t>' A -Umbef tdo!ishseSO' o 00, jo.eti gont 'w un eau secaivet! frea s f~o$or l d env i yea pt ln gagne to ?'s, , OfthoIesamd#ii 09 a !A eeei1 Oftb. IMoneY de- psMt Ily thé, ponL ,niagr4ssrl omony vthdrovn by *De 0. Bach Depoui Wilie an pl ed Wthta~ P'AUBoo, a" a e snma psîPîs, 'o r vîtb-' dravu, *lit bu andtberelu by'tb. lest. amatir recoivin yi"%the saime. In sddt- tion, ta directr e rr saaamountpaid -lu, vii b. e tm tlà peultor froin-theLb. 'oat- masten4Genîrsi liiPostmapter Gesars vini tasse s elle' , ishieet fauy Pet uorne. Slgs Bs dMOs # or sulemiwsn x. mry De rs es 0=0t vii Ibsb. ksp* vitie tthe ter.Oqovsrslesd s Do- elsitneyipL l iii.or lber amantssi tb rteîro t)e n Bank t a s ff the May soiît lift yînie. andinay zr itethessmnte h lun<his*dut! ios, b bilkpLis ofIdoner-saftigtbs [posing in U «avsbloney ., este cf neit bui*00.iat bcetetit ,Pgaep e4qto srofsuis om.o 1. pcststomers *e fotvbladdôn by 1ev ho da- eioseitis nua. clPIepq*itr, orbte sniot dmq «MI ' « qoii~ rlwthd»wu. 10 .Nocbarge.ib sdtapitru psyisgdn. or dwng ontmouey, Pun for post- co mmnn1 ons vîth sahi Pc«miaLe- 21. Thse P u14114sntrl ii le avais! quedy te Skesld ttisdto Ail ppiiestios, oemplltrolqcwmnsiestouo iddn.sai bybrepo4dsr.or othms, relative 4o Pont OfficeeSavinp Bank matters 12. À audttow numbu r ofPast Oz!css vtilb. sthosized W o t 'a s avio Batk, *geI.ouonthe litJsiy nazt - , 106? 057105 Courff. Abmonte ...... ý....Lsnsrk Arnpnion .......... Ientrowv Jurera .........on BArlme.,Et......... otaee. Bellevile. . Hastings Berlns........ ...:Wsterioo esithien........ ...Berthier Bovavlue ......Dra Bradford,..........timeoe Bnatapon......Peel Brantford. .........Brant Btigittos........... . rthnmb"datd Broottis. ....... Carleton Place ., Lanork ::::. rs Weland Ciieton ...... -uron Coburg... .... ýNorthsMbenlau Coliiiaood...... .Slmoi Cornwal.........Soms Danuifle .... .. ".. .Eticmoud .Mars. ...v..t Eiors ............Wlnto .ergtons .Blon, .hdh..I....1 uron Guelph,...u... ...Weilîsgto Ingsnstl... .,Oxford £i4l..........;.uaz Jipene.........~nor Nlsgats...........ineeIs Nervieli.........Oxford CIskvitl..'~..0sttIait - Lambbon WeilisgLom Otiave......... laite...........Eraui Peit*relbo. .teieab~cL WBiNDS IÊTMR vk t tr nrt il LNRW SPiND Whtby, Apnil Si 1868. ~ . ,.- .J( STJLL!N wuITW O0FFERINGGODLO CAH As the Cash PrincipI le ài-Unomonmcto, we are preparcd to 84a 9,tamail profits. Bomecf our NEW' SP1IING - G OODS, Have already arrived they will be found at LOWER; PRICES, than. for years pust MM~ Ail parties indebted will pleài;e 'eal and settla at once. ezrjllighest price paid for Bptter an'd Egge, Wbitby, March 25, 1868. 12 NEXT DOQIR TO ROYAL CANADIAN.BAN~K, T'he subsci*iber ,desretff inform is fiends, and,4he.pgIblie that rrsdwIilece tc fgoa cuIriuu*verytbiug lu the BOUT si7 8HM luue -Ha ig'siso co-styrneug,~ey wO*,DW ddiious.cei.BOOTS AND SHOES OP .ALL DEýs PTI2 Ss .d of the beé make, workwmauubipai quality, Suitable for I~~~~~m'yt LAISMSE'GNWAD9D~S E lui rte that by keeping -n on e buta good apd suUelbIarti- cle, i Lb oetprie -a wbich a resIly egoodt Oa ploeaubobtiîned-,I ails Iand*oüsthr etba nrl ey&bara bfpublc Pa rose LW. o efforts wil be. spgred on hispart to do jns;ice tp has euStoaero, or ini his endeavmsto gf va tbem eeystgcju iieited. Brook qt4 Wbitby, Marcdi'I!, 8. A ea -respe±etfly go- TO-, TE PBi! TO9NO~>< 6*thý188.Th, e oceýiy' a~the WIiCi ashd.~iIi~greaM rquanpéeaed pptipn t smcn altbe St«OveDealrs, s aufcowdoiy ,rs, and'ibd», '".opan atoi*ed to sal them ln Wbgb. ate uc lpail > . posa s Otar omq » be'Ii Ws IUka"m1a blc aevaiOfeZdr7' Mb iulaoe, aud tise.wbo Wsansd puehas. b.. W reg$ X, asio ,Iht.d a.nddulnltusd IDEM BLtXW, Por w bitby,' iAxWUY. PolOeia, N9.q ALLEN i, i ioïi vssa.' mis fo0t UILDING'- bo 8or i f'4th oi. Orssid tô*hWfs*;' sud.spci Ocàtiors msY bO sean m 31.r, . 1. Iurt or lt,-Mi nl 1 Ion may ha obtasned fronlet, unstcaiaad'J'isteswbo, ý bbwaiveri do 0nul bdtew.Tt0 scept the Ioiyest touder,I VJndt Moot,- YULb EjIIC -# L and! Lnd! 0:-PA IR VA LU ATONi-ça-' . Io. in . uthe U4 coicmItor Baeh 10 sCAes etered. 1 No. 5.inu ti ilth couçesaion oDrfgo doguces elesd'i No. l', OnLII con., Mur%, 6 acte* Ný jý%ýÇ, -7,ln u 2deoucesiol îiithy, P00marcs in somervillc.-50 l cres in .%iey'. "60 Saem.lu lAiton-4O0 d% acr l Bii46t. mil pron ly, or by letter1 otp¶'t R. E. P£RMI Jsur t,1606. ONTAI0 CITaùthé LiCAPITAL STUCK cÇ f thm, n bau a tl a&y ibeeii miade'and gsré ]pesattid Tr*Iinrcr'aOne, In the TOIWN OI W.H1-T3V, cat0«efs for hane payal Jltb-1a19 . di 200 ', "si othjnty ?l Txbs&1l auy ýfflwpfnîeOolnx Ca11% bche ntpsi4 wOitbtn teuydiy.s fter thei. saine bcecme* du dpybe',tae o mite rsn saIdcati remUnnptil.' w.i1 bdaliabie tofor- the stagnt1u cb ce smade sud poîdi. Sec. deTreasuner. (}SIIÂWA, ONTARLQ r~o Att DFUIKC .e PLEA.SANX HQME.'Çq :m qge to oila ce Oini ,,_ inf 1 V Ù". n vi ta wm ,preara*3të loi

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