Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1868, p. 3

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4, I I il I i - I LUWI~s & POWELL.j Ofi *~ ~ L 4'TEWIL~~OIUST e'SL BY TH9 Firs of priIIVeèxt,, GRLEAT J4RGAINS WILL BEI'EN 144MILTON & CQ. Whitby, e , 1868 Whichhau, hadsueli a great run, amisôong ail tise Sove Dsters, le mauufcîssred or li lIte sîly peran aatsosiized 10eil tbem lun 1V csreful ro-e tisIour naines are lettéra4 ounas poiuted. as itbere are countorfefts of th. "6lion l tise ganuiniýe . nd, hoe wbo sel.a,,d piichm ,hable 10a" <di 'dsuges af tai huaotice; sthe, rlghted and dssiy r4gistered, Osnr1. Prdsorln' lstshout3t 8ook 30U.NTY OF OINTARI( .4 Messiot nt ='i pa e Wrd'o lasde n"ew 'Ysort, befssu s Li.ge pat, of 8EED STORE. hIs and Germaonefflgrsnta. This asedata cana of tise rot saa SALT & PLASTER. su anoceàrqe cof isnredy, wheu s0 FJera» nla en@ of tse sr w u t o n IAMILTON &00O Ibustasm sluiaaup of voter l in 14band, hty drh1,ls by su r1o., sho &&W d hm for, a Wity ad 0 6 *dvEik sud, hlng-rofend,.a eu&e aedr r ~ i la vich thîe bOuagzo f Isaro î14A, A J±ONVE SAZIONE Tbf. morlhlug tiselrlsismu,'Iis a green WMLL BSE IEDUN vot foitomed 40 * ui&e, rslisd o b Ue ci>Wond of "R1ally round e*gis l~,-bolo.," stteckiIn ,Ka aroh 18th;,10888, *vpry aemup.a boy cerne ars«Ti*ei partime unggd tomberait 700 Ideeisasd 6009 oermasse. T ise ellsof is.12t% 5T. 'AiRW's L(;RURCfl, protiset vers uotiled, Whoe Capts. Eê t uneUdr thesuopigo. of o glise y namn' a siqo. sent a nî of tua a Sil bisafslaiteiy go this iton,.Tho. proccedingn willI cosistal ouit. Iwo#é, sud JeIegrspId 10 aise Cnf«r&l able mesule, s'adlugs, and eddrensae. 9014 or or le n, Wbo e u po~lic gisI rfrslimooto s viibu eerved in tise 5? * S 5 I> 00oïïursftise evuls, 120oo coucse aitl. Lers msu-oolg tise Irisrlaed"a- <r>,71 W7 o oel.ok. "Ie'. tisvow gisesoverbeard," lbat et E'Tickobt u bia.i aIIHamiltoni & Col, no rési.saes (o 'tiltaalog. Toe MaMhlmnàk001', J. Psrquisnrmonut o', .Ai»'., 8bs..le d atise ,nsana et besdrîven 1uSd Yeommaudullt, Ps tlc tise baisset of lise large bcepnal; SaL OEL.ÀsO bae ios p ousreo obllgd to nuie bair Wlitb, ,Marcisil,11480 rsolt, (n <srftise riobars were- ihot, noue or tises folored beyoud ý,tbp abttungofo wfAbout ton 'o'lbk O te rlot sors lt dere. sapect, club., salvs, itoesebricibatet, s>, sud jilîci.<> -a. Mahine sbic boa. been brokeis up, belig med, sud everytdilug esmd 10betoken isat s borionsa' cd bloedy riot vus la pro-* 'ra. But aloms asgsonai tusepolio nae r eppearacesetise "adri osemu4 a qusil. Four peruoais tutad 0soTA E N LI N ES voe aiot, and about wtvens.ix ore sers-P corsce o Jesinjuria sk sbavlug raclre4d 'fuilLieIC E iz 4la ereby gîve» tisaI au kaliaor boue, SdSapWcag likeeperasitiitiaCoanusy of ssiarlo 2Tbe police "reapoudad pio&ptl>, anti hfbyemtrtwtttakeoct thoir ktessscssa ro~ arios pecluta *u' lpsi Cortificat. ieqnlred by las, togao4.v îsi nual, arrived ;ct1 tI st150 aiea, tie Gitvrmment r(as lu-lb. nndora;gd, isoser *1 coer ise~omssocf CAP. Whso liuimbeeu dily alppolisted luo colec ltise wore*il odertbe omoastise a # niltise aisovo pn«biuVlrnsoft is las 400as; rseon lthe groni. Itscor sreoonsp1w wihli, lukeeper',s wlinest ba u-. railliig oade hie appearance >boX 12 tlll.d to recel. UseIr lilousa, and tht>' syer slook' beprs ase,,bo~rîsj. ihable tob 1*roaoeod for nou.osplWmleo maisno wu 'quille. aanerb d iots. uOrpvna 4Vilagea, W; gPweuf à:d lse~u arres>id. ne' Ue 1.JK AlOE ns car repor ter loft, bat tisr.re nnsCir 4e è .sae Cd'l the prime sovbersa( ftiesufar, no tie sas, - Iitl SI 1~V Ufl5U e~Mr~reeWood, os eomsnçteo 'rlwsas, ud lseov.r wss app ncolnud m is- alsddécisuli rossty garemts'y, iid astwbrle ,to legrelln t-, lleglasts'a loka, iufs4aîbelt the M s Jast for tm Use assise sdrepig to tis « h Voaelsotla lu tse Ctor* ros a ieesed to fnm'sslàlstisee osil»hîta.vieil lu lstvntyla doW!,il2n tioe a .vi4vUtouse,iàlewisg the eo c f t4 ism sb olfyjo. seroevauassud dl] otlser Ie~reilsgg thé.' On motin of Mr. Tliwàito, Ut1fr, glison', isaine wwsa aalfltlt*d fer thet of tIrïk, J Taruoîd, es oliusritsu fet Us tar.o usn.m (en motion ef Mr. rese ."lmO , mnitte«, oQoitt et OStise cli liis, hoesur. ?Poudf4x, t ut Krkloi.ssd rs pinàtit 'a" ont tho e rp.susi, p4hsg oWis,îs0 W)sfarreuh.eas.,$u eaiesa tl%0athe suWub. * rertedioutis "£lisea rdl ljurne4 £ M10 o1dilook. Tise ILIt es Wald?& IslsudIl VIGRT IBETWBIMEÎ4 ORMANS AND 1#1811. Ssolby th I'RICE-Uniy 2b1 c6uto. pée otl.. 077b.1-2l3 -Fulton Stréet, 'e~w Tonte 205 Bigh 1oborti, "là4î, £îsglassd; 441 lit. lissll bret, Joisttul. Canada. y 4 TR (RBAT NEPID SUPPUED. is velassa rabinluby Us. pmnd. IV, Mtels. two grand qalhle va jisili a utso lia. te. Deama i l à Milasaado me lason Ud, do ia ais. apuudliy Mua gtw lei dswsaLsiuTlseylaethse Vier, ek*aithea beadi, aW4s,adsl1 rv, Ofit openaul t Ue Salve, TU;»qf, AL*oo.amls MAOI 3lDLLIUUt$, DYSI'PTIC AID Carm wher.gail uhm sil, whhols orDan*, Sealda, chblaiua, cnts, aMW amlaisraalor ifthe aloc, d~eesvm apa Du ssglel'a ile or aigre Tisags,,lssliav Usaaete ot. "à'ok lx nu" of i bmgg1la D.geai Sold by Mutr osi'.esv &l.,Msusr.i, 0" i NEW ADVERTSXNS CLOYVE.,R AND Timotlxy Sed, ATmHE1 ým natlig for §Omo, lis Pasrties cou.* ti boUm as$ag h"sa sassa in elus&ia M M E i jiU d ove00 eni3 la kesi aespes ise uA iis'ron ., 4.' AR WIERoQMSàTîLil Z Qix NOD STAPLE tDRYol ow «rwl OD 4é Grey & Whit cottonsu, It riped 8litngom, lshetings, hY Plain and $O brou EGoodo, vàt4ots NEWSTOCK 1LADIES', 1"asw r UD cHIDRENS'P tha lu~~~~~~~ïi aAtielsdn vs sd£ oe Prime bnts ap 1Yeqsl>o od baeae betbeedlsts NWADVERTISEIMTS, à yTeOL flJAYBIBLES, I'JRE u*scrbr offert luiel bie place in la àa ovelisssî wsUýiisg, 10 vuous, Wood à-lied, dilvlsîg bouse, wo k-plio two b rus,,,ansd à oirsa ed', a tlrvng Irclieord of2iolée frui, a Garden cousstasing; a varloy of frit, bugh nm L srss, plusua, olierrles, ;tritwberri,'a, rasp- berri.., &a., turc wella oa excellent woto4r, ansd s largve clteris wth i.lols> t ,of ot waéte. Tise latîo la lu afigh stu»î o? ultviston, sait Wali fencod5 sltuatesl osisone Street, sithîileon usînutié salle of oltiser tigsekFoatOffice, us' oislia&wa Station, and as desirablo a pltSof' proprty saaucs bu foud witin tIse orpora- îlois efttIhe fest growlng and' thrlvlng Village of Oiasalweiloh ýe too woll knowii 10 ueod furtie oior oe. MTie îroperty le allmaits th i~ ni-.ba"o, e0104y dia. o0'i"a Village or Park Lots, ta advautage. For terns* addreo, , pre.pald,) oiroeIl on tise Ton SALER A ALLINS lDo 1'iltby, mastch il,,18u. 0SITA.WA, ON' TO ALL =DESULING >0O1K STORE. 0 1E.40 il, ode,10 WANTED). Apply , 'ici ", 18 , Il '492 bnlarIem sao ;su ad <f«i ose, a .large lot Of eipted &BLEY, PIFE k CLUB WEATo BAl UIT ÂBLE 01< U D -ÀDAM G0RD0OT, laenchelr, arcii2, 1860.,1- FORD SALE Y &, W0îIjEUT BPUEb PrLe BY arieorSCL'BE 100Buelsl.spulng Whest. ýWbitby, Fe. 26t1, m 68m8u Farm for Sale, p2XING Lot No. s5. Ji, tihe$rd coSusigou B W I B T oonJaloir 0a c e , il f a- lç 4,l ise r sepato T T i s e s ela r o c te d o n t h e m l e ' I a 4 u #bu& <.oijs-boume, sud aMl otheir al>lea ani- able ?r Wàro-elam i . ,Thse lansd là weil wstered by living atreunit ýlse yi o i& theopjsylsblg town of Wýy éotr~sdfwlc 'pstilar,,aPPIy, fi by Joer, (p -ss) to oUse VOriùwatr ou tise Wm P. o, whitby, lob. i,12, 69u. ninýg, Coy paya~sattIs Trosauor'.off.. et tU TOWN 0F WHITIj 0.11 of 4Mcufor aisare payable lis M]tY',le 66 61 00 di .6 201h 60 2 00 , dé 46 10h Janue dé 200 66 dé 3,thJsi -< duo aiîd pisysble, tisejmuo or rhue.,on Wh! wiaidcâ roeirni iup#id*. wil .111 ble utaf fctluro, W15ltituPt iJer. ocoSdtg JJy tldes, Wlsiti,y, bMerah 4, ju es. kTosrs' Landi Landi -?qu o --- tyotéfolwn Iit T , U. ARSTOG FOR TWO WEEK.S. arc lit sais r tr1 0.:- FA 1R VA LUA Ti 0Ng Ç . ~,N4. 8, lu 2nd concessions of 1&eatih 70 acreA cleared. <f , Nor 10, ln tbe $rd concession of Ubsc 10 ucsucleured. Xo. 21. ln tselth p oon rlDgon 6b acre* cleared.0 uo arîgoi Nôt. In lu6h COnD, mars, 5S&oes classai!. N.E - .No. 27, ln 2ut concession Wbltby, alclmed. 1000 acres ln 8oinerville-o o ses lu Belley, 200 acre* lu leEtou-400 scrin lu unt. Apply peroruslly, or by letter, poat-psld, to Jsnsy tI, 84.R. E.PERRIY, i WANTED 1YDEIAEY 4,000 BUSE *MGEEST PRICE PAID. RELEOMA IBO RALZeSlàTATeGo PARK AND OWI, LOT&, Menas aimeS Lotj ae o. TOWN 0F W}JIITBYi PÀECL Nol1@-P tk lot omp4d o ti -J sbtao flsd n ab autise XUzllslevpo;perey ynu orlu oftise ' e , d T a n k a ll w s s e sta t iug a o n . t 18 Saisi ,ibroe or km. PÂRCEL "à2-ar o yisSibc PARCEL No# 4-.-Lkt of sudacostginlssg abu ooaSd-a.baî( sor emA, Onsôrp on . tr ou f Ëteeuu. z Bn i'eco PARCEL No. 5a--T>agNo, T; Bloêk 2, weat aide lobmu4Steeotssulugr lt-Mi-acr, On wlsoh tksareds Otte.aud. a-tallicorey trameboséstaprnauî oo- cuIeb r, Mugis Arwatrousg. . C i. . -Q' goeê t h- Rave detérmiîne4 to 'oeIl STOYE>9 for twro- weeksj, taking Bilver] ge par, notwithqtàndîng some fQlks gay we are -a'elling at -Cost, in biCluTterested àparties pleas6 noté the faet, Queen Oity" Copper Jte6e.voir and Tin (loset, only- $â-3. Iron DuIçe' only $22. Other StOves at PreviougIy adv7eftiç4 price. WANTED.-Ân active man th peddle,' one Who lias had ex- perience preferred. Satis&ctory referenuées required, to-sueh, good wa~e will be.giiven, apply to HÂTCH & 131W. IList bf ~m1 LEFT.BEH9IND.--iý parbel containing oné pliir cifldi1 shoes, and some -fanoy'FlaneL Th. owner is requested'to take it away;ao anOtl3er parcel found. eIrdwarp Pinto, OilsGlass, c., ns usualvery cbeap, PRACTICÂLOARRIAGE -MAKZFaI. BROOK STREET,;W-mITBY!y Offers to the publie a large asortment of, Câtiers and i;leIghst, rollngsatedCaQrspatent front (Cùttoé ,, Opveed Ctea oU The aýbove, Cutters will be found speripr to anything manu- tsoured iu thse bounty, ii piloAnd- d , iuish Cu ÛJIexainsne eyn Cutter for $25. Phieluilr sftentiop pald tb painting aud rp*r0g,~ cs Ç -MIl work Worrauted.. WHOLESMj,4 E RtAIL CENEAND CROCT WIN~ AND SPIRIT CROCKRY &GLAZWAKL M t~ THE CHECQTYEUED 8TOREI BILOCK STREET, WUiTiEV V.'.::' I 7t *~ ' * r GREAT £1 'i modie, Za , mm .nMXoséu Jse.1 d; ia d *ou. rei ft td It&',n yu lotepre.i' 1Vl. b'vMarhi4,qsU lis68.t yu LPI?Ù & R . 1 l' 1. 1 - 1 1 1. TORONTO 'Taouc 1-IATCH k, BROTRER;89, CHEAÇ 1 1 &019 &0 41000, BUSHELS BÊOC"ll STitEEýTq WUITglr# 1

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