0N1Y 3156 CENITS A TEA Whiftbyi TliursâaY1 Malekh 5,18. ProotioofokI1iarllaWln ?rhô prorogation of ti. e glisatars of Ontario is awmuncd t0ta*#' place -1o,&J (Wedueedy)ï viion %litsgzeliese7 eh.h Lieutenant Goveraorvviliicone dovp t the Hou.. Io gir. hIdasment go the blle wbhieb bave been paesc, TRYIl ~M P i PO 9 ACTION ABRIYRD, Nov'that our Raiway Charter bus becu iecnred, and thail iret great difficul:y iu thé way s ncesutaeo.dtak ta the exertlonsof ber iArthernMenubei, Mr. Paxton--the m~ore practically- imper. fant particffithe wrk-îho providing of tbe fand-connnences. And la Iooking Bactiviyin thfs direction not à moment ought te bc lbat by the friesis ci the liaitway. The hest effiirts of the provis. f onal directorashould proniptly bhogiron tovards providing "46 heineva of war.11 'Zblim~efias arrived4o prove theli car. nestoms if ebey bc ttioronughly in caruost, in tbir, deaire to cot-stract the RLad, and bMake the very favorablo charter îhef nov pisssa available. Let:the.9pie tatiiers; the. grumbicru; the. pick-holc.-in.my cea: people b-a at.stand aside, and gire the mxmsof action room go cler bc t racit. JorI-earnest practical Woaxz-la :he vord. As the main roliance of the direc. torn muainecossariiy bc upon the amount and description cf Monicipal assistance te bc recoivcdi tliTosooer that le 4efin:eily aier:ained te boter viiltboy 6M enabled te Jtidge of the cour"e :o b. puroue& In- deed wo might urge that it le an impera- tive noesiî:y tiat thiff should b known before nny otberrealy Ouralftoseps Cao bu takou, becanse-it is upon the amont of municipal aid, and she shape in vbich thst May b. given, the . vboesaceaSuof tbe proj..ct anay 4 esaid - o hinge. Thiis should bc the carliiosivont of the proues. iooi directors. 'There eau scarcely b. IWO opinons ne ta whetlir nid in the. vay of Munnicipal stock, or bonus, vould bu tic most effective. There would bc listld. in- ducement ta the outaide capitalist In cm., bark bis Oieans aide- by aide viti the former, with the prospect of paylog duni donda. Contributions of private tetk would bie aitogether confinsd te parties lmmediaîely interested 'lu the constrngtiou of the tins. And lookiug ea: k front the Mot fanuinè point -of vies', snd ia the light of pus: cxperience, ve eau very vei foroe an opinion beforehand, vhaî uphil wprhk v outd b.ocuring the necessar âmount. lihb-à bonus 1the prospects of the proj.ect wouid be differcu:. Capital.- iota front a distance vould bc indnced te lurost ini su undertalcfng front vbicb re- fras in Ibo abape of dividende might rea sonably W e xpected. Private stockboiders atbhume vouid b. iudnced te encrease the monniof Chir stock for t6.e sue reulou, la fact vith a reasonabte bon» cfsa40100,000, front tbe diffent monsii Ptti.., the copletion and oquipment of à i'nefrot W'itby t« Fort Perrw vould * eatatpriva:, capital, At tii 'w. tb1u, we- urge that v14ater ' mis'l I sstaelagiiea said beto i 0.'ien oeut sud ouf, as a iouma u. s tçtsb seriplionue ors olg 1" .i u he UW. on> .6.11 bot h. pdd it ttbe abs p tn.of tWq'lue bslubullî, 151.le, ib tigs a Éts dfrýstoes casgo to vork -st oe. vl:b OurOagn d oolMdccs, mad vwkbw$ ie atout WC bore ypetmuas MIvu sa vane tapa cf tbis eurl;bot mehckubhmls taise. honcli ltseles 'Vis 1'tk woohi net *adi ta Ia Icgtl4aci- t .nvfi la dii vs belsns lias $6.ecorporation vomld nos bu" ltebMate the &mottfor théeTown itii $6OojetMilo, fonno1 c tually Md aeaoaiy - bous e e ader te uecre a sattiet atl mporflét point-. thec grear sdnsaiago btf vbhwe s hall ,#ta 04"0#casionoocis.la ,a or.r ticle. At proue t e doait piopose té go lata boy dctaits. ou. thbug ve #o0U Vîjoms d i vbicb caMDaMarcel$ fouaittrcmulcnd ilef ta tirergauléimmas cfi. edireetolm-the eontractiulg,,fertise buiding of f6.BRsi. TWéiéi oulcodnner theImamedit. cn-' trot of the directors tb.Mýlv0 ; nos g ivenl taon o.contracter ta enabte bim seasubtet contracta. The lia. aboutih. laid ont hy the Compony's sngluas', linsellons, each of wich abouti b.oset op»tepublic com, petitionoseo a ta gins (armera sud others atong tbe Tanta the opportaity of taking a4 mile or (vo Cadebto-grade, 'Sud th .dit truting tb. bcefits of thre expenditisre amnougst or'owu people, vihite securing ecouomy in tii. Construction of ttij vont. Tbere shoui4 . no subletting. -W. avait impatieutly tb. meeting of the. di- rectors, whlcb vs trust viii taitc place im- mediatcly after the Houç'edjouna, tuis week. LAd :6e. tltWORK hoithe vond. Thomas P'axton, Bsq., MPP The peopîs cf Norts Ontario bave jost reon 10 féeetpleasc itithe licourse f them repreeeneative idetngsithe first session of bis palamutary cxpcrience. For oar ovu part, ve ba@ve tebsi -the proced- legs of the Home ctosety, and fini prido aad pleaure lu looking bock ta the tiorongtsly indopeudeni position ilbieh Mv. Pazton occupisi îbrongboss tis ecn tire session. In ail ho did aud sii ho vas consistent, and atways truc ta bis princi. *pics, Not enen a shsdov of a cozuptaint cosu tiscre bu made of a vote whicis ho gave. la o6.aining tiie favorable charter wich ho did for tie Witby and Fort 1'crry Basilvay, ho succoedei in obtsiuing qnittly, viat mon, witb fer groscr sud 1l'ouder protensibna and influence versunuable tw securo, for the Toronto Grey and Bruce, and Nippissing lnes. Mr. Paxton's anbasi- it7 of manner, and bis genial fripudiy na- turc, mate liim vcry popular vith every- body, sud these fine pcrsouai qualilié, s weti asebis tiiorougli honeety sud cousis- tency. seccrei hum the 'aid cf Conserva- tifes sud Reformers alite in carqying his monsure, wica the promnot.rs of chber limes bai 'oee sother by the eau,. If hoa goes on in the future as hobu a in tlhe pas: Thomas Paxton promises ta ho one of teMost poputlar members in the legis- lalure of Ontario. S*winT u Gens i-Looking avouai the Town bail on onur-il igbt vs misseue familiar face, alvaya icretofore presout just assBure aU tb.e caucil met; sn# ve mi. his famitfar suuf-box, sud the pun- gent l "seuesb"tbat .0of»cnbrougbt tie very teststa our ea es aonady'& absence almoot don nov, vhen ve ot about the eouncit obamber, vbajre, lu a pause of the Councll' clatter, we siesi a moment ta bastily scratch ibis. Thc El=& faits bealctay pen m ored andy abu ;not Tuam TÀoZLY ELbcrle o, vMc nuL.-The e0fcial oaruof the mmcà Wpa eletiou sssovs tii.follovfr.g ilote cfl poil:-Wolena, 8,37 Jieer, ),8l2 msJoJtî ovWolttsu-l,0.l orc-' puedta 4ilealprceaued leyl 6. lne. iltfef bMv.Betuury bèMrK. loti' n eot ofpoe, on' blirgOcuL of nulllty cfkletienovlag to vo"gu on 6 Wei- meus>, sa mter>boudl, se» Fiikop merai WUTpANDl-am mmiatn eW01 Cealau ked ster ut, Md sintty sM'on e second ; qc$e'tly l~ m bis, epsele &sà aijastd lusé uP- tuardi ifrolit ubi sea,4Evalt , eJ 1, I youi isw blîboé id <4t6ë ýïM o# th, table- a word, l on ri a n~d Gerrie mws 1ooedk. T.action ivas a sttia n; u h olikte l lCaptain. Lad tb.re as vrli 'f meisiin t16.maner in wieb lî,vss donct, eroe rom bis *oseat, cet ti ime' b. adireuci tii chair dur- ieg thei. eneu Th 'iccpllu. asamil welcoed onu rcr,$!de by ail in allen- das :tcTova Jial. nt pnblshing hie frindt, communication on ic abboa"-d.The lji,,5 bjuegoa ieacerveas c astigatlon. But vc canais lime on a 'a nlvoient dntiard,. visorbas umotbiug in hum voruhj& notice 6.yond'ive len abse-f télierewotby'*lteutiob. HRie blaokguardisin gincs us littIs pcraonal concoru, whits k le certain ho recoil -apon hînsseif, !t proves that for vaut of argu. mcnt, sense, or iecocna, ho le unabie te ise higiier than sbawiug Ilov prond atittin dirt :o upresd, Conaciona cf nothig lu hie head."i Ws have already taken the trouble of giving hum a tesson tbat ho vill not soou forge;, sud ve vontd faim opc b. muay mate a botter nu of Our judiciou. inaîruc. tion, tempcrei îbongb it vas vith a litile aseceasavy wbahesoome "chsisemente tisai va are afraid msof île papile cyen de- rived fronstishe airnatagea of his tuielon. ft le not, hovever, with the maa mdlvi. duatI, va visb 10 haie te do; v oli not stop to bestoin a single :hough: upou hum. Insolent presumption, and iiiiterate pretence-jourualia:ia quactr, ia tise pedagogns-wc sea toterebute. ind vbenener thoae are too nnseemiy obtrnici npon us by buns, and abat va are no: mors soriously occapied, the -ecblots: conîro- versiatiat cf tho Obseerr may receine somo asail amount of attention at our hando. Our correspondent viti accept our tiauka for bib frieudly 1atter. Tic occasion, hovever, do. nos t a a cati for it. The duwnrigbt lyiug about lhe CubouîcLa 5s subsoription tisa necds ne- notice. Instead of as att diuinislsiug, hundreds baic beau aided t6hast six monis. Dzuoarer'a 0Youxo AuuÃcà Â" lethe tittc of one cf the moat entertaiuing juvenile publications tisa; hu ever coiqo ender our notice. Il le fuit of catertain- Jng and instructive anecdotes;- vise, funny, sud comie sayings. atoies aud tfisbes, in prose and pociry, about -eveyting; caigmaa, rldihea, -conundrnms, ke. ; le hatifoly iilustrated, sud, lu a word, le a gen-the most complets, boat go: np, beauîil juvenile bok ve bave cicr secu,-aud tii., are uot s fav. It le one of dtheet stimculants ve kuov of te junessite education;-, ooveliugg, as h duos, information lu t6. moat agrceabt. fors. Our youngstcrs vouli not b. vithout fi for love or money. Tas "Nain ifaox MoYMY" for nm r. l.s-onte&s. arefor 1e mo1 oo tïéaiou-smutofone to var uprtie. ast auatntioetis ietous efene, it ie soi loz ailes. o&fnce, buas à mi.- table abasope nm 1bt dit cf gcmu vcsld bc gat7 of, The ta4est hins-attesat îUanI vie oreau S-buà iový l-t lle bis ease Md fnilsaeréoà " gtti eîà lû. MaIsexi l&ispaper vviý *awiteti brgrlty ui brilllmncef dils, sMdsIco rosiers ofti aGazelle sppigi v ith mc original sud casion productions as- - 'ly-tlt omver ongovn - Nons cr the Usitinr iu tue tovm w entertlilitîle dou bt,'from thé geai piossle h ygra iven, but ihatbis, geqmsue is capable of ýtalinj; a fligit aene 1 'sisg austiis. It oaa ucanceiy h. heyond1 tii. reacli cf 1theprofounni, îhikcr vie coutd conne, sen maihorignal information in th eatus"Asmerc lap..hrp mettions vere iatrodued b, the Dod- Thse tovu renders of tise CaouiéLg, vhoý bave -reai tl:41 proaeedings, usai iot ho tsmiuied tisaitise ýmeeting- vashlb. mou important eue of tic Teu conoil abat bas ycî taken place, sud tiseamotof business trameed greniî wertona u meeting beld derfug lb. yesr sô for. Lat or friand cange the name of thse Gazette into 1 "RrTrrvl." Thé Impcuobch;: B.Uoelutsonoq. The. articles cf impeachment bave been adoptai la th. Bouse ai lashunlon, ou a strict Part ot.Ticy.werj teu: in muas. ber.- The, relaie to the violation of the teuure of office sel, aud in remoring Mr. Stanton; tic usurpation cf athori:, in appointiig s Secretary cf Wst adt irderfm an officer uakmov<i tii.h lav; tise a:- tempt>teuose tic militry, forces for bis ovun prpOco, baud pon bis alieged at- tompa ta inunosen offler-Gsn. Emor- to obey criera direct frons hum, vithont tranausaou thrcugh t6e army beaiqurters as requivcd b, iawi and in endesvoring te oh:ai possaeasion of tise Gorerno-nt mcney lu -the matter of réquisitions, ha., for tihe War Depormment. Buaineas cf an officiai cbbracter vili probably be auspended betveen the Presi- de nt sud Senate, until afi.or tic conclusion ol bis trial. "Dgssoarar's MoUMvtr."-Nr. Dons. oreat bas won tise beà rts of tise lad-'es Ibis year, b, giving tiems aIl sorts of silver- varo, sihk dresses, ani other vatuable tbiugs, for premniuma. W. bave scon some of dine "&iinducemono," sud flnd tiens reallbeautifludt aniciable, tike tic Magoiac kieelf. One lady bai supplied barsetf vitis a seving-machine, a parlon organý, and a set. of ail rer speous sud fonts, in lmeaa b threo yeara. Wé don't vouden fiat h 1r'cas, b gel subaibera to Demorest. The bock i. vortb the money vithout auj' pransin. Publication office, 473 Broadway, N. Y. Bond for a circu. The Fres.a irancc. Tii.bblt for tic réguation cf the Proas nov entier disauc is uicthFrenchi Legia tatir. body le makiug mors noise and cnsinç mure debate tian il in rnati meitis. Its "hliberal" featoras are Tryr stsooy, aied vonti b. here termed gatiing restrictions. -1Ilabotishes tic setem cof divarninsp" sud tis e ucesil, éf Aating tbe' permuisicuof the autioritines stab- lias a nsvspapev. Il alio tisro*s open' the priuting sud pubisiing dwe. la -in Ibis ahhanci on nexi Sabbatls <Stb mI.>t Tic minlter viii ho asisted on' tbi . cuba bo, âlb. lien.Dr2B o1so* i. A-era ov. Clae gares a rmuseu4We bin% ing in lb. repor> Ii s presitsgbape (o" in tines puai tie majyor ba-l nô*cottfiie'hce ii ( b0oi4fcoaetabl e, andfcliuslca. pele o gine the buslineiss cf 1h. officg ô' reot u'mq'o might <mate blis ovra chioee sud secuve a poison, bho cùdiion- Ode in. By giving one man ail tise fecs ts,-oliamont tu, aotssething, snd. vkb thie nominal e'alary of $20Jirons tic' counscîl, cuoble tinste tire. - 'Ur.Bluw dia not wiosbifiesst ikli. sinisation, bui coulal not helq tisinkIngý ihat thé ;ret Io" sdasif tise cou,, ittit wanfet4ïo S'birk tieir duty. Else wby was il. so vague? Waa no>t, ie askcd, tuc dut, cf lecmuiîeon'plciO5 te office 0 advevtWIre vacouspeict par. s4on, or in nom 1e i, rway oani such in- formation as wôutd eiabte thIon to recoin-' uiend a comnpatent personte tie councîl ? Mlr, Gerc donied the 'Sbirkïng, rapeat- ing what bu bsd atready gaidas totes ressons for learing tise matter in tise tbands cf tisé mayor. Captain RoWc spproved oh s témory apppsnhmrent-liîat le, appointing tise chiot, Constable, and onlypaigbafowsa bce did, or vison ho was esnptoyed by Lh. counosefl. Mr. Draper statci tisai the law made tise app>ointaient of a chsier Con.stable oti- tigatery. In ait otber lowns chef con- stables were uppoinied wils salaries- Bowmanvitîc, fer instance, gave iheir chiief "oorà jishb $250 a yenr. and $10, as licese inspector; Ostsnwa gave a chief constable, lie believed, $200 a ycnr. Tise tovu'of Wiitby rcqsiired one effective constable ah ait ceenta.-a man tIsai could bc got a hotd of day and uighh. Tii. difficlty vas in obtaining a masucompctet to tuc dnhy, and who vwould ai tieseanme tie-b. alo ho secuve tise confidence of the, major and council. Rcaspccting tic man wio ai pre;, sent fittcd Ilhe office, and te wiom objec- tien vas mnade as not bcing a deairible persoîs, all ho, (11r. Draper.) woutd aay> vas, speaking ontly rom hbis oin Inditi- duat information, tisaI i ait'btisi ertained io b th uties of a constabule, whier lie was employed before4bs f isnagscfa caPacijy. Caisneton pevforine hbis duitie satiafactority. But bo wouid go for ap. pointing the ma= In visomthe'mayor sud cotincil bad confidence.- Captain Bowo remarke ltai Il vau the duty cf lise mayor tus geltihe constibte to parforsail tise d'utica ot bis office, -requit- cd urder by-laws of tise townn; ail other constablec business inighut Legivcn by hisni te wbotn tic pleased. The mnayor usure- fore coutd flot be eircumacribtd, or Lound in nny vay as tevisat constable lho sbould cmptoy in ais>- malter, beyond tise cxccu- ion of lise town by-laws. 'Bettcr in bis opinion te makteeappointainenh aI once; buth if lise committeu wcre mol readyte mate a rcccmmcntlation, hoesu~ to vise, report progress, ani ast e i sgain astIhe nexi meeting oh the courncil. After a fevwcrda furtiser frons Mr. Drape and gr. Gervie, tise course Çug- gaated b, the t3nptà iss vas adopicd, on umotionu of Mv. Blow, and 4h. commtase rose. Mr. Blow reporlcd fros thse committec on licence Tise report setiorth tisailise commiîlec fiad considercd tie petilion cf IL. JI. Crosby, asking for a reiluehion in hie store iui, and tisey Ixad corne te tise conclusion to evcccansd sisalno rt- duction b. made. Tise ticenisa on billiard tables, tise commihle vecommendai te Le raised romn $10 to $20 per table, or $40, pc "Ouse. The report vas considercd in ccmmitte cf tise whole, Captatu Rew in utisa chair. 1fr. Gevrie Saad tint ticegrtuadWiipoti whicis Mr. Crosby acughi a rcduction wore tisat lic sUd a rery small business. Ie, (Mr. Cern-e,) belieneil tisat suais was tls. case, and vas in favor cf making- a ve- daclion in 1,fr. Crosb>'cboisaif; but inas- maci sas cher niemiesev of tise commîta. looked aitishe malter in a difiereni ligisilie was compette'! te acquiesce ti ticir re- port- Mr. Draper vas cppcaed te anythi.ag like a stiding scola, or discininating in favor of one man cngaged 'lu' traie, boosuse b. did a swalter business tiss anctijer. vîso migist -iappen tle more enterprus. MIng Ia any case, ho, feult ovaer mch 6emigisi Le inciined to Wavr 1Mr. Crosby, thas it vould Le imposible te carry cut tise prini-iplc.- Tho council could nul en, - -uï;xo,5aob ag*in$1 baing. ordere.*ii thUe oexception 'e-of 0-a5 dm.- 1 1 - 1 . - - l iteProsi - r43onay vas thsos caltai and maie te malte0 bis explanahions. lBe Put lu, ,ico-aaid, 8600.0 dsbeiequanlity,,ofbotçTcquivO'! by b . A" -iiecotret obewold biae tdstpie Conscl vovk for 4. build;ti~ vouit!no& stand;tiesm lio aloile d e"dditions to tisa con-. traci wsich thoexplaiused, i.rnéether 6pib dide cýuI ý,bQ omm t, sait for tisey noee came' near tise building.' 6.Aà 'Tie vorktvs neecsry ande di'! it.- -ICnaotidi 1 Mr. Blo,.,put fovr'art1 a r esplulion to, o f Censm refer lhe ae'Çunt -ote sconsmiteean'c m"r 'gOva pvopech>, vit i ssiority toe eIplyspc a cenipetent perion to inspeci the votlt, vitiranotiie te bc empîoed b, li. Con.- ail cornum os (amoo tise omoant cf extrits, visteus- rà >siva lthe saie. ve3necessry, Ug i .t5 6; pitlIel sslbscqucnty çvlisdrew, ns jbc suggcstion-,otien pri . f 'Captain Rowc, vso oijectM lw bwsit ttifry' tise-cousicil in any vay, stoting tisaio 6e iâ would-prefer going bock snd ges informa- commots lion from tise old drill shed commilice. >Eventuatiy afhe scis tihÂaotiscigr'Prisons. "1thse rnponaë1iiiliy," &c.. -tise comm tU bomet. rose, reporte'! progresa and cistained leave S. Au te oit again au lthe next saeeting of tise suces. council-the, Town. Clerk nutifle, teoý. An notify Mr. Siier te reoportapon lise extraâ. chap. 24 FAT Or ULiLTR 'iYSPETOoIc. ngita On motion of Mr. Cernae, seconde'! Ly lion of i Mv ohael the s uni of $40 vas ordere'! Upper Ci to b.e pai'Aexander Pringla for scrvices as lcalth Inspecter. 10 A noucK V8,.TUneE IOS tOg,.n ý authority Tic Mayor, befovriise adjournineni of afdrt tise councit, said hoe desive'! te cati atten-, IL A tion te thie malter un order t.iah some game in1 tetion may b., taten as 10 dafending tise-' 12. I suit. in thecrn SA commiUtee and Iawyer vere vaviously oburcî 0 propose'! by m'embers.13 A lit. Philp, seconded Ly Captain Rowe, procure-propcr coan&ei te 4efend tise suit., 4 Mr. Gerrie, seconded Ly Mr. Cochtisse pora:ing in amendaient more'! tisai a specios con-wvs,. nmittee bc appointei te gel ap ai hie facta 115. A of tise nesociations an'! lny tîmnsefone Niagara, counzel for bis opinion as te tevn'a tîa6ility, said couimitten ho conutit of tise On i Mayor. roave, deputy rSe and tise moyer. tisat a su Mr. Draper s-iiiastass igtise appoin:ing the videi of equà mil5ees vas txncrned, dhiat di'! nôt rie, caux appear te have accotuplisised mach. A rie'! ou similat mtfoi9D visicls lie rend) bad. been Tii.ci iseretofore pnsed and! a committe. "Is- vsliditÈ pointed and visat di'! ttsy do?1 Did tbey tiseSn stop ta belwieen tise council an'! an cx- Bn penaive lav-sait T No, Instea'! cf carry, tic, LSd ing euh îbq vishsaof tise amincit an'! pro-, petitionel rcnling liligation tiscy adcpied a rery enquiro i different course. . Mr. Iloucit an'! bis the pctii Iawycr, Mr. Wilson, vere vilhing te go into tise malter Ladl e consmitie met bhe'! aloof. Ha'! they tatou- biol et tîhe 'tiing and manage'! i as tisey oughit te Cii have doue, tise rcsulj; stul'! nov Le 'tory viso, son diflerent. Mr.. Draper, alter sevrely coin. lady-of i. menting on tise coadaci cf tise commihtee, British cai'! novrlIse ball bai been set rotlingi a revird,1 biti in Ohancery isa'! been serve'!, and daju ag<. counset wcmld bure te b. employed te cutingh pal in an ansiver, Tise limebaW gone Ly ."A co for committeesl, an'! vhsc expense migitu aesawiiz bave Lacis save'!- A solicitor voul'! nov Ireasur? bave te b.emnployed Ly lte corporation.ihat bee. and an anaver put in or judgasent voal'!Whovisev go Ly defanît, wisterer comissittecs may pronunsi do. - sevenlis Mr. Cernie agreci in tise remals of Mr. natil Draper, an'! blamna'! vhite, he regrettei sebeme tise courue of tiec cisirman of that, coins-'out ai tit milice, Mr. Blov,, and hbie colleatçué tir. plýalmne'! Pisilp Tise teonvas a géondclieand ni Sevrr Ilsere voul'! nov Le a fat job for a souici- hcen ahi, tor. asIl a nu Caploin Reine di'! not conaider tic town - (;en. veut'! b. put te expeuse. Tiey bait a cause'! rriglis te defcnd tise iaierests cf the cor- Supreine poiahion. If Mr. Honot vent on il voat& '! ntc-riss be ai bis ovu Poil, and!the tovu veuîd-(<n. dâa net have te pay theScosts. lu bis opinion fats. un Mr. Boucks case as net vo"s sixpene 'dons pc inasmucis as a corporation coult'91Yentyien'! f spcsk tircugi its seat..ani hoçx Mr, Draper sal'! ha would rote for Mr. troubleJ Pisilp's rasoluion if h. $t.ruck cnt ile trial at vords 11pteoer coansel" an'! in evili.Court. nase cf Edard Blake,.mr Captain flove said h. bai ne cijecto r OFNewý te tbiscouruoif Mv. Blae. ai isot bocuthe Boit employai by ltee tierParty,wviias sheof rosolu vus assure'! vasnot 16. 015& - onu, cfý Mr. Gcrrieos aneniasoni vas tien put crimes*i an'! recoinci only tie votes of tise mcver upon !bc o'!d bsev cond r nmnusudoNmo e. v b. a cmmit __ te btan aIlnoceeary 4l- _.rh qinewa duty on tansta kepergand tbat thls fartb.r Pro>visionzaadgtdlaett n Act te repieal'eisP ô'. 1 shf ;tiê nlerediW ated Staitts of CÃŽdas 4olar as1fr. Bito s relatas te Ontario, te authicn isqhm up,-s iCatieji f po rf o 4(s mud o f prorisios or c -' reà concerning (tire tst asters ami officiainotices.$ tiatwvas a Aci te repeal Co .10* of,;lie dii nothit Ita Statutes of Usa ltosrovinceed i n ida' etititlei "An'Lei reî pcung tic nuisît am ci6f Public Asya~ tsitols, voali not iai Pouitaniay of Canada sud of thec- ire' lan anl -sd cher prisonsillse ever. ainCe taa etcpublioaytums, houaTfsl Commea jaits, reormatory, miishow ilu I ieosexept thse PrôoA sial eus- Ktx.Me fai tbf. Province sud tue i in- deetteoui i asrefovhrta us'!"d thelÀ will gay i - - of !mys 'a Aot te roa fMo.necgrants in those vitl AcLt respecting yrotary, coarey- (iLsphett - me. Re sn Lot te aseni ýthe, set',29 Va fore thse 1 2r entitIed "An Lot reepeatiig licemise;1 's reistry offies , sdlergs 5b nmelnease eatiag "Ie lande inla iemseb lanada" - -sud t1ba, la Lotto10vmovr do"bisas 'toe s triChas Ly of certaincom .sinets, t1te la c i. -So t on hait. - îg doue AuAti Lo fcvrshecibottr protiosa c-f 1ave rote 1ltc Prorino. cf Ontario. siseis 1 tAn Acite v est ce'rtain et esisate if tiey vi rctorsad uebnrch varieoncf the tioste lb of st. John, Port Hope. than mesl Au Act :o incorporaIs Outaie coi- piques. leton . , lý- 1 an-1sii au Act t en ssai ti n opusng- rWellington, LGre, sud Bruce rail. il l e 1 lot tic nm AcaKt o inorporate the Brioesud cilieha extension aompsny. >pardon, l 'unda,Mr. McXetler's motion, - inse of $4000 shonli he gnantedlto ov of the late Win. LyonMlcKea- Witbyi ne 'before the Houe, and vas car- a vote of 35 (o SI. immitte apointa Io etry the of ticeélection cf Mn. Gibbons for h liiding of Huron, reportai tiat d aceded otheeprayer, cf the Londoi mv andI gFantei a commission to-ha. reA10g ,into tic allegation coatine'!in siguotion tiin; Mr. Dion Prime a United Stases Newns. as.Cbent amaà ti, leb. 9.-Patrick Boss, Lrsi nme cight yearo ugo, manderai a sgreai 1lt rant in Iretaifil, an'!for visoma tise ofth -i gcvrernment offèeo'!£731) sterling Tag A va w"arreste'! lu tis ecily,,a-foin f crm thée ,0. 'o dsyhosattetnptedaicide byr býisthrost an'! vîl tIpoboisty sic. b.lg vsl cnaivacy bhseiscen- discoreredo expoditia X P e uo t J u a e n o t s n a ~eavmenL =Sucrain foreigners Tie!" nu arrested vili Lient-Cok EFi4a'Yrý q i on daty vii tiselr ofilcr. A Tai cimento, of tise offcers cof 'tie . iregimeai, ise gardd[ ed tIse lan palace, al»e icassunetien D--A isici as to bave bescaie&iNagle's' se tiscatre. T'he vlsole afitir vas' b. fcnnd 1by tino MeSicans nov in Harama. fusai te- ai h1ovas in Sonora, Kexioo, isavo anoîber ntae! Ly Indiane, atan Général tlge es- gmuser of inisaiitantas aselnated. Lotenzo Th6mas, ýon -théc 2716aaj I papera te ýýb. maie outini ,c t6 le Court, of Washungiçu district, etI ia Du ýa suit ag-inst Secretovy Stanton le ssmii a re tsi tse snsc $i0,000, <or- Mr. D praoiseiand! arresi n!maià f i': crsecutuon. [liscounselil tis state'! to presa tise case as liai as possiblle, Muain 31teg reM. Stanten comsslterabW c go, à $s! j ec t . T is e c a se y u l 'c o r ne u p fo r L o u p e , i thc cuig tuasi cftieO CirçuýitfeWaono u~couxru or GovoEroz YF'1To ,tise Chai vYocvL-Nevr York, Marais 1.-In fosaica, 1 ir! of Aldermen yestcnday,5i'11 Tis Te Àbl nutions vere inlroduccd an'! lai'! etat. vit ha ,gin (o 'Fnv eston vi à fgmh. seeasty s'l if ne5J5ur5,'! -'i calimng' Arcnaik te 0Legistature 10 impooci dm. severaly, Yorkr, lairei 1.-A <iti ocarre'! iuas" s, ai a iRadical metngat M1w- aesti uilcssc s anloWea plea;yu"'te Io g- bis )ut he tisoughbtQ cado.alav t te de my duty. And tubi'ihq sas ho got,ise Must retla ýsm j'onseo il lu simply- for EnY ns, dnîj tisat dine concit'* ted agahusi me.'-XIswcuIirIUk Iter lor tuie twe ,ouag ms culti iit more tas the inseresiif. stisend ,the<Mto the comacil bjiar4 -oely 'gra tîfun- tir cwa prirate b ry. Buitorfor thns Ires'i ongo. mach cf jour space, lt u Oirsi time for me nad lI vish tô ttspayers aee vial itini of u eoua, raosthis jean, 1I be jou vili Yonrs, &c., A.. PRINGL& - *aaci ,1G8 New y en Cbto. eATIO!t OP LORD DERBY, cm. Feb. 25 (evca.-Earl Derby aci the Pramierahlp an'! bis vo- i bau becs accepte'! b, tic Que«. meli viii ýreplaceFart Derby as- unlester, retiningisis preseht Puait iSilor of the Excicquer. un Ise. 25 (p.iss)-Tic Houmeof cmittea cf lthe visotato nigbt a,"s bill tensving tisuspensions 1hi of habeas cmjms in Iratan& zrmysius Crnrrs.-ae neye, eÂbyseinian captivas report ticir ill. Tic adyanée of -the British on bai arrirod ai a Place neer Risg cf Bal,"ri d tMunichs on Fxxrv Tîmas..-T enele trFias aie progrcssinisnlaShgo, lie- A mixai jury vas avard il n. 1cse, butt six Lm&ciies could moà d in tovn; andaaste Court te- tentI the prioner for trial w piace, tise anthorities vere foroed sixnasiaýus, bai tic ali cea -rau moit imnmedatlr. ge Frais Traii viaanarrest- ublin on the 3rd mait., Ibis Liae,ii- 'or doit. I'lsraetî catIpia PrivaI. iieellag ci! o M.~ cthse Sr luii A Oiunttew .fw mmnc À; Paris'teotan cutis tIse 1iollovin -Noie'!y isto Lc tise accompauylni îay identify. I ai ino parention eartl niand'or a soder veakness te dissil ni debaucbery. -' ces, Lbui habituaat ulaness, 1 as col kil MI eif ? AM»- ALTrsr or VI ifra o a ta tise poice-courts cloraiLe vonlt' partiesou hber cal on inqunii hel 'bovlngtiisys bis a b-ltrbai¶r ber botuse'and!v siekoeeps-a dirty il;- 'Oie vie cosni in the ennrt-rird ess sted5 as- a tris âaie should 1 sodgems" -"ques avs bicI'!a on tise bc« oa aged tirt.-fouvr, &bouit a YeRr anc vie appears us I1 ber bsan'!toi Asserica, as'! ut et anctier sn s asihis'mif-, but, avaled. Aftcr s frus5vated, she n p055155ion cf Ihi il mb oa canal ïu sel.ILiTejaryr sonnA Mid," w common. BifrrmOF esMu amun relates tIse At s residemut lovar-esoin,wa fiel'! ire se Whcn tise band W"i c vee-ut ssniwd"e"sy un *,wwds ie' projs.it us ly qet -'4