Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1868, p. 4

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;:q4 - 14, s, 100, Fl.5N4< 19<7, 100, 18, S, 98, 8.1< 20, 9, 100. 1; 13; 1~: duia0&er parel or trat or land gAnd. A«rouIse.uset lylux ia Ind b t wlb. t01vu tooîitaluing 117 md. muisstiiotit#euequiortr of saitcre, bu tih. mâe te nor lost [mic om"oed 01 s'pati 0( lot u*uuburtlbirtuo:a, llb.theelgi.ub cuoo&- aloi, et sald'rowisu*bpef"Siby sudt=ayb,. ltuewu b>' tih.e low1ugdearbptOiit 1tt Coisineucbit cot tige mesafer bounory of »ai loititîteora, ai the di*atauce cilice odwl& and Art, luka. f rosa tie netheuss angi. lçreut; tioendeoesti, t et 40 dezoo, we4 sw clis otifti>liuiu; îJICen il-e,. slsi <rzu',oaa ae itià lei t4.eànâr * .45>-four dsasa ca ws» etiaisatioiii os;î> isit mort, vsr lts alîthe P" etra , irea 'rlrfis ANI , .14DrtN6 nuae itown ttoivtr f n .s.. - 'torgungt lotita Nùvtml»r, 107. WILLIAM THIOUINE? OJrre.vAL ýAsîsiaz., ATIfINBI)N'& IiWELL, N4EW CARUI*MJU AND) Waggon Shop 'dt i pea ardtiutus'.le g cbr, aitl hs of IN LATE11TtISTYLEtI. gr' Repsrind eatly and promptly aeeuulod. I fbareca docte Eut lAin's, Dundas Whïtby, Aîril 28, *867. 1 .FIRE -ASSURANCE COqI LQMIJAID STUEET & CHABINO0 1109, ËSI3LItBED IN 17824 OIILLESFE, MOPPATT J& Co., Agents for - cana&a. JAMES DAVIbtiN, Manager. rNU<ICE agiunigt LOM kby FIREEare Ct île te'lo'.wmut favorslle tornis Afsd b.ut§smi, lAlh wtl.ut rfirent. te tise Ifrd tu Lceli.LU. - - - YEO)MAN 0GIBBON, AgentI, Whibttay VARS & DEVLIN. p TltACT C aL Doutist, Oshava rDont.1 ooie: diectI>oppo- %imcoSltroa't tir doruorth otttho Ontario U~rEXPRESS AGENT, &c., aIme Agout for Accidesnt imd Standard Insunrance Cee. 17 J0o1iq e . nidNLLENq kcounttinî, Land and Gencral Agent, AND NOTA RY PUBLIC. ORILLIA- Offi01ce tu Peter uireet, cete door rnortls of 1$lvents Drug Mere lit rndluaprovod Parure ln the coultea ô! urtikr¶s, sud iaînscoe fer sale. N.colleton$ attoîsded te and prompt Uo.D, L, itelhron, M. L. C.,liton. Joins giaeron, M. L. C., lieu «cor g a.Cmt,%rtl, M. L C., 1. (1. Camron Ifs <, C.9, . Io. P., Angueorn9tl1b,,K;M,. Ilî., MI Due-ford, jesqbi,1'.Il "beCoaslcy, lfsq, M, .1' 1'. Jon lstei',r>'Eeq, hhti sud edi- tors ilire.uufir A-usiliu l'et, Llissa>', and Wbmîtby Caîaonscs.s. 7 1> ES10T AND CIIBAI'EST làeetoget a D goed haIlasesEducestiop re ai lhe aud stretten u uiîiodâo College, Icotedt aut. li. Tihis l0 tise MOh? YI5AOICAL lu couoquncle!ftîse tIsaIth MnU. 1IL D. tStraileS, tIse Uryaai sudoi tiarg-ea of thse Chais. loeafir, the Collage .l.OZiwili ue nuder the naaagcuseau of Dr. J. C. IJUFANT, wlîo wlli devot. ib o~suuf etybnuu9eIslaiîo wils te obtin 4 thoeron 8 kiu>widre cf aIl the branchies a> ori iiuit Busginles eabtiou. lPEN 'SICursNlis VAUTji.& iauiN D tS'tUa CUMM4IMIt. BA*KlteG UI lAW, FINANCE *til suPLITICALb cuxK elMI, iaeteuagis bi ii LAd Iullyllletrstpd D' ity ,nomztuOSbu cCol Iegell*mIss, h>'A 1111 i..o rteed sMd ,horuutly ls0O ir.Papili cau oenTs'at oais>' iba. Thora are »o rua Ver f.rms uitother buforsutlof ur" j. C. e BANÀ&T, .Lpuil st67 -.îuo- or WIMOUT PAIN,.M UV .OU i. E 11~ TOWNBHW 0F 144 1801840 'Y 40 op10 1U<>3846 44ô 82 840 lui à à 1 m 1 A& 18-le 40--5M540 101 1 4*17M-120141179 4do 104 1-28466 * 4068 5685$118 4'do 100, 185218f70 018 4 à f> 9714711,7010491,7, -îf ,88,lui11848Oô 8129.$76835804- 14, 100,1 ffl123456 e818710176 5 58 6 F , 200, lui 254 - 47-09 5 65 b2118 1,,00, 14ou » 88 7 '4 0087f0 11, 7, £0, 186018 4806768DO 9 m 6 00 TowlinSiW 47 ctrod 1 r. Pt. Patt of Pt, et W. > 1,10 11lui8028466 row NsUI F O? i 200. I 118450 1410, 185980128430 100, 16:r128486 25, 1860128410 1~s~s 1409 18713 1976 soi to94 roýWwsmKK or TUOAK.r 8. 3. PL 0, 1, centre Ir, il w .W. i.t, 4 eNIaoip4s Pa< 8,1 51>< 860 1 28 48&0 1010, 18811a go 186-1 O lik 1861018 4b 6 '58, g, 26, 100 87; 10061245 1861 2 8 4 à 6 1801 2 3 4 D 6 M M 114 104 92 6600 07S U-79 4385 $20 458 2170 160'8'$ "481 290 27" 6141 01il1 785 1141 985T79198 1006 1 21 il127 67 67 8 12 7579 Il142 1 37 1279 TOWN OP WRITBY. NoREwa êsP w511 Or 150CR 41555? 1861938456 444 1661 2&436 444 18612846 4 41 10128 45 ô 4 " 18128466 a560 181 234558à800 1061 28480 808 1661 Z346660 lut23456 825 1061 28 1 74 NecriWA"n, sacrDas oais=r. 18612 1841 ,4 186124 1 12 lac 1 25 il124 il30 12 61 2 12 2u. 2 si 48 O0c60 IRADENIIIrnsTts PILAS, BIe. P. Win. et, Lot 5, 64 l. Centroe ? 11k. E, ef Lot 28,5, 46 K.eof bd dé' Block 1, 66 2, 66, 2. Water Iot do do WALLACE PLAN- 1860 123466 1858 61 84h6 1158 60 18456 1861 2456 18601'8 5 6 1880 28456 1861 2 8 456 19 17e 1 6 81 06e De 22 6 958 10 24 329 8 1S ô 7 r 8 26 9 43 7 P92 a864 12 65 3 07 69C 9950 960 440 I520 ré 0 WM. -PAXTOlN, 9 25 10 ho 14 17 3 44 JR. or Al the above Patente&d.asrr .0 Treasurei's Office, Wlîitby, Dec. 23, 1867. JJow lo -keep hI& 'el DRY & WARM JOSEPH A. çc~BANDELL'S And select- a pair of warmn Overshoes, you wiil fiud them ofail kindls and of the best descrWtîon. Superior Buffalo. Overshoes. In Ladies' Gents, Misses' and (hildrens' BOOTS & SIIOES, of every variety, the establishment of the larei eecý gned le unsurpassd-by any other i o.Testock lu lagetoslet rmsu it wrmanshipgo, u nail cases SM.' Hcads of Famies wil flnd it to their interest to eall aud examine. 1Wbhtby, December 4, 1867. JOSEPH A. BANDIL.' -GREBAT BÂRGAINS IN Great Bralsin lato and Caps. Great',Bargains in Blanktlets, 'Flannels, Hea shirting, klm G nreat, Bargains 1in 1Ieavy Double .and single sba.wlo, ke.-7- 0 1 Great'-Bargains la lieavy cloudis, flôo>do,' Great Bargaiiu in Heavy'GJlo!ew, Mitti,! $50OOOWORTII 0f GOO0DS &Uev immnbr theo rsm" (ha! I eau sud doi SUiie CHEAPET 000D),8 in the COUNTFY of «N1ARIO,ý and wby? Because, sdopting the (laIs systeni, tuy motto ii 'SM AL P ROFITS &QUICK-1 EiTtJRNS9 MY STOCK OF FACY AND Staple .Dry Gos ba nov complete, and for beanty, style aud oheapseas cant bc snrpassed. In thiol s e.ysock im ia ore, and more attractive than usul, sd paries lrorhg me with tbefr patronage, will find it te their d'Vantae bot-is u oint of style and choeaues A tuli asurtmnent of 3MOU'RNIM -G GOODIJ cotistant1 y.ounIband, aud donecup iu the- shétatnotie. Âlso,-a cholou !~1cton oif 1341DAL EQUIPIMBeNS trimnied t', erderýin thse la test style. , % essw Buttons sud'irimmings in endilessuvriety. T4kILORING DEPAUTMUENT.-Clothing made to ord er on the promises by fia'et-clau workîunu, sud a mes tc of thse most Fa. shionable (loth tW select troin. - À goodïl turantced. Specisi attention called tbsalot of 1BOOTS ÀDS i nE umens' and voiueus girls, aud misss'. Aise. Orer Sisoes for dïanip vather. Grocorsosi, Hard- aro.Inspection Ia respoctfulîy tuvited. Cash paiti for Whost, Bal-le>', Bye snd Pesa. ý, ..W..WI OSHAA, (OT.23, 186Z. MONEY TO IJOAN 7T IFsubffibca le 110W pepnrcd te lentla> Lasmouastaofet uinsty-I'ItIVATE FUN US] -o n o ortgliee tCcurit>' or Deboulure, 0 l'h brrOwor eau have his ovu tinte te puy' tise pritipa. 1Caianreeesas cetise l>ouaot saI e vi* n owYto., ois V..'.» *asd'Too'. j.-. perty. :,W' Sev.eral gond improv.-d Ferma fer sale, aiùxtresncl>' low prix-j ela Sîlver and Grecubue.ko bonglit aed eseld. Appi>' prorunall, tu JAMES h0LDEX, Official Assaçlirue, Iand Ingaraisce and (eno- raI Agenat, Wibby. fjFFlE.-Me ill 13!"-ek, Bro*k 81. W hiby, Sopt. 125, 19617. - a DONNELLY'S1 A CERTAIN CURE FOR BURNS, CUTS, FEVEII SORES, SCALDU, AND) ALL ERYI'. TIONS 0F THE SKINL BEAD TUE FOLLOWIXNG: Picrcra, C. Wv., 1866. I hcrechy certif>' tint n>'cou lied a ferirfu more leg, ao inîsch se that tise flegla 1.11 off, ussd laid tl-. boue qilite bore. I eommeucod ueiiîg Donel>".» Platr ; and lu a short tina. it enrird hlm~ ~ ~ copoel.Iutros'gly -recomrneiid it to ail sufleriug Diles rnptiuu cf thse skbs, ue I havo sien tiîproecd iu al casets. FRAI4iIsi OWENS, Ex MA-ra.. l'îero, C. W., 186. TislIn ,te certif>' thàai liaiMay' f upsta houtle oet bolliatiur ounrMy'ami, whlch ieok thea fecis off, leariiug the bons. almusi boe. I suitercd tho meat ercrutietiig peins for ilîre webkr. 1ison epplied Iiiioisn sPleaterfit atoe. uroi m APTAIS ATKINS. Solti b>'JAN ES IL.0«FURIE and JA'al V BYiN E, Drucgista, W.litby k T. ATJiIN SON, and MARK RIOBNrS aOsawa, andi b>' ail Drnggistà u intococeni>'. JUnDOtis, 1967, I2mos-22 Prof. J. Post ilA4 thse bhor et aanGunciug te hls musi- cal fricndo, lu W iib),, hat ho lapo- parad ta reccivo pupsils forarue nOitihe liing Isad-ton yetas eperlonc., 1!. foola confidenî t fboiug sbIe te promte arapid d- vaenen oi pup#s, wv is sybe placed uuder bis tuitioti. Instruction gi ven lu thorouisBasa, -Bar- mon y*Counter-polut, mjFi, TIeoay f MaI- ads Cmpeaitilol, Aud prîua eullen i i ho givon te lb.cas1iti!onofiem ê-Y TK'igue -Intructlen '-,orise Titu-s , ihoery cf Musical composition, &4., extra $5, W Itby, 8optemabor 26, 1W. 5 Ce 0A yers9 FIRT-PUIZE HOUS4S1GER11 Wliilby, 19, 1851. 24-17 LIVERY a r f d a mmauJ M s o £ r a , sO& Z . TEE 8NTARUEU1~g MUTUAL INSURANCiÉ COMP<Y, ls preptneîd te mccli rk ou er Building, nI ieir censtelitj4,Ceuit> Sceeol Ilonises, asdilliltrces. Tisopie wis.lir.g te is- etir atiad tlarbysUprehoeIirue (xwnpaA8jb, isSe ruw au upponnhsiy coelin . meyaippiyiugg c esr aitlheliatI office, or te anut etYlocal agents. Our rate» yl ')efcund sa low su ilsose of An>' respeniblo Mutuel In- aumauce Ceompauy fis Caîseds. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., IIEAD OFFICI-Tbe- 01(1 keglair>' 01e. Buil'lisig, lirock Street, Wlsiti>y. JOHN CARTERi LICENSED AUCTONt ER. - rouies eeUurns e ONTAR10, YORK & PFEL. r-0-RERIDENCE-Lot 8, 8111 Lon., Mlarkhflm* '-Post Ofice-ilusbonville. SA.LES atteudeoteo L.orloat notice, end on reegosuable terres. Termdacu bc usede a..d billo;prisil aitIhe Chreuilie eDice fur Mr. THE j~LANCASHIRE FDIE AND) LIFE INSIJRANCE C(Jll'NY. CAPITAL.2owooo< fix» r nes rlz oxQEs IOs-N. W. Cerner of Ring and Ch*oVc Street&, Toronte, 8. C. ]DucAi-Ctma & hCe., Chicf Agonis fer nZiE udlersijaset bas groat ploasure lu bu- Tiirsinx hlas riands lu Whitby,sud the, Coun f i>tUrio. tisaih heha ?yron ted Aettrteaboyae trst cleb Euglis rCoi- pan>', aud ihai LeoiW prepared te receive appli- cationa for iaka, and obtt preanlums ou tise JOHN AGigWi Aar" ? rois Wnurth&Visalir. Whiihy, Dye. 4, 1867, Oaus-48 BITISH AJIEUICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,OO. A~~~~~~ AgentfotieaooCmn>, i ucv 'lie mneat 1> lente rme th 411eJist it5d alob %lpl]L au ppi>' e Fut, -ln Lj aeVI aresBA isuitr., ialusmAges W'b-' New Bakeryn. 2 .Hâ d ÂNDQ go10thoN1«7. 'CELEBRATEI) WAXITLHE8 Cole & Bright Go1d JeweII IN . GIA AITAT JAMES JOIINSTOI Wacbmaker and Jeweiler, Br4 D'IVIS1014 COU CO-UN <TY 0F ONTARIO,. 2 LI 1 I.. 8Ma.....1'ifc Ar........ 4 8....... " ,Bsrro.... ........ 223 whiîby, 3»T TJJolm LNDIA,& CHINATEA COI. HOME DEPOT, LJONDON & lLVERPOOL No. 23, Hospital StMontre al. Puire and GENtTINE TEAS, of splendid natu-ral fiavor, iùpofted dirlec Irou-tbe OmpuInla Plianr.alor'à in A$4A?4, ana on the slopes of the IIIMÂLÂYAS7- bleodcd wtitli'tb. finest producti of CHINA. Oîuiy Tvre Qualitica, riz. :-70c. or $1 per lb , cfther Black, Green or Mlzed. - Fine Ilousehoid Te; ceîubining Strengtb and Flavor, 70 cents per lb. Vincat precurablo. .. ...................... dollar par lb. SSllin Packct sud Canisters by the Ceiupany'a Agent&, in every City andi To Canada.s TRADE MR. -MARK 1Agent for Oshawa, MARK, ROBINSON,.- viruggist. ESTABLIHEB 183. TILL& BIROTHER (SUCCESSORS'I70 lLtrmIL.) Cabinet makers & iphoisterers, and deal-, ers in ail kincis of Cabin et FuthittUre IHave now on hand, the largest and most select Stock to be tond in the Country, wbich thèy ar e eliing àt prices b suit the t Vines, being detettmifed net to be undersold b>' an>' house in the trade. CIal and examine before pùrchoasing elsewhere. A éhoii se- 3 &4 BEOCK STEET, WHI AGRICULTIIIAL W ORKS, SPE CU1A LNO0TIC0,E!t Single Reapers and MoWers, and Reapers and Mowers r3CPmbiuied ON ALL LIË IW As olsap s.asu>' houa ,May 29tla, 187., ICEEKES, Je.. Dl, lu Canada. et MONEBY TO LOAN. or OET to loan ou good Parmi, ai ciglif LYKAN ZNGLIS%, Bmriui.r, Oshava iOàbuwa, Nov. 28,10lm, 47 HýOT3tL & PREMISES FOR SALE. HA ld establi o d anud vol k own IBe CENTRAL HOUSE, EPE(ON to er, witla eue or iwo acres cf land attadi- -.amey hadoriroci, sa fn i çbeui. iag rcisard. Tiiere are two W"âlla,,it good pucanpa and exceat waýr Sgr Tii. w1boe l ibegaold ntai a ýh atid M ue of the'bostclua ne D L for enicetivo busIness cusam. Wil le eeisugeti for tari rpoi' For tirass, "., apply i>'<i l>'loer e-pud4 tu.,- WILLIX BOTO4Ç Dr. Wood, rropri.tor of the Sparks Street & Maria Street, Ottawa CANCER Infirmarys YTtA WA-9 0, W- CANCERS r U-REl) By a uiew. but ._flaia, Speedy, and searly Paint.,. procehi, and witbont the Use-ot thse - IPIE cure wil ho aanedad, a@ýsiw T et Issnopayin rognired, unti the crd la ctplete. Timeurent a cancerisimr crcëd5 h s>bould4bo curod, as h viwil milW eul je m:)rc speedfily cured iban vi ienc ln ertnmsdthora iii uotisng te gaun, dai aeryWgth Io"teb by dela>'. Wbatuow soom a baruilus lump lu tihe brasai, ueck, oye-l or oehere, or stasll varîor sore o ellp0 pnuy, in à 1ev s hort ulonothi, bocomo abideeff Àoiinig desiroying mass of discue. Ife- qnsred, roi erence a aub. givemn te partis s .1 haire beesi cucati mhy yeam slni', su i are nov Soundt sud bo-aithy. Ail communi% tiens pronapti>'answered. N1ioney-ri»qUuW in adranco, andi noe until ýtie cure às Om piete. John Keiths 1)EGS le uunnea te big friondad pi' -B t rous, thathi b oc sk sgsln to i@sU stand, vher e i ilb. fouud slvays iu r051' ness te ireat horses and catiii, >saead4 tO tise mont approed rettriury pniPItY 0 Iseretofere. liforàe-aoeihg erfitld nsd on ho boit kuo euicireprinciplos. -W AIU bindIs of Blartnithiasad£e110 vork. -Cali ai the old stsuid.: Wlsiiy, «Jane Sra, 18m. lit-#& IMPORTANT TO- SL flA SElR- 'DARLI9RI tspublie, o.C Wisitery, tTA IIKMtOffc. aniciuersan Rgair0feè. PorthPy, 261 n4l, hur J.. JAt to.ne, l&tc. mettO egas-t Omy isme lest Oce VIL. j IARESTE1 ayrnSersu P'eoriP.rryM. The salh me tiT t - 4' TIIË;ý 1

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