Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1868, p. 3

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fi -j".- ,..i 1l 1 çlwu noum-u rPARGenL #. OTwo wtrlottlt.e 1 oe7 fr pcel r ln he6tof uMista.s.m St ab Vi~ns- frosatasde on Ise ilarbor.'.1 ssis sure te thse eh@e bis few Al1.aoet r na irbTetae gblter] ma shis efpi o uafr sssulctsrrsgser m0 a Ch. ui, p '1evo! oftish a~e #«M -truat4of W ise U ~istar] Wlstby cd Port Perr'y Eallwuy wviiîs ould Opies of tho low're t sass-trebla their valuse, idey ohir a die. ,*ee-airaibie cpportuuî1>.for l<issvca twe,utis .o -, li-im4hy As u oaly wlndlsgunoftiîe~ael ren- * IbOr-icI US' deh9 lnaailvelvss iw.zv eatJy sala env support, MMboaeit.d'7 bpathy-bur. .ê CS.vîe- lot îarter parlaurd assailu-. Or to TIOS. LAwiLEB, * IlcfhI5Stp Wbithy. là 'WIiltby, ub. 12, 1849. WILL TAXE 'LCÇ TTHE MECRRICW HAL4 WIIITBY, *Thuroday, Pebruary 20, 1868. The musical services of th. followlng ladies ad pgtesuiiausauyub. availlable for thée occa- Mies JIILARYb imite. WÂTKIS, DUIILLAZ9Y, (<trr; »U- i. ILLAIRt, jet Vxllridïo,) or Asnd thé colebr#W dFreeu nFomly... For pjarleuar e s eprogrammas. Cardis or AdMIJou detsrearved luit&, b110 ca Is te* lied a. iyrna'o Drug Store, sud AlIIJ' Jlo#k beureIloors open as T8J , uulceng.1s6 sa'clock.. -S;iô, "d- R1EVU 1111. BIIDGIIAN, OU' TOKONTOU, YUl deIIl4r a icetnré la bis. Wooieyait MA lisodlat Clurch. Wlutlsy on proma dt1r th# be&o t th@Clureh. Prur- tiser noUe. glveu ceaI weck. -Whtl,leb. le, 1860, 6 ÃŽ"U-EPES FAtIMERS, SHOULD bs balr Sm .(rmo ieImportern direet. TUe mmsssresl Tms Comany, 0sjiaii treet U.U*s al ,ve sentovet Une .41 uc poksaffs e dider dcuiscoustry-aud rectivsevar>y o==wls, tir". @mireoesalli. Set,. Oeatlmeg.-T5,s bocxa0( o<sa(erloe e., Uni mIsse anwed s godcde.iiqsls pr boretWeuss ica cdlerv r Volê yulus &0., pleue t.rwad boa(rtauui cft'onedont Uamp w ne do us fIlW@ gelS Ma Oun. (L&,ugUswr) Ilsiut Jesting asde, jdr. Presîdent, w* man as foisable, graçiou, kiudif héilé bosutiful-worthy ofaiU. zespectot, il]a defèece. Net St,,' b.d. yul refuse ta 'drirsk lier hli hright tordally ln bhi "aU'er of wlne, for each and eveiy onk îof use bas personally known, an&d lovidl ara hbonoured, thse torr bon one cf tiseS .11-bis owu motber tV <Appimes.)- laox AinOMt5.as- peafat Megrasa fron « Abyoalnla, lorwarded by wsy of Aluoxsîsdria and Malta, and rom Londoil thrsusgh (lie Atîsusîlo cable, gays liat à - trong force cf BritIsis troops sâvaucc trom thse camp at Sonate owarda tise ln terlor on tise 261h cf Jouniry. -Waaa bad been boreai for according tô an Auner!. c4sn plan snd was losand iln abusndar.au heur is I glaslinseolfmarce l'hieoaot ýisore had bof.n liglitea i bthes Englisisfor 0 aval purposes. A PÂtRas Bro#t.-Receitly'l. sîtàa bifs àbouse in lb. Rue d'Urieans, Psris, were assazed by thse aeund o! a frighttfu brealtageofpcrclain uand bouzihold goods, and à bîdeotas entcry lua asaile o0 roous which b.âd been occupled for àIIflwm days byiie ly rarricd co«0pt,' ThelDun&yhuabandl Wos moi! wlth a, lat *dwpt aud belIscdbim to bisf. uane. -" Tb@e Young man sliowed ber a iettev bo badjust found. Whbat ÃŽlotssdais meaus11, seld he, "I-J-was sfrald to show Il to ycu," lobe stammere~ isyes o I suppost1" ro*lbd lie. Tis s as was the taxt of thelter fros the counftry. "IlIls . Havlng learned that yena velately marrlcd, 1 rite, tesuc if yeur buasian' viii pieu. let ume continua' le bavo thse tort of your tvo cbilditsis Wlscn one bas narrled a Youn Wdl er ýixtraordinary ieauty, vith a t f*ce ln wblch a b sa show» Ilseif frequestly Il ln athlier stArîllug 10 srectte sncb a nota. Stfl, il 1s slwaye veli to make lnquîres. before proçeeding lào break tise piste&s. , Ailia<is was.thb. expk4nMon, Thse <*o cblidr#qts vel-. l tile nopep a ot of tLoiseitealister, vho dled <vo ruavs be- for, lnusauis. PeSicucu o slokar viscis thse busbausd, no loirger jealeus, made bis excusesand tise chîldiren New Plates veve bougbt1'assd aoù Sgo. Ing on voIl. The yb.ùiils4 iadln latie Phoenix Mîlis, At Ointes -Salis, arc donled tise prlviloge of chowin ' aidsuring theheurm ef, worký *Tisé Feulis Evotis.viseoof Boîton*ud 'vicinfly baiveted, lnstead of parading on St.' Patrick's d*y, *0 orl so t -bis anJusgsd is*@ ethé daZr'bprocoeds collecte d d uséàfor litsering kfrid a Ireland, -Mr. Tssppe la engaged 1lu writllbg »crer hymes, l<la onId, -butwesau Utc no possible good lu tiseus, unlia it *151 it be that tise> wouidpo-W bo tbl&reu o sleep - p t<St 'an Whitbr jugntts. Wblîbyt Pebvsmy 120 18& -. Pbi,Wbcssa.0*0,0.0D# aOa *1.87à ..ris.......... .. $1,0 *.1a Pe......a-li pie ss8e Pecki .00000000~ WINE AND SPIRIT - VR1ORMY t *GLASBWARE. hkt H R£QUEItED SO1 navî". Bb*,llr îCu tters" Cutters -! PRACITCÀ CARTILAGE MAKER. Ottrs, to the publie a lre aortient of Outtgrs and Segs vý,lingàseat.ed .2uClate, =4eîfront Cutters, Cborered cutters#, Portian heter wly e und- tactured in tlw ooulfty, fnica UrafnIb. 'à kndexamin eyn Cutte for $25. Partieular Attebtion ptiid to painting drpirgCur. AU Mlwork WuagtedicL 60i COXPORZATI[Or4 OP TRE TOWN0DF ,WHITBY. NEjW ADVERTISENENTS. Farm for Sale. Ibo ACRE-13o,ý CLEÀEUgD. B EING Lot No. 85. lu0lisp $rd concession >W1iVtBy,oontaldosglOOber"s, ali l esr- edl .64 50 aces, with 1<o lesuswa, part om lot Mo. 8M, in t1h. $rd conces»lou0( TOWNOHIF 0r WHITDY, There in 'ercteaion tise premiua k51-cIa.. Brick 4Cmm~e, SOM, "kifl t e u 2, alec fan el09for sar4e; £Oit$12, good l.arn, sh*& - ous blouso, sud *11 ether ertills suit- atli 70; s àleelttis former, Tise Iassd la yoi watered by livis.g Ma thsUe ear round, ais Wollo,Jsspa, he . Thie Aboveb premsilaéOonly à mulet rom the. £o"rls.slg ,10wl of Wbity. Fqr forme and forth' r psrtleultro, pply, If by letter,. (pro-polta,) bt ei proprlet4or ou thse prenfl. -- --. WiiUy, Pcb. 11, 1i , P. O 848s. tf-f INSOLVENT ACT 07 - l» la the imalter of 50115? 'T PReGuS, e Use Villa ~ ~ Juge etWhtalA Isou. mi *P froaa ypfi AuLtyruk, nti Mypose l a P theLI TOWN 0IF WM4ITBY, ON Xonday, lTth oft P.b,1898 AT TE UO ZlOF2 O'CLOCK P;.iM. The 1Book àAito " notas of bssl, &o., beloui'g- hsh te the Zae of tise ubove sndIciui- A i1.1 àfthe debts due thse Lste cfoflt.ellu- oivenst MOi, b.see At uMy offce. Dated At Witby, list 51k daf ci Peiry, ma48 w-.,i - mTer, r& L10QENSE!1 "Orch o", l. 1 £Aepplicstlonfewlaii tutis sdr.gna.l re te .1e nen te lise ssEe12ry efcates offers tise fclowls111c aseVllIsIlnt ilsto O> FAIR VALUATION,<s0 S.ef Tc ,l LCdcssieon corusT aces elard. No. 28. lunlise lOtis oncmoo01Daiigen, 40 acres elssred.,, No. if lu0200s con., Mara, aeeiarM d. N.E .No. 27,1lu2ud omsea.loss Wb"tb alciared. 1000 l srsoni ossfll-40oMres ln Eexley. 200 acreslu Lsztcný-4omseeJeelss ~&piy msteuelyor byt te6rp ot-Psdd, l R.E FRY PhotographlotaMdsohIent, os oim i1enm. sm, A. DnB -me o, * XNOTIu RavinsâetvMlied to aies..out Our ve] lauge ud ,ali.d! Stock of! Wiýefferthe foflowngEzaoiur - &NY PBESON BUYING $23worth, MûI iiÏ kilrâ drassof thobir ovî cbue wortls $3. or Ay entlemen buy»lng $23 Wortih cf cieting.vii l e Sivi i eltbà abat for binlesai ors aires. forbis vile, W"t AMY PUECBASERn BUTINO $50 -WORTH -VIi b. e n elîber one of iook, 6i Uid i-Ã"*Svs e iUe b léwllshesiw~ i AI UBORASER BUY1NG Wiff b. oineaof oursapessd Kd w lebalsW4 orth $5 'riscais., Ip& mii b. glvcsi au- i9mp fr ir veri;larg MXOIRTATIOrS1 6fcb 'in i ..onli<the àigc bvooghtloto W.bltby AO thoen",'soli llsksu; isii mre ororie mnleittg aithé ascss Me disutasco of tiar e itait sixis'.,,s desss-es esust, fioul ,lsefïf;tha-lisco outta 74 elsulîssi $3 linse, arïd osjo-tl nortsia ý18dèsgrccu, mont0.1 cru lislit cil tise si4a5 lut'- dcru-*., aet 6S eislsand h ~ f0 iegcelitC ii ciss uortbsj4 qyseavj eatit <kgreilt S la 't che., ia 16 degreco, wacî 47 eli,,ssas pIsa ot 'e cg .sius.It 0e1 ' thred sud a bljf acre*,. Sid),tiitclarger por -riomis1ýnup. lire ane o n-r RED AT KC MUST BE SÉoLD 'BY -THE A pil Nxt 'S, WIL BPGIVEN. AS ýIHE WHOLE StOCI Fireto GREAT BÂ1LGAlb HAMILTON & Co. -Whitby, Yeb. 4, 1868. - - *d el* t GREATCLEAINU"SALE? îl.Ad de cd arca ]SE1 alIs J È1,Sru.g7l 'aeB.a iioMmeed ,bas to sefthe BneiftheirStck0a r. .OtP3L ia*a re-fo h rUl arkets, to purebase thaor 8pring Sk Owing tethefir arrangemçuts à' uitie tbS'ide, ' -OR BAI' they are ln a position teo ofer their Custemmrathse cheapest goodaasthse cc n. MO4> BbIs, -GROCERY DEPARTME NT, :;-A large stock of fresh' Teas sud euguts tt i at ~ -100 Tons1 CIOCKERY &â; OLÂSSWÂItE-Imýpéjrted direct froi t he 50 BMW.;e' e.*b 0h11 adeiainàthefrstpck, before purchain,1sre WIIÈAT,1ýP WffTJYPFB. tb 15S ~& J. (JAMPBELL. CRP - , 5; TONN, UAT CLEARING SALE, OttR WHOLE STOCK or OFFEI .1

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