Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1868, p. 4

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b. ~1TDTs~ tvirlu la tihêLAMi' BUSINSSAt 1ev BuE.t CAL OIL, 1Itboollmpmt la Tova, etO s4(.qf14~ N. ~ S. k 8. 3~ 1N. Pt. 8488il170' 885848 da i 10 88 -18,l40 r 84.,Froi1O 86188 81 7 40 0de4 lmti, 1 s81358 4 85558 Sdo 100, leu 816960128466 9747 1170 I $0# 5, 1041084668si12v 875 Io, 4, '100 1661 284886 01 si 3876 Mt-8, 20 1061 e8 tD 0'-4705es 5'8 17' 0,m 1moi1es88l 4 01 il, 7, 20,0, I1 8'24I -7760 -tao I.Towqfilflp r O'ic a 62 90 -61 78 85 04 M8 1à -le 78 86 80 7, 10, 175, 18828450 12248 1t49 187 12 ',,TOWN8UP or SCOTTe Fat et Pt, ef W. ~ VIagQIn Shop Si centr *1~,m1amtmL uni wotfpt!v WThrue.don"- lait. et .L , uuda atrît,'W bltby. O ona -*llby, April f1"8,67. 14 No. RBY4ABLIBIIED JNV 178r, GILLESPIE, MOFIATTI & C., Agoute fer Canada.I INUANE galîmut L05,-i FIXER arp A' fstwd ou the îuost favorable teruns00a EOsM JAI» wtbout rreuoe te the >Lu'd ,I - EMAN 8y350N, April rd, 150. - WbitbT' VARS &vEVL.IN. dite tbelt'eb ,Ufîc.-t.îice en Ileeietthird sloorn ortlîo e, ii. O inl Ieuk- grEXPRE38 AGENT, &co., aise Agent fer Acoident anîd ttaudard Insuratice Cou. 17 J013N C. e MULLEN, Asèntntland and OGeneral Agent, A14D NOTA ÃœY gWBLIC. ORILLIA. SOgg. lu Peter treet, eue dor nertia eh jE s'Iaou'i )r:gStore. WiVlel satel Iupoved Frie lu theo oouutles efutsiatid imce folr tuae. N MI., 0I etiiiatiendeel te sud prompt 1)os. L. Utf ii'aeruoti, 1. L. C, Ieun.ibli elýeabit I L.L.ýlieu. 1Qe0egsCrtafttw' sM. 14 oL n ctuh-eus.,4. C., -M. '. P., êîsgns îorfliwtu es% .,M .P.,M.- Dulistord, , . 1geVI l '. MecuCtliez' u. . et fïobnu 1mI&Porry, z' qIlhtty; and edl- LAers loe tatif, Canaden l'est, Llaudeny, La!gîten iBalogoieCltego, footed&t Bnf- aie. 1b18isli teé i151iA 164" ha lus bbo 0d lspes.d et lu uuarialy Uthle C~ed« AtUor1 oulilaer theutalisgemmnt fpiÇJ ..DIYANT, alue atîl Jevot. 1>1 tsk*s tlmansd *erglos te the fjsilge of ng a-»t'Waho ali ta chialua thotbougb laow.loietof e al thme branches op- rii»it Ae'Bîîslî1tse Eductloin. 1>16- ONTareteught lilua X*nbys (al coofe pp% rl.ao.d sud tbeosglily bempetulstre ti's. rupîls m *trsmt eylIaThs'are no V40e. TEtTI ~ EXTRÂCTED 1«Jôl18OX U E 01?IK G I ltTI siW l'i. 8, 1, 'a e 7,1, 19, 1, ~ ~: ~: la. Uib. Cottagel4, b, o, e, Pt.~ 3, 10, Pt, 1,10, 8,11, N.>~ e, s, 180, .180 12 84 6 86,1 8812 84 ô8 *00, - lm1284b6 .100,-, 1M9 12 848à8 100 , ' 180u9 84 ô 23, 160128466 48 95 8019~ 77 ,~ 58~8 85 '14 19 78 s /' f To NIK'or URU 0,180 128466 .0181238456 9808 880ê - '4888 21 70 24 89 8545~ * 1948 2 7141' 8 ,1008 I 017 '8 1142 I 4 b9 42 te 287 22 12 11 24 104921 :1-20 485 2600 24 80 2 90 27085 67 59 21 76 le o8 là 79 iTOWM' 'O? WR1TDY. Nos= wàavRE ZT? or aaOCs m'usEr. 1881 23450 1881 28456 181 28486 1861 2 8 458 6 ,1961 23,45%" 1861 234 A ô 3801 98460 lest128455 181 28458 I88 28466 1861 2 8 4 44 4 44 4 4t 444 8,60 a 60 608, os0 680 3 25 1 74 4 97 4 97 4 97 $459 8 84 1 95 osevamoriT etmcs 5zK. Ise 184 lu H. Ceoe"7 M11. E. etfLot 28, a . oc.fai a Bliock 1, 64 2, wuMe'r Ioi do de el 28 1 12 "IBe 11li 126$1 85e si1$45 t 2 12 250, BÀA»EIIUR$Tg5 PLAN, WALLACE PLAN. scADDliNG'S FLAN, 180 12 8488 ô 1868 61 8 4 A ô 18685 0 1 3488 1881 248- PitUl85 1880 123456 1860 284688 1661 2848ô6 ',I 25 12681 2 87 54 il8' bo' MI Ije$ lc 1 21 2 01 24a 2 25 1 25 14e 1 89 8 28 9 943 7 119 8 64 12,-i ah07 f 98e 690 i lace 1160 44o 1 520 370 WM. PAXTON,) 14 17 à 445 JR. - - i'renourer C. 0. 'Aitiaboie -Pateaiad. s'et wi fldthmm keep aa0the Fe SupeiorBuff1o-Overhoes. InLadies' Gents, -Misses' 'and ("hildre ,ns BOOTS & SEIOES, 'of e-very variety, te etbiheto h undersigned le unurpaseed by any1 other in town.- The stock le larg to select from, and the workcmanship kood, And in ail cases WAURÂRNTED. S- g PÀR*5 AJSA ÃŽW".Jj"ds of Familles wil fnd i àt toheir interest to Seil and examine. .- Wiitby, Deeember 4, - 'Y 18lut SPHA BANUIL. LT- B Gra Fla , nels,l mains ini 11 - - Kuow alil men by lbea. prestntthat l'eau sud do Saelltho Oa1EJp MÃŽT QOQPS in -th,-COUNTY'of ONTARIO, and w-y ? Because, adopting tii. cmsk-system, My motte as. 'SM AIL -PROFITS & QUIOKv lI- ETUJINS' MY STOCK 0OF FANCY AND - Staple Dry Goods, neuow complete, and for beauty, style and cheapuess can% hýo strpamse., I16târsn -Ë31 dû e~~r'e, and more attractive than usual,, t éanw "u-teIàvriLnx Me 1ie wUI~Patrn ,will i hhd it te titeir advantflge GOODS constunt.ly on 1 it and uuu ne UV in the-si'-est npotICe. Aise, choico collection of BRIDAL EQU II'MEN TS triunmi>d o rder, iu vii. Iatest style. 9W» Di-es BIuttons and '1rimvggin uendlebosxiinity. TAILOilING -DE PA1TMEl'T-Clo*hing-mode.-to ord*er-on the prenlises by llrst-elass workincti, and au immense stock of the mosat Fa- shionabie Cîoth te select lrocn. A good fit guatranteed. Speciai attention cnlcd tona lot of BOOTS AND SIIOES. in mens' anid women'u, 5irlâ' and mnisses'. Aiso, over Sisoesfor demp veather. Grecermes, Bard- ware, &C. Inspection is respectfuily invited. Cash paid for Whsut, Berlçy, Ilpe and Peau. OSHAWA, OCTr. 23, 1887- MONEVlTO LOAN lE subgcnibes us mow Prnared l Ct leil n' T a t mltîsut it utet-P1ilA'rE FUII-S -ot uce l ongigo sîiutraf) or Deblnt urcs, is ver lsrate et intorest. 0 'rt. onrweatiau ave ltnown tinte te puy Oie Prinicipal. 1 tIse nepresumît tflan- i.itue larrtiuoii'- tar3- Cer nicuesit the Dji>uiî. fluet lcuîd iuouaut ailow ratq», op Fàin aandTowni pro- Perty. Bilver and Gr.-cnbricks hotîglît and solJ. Applyperaoily, to 0111cil Assigneo. Lutuel hiîtsiîce and Uete- rai Agent, Wluutb)Y. <)FICE-Mii lluîîs ocic, Brook< St. W lutby, Sept. 25,itF678 DONELLYPS -A -rA'Eft!A1N CUïF on BURNS, CUTS, FEVEJI MORES, 8CALDS, AMND ALL EURYI'. * Ë1 VtA TIE FOLLtdevNG: I lierelly cortify that uuîy inn liai a tOe rfi. @oe leg, So much ito tlitt thte fliratelli off, mid laid the belle quit. haro. I cuinnced uiuug Doielya 't.%ter; i7n'si!n àa short timue i t cilred hmcmloeley. 1i tru.ugty reconuneîd it t'u ai t.fc iug he cruptioti ci lte akiuî, a, i have acen provcd lit gît castes. FRAecu 5OWENS, Ex MAt-oX. iThl 1l4 tececriti 81.4 1. 1<t ev Iupiet a b o f ~oh ,lisse, tor on Y/ms *gw1leh took ttiicaleu off, icavlng thte bon.' al;m"t tiare. i sntsred te iunovt ercrtititing rlusg for threc weeke. I thon applied loienully's Plastir, it et ouîea'ured me ilue vcr' hbntti 'e. cArTAIN A'LK!N8. Sold by J AI;ES Il.- G ERIZ, eand JA liF84 BYI<NY, Druegixtoq, Wlittbiy -W.T. ATKIN SON, aud Atà J BN u 0h .tiuwa, tande 'ey ail JrugitA a l the connty. Joue thoî, 1967.. l2nies-22 prof. J.n Post H A"; the.luonor ef alnuincitug t lu;is ti- -UL cal frindi, luti ll Ot iee lapre- r4dte r-ccivo pupip for aî,tructîou onit'. ânaving lid ot eers oxpceoie, hé faea coldutofllu aloto 1,romot à ani p id fICI" ,vsuccnieîit et puîpils, wiîe may lic plisce under big tctiîoî. Instrutction given lunîluorouch Duos, Bar- niony, Countc'r.-poiut, a e, Thory of Muai- cidý,conp.dýAiionaetetiho l be1lver.to thoe ultlt-ation ofttleieiO. th ;'fiuutrelo .tf b"0s0,-40 Whltby, Septemabor 20,187.as Q0eto.- ,Ayers. FiRST-PR&iZE HORSE-Si{OEII 21-ly ;:Ml i rLV R 1-,i U £itrse a~ Euug ' n mo.stridli, QAeaa.ý ONTARIO FARXIERS' INSUR.ANCE COMP'IY- TISC Pn i»ne ut7orailtzee.l. tne Bîil.luîj'r. u.uî tuur ouîemi0, outry F.eliool Kuni- 1191(1 tîîc-rcley efrîpont a lloilu i lrurance Vîuiuîuuy. lave rw n tmîppnrtu uuity of dolute ut, b>Iujplyiuig iller lit tIied vin te, r <li a.switI ' e. fits' sturatie Companiy iCaada. L.. FAIRBANKS, Ja., $rcuiurrTA-e. Il RAT>' OFFICE-TIie OId ltegiâiry Cille Buîiîiig lruuk refWiluitby. JOHN CARTER. LICENSED AUCTIONE ER-. O'TARLO, ',YORK!& PFEL. 61#11~iENC -L0 bmîhcon., SALES attctideil onithte siortesi notice, endl oui reasoniahie teris. Teins Cati bc nidule.d 'THM'E LANCASTHIE VIRLE AND> LIVE INSULIANCE COWINY.' MzÂo Offles, voit <)aTÂax--N. .cCerner ef King auci Chuircli Struets, Toronto. S. 1)ecae-tea &Ce., ChIet Agente f or -o- TIEundersolgt)i h0%iasgrett le-Soure lI I- Tfortitu isi 1114riest(Ails i 'VIitlly, alla tIi.. Cotinty cf iturio. tlitn.lue lues bpen eypointed Agent for thi.eliove ilrst. claige Engiilu1 Cer- pîîny, al sutu iue ln preparcu.lto reccive ejipl.- cttioir. for rixkit, and oltain pretnounîts on the mutet rc-a',ouio wtennît 3011K AGMEW, Ae»v rois Wtuva3, & Vîoirnv. Whlthy, Doc. 4, 1807. Omo"$8 ASSRANCE ! o3IriCANy Capital1, $400,000». litzune îold' havlng been appoltiteel Jieeîttf(ur lte aboeoComtnayis'n3w propne d to htu~rrepetreainstiL48aBT ljtEonil e osavoraub e teani. Appiy te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12moa ' Agent. Wlitby. New Baker e- n[tIiB ndéioliîued respoetfiilly inforn the Lpublic thtut ho le cotiaiîtly prcpaWsd-te 111stitprôtupitudo al ordure lu thme BIkeri' aud Ceufcctioutary lis. Fruit, Spomuge, snd aIl eth$rFIu4 ICSske, TartiSsid eeultset tr , Srdne, Cde Ntti, G Snger Beer, u&o. L McDOUGAL5 STOVE, -COM-PETITO Âîau unfair, Unbusiness like competition bas bee' agalinut ne, undcir a fliriiày prctexti by mien wvio, dabbiing a uit aud JJardwa-e -ecnto have made aümddlce of both, I think hI -the, Ëublle 'tould' be guaîded against uuCh 6"c-ILp.trlp" bxuncombe ,meD.ts.. qfferung, order te atiîntlate, a DROO'aePiNG TRA DE, àa custêiIrom a mnire succeuftil uival, unpepuiar 'stoves nt cost. rT atirct.iug trade, 1 have never hkad te rosort to.; but by keeplngoetn - - beut make cf St.eves--ýtoé e *lcbrated .m1 l'ite - -' -'r'- ru.' s Ârmstrong ,INo , ~~poaly-and,ýselling them at. as smq;lprofits ui#§ is consistent' ilîgud buoineBs principles, I bave led t bc o~"'~~ i Jepin, auJf by th éam ïirmea'ns, hpe' todo so inthle future. N1y STOCK 0F STOVES wn v er lar o mre complete than lit le tbia faliit,)îd amx de- t'rmincd t6o 1ti th6mat,ii IôW prucft m8 .ny Jondurable dàsaIng tdcr in the: country. Wihitbyt oct. 29, 1867..,43 HOME DEPOT, LONDON & 'LIVERPOOL. No. 23,Hospital St ontreal. Pure and GENUINE TrEAS, of splendid natural flavor, iînpnr-tod direct tron the C.nipany's Plantations in ASSAM, anîd on the s!opu)e fthtei.UIMALAYAS, blundedwlth thec fiî,cst pioduets et CIIINA. Ouly T'wo QuaUl ,tis. viz. --70c. or-$I per lb, citii'r Tldrek, Green or Mixed. i"inest procujIbie........................ ....I1 dollar per lb. earSoid lu Pauketsati aîdOnistera by the Company's Agents, ini every City and Town le. Canadat. L A DE MR. MARK MA RK. ROI3INSON, Draggimt. ESTÂBL1SHEB 1833. TILL &, BROTHE Rý (SUÃ"CESSO1?S W WMilr. , .rLL) Cabinet makers & ITphoistétrers, anid.del-' crs iin ail kin3s of Cabinet Furnitue. fln-verow on band, the Iargest and most -Seéèt Stock to be lound lu the Countryi wlutch they aiareii t pric 9suit the .tiicss'being- determined not -to bu. undersoldby aiy bouse in the trade. (Jail a nd exainfe before - rhasing- elsewhere. A choice îe-' le to f GitMouidingï, -Ameiamak. -- - 3 &4 BRMOK' M2ET,* WHITET; £'0EOPAL NO'TICE1" - andMowers ÇCombned. The subÏèribers iuld call the atten~tion of the AgriçnJîural cýïp- _nupý,Wejr Stock et Iniplemezîts, where miIl be ocund aluost évqry4,-th Lu Ïi j- er as-,uii -atuir( and su ecialv ut. t4 in stett;ht» uu 8ièirt Stor A.W ELL SELECTED STOCE FRESU TEAl9, - ~'A» cb.aiî as aiiyhous.e In- Canada. ,3 .May ol14 7. 21 MONEX T'O LOAN. 'ONEY t1" irioi good Patn's, nt ciglat perdectint rcnk _ENLST * LYM A.% NLIU - Iarristur, Usbawn 0elsawa, lNov. 28, 1868). 47 IIOTEL &PIREMISES FOR 'SALE. .T IIAT old cstabliubed andJ 'troU known lBe. WETRAL HOUSE, EFf 01, Sluddroiôut> utabllug. sai drivýinglivL1 w pt:V i t lio 2oor tw o au rcaoC land eftaeh- as îueiny bc .IesIirei1, a.l ta fin"0young bear. isig üreirnrd. Thetre are two wels WUi gocd :U The wi.cle R-111 bc k*ol.1 nt a bargan, foir tt aî1activ.f hî M,'ii. -Will 1 be eeia iîged t1rr ipro perty. For'teruis, &tc., apply-(ih'Ly lsar, pre-Pal.l) toi Otbr21th' 38"7. 4 Dr. rWpo d,_ 8ei~aks Street & Maria Street,, Ottawa CANCER. Infirmary. OT T AW A 0O W 4.1N CERS CUIIEl Dya new. but j:ni- Speedy, -' ~uditerl' Ptatsprocesu, * 'aad wititontitule u01the W cWpltc.Miemonient', cancer s drecol- -urcd, ft Pshould bit eti reel, ri* it wiil cost leit auï inla hure peedili' cured titiu whcn 4 long$- or ottanditng,.atud there in nothflng to gain, sua serything.to loem by deimy. lWliatrnow eceat a liantîless lump fil the breaut, iieck, e're-lid or lewhere, or mmin lwaTrt.'or more on the lup, May, i lu aIeashort iofibcnea lideoam, - di111ting, de.ttroýýiig nias etdisepe. If ne- quirel, retbréiièe - cti hjo giveat to partie. vhe haoeo been cured ninny -years ince, and Who are siow msottelasd lieality. Ail commniezlc- tions Proin ply t#vcre4. Momoney rLquired fl adevauge, ali it-Le unitîl- the ecure In coin- Joh r elths FOES ýto avionnce te hi% ftiond. miielTOI B> trolte, tiatbe li back agzain te li* ooU etaiic Wlehe 'lie hIb. fomid vsvra>.s in roedl 0055jj to treut Ilorpem nsud cotai.;acacTlîng ta thie lnPk-opprofed reterinary priucipl"as, lieretotore. - huai knaît scio'ntif. :r- AU kînalsof wourk. CautIthe0 Wiîiy, Itlnë 3Su -IMIP0F water opoý!or 7inthe1 o'ima rare-cbiýne situgle fact'ry,TÀ enx 1,11Woodeu uith'm andl gKen"l MHN KEI. îpr-04 Toron lto tCl t*ftr pibie-r&a-B timz-Next dc C4uipbel, Brockle$ - WihNov. 1h Oshas, C. W. w."H SOLIC J.Chumubena, Whi*tby, Ian.28, o>e, ibro i .W A TTOINEYÂ'! £LCbancery, & Dunda, Stit. lte L'st office. cLCIIRAN] B < sousntad -N * 'aais zAi.az- ýPj'earpasr-en K I. Coaeiu.n, LI Ctiunty Cres-n Atr' Fert Penny, aitth' 'C. J Onlce, Whutby. -W, H 07 44, Churck * sE. FANSE R. xci Attonuoy-& Law, il * ve-yancer, &-c.. 01 * *the L'oe Office, 1 'lARIISTER AT ADceay, Ct.enu R. J'. 4 URIJGEON TO Byrntret,ii Dl W. FI BU4 -Omer Boras. o'icp. ma. WIl Pmtomted April r' -- - ----------------------------------------- MANUFÂOTU. ue -d.Jviug ormes sud vo- to sttIly ail uaauner, sud a pnoutptly lu: 7- Agent for Oshawa, ý 1 . - - DUNDA9 9TILBET.

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