Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1868, p. 1

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flýémemb'cr'the place,. coiner 0f Byron & Duda& WBITBY ,NOV. 27, 1861. il ettac85g5 rar tai CmugphýI, Brook dt,, WhiittlY whit y,.Nov. Il, 1967. W. 19, DILLII C amrsLLOtt1, 0 7j[tl1MIy i . boWg 'v dalStee. tJI TbriI I. JAM0I ULE (;Outty crwl Ntlrll W, HasBle. sTitre tii. p CtUffiota e-I ]LYMIIANE k COCisa B Al 1TU cera n môIitA1*i ab) cé'yaîonvu.a-oVuVUJ&C- foilLoouute- jL. iwl., i o ýU R.EN I f Do . oLBIE- PeO (ig IrPPVà , 10as 90k, C caUlet D. E. l'À)rW 't. ibi. yauei, ý ' . Du.oi%£*ic A f 1 T 1 ostlb, < TUMA ENlISJ B . ). Bo Gnne1 ALF ITII Z V6 .B lWlalI.by. luir .W EIIE ceyM h ecanp. MOler.Q.qnr*,e4au W Idsby. W, nd ol 'oouganîîy on R mINig.u ro ILSON 4.£r', IN""la LAC.W. 'ntaîR ,TI*ê. Çui.,,R E.ept cousu LII> bei Wl F us.L'IMA Ispln,1 u studWéeg to inthntate'uriùtention 'of rt n rmbusinee-about IW~11erdîe Ir'~ahbiflt~nîs-.thé firïâelMfrch 168 ad In consequence, have colnnlcnced t'ô,ofl'rerthe 101 scrrit RÃ"uEcutiiwic . wbolé 6f Our iMm'ensoe Stock of lie W ,ORDO%, roklin Drug Store. ery,. &a. 46'cl ' Winoand Llqnoi iof the be. quality ReagyuIyacIeë IILII0 tuL','e A.lrooklil, 0. W., 155' Cho eres KLGB, BOYlÇTOr4f$ IJOTEL, o r W s )aer Smiluto hie ' B,140Nbgstosfoii hen At a smail adivanco con cost, in order to reduce our Stock, by iamrrcnnidlmîg ()Inztlof,that lie 1.11 op:î'ed iii., above date as, mneh as possible,- when the balancé 'wiI l'bc offered in ii ati, llotol on W lllim StWiet ltu ntl ~ipi.a by wiUu the good tvilobifil e ies, together witlî a le p t ouir new and eligible 1I.LERettsd san liu ia*its l iedl lti,etsl ur.9ala ELLE eI foi fietstle, vt-ir. oAwI il fIal ev:ry cmouépt'Otflses, te .1seivent pomraser, on very lberal ternis., Our Stock sa al Dew r,' il ~,,Jauuîînin.,. ;tna, Lliluoràl ad et aofthe îund bas boen bouglut o tie beet teriniswhich enables us teoffer goods froua 6 nuttv.oUî.wy l .in 0te 15 per cent citeaper titan nny otber flouse tuît own. Our ebjeut bcung, to fdMLL. site,.rdc:e our stock, ratiier thian spek for profits. 1Untarie, Notary . VICTORIA IouoE, . -400-pvs. me»" pnntas, fraya $0. -to te, eln -- - JOUX g SltRiliLL.. ..... .. rulrlotor. 50l, worth $3, ta' *8,0. 100» Pc. Gî'a'Cottons;, tho best value 130LICITBE 200 Boy3e as Peut Jackets, $5 iu the 'oitnuy le 'ono L' MondIfredhis t ho i% now curryliag on thre to $10, worth $6,50 te' $12,50. Steam Looius, Prints, Shirtiugs, lia ~ic1eîrlsiulock, I uni lint lait hliN'îîte noîlO but ithe50'Oveî'coatq, ton $4 te $12, wortiî sud Tiokings. -ock 4tro't-. * 48 best of wliocta liquor, el gr, and refraala ss î$î ________ ents, A *011iaut1pllid ltabie. GoeJsîallii $,5 t .$5,Gents, lliais #Ad Caps. very lateît ma] nd ilueod yerd. 300 Vestr, froua $1,50 ta' $3, wortlt tylés. SULICTOR ith 00.14.18113 OItSU<IIL e4.Drs Goods, lin Vineyo, Delainem, WFlhy9Ieavy Whlitney Blatlketia, from 64 to Tiibets, Cobonrgo, Merne,, g deor. West of PIf~ES B iX L 5.ýwertf $5 ta' $6,75. Lustr'es, Gala Plaids, ail wooi iôPR N LF RO EL.Ieavy Whlney Ovcu'coatings, on do. Fu'eneh Repps, &0.- JIR1ANLL (LATE WUolîl$,) $1 ta' $2,50, Wortih $1,50 te $3,50.f 100 Shawls, froin $2 te $1. iVx', tioNVEY KJIN'G STREENT, OSIL4 .J21 ear-dLfaîliSi il edCoatings, freitiN 1ubas Seauqi, and Ileeo. Opoie ct 'w &I091RNGE $1,40 to $*3, worth $1,75 te $4.. Breakfast Shawls and Sontags. 85 l'EOaiRiETown ludderEfitelil miake, frorn $1,40 te $3, Il aie ,tSIPlendid apseoitîuit. Inw's Ihleek ~~~~~wortlu $1,75 te $4. Rbaa evtTlmne e M.0ouL 10 R CKZ ER'ISIiO El Cautadian, Elîglish & Scotch Tweeds, Black. Sil>is a dec-ided bargaln. (I &E ILTT9very cheap. - )ains rtainà. Lc adMiislin. bs. l(&T 'Arr, Englisit Dekiiis and Clothu, ver>' Table Liutuen, whiute ani bréwn Irish' NEL6Q<N.,8T. TORONTO,, fine. - Linneus. hnnitr, ~ I'4*.'VWL Qi KING ST. Englilit aud Meseow Ileavers. 811k Linneat Handkerchiefs. DASETT& KEBL, ParauTous.Mntitle Cieths, &c. Cuifs ane Collars, flooji Skirts, Tics, te fua Regîstry- Englislu and Can.,dian rilannels, al IBults and l3uckles, &o., &ce. q'H E ropriors respectutilty nnornees lo--o-- A-the r Ir etid.î, at u dîxtaiaie, ns wall as, noarniN T home, ltâ tyli> avo tbîken the, aboya'prenurs-es, I1~ U I >1 1 P A ~ 1 'T Toronto. JOoeoguesiiad thttmvelîaigpu.bll ic.te> willl li'ouid lut coumstaît penaaoiîaal ateus, ad LIL* D., * ili ;cauve notiting unidî,îao on tilirl paitito gri'e Juat receivcd 100 boxes new Layer Raisins, iu boxes, & î boxes. ~iv, A.. satiufacion te ait wilo iais' <avoy Ilti uiwitla A. oxes'ncw Lqyers, $2.751 Sàit water Salmien. 12&cts. .Uuiuicry Ca. JROI)IE'S1HOa'EL. boxes do. 1,50 Ne. 1, i'eUnd I-leniatgs, oaî!y $3 a bbl. 40 > >te, -42 ~ 122L boxes do. 1 5e Pure French lBranidies. .W. 40,z AÀBOEI New Valentiat aisins, 10o te 121cts. Americran Rum. L L1k, OPIOS1E TE 1OSTOFFCE, New Curraunts and Figs. loiand Gi'n. Iloitor lu Vigan- InG . BW AIILE uTonis, we, offer the best value ini S Ports and Sherry. &c, OfIECet Pala.bss.TII0IK.-BýRONE, the towu, frem G6041 te $1,10. Whisky. 40Po uao. ueCefiices, freshgî'ound. tit aji isky.> n. D. ctobi t s, 1640. 8;Rice, Tobaccos. 'Old flyc Whisky. )UNTY -GAOL, Stîgart; of al kinais. - Aidweii'os aIe in 10, 12, 15 alla 30 gai, i S T A. GE H O U s E Sa rmon Trout, (Laike Huron,> j bbis. Ion packages, nt Bncwery priées. -- - NASILA. 3M0*- Bguit rAie anud Porter, &c. bo De ISAAC 1FENTON,"~1'fOOrl(P'rfA.T .ut,,u BOoS T Wlnessnd Iîîiýgo , 4n orloraacoom I 1 'M L A O * K aflnelvîaosîar. ors;OO I ngsi WHITBY, NON. 27, 1867. 4 5c. -L BI1O0N H0T ID L. Et, <1er nrgsry.>JAMJIS BLACK, EM NGBO.0 S T lE T M Te (ur riurier1.) r8 T ltE , By'ron t îreet. 0O USSO .éWQH N &K18#11E3T, YNRLAEZT og Fg rs 'Pqrd £ d WRITBY REVERE HOU$E irs91eîq'tlok. ,.~kÀJBK:iI: Propmitor. - -:&or Ma.gesto aid (tenu Whllhprccul ldali>'. Emy r.K ï'ï * ~ ~ u.sçu ut pa S ho aeslev y ue ta l, s o l u f o r '~ A , i [ u , a C> CUR: ' * H A T O WHO0LESÂLE PMU(CS, - 4f l O ;Wr rY.H UBST'H R$ No. 1~ on the Corner. AT PRICESIr TEAO on. aIn osloris. liu boxes te. F~ille Out 'fi boxas. White Wille. SIJGAR& Dry Cr;ished, E~xtra CUrc;td. 1Yallow relmaed, N.G 3,8 Cla a.. ure Mnntaard in Bottlatu. GrunuuJ Spicen. CA>NDLEBâ -- COFFEE. Moche. 'Javai Extra L4oldon. lilde. Petr, luea Apple, Rnaspbo.rry, FRZUIT. Sultans e scedleas40 icuriuti. Oralnge Peel. Ctrgu Ia Bràysu Windor.' TAxti.'Tilcoaý. ST.AUCIlI ;Pare hite, 1'ropÀtred Cornu $*a"p for food. TIn&umNoru, e s, aA4. wWlrptoor JP=4. l Tin. ['HAT DEFY COMPETITIO, xixeS Pickles. Oulons. Ilarve'anc Jolhn BIlla routo Essemîice et Auieliovies. hi>rgntaAitelanvien. biarabronm niCunp. Woretrloire -sauce. - SIALTO Trable soit 'in drain. 200 Birrela 8 s. DRY8rAJTEIEES A IV Sulpliur. ýBaaking Powder. Eptnnt Salte. Sniltpetta. OlunComnpliro. - Blne 'Vitrui. Bliw.k leisI. Button Btise. - - Pli. Bluie.- stmr Lebsterg. S9airiicea l in 34 sd irbole M:Oiturol. Vernificelli. CaanuedPoachjes.- Apricots. AnS the rilenbr.S' Sago. Liqorice. 'Sugair Cind>'. (cjan#r>' Sieol luit$oS. Bauh lBricks. Cork$,' IndraIno. - lovps, CWbeler>. :B. -er, . o.0, Cord-lroomn, ssire (W,. a,-dii4 6 68 ' lle daie, -dor Ciothes Pi34s'. ,Sckolï BRANDIES-. MatInlr oe vine dsftotsh 'the 'au 1)* sn. settIe j 2UM- Atdaw SOuTe» WiII<KY... terrW oli 1lin)Oy';lsJay- ofpiit, rwee Mýliîsal g ût,-' : (; f but PORiT WIIJfS. >1 es~nx~ ' .done the, Gaa,'u4 Orap. ' The natl SREIII Wîr~s. 'd'ioo.'bü Dosîmitst'intd Crowu . fa, te uee -ALES- A ot. 'IhuVw z SoÀ ootck. Ofourç B'aUiS lId. Pleàe.' ths Imod,%,Prtr,- , of the tow Qa;tiutn..s Porter. -tval 1wit Loudont poit te. more eas W11JSICL3.~- - 5yrbelfi XWC. . mauve, unità gïlo'ntunf civtu tiumei. ;1 ýIIi v ,Tbis p#uIey'rbsgoysr,' we louenu~apduasrdts wel' u'se i~5 ,* "Ail arrangement dub 1p ç ki pA1rqngtoaAoh tnew lýico 'bstI thon *0 euldoftu)issOur p dne; ý në'a,1 a tofia f, an ou t, Vroyine !bji ofTr>onewnor icua1n, anSgia& midsl 'whereo f wîplintéal thïblàcko king tlia$ WO sýe ç'cte c .,d Ji'son:î oq~recaptajùabd sm.sneý fïwB55civW1 ether& were faPoiMtqd,hsa giard bry?' oOmPiny wbo:lbhl them i 'our arined Ihciif6 iHdinto. wýjhsandulpg he,,, foure psttiîé%,-Iiôi'der o: Cnre, in hesuppfied witliu a _ best unnnr4bhey 'ýcOqltL.: I dj et fiuishbed ..otircamp, uheut the offieer wbo,,ea e;okep u bid beefi ifh>Uusb'lre;aadtiree"other -now sturprlzecI y men, brotight -tuaabullo Ile 5.brûugbt wO aosibied env pi 'likewlsq isomerousted, 4 mtt ri s ýÎs 4" Abliged 4oItEave- tl and~t ra of Wire or the klm' ir e IYÇsaw 1384i1rý 1ùiw oiï6alp bsenr8;hads-tha ar ff bis-Wood< they stight fj fee htàIc.ý-ba>te h , b ien i sorne sinl maâter, and-" gave the 'remnain'. ,asbody.,aiid lait der t lCaptuiu ,Younge.t blond. >Beipg ejî Whdïiirtwe wanemployed iu k' ' g heinhuitauty - and hî 4, tdi;ai~to r wen woeut, soon ~ ~ in 'b'nlhu àifcet e pursciec 'itu ïVeisue But au thisîLime Wb-andS" cltwed to-aubister conplained thereof tethea king, ,-vho as. Iif wti it tibeu mu'r74ed usthere -iras uuet~>egu ie' Tho ah. eneg'r, amaisl 'Us' ft t '0's iit'ifm lunîb oni' sund thiniCing-théir ~'astsIen- ialveqpndirbeo tu bSam tsud th6. c] laft the wopunded ,mainxwhicIi seulS mot the>' 1fid à éèheîl 55 e~sfh'n aént mii~I~aal. TII&,wouldWléf0r the, s wewr % î'bfs, tbat g» 8 ;5Ty '*u th* O~t,,, dù , fwaste mreshould keap marcb lèacdb'tii. itig'ue o 'Our longinarélt possible ail uigb't. and the beat.rof -lb. cpn'utrv. 'low<ver; 1 of thls-proposai, -r the;p wâs9 heiaip1nvtu *dp-îete $j seep, but te bc thoéufj reihedYî Wbluntbe kingnd biswtcwrda son baud supped-we boindtbleir baudsb -riaen, osd fore tutu,, fflitbsp»tlàh1 sTspiÏs -asniç the dayliefore 1 -lt ~, ~ovsnl; ~t fgo ~ 7 f4~,,cUt fuliy, t e maithing our buflock. and divided àItamen 't - oafeidx little satsfaction s d4rk WiQugh- irben, sed-iaS ' a awgoodas spper au :~mld-oe gur41liSwj$cuwgftib" *tàld admitalequity'f Pose,.urselyes, The three tapt tis b,, 64a pp,#ow. svèr, lugýree i - !*Mà ictt aefiàîa smad flot sIiywis. nuist divided .uotàe*m A~nt>rtIuvss'-rartim for val. thot piurpose. ,Th ý,,ç n«çoLaaed lis ,' W* walked-,'f à *fif o tîp.sdcomtietîisdj1ru Iy tim». r Céjk*l1 hà,- beiug.taken soilt bdloveildaughter to her-care. '-'8h. . . l, uiono of us I ah bis request, but shed tears.wlue 1 npart - 'CatI'>' hii,"wa rin iug, si;. did 1ali1 théinug sud hi-sn n es , perfeaui. Bûcah -tf uAïs irere'utdt-an' the vae lay4tr 0h lins 10 ra of.d id day ~3pdft~ utl#'pal R.i~ I 4,7 1 Cst re t ,, 0 < UonOtarlr,, OODYI VICTORIA XgIO'zL., 11îbeth tâtbL your four orive dollaré c thél rery vit Sof

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