Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1868, p. 4

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U9tgNfaW III&W i '04tIPy. V, 0 4. gte1,1 loual enmd blstglbg4.e * 'IO A le tgk'bs s1de-ttise ffiassè<Johti srgeossDui1o.yM4I a w. WITOUT -?AI,«M »Y railt vlorU OU Tilt 1EW DENTAL BOOUb, DUNDÀS STRIEET9 WHITB, C.wo, EQOMS.Over. 1.Cocralé'. mors. Wlsltty, Jaue 26, 18. 2 TU.E LÂNOASIIRE INSURANCE COWIN Y. 1leAsi OmrnsFOR Ouiâxso-TI'. W. Corner ot King sud cisurois Streets*, Toronto. " 8. C. Dvwe.'w-Ciàtx & Co., Chiot Agento for, Ontario. Agen t fer tise sbove' irtelue EagissCons-. pcssy, wsusdistiàsaI i irord to reeevê sêîs>l- mîltus for riskw, und obtlst proinuis sctiseh JOUX AGNEW9, AMENT rom Wnsr 6& Vsesrrr. Wislthy, Doc. 4, 1867,. Omo,-48 Qhaneery Sale 0F REAL ESTAT1EOý- X um ne. of the Demeand àsialaiorer ofte(,uto! Cissory, muide 'lu cnuit Gatûes ve. NE WHALL And i tS te a pprsuistisîss t(IO . Il. PART. X<55,1., £siQ., useer or thue -ui Cousrt et Wlitisy, isere wili bus offYrd iral e, t 'b lic Au4lUI:, i. LI.VI I'AIIiJAI4i Je., Satuirdy, 1l8th Jan.,tAX D.,. ý1868, AT TIuE IOUit 0V 12, NOON, AT CUTI-IBiI"-SItWT EL,9 119 THE ViLL'sGE OP DUFFINS' CREEK, Ia tise CI>UITY 0F ONTARIO, -tise sehîc. ,itg vulaacse asi Ectste. lelssg part eft ti ]lorti'easet part of lut No. 10. lu tise lit cors- ceeslon et tise Teîsseip <of IPickerinsg, olttsia- iug b7 y tassrtisust,-ouree, tmsraer lue.n, aud deseetIbes inuse oilcese:é; iaosesn t tisa ésaut baiik fci >sl ih,. jlreck, ancugti nstg ta aus eanteriy diru,ointiruiee hlu., ss'til it touce»otiihede hisisete-ecuslatits .. lsed 10, licseiosng semiliii i a mstssleri.' direc- tinsiclruset, uuusi t reolsiW Duhittet Creck, aI o it s utueecst aad emstte t o isplcoe cf Upeatiseproprtylss elînalel %a tssnery esi large deeliueuee, dîvidesi listute l-et4an.- monde ustu u ltblesîiillsoslitildlago ataimes. Tise etream kieiitcm utllise'l Cree, border- la# 01 soit te iccmibie rosis:tise prepurty, rakl- "je s tpouitsriy sdeîsil or <or isia ulncso, tuisg pîirpce.> tees par cens t niàà pariseee nîolsey,, iusse the b#lissee i &ue eprsîîua ,of ôane msontile trous $bust day o$ecle, IstOllte Seule( et QOInaeo, ut Torosutot ise erWot ftisi s mei, vise» lit * -i bu entitiesiW t e utsveyesse, and ta ho lot halo peecmeous. lis -'tis3r ruispeottotsh141- lieseto mai@ pro tise »eludusg .eu4l.on» of 1h,. Couirt utfCsiesry. Fartiser prtiulairs asybho eeraed of, KMoere X, J. Wlson C. A ,Jeaee sdIl. J. Idooell5, Zessor" lr5letltisWhisliy;- 't01 tieuctloti- @et;, r 0f %the sttsliused Musele'di tlesedmui Court, setWbitiiy. ý New. .13Aà k LI rj b,- ,-Cb-ýIl - . W. IWI; COAL CiL,, lhe énpeet in JOHN CARTER' LIOEXSED AtICTIONER. ONÂ0 ,YRK 'k pFEk-, -- tir'umiteS OEc-aonv.lile.' SALU attesslld41onth. gJîieot oi e.lej o dlabeterme, Ternie eïau bi msae ra. liwérinted At lhftCh rouwtAd*rO*se or1_ JOl I CJc3 LLN JcO UXtat, and nX en rL gfit AND NOTARY PUBLIC. ~5Oflfice 1 Peter îtvsot, osse door north 0f Mir. tissveu'e Drssg 'vrc. Wld %fia Iasprove I!armesWe ln -tihe eoSntiee N, B. Coiieelioue ettended, 1e aud prompt IlIn. P. ýlitehcrmou, MI .,L.C lino, 1 Siiiitmon, M. L. 0., iloe. <leorp ëldlaWfisrd, 31. L. C., Ml. 0. Cnmerun. Eeq.,(J. C., M.. 1'. 1>", Asgs. Mrricea Ec*qM 1> i. Dusourd. S5941,4 M.r.. P., >r 1. IeC nyq .1Y"P P., Johli rn l'arry, Emq., WIsily torse Basrrie Examiner, C4maueslm Vos, Lissdïiiy, uund Wlitby 7 xeî. J Ea4tesTlseete geotelo lme .rogulzd bapitssece asbool lns exictéssee. la doaeequuee of tihe, doutat of Mr.Il. 1D. go:rattoutMise Bryaut sud luterait bbis ieu dieîpo0(lu nttyity£1lite of Dr J. . BBYANrT wJïo wilU 4eiroto k1% wlscle tisâëan fissttsree th1i Traissgoin o uugsgme 8io w srJh lechila tllsorosu l'kswwlê'e #l o Il tiseé hrssuscles, àp th aetsslstt Bsssslec iidssatioa. J'PN TICI,, COMMISS«UýUiON JA'MXIMfAN-ul NF$ Vo 1UlRESi'UNDiKC, CMEW LA W, FINANCYasd 41'ULITICOAL £0014- (>MY, sr ssgî s bs" Ani Islily i latrs.t* vty Vutorwip tise Coi- loiça liois.u, iy a <tssieorpe el aspri.eed and thoreouglsly onîpbetsl *Ie:u.<r. VsplI oa eiter ut Lly tbuse. The re 'nof0voci- tion*. For terme and otièr ilossfes dr B.,~,N. Y. April 30, 1867. 9sse1 MUTUAL INSURANCE CO3MP'Yo rr~Ille Compsay le now faiiy ergenlztd. ad L là pieî)sred 10 aeIst r1lksi on Versa Biidisrr, and their deutessts,, Constry 8csili Iîetsssee, etsd Cisureises. Tisese Wiogldisg te isn- mure, sssnd thereby supposi tosu1cne irnsnce Cesisisp sve row ass opportualty o<doitig go, by appiylag eitiser et tlte -iepd cIice, or to syof tis le ess ageuns$. Ourrsstes wil hbé fcintd ste li ce tilsoup of iy resslosssibIe Mituaul lu- curasse . Cemepcyintalesa e. ...1 111 . FAIBBIANE, J14.,, IIEI'D OFFICZ?-Tbo,014 Ji<gltry Office Baililng. rc Streeut, Whtby. Fire insuranceCo ESTA~LSHED-1808. 1,4500 Strig T WUKMCESegenet l b.. 1evYrë,ecfteeted L u t: lsesic %ottmble terma. Ait lupsec Or 0NEXW"-AVON, c 0 4 ?,g mis o '-"bibeed boub swî twdiià&-rilir ls, aJour Mier Doi er -for, S~ Appiy et Ihe Wlit4 Yoaisciry, çjr INSOLENTAC9tOq1 et tise Issoleoias, aululer thse provîslogse0 0 oib;&«5t'!I ý'bmD bffepr sale AtsMy FRO.NT 8$T~t RNl -Frdbyi 28th 0f Febrffl , g 1 AT TiI HOUR ou 1 1eCLOcI, KN ~1 t 0 Î1814t, titi. ind lateret. et tlise, l'lme uoiîento, itsd et tiseir cotsut veetcd lanisow, et. in, te, or eut etfsAli ad, $sier, tisa...certauin psrceie or raeot.ns asd pretrisece, sitsste, iyisg sud being Il TOWNSHIP Ori IN TILE al mre, bc thes arne more or ices' boits posecduta part of Lot Mintiher tl:sr-Oca,1 esgistis eutiseeeeil of esid 'Lo i s~ r1 by, ba asyle kequ- by tige toife eci tio. o it = Igtit4neig on ils, eroi soudssry ofoild ilt isstartistirta Jigtaceo f ix coitela.aguj eIfylsm rsi turtlv.esit ttle tisereof; Ibeisceeotqtm ty-'fotit sigre.., est te-o elsslsé,ais chiela;tiscn641) sioftiteety-toaî degreco te-e eiuslos sîssd ifty likÀis; tisessea dr teeta dogrece WAAîL one coslu, ut(os c llets$ other parel orjtet grl pros~e~,ltt~ ylag ilMdbclalit be sihîpof W itiyaoîeeld, eeiiMIi sness.oreel'îlue qasrtr of emu ecro, b et lot îsuasi esILtirteen, ioa thse'Alglsthj<r kùoe-n bisthe foIiow u#tdeer~t Coasasptsýona ethtie, estersi 6ousissi muid lot thsrtcet, A&t te dlcttea of fiyS flaOt llfsuIkew, fronitihe noîth.essc tiee?;4seaeoco oti fée et,.ndei elstw isie i fty lîssise tisçe doit tecin dexNrzeu, teue cses0110 si5 %evetv-fo55? doigtro, Cuelot Iwoe cissustio TËP.MS AI1 CONDIT10il m 'ssde At Li~ se ieori'cie: Torenàte, lOtis Noeinher, I1667, AT iNS> Bnl so IoW6)izNL.- Prof. J. Poa iistvingig ldteon..~ e~rsao cotlldaust t yile alsie te jpromsseta s11r viiictissfst eosi Igpà§h o Maylie ne l..piutJ luie g1,s'toIiseus. vto»P tevoe isserusolen lvenisi illaash ,0ess ccl Ceiestioieus, aulu l ttier 4ttbis b. givuis te pinctial. eip th '<i >I';o eptt -sresuitltreon ai-tisoae in tory iniul CO DJom4iiJ&on , 015 Wisiy, et;u meér 25,18an67. :-clir gossdssorggo lo' e dai m e nt a vier;iil ow r fintis. t 11W'Lis s eerwu uti av ieo Î.nut one per ceus r- - r-V ery il e d . do- '. 0 7v5 O~~Lo. r'- igures PIamed (hut Ul07 100 s.~~~ ' 1t1, ôdfor cash> in' bis, atxtçw 0 - oÉý,L4-RCEi TCheetsanmd upwardu6. tt ;H ATO+L &HB ROT-H ERS "9~, - jÇMIu$m, Hliay,- "Ntd dealere eO'etu' ,, 16, . ~ ., cCYITtÀN'S. ~çte t~fa~ 'î and Bavýe your fou6qlhe iQon a Ngo. 2, IHLOK Notôc' r. Xatd se, kaes C ie do aï y - --A WELL $ELECTED STOCK --?jtl -r~er -haVe feciVed1Sot Of R loe5,née FIJ PEUXI TRAN, p -_,Three ë Ï ads o No. 1, COALj 01[j, Whklenle at SGI5 * ~-aeat lgus~s.»'Il a1 P5etspr gallon, W.str n'ted 6& nxony'ï ndd. - v.'LCE c aboie '1~'j '~j 'J/J J ~; I ~~u1 trioi ae 'I1Rsýensber îlsesé go6d1s;axd îprie'" are st 0 ADSK D, - o& B OT I H Aiss ei) as isly heuse ii laaga. ..j ï ', ;¼ -Y . _,Whitby,-D)cé, 19167.- Nt.dCep ou . Mergs,1O. re k-vnînBian a,; Jines, INSOLVENT 'ACT OF 18641 'Hea Shîrtig, &0. J DÀtDE1 IIELFTO. In tise iattes- cf IUBEIIT POILTEOUS, m-e da Imm ~ovst.S - .io; IaJàà . e&srree «atv r i'81101'inSvct I Disfe-Rrdne in ~ lud, ~" ~~ei~vutasot tPlne ( fe.ettsen ustse m at flargins in iluav i. î9, TW 0 eJTY sa, tis 4-yofSI OC RJSLBth , u s ia beC AUAT2 iCJC, TEAsLR0N I f ait Y 'Sa G il -~" ~ a ifi.~nuulslkcmeîîu ltI~btsc Alts ilt ii ~ceasiJie tts se 50- gtusît~,sssg fIsy.pseça, ~ uMt uO <i'bb Tg i ge assOeF js, si te ief 0 pst bity, 0e. 4, 1867. .- 10A 48 -Y mis ti Co st Fo! [luturissIOO _Jviîe dty osà -niat - ýnousn- slkiaissiiitin lasceseinte agitsGRgleE 1E , - TÉ VO Si. L C. t si e sl -U Ilitstrestsu - i.spcc¶aîîy-t*-n (f R O K 1Y ,!ri-0n etgthi a ilaIj i nk it riCghU~Ct t luetdi iug opet, iiis.u(se - cic hu e»tt,~V~~L . AVA y tlsc ia[orgioner lý-gtàdtaurs~nie 40Bach si m tu. turasbMy SiObc'" <"ffi' J-à[4 une n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rtgs VII utt oîti beies s»Atspsi Iisweld isCSo, 's-Jonstsepu, wî -.-p na-e, t w ww3onb v Il o w.- %il b s-déhapfelias, t.seî)g rleyishon sié iDsilu N T AD , nsore, - o s-,ý, i e ts.l t rinss t aclithinnIaulo1ric,v aU*o iin I onou Alo dehq rds5xts ilM auok.t taie kucî il. OUcoîuIsîSIN 8.à tr -- 1. ha.- J)ctds o Wl lbybutuhi otis: ayof tctebe1 bitWItbyOct 29 c8. 4, 18.67,Iia StZ Susirt po Ovrh eiNi j - -1 n iýbtiC;Ivmio fth : ontise aI0nSLadirofts'as Gentsi 41 ),i.1 hes'? 1 fd1id(oi»ildiiî'irci- ,lsits ix- the evrulavaricty thefestablshînent of he C L * St lar've $ousé1eclaféom, and the worknxanship gondthand in ail clses- >rlospita undersigned is uîîsurpasscd by any other on towîî. Thûtstock - No ST sic. - tr of anniieswill fnd it o theirînteret to C tt r e ýi e empu ny'cI'J as, oe l aoa n lI uîi oto cle.. c 1hiniIM LYA, th lae IUS .ogue' toaei cs .5 sseî AtddMse'cule evei-îl)OVS,,YOUnce A tieDNi.i- Ia imegi B P...,* >O2'ersho7* on-,the HOM f, mfrON r&uLIVERPOOL ,:~~~~~~~ , 1 , 1> CeA I und110 TtaaCACRLiray Cewnts,..e..r Mi i sfr swn-M. AK lK~i. ir sendc RMe- -t-, 1.0 fclo ý1'1'c:&jFâ-1mDra4,gk 8.s'- u UA TG'OODS in',thfe QUNTY ofIpeTAIIIO, t n ïh1y.?,JMean.m, adopting the Gas yitem, My înotto 8 - ~&Ltz PIOFITS & (jQtICKc-s 'RBURNS~ My STOCKO ' 1Axioy ÂAýp Pl- 00 it loto, snd for bae,atyï te and cbêspess can.t' i ur~ud puuî.rem Bl 1! t. e, iiy a ad IeVmLra)y, ~v IC 1-AU S u OLIOTI,N -ouiire, rCOU - MEo uJ'l cheui*Jy, h o-. stl.y usr V essucip agad1 Ccaycreva At C. tore C"e, Wlsltby. W. -- -1o JE. PAR of tire Feegt Office, - LYMKAN 1 iByroittreet, DW*i eedy,.. eudt et MVUR121JN ioentic.Alsoé, 1Lto order, ini te tati oSllsSWA, OCT. 28, 1867. '-01-5 ~- k1bâff j .1 71 - - - - 7 ý Drugg4l

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