Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1868, p. 3

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@rn* CI.maing SALE Eztrm&Tunry [&ElSle1 CAShI .PLJRCIIASERLS talgdotruilned te clasirout Our lmr large snd varlod 0"ot 1cf 1 JALIL & w*I$1!I DRY -GOODS, W. eatb. olu Etnaordl*nuy Iu- duoemeunts AMY PliRSOX DYII(G the IT B '. Ie menile»r* 0( t16 rot lî idoWits blsd. L:INSTANT, 108. XIU»TofK, Townw (Lini< MPIERS f s-.'-. 'o Ion., a to toquslual bo 1tst lier mnuiwn, on plies servanjt girl mal' ghlu, by ÃŽPPIyIn worth $8 =" ffyOctismn buylng $24 worth 9féd liyl b. glien in elîhir a it t<or huIuMflf, or a drear for bis wile, worth ANY PUROHSER BUYING $6O WORT[I luIsit orwoth $6,00, Amr PUROIIASER eIJixYIN $10 0 WOftTHt WnYJ ho gont uoof oursapl.ndld Pais- = 19) Whvs orth $Ise"0 til l9w lbth Pcb. neit, As Our5 0" buiissntiuesamly tarte ordom lgoa*s voeu, forour try large BSPRINGI 1 I _101TATxO]fso Wbl.wb u t o.0 o( hargesi wr broogbt lt. Whltbli -a Gmut en$ buma hoZ«14, lun> tii dis cin& la - P&m eSan dp*oesa Wa"* nuî "l " mk-M u1, 18052 1i à 150 AT A SMÂLL PERQENTAQE Ã"N 'OOST. Wholemate purebasei wil md itét their intet«et to caI1 and ex- mwhe ti.prl.itbeeooupcigtrptiiée sluh#i de - . ~ .5 n'on ce Go Finnan- Haddies Smfioked SaUmon Yarmouth -B1loaters English Ch e il w 4 I. o j,,: <0 'o '-4 ai ai c, 4, i. k AT LAWUWSV8 ATr LÀWLER'S AT LÂWLEWS Choioe Wineso&Brandieso, Sroked. Hams ÀT, LÂWLER'S Ev.rything w, buytng iiM ,-,tho Oroo.ry Departmenit ,WlaItb7, 1December1,16' 1 LA WL WB ",?Of *Who a4 Bar1y Wnmy, jAIi. 1É5,leu, PRÂCTLC4&L, CRRIÂGE)CKE11 biffers to, the p ublc a large amsrtmlt'"of Cutterad l eîgbs, rro1ring4sêstedClitttrs, ptn rit-Ctes oeg atrPrl e above Ctitttm wilitb. ýfountà gt1eff0r b o 1iing manu- fsatued i l b itY, in prhea*Pd inish. Caii sud examme a veiy beat Cuer-for" ilý,Psrtitlrtetli Ik ?M Pd te pitiug asud TeyaiMugCut t>' AUl work Wsrraute. Treasunrrs SaleofL ds ig 4&AÉREARS FOR TAXÉ$, IN THÉ COUNTY 0F ONTARIO-9 DIVISION COOURV'l 00C'U NTY '0OF O ]FOR T=EEr£uE '4sMaohete I'nes A*ibért '~4. Uxbridge............... " 5 (auiuto..... ....... Witb7, jjàxwy lOtb, 1~ A2 2..f 2....S.. 24 80 . 26'H ina Z. BUENI&AX, THOS. RUSSELL- - SONS' CELEBRZATE-D WAT,cHi~s. IN GREAT VÀRI.ETY*, AT' WMt, aU4ake sd h9, 1669.c &ret flYVirtue of a Warrant issaued by the Warden of the County B) of Ontario, bearing date the Thirteenth 4ay of.December, one thousand eight huadred sud sixty.sVeb, sud IWnw diflr furd, 1the, MI- lection o e aii rremssofttaxCs, due- forlov. yesrwsud ulrerg aplnthJe lands IÃŽtweiater iueutioned and desr me s ein lutbe County of Ontario, these ait thVtý4ereto give uotice, that unlHs the 0sId tate, oetherwith 2il lswfui i0hir s bésonner paid, 1 shall, on T URSDAti, the SIX1fZENTIL day of MPI, 9 ).168, ucit, at the hout of TWELVE Welock, noou, at tii, týukt HeouU lit the Town of Whitby, proceed to ellub y Publie Miction, tbe naid Isda, or Wd omach thçreo14 as may be sitignsi te dischargeobuch stiw et taxas aud ébrges se Iueurred. 109 ctGu. acuaa. TiA Dlii. ii. W. Pt. N Y- pu Z. !4tiW P, ~of W.i* 21. *, 13, t, 13 4, 1646 18457028 18112 84Go l18156 18414 123480 lAXU kilîiiWs TOAL DEXAEU1 $159 18 1841 29 10 18 14 41 10 20 2t 28 54 16 ft 2083 8 49 2 le 2S48 S$42 204 s44 866 28 Il 21 62 75 22 64 si 94 igioq 227, T0WNUIFP 0F AltA. N. X PL1 ci N. 8. ' jit, i. 1p, 7, 23, 8. 20, 9, 17, 11, la, le, tg411 2 8 4 5 1801123456 18-54 564 7 8 9 60 1 28 4 56 18OU 18o0 2s4ié 28 64 844 $208 6170> 740 09 10 4043 682 548$0 lu 68 1e80 17548 1088 1 26 il 7? fi 78 il 0l1 tt 7f TOWNSllr PoEit«. . 84Érout isô, do 105, i30, :k. PL. 164 i 28450 1852 8 7a59 60i 83 isli 8450 1861 I 24 56 14 16 40428 97 4i7 si 29 18 1BT 77 M0 sTOWNSHIP 0F 5IIG0Ç. 7,0 75, 1801 8045o 122 43 TOWNSHIP 0OP5VèTT& Pitof PtL of W. 19901I984 54 $128452 1859 Go 1 234 56 lain1234 ô MO 0128U5b $ 74 11 70 4 75 4 44 9 30 62 90 fil 78 88504 si 93 886 à45 a87Isli et 21 8 0298 994 es "4 4bg 195 287 TOWN.4nur OP THOXAHI sU.Pin 8, 1, Vmut6 7, 1, 19, 1, ~ Il.';,. Oou,. b, - -- Pt. 'j' 8. E. Pt, '1,-b, N. ~ j, 11, PsftN.~ 8,'S, j. - la.. Il 'a il .5 44 's Ott, lit, lis, li, 04o, m 1 01* 00.3 180i 2 s lo0 î4f 80018#& > k. 180 180i MO6 1800 1861 lm0 g0 01 7 POO12445 6 5141 6O17 28456 1948 28# 12845 .7141 à067 '28&4 * lo 100 1 21 23456 ,6,747 812- L oirtowwJfor 864 9294 42 tg 14f 270 7rp99 il127 7510 1979 1514~548 " 444 IDb 497 1801114444 &M8. 497 15$505'444 8bu 4È97 ~ 284564 284.6800 M.~ la à 0 n s- 45I~4, fO 41o. 4f km Ob125m 114 l 9 lui2 $30 s ol3 Ian 48 OOo a su - 8t - 1 kfADENBruEIT'PLAN. "L. 01 Bloek 1, .5 2, ~2. "a 4" Wstsa' 1it O. do- 6, 10, 11~ 5, e, E. c. J'. 1861 1881 1~s lÈS Oie 58 OS 04e 55 WATLACU rs.szs - 18i 85 mi1948 1*6 ils 104 n. 116 U.e 41,bCAn4NGa 24J~ 184419soi Great ba*rgai ns-i nDry Cood. AT HAMILTON k, cols. Faslonable Millinery- and Manties, AT nlMLýtON C'. Decided bargains in ClIoth, i ng, THM-O OS NEW FR1JTS, N EW TE.AS FAMILY GROCERIES, mWS1ýË& & RANDIES, OU' TEE VERT ZEST BZEANIS tIXPTBD- ATIRA-MILTON &CO'S. ko. i &!$; TILL'i 19LÃ"CIL htrteived 1 case McEwvens ceebratëd Finuan Haddies,'at the Old Fianu Ha.ddy ,Depot. - r SALT, PLASTER, & COAZi. - rI BALE BT TMESUESCEIBER fio Iil Fnesait 100 Toua Z3laokanthfe CoÏL 03>1.. Witèr Urn gme.îis aqns t 0 axt e tlenaut of tii -I p-Ieeedlags, Que-r y!ti-M i- Withtlà., M&sucàamufe f W, Do, iae,Éo*WM.e 0fThor" q ubr u t ofeefrsasi6TISTLe-HA'lot«eNo.. , DuNus' Orpek &*tfon, on Wodnedi, Iai. 22n4,'IdU, Fint0( thesvidwdbfs nord belosging'to ir 'mg Ssnbgerheoffini th@ tuf1lng fiâtoJ i. Jand», wbich be will seU saa- k~II~VALUATION,-ÇI. E.3w o. 1.lth. Srd eoue"iýIf eachi No. 8 et. Iblott Senaem.ion of Dat$bietou 60 serascasei No. 1, ils Ous con., Mira, 5SCrcietissr N. Z. 3e Ko. 27,111 2fi eneiioWhtr lm0 mes la Sn~fl-0'eful l azy. 21» mmi lia ..ai-4u0 are* ils &lrnigm' App1~ jt.o~sJy, r by latter, pout-paid. to NTI CE. noxt or nuit will bosÀue. Wldtby, Jliuary 4tn , S. in-t -BWkCOUKED 1INFVEILY STYL4; Lo6bsers, Sar'einous, fc,t& z.~ AT BIGELOW6 83OLD STAND, Whithy, b)ac. 17, 1867. bis VIX wA DOSE 9 ONE PJLL IN A DOSE 1 Wbat lOlelseIsda frntmpasieeld.l of'ribî ss r. Msggael.y- rpilisbave rid me ofui b5ous: ,*No more Inousdoues W mea luin ve or leu piul lakmes a i tinl. Unse edyour pIs eured nWa. iuUbox i kep as se ,nu j 'Arîoisremg flntfmesfwfJ, bolonsLbllc. Iwoors rtarjuilLs cued nme, snd 1 have ladns d ai ruftoh "tretsorsi reated me ýbrcmuë &iwusbems ilsey calied il. asdis t mud iw» iaacnrbla. ' u iIawelPlllsllava nie abesn 'Tour Pmlestanmuscl,,b& I4 sMM fur aonulk-box. una kesp cibn théib ~.iJg mgffrlsecîi iayIedicbé,ýwhîch wàd et likitha" go Ula MV4ton<Mmggiel% l5uye aurai meao(noiosai 1 nbtbrulbtd nom ot jour aularbckind ni, 'Baumd me twa boxs; vt wuornafuir a 9> foai- 'J eueleeadollror Paice-autwatyf#e cris# bas site madiairna umea i oar.11 *'Send me ire boxes o<4roer piUa.-- 'Les Me have toaboxuZ«rynù S alve I>y rZ For ait dlsemaeortsihe KidbýY4 r veeuuoor Us" FOR FEKALE DISEAfSES 1(e rvoew P tl"É,Wl Pis ,-Gli c im iidtlp lux<A ta IloieP.PIII. M il altei eC 'c. w, a I. ý ý l 'l . ý ýi , . 1 Ir. 1 ui.và» fi 1 p 1

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