Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jan 1868, p. 3

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101 oe~ Land!. Land! j.l"dbi, wichitt ii"sil utOb 's e rAIft VALUATION,41 ouf" , alid eaesli o lai,7 tse r gre 84. gio. . la thé Sut clisocsion o Rbe X N e . $ 7 , l u tu sd i o s m ul o a W I l s l y , 06 6um ,* lir.se4 ies las LazteoaOcrc» #n l00lu180111. Appi>' perse'lualiy, or t>lutler, potpaiduw J&nes!>'SUs, 18id,-ý_ nit Anessl maIng or telis litlayasi " Aut V.isitt'sy UIaieua AfrlistnIrl toel(4y il be liald ntai Gs. (1 o isie. roolais t 0 0o'. oi ,.non SAtItU)Ay, JAN4aJAh Y 15,5. <r s leit*vOssot.$i.aJoeroir th*mJsrssat ~u,8, logo. MeaEAY NOTICE*- osUt8151 liilebWt Vi e ie umerher, Aý.jt by Nifs Bookafloalieet or morn- Ieê7 o i ls1t V,brtotv i' usm, ¶aAhru4de bie, scliicrlo iimesssW e NOTIC0E marnaI hoearrasasc.i b>'lot ut YobruarJ's pflmo or ouit yl i s. 2nY41 CANADIAN BANK. ~~4veogî1oL1iEia'bereisusoified tisaI wbbu eaiarl s'Dividoai ltpaiutptid sp *bltby A«.uc-Y, r, 1868. I Str00 oli eto Bfeasu d a Pie.. h>' . .l. FERRY,- LVMNTACT 01? 1864. 1AxID LA11MENTS TIIERP-1TU. m~tr c!1UB1a-.T POUTEOU§,te ôrdt r <tisa Iesolvessl are nolîflei neog t theai oin 0$otise ujidea-isgte*d ~e~of W istby, (foY1Us t* Qlrli, Ia,27th of lany. 1868 o'lock -ls tisa afteiiomt ,f« tlise 4sb- sindtlon 0as!th@iveniset, asd er ar- <ftise oditar* et the ElIstI oal'. esmid Iesvit la hemi uzro miseai aij% muin et ee onidoan osoti, to.tlasta ua feacoby ai>oi oe- U=eeelorepresaet. suid praiduce mli , ienasta oacieas, alse bos, . ilo, luin 5 elIsi rapper- 1 a Wlsl, Ibis7th dAY e1 J*ussar>, oal Z 4ign« Lb' JuulSasry Im 110-1 O, 'zbl. To itm II MIL .- Plast Ton~ 1.ksitwo SIa. 31>18. Watoe Lim. 0*511 1AID Toit 1.P EAS, JIaRUEX k & oux. 0. DRAPER & W. a, IS. l, 1846& 1 OITC E!U à ànUUL I, vc=woItO 0 TU t; s; la îf14--- 58 s'I. i eS, 4 11, 410188 01 W-2«ý0790 Pt,(d é, 1, 0, l11 a 0 si 10 ý U,4,,, 01 is 100, là»8 (4g4 5*$» %'1 " TOWYWaUiV or 86K. -S rot ,10,1lui S446fi0% 44 os~ le te# 5,7, SO, l1 66 84- 470 140 go 5, 1060 11-843 .46 do," 20 5, 100, 1844 S#fh845 11f818021 00 l1, 100, I1170417 110 vle TOWN$IUW OUr'a MKAO $4 rfit IO, lm 1à8480568 1442 0,do 105', 0*$H118 4 "" '00, 4-f54 187 80 lit I 10,h120454 il 5Si 874 5M0I or,8,00, 1ui28436 «709 b Ob8MIS 1,7, 0U 101807 4o6 '875o 7, W, 50 402477860 50- 308 #rwNSnU FoUm' sCI7000 1 . rt. ie 10, -lis, 156128 486 TOWN§SIp oU' SCOTT Pt. o!W. 31 14'10 158464 lm0 12 84 ro 445 8 $021 88 7il2-fui soi 5 TOWN§BIV OF TEORAI.o contsre, 7 1 W.! t ,2, p. l. ol.tb. m(itage 14, a f: J: 8,,Yn, , 0.. ,11, 64. 87~ l'a>, LO. 16f' 18, t, 24, 100, 81, 160 2 4 b 6 S8w60 i 2 8 4 b 6 1860 1 6 160t 2 8 4 5 lui60i2 8 4 s 080 11l24 64<0 670 270 260 249 29w 411 17 1048 21 1142 187f 1679 45 18 TOWN -OF' W1flTiS bMiua t ARD w»T'u0 os uis.c TU 102, 10i, Ili,, 11, 1114 114, 120, 121b. lm#, 194, ON, 1) P.ui Wîs.t, LoI 0, i. il. <he& l 7, 1041 28456C jîfli 284be 1541 234b4 Jod1 23 468 4 16 23454 1861 28469 1661 2846 146128a4 rp6 1MO1 28454 1061 2 4 44 4 41 4 4t $60 80 3860 1124 45 VIe Ose 88. 88e 48. 48e 48e 87. 48. 860 tic 140 81 58e 211. 08. 491 4 97 497 497 4#0 4018 $46O 4 IIADBIUVRST'S PLAN. P 182 f7. 1 81 (a4, 85 tA. 4 - 66 ,. 841 tes454 dé P.a0,1 3 4b ô gui 1e o 1ai 2402 SiCA)DDIG" Pz>Ati# Bllockt1, Water LUt do 14512845 0 et 414 do1458 isi 24 1861J 1234,56 Ibo') 234 50 Troasurer's Office, WIaivby, Dco..23, 1861. NE DVRIEXNS Real Estate- T rrslos IlUit. IATmyï,Dg5., to %@Il the tollowlssg UealsEtae, bt' altAjitkob o Saturday, llth of la.iSOSM8 AT TWGO OCLOUK, JP. M., 100 ACBES OF' LAND,. 7à sotroi bebg (eow01of ise Iiorihprt or Lt No. 29, In theo th entieelon ci Wliditr, ois wiolotiatier S os dwellJsg houme, barn,.Mx 84 staahie, drlvng hou,., andl sled 54&7; %uIse sr Ciatie shd, Vitlscow stable gsttac#-i ed 46%12.265 are.s adjoloinng the. foregoing, htlnir ecoepoaea of the.'Jouth-weut prt os lot No. 2J, lu oi th flo)neesei;>n of ,le mId town- ,hlp4 on wiih tiseaare 10macres ofibupair baidwoodt. AI.. 2W acrea 0of Cedar, beinat part of tise sontlà-mo.t Part o! the aseth mIa f1»,< Li.No. 83, lit tihe #thsC)1c00»100 01 WIitipy. ia TEINS% s-A depaait f oi par cent t tis, dten. t ae, And the reaisdr on mon.- pleticesof est Il., 'ffwMb wlllit m h sfew das aller aie mu issu>'b.u gred altos a leWl bssyr ausi eller. elaiuld uon>' partie wish to desassthtie Ce- Aur, erevioesa lutise aY off sale, Mr. Joume Bstluf, ie.ivee oh thée ths eoai',*Iotaof *11 bah' iiaospiay tisens, Mda show tises H oteF to Let, Tu"Clon.cII'o.,wtby.o* à «4 'i, 0 990 iIsei 440 070 WM. PAX'IOlN, 9 24 6411 925 la, 5.- s 5¶ 4 eag 14 17 8 41 JR. nsshsror C. O. Auction Sale, Of Tboo-Bred Durham and GRADE CATTLE T V . a b e e u b " r b u e e e l e d n < st w l o s e o T f« efa-uSr sale nt T'I8l%5'Ilot No.. l, uns coseeisa ', q ots <rs lat Of tilteva"l a bi.ite< bI[.-JOHN M 'Wite Bull Cal(~aMjr" "1)nna-asw liftedb>ll - i aia Ciet ali 'ora C (lo, "loaparll, ri, OZs usa ila~ - siielte reui Bll tdolf sasI b.1 Cev br GKO aDEst.4CoSi wesr oa10 Ihie tmi etsr miea r lis ealia b>' Tboiw'-Iw<Jo liait, 'e Price ! BurC4bon"2yea0r6isCo"."w Tva é perllasg b op., Co sa ebassai fonde îd. r"z Vili b T1vt.sl, ' CSoLnet." Falur* oti PA -"Of te. islk Zlibe *rnls dte.sle. Wbere ho bus , dtyfUneaà-81large and yrierfd uock of Lwdes, Gentr' Boys~, anid Mises, Bots 90 irshows, .1 séperior qualisy, and ofthq Wst,yessi an sd luisi e hbasalw e.,ployed on additional ntunbor ot hsgia ana IfflufacUriùg> wok of very sapmor qusiy, in order to mteet the re B TYLIE SLPPMq8,,11PAM88 NATLY DOlE. SWI- Tr Saunudera', if yon vant Boots or Shoes of the zigbt Whitby, lsaq 8,18My- The AMnMUftlIqtorI :of 1.B r !Sc lTutnof the Tmown ýof W'itby, In the > Comity o« Ontario, for 1867, The Board bop lu" e o E.d, the b.numsbcr ot Cbsictrn atteuAiqt #6mre gebools, during ibe put y7W, bu = mIollows 1 At Uher>' S.Scel, aerage t tedn"sun oil. ......... At thse Jolset. SOol, aTera$#et atendaneou Ra ti . ..... At té Auderwoaset. Sehool, average atsauce on toul........... ve as dise . That ùbu ota population of tise Town is l 2808, being a dccreuse of 5 emice lust year, dsvlded s losi - rhWord 1188-iescr.ase 32-Centre Word, 90-incrcee $7, South Wsîd, 17-decreas 74. Tisat thse total populaltion o! eehoot ago (ô go01e,) ie 814, being a deerease of 29. Of thesae, *87 m~ boys and 877 are girls,1 being an incrcasa of 14 ln tise boy*, and a decrease of 43 lns the girls. Thse nuenter of childreas under ecicel mga la. 377-deareoe M. Tise aduit population là 1012-increm .40, TisaI tis eisncal transactiosu ofthse Board, derlng the yer 1867, bave been Asý Go~e'sWfeai ~ -~ . .51400 PropisisoetMeuaiiplal Aaeesemeet, r514 W0 ToitW ea* esj)iisi le reesrer. . 1,500 Giant im cri .asstit oilsseit-l. - 1O oa T he asaICaîlid m e slla l.'2 00 66 o ow-hssll e! tise furpiase o f (lovcr oi at -t & S insi. 4»00 W.A tulel..IL.... Fur U 18» -u......... .... Var lss, c... .......... Wve.thelo.sd'a.ac...u.. Wood sd mtie. . GroaluelclUabiliilu. $S0argonMs 1~a~euet ru .15 ~ Amoneut àe ase( Taitiots Vchm sor Relesea lns baudse oftise Truaeirr lut isssiay ..... ..... qoverunuiC(#raaa..... .. E.peuffitr5 oover 1CecspIe.. 8 12 73 1993 72 240 04) iiit4 fi Vii n fla-Se '.. e f"ilI Fraser... Jsoiea 5. Scl'sci, Mina.(rgsot.. Andaersons t. scilOlai"b.MAI an .................. Anderons St. îSebl isa M. ir- mr, durlug lamU cAlfâen'flt-- Bee6atarlo olry, Iien<eaiaryoul- D c. 187 . ................. J. A. C 'Onspbcl . ............. W . a. lli wg ........... ...... IiEPA MIII. LLZAXlxo ,s&e. ffeur>'Sy c Scisool......... A derons tS clool .......... Mapu. ê&................ 1, âllies. ebait. .......... G! Seatistaking cesans for 1884, Wtinsres sarU. ou ooks.. Fo i -P w vjb m e o f-i ud2f mJ t At Jo h n .61w' 14 150 11087 47 50 48 2w% .1888 !Px 6200o W85 00 250P 00 102 b0 U22 80 4000 4000 8 $0 27 60 117 74 176 44 " 50 84 61 t295 140M 8500 0050 Th gnealfears Of the community h&, i s ameasre, been <fott.enl, i consýeçuenoe of et mone 0<oOdet tBankts hsving fI-d1the corin wcommercI4al affaira ales1t femsay-for every oeeto iudy POOCKEIgYIT1ESW sud thomo wi*biuýg to do soi thnnot do.t more efeui~skYyprlsigler C HRISTMAS AND NE YEAIVS GOODS ÂT DOM-INION WARERO OMS, î1 The IlTide i the affaira of men" can now be taken at its Ilf1ood,1' and lIcâl themn as well ass tbç' LaMe,, d1ecty ont torortuu, by coniiug t vcir purebattendOMINION AREOOSw re etÉ the a Mei, thse Lm ies, oe a ndai, are es ec ïnlyin itd teaten aGR ND DIL LA ; Adcu i'OFFe - 0Foie AREsr TOK f FRESII FRUITSe, WINES & LlQU1ORS, EVER EX ITD-EOR SALE, IN WIIITBY. The Exhibition will remain open every Morning. afteà4oon, 'and evening, until the 15th or Fe- bur ext, and perbap a lii t tictery Lçnger. -Ail are requestcd to eaUl earlya-sse.scure oss..Th iselxrstî- sc lIcommence early lu tise rorning3 *ltts p exquLaite melo-drarna, entfilld -"BON NETS, CLOAY.S N1P MANTILLAS" of the o Itea, mout ,eeu and tssioealAe st1ylc, and at lowcr pricea. han*they eau _,_ o- wbere lu the Town. SCENE SECOND will open With a viciV bf ELJEGÎAÉÎÉÈ SitKiudDRUS GOODS, of vatoui sAndes "d terrssrei, which, in point of variety, gtyle. textuîre, brilliancy ot finilsh, ald chcapnes, casinot bc surpased. 'l'b next @Scee will be a grand diaslay ofclcgasst FREINCH IMEIIINOS, alithse iew aaladc's and-qualities, alter wbich su intermission of oanme time will eccur, toal sow thea ai6isce an opportuhit.y lth Iok tlir6ugitli.at portion oft>s Stock, wbieh we canuel secure ep"ce in a uewapaper, te enulcrate. ~ Isi ne w n>rivalled and1 wondc rfad Company, numbero TEN TALÉ NTED FEBFOilMERS a inrsl their profesion, ubd lail eebrxted Mer ald widc, <fur their politenees and atteudi.tiot e iir uumerous î,atius sudà admirers, sud bleused witls mett unvary'ing patience, in their eonduct te the Ladies. SWhitby, Dec. 18, 1867. NYISION cOURTS IN TuE £XTIIAOIIDINAKY EPlJ~c~T~ O? COUNTY OF. ONTARNO, FOR TETEAT 1868. us o e p. e t. ~ <~. ai 0.50 21 Il 8 2 Il 2 14 4 li.1, Wbisiby. ... %sb........,... 2, P~iickerinsg............. 0 , Mlanssieter 4,-1trince Alber.. S4. vUkbridge ................... 5, 8,Cisaisea-a-.ee................ st 8,Ifeverwli.................. ." ~ Aiscie>.............. 18 14. 21 22 151 27 U31 80 821 S22 8 24 r. t I I 1~ Dominion Wareroems, Whitby. LIFE INA PILL BOX~ ANaFE IBILLAIUS BOX!g ONE FILL I AN -DO OSE! ONE P1LL 11N DOSE; UWhit 5 00 lasecrsa day my fron iise sftinu*11 ver5isW '1>r MaKggiclYOesPUIla bave rid ueo ea(il biseoca- Nj< a ore ,teszsus'adeyac,ior me in, fve'ir ùa 51111 iOuia<tiase aryour pLS urs etsr.t5an- sssia2e bo le s h the- naotse-'$sg. Mia-fa-r utfg asrnrcs (ruei iloauctits ila. Iwo as1 yasar pislé Cures!5 ssae. ud 1 have Laci upaciuras e,(ihc Iisy -aSid e.asl llitaaie twam iýurm54eC-. Vif on emsdisaoappcute; MaggFell. 7ril are Mt ahbeas Your'PiUiare 5T¶,05. 1'1 ms,afuir du,055anbox. asd haap isa-m las ils làs0. Maggiel bas Cure-iSMy Isendacise, wu" m$ wa -lgasve, hai(ai( one or yonr sto e.syl5eby .ar Choieta morbaaa. ht, drer U iw 5.l1 g guilc ia a taailtherameoa<i rL s.naiPiSssi-alsr lyasasr blut o 5isil w ssv enar a.enfaala- -11 earlusadolaijyoua-prkae j I-sitP#y.ftre cents, bt it isetJïiieat u rase as i-vaa-l sdosibta." z5eas nise tiv r.o- usys.ua- pl*, '-lt anie savcrchrec .e s . .( ytur Salve toi' a1 ForaS dep-sesof lier 5idasa-s rceisa ofo!ssahs elsgel svAc ?peerre.e (M ?4 a ot iyDr Oum or te «, IL»MLLINGS, VOAL OIL L 01? TME lgxitPT f& çta tise I L@Wus~ mu 3M. H. 0*1 lxitxt* R ThIlla>', De.. 11, 1807, - tu 46 1440 137 12

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