Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1867, p. 4

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Di Ifi"tnoCaaa fée 5ev*uI(a ý **rýo4ua.bolog oi- i<it<"Iuubb tréen lnu$bes obsec fal.ga Oia d BS 1h4s 1-pua Us seuiL slteesdegroe au$ sieu "a- mm ab aereniy4er dUega oi ir a = ansd AS> llka; tsiotsa aorh six- s« op cge" wmeaioeueChsln,.,noroIne, t.ý v i%,r imirutor uaJM js d bklp yP' aor"dad, eootalng b>l. tumalreiunt oU quatir oit suiacrebe the >alitoeq ieésb.lg ompose tpr p(ebrmae o*ubi ofi Whibyr di>b to« y b ollowîug dieM1jou, to-lts ctoiýio «the, butera bond& - e <su I thl46a,sot <lhedlatanu o ove ,ioalns Il là S> l"e, ètros .*uoth-ess angle iven degro«eu o u* *bain; thon", néuih .ee%-ordogmas, *osai v#ou nd u 1fty lluka; 9Um n. orthsltosui domesVogt ?.Dsobau, sne eor lacste UtIse laent oQue T£UIlE ND CONDITIONS méde kuevn i tbe Me ot sa>s i Teemteo, ltbUs WlolIAM TÃ"NNE OrMoLmÀzAssa. Prof., J.,Post r " ce roeelvnllab&ailuub .1r4- epcwlsuce(MIoS *"Mi& m#«lwte l'ToIotes ad Ad- îsnuet so<eila, vWbe#us>' Wopled nuder Mi*stcnlulon. luioiou rzem lutheogNaoaMlai- tpe givos ;oîs ntiltle: sent o ls. bd vnIls .-rs olàctou sn foUe in!" , ehen>ef.ulas euiesio the.pa, $Id),P *hwbjof Ss ptemn fi, l.0 us 8, ~XX X BALTIIORE *OYSTERS, - Wlues hLiquors,1 t(i4PPEWA WHISKY AT C8. EASTWO»'S, - Dwcltaïs. WhitbY. ea ',aIEsta i SAu. i tb Pot of 011lu Eth hlioa .l o d loltnqr 4 a nui on v lll mi netdoé eoeh ,aIesîuI fo@acras W bit , li onceulson of Eeob,1. saeroalotr.d and lus tIdZioetilbuai s, ouug otwsrd, Wnil hOmnsw lof id con.eslou efieo eaoia *tutu ot OUl- Ilistues, ced Fi (juasud oui- iltiidu , god nerd, niscîsi llug te 6a wct-leaflot t h# 21,4 ceus- jfkldon, 100 acesoi, olresi. * - rro lissa bit""kd au villa£# of rines Aihayt ani Eokll tejéontvol>'., 10,00 srs.efflE e ahange un'ia e tuJe aboie pro"cye Pu prfiehaer. will b. allowod hoir ime 4'poysueutoosa>' ttuou , - - ppi' ,-41As. LAYO O eillion 4b I.nd Agent, Whlt'y M014EY P) 1LOAN 115enhacrihela Drlffpod te oudais1 -ou ggoed uorigago e urit>'or fleuturos,1 à vlr,,jq eau bave rclasvulae psylis preipu tovllse prifsschreebatho langoatme- 'Ne 9* i< u ea" sudfovu pro- ooiou *IIM& r arme ion a"0 0 ai"S 7 48 And select a-pair of wannOvrsoe, o will fiud, tbem of aIl km"-s an& of the beat esà iin. In,1Laies' ýGent., iMisses' ai hd,(ildrend' BOOTS & BUOiBSe of ev-ery varte'ty, te establishment of the Un4egfed la unsrpessedby wohr IntoIW --Th -stock la larg to àseléect'from, sud 4the workinansbip good, and ini ail case WliRM<TgD. CgÊ.EPAIRS AS USUAL IHBds of Families will find it to their interest b oel sud examuine. JSe Wbtb, enmbr , OSI?[ .BANDELL. Wbiby Dcomer4,1867, - -48 t~o~ New fo the~iil~00 PT,~ $50M00 WO1ll 0F GOODS - sew aIl mon b <t"esprefse bat i1cme **à de Oell the ÃœHEAPiE8T GOODS la, the COUNTY of ONTARIO, aud wby ? Docsuee, doptiug lb. cash .ystem, My Mette la 'SKALL PROFITS &-àQUICKRETURINS MY STOCK 0F FANOT AND Stâple Dry Gooda, Io now complete, susd for beauty, Style and choapue es't b.»Mr""ee. VZ ]IULLINZZT es ssâàLryd WÂTâav3xNT In this my stock la vcry large, .sad more 'attractive thonumuai, sud Ia Ott"' tavouiug me wiîh thein patronage, llind i te otheira4ntg both id pointof style snd -cboe à z lulassortwee of 'MOUReIu- GOODS cmustautl on band, "and donIs.n' itia he-onceal noice. -Al#*, s choiqis collection ofBUIDALEXQUIPMEJTS tvlimmed to order, iu the jatest TÂILORING DE9 T~BNT.-Clothing madie to order on tb, pnmaay' 0rsteldaà * !e4a ý4hcnd.af tatain tobk Mof themmat Fa Fabl=ialoltlh to#osl4*M . po itgrateed.0 ý-, l spec4ai attenilcu cnafldte a lot e BoT 3fs AND SýlO<mi ;W 86 w3uscWa, girls' « suise Also. Ovin Soe for. dansp vestlsor. Gi*Mrioe, l«sv* vans, . Inspetion I#reepeç*lly 1n011M& Cash piE for Whes", alY, 10,30 Peu. .D MIH $ , O5IIAWA,(,CT. 2, lob?.of mNi-e fd U~ muimus $tIiac LIVE-RY !! ils ltlï* 5iv lu herta si s-lt lmwsre tuis'f Stsb#wlniei, ami4 hVlu w$blol tloreansiovpropsrod ta amo1ply aIl erdera (o#,iliuer>' lu.à osuprion - umrot -assît loi9#LT A E MST a~. Boiler for -Sale. AppI> li she Wluift Vouudry, 4or ta, JA»GLOAN, Eaq. ,,* akey *ADet.,AWL ýWbll- «oPPOITETHÉ eus rcE Whre b tt tteuti ta buelucai, h. hopoitannnsteala 1opatmois WagoSo JOUE C. NcNUJJ~EW, - - -' Aoontant, Land and general Agent, 01. la Peter eétrcct, osa# door uonth ol Mm D rng lstore. Wilol ld Iiéjroyed Farma lu the conuilc 14, B. Colections satreusled tu, spd prompt M.L Clon. Gegor svfer.I, M. a.Cmro.>14,4.C., M..Il. P.,j --Asgss Monlau E~1. M.P. ., . Duusfond, Mq.11P. P. . u. h 19' Eq ,. P., Jé> HYMs im£cn,-. h sud cdl- and WWstby CunoW > -N w1aker J ' AN uendmrlgneil rt»oipully. ntornus lb. fil Wi rom tuoaloiémal h lkry a n rd oloamllno. Prai, Sposég, sud - soe kîn aolCashToaisood»bêscuitsof 0 het'quali . Ja .m t "t'W. luu Alpo ob- ilor, Conîsctlonor, Le, Brook et. latbmrbyglvourliasl hatvil!n a$e BOexv.eyte fun on ormore Tnaeion EuO&IU, <or Che purpos vearysug Frlbs essengeis, boion<. lvlgplcs Whiîby sdPr ery lobecvoen Man-. tot r pooAhoisuFatBr;as g: le,4Jqsb o tv m Uzbridie, Ou. 29, 106T. 4 0 T 'CJ - - i~O1IP'N Y I. oeNN. Oetober 2, 90 M. fin-"S .JlUeras.Gr.e si, WJîIbJy. A laî'gcqnan iityofe11id:oÇuoeb.oonatauty oulsaud, JNDERTAIcING. A flareto hr.oliberalierna. Whitby,Tb t489.- Bro oklin Drug Store. *!y, , Uls l&sas o a ~~lussd Litqnoolt be sc qait Brooklin, C. W., ises 2b q M$Meugnod hego <o asnonn.. ihàt ha li»aikba the abolve v.llsaowu .ranie vhil& bave bens iwly ulaîiaed afid reo- vased by rhim, sud wlsre disi, eeoiunoda. tien ai? viils ar.slsiutin a»awy tfod.tblig...l.ed ardsud attentive Oatcra Chrgaesicîiel noderat.. IM. OVITON lqaut. enjfrm e inla b*alàaa,êl. >eut of Vletovfas] aurrondiî~(~oii.ls.,i ilie 1,84 opesiud li IWoe on Ililm b.,ghîetlAMIaY oeld bj Joeweti,ard am li.s xiad tîfitikd aud#cruîsîî., ad lu graîastyle, vi.lêors vil AuJ teryeonvi. Dium' e.Wl qa, Llquots and CiSsa r ohéb bat ,quaiîyi LidayYeblE.1064. 4 STAGE HOtYSE VAILLA. I8ÀAC FENTON. B ES$T Wlueaaud liq ora;1a modationt'ur pv'êr o< atablingand ALB310-N HO TEL. JAMES SLACI, i. rropriatwr. OMfl(<SION MIER OH NIl wiîîthl, j'l., lait le§#, 2 »itqgeato î»a (roui Whiibl eau daily. Every atUeutîàou dte guet. Crofal &al ait.» tv. oatloidF.e GLOBEilOTFLj T UE aboie Wall kuovn, ald esablilbed JL otel ud piesilibave beau lpurobsso by tiboblfr, viserO he yl alwsa b. theoiront* of jli gusti at,. The hpremnha*p baye boa" 0*onvcnuily and oomfortsbly àtied 'Sp; paluted,rtapcrea, A&4. wsî iaht m WaalO rie i s a udevery moudernlaipt<uviiisoiîl wosh UTravauler q l w lîe fsbisboantiful- NgotiU to Yarznbis and Others Lkauoria Whploiahdlt tslMroau. ly Proof# by galléu or barre]; McNsughtor,'s dilenlevit, do. 'v;1s.o'sExtra YKcetod Whiiikey'o401; tl6 ort '. 8Sh.rIYy snd 4 âuskrotiJï for thé sîck, olafi0 Lta*utod iars vICiée bosi brsado, £u.nUvUaîsan sd Homet.,tRire. A, ALEXANDER. Drookliu, JOU.f1lts, . ONTAIO HOTE WHITBY. *~. !AWZS - ~- PEQPRIETIOR. dbeor emmedatioua. clsi ulatten- tion t.ethé rw&uir.mout 'of tisolcrisud oust#, .5iefooua atsbling sud obed-rooin, sud roay tmcrà iaés*withi exil!. 111 inehma iiy, fl ~l1l.tolariffiw forIan.e, a sncbdh van- m«- o~aw aeli *111 stlliCr AuP6r.ctle Ui ccai4f Cmpsl.on heUse u.lnu famcu ae ail the aecnity .1 Ut.eCapital t>nlnsy frmr.'riaeataoui tor about Mn peoestl,nuopretlu. uo sitareqsiîred. MIHN A0I'ÈW, ýWbutby, Jue 29,l~. Smos INSIJRANCE COMP'Y- 0,= nov,nl > $rnzd osud 11 10- "id go seopi o0 n ariu lioneand Char.hca. Thon whirug w li- ée, sud tlsebisso siiomà 1 lbmauce :1,0 »ors Chmecio, htsy reseoulibIe mutue in-. ce us!ConulAuY lu Coms.na ý-;- - u. FAIRBANKS, Je., IIEAD OFFICZ-Tbe OIE Urgtry fOu %lhéI1lnl. BockStrcct, Whiby. Fîre'Insujrance, Co'y 1808. "Caital, £,90,000, sterling. I ISVRANCIM sealons leom WqFr# *fed outtis# % eeut ,soble tol..- Ai osao pold vlttioaî v.isoiica e the DMIn L'ld JTONfUL BILUTIiEES, Montres!, <Jenrel Agcnt toi Wlslchy, Uahas, BEemvmsllle, ud sarroausdind f.uuutry. Ssob-9 THE L1VEIRPOOL AND 1LONDON INSLIRANCE COKP'.NY. DIMOCTORs I3 CANADA. T. Au ANIWAON, hq., chsiriun, <ilresideuî Bock et Moutres!.) IIzsirY UTEARUS. Eaq, Deputy- Chasruaa (Manager Outarto huok,) E. B. KINU, hq, IIENy ITCIAi'MAN, EAq.. Mohasl. TWXA8 CIAMP, £,q., Marchant. j'amiSPE, monîrosl, Tire Iluum an sd Life As- suraiee Polioes uud at moderato Rates. Thuis Comopsany ofera k. lneunmra hp uorlty oe WZsM.r, lvaioii, la<,usem, a zav; aud asLSAL Masennsn -. -0. le (L BMITU, JOHN UL WuATKIS9 tars, Broek teWbby 'Al vorkwarn" Familusstcuded aà privart* resldueca. <0,-ponia AU &1&W st e' ai-clé,W b-. prepsred to <lie Muoal su Sisglig les toaa liied niuiében of'pnpilo. Aç,lton to b.u made nt che <ifieot'John CL.a =ilasis rgesu Jatl4, over 11.111- leu a (We . i're, Brook 4t. WlejîbY. - alto UsoPeîDuusEnreee« Sim»eotrosi Chîrd .Ioorsovth of the Ontario 5~EXl'EYTA9AGEN4T k.., lso Agent for Accdesai sud ttudard inauisA'uooCuc. 17 TÉEETU ETATi>» NITIOIJS 01MDB LAUGRING GUS, AT DENTAL 100118, DUNDA8 ý,STRE!IT raItB, Fmc. Whltby *àMadh.eer. Nv NrOW:JSTHITIIEI-- LongPiguv~#Played -OUI! 000INQ SOT WHO0LESÂLE JOB*ESAT. HATO4~ &BRTER 6"Noted Cbeap Note the fact, oeil sud ist w trfroe dollars on a, du og -store.. Matchh Brother -hâve rpleeived a lot of Çies, Prices fromà 560to f 0, Whoicusslorietl.- gff- 'hree car,1osds >of- Né.- COfOIL, Nwhlesale at LowWe Fig~ures. Oui 1cents pWgýou tlj'itdOCfee -fudd C> otricly OMuS, Reuuembvr tbese.go6 and pîreS. * - IITOH & -BROTHER Whitby, Dec. .11; 1867. * o AICis7ouep houwe STOVE,,COMPEITl-OIIS,,. As a trfi, Ubusness lje coqipetiin as,beenssre spnlme, under sa/#mnMy pretext, by nié. whoý-, dabbliîigtt lik e iuSo0ve au HaZrdware, aeem tbbav. made a muddle ct4both, I Zîhink lrgtIa the public slsould bc gparded against inch sap4'tr "biombe" n'dvertiee- mente, offs-ing, lno ider to stimsuluite a Dr.OOPIN G TRAD, and drAW off 'Clotom Irom a more oucce.:efibl tlval, uflsopsir storWeos t ol Ti.s tyle of âttracti gtrade, I1Jhave uever iad to resoit fi; but by keepiug thé e~ best make of Stove-th secele ratedsg u m Ârstrong, Stov'e, Ejspecially--aud selling tbem at ais amallprofite, as âcnsistenJý wth sond business puinciples, I baie led theo &ovo Tu-do latb. p»4i »d heame. fair meni, hope W do so lu the-futur.*. ysTeOC F e seýetieler larger or ufbre complote thoat kin tub snd I ma 19M t.raiaed tle ol ,thoean aI' ow prices ae any honourabiedesllng trode u 'ne Wbitby, Oct. 20, 19l67. .,- .4 HQMEODJJ'O,_LNDLIVERBfPOOL No 2M ospîta1 StuÇMbnitreà. Pure sud QENUINE TEào, of - 1endîd natural Baver,- imRorted direct frouath Uewoms ny' luawisa it'AS$A ,snd on Lb. 'slopi-f eLB.IMALAYAS, blcuod wjth <h fýo tploduets of CHINA. Oily Tii-o Q'lJtsavia. t-7Oc. or - iculbf suber BWack.Gremeuoxd. Fineîrdoueld Teg, coubiiigetength and Fleor,1'O oets pir lb. Fluet procurable ......----------- ----1 dollar pur le~ Tf odl P d ca uiCanistue bjZtb. (Jompasbys Aiow&,"a iàcr>' City sud Towà z1 CaAd TR A'DE Agent for Oshawa, - MA R K -MR.',MARK ROBINSON, Maist.... Exrerlu. do. De F KING Mse " » Asyboumin ed?. c~vzou CÀ'stiuâ,j laUm Countnciyjd 0osu.y< ', O, -M Ceni>'ofiu lu Use umotter of- WIILL1AU i ">WAih 51 ad GEUXEM ItDD"fIof *lim irof y,& #>d lodder,.L lthe Villaee<qu Isa W ses, odis c"'.d-I lsjar ytor lh id uRot.- DtdtWhltby, onUsthéOh day#co WILLIAUI EDWAh1éd INOLENT-AM-, OP 1804# la theo maiSorol OBEE1-'o al &Juacl ni. oru Ybe b byPUDW AMON~J,e 114 TUE COUNTIT Ail ifssvgtiti' , »ts -aàlthUi Dhoi 'venU l t i *nloq à ie Ail sudý it4ular, <in eitlu 'o truat if laim a" su d pri .saad bolng, lu,-sVILLAL F i haith osure, àtIs ine lugrompofadop.re 0< <l ue h unouho , in latbcha khosum ou 0- sud-bavon, . a ibi À i tIse saisi Village o isid alos rs iable *aud v lie TERIIS me kâ_svn_ai-1 Dated at W itsby/" Mih.d&y of OtW JAM* HoLDSFN, cuwlcule luV Campbiscl, Brok St. 9J lty, NV, lCb,- wuil A -. hamebayi,W &aWbityJ'.18W. ,a IL CHAR4LEI A ntI CoKELATt pu Sotk«, C. W W#- - aNE lsUVer, M6 Eli~~.w trBf a.cJEEON To mIV. W F ~' T B. TOIa EýS! TIBLI'SIIBBH8 Dow* 1

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