Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Nov 1867, p. 4

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Good News,,for; i. l n. wir ÙM c~* ol o gùe .e£"ànd oventl.oRT ,=eo mW;;t,*h is, 7th o s F G"01S ufflhf 00 nse nr . l.ed' ai nd in 60 sorw, 'Woot Lot 10, la 2nd concesuion .- - 1 cf Eo 0sesa, a, aii n 0 4 sa of col- ajprilg of Vlt V ' F0 asiat ui' f10, o lie lb.2g1ond#$. . - ~LJfL U 3 sell theC OIIPEST Guvuv in -the- COUurcrofOr14TARIO, 018sien opt kdont 100 mrtes4) cluurod. Bp Two *oi',c' ,tui4 fÏ vilb i',«oof sud why? JecBe, adopting tIi. Cash syten,,my saQel Beg Phisse@ AIrand Jlrot>klu rspectivaly. . . ftoi$rord~rpry 1 ô F alia ter 'gSMALL i PROFITFS &,QUICIC RETURNS.-) I'artiasara ill bd alowod thoikid ad p eus, nd heavy wero navbhwlleMYSOK0 FA YADI"4 for payaint, 0on *o fIiterme. i ound equal i syl ud ulity to luy -it AUKET. YSOKOFFNY N ÀI7l JAS, LAMON, nepafri promptly atteuided to. Prices ve oderato. 04 O *IlclorA 5 '> W.ive a ésl at James -Bai î OSol*tow dell' baple D y Go s ns M1ONEÏ T 1. LAN Blcl rokStreet, Whitby;.Wib T111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~o suele i alnS BTT OOEI 87 A U L f~fQ , I Aomple, andi O eaty tyle sud obespueseu'tbe srpimd. ta eborroworeu hale lois >Own limai111 -tbis My stock is v «y large, amd'more- attractivethan nattai, gondor eb<ntnea,'~MJ . ~I7uv-.- ~and parties lavotlng me with, their patronage, wili Lad it te their advante bot i pontofstyle andi clwapress. A fulassortinent of MOURNI 7Vmnalls a ueDaululota Gd ' 2OODS constantly on lianti, sudit dobenp i the shortest notice. Aise, a tonry chi10Wpl. oigDres inunthenDominionn, i dontss veiety asJVroaif on Taironsaud Town -pro- 81 Ê Aoiescollection of BRIVAL EQUIPblENTS ttitimed-te erder, in tIi. latma $0 Loveri gond Improveid Farminafr sîle, -DeBtouadriïi Mnlu vw. Blv.tsi uw reliocsgtand oo0 -TAILORINO DEPARTME NT.- lothinoe made ta order onM ' .àppil perolîîahye tbFarmers- qave 'tir mbef and e buyiogyu I the prme l y lht-elawçworkrnen, antian immense. stock of the meuâtFa> JAMES JIOLDEN, ODal shienable Cloth to Select tm. A gooti fit guiranteed. Od al elmnd tuaude u 00 Special attention calicdti t a lot of BOOTS ANDSLIOES. in mensi andiPî~ WbOb eI. uu, ulali111t ro k ff, wrei, te. Inspection is respectfaly l nted.Cash paiti for Wbeat, Barley, Rye Asud Factories,. E:.ý0 W. D. MICHlAEi L, ece OSHAWA, 'y D- od'Fall U3, lU?. Cornor f RMng andi bimnstaoe IeOauwc.da nd Il~.. e intendsaia once to o inducements FOR CAS)ff, and Rdad Boots& 8h e oeI hie TOCK F ~Deh r thuni yen eau boy ut any otherBlke, esStore i the ToWne r Ce try. X;fd~ CPOUIIM U JJlBUT, AT lowest prices", 95 atracion inlqtESIL thIbnt QOS, tth J4NO. SrUNDERS'GE T TH1E BES T. acly OPPOSITE ROYAL , EI-9Groce es, iHardware, , &e. QUoi iROCK STREET f ,21o Wand Remo er the place, Old No. 1, Laing's Corners, itby. g,, y or Agil«orsreatt*ndd wwith pancbaululi7 Y '. £ moirs n.atly dons. IITBY, 0(,T, 2s, 2857. 42 JOUX SAIJNflEItC _________________________ 'Wbltb,i Jaly 10, 1067, 27 WQtITnt, Noice. 0.I ~4~OI ST 11-1 subscriber bege to announce Lhat hé bas juat reeéiiued a~ YLIilAvbeoy<'in thAtt ç!llala el selectec assortmnens of new God . consiaing o+_ mlil ha ,îuis b te .Lzi o,. r t heii.-~u lffY ihr 04CAADA, or t'arliarmnt lhavlng m lcr.] WiE'.IIU«ocn dnrloodlction, etthe11lit60011011aaloîtierouf. for ~- an-Sver W t h s An *et to roa»test ieaor limita <fthe . wwud a d i at h ai WtîllIY, lui ta o uty cf Iulo. Blut71Sud GeM iBar ]Rings, Gold and SCuver Onarda, iager BRing., f3roccbos, senti- W&_y ndOtbr,16. 89D I IIAM~E L *L Pins, I'Çeil Crises, ?hIab1saLockein, Charmas5 &0. & loue naosorftmn1ont of F *i ty, 2d U * r,1$6. 0*CA -P-13Prench and AnaerlounCiceaMeeoeaom Cigtar Ioiders, liriar B.d F P ià n 'Forte. h NfinrRoom is nwoen with all the atst-ONDON & Rearofilkds I=P::ntehears, AiL aonuaa 10theo lltloînu. cf i' tihy Fou-crs,&o eth tisa hoêNloeraot P. BUiIIf baiérutos b .P O NT tfalo:~pna l gr liurictoaAu-b large Stock of Dreffs Goods, ShawIs BalmoralSkirts, Flan- J.P.JO NSON R f RERNEsnels, Blankets, Facteries , Cloths, Tweeds, asd a rge Stock oÇ UEg4DX- O0811AWA,,MAY 1667 OBRAWA. E UÀ W JMU#a LJ ,aor A OLTIING, madie apby themaselves, in Mens' saa 6yo' top Conai,___________________________ 0. suLi, B S. M5 I. Vi DDkL Mens'..nd Boys' bedy Ceata, Mena' andi Boys' Pants andi Vests. port 11op.. Coboargt. 2béî Ti1.r easapl >M. atr oa b ROCKERY & HARDWARE, a lreStock -bot, received ~TT C., at cost tLlîby, A a?î, sn' i direct frem, the Feueries lin Englanti.jj jjjloJtILLIAzI,îYlotJi L IV E RY ! ! fW GROCERIES-.. es: stock of Tcas, Tobaccos, Sugars, ' i cas London CToMts, cotailing rWI poplin Dresises, Siiks, Veivets, Clods, :4AÇ8> &1-9 oe, alilof wbiçh -tbey are deteërminet teo el nt a siall ativance ou the frers cA strlngcet fr as. R. & el. CAMPBELL. Whitbyo, Oct. 23f 1867. 4 'T' f~s411« j ai trf neoinArto 0annoaue Unt 1AV.ii1UTEIIs O I t, loest ofut.,Uày i r. iite fow preparedl go oaa;py aIl L.n aew rero for tlverv Ina sporiur mutiner. tsud -TEIATuDLV T t l ; t, bth e Llarequlii eula perotptly toiTU HA FOD IV SOC OQLMADPIIMSRN) iTARMERI 5 NUINECMP',~~KnS.W sTorontoAG to smounce tbat hb b em apwoised 5o:ý ~19 4Zfrr ot ITBY ANDý VIC~IIIIT.Y, UII) WILL KIZEF ÀLWAY5 ON 9BANRD AJtLL'STOCK 1K. (G0IP AND SILVER CASES 1IM gortment ofNew à ewellery jiist'rceeiv'd. iraI! Rea' IL e't Ego C Fastcolôrs,) -from............Octs ital5>cte. (tout andwide,)i'rom... .> cts l2c Cotnfrom. .............id "lcs Il Drëe9-, from. . . .&a. &.......$1, 0a$,0 White Flannels.. ................ .., 25ets ta oc 50t (Canadian and Englsh)frem..... ... .$250 ta $6,00 th h thf~rs e largeat stock of Satinette, Pull-Cleth, *teh, anti Canadian Tweieds, Silk Mixtures, Mlton's e& Wlitney's dueiprkce. Ih n g m a'de to0 O 1rde re 'or flishionable Dry Goods *a ad Clothing,seiebe SiIOBS, -ant reoh cbeap Greoes---GO "Oy OCTQI3EI 7, 1857. M.Il.CCIAF UQUH A RS ONW'$ A SPLENDID tSS LOT 01, GOODSE g-Mohaira and Mualins,-,Shawl, Printst Iloo-p Skirts st. Cheap Factory Cotton, Sco-tch Tvweeds, andfi ne' egentlemen5' Summer Wear. IIATS in- endess variety. Crooce ry Department a choice amartment of New fresh, Teas, Sugara, Caf- &c., CHEAP FOR CASH. spreduce taken in exehange for go'od JOnN PARQUHýARSON Four pet cent-of for.Batik Notoe L'IIEX WIIIMX'Bg~ 1I17î ngsssily ei#tpctt. lu iter ut a*Dytitnc. Th r orneins a tlter lnfort Apili zo, 1867. - £v.nAI INSOLVENT ACT 0IF 1864 AND AU EXDU ENTS TUfEkWiEO, lq ti*e îaaibr Cf .M PoÊEET iruohepower Vietafiesa b>'itIiuliaA**, ,5 o Iek,..Mayof s mus T0"WN O0F WITBY, .Tueuday, 4th of, lb uiui AT. 2 0'clQCtlx TUE AJTwERNui, All the rlght. titlo asate and! iloe-ut ft atiove t;asnerd noiîaO uro4 Md ti f. l lowlug property, uuo" 1 Ail andti skublar, lhoaoe tl ià~ . tract*aO oLaisd mdpraiost*-, ,s ths là u tlie ont iCuWTy kIIown m55N sud bci'cn, o. the nos ,theola VmillV~I1agorIL TWitr a ed tUj propereti à Train. D TEP-I mdeknoi DaW todaWlatb>., i A.D.10. 43 $10, !DnngBons@. IOTLTII W1KSO t-0 R Reae.<and Mower04n Rirn CD RR solic-'tr 4 at par. ýTOl Eiw G--O ODS-

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