Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Oct 1867, p. 4

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vr Ulidppltiée 10 <Ile ook lusidalway, sud for ldo towards lb.oonstruction JOUX FOWLUitt -WINOLOW98 1 NO SVRUPO, MDEN TEETRING, sie pro... 0 et bihag, by 4, r.ducing AUluiii o- rxat)9pom adi u nsud UIVAT, TllBOWtLâ. nolisers, Il *111 give rust te QMmlV6, sud Ifuaith t. jourInfbats. sp &iA soid this artiele for re nover bemn able t.esaY of c Tg Evr £ àCum ,wbu rer dId ve know su Iust&sm.u ,ygnyoliewho nsedl. On stehus of <iomn&ieudsZof sud niedies rIns.We #r'WIIAT WMDOINOW' eirienop, sud pledge 'oui va- faielment of whst vo r sM aeOiisune.whaeeb frolu a in d exhsatiou, ai 1w D.uor twuty mInq- i. sdiniltered. . for uuisg wilii aeoompauy ea genulunie es. lb. fac- ta bougboul tbe wodM. r 2 sute.pet Baottie. Plton Sîret, Iq.w Vo-k, ,Leudon. Engisud; du1 t. M4ai Cabnada. yff TI[CE. b ereby sn Iuapplicý ain r t.e po er the sai Com- r.clsslwy from soMt point Ilgog. et or naPoit Ferry, t. ou $~Ake -Ontario, betweeu tb. s oif tb. Towueblp of Eaul Whit. ieter ilmits of tbe Township -of >7j and for the oumbllog the ssid ostruct, or purchmansd owu s tAe Ontario, botweeu 1h. poimte roi îhepurpou.0f uprovlugtlIe f te songog Eiva otk Aulguet 16l vu1 no Forte.. .NLEY P. BUENHAU biwa Io imce to tbichitbntu of Wisitly -spored 10 giv. lustruotilousou lb. pe. Cobourg, bappi>' »_ Mr, anerorast the tie"ufor lWotistlun for a ifJ,îdj'W maluelu aor of Dy. ZOAUqIl ot $19#f,0 ms ,VsueA1qs note. wik3 leu , ro. &Shoe, ÏLRlO1JSE. us 83 ra mI* Orohafdl, itha Ton tii l b e t o1riid fr uitb Village o ,vrol.p 180101w M0NEYl EQUIRE FOrth. Kfre t wo .carstersdsout, Io) et Coif famb 11)t ,upndoutuprre m en t hei.vddOn-osi o Ârpty lu tosb . - - Appbyt a, .0. C EL MEJ o Anonéé obis iorC sudulo Oro , KELLRho(if b bte pe.pa l) um 0 vs. 1Il C ofl L ttands!* t F =o olo sa e h, ndivdd o»,efon tf ot o. 16, istth lu l . stan.oueeo fMdh Wbitby, «us, 187. . y-2 -Boileauora tor lafiuep.- stand,19Ber .ylb Pzfod Rnd.- nue I ie th* bo i. s uDdy7, Or t lb. oi.tapprved etoiua pLAN e, la heretolore. IVE.hoigcrYl 1due 'lt n b HEundersim begt. annuos that bsv. aimr Sudthe lutereel of-ai. 147 biedes, tuae vae now prepared t. suppi>' ail orders for li nr>'lua a uperlor mnr, sud toneoetthe,?ubUlo requlireueuto promptl>' lu -COULTRTARD & RTROG WÀILTMB COULrnunu, EnwAÀD ARMSTRsONG. Whitby, June 12, 1867. -Oo~Ayers. GENERAL LC '0IT, AND FIRT-PRIZE -HORSE-SHOERt VUNDÂS STRERErà S-Whibb, 19, 1867. T>ESTÂNDlq ) on E fÂeS1'pie,t.el jgood ButinuesEducstlon i asttlb. sud etratton Busiess Colleiie, Wloe taBuf- falo. TiIo l the xoe«r Y3Poli. murT rgnedbusinese âsol lu iteuoe.. -In consequece.of lb. dessh of Mr. Ji. D. is:ratton, the Brysnt sud Xtrest basbeeu dispoged of' la neari> a)l lthe collegés of tbe obalu.gearea*er, the -o.nt About b crès c0h8W56sud *uder oultvalons. Tboea are tvo go*& tram e rnà,samal 01- ard, 2 voUs, sud sufflhleut stading Cedar for teuclug, on the prenlaee. TEEMI tbadb kuowu, on applicatIonto, DARWW KE!T, L.FAE NK ,J, Inelivande sud gou.rai Agent, Wbltb7. Wbitbl, Âpzil2nud, 18«. 1 À CERTAIN CURE FOR EIBUISq, bUTS, FJIVEIL BORES, iscALD80, AND ALL BErYI' TIONS 0FP TUE SKiff- RIAD TuEÉ FOLLOWING: 1 be*l)y . deI~ that my son had'a foarful Bore leg. so iuueon mthat th e eh fei! o0% Md laid thé. bonc qit. bore. I domhtftelted UuîDg Doully'sPlaster 1ad ln ashort-tmb It onrd "I'n 00 etr r eotimeud Ià to ail~~ ~~~~~.e tuan :n buiol0he, akin, a bave aen prvd il ossos PEAteC18OWENS, plomo, C. W., 1506. Thislai10o.vti4 that l1atMay I Upsetsa ketle f Wingtoroù h athwbioh took tetaofho&ij lhb bue imw.t bore. ,I suifoecd the motaycrutisttug pains for tbis. wooks. I thon npplled 1>ounel y'& Flsator, it st once eured me Fu a Tory aot ic e. CAFFAIN ATEINS. Bold b>' JANES Il. GURRE, aud .1Â11 B3YRNE, Druggiste, Witby; W. T. ATEIN SON, sud MAUXK BOBINS ON, Oebava, sud b>' il Druggios.lnuth.e ounty# Jone stb, 1867. 12.no2 Land For Sale XanI udail lothea ishiug tepuréhase, 'Building Lots. nTo folnln lit f Lofa, will b> old low forossb, or a sfiir Volustaouon thule, Viz. 1o ô GU Cou. Maris, 209 Acres. Lot 15, 11h Il Mulmar 200 di WX 13, 7th 41 Tmo,otio 100 I X ~ 7, Srd 16 do 100 s Lt 7, Ith 61 Blmont -.200 di Lot 11, 7îh " Ulbridge, 200 46 El< 19, ard Beach, 100 66 8 xli14sth si Emiij, DO50 L1t, th " Vorau~m 6 o Lt22',doi " do, lotd th lali ** d, 200" Lot 6, 7th do, "00 La 8, 121h do, 200 Lot 9, 9th " do, 200 Lot il, th " do, 200 "s Lot il, th " do, 00 4" NEX 27, 2d" Whituy, 60 46 Seversi vanable buiidinc lots, for busires sud priva". rmldosuoea, luth. Trowüe of Lind- éàc'ndWi r nappi>' ta RtOBT; Fi. PERRY.. Wbitby Whitby. Mah, 1865. 12 NEW CARÉUÂGE *NU Waggo n Shop Te proparsd to mai OAM~AGE ordor, Il bauds ér the, D at a Great PECI AL Milinery and 8&.raw Goods muslins, Carpets,&c -A fui! .Stock of Choice, Groceries, ware, Bùots agd SIaoesi . - liard- Farmers produce taken in exehange for GOODS, orThe higbestcash, price.paid for- Wool. COILNÉIU OP KING& SIMCOE Sta., OSHAWA. Oashawa, .JuIy loîh, 1861.; 27 Watches &Jewelry GET THE BELSJA T ]RE subsciber bege 10 announce 1114 athe hua just received ,e, wellselected ortment of xOW Goodas, consitug of- CoUd andi Silver Wa-tches, Jet and Gold Esar Iings, Gold sud slver Guardo, Fluger Rings, Erooo., qSeant Plus, Pensil Cases, Thimbieso, Loekets, Charme, *o6 &4fiime ussorgment of' French sadAmeuicami Ciocks, erachaum Cigar IIoidervî Erlar Root and other Pipes, Steel Spectacles# Repairs of ail kindaý. OSIIAWA, MAI' 1801 00=j Pieue note the 9ddiUeSs, J. Po JOHNSTON,9 Oi1KAWAb tf-20 IALL'S CAIUIIAGE WORKS,9 1000 1,000 500. 600 400 yard@ fleavyi Fancy Dren D lu gistimg o>'relined LN.o,20N. 8, aSRG lruhed A, Brokeu -Loat and! round, new aanpply of Fresh Groceries. Tornn S *T. Fi.* MI' 3LLAN & (JO. FAZRQ U H A R 8O N':8. A '$PLNDI)',LOT 0Fý DRESS GOO.DS, Boyal Embracing-Mohairs and Musin<,Shawlsi, Prints3 Eloop Skiittâ, &C., at cost ' Cheap Factor' Cottons, Scotéch Tý4eeds and fine' Clotho, for gentiemens' Summer weat?. FiATS ini endiesa variety. The Orooery ý,-De partment Embraces a ehoice assortment of New 'Fresh TessSugars, Cof- fées, &e., -ikC., CHEAP FOR CASH. Farmers produCe taken in exehango for goa JOIHN.;FARQ ,JHIARSON., 1 Sil'ver at par. Pour per cent off for Bank Notes. Good He;avy (ottons at I-12,1 cents Best. Cotton warp at $1,75-,.net, Bis@ pe r yard. ieu Cagh iT >. T'he Very- beet of Prints, at, 18cts- per yard. Selling off balance of, Dresst Goods, at cost. A LARtGE ASSORiTÈ,OP Qsui Family Groceries, AND BOOTS & SaIOES$,ALWA.YS ON RAND. 163 Kîng St.ýWe'st,- Toro'nto. Alarge variety Of Canages onhand. 'the propnietoris of this B~etanblishmeut, possesefcilities for manul'acturing Carnages -t i enable them 10o defy compititiont either in' price, stye or finielh..C11ad80oi fu8lç 3 EST STYLES. neatl>' a"promptly £. 5A ILA The high:est eush price paid fûtr SPÉCIAL b or NGüÀd"FFý"dfiqü 1 1, m i --, 1 1 l . ly-ui Prodince, 1 -.Y.y ..-

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