Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Sep 1867, p. 1

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1782. ici B uàil)lu là-Le eOM -InB1;fQ;0:Nw slliýU, o 81a '0IzGE*il. »ÂRTELL, &X818ITUE, ATTORNEY, CUVEYAN 46u Dpt BgstaMatrExtraordl naj,à44im m Ln OeucTry fouthoco!Un fl ZEITKEh T>OIIXEY AT LAW, SIltrwOaflrYhO.Whltli, . W. DiBoo- Viutoi a n,Broo t. Wlltby. n ltzeTZ.AT-LAW AN» SOLICITLPER * Ohtamkgeoy. (hmbov-Jo TohlmW4tt.e #e. . G.ORDON# »n,4iRt$TEB doÂTTQENEYAT-4j4W,ý t, (ilo-.Pocweà hPowell'$ Stèee y. . I IWAKS OICITOUI 4TAItY PIJeLI, &t. cir. W. il, DILLINGS9 x SIIKVED hiaLelOO 10 OntarlO Aolsýil t Xi 0 uoi1 Door iSoutlbof tho Whlitby, Janu. 28t 1801, CIL&.ILEDC. àKELLER *A TTURbFEY AT LA&W, 60LICITORIN . (llîaugeryCveaaec.euig ou, Brook, C(2. * l-AT-LÀW. SULICITOR IN ALLOhIIt)Eivor Çt5i' Pulic (onvoaueor, *a. Whhbr <1.W. L0gg, ltictoria Blocic dei sRjtryQffio, on lBrook ttro 4 A TTORNEYATLAW, SOLICITOI I N Chenoevy, 6c.&a. Ob Dasadas Streel. gg' Tbvoe dooan West cf the osoeIffim..1 TAEEWSTEE8Al!TOSNEY$i (UNIVEY- pdgre n4 10larls Publia, ha., &0, PamsaÂ~ia10tiiJ -<fpesb@Towu e1.VoaaLL. B., 1 W.*K. (2ocisAWE. Iý 'hry - mh .c.JoNES < 3 oirIE-Naldoor te tho Uoglelvy solituibâef. ho. ho. ~ 44 Clttres tret, Toroto@.in.0 e Pa AIEWJité iî',JooB.?, vaieal.UltOQ-6imoga Sîrout, Northî Ort fîcLosç,tiloa, Oshava, 0. W.- 0 utwrl<SEIIAT LikW; solloilor luntitan- 40 AW,OIIANOERV, h C0NVEYANON fijl1o, Prince ÂIbrt, Ivo doors wvostof . (.penma&e aMone.1 .J.GUNN, M. Do IEGEZON TO TRE <OUItTY GAOL, ~Byron Streot, Whitby. Dl DW. FEUititERt, M.0 frOEIitmo-ste 5ea. ni., antiôbIc 8 lock, P. in. 1 A.#PrtINOLICt mjERCUlAN'g TAILOR, B9009I STUBET> iLWhltby. - >THOMAS HUSTON, TOWN CLERKâ téTXZAUREJL, WHIITBY Utie-Conl Iou. -Hur. 9W I 1oclook, BÂEiIITERS. Ing Sitro, à doove Eeisto! AtcHljRAILD DARKERt, AR~KU IL VILLAG08, C. W., OpPICIAL JyAueguoo for York anti Ontarie, $iotarY' D. OS )F SIXTiI ViSIC>(N COURT- LIENSL UTI E.Aditio- ro$tXjcy AT LAW, ýSOLICIT0R IN ovp4te ue. nout door te Office of Mn. ofget ous Uo ppoeite H. E. 'DE8, MF, OF TuIE EVENTIL DIVISION Deurt erthlie Oculy -of Ontario, Couvoy- co.aiieelin 4as aoBeu ,bhe TOE.~Lete s'ai 016#06e. wauo, iîquoro na(olgtscl J eoo ut. UXB-RITDGE flOUSE" UXBRIDGE.1 'i w K.ANKAXÇD. STAGE H'OUSE., NAIfILLA. .,1 . î - EST Wlnee ilquold; iiuperloracSim I3modato sitort rae! lors-, Eood iatebllngatud ALýBION HO T]EL. DUIIPACln4tfo WUTiT. JAM.ES BLACK, OMULSSION !MER CHÀM ind IndANCE, & GENEBAL AGEN4T. Whsity, JeU., lith 1660. 2 REVERE IC E B1 PLANKt - - Propnotor. Stoges Woend rom WhitbL' oili daily. Evor AttentLoc paldtW guoe. Lîroful mâd alen- live ont1ors. - g- -JOUX -Co IKO]MUZLLEN ÂCeoun9tanlt, Laid aid' Gênerai Agouti AND NOTAlIY PUBLIC. ORILLIA,. Om.. lu JPter trooti oue door taortli 0f i favoe uPig tore. Wild andi Icprovoti Parma ln the o enti. e! t>statitO ad bSlmot>e ir sale. 1< N. .ollooiuo ttondati te -suid proupt -LIfesNXCEs 4- îï.Dunuoord, P. 1' y, E.q., Wh Eq., m. P. tor BarreXiaminéw, Cnidiaun Foot, Lludaay, andi W btby nuxenr..71 PRINGLES ROTElie (LA££ WUONI$,> KING STRL'ET, OSH WA. JAMES PEINGLE, ULOBE HIOTEL TlEabeve voîl knowno l elt e bbesd 'iob£ol auti Promises bave beupuromasot by the subsorlbor,whsve h lie iAlwayé be tounti u laiati rendy Iciatt eýr»onâljy t3 the *alit* of bistgtuait*, *a. Thse proaniees have beon aeuvnintly andi eonifovt.sbly f1tt.d ap;einled,papoved, &a. olîli oislarnne!fe*f Iwstr $p waaliand ti vory, nooru )mpvovomoplto piseothe £yavoiler .a homo duriloasîs tanth ie Table bnulful- ly pupplied t $1t ciîmes. Notice to Fariners and Othero Liquoro,Wlîolemal rand etlMof',a- ly±'roofby gallon orbarrel; MoNenlghtoil'e ioenlovit, do. do.; lfispler'e Extra Jluctii8od Whlmkoý, do, du. bout 1Porte, Sherryl andi CogniscoitBranîdy fr the sok, w ith siant of LI iraîd 2ev it.lotbîn. AttentlviOmtl ero, and Iliorsois te lire. A. ALEXANDER.' flrooklln, Jan.27th,1Lf . 4 ONTARIO HOTEL." WH-ITBY. C. DAWES - - - PROPRIETOR. duporlor aeconinodatlons. Caroftil atten. tion Wto te raurrmento of trii>alers andi guents. 'I - 15 aclous steb11ng ênd éehed-room, andi rcady o,tlO,0loyswithuiscsli. 1 VICTORIA IIKUSI 12 PUwNDAesTar i utit. JOffiL SPBiJtILL.........o>raetr. T IlFsubecrîbor doolvas te liifoan ie nismauy fý riands tlîait lie in now carryig on tue ubovo liitel, andthhet lie lappie noue hut tie bouit of #liewIliqueis, cigare, anti refreKh- ment«. A waliplta tbl. ; oodisîablln-g sutiOaoosed yar , -- - - . Whltby, ot.4. 1864. MIN SPICUIs, MMTE ROBSON Ho 039, (ILATZ sOgzIuEB'e exr DIJNDAS STREET# WHITBY, C.W. . leseot tho bullding forniorly kuown si oripture'% Rtidwhlck has beau mont.e ed eurnl.hod, en'Ajttoti up throughout, lu lhb betof tyl. Tho euior reaul sitât4, opostéth%, Post O012ce, and in the conreot s Twn. ThoRilawyOmnibtis dalla net1he flotol,and the mtages for Uxbrldge and Beavor-ton leavo the door aeryuiorulng.. Board 91 pcrday.,, GEORGEj ROBSOII. 1WCroful Hostiors alwikys ln ettondeuoo Whllby, ltey 1848. -'0. BROM)ESHOTEL. (L142'1 ýOFÀD H0L7L,) OPPOSITE TMUE PO$T OICE, EOBTé E4088 -J&. -- Aox witei Anrofijz.'IileAtmpa aj ougraes thorn wlth Ian) blaneor bybif ind bMmuy bà..r der6d-wlao. boy London, JYti, Geneve oo wbalamot j and malsy sDion Whmo ébluka lie ao gnulbsIlM. 1. TebJi, uf LiVerpool99 oaul1%d, t hliolennov )r rgu. iuWlliltolxopvey g dtua.>,o$ otrylnga&cb.cp snd pour Swi.eImitatlon. Iow AferIcauWI.oAstio usedO. The mnonicau WalthO~m Va'abble, matie b y ne snob uturtan protose-and by nesnob 11Oiîî otuît okiumu. Al tooortos from tib. roception o! tho rew auIrsl-4llo bra.w Ihe ailel, the ilo r, ithe goltiand th recloux stonLi -te tii. 4oWîletlen cf lima aVtoh, un usôerrcil n Uûdar b'nufMot, asld noiti ti kilINlul enti,, ompetosit direction. Bgt &ho &Mrat dbillngluliig Tete.of tiliIr Watches, li, lhçeco sthat tIbeir severai parte are il tie bythi e uo4lhemoat porfetand delicate maahinory evur broughb tu haiâd or lînu ud4ell'y. Every oeo e i.moe>thau eu Msnrt pStsf.orwtehIn l* tado by e maohlino.lite1 hily repreduceove oc~ u edlng part'wth the piot PUnbrylb .buae Il va a ouly neecesry t pto umek.porleot witch t f rbny perilulgr style santhbonuW edjustth liîundv.d mbineuoeoasavy te re. yroduco .very par lt ofbat vwan, sudnti l-l 40imaI t qliry uuefiaàlgwat.ls mdet b. 1k. IL Zf any ptI t f my Ainolean ýWàibaln Wetab ahouc le leal er lajereti, the ownor ba onlty lb adi.. ite Comîpany, sat.lng lime ubîor eofbits'wtch an ti ~paoilvantoti, wlia4ber It b. sprIlIgt pnioas*, o*ol, or'wbet net, rid byrethru 1ililie Wîid recelvo lihe des rad era 4e 1i.aey watchraker wonld ad net to ite position. ket soizu' puectlly sUbmik _thair, the sISIBISfil la r of Itar mon. tohes,anti eolié~5SB5liimlu to s ùufr iale W î * o-- --------------- hy blairIrospwetimooh=Wl proooeesthon cau be maode nuer j. ld .fablîonet inedi- croit ,ay'lun. Tby UnAsPfaeuro vaielîce of .very' gvea,,front e goodj Io* prie, anti subuteutial artile lu etliàcclIver Ituntlgi ali, opola1 'mtod o tho wnso h moe or to Ina stor anti allie ladiei' watchos nbn n goto r tUe inoat ananelet sud àl c" but lthe Indispensable ra. qulsiteet Il dilor watceoaleat thohy aalsl lbc GOU» TIMEKEEPERS. t irbcuh vemembevod thet, axocpt thoir singile wet grade namdIleti" 1cm.Wetah Company' fBos tn;i' 4LL WATCIIES mades by Ilion îAre Saluy Warranted. tee le good ti aI es m.agail limte Company NEIShAPPLETON & Co., USWMBfrviWGTfiST,1 BU"«e (4uunu.Aourm.o 3KBRT WILKES, ToBouTo 4, Moatiut, MONEX'-1 0 LOAN. MONEY tb Jean on gooti Fermi, et elgbt Mper cent interdit. LYMAN ENGLISUI Barrliqtor, tjaha. C>hwNov. 28. 1264. 41 G. C. CALDWELL' VET1EUINaL1Y SURLGEON. BG mo8 iut rospectfnlly t', intlitato te the Bithabtonts of &arkiiiim and aurroniiding oountry, thit Il asa.commeneeti proctico in the Aayà lino, andi ho hope. by atrictttton- tion te buoluca. te mèrit a shUTO Of public Patronag. 1 nçu-Main ttrcot, eonuiboue. boo inglidb lotal, blarkbahî. 82 VARS & DEVLIN. pRACTJCA,L Dontiat, Oshawa Dants.l Boom%, directly oppo- limooostrOpt third dooruorth ôf the Ontario Bank. go BXI'RF.qS AGENT &o., asecAgent for Accident and éStandard Lnmrauco vos. Il DR,. rEAKE.. WHITBV. 'BE EEREN CES f Du. B6yrura, ]». WulonT, Du. E:cuniofr Dit. Tnituas, j)ýDU. izou, t, A*ik, (for Snrgory.) Ail of Torout.. 2 0 SVIERE 'YOU WILL GET TLLE G (JEAPSTAN»BEST. A SAUNDERS' IlT ROYAIE HOTI, ST1REET, WHITBYi atidilobao ele M..'at &NIIU JEUICAN ASSURANCECOMPANY Capita,_#400OO0. prrT i Atetfo e.above om i1clEroou tho mot ý vé raume, HOMPNE Or NZW JAVYN, VPNe abIl.te hriuoi esnrioaàhol a stien- taegns eto s wil i alîogpthor suporsod, the ueouigr of <.ionpanlio u n h Mutouel Isu!, larmoya have ail the sogtWlty o1 tho Capital Stuck ot Ot,000,000. Ordiuavyy4nplra' risIrs toen., M or about one pur cblti Md u, remlum -notes rotjncrod. JouxI AGX>EW, Wbiltby, JUnO 28, 187 mo2 INSURANCE 1COMP'Y. 1115 sCompany la bOy faliy organiasdl. and TL le prepareti teecopi l iks -ou ai Buildings, sud their oonb.îlat Conntr y 8011oo1 Bioues, anti Cliurohea., Tiio*o wisling te ln- sure, anti thercby support salenie tinauranco Company, bhave mv u eppcrtunily of dbtin moi byeaplylu, citter &#the hîcati oio, or te eny et th locMa eot..our rates viii b. faunut su Iow SBiseu of an y roa.pouneblo Mutual Iu- euvaaoe (Compîany iu Callada. IIEAD OFFICZ-Tho Olti 1< olâbvy OMesa Building, Brook Streot,, W imtby. J. B. BiMneL, LeQ., PIUUeîomr. DOXAL.D MOKAt, Eo. M"Ous, Rma. SOrAus, G.lioruEmI, JUSN Wur.ua0, Dàsyzn S. Puw., JAs. IOLDZN, Il. lliÂNNAN. A. RICHIARDSON, W. il. IIILLINOS, BÂKI>'leRoyal Caneidlan B.ank. W bliby, July Suis. 1867. 27 IJIlEIIIAL Pré Insuraànce Co'y OrF LONDONk IESTAB3LISHEI) 1800. Capital, £i,945,000, Bterling. Punda Investoti la CauadaL-$05,0Ot. INSVHA&NOES aainat Iosby Pro cliecteti oit tio momt favourable termue. Ali bases pid wthout rofertsiceo t to Board ln isudon. J!lNTOtJ BRO<iTIIEIS, Mottali; Gonorel Ag4nto for Cuneda. -JOHN? AGXEW, Wulnus. Agent for Wliltby, O>hewe, Jowmanvllle, nd anrfrotindlng-couutry. Bmosý-2ô THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON INSIJRAN B",COIIP'Y., Capital, SurpIna, and lloaerved Pundsa.. ........ .....521,6;. lavested la Canjada .... o..: 2à0,0. Pronis rclVooiti lu 1866, wore *,22,6 DÂuL* Pod ulsnpwarda cf.... 17,000, Sharobolders porsonally tospensible for en- gagementsocf tho.Ctnyeay. Al l itbctev mtwaI WSbitoboldrs. 'ý PIRE DEPÂRTEIý. INSITRANCÉ effctod on %il ci"$of o pro. JAML trurEnttopuie. où.drts No extra charge for Xilta"*y counitry,. tAfn -à',~mfm h énft S4 Mare anâ i l, or evidonce Sthst Foa uh. been list.4 Two year old eoudre Oo1t..ý,,4 die -'ai14 cu il Cft14 J' mitebe M y. .4 Marc ansd Pool, or evideuco that Fcal bas beeplbat, 4 Tyo ywolnd entireOdoit.s>. 4 One etr c nl petiri Co ts& *' " i 'llîà Pai iptohed }Iorâçs.k.b>s... 4 Claie il. 7Cattie. IOfOÎJGU ,BRED.. B1 131 q i I 32 3'2 3 2 32g 8,2 wo yoar old Bu*.... 3 2 F epr1ing 11.....4 3 2 n1 c'ait..........4 8 2 Uloh Cow, ging inilk or . in eaif.Op, . ..a 4 3 2 rca earold Houier... 4 3, 2 FeariibiHeifir.......4 3 2 -e .............4 a Iàsf .......... ...4'S2f gi1Wh ow, giving niikor *in~~~~ 8af>a..é.> s 2 !w jear oid Heifer 4 3 2 rearling Heiler .......n 4 3 leiter Cat.....4 3 2 Bul......... .4 -3 2]i 'l-o yearold Bull........4 32 rcmutling Bull.,....4 3 Miloi Cow, givi»g nmilk or in CAIf . .. . . ..# Il.b l . . 4 3 1 rwo p'ar old Boifer......4 3 2 Yearing Heifer. 8 #f6&0.. 4 3 21 L*$ifer b Ot..... .... b. 4 2s 131............ î T*o .ye4r old euil ........ 4 2 Iteatrlng Bi.»î... 4 3 2 PuIllCl,. .>.' 4 3 2 Siis Cow, giving milir ti Two year laid Heifer.....3 Yearling, Miter . Two y car old Bull ....... 4 32 yearling - Bull............ 4 3a BulLlf........... .4 8 2, Mlttih COtiw giving milk r in Calit. ... 932 T *wo Trar old Hier 43 Itoaring H e.. . 4 3- 2 Hoifer 9i......43. ipr C ATYL FatOx orSteer.î.... 43 Fatcow tir oifer. '.. 4 3 2 WOIlKING CLE Yoke Wovking Oxen. 4 3 Clage IMI. Sheep. Lxi *W r in g i a m n . . . . . f i :'d.Lmb,. i'.342 1 Two Ewes...........id3 2 1 'Idio SbearlingE as...e...3 2 i TwoEwe 'Lamibe. ......32i ftuiu* fou.s....., 8 2 1 fShoarling Ram. .s. 32- 1 Ram 14mb...........-p- 3 2 1 Twd PE#edi......s#;i.0...832 -i Two Sisearling wsvoui..iin.3 2- i T*oEwo Lain...........3 [ý '- , -;' -e . Two Sh eari TwoEwe I ..43 ..3 .3 iwos......... 3 . 111150. . . . stbu.sE ý roots Mangold Wurt. gel, 1onq ré4 1.59 1 2 mots Mangold, yoi. 1owLGobse.., #. .50 C moOtsOarToti, long 12 roots Carrots, White i.bo 1 0e 19 do orange 1.50 5O0 Molss VU. -Daiy 'Pro ce let.101h Butter, Q&,rge Rosn.prite of...',.*ib t~o '6h.......... 8 00 i Best libs C1heçe>p M, m. , 3 r d , - I n ,P " f . . . . . . . . . 0 4îh.............. 001 o3rdo. . ., à 00 E se...........l0 '3d.......... 2 00o 1 [;ea ir àof .r..eu ifi 5 O. "An er ty...t 008 20 3dTuky00 .. F.iSO FOIes,mnald .. 506 os W ÀC.0 1i 500 Id 1 TOWiO.îs........1.500i8 --eý lage uie80e eon, ownod by oxhibi , nIL.-TrunImpi ente. .per aud Mower, com- bined.... e .a. a,$4 $2 M1oWing Maohilc, singlo..&l 4 2 rhroshing Machine. i.... 4 4 2 wagoq' ý(wojomcteam,) 4 2 Dago ~ Two>iormi spring, markt.iioo$ài&îà.0s4ss [rofi Plotth...1îsà;ii....... Wooden Flongh... Set o/' Ilirrôo, Wood.. i 4 8. Sot of Jlarrowa, iron .,.e.. 4 3 Two Horse QultivatOr.... 4 8 Ganlg Plough..*#6i...4 a 2 Grain Drilli..............4 Strâw Cutter, for horse Corn hIr.i . ..s 8 2 1 Onc-bprso Cutia air. 9 3 1 Straw Cuttor, worked by biond... b....... ....... 3 2I Horse-rltko.............. .3 2i Fannibg Mi..... ... - -3 2 1 Sot of Draining Tools.. 3 2 1 Cider Mill and Press. . 3 2 1 Cheose Proms...... $2... .i i500 Waahiug Machine .... 2 1 50c, Turnip à 1r. .2 5i00; Chrn........ 2 i 50c tIrain Crtiaher ..... .... 2 1 Oc- Half-dozon HRay Forks. 2 1.5o Hai dozen manure Forka 2 1 SOcý Ilalf dozcn Steeul tocs. 500 Half.dozen Scytho.... 2100O Clase X.-Hortioultural De- 12 Table .Appitisi. utimitor, named..i u. # 0.. 0-.......o# 12 ocoking Apleu, aummer, 12 Table APplo fait namod 12 cockibg 61" ' i 12 Table " winter 12 cookilg " Il ff 12 varieties of Appl ',et#-iâti- odl, 6 of oacth..... 6 vanrietiet of Applesnaûied, Ees du*'pa ;,f Appi,' imot 4lem tiseabve... 12 Tabl FEte ume 12,Ttlg sed. sum 12 Table Poarnwinter, fi9s 12 Plt±dduerdim Best collection of Plunms.. 1 500 me c mode ai 10i yard. 1mâdc, t 10 yards 10 yards 1 Pair Wo< Ocvoriet, do. iShopherd'i Pair W0oo *' naiù Woolep Mftts.î..7h 00Ue Plain Wooleu Yarh..î 'JSo SO » Coare .8oots..ô. 1ScWtr sotof Faim Hariýe* e 1 dé Carr ae 5 nsîls iaddle. i .. à :I Bide 8addle.. ... 2 1 - A i. tise fa iuléntralitMme R2 taa bs4o l% fs ~beesur gla. -IILa4ie 'Depart- bas b Gentlemafo Lady,$ Bre........150 1 aSi Yhi[d's Drk ..>..... .i50 iulp à ' Knit Be4 Cvr..> ..1.50 1 Thurd Crochet work Ccqnterpanc..t150 i bando 811k Couterpsi.. 1501 or, r Fano tf~.s. S..1.50, ilwbon- Fang! Knitting &.., 1.50 Iea Embroidery -,on Musiin or Lac...........150:i nana lgi1broidory on Siik... .00i1.50 I Engli " Worod..1.50iiay Crocht ork.....-1.50 1iS'th' Raised Borli Wooi ... . 1.50 1i l Fiat ]3crlift Wol..........i50 1i 01e<t Gorman Raisod Work.s ;.. S IO~ Guiprerk..ss . 1.50 1 I É henile Wr.........i 150 1i W ruainontai edi or.1.60 1 The 1 ecinouof.raiing 150 i1ludi Cimon cf Qu lig 1.50 i1 8 Cimn f Boad Work .. M i. 1 p£F P 'r Fcwere ........ ..i. 1.50 - 1acco> Ha 1.5oowo1 i 50 Fa...s.e .. l150, 1i üît itgreoî ¶...m....... . 450isus Gre n am.;;. . .. 1.50 i -as Faneý Leathor Work ...1.60 1St. Hat, adias Straw . 1.0 i -Feath Flowers....... 1.50 Ilý Zephy owcr . .. 1-i A Watr ~e........1.50 i Ou, Wa r es ...... ....... 1.0 i the Farmne'Wreath .. 1.0 1an' Water r Painting&...1.50, 1en Veivot ý tink. îî..ài.. i... 1.50 lOi Peue) 4g1Qii.i.. îs1i . clrayn fli*...;~.15 c0e Pearli 500 Orna'mme 50e0 api Olecti Oc Mllc Ornem,è $2 Roture 1 reni i te Waar ho gent li uishmen te in Ihi vîit 1,wiil ut. i nw F4vmýý Ir -1 ý 1 1 NTARID

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