Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1867, p. 4

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:NDJfl CHANCE. 2410 tms loeud> boumeba .1Oo" Ira0 nmlseof NEYV -REQUIRED ojaliesot* of rmat, ta b. .peadad on Improe- r hffl*4 for sultabla Villag EUsîmwa(if by latter pré1plL 1.) NEW CARIAGE AND Wagrgon Shop IN LATEET BOYLE9. Ii!etpvrag etiy send promasîir ~'Thru domto lai nLIgirDundee, Farm for SaLe 10A hure* là-th, Township of umanvat Uv rU,.eut PoetLot N.8 n qoyl; vîtIa Utwo Iota of Lb, Town fia@ of trou from stamnpm. Comtertsble Log Bos@- tr roag orehird of 000-ties. Thisîproperty VII 1» ïOid obosp, snd on long terme of psy- ÂSO0 lot No. 12, l2tia ooncessiaa KARA, TWO RUNDRED ACRES About 10 acres cieared, log liotloqo *0 Tlili # Colm. lot, end le isltuatd ouly son», four tnues froua t4s eentre rosd. .A LSO0 75 soa eýgtia.e Wpart of heiasoth-lîali idct4,t oncesion oi Mars, adJolning the, VILLAGE 0F BRECINe Ahont ous-ltali erd, end a- potilon trc of eumpn..'ni* Lot adjoIne tieo centre itod. esbon .1 Wîras omoe sor fO icres cicared, Apply ta, J. lIAbi PERRY, #hltby, Sp.t.1840, atnst dlaovrery of the1 P Reilaved wLtbont takag adi. Eptian.i mone . th.sleme of ,< iaLl 5Ir.a ..... 1Ids ottbe i. vilch cOum .ppeu su, 44 u ;1 9 - ï *4# j~ Id # 1, ' 100 dé The 5IntýtwoI0t1 aj9pbithe zesxiy-]ot 12, âth loun. sS umes " . rpt.ý49 lot cou. 87 de s i 64 il 150 id Id , Iloth W..t Dy. b7 di Lot ', lfth-e s aon , 900 seriwthla i mw terBoet fna îà;Ut Eos, ELDO-Wet~-4, 5 eoeesioo100 XADOC Cold Lands!1 F01 MWmthe i.ulvided on&4ortb of lot AlO ITI IMARES ln TBE ONTAIZO NININ COX'NY. Appiy to. 9,lu.~ULEP John Keith. btatwer tf VI etohi nde nemi to $mtretors,, sud cost., sccrilog to ti*othep" red teternary ptlnfipl., mu iserîtofore. lLm-hon .rfo1ly do., 'and o bot knr"oaaentiflc prànlpeos. Wlu Ail kinasof laoisltofh's aMd geea wozk CaiiAtt h. .14 stand. JOHN KEITH. $ht,,Jn rd,- 1W0. RBoiere for -Saâle.a Apply#4t h. Wbltbi oadyo o 1JV-.ELOAN,YEq rnE uldnaad b'gtanoum e tiaithar.- JL p a re dilthe iuterest of li. BAT ln the, writby U LVM ~stabîe ans' liaviug muade lamte iddition* t ereto inu lorson, snd v.- bIoles, tlaey are nov prepared to sappiy al orders for ivery ln a ouparior manner, sud to meet the publie reqairenente prom ty lu cvery rompec.1M COULTITARD k RSTRONG. WALtTEFCOULTHAJ11, - EDWMLD AiguKIO Whliby, -lune 12, 1887. a7eon Ayo rs., GEINERAL L UIIfND FIRST-PRIZE HOR8E4.HOEI DUNDAoSMTRET. Whltby, 19, 1867. lv-4 fastth snd 95tritton Basinesu Coillge, looâw tadaBu!. fale. Tis luthé me.?4OtkomL - oma arganîed buinaau Ï4hool la eîlmtiaaecs lu 0onffaauce _of the dcatesh o!Mr DJ., etrattob, thé antbsud,>. Intereat hae beeu dîuposed o! Sa nearI'y &il tha (loilege. o!thi Cban a. Hertlb nF xprmt CONTÂp<1XNc#95 ACRES, About i65 rS o fà md si ade, cotivîtozz Thora ite two good frstne o mn, mmiiOr- TERME made known, on application t., DARWIN KEWT, Jmuunme sud OGmnmAgen, Whisby. A CERTAIN CulE Ir" SCÂLDE, AND Afflé EEYl' I'bmby cesrtfy 20at m>' son hidi à.atfal uore log 00muh0otbt theft"bhfeiI Of1ýnd laid the bon quit. bare. 1 ommonoo4,nsing Donelly's PlaWe; sud lua£ short tiam t eured hlm oomplMeI*y. I1 .trorgly recoaim.nd ilt 2 dul aafterlng om eraptionc01 the akin, MaI bveu tproved ln ail camas Pzoro, C. l. 80 ThisIfs to certify tbat laut May 1 uet a iretti, ot bolline tUr #à ftrm, whleh took the feah off,1ea#ng the boue slfpwst bors.. aafferdthe m.U tlsmý44t1u-sîon *h,..r wooem. i lheu spplw. oanllY'a Planer, It at 0510e cured me ins very *horfthtiac îold by JANU 1. GEMISRIsud JAIJEO BYSCRE, Dragjlts, Whtby; W. I. ATEÃŽN SON, sdMK BOýUB zmiNuN, 00.14Md, s~ by ail bDngstm a t1soouyïty. JUDO 6th, 1907. lwo-2 Land For-Salee Buiding Lots@ Tbebi flo. Ing lust of Lotsd, vil! be sold 1ev for cit, orant a faîrNauatiou on Liane, viz. Lo1, qth Con. Maris, 200 AcOres. Lot 16, 7th" Mulanca', 200 61 WU 13, 12h "Tosoroutie 100 1" U f7, ard do 100 lé ot7, îth " Dolaient 200 Lot il, 7tis 1" Uxbridge, 200" XV 9, rd $4 Beach, 106 5Y 14, Sth " Eaniiy, 80 Ift , OLIS Vcraleln 86 let 17, front ouiavoiet Lot 22, do, do, BU7, 101th, Il Sonterrllo, 100 d lot 6, otb do, 200 66 Tet 6,Tth " do, 20:66 LotO , l2Lh " .dot 2S00 Lot 9, mL1 " do, 200 d lot il, 7th " dot 2 tg * let il, Oth î-do, 66 0 *Ni, & W,7,2nd" WbiLby, 60 4" Several valu~ic baebilding lots, for busîre.cm sut privai, résdences, inlbt 'ovus of Linid- ~Crfurther 1omgSian pply to ROB. T. ýE. PERRTY. * i Wbttby Whitby, Mircb, 1865. AS * jolgntgth,-e irBuilding of LOW ,ES &POWELL TeTSé Cmoft4 > Io rty-s a nsd os4l 0epe~ls, Il faut vide.' oDokALSO Lofle n.r trepf 1,twsan *'McMl$iou SicoLasd lkhi# g hoeiop-àl feet 10 inehm- front, by 96 toit duip tgoaigau. -For busIness Parpos.s e h.,proprtîeu arc ALIO 2Let5.~?oceà< ', e thlb. restd.ie o # Lot$-genced, vat, Ofths e mahodls* ,1 chumrch ,;_ - - opp14- on :k6 lt the e id ec ta aper. ELots'-aomd, uorth o!tbte- résidene of!B 4 lioto-e7~noed ,ontl of lb, resldeno. of John J~1. - ý1bsijsfI n1Iu~i msj a. I bons lf-e CÃ"$f slule n az Panta* VestE, of their o*à anuma Aiseo a complèete tocek of Hardware, (Jrockery sud 0awr, c e are &eer ndo seli Cheap for(AH A caui is raesfècfely liiecl kof Goeis AlOf wihte R. &J. AMPBJEML Watoes &Jewelry GE.T TE BEST HE subsc"ber èg to ainnnce t1at ho bas just riecived a T ell selected assorit of new Gàoods, conslstiagof Ibem and'uitAmerlos. Clochaf, Noerlasum Cigar Iloiderso Briarit osi aud other lPp1eESsaI pea"s. Repaira of ail kinds. QQ ivlase note the address,- J. 1P. JOHNIXT0Ný, OORAWA. tf.20 ESTALIS-IEB183361 MIL TILL &BRO T-,fi (SUCZESSORý97 0 WH. -TL) Cabinet -makers & TIph9isterer's, anid ers in alkinda of'Cabiùet Furniturý e. deal-. Hlave nIow OU hand, the largest and 'M'O'st select Stoéktobe baud in 4h. Oountrywhich thoy arc selling at prices tosiýt tlimes, being detersninecl flot to bu undersod by any bouse là the tradd. *Jal and examine befooe jrehaing elsewhere' A choicëe ,O lection ci Git iouldiugs * w _ ic,, 1., 1 3&4 1ROCK STREET, ,w-=tBT. SPECOlAL ý,N01T1ICE -1!I Single Rea.pers n Mowers, ,ad Ieapers. t a-nd Mowers Combined. Te*ie9 On" S'aturday, .tJ ist., e WEEK ONLY. 2,000 yards HesvY- Prise 84124e. Worth 1se. 1 500 " *66 f Va net do. 116e. Worth 20e. 1,000- "l"seIe. Worth SU 1,000 FancyDt~eu Delsises, at 20c. Worth 26e. 500 121p, Worth 18è. 00 " Masina at 20O., Worth 2O- 400 yards Mixed Alpamcsnt 20d, Worth-Zbe. 600 yards heivyGamàb«oons2U.- worth 374e. Cotuslosiery, Faney Dress Goodi, Parasols, and-Strsw Goodç,'àat coat. JUST RECEWED-Two tomsineat pre- serving STGARS from the manufturersleon uisting of refined No. 24,ý No. si and No. -3a& Crushed A, Broken Loat, and: Ground. Also a new saply of Frcmh Groceries. Term cah. T. lH. m'ýMILIAN &.CO. NE w 43 N5IMVI I I D'RE-SS GOO0DS4I Emb,,rao*ig-Mýohafr and Mnsliag, Shawls, l'rints, Uoop- Skirfadb~ &c, t ou. hepFactory Cottons, Scotch wedo ndfI Cobfrgetiemens' Sumamer wear. MATS ini endleoea variety. ti ha TIie O-.rooery, De'pertment Embrace a choice assrtinent of -New Fresh Teas, Sugmr, Cof- fees, ko., &c., 'OHEAP FOR CASH. Farmers produce taken liehn gcfrgos * JOHIN FAIRQUIA-RSO: P~our per cent off for, Bank Noteit. -Silver at par. BUGGIES M. Agood n sortmentjof &cmdof, the best material, i tank of-Uper ,Cana&,:1311 Whitby, October 3, 1866. F A R U A SPLENDII O'DOIN con- r«% 1

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