Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1867, p. 3

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im' mmWI MEr. Dlclçoq Lwo a y& fwvwpalv feloipi,5 w tuisMrqMm >on uboe. tua, bufori;-, .lativily-,mwoh lesu; sud pt by sgo.i<h <bemre r valy b.ne.flu our abli-respectlag tribal, te hio taleute sud vorib, sud our lIdIlr- 1*out.e t inga iaI ver. trivial lns hlm. aud miteis mr tes to va. -1oork A iassPausoeu.-TSaPlDs of Sa841.I,à ver-Prettylt!. vo..oiý hpV in fat twooly mvemb pmt à tm Âm.nieau slady, sor vas ler malden"-- Mi 1.4Gleq. DHv fatheeb'1 Iel. ireddlas Cade fér bviruil ybars,; Surs à 'à*vy tapfist ten la04Celese lI.e'* ]Wtb'orris.Previens t. bis rWidaasee M ÇCuade b Se aru5 %fi the Bais Jadie., irbm. is «gber sebot, ber mo*«i 94lm.Sm im e ot, sud emoaua,îbel "aie.. tsf Prt4nepat Joi.l," Tn 7j"es&go ob"odfur bfisèilpbls vidbap"p*. titthises.ftyWM-a enei4ewgp W404a, eiytii. ilothea vie b o b .. vs- ora. Xvstoyhict berais Isor iteste b«eu&6 viry hgrohle aitg a hm n hamp a* eb.d oeiltront Ceaide, At, thï ima rdlag se thé de' f ber bitialsa moenthe *O!m tsvoist; iun baiae Idom . tre or test yasoler. buteh@lot ? blialpiiet foët 85lin' au« -boosla M ofser fet star'." Ob# more 0» of M 1e bon ren oei f bli oouVa Syi *bm @ b *en*i - oui tillA.Ioiusefb sa the mrdeliber pjetprm lsety spéssi las 1802, i loto Ib.pr.s.e" baberfihst lbad d4# b; Zle à loesoailS. se- tirs la usimianaSbodyeapable eofeedarlosg Privation sSd litige., qOille aIt tmee, 'liwl s Cm arasu, and'esylelber hmleal .ried the luspog.la Cao-Ada Sbould lrbusd Osope (tmstise"PMtIt wbiob eev tireat i m, tiere la use detbiat ts Ibo Bper«o f Aum tt wiJ empli tewaraAlm snd' t. "lf. tor i w eurslcue snd isymspahhy for iubrotierthib tati Arabolte altllu B Eiations et Geiseral Grant wif thle t[e'àm.ýtieWihbington CiMs4,(Repsbli- It 1iduuderteod- usd4 Oseral trant Ie hoq1Yt>eg au ord.vrostise Pre«il- administratiooa f tise Wir OQBee, aMO th bd bO ' ý é1i9prnotest agîlt tîl'e *o méva ni &4rt6.Thi .foiiovlug Infor- maticu 'rissbee. frem s 4cure,vie' vo dotais relile-:-Tbq tri"du cf tboi tl l~pmsti onuas log -as possile, iS to 1 «e bi. s utlestsions k oprvent fer- ilur miseb ief. la.said tisePresldent isbuýt (o ritaîlmsaoy OfcoGi. Gvat's let&u prot.stusg aaluat Si.r-»movrai Of of Oseitavy -kautoui, and sy' tïisvens t15mad. publiolelesbita rit it. rsla.orq*irdlpg If# o otista «0 5ft lss caaua trgeut seS ealueet apçual t. tise regident t. listes b lite voice ofthe iso poias leuhm p articpiar amtevltm ai otis aimilir t14 Serimi ltte,. Thon. la codeasit butr tisaitise (Geaeralis lmpedins ti -.Peow~gàs4lofe, tise HIaawk ordir, and tisai ho p.ted itsproteotasla.l ls isse yes9teraY. 'Tise mpjtmribftvsee, I t .a .1. I>.mMauf la .Ud,,inÀad . a uto tivif# of(1Mr. 3aiasis johusto COCREÂNB.-At W;YMtby, eq tii Sai lwmi fi . 5S1. 4o bsÎ qý cemasy.Atterm., of a ieqtr.7 PIED BJLLÂT.-ÂsAstr., e,-«tise oit. M»"Ja. Rhiille i çCanapt,Çlim.udoA, s1 4. IOdai Wkltbr maruts. Wbktbyo, U.ptebn 41 l86t sprint... ..... .... 6.0 PftI400 à Os5. O a s.. 4,aMets. B tter r... .......l'e. à14. Eti....as'& 100. R a ay ..i b$11par ton Ble 0 r00#.0010 a #550 T rkoe., .. . .... ..61 DoC ks#.i" . 40e. pur pair. Appie...... . 2c 0 0# ]M3W ADVITBZXPNTSà I T Tn INDIMPENDIENT ELECTORS 0orTif£ NOR TE KIDIG ONTAUZRO In oicti i 7*up-. potait IÎS .oln* Potion to repilssen t oul'teCanadian 1o0080oor CoMmona, dm1tPr operb t.t. MYlyievas UPon sooof the. matters whioii nay Ocouy tise attention of that flouas& As regards fis. imprtant suject ofImmigration, 1 sbouid, If el.edë, dseuve ts-Mailpracticai meuane adopto ,der Canada a desrabi. bom. toi, émigrent, bellirisu 11a1tho pros p.rtty eofttb. Dominion depends ,maých upors on, increasoof its population, and tho t*WfUswiibocl~Smrcnesd d.leng of ftsatyessmu npr usotive tsurrtôry., 1 fsbould advocato strict- economy sM.. sentisl id lb. management or tlie sffirs of tii. New Dominion, and àitiuough disirous cf eeu; ilswcbsryDoauni siprovo. mentia ent.r.dupon vils as litti. dely ay8 posisiblo, yet the. Revenus kd resoarces of tii. eeuntry shoald b. veil ascttaloedb. fore Undertaking aay larg, or #zpOcsWleý works. A Bsciprocity TreatT ivil thlie lnit.d stat.., bamcd upon eqititablo tormiqwoayd, 1 bsilopreve advantaeous <o.hotb coan- tries- etriflg mUs il,' d goneralUy I iuouid adrct.e as mach freedom in trade Utwoon Canada and é1ther countries ai pratisbl, oraaWed that,au incrssud conuusp lien wc6ui n Manjy cases maire apte lbtg 1/.vpss5Abx lois fcm 1eusoisng thi clstornp 4utleo. ero1fý M Î4 Confédotftidh of thé four IZ À the, aitimatê addition of' the Western Territory s tho foandâiton of a msot importnt omlssfbzlfcapable ofsuap. prtina qeri large opultIon, m1 âd lii rocp.sut'e ~itntoe acliProvince iii, 1 1*11oe, b thée means of rim#vsng massy. Of114u brSoor. Izisetinc 0as"id lleèenta. A p-Art>r Government t6havealvays re. grd2 g as et ealcalated te carry onth le a oafsetthi~e entry, asder ail ctdinar cfrçnimstancésln the-mostxaitisiaetoi'yand Coiaulca sr.n t, ; et 1 Iai sot,! éluct. 41feidsposd toc an atioas oppo, aante tii.prosent 1 ltrbut judg. thèm by lb measares t i& mylntrbduc4,. As tii0 nomime. of ti ormConven. Clair# rcstthe suppocf Ibltpartyan 'frm niy long rosi(dence ln the. Rldfng, I have atis e promlscd support cf many parties cf aIl shades cf pollUeso, vie are * lIuîl h trusIat mess their-" Xre.n tative and wbo pre(er a LeandJdate resident i tboilnd&t , tmùwhcsa interoi, Sarîe ido tbmÇi s t îiast. .a,1 lSrisupport, I bav* the honor to Se, Gentlemen) Tour obed't Serraft, IxU. JIALLTlgjgOp#oN. Cacnington, Au. 0',196t. 19LECiTWON'I to .s S/4e M in .lthse à@« Toin Tise Pafu Op o~it ôbbdidbTom a(à1 mte MIt o ry the.beset4l bis fameuIy Ibo em h'em dam ffea.dïWrs!Isis madeasg rt.chtile Ioiwa'ire viMy oisut attsition te nutaUas disetly-Ai"tn nste iu m tif!. 11414 sud wiilsa tupon ah. pria Pi. ol>.Aget -pardity te nomii Euete Oiolthyosr votasdu tour, ob.dl.at servnt, ~r. meCOJSÀSOR :i10 JAËËS ýAIN- o INA"' ~~- BOO0. &-110 'qI'R, of Md ,85 NOTICE. A PPLCATIONirwil bumidi o 10 tIi L.s LAP55 ouzf the. svtiros e> Opriu eAt has OM4t Seaeon- for an Aetote onstrnet a if41Ii viy fronm the vatus. of liii.Ontarlo, lI tii. Towuabilp of WbItby W.at or Wlitty Zut, tbrongh the. Cong"leor 0outh sud Moth On- tail, mdtii.Caaatc olmneo,,te Bsurgeois Day orsem oIî.roint toisat mxyb.M omo.i- onton iiwatis t <egsa IJay or Lake AbsOb utim*wbvt Mhlipalitimste give a '30011 .*~tss4 A ïlsi 3fol' a gramolW14idtoVarda the, eonstrucliou 00OOTMING SYRUP, Vreat>' f.iitetutii. promeus o! i-fig, by vinI eilsy p& AM anda modieAaction. sud 14 UR 61 0 X I> tIULATZ IÇ S BUWZIA. Depnd MMon 1; moUs tii *111 it gîfacrtot eurualvaa, sud jumle( aSJbiIt. y@ar ý1lafaste. W. bave -cm p and .eId tigo ' aoia for léaa, andisi .ulx taomm ~Abu %orna oiIt vlals. v* have uever bisa 4bete us'»Ycf sur other Medicie-Mavza Smry FAitailu Asses WMO T0A g=à ons, whon tl -yia.Noyor414 v. now i.onste etdiiestinta.Uonhy -0 h 0 ii t <a ieISA l * ft.asd sdIeoti vitu... W. speitlutuSmiîtr W UA,; W 1DO K fOW' iufut a uUfrlsg r a, . e xhau0dlo, 1uit' dirêet (on$' foi 'Iming vii aownps e.'oh boUjeé.. i a. 'cuné uonie.. 1h.efAi- .1lmbi ofet ,>0 r MgIT* I10t15, Uer Ton,4 ion th. outuldevrapprr 0014 by DrugglPt. throsigiont thé WOilM. Vil*CI-Oaly 258censepar Botle.. FuYZ:25lton strfoot, Newyok, M0 sigi lolWWorh, Londoh. i£ngiaud i441 St. L'toi stroet, Rontrat. canada.l6 r 410Tqg PlAME IITl;DING ON AOBON E,,T RE ET$ LàteW 1oftevfrd0suan .ArmnqntThe iilatter MeOo'ê-sray ba'Teqail. ÂppIxy o,,, .Oro. f#- PARTMZLL, *<1uit., 5ptL4, loft.'3 Vount ^rý10 ,with. AIL uiembm sif No. 4 Compauv. ste lu chair pô.uaion, are laereY dreeëte be- Ir tIra 80, à - C1e1 a LO0 mANO, tboy sMd tii. jPubliéo ene thbabini rebaod the re- Iistnerottb~ &*au d to, the bcslpea&of MIKr uW t Baiu 4C., sd hvingniie 1e l"ôue jeot , .fib#* a"pl prip s l#ibé, £1 wating ~dies,,Gen,. i~~a MOI-des 13.t.uu&bbaSlpers &., ttio igît in, iés iih uj zDaa*I~ jd s. cn pris.* o umi b1 w ueetb cgali. Lstdtheabuibwef,, ot i. da4iýged-tb. oéitd sand SAMUEL HORTOP, sbtfcý rto Jow. Bialh k Go. DIRECT mlon THE IMPORTERS!!1 r1'l1BMONTI1iiALTEA COMeAx<T, a IRoi. LiA i tIlrrui'mvnr'dt inportod 6ir euntaty-of Gonon Aand Ilioi Tou., hi5 toe=lltioeattentien o! tii Trats, ilote! Pré. pitorg, anV large ettsbliihment.anonNly tô hei fia !pnIce.. Buyera of Cheata and Soms o! Tes Witt save ,fi sssn 1 l Ail eors frZr th, ii.b üb ifpvarcla mnriage re, go an, Eliil ystation 1fr Cnaasdo Sasycraliving biyoad Ellwasy St"ion vi 4_lewa end Poat UMM iabdekr dî lid nCe. Théue pa44$h oobureestataqon, vher insepreasawmeo. Téàavillibe rovre i medisaly ou*reelpt of the Orat, r by'auaiceualug po4ay, or theme uy mn ibé eoleetdtn'aij bizpnea.'man. Cash 60eOiln ai1ontni I6t ofearge,and Tem noS menîlueît inas 4v.netiu.me mabu bâd eqaaliy eheap. Ibeo'4mpaaîy 'andetermiud Ie taie a stand lnlié Motiea narét, e.ver Ctlsufais'WC6no*",L4otîtL d trong - a................... 06 Vrylce do.d.... .... OHEEN TEAs. mvnay om o. ....'...8 ..l......... TfuE NEW 'Dominion M oothly.' the psrlor Sblei 10ses~etInSft*. i d tb r il. lii. ifgazn~Idfine tiîh tha ivio resd tarougb iv nid aal oug sud te rendcr It unobjesaîonablo te any rp.dea- Terni., dw4 IIbLitSpor sniium, iu advance, or;~ ib of ci» efor elght dollar. eop#y Jouit DoVGAtL 4 olf$ Pqbliabors, 125 0restOL Jsmses8tneet, Mlon- treal. 008 !iainitaOZW ad Termianer, asai #oG=a (*101 D11 belI ildon li u& lr ti Co «syoisOftana, ln the Court Hope u t a Town cf Whlby, on» 1817N . xfrrm at A LARGE Aý8ORTMENt, O? AND 900TS k SROES1 ÂÎLWAYS ON p.' The highet cuh Ppri&i for FarineWa Produce. J'AS4. JOHNT~ ~oe~hbu bpespËoteSOLE AGENT, for AKD WiLL àDPAL À N A iüA tLL STOCK IN 0~GOLD AND])l'SIL VER CASES 1~ BR< - TE g~W NITBOOXI1 LOO.ALAi DUNDAI -- wmR! An assortment'ofNew Jewolleryjustreç. Fi t WAIIELIOIJ Wbkýis .ail 24, iso. 2U. îy CLEÂRINO SÂLE DRY FOR:- ONE MONTH ONLYI At (>14No.lIon the Corner. Y. GIBSONwiili offer the bahinceof bi" Stock- of SIJMMýitR OODS, at and under finmcutl îh whole stock innat be tjipoçe4of byth portion o ie8 Msr.JAS. Bi Andî tbaa hbbas ju.t recoi-ve. gente' and Missi <If ever descritlcigitabie for 1ht wear, sand nt Primseatinat fut al.t tiaalmcion. W- £oputing neaatuy et 4ePuenbecr ite pia'ce, Brook street. #PBHA. nAi 1)'aFe B UR Voqmis',crocer, Wine & SI dea1er, N.2.MIHAL'S B: rI-NG ST., EAST, OZUAW. , ELL BSEL!CTEDE MRAS,"- YEjOMAN GIBSON. HUIRRAH Fg Nol1 on the C T.he subscriber lias just rëe*èivl and best asuontc iska OROCK1ERY-' ANDP GEL QOODS. Fistday f Beptèffibé'r l.Onxt pEi To make irodil for, Iaàge FiIlImportations.- B4~G1N5WtLLý BE GIVENX.. N~'l-ahfrBut ter. Y.G. iJ py___ the hiihest Co - ai frgodTb or Ferkin Buttter. a - 1 , 1 wo 1 Wbitbý# lUt 1

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