Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1867, p. 4

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i 4 1 - îou.rpkp ~ 'tet", 11AC4JiAND 0 0O n Sh op Qold Lands!1 FIioati tdvdonforthaof lot ulL8O FIE 8d: U8IN THE r O1.NTABIQ ING CXWYÏ tci L.1itg's, Duuidas F-09 t) u ln r-3 îc.to bis frlends Amd pa- 7. ~15 Btrous, tliati ha Is bEck aniztnto hi. ld - fistand, Mwhcrâghe wli bc fônind .1w.>'.lu re.l niess e trar or#eg s itud Ottl, scaordltîg to o rSale;p01 vr.Cali ut he oldsgtanti t5.ea Wbtby, ne ý3r4187. t1z2 1ot No. , dn ou rfo > e 15-90138E POWER-Secon-l i1.ad. <l..LOGAN, Esq, tii Pictkering, LIVERY! * flEuAOrsi#,n.eg 14, atoacq!Sçotaha is. 1J..iiiqprotase4 tithelsifercst of i. X lit fio ?ili rf11 stableend buving àiloes, tiJOY'are îîc.w îrrr~f aîi i orders for ilvers' ln a snperlr manner.. sudi fi, iuat tic îpublic reqîirenniuprouily lu overy rgopoet. CL'ULTIJARD & AfflTIIONG. W lb -ie 12, 187, Ceon. Aye'rs, -DÃ"NDAS STREET. Witby, 19,186157. ly-2t, sud Strasttois Bnxisi sCoiege, loateid at Bof. »05 nrçaulzo buines ciîooi lii oristeice. In cotlsolrçeu o'f the deatit of Mi. l. 1D. IncorSt lbas blicou eipoodof t lneurI>y'aII the Veakgs f iiochli'.Horeaftrlb, Co" 0.,k£xgýwi t e det he mlanagement oiej,,o OIWAsrl .wlbo wauvoo- e i ILJNGTONI obuîar d Ot 150 0 t L'l olrt *. ALSO Lot No.,1212, l iaioo#ieslolî MAIZA, ,0 WO JitJiYà.,RED ACRES liue&.Thimi illen yrufil 10 autre rond ÀLSO0 ,4ê011, boing s, nftpart O h of't onfbîa ri4,t, 4til* colicossl not Mgara, sdjoliting t iss~1ciad nla porthiii6 LI."iujg i , lit a ,- Sli? suilu b or lux.tesctarud, ceiituxy il 1 PÉLIIU< IlisTANLY. DAXWfL%;KENT, '. L.1X*FAIBDANKD, Ir., JDsuI.alice ad eýnerisI Agent, Wbitby. A CIERTAIN CF RE FOR' nBuBNx,tCUTOI, FY E SOE BCAL,»1, AND 4LL 'EBYr TION0F OP T N - ER.D TUE- FOIýLOWîNo I bêroby cortify that tay son bad a foai7fibi sore Ig, J50 mach go th"t t o liso ail 09,o17and laid the, botio quit. tiare. 1 commod nsung Dotiel Io .Platerr;and Ini ashort timo IL urod h lm wpolely. li strorgly reonimend IL t al ufotitrhug h i o n c p fio n o et . k in , as I h4vio seeon itproved luaAI] cases. Tillo lxa te ccrtify tliat liait May' I npsot a 'boutlaet0fboiliug Ciii on m isi> amwhieh took the fiesh off, I.aving the b4rne"aimî»t haro. I suffored the inost eruntiatiîîg padhi for th roc weeks. t thon iappliiod îonn#eIyIly's iter, le at once cured me lu a very 'hlort Uino. 80141 b'JANES Il,(4ERIMand JAttES BYIÏNE, Drnggloîs, Wfitby; W. T. ÀTK!IN SUN, and MAlLE JïOBINïoN, U.iua'wa, ail loy ail Dnugeits lu fh c ony. .JUDO tth, 1IM. î2mosi-22 Land For Sale; PFAftaiif;s;IEIAWIMU'i 'ants ind ail otliers wishunig, b paroissae, -Tho folioi ung llst ni Lotid, wil! -bc solJi ow for ca.alî, oraLntcmffar Valas&tloe un tinlo, via. Lxét 1, OL1e Cou. 3Mars, 200 àAcrs.. Lot 15, Iit h t liulmner, 200 " W1l3, 701hlé Tittio lQG " W!4 7, $rd" do 100 - bot 7, 70e. "Balmnont 200' Lt ltU, " txbrldge, 200 ~ I Lti, IlReaoh, t 100 6" 14"Ml éElily, id lo , 66" Voruk, 8866 Lot 17, front '6 somorsîlfo, Lôt,22, du, ' do, 4347, 100e, 66 somer;iill , 100 ' lout O, th doai, 200 but 0,,Tth -doe, 200 La s;, lath " dot 200e64 > 1.t i, lth 6" do, 200 lé ýý t 11l.7lJh do, 2(0 " Lot Il, tit .do, ý 20>" INEY& il, 2ud <" Whlt6y, 80" Screritvalunblo bulldltîg lots, for buisiiosa aniti privaI. resîdene., la t he o Twns<of Liud- C r fuithlrer noritln apply to ROIT. E. PERRY. Trown LT Poil SAL I1e, I3ROCK STREET9, aDIJOIlhng tho now Building of LOWES '& POWELL, 'Mi. LUT8 oontéinatlirty-sven and one4lila fe;roîsî, on Brooc Street, aud 06 fet4 ladieg dep u auç, Iil feot ride,, Lot Ir.on mi rock Stroet betWggen MoMillang front, by 96leet dop to'a jane. For buslaose purpous, thesO propertios are ohole. locationt.. ÀLSO aLots-Yea.ed oppoole theU resld.iie of 4 LOo-]eaceel, west o d o Mthislt A-ISo a coi nplete t-Cof'utGroceries, Hardware, Croekeq tand 0Ilsww1are, &&C. AU of which theY, eart"de.termined, W seli 'Cheap frCSI A,,,call'isreoi)ecefuly so1kited. Watches & Jew elry GET THE BE ST. ~i1Esubscriber be gs to annouDinfc& that he bas juat received a j wel selected asuortment of new ùioods, Consisting or- Céo1d a nd Silver ,Watches, Jet end Ibid Bar IfL gGold andt Slvç, Gansai,, VlngerlagsDrooche., scnt pins, Penci Caaeàs, Tiimbios, Locioîs Charmo, Arc. 4launnsortuseia or Frenchi and Aniericn Clocks, Jleerochaom Cigar «Ifodets Brilai foot and otlier Pipes, lteci spectacle*. Repairs of ail kinds. OSflAWA, MAY 18037 £rj= Please note the address, J. P. 'JOH-NSTON, 0011AWA. ESTABIS1131111833. TILL& BSRÀg7 à,TL. Cabinet iaer î Tphoit e rs,'.al ers in ail kirnJs ofOtibine u~ue Have now- on liand, the largeat and' most < eet Stoék: to be fçound inthpcountry, wjhich they:are sellung at price..& suit the tua.., being, determineéd not to àbu ndérsotd' by pafiY boLuse Wlt r (Yall -and examine befbre purehasing elsewhe .» chouce ,e- lee'tion of Gilt Mouldingo,, (Aýmer'can. malce> 1 3 &4 :BÉOCK eTR=t ITY SPEÇILNO0 inge aýpors and âMowe' andMowrsCombir ZOOyards feavy Prints at' 12&ceL 11500 Il e Fancy do. M1e. 1,000 di 91 * il 180, 1,0010 Poney Dress Domaince at 20c. 500 d 4 .12jc. 600 6f M ulins àft 20C. 400, yards Mixêd Alpaca at '20e,. 500 yards Ieay'Ganberoons.-23. cottoËi, Dioier-y, Fane>' Press Goodî and Straw G00ods, at cost. JUST RECEIVED-Two' tons serving S'rGABIS fromo the mînnntact sistng oif rein ed No; 24, No. 3, ai Cruieýd A, Broke~n Loal, and. Grour nesw suppy of Freshi Groccries. Trn Te I M'MILLA' F ARQU HA' A SPLENDID Embraeing-!.Mohairs and ýMnslins, ShawlIs,j &c., at cont. Cbeap Factory Cottons, Seco Clotbs, for gentlemen?' Surmmer' wear. IIAI The C .ro-cery Del Embraces a choicp assortment of New Fresl féee, &e., &C., CHEAP FOR CASH, Farmers producc taken in exehange for g4 SON DT OF ForpeOenI iNFA Sil'ver at par. Four pet cent oft~ for RiIeduced M'a O'DO]NG A good' nrsso rtrnent of Btiggies, ýc., nmade 'of the best materi.al, 'will be sold at Bank of Upper Canada Bills: taken in exé Whitby, October 3, 1866. *cd to zamfo IN LATEI true d1ot»'.East rm sf iresç liti To t li-u 'IT IRSON. .1 Silver at par. oo TILL-&"BR BUGGIES

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