Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1867, p. 2

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kgr.lBrown sà" ticMes Who sir lwwg 0eu, tes-ur opp.un m -ao**~i« * or bin$ sancbe ad. or itsailng " baiss lui pWov for bis ove peoisw adret "Ohi George Brown f las demage Md A George Brown la su ltsto disevorit ubluge tisey cau sl otblSs $image o m s ar couuuiouts tmake sa a publieoe, la tise.. i.y, tise7C toos gh o lu pOvla tovday h bar@ u**la o£« mal jeanc use clocée-11 bu verr s more aelf-me toe af07 otstrto -Bu Mr, Brown forr.Et&log botte toluetisc rigs.out1V CtosEstu eacrialing ibouse sa Iwos of Pl asd -pover f4r isioueIL vauaeitbng oubis part ; h a log-sudWb"visa sone tisseapposat bu àistpléea struggl-tor k; but lie Abdti lai nntior ctnaeott le dow, lia"altsle,"on bis "&de.soogi or ta bis pensaenasnue'or to bis Pt vlrtu 1 or visac; tbs isell, tsrough Lie vece etftlpper Canads bas iempisedg ile'béitof office ner oeutaraud mid. Irou s .purpo..ous1tise vic W&s won# eud le laed oecured te V Cuida thse contrai of ber uvu se tros Conaderatlon. 'Tb*se lIegai ibas bu loftiosée e More eontredfnation sacnspllisbed, tsud on personal grocudo uske sony cuber tbisnes ud o( Goa bnou atterly animre nd onfound ot;tio vu sacuredbayont! psi taittane vien Krn. Brown let ofisce,'« itter beiug compelledta L lor. tise csblt bu (sai evcrybody kuova,) aupporti ueaM aus aconuau.mation vhus ail Influence ef vitsik b.evu cspable,shîiss bu bed gued reoma w distruatt ise a vise Lsd ochrge of tiese eiseme. And crer tsin, vu u ne publie set more fl so~arfor wviicsUr. Brown doser credif, fi tis tea ptriotie one of liring -: offlÀlc o ruila.,sa uit I11 Gai aaeeuinus ta tise inf.moua sud f raitor: j $ prcputien if plaiogi tise egieahoc Ous&est tise moral of, end depousf -tpois tl»itevseoft tisoutWahiasgtc Ur ais vanted ta equallze uar cet and etutoie dtile. aouBm ta seamilste ubi ta t<se of tise United SiMca, Sua girei tise risaiserles ut tise Golf ot St. I* rence tite tUnited Statuansd mire t uâsrigsllon ci car wvters commun ta bc couctriea. Ur. uIt vantit ta glvei *sytisiog te thse Uited Saes goie. maio ;--and te gt-vba4t lu remru. 8 eipnocty 1 'A tresty of reciprocity for fera ..Of yesra t Nul But LegÎitl roiproolty. Tisai la, s treaty vhich- et su, moment ho abregated vithi nod fitl tbeaise sanceo.f wvihici as ofour,» for an bour, but vus dopent.i sltogttissr on tise visimend isumour4 Waahlngtou legioatito,. Thse ruait ouck a proposition vunld bue, tiit <Cano - dian armers vouit only gnou use erope lu fear uend tremblin% ut bain enoalo tu metre às ourirai, snd "or manu factures euuldesor progrea., for n cuptillai vuuttIinroeinlu liew, vit r b torto o( alterc( dutie eositant: nom f et iacountry wuld b. comiptotai eitiso e nrcy -nul tftise Consia,-ba c tisa Uuited t Sasorerument. Tht.i visat Mr. Brown ubjec rd lt lisa vby, ho difforedtb us Wcollengueas & loftrad C4lou t; visléhap 0.1 vhltt p trith ous sd Counnîr;h rm tbs Gvpele Qumero, sà" epbe iwbn d àà tw uofe. nbatelavisopp"s coedaeMlesVIt* lu mobe, »W w".u»«, Otloegbin luoffee, wvork dm "*Poêe tise mon»»,) to e«» teiv &Um Mr~.si .SIwo' Bmsa4,4m&, long te the- lofer tor s ofy man, b, ', aig abea$ the g4z<fe lm, orser r Cooevvulv. Of ele.,Mr. - riegle, th tisee l unpector, îniom Bres, oCf ienoi e, -o< (otare aS r drth<e lbuilding to e Selsi.vsbt i b.srt beafite for i moment «Illei ich. teOff«enouter. woa't-suPport Mr, ta1 cou - r fe TIWcOlbbm end5.thse 4mo 0f cu.Onet. 1<s'. Bronu " tio. sed e# is# ofethi* srt actae rla senf luntiat l "TLe, folly Pleadas.eprnlvlleigeMealit."ylS o uefra osnslot WEr. (Gibseit tiseColumsue meeting, in quis luate tSe sauner ot tb. publie ex- u"aeone of bis super-loyai lgb te, aostingly 1pen11thus, uand certain vba.i ne" iee tproclaimet1gtisaob.bat urbne bis brotiser the g".aieneess. ,Uaeéleàs efficesau taîsi ubacribe $500 fthe b.Itdgevay vuiun. etmcres yl tisonSe ivegt uvuy; usts. bretues' toud, asd to ma#e it $1,000p if uemeslog gentlemen Vitii isio to work Jo'nge'o tuiceie $ary. Xi vastalon fer granied tisaitise for Me.pSandsutigote vilI b. s gonurai' Wr. moucy wv u muebet, sud Wir, GibW& Q eirlaaliug. Tise anoutcmesi bu usigisu lilerality vas iMomt b lbis friends ., #Presti larron .0 consternastion tisrongbuui if li vitb as machs as o say-" Wb.u tidti b. rauaaof tise uffscitis sot tise camp r 0i George Broyaer do scis &s ptnioic ollowerS geerully, sud oau ve fut tisons 3 r.tblog as tbot 1"W. , , ibbs, îhe lre- ipentig <Sir muney, sot vorhiug suals s pr e hr, repeateseoueSyeî user«-ffn.vagenlngter Ms'. Glibss, ube bas;tecLaret0 w tb. slveiy at tb«'Aabborn m.tiog,lesisog tLe biussei a supporter of the Carticae à . imfupression apon bis hour sas otb. mo donald eztrsrssnce, But tboy are moel.ii w nbti ey va saubacribet, Bot vheu tise facto endef iblr totets,, sud vili msiang go l raelt o cange te b. ezimiacd, Il vas feonu. ibt aotiser tnue thon I"dovu vitis Brou, theo vo.tac $500 vas net sobserisod t aiai-ti s gitator." le varn sumo #em bo E wu go Tisummatily îrofe tu William Gibs a tsare 20vu5me rsutl rong <lis cr7, tisai 0 b. mlgisi do su. Tiese udience, m mub.lr muaevîii Seproperly attendt in siu tabIie veIli b. uppoue, vere intousely -dlaguatet, t».sz m tise ent Mr. GibSs's evu fricb otaLeitdovn eàéB .9 1ant tbirsiseti lu humiliation edosu t» e t î< r.Cnenao duespaalh msil te ue. lofet ikSeptloia augii te FfM.CMeo osie soie " P etory Se practisetiopen tbem, tg vu the sotanmunaiable acoidtMr. (liSSe-inraait rppen contemptibl sndud àmnnly plae ofabua- apJonte hIe sBons" ordarnug "abotisi Eiîrs Ming, sotdisypecritieut preonce,coniter. vOrîtm, Lis pubie m4oetin s e sa stion ng-il Po t ftise mon, andth ie etla oob-me-noS, sent-off toue la ail <bat af oe à umat. for thom as patterns ut trotis, Iota- a petty tYrst-viso sOeUf, If b. dared.t. vaugiy ndptroim par uyaowscc.tha issiI inncr, vida -alilbis siriviug te son- erg the iistory et say politiestuleut W@ vestil odeduslbs nt@o g ncolieci bas yei tisciaset. Puly tik ini eS of bis vufe. aluays elevte t te e tedin b o.W bj ade mc- erd rtbîe positiuu uft<he rigitiy -righitoaus. olia oe i ieeaira ua sud T. N. Gibbs,-psinting ofairs a àgnomeofthe ubmater o1 theo ahI sut the atone ý8 place uf disimultion, as easebltisiog for Puttuag bis vurltasn irongis, sac ing theb. luasclairette esuffrages ut tise eîeciori tish Ba e rIllDOW'Mr. ( iSbs tise eIthntiQatrio I 0f s <stS is poastdOffaàr more naturai audeaur. v :1gi Tiser.'. trick»lts ' e ovot" ula"et etoquence, and appeula te an audience ton , geucdllygl vus sn mcbh mone viuuing gnsce sud on Ti Me r. Brown, tise 06densgognc," tise tises sons effctivcly <bau bis broîber e td If 6& glitorl" aobscrils.tand peid bis suS- sud alibougIs .dtmnge< esii issu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N aciîu fori D~aa Os.r na te tise font luafiust Asisisas, T. X. migisi do "uatu nd#,and suit Ooisiusg *bout ii ;- Moca ven atsn luing i leau»n rou W Onoyrer tlauugbsuof ctuising cu-edit te lism. Wiliiss'a zsple. But, me isemayDoct in-u e t he *l.«osass ~ -M .-. . feulyinr.. a tcnuor just uuvte t<bun i efos- oui triade duaty. la iLtaisti tc (r rous att Our vel maot criticitiuaund actvice, vo tf tisie, tisut Mn. Gibbs'@ ustentations liSera- vii attrea ouself te anoti saubjecu. Br, lent lsty lu ciller reapect# goy voli Se quetion- "ed~ 101, et?7 It if unitten ssone s t- St,»DzÀTI.-Mn. Powell Wootruff, et I l "Th hypocrite paya tribaîa tuo ot, of Brouamsu, ieti îery *tattenly s fe ri m tisai ho msy Impose upos man." deys *gu. On thoe eeniog of the dsy tise OP unoucemsentvu mate tisatMr, Brovu toi lo, >Tise SMarket Dr-lau. vould hW i candidatetus' Sentis Ontario, ma tise A latter le otiser columna on tisasobject poon Woadrnil, viso, le appeau, lbut beaute otb frouta Suths ard Etecter" vwiii veil for anme ime prcîaiously sufforing ftram as' OPr paePrnaul. tutokesia eouaprehenuivc tdiseuse oethtie isert, got ifoe. contraversyMr eru- vicu v te bole question, sud la uriîten vi une out tiseebet-Seuded zeulota of'got ien buta liSersi sprit vIlichs aisonît ecoua- Mn. Gibs, a mtn numet Webb, neidiug aOt -smenti s coreideratiîof o lncontente ta abin iiBrougisum, andtihie discussion Se bis teevory iisangbtul -ratepayer lu tb. tovu. Lveu Otise8111Secame rsticr .eited. Wood, stel My7 la s m4ltuecesary?1 If nocosaaty, ruff co.pleiuetiutffeling feint, sut vu Mr, >nt viser. afl'oldt Ihob.loetet go0essa eoWoetthse anble te ,iOv6a4glassàu"vOf ter fetcheo ttn ot, gresteat' possiblte amemut ut Senof t go the blua troms Breolea mtsvlern. 'eisavuSborne Mnr. out tuo? 7Nou e ili otend t the b.pre- bSema, sot otvitb.sending ait ibat mati, . h uOf eut building la tison cunormnieudty on pro- culaissistance couit do tonrisim, «u a ~perI uf fitaSly aitaste ot. neo vli Se tuondto corpae MO(re uauilg. teru-ilyfatal uts S-auy tis tise Souths Word is Ibo place ubare ousqdeecia ile tie.sni t et às fiets ai mark«soboalti bu locateti. bbo c5im ,vaning toe bowscling snd uunesonlng ou-o s%9 lies beivecu tiseNotend tiContre Wurtu, partizaus, vis gu about oî eleetiOn limes duel4 10, andthiaeihoietsfaais. botceen tise Boucle sndeuvOring te nuise disputes-like Lb. ut t' sa pnopertylas tise ona# ont tise Cuidve!t pro. fable ut lb. volt ent tb.eisuaS uttise te" uspanty ic ibe otiser. The Houck pnepçrty sireaou salo inunuprovultti quareta' ou e si- Soi t btose imuetis.ly ini'sreitet, oun MeseAIC S ax,-r. 'Lla "iY those iuss.reaîeti iathe immetisuas ueigihun- (fermerl, uteeaccompliaheti Misa Hiluary,) lt isceftetb.Cadwell pnopery vili gay but unnones bet intention to givc instruc- 'ba isltisecoelectiou le tise Seaiut tise tvo, tien lu moules1.4 alaging, 'in wbitsy ious nsd' bu been Jndicboualy mate. Ih bA lime jMai. W&tii' se abilitîcsararlrenty saun id thot Our local jeulousica etod, andti So a sufiritl-swih buyatî a 1.i îb- utu h iee ouasut01 minty, ani llw t---tcltin 50 dt om test . asisry sua MW ssg stOs eesor -Mam àe a ory-Seu ----e-aoo-ald Bluuste , oe potlmls iolft. , pulitcmu. it'«crtaiss, va»sneltiser Tb@e - m ýM.1 1 ' wao u. e ignon tigulfiedin futb.ncviy at.& >rs' ide94"1'eaotiat as tbutia" ise mlif in tert«mo be Iude Mur.espewns@ Aia Wiitby <or tb. praetieodtlbisproke.iou, Sefreavs ttna s.Benatiseg ve S le eeu ma inotb.r columana, .à"Broullin meetin lu the vaybhotit, sut pou.e ucese acre vus tlsbiboutugmma leaigtoethos by <b. huiag apisbet o e t me te à bialliy, Bdmm i ilsan& 0. .Ontsari et, u4iso atent publie mSt- t i .0 YâiA?à. ew ,y-W. la. aea lgeexpieS m'0re coutolagegefon 0s re 0( QIfeise, ise $-oeut vu as lestA Mnoe e i rea r uos v of<imber, m ie Si IW , &odUmt$l *01fdo wvelinlufiuir. te leàélolu ieuotiLo o0 fU 0ff th* wsgon adsud taisoaily adtr- Mdil Md u "i reeot bu vL s adaieo < 1o e4 vwu& teoe stise 8&efeee ie liosi eni.'. 10 s imeig t ffiee sutd eeis ote s everisb.el~ - eM lssdolg eMM ualuoly vitam;, lsr wuMr'-ou»y tue auJerty 754, ai oeu suesif# meeting, ustjlWU. (rom tisse or fmq, te Mme, st'alé& lug b atAis, W 111<aiwr fersu candOat. Anti tisatoo, s standing tb. presece AU4.Ç j meîen, bis tory ceillcagu, sd th iseil sud tise beip uo srty ait o oefld ln the conty. 1Wr. Brovn <rumta 4 s eut b.oiantercd tise Bltiugisaa dly go et arongtblnsud eryvier. b. appe Le lu atting te tise asemier ut is1àauppo ti. Bien' aitColosSe, vhdvo. a siterot Mr. GibSe's strongholti, Mr. Br& lad a mjoity oftvo 10ouesnt lsme ung. Bus tb. reanls;viii seen provet litîle rubiane te Se placesi un tise@£Sag vtst atemtents of tise friands sf I Gibs. -Mr, BroywnrturenWe eToro' on Slaturdsyoeung vel puessetl vitst uoccesoisicis b.omet *vidho b mtertai nu douSitistbo ereoît viii Se in bi fia wben tise vutes are poltet. g. latte1 la tb. Rding &gain to.dsy, or as b on posiblef te prnne lais canvasepowenal Mdi $Paket ftnrtbor meeting tsiSe la at Claremont, Raglan, ic,, eud ut Wbitl utd Oasawa, viic viii ho doly suouio e. lus tise aseautinze lot ailviso bel IocasofutReforsu endEcooani 20vernment ai bao uL stifaclen tsi eforts, but votk wvus a viii, ms e as a aoruuce doubly mco, Wbitcvalc meeting. At the WSitevsle moetini, on Wetues [y evieng, Mr. Brown bat it *Il big oa sey,-tb. frientis of Mn. Gibs Seing t.i id tur Setvocoin bu tisai uighoncoo rbe asai vos. ta suppurt the efert antitatwu paset. <irent Meeting et Bràok111Jo0 IR. BROWN <SUSTAINED'B 14ARGE VOTE. Thse meseotg bolti by Mr. Broawn à -o1liu, on Tbaruray uigii, vu prpisnj n util thrce o'clock next muraiug, vise isolation u acarrin lu <uvretMr ovis , Dryden, depoty nreste outi vuiahip, tiscisarging Lise totiosof chair tu. Xitvu uimmense gutiscrin wer thon on# tisousatd peu-sons Seing cuseti vditsin sudnti u the abuildiing, r. Brout s poke for neanl licvesouri and )a muet enthisautic reception. Mrr <s fcebiy repliet, sud maeosivy te tory frienti, Mr. C, Cianeron, visa, in et ofmeeting tise lmnes mulgesed by rBrown'&sapeecha voltedtshon: alto, tber,s tent n p thse time ofLise uscetý ;vitb a scoliig un&-sbtwive mpeech of rBroywn, undth ie 6"Brown Scanda," s tenuaed heb. hntrets et reapectable aup tenu ut Mr. Breun'prent, viics v. e seita,, if oer, bourd equeilet for operution. Liloiisleader, Mr, fosuit Id Macdonald, ut Brougise., Mr. Osua s denaunceti Conro'erition, antiÈre let asoibing Sut evil froua Lb. vorking the Union uot. Mr. Brown dolivered à liog reoaitater, sud obtaInet maa d, rzuis by Mr. Cumercu's tenaciutidn uf forsons. Tise reanit vas, aseastet, a suenl ldece bu Mn. lBrovn, Tise Meeting t iColumbus. lie meeting et Coloumbus vas a trlan- stniuspis for Mr. Brown, eut su gresu acceaa ne te hSe ut utnexpeced.'1 i g Sos ho pieeth ie issue ufthtie can. t -eHLad mucceetet, hb.&&0itlucens- ing Mr. Gibsa< te deue bis position. Gibbs isti been elctet origiuall on professiona mi-sdvaof lfou sciples, end baben isugiug sin", lwuy botvoeu tb. tua partie, lsisape eontlnuance ut tise s g ntlesla but Siflo <W(r. Br-oo>ure elet. Lu4ide4iaruouetftise eouty veolt b. sprovg4 0otaRefor ripietu maet 1.1rm psnty., Itvuas, oequetly, tbcut l u esrc1ly laid beforete pelftllm ord 'd"payle of te sariego tsaStiel ulglt asoe<om, repet Mect1% tb. put viai vasî ezetdrom tem i!tre ! A in forer et Mr. Browu» cadt to oses ,Mli. dpisBa 2efllE«Wisi m suM gecaoust Our brse -félontelusfg»grot ' r e" u m osy reu ov n Md forpytfntesimq~4. fei4tWUsal i iia#*uleutau bei <èie$6 or thse', elief <ýj v - th@ icis Î" <or tise buyaraudsaller Atis Rd e i y. - T h t t bfrig tec v,81 t ho' ' N o v, 'si,î 1 si ot , 01W f £ b o 311109 Antitise Gibbites 4isered bmW7,bellcqc thse sorboi Ah boE it la tise WkaoMnBroy apl. 1 tel .utey,.South. Vàré, abdtio p0022 ee" NeJtlsr ML~ Whdo Mrelmeanefeao oaâ,ettlb,i de r htb altaisboud iso plad ao (sr O ibis.' siseut bis file boudred . dollar ma- a t he isCentre Word, au <o susse à sur tesud ridicutet thse ides f et lsiming second <dure. XI appesral.tlaeth"the votes ai auskcteton for suebSa ML Th to dn cd tise<South Ward fi euels tiat4 moi- vAlislng OP to i sbOnsKr. 0155 ost, )Er. OrgrOs,Wsd Prosperity vbolly dcpende ais BrOvu looket I sstrailit la the face$ , r Ile grOviis sud Prcteerity ot tise basf le, antitise foltovintg eeîeqny tol g noa part ofthie Town, if tise iovn p0o Orti, Sf.Bex~W i 1r, Ion sud, your pargrov's sudinreaso. lu oasool v 1hrotlbise tofdel;tist Ievnwote yuu te mlut ttcP aportion of tise beasefit -1 psy $500 for l1 in s te Voun e .la vouit asà, eisere do tise Senti Word m- ><n JuJ..id J70w payîili cb"oienDov Énd etspilmeuti ta lu «k Kr 01*16 mde -00 rpit.theo oubtS en, or uSai *è caol"61, tn Mnrs. mate neY" r ove th" toua"? 1,Who employaOeur' tealstermt tis 1 Mn 1Bor-_ d70 soe ib e South, srao bsnesmen OPtdtrUl ge n Gmmavasatii dmS.ilotboeVus Do "si Fto*n4 or Dnu11"cor- Mr,' Er awýSeketSrvgîe i ns" vis wa V_ old <ho Senths Word Se e- Mu #noepid, orvuâsiuunos dasy? Tieaseaatl impefatquauooi, the Mn.i IS(vcny foebly sud reludtstlyr) cfisi le veer> eOtt sasiaat tise (lents sie- 1 mglsua iL. (Cries ofoh1ohi 1) orN0l tb !,rti virl té k oireves j ,fos Mr. Baws. yedjor brother j'.y tb@,,quutcs V tiou v. v nvutdaity i beSuy »iauofl Lb.Relief Fond f - ' bitd"?1 ýl" ,sMreoù vili agruevits e Me r. Oumn.-À aiurgd doilari' me, tisineta .building cm bu erqdt.d np La MnBaovw <sitte.iug t. (Gibs)- t"nv tisa dues nat- benedt tise Senti ly. 00t s Yos snd jour brstber boie beau Werdi, botistithe faanica sut labogtfrw, *Id claimig credit sud supportfer doing tba ndi tse prupetYevOuere lu tise Wan&, vb 1iieisYom neyer, did?1 Yon btutbér sont Thaere la just une w'sy te saIe tbe Sbuuis tise people avay trom tb. Columbus clet#ssr.d preeperous, utisat Je.ay thse grovifh d 0e- iug mu thea impression tisai b. isnt pitOf àalarge bosincu tounaiettise cornera, tl sir -$500 utiste Relief rond, vse b. di We eanoot dipcct to ses a continuons lm c'I notisng ofIbe o-sud fnains t<st i t bnioassstreet totise vtar'aedgo, s dj i ai told tisere, Yen baie been tsyiug tb. stick tan of ove, tvo nmiles. Thst Osay net b«oesgsio to-day 1, Sir, if oyend your lie In oir d&y, «or u ciltren', day. lBat b.l biother, ucre iu humble liftif yo ver@ e vo my expeet te cee ave n u ur dey, a JI nos :smbars oftcuboirois sud profulars thiiviugg basting, sud business tovn eaiet of religion, tb. vont vwonît aay thaut yon tise Peint vobère oâr bosincu mnv coucon- th bat practiset £ men transi, tis you bat' trsteo. Aut cetisa r iyyal'fi ottemptelto ps e à fald > ion imnrcamcaJ'ust au tast viii tise SonthbWrd ~'tvo astemblages of the electurai9 proaper. Tise future etfIse Seutis lard T vu Tiesa ensaion prutucet iu the nsoeliug lasu0intervovoin vitis tise 6busis cen. t, eu by <bis aluasr may bu iaagined-cumposedtf.te" that the incresse or decreaac ufthtie ý,as il; u smstly utfucenissving great rem latter vili aunly affectus'for goot or for nàgond for trotS anti Soneat deuting -beiveo cvii. The prosperity outhtie one ifthse 0moantd mua-sud viso bave bszon id toProfperity of tise othn, wviie e tedcneae plup tfali intise pcraonal strasghtiervard.-tilauone-thse 't Cornen "-voold sur ely Pl Doeis utMr. Gibs, sutaevor they isse e tise roin of ns, This evicu,-in mycati- Pi, thbit uf bis puliIicot opinion%. Mr. Imstaoi', Sing tnoe, it las otl: simpleanti Go Br'ownvaut; on te criticise tb. contact of Olmant on our Part to rail out aglinat tise Sc tise Mmes.-aGibbs, la uts.mptiug Io-paytoun n lutb.etiys cf il& aruseriy. We CO apun lise feelings ofseïNoinuterm by is 116huve eore declaret by ont votea, îvclve hi pitiful s flacisou-unt truatetuafler visat yeurs ugo, tisut va vntet a mrlet, and At bât paao, ise vomI oldbupardnet for ay 'nov uben wv er.stheopportunity of oh. es 9- ing nov uhut b. migis huve' suid ilut tsining u ourket iu thse "buuineas centre" anP n nigh:, Sut reinsiued <rnm esying, f Sut bis do nat lot us Se su ihort-sighs.d au to :r. aubacription go the Volunoeers Relief Fondi stullfyOur former loges. 1 knovt fullseâ is at been-ou tisonssnd dohlars, cltiut an dme vise cfoont aee Seyond tise gui e vwater's esige, on ut tmcet tise Rosilvsy ir Mr# Gilob'afs Utu i fen, bridge, cry oui soist.luatily agaouat tise Ibo go- murkeat, Tbea people msy imagine these t p ig "Tvo tao oe on Gibbs'& electio11 va s alles leaders of public opinion. Sut, 1 couPr' the cryaofthe betting moe t irat. Next- assure you,thbey are ne fricota <o the totiu, thi tistiGibbs vanîthaive à certain, or rstbcr non, in tiseir blintnese, to tise Soutis Wsrd. 61 Mncrsein jnyo rn 0t ,Tise Soutis lard lambu en led iabout long 1 ssjoaty t foua 0 teB b noegis, and t i taigb issre ibat atbcrs par r reti. A feu duyaa gu evenS es. vusild baisat uetbing te îBy, For a goot muny the auly be givron. Anti nov ail greut is tis a cra ve baie sau i 5 o" uban va baie rtvf ch nge tiai Sbu cone o îr Il ties pirit t f bag a d t, asdt$1 n y*' ibe u so dircte, uso ~" b. tt. asieti vis Ansd At tise &Y cf 6. Wolf" vohave cniet pOt tnearuros,' h dsared on "vt 6 o!<" too. But on Ibis ourlet queztion tO1 -Brovn'a mjurity viii ho "P16iSra scuw 1intendti Suexorcisemy ovu opinion, serve Tis ef boy teoviot Slow.." Tb. Gibsemen mvisut 1beller. to Le my cun ins.rosasesd cou la une laaiug baart, Mr, Brao'. persouai thte Ilotests cf tbo ard, And vas. for the aiso cauiai vildeuolisis tbes complîeoy, by-luv. Thsis1 &ali do vistisa r.s ei2 Speýiagof ettig w or motadri, onîlcîlon ilisi viat boneflta tise tosbt, r Siealiagut ottng u ar nu atvo.benefitas metisa s. es t vn prespesUni estes utftIbe vulgar pracuioibsaiopen psju o uIpruap@r, aud My xprt in- *eny tnlalos dispute cal forbthtie oz. creae in value tbaeoby. -Ai clumtilon 6"1-ilbot loen ten tuilar.."lu A SOTJTII WARD BLEOCTOS. ara is; vonce ibunoffensive, sud, As viii b. iuly gtt, 1867,.91110 o basevc, listaly intinge lalu byth bb .4--- d f oxeosasely ignorant, Iie, sud ill semper. !Latsu Si the Cabie. Pori et, sud sumetimea by vissi peuple vunît Dublun, oli 30.-Mt tb. exsmistaion eali "làte kuoviug mstnff A fuIr vuger ut Gen. Parlois yuerday, Mfaueyvas on ?a on tihe sp.ed of boraes la a geotlemaoly tise vituess' stand, sud testifldthtbsîtise long bet Ba yor -onsantwagrer Prisonr bat becn ciic.of staffs tedona Set Bt ourcuetnt ugne ibo Clouret ofthtie Unitedi Ststes arm ori ' - y ua p auneery uccaion sud is especiat. <b. rebeiliou. 15he ly nuisy ut election lims, vitba "lVil bet Lonton, J141y 3(.-Iuis te Iouae ut sta, yo,"-"16l'il1Sacks .y opinion ; caier ton Lundi tise reforua bill bas Seeon meiet by iiat tolisru," reminda us ut tise- tuspoants of addia; te tise annuet amonit outhtie routais rosi~ is.uis"bu soys ai ais so pruverbi. upon wviicitLis.copjyiold sud latiger fruc« ogni all tou cisss u arspetively Sasd. By f eSe hai4 li " are meudoai thie bâtis oethtie cepyhoî frain- rein "oi aie,§1'vtiroseunntuM g sas m rs cSf..la lucreaset t(rom 16 te £10 per si. p4 boay, fi" oa d q ntm 0»u asiciuop" num, sud tsitftise Ioget trmaiebW<rou a no 410t) teAISper sonsm. iigl SrscuL evîcs. Tise yrine itin Jouston, ll 1,(vg.Ts ud C Beaorr utDna.ng rear9iis- . ve e . 1 m401Yd0totu. Tise voti. tim ........... .... peu a.. Botte-........ KWY . ........... Bey-,....... mi"l...... .... Perko .... .......... 1 o 505tW , 50 I usaaau et, 1 ana s oi ler. acuicoce te udi.ssis& rstor, w us My life dues nduibeloog toe, irben n " .W muaomets 1s&hall be o m ore, 1 protaimusbcltore yot suttise vsulev orl tisi I have nOver bedistg Ifltur lt aa cousntry. lfugsifor Wbel",<antiel&y ,Siun <ail vith bnor.- I bave cbildren, co, and long liretisherorI' Ti voice. Everybody vas lu constcenïatioi t feu -testa rau,, anti ti* Il tirceeombra, edfo teolat itte-anti feu ýluke scoei "Mut a, souli rons qsertard vspri sent aitishe excutioui; tise streets vu iescftcd'ndesu tue botstes luiet.Th byE.é cdpuec Wre emblset; tisaic lexiilian mensures tvo and a quarte carus. Iliaa hei ax'ras tutanusaul aizÀ Itis ad that IMaximilian left te eesc liransdiï'i elitetut O,700, sut fàit vnl ise recoumènts torlais brother, Franci Jospli,(o isave t ihcmeducau etiasbis oui ehiltinen, anti net te fonget tisit ti sa, àe tu-o sptia ef hie mst loyal, anti devute4 lent, vIse nccolnpanied bitai ante titi [ejia left hia bon te Emcbedo9I *Wism -emmre.fr tbutexeeutiencr, ube tehlu-i s Mt,>ia's hanta sevrual:tiniea, and wht [ways pardcned litesis i siable lite. Buropan.ý 'L Îsr TUty 27.-Tie <saues t t l wmens vie vere srnested ut Corks on uno dicon - of Seing Fenians, arc Calaços, riffla anti Golteroy. Rcliy, viso ha ten on triai for sanie tinse, charge *1:1 omplieiey in tise recent otitbneuk in Kerry, su been <cunt gobît, ot Sigis treason, L»ogi î,Jaiy 27, (2 p. nm.) -Desputeh s 'hve Seen receiveti troms Muniela, ast- ig tisat ex-Kinag Otheo, qotOrfee,ia deuai. Visra, Jssîy 27, (2 p m.)-Tbe Sol- sn et Tatrley arriret bore sud las ou tse cest ut the Emparer. The Ojicial Journal ot<bis' cityal. ai t itis te rigisit sutintereaL t fthe Ka- rus' Nupoleun <o qnfence the t sty of 1rgue, ' Thse ame 'paipen alan aale <bat s Car hu sent te tise Kiug ut Pmata soe te tise faregiusg eoect, -' Lesti, July 27, (evening.)-I.te Ju- in udvices vis Bong Keng, report tisi s Amerieas blp Auna Kimuaul baar ret ut Nsgazule vus a cargo outree, lois, hu i laliget, mise bottalefontmà rt ut Chia, iswieb bat aot beanuopen <aneigu trsMtieîsy auy tresi, stipulations. ed tactostaing Sean represeutedt teh ýmusane'ofut <eUnitet Statuaaqatn, vasu Sy bis ondora isosîily fliellot istb ted for infraction ut the tneaty mate utieen the Chines. guvorument and the cite Sates, [Tie Herald's Washingtons spcW aîye eaniuus atory7 la currens tisai (encral rni recentljdiseovere t tbisuMOTO. ista vot vtched-by s toteetbitveh ' bacis îélloving laisnand Wvho, 111 nie, fw n nflyd yaMsalu sotta agf qsuestieniaet7 S tise gerl suit he wtsantung p cirlcnise fr a congroas. )ai conssînttee, tie Jferar's Canada corespondent ai s Certain perdies lis Canada viso-are pauses peste! stuesto iat a scsense for eabtuctids ut Prenisltei Lincoln Ws 'ted un tise Sent s a star mja s 183,ai et CoL Wyntuiîn, viu o Snsuntes en iWaesington, but ai une Simo eFsemsuit lic hbut e en aodteoiy Portiroe Monroe, Ioly 27tla,-A sas sot George Martin w-s urorcet %lait it Sy Gcorge Saili. 15 appuaya tia Viminal Intisnacy bat existtibfr ame, se betucen Martini antid nis' ft. et nigisi Smiths fouent lis. auapieioa re correcit n tiiatty asaSij ita te tiehe pni.Martin çtagguîret esuotser ruoinant (fes& cenaBotS rdere te101h. pulico Fanore ruapot W]isirAXÏSIslr, d1. theConritiin lis Mgiciigsu bas etied tisérigsi ef vomn te vote, by 0te1 009111100entionMISte 26, lise eev rk Otite Convention, hl a vote 125 <o, 'bve rejectedtbâ-'a1mpropos; <dita stoubtifÏ Iti bo cut ie Iieigasso iona cofise< 'bts evwn -SOMqu. ae tei.. Us aime giron <o Indiess ont og-1 84 So eg .-JV.Y.& ru. se aseucai expedont uf this lit àly distillera in Nev 'YorS, te <abut- govornicat, la te coistruat tiséir jlW da'n Sour 'mels lIlthe uariouir uto tises. bas beénsei ee and thse ftiîe reM» ntse track ofet etiqs Gertrute tlrey,"l rathér i Plains loui- gbilt oSenut w-enty-fve ypara, bac; 57 'i. Be -Thepefuubffyicftme i te s Ij ecbandaMsai ,art 11ê t, DbIr, Dr. IMuer; ne' z ontro , -'so. John Jones, but ~ -fs bq PromtoPtaiendaneoef D,Bcba, thZ erin, porticolar, valoingreât suffer of, les- ;e ing i'u i o u iegla vey activre, be g - laine uais, lao atomblet anti <alserina tinte efore-geitisg clear of thse erio. foti <v«ery ftstaeis o * &*itisin c t fth iseSo' vas ufneisoife il -andi re gos sesusog <nous tise eil laédthe colunas ed o Mt eeofuabout 00'Iée& in dbaueter andi Snearlyu bigla, gsu bt it Mtaifficuit o gD vt ithin tour roda ufthé ia. ctoir; anti ithe .velîbeing iiehçsr caeti r tubed, a0 evey ffort MffûWnthedeis buho ta on tise norta-onat corner ft tie- vouS quarte ef lt c'Ne. 12 or tise lda con-ý cesion, anti vitiin 20 roda orf ot t l6 largeet Wells ii Potrulsaviser. tiser, ho net leu atisais40,000 Sarrole eou lentan-, Sgered, MA6 g«to PrenAt i, e lre &WI *rages, Sut fortitnately vitisou(' ra bsaie swincl-PeîreliaRap41orten J.27.f!- rT,! Tise &# * iras xtiugnlasbed onuwj auuriingonti l'0o-ocfti "--Dg aam erue,0( 1, b arels per day.- Thise. , ' mLtk '.M The BritUShl'W%, sif yabn A M donald's home argon, is tihu aarkastca1. s upbn the qataret Leiveen Mecera.(lai anti Cartier on the one aidcanthcQe xm on tise othes" Mss. Càamd'a Tirer*lm MvislmTw Canrnus.-We have 'net interteesiSl - iis peu7 qasarel-it ilaIa very ,retty quanrel uit mita madl k Visait eK -pity teoi lit. .-1îusiicruu s ugisé isonoura toe rassied alongide tisose e Sir John 'A. Mactonsli vereAabrosgist op, Mr. Cariieru isstiai e basalso baen Premier of CsntsnadidWlader e bis Party-as Weil ouSir' John A. Mecdua&4 Suppose Se bs. Lt resinte ue oig an.; ectiate of a Qqader culting uota egal irus l'or atiuie, ansu sfdsg t e e . lovwyti,Meauugtlb.eidermanimore notai sensbei o? ibis fins; sat tisting bis at homse vseiis a "l,'sslayor aim," Sad, ti prter, . Th" voul do," asit atbas, 6"thoe aay lealé 'er aliofr&J=4 but tsel-o ikeviscY Settiiag jeaiing asIle, Heu msjuaty'a G it t ai «»oua. a.hgt bave bea litthe mmslibera in the di-- POSAI Oet tieirboneuns, eeuaideringhWt o un y t vo a lf 4 e n y a m ( 1 u s rI frg y of lai. bave been bonouredsomaeof-vtjous Are net vrtiste dean tihe *dao f un, Cartier, sueiiel to.eetofSir loltsA. Mactenalti.'Hoir msny srBis'hlasrd Mnoey's rolloti mgo une vouiti fi tale <o maS irecne-8fr JeSn A. ýMîctonld f 1 woulti not bave killeti LardDebys cab, laset te bave giron (Se Orter et tbe Batte te Mnr. <Crtier, tiseugla b. ls aoitb.e - tist-bis uueetnaeoa is h ve expecita oreceire Ous no <rabis sod ise otLer West ]lot-'ion iatby vay- of thse omble ubicbis la ou Seing lai Se Lveen ttiSllasu t mKey bossTise irý vautages te e mmercialvorIE uofh toiegrapislcIBu viilieb. eadill ecapru isenteLises- Wll, tosisi.e, sezt le astabliset Setveets Cabo as4 ie iase of JuaimMd ast lsti, SA Smod«e, i Mzcugaif<tp oie sC=uv1 lu teueectift villa thoe ity of Xosiço,sie nter <le CWe ibea ama te o url uesute bFUUN j'in vI StGFONtDE) ~$ ROYALOFFICE AT'1 R. WATKIS beg to ix Masd tise pubita5tè lionni a to htei-% Pnuî - Istt.e c<is.publiecocanlilcis v , W -A ji vo nk v.n auted , Fiie. sitenjd aintprivai liibAund at1, 186r. <ruùLl&ita<icite 8 ~ prepar -d te kivc Mauic s. ous, tesa s lithiteti nm -~- Appication to be "MuA.ail ;.. Watdiu, SnrgcoÙ »Deuii Wisluiy, Anguait 1, ur -ReaEs, Fui e 4, m osno i 54 ncrea, Sat s~ cbmePc one ;; 100mcrsc Wex, 0 PenS, a od ine ue cuie. lsmonouibuititsgu, >oc f 0aces,- W t X Lotie0, f C4 UeaCh, 50 acreg, lusnsai tivuion, gaod Insus 1 boull,CootiUcsr spning or vte. 100 ocre,,Wesi-5taI1 1i denot4ut Siu, VIn acres,' lincc lbtiatb udi5Nk Aloo scrOu,Oaenbsb it la for ispoveti prupety. STilles ta Lise aboive pi Parciier sIfbe ailovalý Apyte, -e'q $ At ~bW7 eclock, tisi(1 For Si A àpp'~ M l j-Ote ««o il. ces ort tie .lemtera9 sd vas badly usogied. The train peaisi AU oier Miàssoa, mutltatislienla sfigIbt- uiï R,«..gKhz C. W. MCCOLL, e St Kluyat'lIui ammowhite tise orrlage *!tha là N ew ivili Pe CD' (. v')>lu60 a gte-o eoutemt s taateroad. Tbse lomue3ts 0 CLerch ne$WSbg batoemlwg s Wrees. i Sir Morton PeWes oeedtorasrt lily <o o f W.stecia corsf dite sud(inika tise M get &bout ilare.cents on s dollar of Lbe eît.i a ouySe reowua byralsius fism Ifty W MrizyniSons .01 I5leu tW.4 sota Ou fur s er qfo, 2124 pli oc ci ee

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