Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1867, p. 4

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n *hOV~ Ueo. i AflAIN ATKIi(S. ~82IY8$JMiJS] ~ t w $9.e rdihar. w us tuc ttgQmcryl sbllà in,oda * w. - McUo~ Surah Aiea. McGrog Bing for lb. abois id lattons. y, ijï~ Pl, Prin"ne aJ fl P gAth' . UR ,»J a M tColdLads ONTRIOMIN nage 00H1. Who.ô u t he I ffs> -- Ion184i7. lc. GOOFARM. IIMION &-Coq. wlow that raut IoiorjT1o;" juw Dims Gooda stat eu., Worthrth 25ceuts f 6-4 Tweeds 1f &yds' ut,) 30cswrhbcs ~W L N E R TOURSELVES. .W~ 111E M,.ILLINERY DEPA1ITMENT, (UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENOZ OF MISS TAAFFE,) Bas been enlarged te meet the encreasin requirements of Trade, and Lbe W RSOW 1MU, Upstalrs ire rëpbetie 1 nowest dtgn&. Eiiner?, *k1awim, Ilas, FloweTs, Mandi Oumns. Muaicles, Ioîîtsi, libboia, Veatha s, lienti ressea,&c. The Cîothing Departmoflt. No expense bas been- spared by the pro rietor- lin- iiing this exlcuaivo brsuèb of lita businesa'ts peeit uniralo e » 1Tity. A àMW *tensive atock ofet bu uaandt ,mtual ." ctanhy te band. ~*.IgiiiuSmade te order, aud -with promptitude on 0h promises, where a firât-cia u te u d liri worksunire einploed, GlibtÃ" E skIES IAIItDWÂRE, & BOOTS- & SIOES. A 4.11Q, rnf(,hbeV reeh Groceries. flardwaire, âand BootL rORuSI L Si baisi.LSýu2:L RIE ~ ~ M sterbrle~5SI oeilt 10ow ir Adopting the cash si T Ur- bu br # ?vvoZbO terme, teli-ad &ai profits. -A cul t aI Iis 0e1 jet. Neuniy ballai acre, On the North Plul& e y ucacso yeub f unudass tre-1, -ne] asIJutlung tIr rei-Conrf 4gec . Il. scho.seitI, on the . wt.Conrc Lbrprt Iolekntow ut ,ln6#Old 4Or- Obaws, May 22, 186t. olard" siî. la Ioell er ftîo Scout buildinsg #146 in îtisee Twuu w lltbiy. 2,i.-TIO buigillîsE sd pîselaeknown tim xaoist'e Taefl. iuti otitldlIsV, d&c., Jand hlal ai osorsland attasis.Icd ýd..-Twe builll;ssg Lots, on Ntiiffl i etTeC ap Dntods* btrest, aud iîyîg î,eîweel tise ~ TeCep tavem n tid ans tise reslJ5seiceOOf A. Rictardoti, ltq. Tles. lots ore 01,lthe 6i çroinl" of J.)ndaa lStret, suA inbre £ The Cheape a opietili Prospect of Lise ZLa(o , fe mtles cf coun.try arjussd. iib.-lx bsilslng Lots on 9Ejeliti Street, andi~ The Cheapc su en kisouKst htet, btwoou »sîndas - ore5 04aPj $7ut . mwi iho ~The Cheape &tb.-TeWii Lots 95 snd 96, #e1st aie l sah Sieton lhichloraltnsted enuufrtahiê DwIMU iIs00, goed Féoes, Bardas, Fruit SLF The Chcal, Trous&0., and 0 * Ousidurt a titai of ,unaisM 1's.iluvol IA ss 11w- loi, are ln Occupaton, Who willlshow the Wint1es, are a promises te intosidluit 1urcisers.7 Irr.R.-Oîe tbuis payable lot Jonnir ,s80 asud th. hslo lu tiiéseosaiiiPs.y- mou, terafit.lotos est six parcent, pay- able aunillF. "as Weil knowil tAI4M, NOM , t, ,I U 'R 701MTU CON., cf WHITBy, * CONiTAIN4110 95 ACRESuf One Sack About 0 9«0s8 .loard sud undor eltivtioi. 'Phono artwo -gwetan. BarnbA, sssl Or- che i'de sis, and teloobl standing cdsr Top, only2 for *Doigt, en ti ep»isesai. TEEM5 made lieut', oni applicatlsi ito, *r Que~ *FAED iclS, . ; T - 25051i0 and Osioral Agint, Whllbyb FICTIONIMATCHIES Io >L1Y gr derchants uand Peddlers, aEP FOU AS.jRj CÂBRIGE AN Iolethe best. Gr4 systcm, and the motto of quick return ;toblishment ulîl aatîsfy beuséeopeni, and resd: suppllcd witlî .eommuy and adIaultage. R ing and Sizuco., Street&, Oshawa 20-6m «st Parasols in town. )est Drens Goodéin town. est Cotton Gonds in tovoi. Qst Clotho and Tweeds in town, pest Groccries, Liqttors ati tt T. H1. MeMILLAN & Co'ti. NIP SEED* zof Frcsh Impoiteçl Purpie 20 cents per pound. I. M'.MILLAN & CJO. rN -FACT.S I "'o. Large an& ?arlsd Stock cf i 018U - 4 - Bine, t. F n . 8 e 1 C a o e . T i m i i O 0 f a/ u m C l u n y ' n u uo i s Rep is~a id 1leue Onote the addlrews J. P. JOHNSTI h»e, Sesd .mex or .W20 io3AA 'Any, qu&nuty u stock of Tinware, Steve up au errei the lou Oldk, ca1 aad seez 22 Clwapâ NEW FARQUAR2d. zavtroUpeut np Wfth i oid ta. A S 'L E NïD II? L O T 0,ý F 410.r-r M M"lyU ý Si- S WILLIAM YAr * ~ ~ ~ (4 ~Embracing-Mohairs and Muelins, Shawls, Prints, Hloop Ski 5l5osSeWr* &o., at con, Cheap Factoy Cotton, Soc wed,,d ie-__________ Cloths, for gentiemens' Sutamer Wear. JiÂ'IS ni endless 0a1et, 'W f x mS le The, CrooeryDearflft'ýO ORU Embraces a choic*' amsrtment of 1ew FrehTaSuas R~5A ~Krl Best nonet h elseb eppoiftea SOLE AGEXT, for fe, c&cc1 CHEÉAF FOR CASH. FIRS ON., 0 tRE ÂCI!.o Wodlad Begsto nnoncety i ed n t hue Whitby and W ITB N V C NIT , Farmers produce taken in exehange for 0Ood&: . pll ua AN IL EE L AYS O N ANI) A ULL STOCK 114JO U,,vR UtlAthe, ANDOILLJ) AD SIW î ASS Silver ut-par.: Pour pee cent Off. for l3ankNotes&,,,,L)I ALSO JUST RECEIVED, W GOODS 1h4 Lais el igGi EocaS Egibpaed Drooche, f l ot qaly IeL1.<* Ltot8 eu b1 Laièý i, p ld B r oohei ngetsSab pinà andi signet ing. orA u qJ bi jflr0'u jjiie A ss ua n ceflf C O fl whlbYOCt.9,120. e a rl y i n oq e c i o i s o l i e t e d e g o - 1 I E O C K S T . W m T D 3Y . - - ; ,U0 , 1 -d a _______________________________ £ EAD OnPiOE-22 GEORGE STRE&ETINBXJRGH. ttoiinmesôsUg ACCUMULATI) AND INVISTED VUND WERL MOlg eo, oe,or Book Debts, U TL SH B83 .ONE MILLION STERLING. otWtlN ut ntc 11b ieL Hoad Offce in Oanadà-WELLINGTON ST. TORD1NTO Y10,,04~sIU 5 S1UBI-AGE&NTS T1ROlUGIIOUT THE PROVINCE. J. 1ILLY IRI)CADIROtCanaian oardpropniator 01the - J. IIll:armanCanada oarl - Secctary-A dilBadW iJtAE In.pctOT t Agecies.Street & maria Street# L. FAIRBIANKS, Jr., Agent, Ftb. . KELLER, Agent, Ohw OttaWa CANCER Infirmary',- T. 0. FOkMAN, Agent, Prince Abr. oi -Aw A . W r CANCERS GtJRl ______________________________________________ Br a new. bit Zyain, Iptdyf T I L &- T 1and îear litPinteins proese. (StlOCEFSSORS'JO W. TILL.) S rn m otto s.1,1 6 6 adwtotteuee h Cabinet' makers & Uhitrr, uddarSrig I p roins 8 e I~tin5Ot ers in ail kincis of Cabinet Furniture. »r < ~~fp~ j1j »f~la ~jjp ediecov- Pt W J A B m>no on1I çolîm a Wcired sibmwbi oatcflng- Have nov' on hand, the largest and most select Stock te beàli oesed# te bowenflng found inte Country, which thy are selllng ut prices to suitthe dînues, bh g einto ua t their custom ers and t e, everytbingr loue b{ d ay. Wistnw uiem le determined net te be uudeioold by any bouse in the trade. 9 q ' ahsrmllaa iw, th he%,rest,neek, ay.114 C'(ali. ana examine before purchasing elsewhere. A choice se- Public generally, that they have just recelivedj 'their SPTLING or ,insfoW sor monthu, bo omaeont ip, lection of GiIt Mouldings, (American ,nwke,) STOCK, which will 'be found uuually large and. attractive,, con-..! n1aY 1n ile dstry nmus ofd C a.1.d jojo - s- iebeoit cure"mafly years st.,e.,-ÃŽad bo 3&BROCK STREETO, WHJITBY. .sisting of- - f i lernet~ qis e~utub reiGoode, ]Parasols,1riis, Shawls, Factory Ottouz ns p o à Tieking, MAnties , Shirting, and KiLlinery Goodin uBon- - tsst. nets, Hosiery, Tweeds, Rats, EGloves, Gamber0ons, Rio-GEREORAK -00M ptip, ~~~~bons, Clothé, Linen, Drul, and' a Large Sgtock of ýGOG OM ]Ready-made Clothiflg, in Meu and Boys' Coats, LJle, GUMR1919CI,Witypo tereqasnd Pts&Vest, f their ewn Manufacture.tiollknd fumeoeats'nlad T I! r1 'lvD t' C' 1? V P. T'I lasswaê3 , &c Uo hc hyFsctutc. n kept coîsatl C) ) ) C T S A caifie..Zrespectfuillysolictd (J , -- Li ~~~~~ ~ "~~- R. & J. CA'MIBEML, ltyYbbh18.>- 4 DIR CT PRO E GL ».WIIXTBY & MANCHE'STAPL 24, 1867. 16 H aI a 11110 n o n Selling W holesle and Retail, a Lowver ---m Rates than ever before, ut SBUGGIES CAIIlIAGEûSMON -TO, LEND 0 udoragud bs omploted aTma- on$horsbin.îspreparedte lonti ell11,edueed >008000i BOOK89SSTÂTIONAlRIY, v9'O O50RV50E«0l'.- eed ecurty u sIo* rate et F A T ay h rncal.btfr tWn cf thse larotmn P I ANOS, M E L >DE (>NS C.Ii ......ACO.ir...... .? rouba = 14 At L. ALIN'S. A ood asc.,rtmuent fBgis ariag~,lyss OMSINVUU &14,Atnade of the best materiali, wlll ho solda small advance'~~~ivrac rebci IV S IN(u<u9Bank ofl Upper Canada Bila taken in xcange for work. bougi b793d Jbld. pU HIEY, STYLE kCUEAPNESS8, WB CAN'1' SEAT1. y~'mlguge God osand low prices s Il alwaysRÀ_________________tle" be ot mtt-0 Il ho dsir teget barg asshouid giî?e usa Our STOCK, consisiofCLK VIERPcii uwét..,.,oîmnw4.taultv e nrmtbh*b1 l a g e w -ri d t ck o tinducements are now(JL-\ý. .9 --- ,- - "1L----L"- ~f ed LYBEITER ,OTT(QNS, aà redue rcs, *0 oBoosuperior glish cl Canadian mark Cotton Goods will ho found very 0otto Ga~Bg.Âieûèsviityo ~~~P iEL, uch botter lu qualityd wer in price, than nouai.lu r AND GARDEN SEEDS. -- Goods, we show a ge van plain black and¶ fanàcy silks, ve î omplete stock of Hardwarie, ijbdÃœding have nome of th'est styles be fonnd iu the market, Shaisb, FAI0,u aretn Tools,, . -sALI., PLASTER AND WA- Mantles,_H onnets Ribbo flowers, &o., te suit all varie' TESL LIZ. DRVIE»D AMS & »APON. y f aste astyle.- C HOI1 O-E OROO0 -ES R MADE OTIC EXTRA BLÂCK ANI, GREEN TEAS. AND CLOTHING MADE ORDER. y~eOMAN GIBSONO - Mclung4 .Fiel &Co Pa~r'produce iaken in exohange. Dou7t forget old No. 1. L ova , td Sou Bla st. WIglRf tantio atets osof a ali lu uttbe amoméda th trvelig dpubs-eT ~ St We'sty Toronto. à if 1 ý3 KingT 1L L ANDi A large vari ety ofCarrageson d.6ù Tîd ý%h e proprietôrs of this W l u u e ave l * EntablishMaut o~sf4~~isfrmnfattn anae e updrolg u< enable tliem .to ;dcfy Coinp nc il. !t ei ùwri e ty e r b.x>e'U7 U15, 4 finish Cc1 nd sec ffo l' Ourse$ltesf. 93 e hlbsI, B luit bunml4 13ROTHI sIlonuJOLei c Wl - -Toronto, Jaly 20,1let 81 K. COCHE CI;Ty eo WN J talo, Barrister sut OSso-In Bige Y., I cor, Deputy gEeul hrpai4 eimuelïi 1 O"o. Osfce 1 J> olicitorindhance §à Mà j f EITEE-AT,L) 4 p lu Ohsery. Ch* 5.B. FA!I OLICITOIL, NOTAI s 0sis, o . W. l S ttitovzo uth bebr%,W( 0fflee.j CRAMES G k ATTUSNEY-AT-L j~cbancery, Noturi WhltbyoWE Dandae Stoet. îW the post <0000c. AREISTE."1. AT .)suera sud lHotui -For? Puii-OftMe E.oa.wLL. B 1a. C. À or OFFerCE-ew~ "Ece,Wbby "4 44, Chdrcl S J, B# YAREW ac.- Ifuelc. : 5 1 fole il 16TMAN E1112<4 k T I$ITgg AT LU ce ,Conclab 1ÂW CI1&NCERY - 3.là GI 1UTEGEONTOTI b) Byron soiftWi SWhitby. L o ficeleuk H SwlcIUag& u Iine ,t CenuLL ns 006 etuiont LIAI SCOT - --'- - -~ '-u.--s--.~ ,o-~-~-,,-'- - ~-- -- - - - .'-~-lw' - - lune 1%, 1667. B etterthnG ~THERUSH SILL COÃŽTINUE O intt be ered, at pricesi vill feel surprised. LETTI bithy pubt (1 , of juneà OIPlàin

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