Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1867, p. 1

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And aj a, t40 tCi10i QI g0V017 of tI ntury ? Mdi'<I n orNeotmlii4 h4 TyInObti.V'pttii y Tnla rgY<t't'. au tcsceS ' licsuisi stuuultu,1 Ctiauirm. nehaut.ttat Ig itea 1 Iiiiahcltu v JAS. M. GERRIE.e a Million Y TfO tEND lf lgu'pl huain 04uuplCed arragols et'te»i 110i. prepaneal t'> land )09000# P'lI',ATE FIJIetS f ge aicennril; '.ta low rotoet. ,t,1rnve r ceu ie lala dsowu tlm liti lI lAiI ,faur (roui3Ste or and Groenbackq .d Sold. unsuutli;to, JAM3ES SODN a (hlclàIl alu usratc d eraI Aget, *4 IK Y,-proprli"e îuetlîli; 1tg luisrîita mliab uitulofuOtario, CitIte; bd .u l.raitiwos iatoi; occuplod wlie rtcliirijr uthava o.lyftSI Imtrei si itut t uttn suire, tho tfen siwais Innstteiudue«, -i'ropnt E ItTAIING;. ofigcl ltayinq dispoueti of utu Clu, 'iubuiit buslies, 10 ~N15 BROTHEI Joiv;tet MAsattetiton ueclosi lîuhg tlsilueso Jononula Ci sieturtcet iuutîcaW- Cod WiLLIAM TILI Dt. withiu a mil. -0 mEÂVETON. CAO ares coaeti> houa. '1t11l <ciard vltis'oue uuill ic Village 'flau!enCtfif h. )NEY REQUIRE vwo )esIlcs, Cle amont c f h ,>t Wb, sujaudot on Iotpi'u altavudfi-utdl VI ZÈ (i yletton pro.psiS.) Â3ÀTM>Y' .OeHASDSON, oo uau rieDuuStreu uht. ZAJiX 0? X'Fatal&, 0o19,Dul@ str . f~5.L!!5~aL5 <.~ZJr ntjslqcrmo<ftebhaut quiati 0 n08niSO1f& S~S1 I) MICISEKIAttornes,solwcorok ha. AxouSmOx0utSSoN. - J. .0AK1'ou. Toronto, boly 20 1641. u NOJNTY CIOWN ATTOREY FOR on- Ç ailsrrIsteai a4Alto rnay#.ul.Lv, So e? or li t lItiCaT7y, N c'a?> Pblie, dit.-. Que1ga-In llo N evwsilding, Da;îdail StrqW tît14EI'. *1i b.raw su.:nel tondwaay forerChuc Offge yrn-a.,Whtby. 1909019T la wiLSOn. AI4IIISTJ(U h ATrOILNEY AT LAW, B c<$trsCbiten, a.Wbltk yCW. h114- VIctoria Ihlloîg- Brook 81. eWbi,'II P ARRIOTER ie-Avor LAwA toe, J> itu l e. UîsaW.J9TratS. serouC . - 9'2mWË 1 0,1<,ITQK 100T.&MY PUBLIC, &o. &o. S OultaA, d. W-. W. il, DIILLINGI, aOLtlullii bc., ho. TTAS 19EOV20 hliLsçrOMEOt OntarlD Il <lhamuboarU ne GtaDoorbouth o! thé CIIARLES C. KElLLREN ATIO19K IT LA&W, S<,lCI!0OgIN (o,Brooc, 0.. W. U. J.eJACDONELL. "AlMiCITEIL & 4TfT(>RîNEY-AT-&AW, oo UlltorCon mucoeS , utarl.onotary 'tuil, hoa, &o., Iitby. J. IXARER It 19ENWOU A hir;; NIon P% slu a"looilaBlc 'oWilit 5. W.sOu auto Uegt.ryooie. ou n -rk > AT-AW SOlOL CTOI 'ix IStuia fStreaet. tc' 'flsnecedom aWest of! thu esct Omeie. 1 - CCIiIAE hCOCHICANE. BAlhhtIiTitiu, ATTORNEY&, CQI<VMY okosacen&114Ud ltanles IPublie, L&., &Co, l'ai. Tw illfs eaàs LL..B., 4W. M. CUetAuai. qouaI; crova Altern. Ponbferr;, 201hDaceuih.r, 1845. 51 MI.C. A. JOIES, vrylaer, soliestot ha ChaucerAga ttllhC-NeKC door t0aa gsti'7 W 44, Clin Sta Toronto. JO vq nat, . on, etittOo et urh et' ite 'o leuOsita'a t.'. surgi AN UNGLISI19 L L Mi.* liTEI AT LAW, Soilcîttor lus Chul stuerur, C aoreaiscev&C., ho.ý oppcetotis aofite, tQas 40 Joux D UILLINGS AW CiLANCIIItY, & coNiVEYA1*IN SOàLie, Prinice Albtet, ta'o doors qestof o1 esui' tora. u>GFN To TUE <'OUNTYF GAO Byoi Street8~., Whsib. 0, W. FERIEUi M. P. IZIOUGHAMI 1 tt. 5 Orcloa t.itta, uJ018 ais.- As ItINGLE9 lut [ECI 1A T T*ILOUiL, RCIC S1$EE sud -WhlCb;ý TTHONAS HUOTON, r tlOWN LE1ISR&gTuuASUUEiI9, WITRY ATKINSON hàOMWELLi 1)AUIBITE1984 Ring SIraat4S l ore Euh o! - .>Toronto BShot, Toronto. -- hluA£CIIIRBALD DARRERIg luS ~ 5AhtICIK ViLLAGL, Ca W., OJ$'iCIAL 31 .AMWOgnfer orkntsi! Ottatio, ouar'O bUt.O0"Z AIL11PP SIXTR II VISION COURT,- 13LIVENSED AUCTiVNJIER. àddrue- Salartis. - 40-1; A TT)tNYTLAW, SOLICITUE 1IN t'.houcra., &0., &c.; lieaiored to o06e. nest deri' b Ofhiliaof Mn. #$ lan 'eris o! CouutJCourt. slW opposite Rloyalliutefid48 Rsuium thhhl'ia0.CW. le of VICTORIA lMOTEl. ,l boa 1.,sI rIW lhy Soisto u ! botli visitons a renu 100 ~ hlio sud ettastie hostur. 3 1 vilab have beau uevly turulslad at.d vano- valait bMu m auJwlara teboat acommoda- 1(Good .ttbllog, aaeoai auisd Attendra, 29 joflsMILLES.- M.U01YTON'S oTELheIn W K. BOETOX bgdto 'afot hlu hawaneefk ohaf o!iewduilsud' devont, im4 mu eboau »idltft$4dsud &ah-tiý e %l rat et le, vioIt« ter 11sud,à'.v.q»" 6-- Iau, IÀdveasindaiqa ite Ltndsay. rab, 141844. TJXBRIDGiE 1HOUSE STAOE HOUSEu ]BUST Waeoaud lqioua; uupenlorerAom moisgtipnn(onrave!srs; gooti atabllng sud Al, 13 10 Si H 0 Tse 1. ftNoaaagrrwt iAtr. JAMES BLACK, YEOMAN GIBBON. COMMIJSSION MfReZA NI 1INdUIIANCE, &h(f EN EX1L AGENT. WhiCby, Jan., tlor 160.2 B. PLIR, -- - -Propruetor. fitat. ti (nous mWitbclîb udail;. Eçat7 atte.utâoti ptuldCcgavtt. (..refui aiattetu - bleu outlenu.. 9 JOHN Ce monuLLEN, Aiutant, Land and Genralj AND NOTAIIT PUBLIC. Olar.izomaI& Ageiity jarOffice loi Peer,troct, oie docrn orth of Mr. #Jiseet,'s Drag Store. Wild aid Iiproveed Fana lu thea coutichs of O>i.Canlo atid.bliaue for utie. N, B. ColiecCouitastlcnded t. sud prompt reit4U M agie. Cosk lion, D. L. IliiuC)rou, M. 14. C ffou Jolit oilyton, M. L. C.., lion. George CF'ArsoriM; 4. . Coa-r'on, C., m1 . Pl Atîgîts Mornon M., Il',,MIdDuusfoold 85alereE mneCgaii w i'uuauro, GLOBE ilOTEL T by eli ku'yuoliotabilslted b;o tsa ubeniba,O viser. luia vii alvway. be ontui ,'1huu a ai. tu attend persouaull>toi Ch aitso f i.îsueste4, ti. T pro enslse ave uen conveulcttly sud eostna t 5t d p ; psltted,çiapencsi, &C, vitit cistenos o Softvstcr tu vatuit, alidc'er; tuodern linpruvce(uutteniaise tii,, Irseler -& i;saîplled At ali Cisses. Notice to Parmers and Othero i;iroor, by galion orb rrei; lIcNaiugiitait'os iealevil, udu. 'du,; laiisExtra Ittctifcd Wbisktj, do. do.; tient Pont, Sitary; auJ .Xgu lkBrandy fon Cbe ssok, vitisaàliat of, Ltasuenssand <igans 0of tise bons; braudan. AlîeutiveoOtlr.r,and Ilovacs toliin e. A. ALEXANDER. brmklia,.Iau.27tli, 180III. *4 ONTAIO ]ROM, WHITBY. O.IAWÊS - - PBOPRîTI1)L 1Sapenlor actommodatione, Carafal attan, Clonu theti.reurtunte o! tratelera sud 5paciiua usblla aliietl-rootn, antticady oatiers o a sa;aitituciii. B1MOO1<ST5,, WflIl3'Y- osec-.le« tbe ledicÉt alil. 1 Nitrons Olide Oas admialalen- ad for ezlractlug 'teetb, vithont pain, or iusary te tise systeas. 'Wbitbyr, 1881. ly-22 <VICTOIA fOUSE, DnuAS MEr, vautr. . JOUXtSUEIL *. . .ti'oitbr Trl sIubueniber dairntlIilbîm hubit 7 <vIaonda Chut b. lu nov csnng on Ch. aboiesitotel, sud Chat ho supplie& uossa but the buat of vines liqaona i un ,s, ud roftsi- montu. A yul1 uppîîod tL1-GctAi abing findeuOlceed;ad.JOUIR 8PtyiiBILL. WitCby. c0L4.10854. S BROM)ES IBOTLem-j . O pToiS. B Oim p, Oebcber laC, iSOOt bluiô1»Iun mgaoeo- I A! v !faruhupre botlI- uéelro ID o.aiue a .uas utJa eu, u i4plece uo Aetaaod mltmmovala 11siA (brat tiewt ut. atruit oMalCli te 1gea 004 oUd e piled wltbin It eaumore orvafectiit hl he ulglkt degrûa. 'Iuumu.L,-;ltl uhuopa Cbaoeffeu oer. dia- pausi ltbîCla i i tin uCth 4icti part of thte sou4-hcad nd ail h hase; Cîmber vil "fl vîaaite t'> glve itemstroagt, but vbieil itChie saune lia lo pr%!sdleisI téCita pptlty, aolldity Udd oîuoity , o tomi lovltttiLf-yt h. trwïdl ho!thtaeaué, h. pcwarfoudiuig lit perlecC taus alu ery cou- AUdesb~ Jtievasa'. LA uoa u AdChef Arp trong basic ntConenîu cpuu bu tuute u p plais stone, (vrouss ielupiel tise; du uiot rail 4 wlila thse Oquar anttuioarqaîret7 >a dravnUap a tgr eur îaylhea bde rby vii otm * b teOb, uven for A brie! porod of aftsi- *;trtdrequlve tç bu coaatautly otreigtb, awdiby4ba Mutaiplala-luqanus t. iii. feaaolldlty, a peyr, ud a <ialngth med pkt !vbraCion, on y t 10an; 8'y re bmrd la ntroduocd, -gtvtug -a vry deepbe » sadcce 0lnmorsv Cians doublete vibra-s lionolaaci'dlav soudla. one ttise leaut touiu1, thaosm tà 0g0ightofumile.a suod lovaroCth.e »u11.- &W Iutw-4 lewt palea w Om d M14*1 ,Br, Chuaoo«nolpg-board 5tuxag utise gvec, b;vlel IIakph ccrai futeotd, hugis'- log afree sud, uolid lbrado . titis aluo Plte- iioit.,TeElllpUeué guâlu pou Ibvea' legs,!. alwas abesrini.eqatiy hêhi;,stitvhie gber la lekel qut o raeuing atty tvuatiug *trahit, bm au s u*(M o l le t der ea InstrumieunUt g spe ftour legu, rnes The g:roueed bar o! bil motai compousionu boeoreoramcd to, places tise *11ron Chiéd entirai; lu the abadc,-î-hîe aour.d front It reanituisuglapsterpuit;, power', vogsl ty, anud fuldtoull hn thas tolîîonu.eîa vsieitl a rougit sud Indistinat liiu orpaison. xeotY todbanaf'cîorer oe I) ni UC;y of M10= u lite constrniou o!fVtno.1ortes su uamot b, dispensed vitit, frouatlit, tact " livl la u;nri» ite productions of s uvCt b»Israniou oan.-utligIptn lro hethe d iptitorovhlieSqnrcform la te-better la tlueorY Ioapout Vfe r vs.lu decldo braitî; bat tChufaonft o! te two formea la palpable tu teory esv-lesrnied or osl*asrd. à. usutber ofiClîlsatyle of Instrumnents,ail vith, i@ aloepastiîtd lusjprovemoistu., arc f)ciug msnu!aoureur by; ci4ssccd vorkmeu, ander tu; paronal su.rFtnanyssAuu mut la tiso Tovu oy Wusrnsr, adtiu vîli le iu bils ; l. 0 h jNoeule tet.iIvite the. fais 0 oral iii o! fi li'ft ro- loity ocar otinso utisnsst»ie ; onitg for thoenolveea. Thuo buxt Mllfa aaci'fteProvince lusse giveiàt îeir opîtîloithtut feor '*lrability of con- strutlit, stretsgtit of stun.l, ani l egalsce 01 sitspe titis stylo o! Pisite stasid% UtutsesLLes. 'I lie Subseiber bas a gt'ost Bombetruof "ont- moltlu; vîsic i fusi, poSIt tîsînsceny te poblins, As oft.lttlues Manuatcturer% Paintuit' on te public laniarntrunmens t hruagîs tastititoulis %obtauietoroint nuediusf'or wviic ityiet ilvaicuist. Titis practtcee liioid liacorautîd tîse Instvruenslittelfumaude Il.. test. A guod iano do00g utot tsnd itn uted of thse»a "vtit ilcs;a 'eautJoiny pen.ous% grastiitisur ceit k'stiuuiia kitunw uttittufcO te lrinciplii of tha t'otstruu:,tipn of 'ius Fortes, auJ tira totittcsnently 'lu jugoia tu de- chIa with tu auj irn&or icetiity Bvrn;littrustit unt'Jcclosd ethCiimnat boi'ougb tut# lufore ittiving te vorkrottt flat laiton unmoreFîret pizcsut i'roeiuicial Ruititon. titan an; otiien stuataei m»; neidouo ln tiie 4.,utnir, 1i te icniled w kee te epottlttn alicis I haveo so inr - Ieil j tnrUutgont thie l'st article luauMy lino, 3ï. 1. RAINER WIIITDY, C. W. ALBION HO'IEli. yAsT MARKIE£l SQUARE, TORONuiTO. tuodenate echarge»'. BOARD $1 iPEU DAY i 9e W. 8S1ORT, Toronio, Dcc. 10, 1860. 49 MONEW n110 LOAN. ON E te lisaioigooti Faita, stC igist pe etitr-ijYM AN ENGLISIT, Balnetr, Usitava. (luarov. 28. 1228. 47 5ORILLIA IIoIJsE." - ORIIiLU A. ROBT. ROSS Js.. - - qN thtetrvelngiiiig ,usb isâ I 0bu o Cdisc i'ne ,reîuias'. ver'>1-0 wtll attenxd iereun- ails'C to v ants ofLits gucAts., 1'nîetite apanmotiits a s ait if d !retied. Traveilone asudl loan'liensviiflididts!ilulu.ne- conilno"utitisud e-,evy attention pitild té hein IlilaBan viii bc touad stockes! vitis te clocelLiqaoru, Cigavui, &o. Lae.çcEons, is eds, and Stabiiig, vitit oillia, iStît Jue, 18066.2 BUITI&H ÂMEUiaCANv AssiuUam:EUCOMPANY Capital, $400,000é 11F nd hgý avlig bons SpiuCes propre4to InurerC aginst C t3B Appi; p YEOMAN GIBSON, 2-lîmut.Agent Wiitby. ROYAL CANADIAN ]BANIL Tr S1EN GEtJYCIVEN Chat a Di'id*id '01(four L er cent upu n Chu pitiup capiial of titis In.s:îttm loithsenarrent bai! Jean, heuir e tha rate Oeiiitt rfouit pt nauib, bau Ibia dayltaetidem1iaran sd ht ta naâme Wvi pm 6A the tise i nsd Ils agembeao n = atm th* AnsI 40;of Jai; nDOXL The TrnusronBooko ill ibêl bioadtrosu Chu 15 ot Ot t JaIou us iv. Thte Atiuual Genenal b1ceting foi' tt clati- Cgo O! Diraéto f or te ensulttg year *11l bu h41id ut tise BaulCuîg Oséie Lure, ou n oday;, te 5nst doy otif ilet. The chmir viii he lion siC Dodu B; ordo i le it Jord. T. WOODSRIDE, Tditoi oîMa; 29, îlot. 9 AIWAT- Am ~8S, SECIJ11IES CDUË!'Yy, 1 1 SJCCKSSOBSTO vTUE1ý 41LONDVl, IUA RHavasalarge aapply or money to land ou lm pu*,d srssluiïfe e 7era. 1 o'.umlsu'on oecrctiry, Boi 74, Toroisto or (o JOUE( AGXNlw, DVN~SDT8ETWZITOir 9C.W., 3~ ~~~f tEabcia egu t uaomseaChat bu ms 2odCawIdiug foruioriy kuovu, au scripîâr4oe Iiot.Y, vhicb hà beulracolât- ed, ftfrnuihd,uuid £Ued op sbroufboaCtl» cautre o t ï eTovfl. The lîaOmnibus aesi 5*Cb5 JItaI4p teé stage# for Uxbnidg aoit Beaavuvlouleavu tbedoreveryniornng.Eptofiprl ai hy, May 16.2 BESfT AND JeMAPE$#T ploee 10 get Ba goud Buu1ueuaEduction toq tte and giration Jlpuin)cou ollega, locatud At But- !,sio. ria là Cho rt epIamwTIOAL prat trslclbanessI'o u zisteuce. tu cIseque of 1the dath o? Mr. B. tD. S:rattou yChu Brand s Intareat bau baun dioed or lu neariy ail h. u.olig'ea o! lite ehalu. flartafteh Colll e Arw i ii o ncler management o!DrM ; C. BIRYANT, lto wîin levote bl* whoea u. uan narxicu tg Chu T 1lulag mouu tn who wlii Cu obtaln 4 îiiorou kh «IYFldore of il the branchuts A - crtais to ba a sîmnepoiP.dncaktlon. 'N TIC Bu's 1; ^%'AT C Y, iL<X tff MY',)Natïif'iunil And tolIy llaraC.d 17 risoTtoslu taeCol- lagre Iloonu, by a full corpe of ez',.rleiicadd tisorougilty conipeteni t"itrtpUrs. l'apius can enter ut auy Clii. Thr, aore@uno vaca- Fur termes snd othen Information, addrs Apnil 80, 1867. lîîs1 FillE ASSURANCE COo, LOMLBA RD STRIEET & CHAiIiNG CROSS, ESY4BLlRJ4eD ZN 1782. GILLESPIE, UOFFA'É & do., Agcntp for JAMlES DAVIbtON, Manage,~ INSVRANCE aglual LOShi PIREae I utt e'!coun thesetct favorable teatndu LOSS ES l'A ID vitîsout reftrence ttoiIse i.rd lu ILusa:u, Apnil 2ri, 13660. Agont, WilttCy. loi NOTICEb T RF guui-*psnbenu beg t cali theaattention of Fariner»anadJ vod cutters, te a nov croiso.n at t ieticiuiiilaiititout a doust Osulo rtisa best ccv got nip lu Canada, torc btyistg Cl»ewh'cre, 1311OWN & PTESN Jsauy tlis 1866. G. C. OALDWEIL VETELIINARY SURIGEON; B EGs intt sppetfaliy t4) latiniste te thse itubabtantu; of'1'.nnl i ain sud snnnontîdiag vî'utry, tisatlite iss comsnenccd pvsctic lun tisa ab.1s lune, sud Ise hopes by strict atteut- tiosi to bouacs to neit sa&hanao!fpublie patronage. ovri'uc.-ltain Ilîneet, second buonne beiow IngliousIliotel. Idavithas. 82 Whitby Bras Band.- IN nturnfing thansa foi' psitt faVoro, are de.' aunons oft )llmtie og Chat tiiey have Do Connectipn vtternvIia l poie" Ir Preeman'u Band, sud ara pieà o afr b l iiiblladors Applicaton bia b.tuade t., Leaer of ltae Bond. WluiChj, dJIii;4, 1184. MILLINJERY t lo tatbest icat the la- nov su recélpt oriber spvlug Stock o!KihIinavy and la prepared t. ezecute al undeî-ijs»cluid inarsînair snd Icit wonk, viti despatbb. mise a .sIo tais e av t.fttuit Cluna liatku for pt a fbts~ W BsIACOF.SILEOSAA Àpnil loch, 1868. V'lbite Onk Luimber t rrIf E ndbriqd b»'àtnabtstt * ole si omiposei.of oneasud-a-hait; aad 24bhP~Aàk sud uesutliing 22j4, esd lS-tunb. ALSO, QUANTITt OY GootI WAGONTONGtJESt A.> 400 X 'lTiMy ERr &T li iîmLL, Ors CON., scmTT RmICHARD FIUT, tiU mE", riît" ,pmoi Fiaeinrma &uue lusu 1 4Q bý 41, UP W.. ogVI&Ear$T. Mcalli And Wicko#..mrec(or Situltiel Atulcabie là»é Offce. Cqurzu Goa" NKÀho"r, !u Mrebal, Ste. pitons btteet sud $oistlOneit G<*aogu'uSt., Dublbi (lrclitb,4n J4dgo, DtIant, Brok, y b.'ubln. 1Cf omep!G. DÀWÃ"Rid 4kbog Oounui, qMacat **rde uy'adKrbaéCn,»uy for t.cmnty KOMr. Bàws:usu-The National, iýanI. Bha1mph Oféfi e Cadçî;-Corurarof St. lntel-slrsud St. âix*mcut $trotta, moutroid. BAuxxs.-The lank o! Ossa. Muisegu ivot CAIIDA-T. W. Griffith, LUq. MlocusAvaPastcus.-The Dlretou do Dot advootite igh protalaul,"s tte 11,41l b. cehgd aoord? sparticular 10 alîîîaaor manufs9lwdjialu;jati!;. Wbcvaliprove- ment. ara toada su as Io varratit a reduction of pramhani, the Dlrsctouw yul oui; b. too reudy t. glemach readlb10 aorabia Loeua ill bha pruptiaudl tac mt, te Dinecrtorsban4$ru wrluuiset.t li suved viihou teia. $lurt perlodPO lu aed. l'ersnuoua iuriug frmura tha= 2 Yeu ai- loved dtioant pemasu u d n4b5'luanlug for 7 yeusa, oui; OJean. bru ed Mentia nard for cm Jean, 4sani ut eoil- Bongupieven> lJiiesi eéalut o Ioicra Of Pàoiteawiwhavlie, had ne lossea. Tranufers t tissComupy, nmotitr Coin- pauilca, eaubouluade (rieacio zpduua ve pro- talant. Jaune 12, 1887. 'IKTS TO EU-ROPE. PIOkTEJAL OCEAN STEAJBISHI COM'Y. CA.NÂDIAN LIN£. TO LIVERPOOL, LO,0ýt)ON & GLASGOW. P AS$ENXGEP.?8 going te VKGLAND, SCOTLAN D. o l'IELANtI, tan obtain, ticket», sud every informsation from GEORGIE YULZ Ja., P. .-flanso!fhe veasels te eaul sud sitaa- don of ilterlin "au be inapeeted. Jane 5th, 1807. 22 the Surrogate Cpt#ef in en at &A M'date 0(0anc. or, alis1 i,,hof nee o Mina Saner *ho régi* D' of !W e plufe ë ube mairt"l l BoUSwh.iiaCaadt. aandt wIC wbara bteuof M", ='O et That hourd up thq .atimkuas iib i M1a-s, orItm.beutf'thàC mokesa Chai i b# ouas pagr esAnefs lfJundosoupii taiâtlt utde ux tet «dpata~ e~ub~ la Ch*oéwbss;lcyustbbluuia WJOMaaonhm o ateial-or 'Cia a'dalv dulVu~ypur il e-teacib tm l al - IAI Leueouabiabdop (nmldalleWwev-uw ofIsUih u bIUt lbTeng;-verneer4u Wlievarypertt 10upCa-Ccuuad aluldrea are' Thbe Fate ot the "ThvecSh4 Drd. ne bsèk, Li*er, lever M.*o~ Kargaret acmoooenied bin. ouI sud told hlm more han Rose ýnew,lhi whole truîh* rwgrding thb. pightôf lb. P-10. 'tlfan- tbiug hba sppenc, Luij., Yom iîb vitnela Chat it Wa fotll" TÇhý old salhbr vU luqprau4 by lbth narrativîe, beilig idel Withiolt more toach of superaition (bau he.carcd 10 sbow.- "Tuoshf miid bce, alter àpu ,iwbh ho tieL ho r«c,n.r bioaiaeand apeak ligbt- ly 1 4Wbal'ktho uft of reting about dreSuif , If 1 troubled 'MI hCa4 about ad hope(for tho 1--L SObe ted in bar ruuming in ber iniind.Obe's in 1«% a nd tinîèraoue jbtt'.jw ha4 duihtô bhave more aSea." "Ood grant youi may be tight," naid Margaet éO the Cbnned te *ftner th. vout whcre £h. bad l latt Be. "1Ameç17 nid Ch. oliM man, Iooking MOUw«Ra fqJl er!,.11I hope it May lfll out w. An> w*ay, lilmalt thue best o! Chue poor deaolato créatures, but I doubt tbe éTbrec Snow Birda' wîlI Cicr ssii Chos wateta agaliS." Wpipre lte outer haey, otfns Metsa tise like,the usore transs Cethe northu.veat A long, slow carye, turing vhicis Che lanil imita frem .tise bigis rock baniksaCeqI, pv sandy ahuore,blrokeu b; bouider "eps and an occasionslitag, forumaChue cosat'iue.- flere, eveus la rougit veather, ta but a Une tdl level surf; nso breasem fret antidasb; Cisc 1ev shuore aeeus t. eouttheinoff-to fume anti break iWiti Cueter bsy.' Tlse vueter rippieà i vit scorce a sount nion tise sand,soit Lulte Wetbrtuil pao- eol the quiet bch. Tbining o! the strauge tale hue bat s> latil; heart ; pity- ing thse Lune vmen, sapro; 1'>suds unîro tIssu auziety anti fear, ghue h oatetionte t. uparc'for Che beanty ftifeiscoue. TIse upankliug laite', tC hIining sunsu na tise soay atonles, Chue glittering sheils. tise fragments of green uned bail; iapping iu thue ebb sud flown ofech ia; vave; ail of nhici voulai have unovet huis adnirnation ait spether ime unia unhueeednov. Bren aintgChe drut-svood acatteioti hare and thucre hue orget to lokbit, $8as lus wont, Cor tise eviticucea us a ,*rock- He hbatllit.malertise çlircunt Oftheu ouve visen his foot utruck uuuthing hail buniet in thp &and. Hie atooped ; ut vag a hunoken biock; sacs a frtgunent as tas, otlon be founti upon Chue asole, F'nm bit babit hileee:uwiuod iL before hiChuneunil sl1vu. St iuadtcoata.lslng ta;,Ce thei wood vas bnuiacd sud dinteti b; coutaci vils Chesones, bt it il ag neot ee gro*n or vater-acaket, ab il lb 1usd beer long aflost; As bh eluitilhethuipnght hi pcived wuhut bookati liki vhttug hi r laclit b' tise liglutauil diatlug'iUaUeth ilCters, sudvrad, ac:rattbeti canelesol; dl if lu . lport, viClu ame sharp lustruthtscu- The nli-utan asok liii, a chuilti sa hue gaz cd on Club brokea fragulent l in b h ant.- Sit *a06plain no#, Chia-l,u nl Irehig of lirilf6valu sa,*tb h.whçould'tei how fart1)asthe elidntio lhor dood No hope lul iibL . bc 9 -ayay e some frUIar .vloyage;Chu uufaîed te (orbi 114 bbillès iidte vi lucat. ë tel! ith terrlibil lgtinlutlbaSvllhin b*àborl s C 'itILbail -btetin"tiiùw m illnhas. ÏUîîSta -waU l d m aeilunsut Lion tbati eeuiug --t. Che OoaaIn "Tou ought tlb go- s taCcl tn, Luake- 'tunsayroli ou 1tid th 0 bokeùbu," 4:ai4eh.land su ü teyou; "husl a... do il ferflcevaine o! Cte u'oaïO s'ant C Tbbee Sabyr Binda'tôgéteChui' IdMlu ,mue-lu #thuî'c1il -6ks la e.- of It nigbh s t'C.y 1 patber;do ybIl .gb"i aJith EHai scwfuil ne*g s b ivo hW otmevue.f -nF Weil, ll h' aid- làie&' ( eu Ccii' fine theyl.kuow.,l iCcl o'ch al lb aine. AussiafterAt al lurs but 6dI vi) tif teilbg ne*s liSe tItls né iesoesnas lb.-truthOf hip-ofll tidingi gu>And prqepa' th ilepsrt., Il wu5 ar& to t1ll viic lirai Cthe moretm'0tb 06a-' -vw u ' lorb1'on< the moluclil; eU=n4,qr tiosi vit,1 , boue !iu4l, biçied, ber fm 1 sé <aint moan. proof -,et-th*ei mlafprloale ,qoie' Pd left tlim. Tbey 0odeil a aC~~endo vituosa &< Chi grIcoueolatloa vus aoC fr'$hom, btbon ssihe>éaqgh t I y rIaci o anstd f n,ra'r ber't'limvalu ite gr oieI the ï" le ctheir hil; ta@!t»s aisi th=sa fro~sanv ir rêpal -C.ryarmbeinig Cbe> relie Ot h. lost, tItan 1 olden ,Oe Chu solereualnder oéf sywifs in4 aiIepC:purme;ao i d$n0 rg ed eofaiChiI te, ïüouirq!ui er*ss1I Heai>, es'y, pate" da ys.Mi epbvit L.allerationa of idvna alftW aq npd 1eu bawu t' one',' ad Cthe Urelaleo t>.eb.idbqgtCh. SI14 hlov, asaking reom, baildînga, a"d lii,, b" slcby contrstat with île punit. A Iud iuî hue"p y mighit p ecallcd lt-Boa. lunglia, îhtg osierChie vwsite vuaft:, likcned siL (o a ahrouis. ' X'neya eitChie IlThirea Snovbirda'l ha4 mille lnthihIvsF !*eé7-ytreI 5,ezEcopf» vhâhit lit h aCsed r"6laÃŽiérsgi'Ph ina ihhssus'a' nas'p".t'.wbieh *88 copiet= uii4breferto tise miusig vesici'- seé alruck thé. bar a ianc o t »' à in l a few bhçlirsTbo tiréis. uppoued 1téha a&U lous" hts at;a*11,.Who butClips. wboae bopeusud Ihapýplacua huaigéne dovan lu ber vouiti feel mucit interest lu her fate? Wluat vouid mark tCh, 'Tbrueo SnoybiTda'e for ospecial noie in a ý#eai,ôn of Ove hunsdnod svrecka t Thue etact iivasÃŽlot giieti, butth. place vawon.nevherc Chue ihi l'ated l$oat- taight ut ily bave been, sud frem te date o!fite papor thse vreck taIb'bhave occutred Chu' e vcvv u8t 'of Roa9s visîiLuke & andpçÇéfe ti Cà-s iàl rd t, 'lerdr. Tu, Ivo wouen wnraccuabmed b; Chlia ime to the contemplation of Iheir griet lu thoue dsya peopie aeltom cithieor n go mad untit u111ov1 anil iiaviag 0 t»it lied dejeolion if look t ibs il - l'd ig;'ljir Cskdreguc, Cliéne Ira tlie cutward chtange. Usivera sympalhy wua thueilIa Aaiug alvii. knelw and loÏed'CheiI iiad ihena vgne fev voutld suâ, iet stan; eut, have reatoted Ch. a brother t0 Chue aovroviug sisCar, l01V ova Cthue vidoemfr bride. But èté heiindest und, kinëeresil synjlalhs;cautl u!abïotlbharL t bring Back te desi. CbrnlatulEtc loiÏnd RoSe Lad blitrgarel alune, a asnl, lalnhir liey homte.- (ilasneais f&' theols thuale waa uâne; otan rA Ch. seau o! ofoly t'ejoici»PM; Cheii giilei iidtrecive'dui'eÈh kbhuubka houui the i'eénll*ectioua o! th.etul". !eithuer aphiti nif vhat was lhbobth thbWil' nbiadg; but t dloser ciibrace trounKanrgitet uhoerue rioaeubrsnce sud bSn Cebdet piCy; sudà tube despoudeultuaner snd deeper uigb un Rioue betraye4ihr feelings du C hU' -uer Mmrigo diy hat uuighut huae beeit e I 1 gu eàsa.yo n d un't eel li e co uiC dcviiteCo huéli LII iÈut el-ni:d Judith f luirper, sihb hsàdrdopped in anîd who vas rnet teiiiàilkable fer keen élouuibihlity er g reat deiicac; of feelingIl Well bau Ral usui opsny hbuiigli, -sud vWd b. giad td Ie YelU if you'd 'rota.l Roue titi upCdeiçis Ce reply but Mai' gae decliçI l ipinvtation, asyngîhi 'ng outiiviiu ie;,voit aîhef ho : ghuot g *elil hae kduilb lucv," sai eJ'udhbi ý iug in doorwvax', IlvW é tovf, o hé aleigbîugsa ioi goe. -Geol ayif ypu bhihagt 'oir uiadk Li 9-cente dcvii L.eil blia piu e d ocyo margutetOouLer *'ètùtlho Boc.téain b er psgjagthe 00 vCCOtciCIado sud iset « «Ips.Oh;4mrgaté,f# su vucied 1 i ar téCatien, Rt '5d jý ai b4'i haCh Chueoriti i1tbath ttti il glati Thstglfrhîulalklng è9t 2L.wilî4 Ct , b _*iy wu1 6k l hi* bb l iieetbed j" paaioistebaferee rluher ulinte. u jii huWa7 bedjît héïbfblsoul WiLs l'eiig aus 11iboli , *tséft ii ~LO.. ~ teIohine > a 'hte die C e C a i C j t h t it ew Iale 001118 iTQ -one inlthe'. eLsit luu aginf is u>4the nhartmft sfli rouna hlinecît "Témorroun, Cben, Ro g i ss "qpile lmpcuile,1! and la gpitorcILthi, laalbia 64deMejae' of & w.dig dreual ,lie neXt .veaig iesid lb. uamarriae. te hue% no gbos5 wbc wýere pqly tCe gia Ce eirtnl. ehlm oubia esapa', sud vili bhit Joy qpoa bis *edding daç. lot te L IO ultbaewv ak ah Chue bniti "Ã"uài4 s hand --v fatber$y kfis opb0hte bride 1 "lys niglt, .Laite;for' the i Thrui rtl; 1 l o Iod yâi, y À rnI4âiji gtipo ei - Simbe Chue Ciib. wjh-âs 'lub Aajmpnt-KI';. ticr, Mid ,tihih+ito$hl-o C. orSj laffèu ahip vith heo? urno! gSbasCly coi'é'r, u qsrp ljj1hiag ý of $fite sea isastveàiis téIaM îint ftitMhe whalé uii4D<., ia tht éeoutly drlfacul solo di o! Ch. Shet!a'd Ilands. À er~beleiti 4 h#tÏLi onu vhhiug r,4oi-g' te' 1W. Arctiorgous istug' baird of, men #- rom Chaï tléutllg moie va heard of her.- Tisa friandis oethCbeeouiboardl beatut siarpiei. Mon,y VaprIrguls"d prom- lme 1lertif'Z th. fllSCt y 1 tCat veui4 brint tidiugs ofthe pilaaing ai', btai!- OnQ, the Ana oT', 1 tlb.peope iteai Rona'a riii, làa dufe i gCh hetiand'fais1s and ice,é-l ai edge a &*Cparb tîC é up fot fue!l i the tifiblà AM'4la 'iaei'ber dada oui«- elviWthsthe' il 0a15.tfyiag, th. Iong loCit ý*4 illeAd iea a ip (rom DUii mania Lsi. Fllqy meuinsilildout of Lut- 44ick !fiishef 'du LbftghMIay morniuig luit t Jear. Al 'tha fliC; ibci'oui her or[ Chýe2uu'dOf Apl shaer; the aame,; 4os'diffcnent i rTeu meu, o!fwliom lb. Caplsua vwu one; 'la; atiffened cerpuca eun the deci;t; lirty.'- ie laielsyelleuuî.yti*,ifl£na tom d;lug, r 3v , iesllb lflesit, stfelsg t Ckeed aioft, qnd 1h.other tlire cmled fééb15 aboioedb.t.4,Thul ahuup as ode by-he Iéaader.,andasutl.y lmbadoiç 9 tise buulskatho nititnt tbhe whei l eti r! fnom ixcitisment; ODE ortChue ici meus Sdieu!ub5l is u.destli hoing auuooncad 6- oituf IL ovocbÙpsPt ofhb hérth. eabi; euiTg-Tite, Lu sds; h a iimal." 15ni ttib o4rdab of Club 'e4hl latChebody; ôt toC tAjsCal4 A id aLlaia for foif Ciliitluý,i, ihun 1 bhis bad.iL abpaeu -y bis hisidé. ail eealyr lidhut mïi iel,'ttoooi itife viA usrkig tiw--aloWpro hi. ieus6 evssud ett thie ibts'-d s ,di ié- ' h i nIgm Sd wlihul t bL sto

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