Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1867, p. 1

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huoc* $MT, WUI21»yo: O»A ANADI&N BANS £1TU .êTZeL ECU"JDUoW, ÙÉORK'S JOTE1L * (LAT£ 1'LATT'8) VELgojr.slBEEI, TOBOX20 Aboie gilit Sreet, * R W.abe.le bgs te latlimasto 4elbo.e ýT Wbitbysd surreîiiigut aij.tria e lbeil> psnInhod hlm vJil l mdr d 01 thobt I m, tij lie Ilise uipa0ded Ur,-Pjâtt l tlolg h ep b>. hiiiieon ilu liting 'p tlIse alue, L oune er itet te ticea. IW iâ >.p#tri'eze lili, )W- vlI bu piea,.sI'touc iicd trieooho utio Intit>.. bu, a. B 1AU TERSAN4D ATJNY- Lw s i!ic te tite J3utsk et Iloutri, an& the riu ieu s u 'Dt, 0 outario, K.UoÂKmfosrte»ý&, W C. 11. J. MtDIEL oWoaouet1cccipan godo ecarlty. Ap- ply16ttheulue ut Wsacrin, Ceint fliue- Oh rab eli trou,,T route, C. W. jOUXTY CROWNX ATTOItNEY VOIt ON-, LJ ato, Ilrr6itor sud ttertiî,y-tt-Law, lgo ~eter tus Iiîaciiory, No' ry Pubcie&0,- OOeelnh3Jicollwîiu Nowirc411418g, Dauo, GEOR£GEfH. DARTNPLL,' ARR1%TEfl, ATL)I<U1 <Y, N*)V1YAN B Our Deoi ltîîgîctrigr, biwolcîr xrtdi XMULCUIT J W xMN 1AMIISTEU à k TruîJL T LAW, 9 0 Vletrlg nJ3ol ittjîr#) k Idt, NIli 0. li. lAiIM, D MtIT£lt-AT- LA W AND $II)LTCIT#OII 1A,!Ul$STIR & AT'VoltIILY.AT-4sAW, C. W. ANANK. S OUCITIi)ltNOTARY IPUBLICh, &e.. shs .W. ~ _____ IV. ne ,itiINGII, Chamniirge t-O" OttoJ>eer tvh rth' e CilIARLEi C. ELR 'rTLYINIt.Y AT LAW, MOICITwîvll ouf n îuecv, C. W. îlo' 1e, acili .I.SeIitor Catii ',ls ~ l,9îtr ,,Ntr Xe ICM C I 1,P4WOOD, 'PA (tliancssrv tgtqe Pulict, Otole r,, x ivlgltat$y , . iu ,I;iie c t milc. 4 Ath otNY000A0,AW c *ic'oie AlHItiTlt4,A ti , CONVV.Y- B9f. 006-ria'qs, ii. 1 W. M. Ceîiiuswct. nue. c. A. JONSOP * WwluérSoheatu'la chanceoy, Atm P O1IfJII-,aLdoor teotheu Egitry W' 4.Chre lr ltreei, Torontoe. .*l VJ. , VAI&MWItiftL it Es 15. 0 ts aN IiU%4h LW .. Slîaeoo plUu.ito tie L'nt Ui~i 'isa JOSIN IIILLIXNUi TAW OIIANI'Y. i&tiý'(l< UII. 'noA1lisrt, two dijors wotsîi O. . je t'. v rf 1 . îD 1491401eGKQN TO VIEt couN1ty <AOI. Wlr, WOltlcy A#.1) BRO1UUlAM, q toru*îoîutcu10 Ona. , and Ailtv1 "SWhiMIANT TÂILuSll, IlOCK STREE.IT,l TIIONAS uIJITON., ATKENIIUT<k IIOSWELL * *w,ÂUtil$Tltli. KifiiiStrssL, 8 deOra Esit Of rnrnseit4 Strant, Toroito, 41 f>J slcieto rk ej-Sud O ttcie, Notusry P bilIe.451 £IAIILIVV IIIXT)I ,VuIIN COURT- K>L IN1l~ACI>EI.Asdrises- 10,eTo.t.40-1-y JAMES LADION. - ATTOqIY AT LAW, ëQLICITOR IN Iteoiesle e uta Sar to e Of io ur, Bin, chrk O o tut> court,.;w» OpposIte Rid.l Ietet, 41 "LVEcour tlith 5at]O ilVrlNTI DIVIO *"~, art o Lite.ouut>in ! Outireg, C&ug. itsnio.~Ahelc.,C. W. * VCTORIA EOTEL. M )lSCOTT, FILOPRIZTOU:(Ltt Wm. Ïlteaïs) 27 T jà gtt~s up lus SraL-silis.C t>'Ie fer the ce- Amîultonoe! hith viltct' saued hosdets. qedstuulgand att4ctive lisentler 1 ]Wrook1In Drug Store. BALEIL ln Draui, 'o Patet medliueai I'liiats, (>11*, 'y tffCnfelu ery, Étu. Winom asud Lqubra of the bisst quality ferfaclosil purlîimes. fforse 4 ate ed(dne&alwayso tka"d lrbln ,W., 1809 2 COMMYJUOIAL HOTEL, JIROCK tTIEWJTY T Ixe Und r..igiicd bhes cciuuengo tlîali I1si ttukuli flicabovi. wJlii iiuowu îreilen wlîiei l îuve oii iuwly 'irilî id Wreu.- valait by Iiiî, sud wilirc.tlicsbuit aoca;oa tioi, guili, wic cirlui autlitio,cui ucawmyi li. ffuand, Uuood ratiig. oeluocd vrds, and ttouitiv MIhN 1ILLMlI (LAT£ luWY.IT'.) W M. 1*'YSTON I.ego te 'icorn ite In-lu W liaitaitu of thce 4<nty c4A V corIm 8111 IlsurioîuJi kitkh u suîs,î L"utold tila ,oa i hihcuu iltruct iateiy ccetiç.icd Isv J "otudsu lia slcadi4 it iod asud liîrilblj edilu mtsi Iylfcos v ch; verycouvo. WAU& ttentive oMtes uIwaye lu z.i-Cd 811e0. Lindsay. Foh. 14.18144. 6 UXÇBRIDG;E BOUSE UXBREIDGE. WM. AN NAN». STAGE FOUSE MAIiA. ISAAC FENTON, B EIT Wineiantl liqîloTs; ailperloaci no B ifusjlittlu;lir.ae'lrsood x*licbiliiiud tttetiiiss ighstisr. 16 AL131ON 1H TEL.. 9DuN*4TBs-rse.1;, Wistit, JAMES L LACK, 14 l'rî.prl'Ur iri. fio wcst p A Ir it iS.le i l E siftl itl i itl'Mi lits. iCaiîtir iJfut 8 81, t&- iti, tIi. 'ut. 9.>ii.>iu.d.w c Acofi nt, Lar and eneaO Agen. B, -L ZZJ. ,'AK - -- Pr -eo t i itirîu.11oo 9Yir-l n th o it L JC, M C.C. oMULLENq Ageontat, Lnd ;îdGrnea ge, P firs llia* i,l )r4la licis, JiiAEUEiS 01ion. E1 .1.islis0i,,, î.11CiiEJLî IlI-» . imvis ik il, nid ooq(ai,,vi, M jT ,, .5 iltliisn1îereriici l1i.qLt, ,fit , ll1'.1' l'y ige *Oîtri uu,, ii.d,,Mlie. '., li iuiscrL e sd i 1. i , 1). i. Mci!t11i l ,î0k s i P.i .t1. t1w. aîwil,,,,f Iimêry iidysidcl JA11il -1pl': lJ ip ieN(4Lar.tyiP. 'Notice ttc I'armers 1111<1 thers Exr oectoi ('rl :eg iuiuuct l iy l'or tuie s -4'k, iit auaL a i,iqt,îrci cfil s'l 'irçr il tuicf ct Iurutil o. Att onti vû 9ictIerr, auil'J Ilirct, ', oIli ru-. A. ALEXAND)ER. OI,1TAILIO HOTEL, WVi{ý1IY. C. DAWE'S - - - lILI). ?IIlTO1t. ilauerieor uoiiueIjns "refcSI Otteon, don ut LLieiltrtiluttî ftraeeurs ancS M pacinli., siubuill nd uSs.Ict.rbom, and reaS>'Y 0s.Lir' l4w.>,t l ileni,12 VICTORIA IIOUsE, PLtuAs TRE2?, wliltu'ay .Jlt(SlifilIIL.»...... ...noprietor. lIP m nhîs.er!ýrilcm eires. o Leiufoin 111s mia>. LTrli'uustist li e IAnoe urrî'iîîg*ou ltce short icite:. andti ticLhe o upj0sll uce but flic hgst O! tieliqitra eigu nilto jrgfrs'sIs" meunt,, A Wolfs..,uppied ~tabl-e.' Go,dotalItus sud ecielused ya'rd. Wlîitby. 0.1.4. 18614, JOHIN liPUsfitlL.s BliODI rE'9S 1-il'EL.; (LITE C"4.'i4D24 IIOTL) OPPOSITE TIIE I'OT OFFcà~ KING ST,9 OWMUIy~j 11108. BRODIE, VARS ssDEVLIN. site tltel'osy Eitrne0o ýOccsltre&ut tirjuirtort iIbe Ontanio W5 EXPIEi4 A<I( ieaIeAgn fer &ceidunt asud itai, crdL'oi'ocse ea,, E 1Pucble wlth tIdà f ST=LE-'07INSTftUMENTS, lWhsloh are spQeyur $0 suT ,e«M gare faetured, ter thiu foliowling maèng*e etiser reawn,à. Fi.am.y-Tlî ELuu lae. ins a grieefuî nuid torsh'u 'etue, wbicui inil aIu ornei- inuritte ae jorler-tceoiuiisualiqure liez baing Iruir n tc, aLspicc, ut fcutcra botii ntiuniid eleËstit. Eh.eîLT llipMea shape afferdu great.-, or strig1h ui,'ir the Tsgon tliuuillieortois re' tise ilqairolape arena iesi 'togilier, tciékitg- Lstas pie t iLl u eisa 1 isek, vlule thoe auitrs osueut ofth* EllEhtie lopl.iano Io modedofe! pleut.or W00Ll1 or tttlîcyqnruiiti le, e fued tgetiier umnt'a laI tuld o! péuctl-i lur bluile mut of!eiunsie presuttîs,from whicls Liey lIgiue.lic pointciÇfcLit onetssgol d te0 oo met tîîd hîfrisocille laluis Mr'rtn oui no c4trûlhi ecsél'ch lj, triliu i Lst ocuaidel liii lîce Witithii i it a rovog ir utII'thilictte lsiilitei.i.duigrea. 'î4s,-t iig i., cd iii otic' t ,aue dixi- poli.uod wltIî, isi witic LiZin tf lttkîspart of tics uccid becrd osusiail tusiliet>' ciicier urliieli ha reqntiL te ive thonius mtilgli, but wlîielulat Licesiiee tite, les pre'>lsdleial te tLis parlty, solidit>'. ad otorlty oh tise tol., tccrs.uM its stroît;gtic ci!tie ao., tise power eli oiLitlii« gles Igeilit tile litha roi'> til misdesubly lierenscsi. Auscieon ans tue> are. 04truîig tieme iittuneit, cci tbe tsisp Ciu piteic it-iut o, trou ici ltlu ;>lieiicticsy dou iol. si;will u is Ssure îIuIuîcII.,reqninu to b. chacis,".l p a «t'igt lisit>' tiit»s belt's.>otics wil ..tsuucd ai'topils't, uvcuforausbrio! peri a o tluusie ndstfrwaitds rqutre ti u uuicitsutly tanod. Fsir,-Tiîe lliîstlc pltipeof ttiîo eo,- t(igejeUssî' withis teg cmioujct sujetî tîuyilîîlui« .itrufs«i, aiee 'y th llcîuotel ptuto-i,àisrls. w tietie atous cliity eJoweir, iuud sali.igtti isuet punit>'09e t vbri i îlorlir tu ic> Sqaiire $liacihum" Nassie atnicî. 4Swldi tserd Io ttrcislucis, giviiýg as rlouep bic., lionu cji uitrdigc'suuuiuits. ri st thei haut teuclt, thuasg'eitciu igitiioe, y lîi.i 4aisl itower Ilu h ii.iiiil. Ytwecsît.,- Ko.J'aienct rie4 ffcLu Bair, ise ausicgl oi flit lic isie groie, l>' whliu i, akepît iouiyti>' ctend tiiagîv- litiga trou sud u'oltl 'Vibration,; tiîihise pl- Voutu Wlirlkiltg"Wlicllî iccsa.t uie. ure liiiiu,i log, 1ha lwasi l iircitittiu i lîtier tise florls leveoi r ut, irgsviuîitilîug uuuy ,twcccis)g I$ti'cuui, *iels -ms u ctlît 10 liitle a ranige au Iusutriuieut rcmt:lisg d'oii lotir legsg, 'Ti. grciuvoil ibar 4cfbot etite 1eomtiotisiu, ieret4sitire rofutrreeto laiLex ies tuIris c iliî entirA it leu iq. hasc,-tlue sour4 ro l', L reeiltiiig lu «recuer punit>', poiwer, Vueclit>' aîîet »Oillhy citcueitîs tfltt iith#4I lrouiucsi' wlili l0reuigli lolie114liutiit liscoouipaisgogic V iry ccii iiucisturcr tl i etr Joiic'h i s tiiiy cf tYrois lic Mt'suur"tsuet'icc' its suoci iut h(bu iirstisgo iu l i, f(ipiiil tise i'îst digil trouis esicjicriuuicc Lu thcs> îroiiuatipictiof s Whîoltisr i titlefoirn ertliieilqaare trnu i tiu butsiar li tiury li. s 1poinise-Je., amusasLu dueldss ipoui;t,# o-tceiutuiilIt o(tieiret iLwi, *ii s. pff1pube«.ws-o s i-i oru irsuuleru à41 uis i ost>le o9 litu'uici,.t», ait witlj tb Lb. ovae cLiutsd iuijsrvtiost r# M ienst,, li> ijouTiwn or Waetrîi, msud wulhlieu di, i'isîl'y thlultii c oveiliusr put. i Isite icl; f'iio it s is -itsiiiuisi. Ieuoric, uhur iuriLy une t usr Imrui L'yt ih. xalisiuitàiç fur 'ro i olut MiIsiuof tiniProince Lave git"etitlitir opîisisiumtigut tion 'dicsiiilit) of cui- o.trticiot, slruiigii uciscui, idti' si el s %éilsU î ii. ostyle oi' uisuio ijiida uis,..ii ' 'lei tiis'iio iccuc rtat ibiicccbr s!tt isîscswlijili ho 'Iotaus;ott Liuiuk gisesur, ry te aiciu s eitouitlIi XMiufoturers ,#aireu vif' ceiuloie r, uits iîolsironsuircuct suuîl losisciisu ti iltit, Ir il . riiii csit i' liels tsJIr,"",,<ush, aiesseI L,. uriiiii"it ii l'i.h lie te,'t. AcI91 d tioiici nui i iso i'sid ius rieds cl tliscou ietfosss; ci grit iiuiciy pormîîics grsuutliu iccLtuiiig *alkîicsw iitliiucir et tîsu l.f'iculgg ils tiLs,> ccistristticin llase Yuts's, uis ad Oc)iii'citeLiiy li)judguo, te de,: ulte wltb it uic>tom .s 'rti'tay. Esul>' I oisitriiut i icl oî ote) t o Mut igurofiuli ttigi lrolisiigeîcwcîrkrlsr.i 1 lt'iijt iouige i ne VriL Utescc.'rtti'uioisl Faiuiltie.uob tluîuî au>' ttor Mauiluueil ie ut> rou.lde'îccclisitiiiCousty 1sin îî,uisgd t epterrptiitat'ouu wlilc i 1 litve su, f.r usel'e- lied h>' tuu'uiîcg ccctheLIt iatriouliu 11Y liais. J. P. RAINER, WIE1TII Y# C. W. ALIOIN 1OrrEL. EAeT MARKW17' SQUYAREl, TOItOIs"lO, (lous tglsbiiig, ncd 0esery nptcii lu t Toroiti, Dcc. 10, 1846-. '49 MONEX 'O 0LOAIN. MON V to cieu imi gond Faims, et cglist pur ",lit iuiter(ost. Itriîrltcc, tlîiita. <tuhcwis, Nov.,t8.16. t't47 £1 l l lAILI A. s4i.1 %JOSS le., - -. Asi-T 1e tiIi ineouniAuuu&n ccl tîuc truis'i'iiisr 1-ii', thatt lie i- uua t e giiic' îrel(sis. chereliei.wil attenud ;erasi' su0t1 lie Wusttutifrti., $,iuiLu5ts I'r111lc aLî uictils cati b 'iuand if reqnîred. Trs'uutuirs auuid 1(Piru'iern ileIliflu ii m e. o cooiio1dcLliisand et ci!>.attettiou tîuid te o i eclsort. dis l.tsr will bc lîînnsi etoclessi vituthei clloirutstliqialttnrs, kerA &. Limnço191u09006, bisutl.,nsti tihtiug, Wiilc attentuivse O*lic'T.iocitucuty ois lcau. 4Ulrii > etiJlcics, îibe(S. 241 Fjrarm% forS'aie., IN PICKERING, EING lhe EnasL par te ieSontllI-letof B Lo4t 14o. 12t lu the etit ucicesaeu, con- AneUI ak0eSouth quarter !fLot No. îa, lu tiis bth coofflolo4os, cicutaiiiiig 50 acres.. TiiereIl agOed ftrame barn, sud a frm lieuse, oru sel, e!tofbthesiei FAIMSl. sud sator- .dtbliving ipninga . or TtI.Indlipu. yor liomiation, alerossOCe, Ballanrd, oui Iot la, lu tite front of tit cou., Grcegucood P'.. (pno-pniul-)* i'lçheria,oi. 20,1964, Li 46 INBoiLVENT ACT 0FP 1864. PrOvIi o ou tauda, In te Coaunt>.Court CaanICIOtLa~,>ofte s.'eut> o! on. lTe WItg tarie. lu te matten et Jolux BRtowi, andIiEzc- TOI U WK~~luî 31 Ionda>. te (ttou Sas' etoflusonext 0 g ccthieheur Otton e'lewk s ttu n densiintid ili spt tbe Jatage eits saiS, Ceuyi,for adiocar5îm4 te c#%Id art. -IOIINBOWNI, iIECTouR BOWN, %~stMI i.%o OP &~T TIEB COMMERCIAL' MOTEL, lxTIRE TOWN 0F WflITJJY. A9.12, o'cioc, mo1o012#tise falowlng valuaWe propebtmoh, PU"liA14T te Fuwmu* of îlsle eeifslnellu U 55f.g wiuL bé, ïéqveeu 1 Ru:. s,]1 î10 Acres e tsBibbhofo teL 18, la tie Pis Coli, or3lMrs; sîl tttlsoWWest 40 nero. >of t(lu lth-hcal! cof Lut 17,lc ic e titi -iS liit.liaclf e ofIt le, Icite 8PLiscon. et8sr,100 fucreggý 3 -4be onicutalt of Lot 14, lit lilsioon, of 'flueraIs, Ultt4 o, 4.-'t~8icLi"lulvofetLotos 15 eud le, lu tlise rd denlîlaraî,ngo orl'Tuwxî l wot o iutu llenr 9t;., lu lté town ot IVWhhtcy, quartr of 0.;-Jloe ?irtic-itsul7 or Lot 16, lnc the* Lu cocu. oril' lic, 100 cenesu. 'ue.Lista sre vsluunilo and effra ra ire op- poertîiisty tu c.iitiats tundusiotser» of istskiucg For fsetlsculâri îîply W Mss. JAMES IJOLDVS, wtSiTt.. LEYS, Mc~lliCIl & lROBIERTSON, - Suiciltor., fer Morig«s sec», (!lcitt Sttrict, Toronuto, 'LN.rotto, >lay lut, I967, i-19 Public Notice ..rccc.ieu Ccîîsjiscuy, oit the priiouiîls et1 u- tuai Ic.ssrcuicui, cluoslthe Ontarlo MQIual- Inurane onay Ircueui tiicler Iii.Act ppsoiued lunte twauty- m aeidysr of Ier 81.1 ..ty'uî 1it<,, C'hsîit r tl(îY"two, eticiild "Aliu 'wrw 1f TuAtî lNitiidox s5 ecatîleLresigy cuit a îaet-tcs itic sLie sid coiulîucy, Lu Wb hod un Tuozday, 4th cf Juno, n62t, AT 'lIE MýECIAN'ICS' -hIALL, IN TuE£ 11OWN OF ' IiIITBY Tuicl Oie<1NYtI iKT,'utlO, fer tiuge pir- l isci cl'i4u 'lJt0sio!f»I)recto, l,,r ie c' za- ciim,'q*,tiy sole iu AngAlt stlut eli-ei lu ~a..ras lsSauui u.tae10IIi, su Datsutiîtisa fglat -fU-W 1f . i<iur l ototruuJattie#sw1aiil (iitei gollsiisJ= C.iNSU-RANCE, &qgc. u 'l'îlE CUMMJILLCIL E1110 CAPITAL- $2,50090000 BTG. (rLJLLY SUIJSCRfl39D.) INVEIITEII OVERE*,OO-E liy and 20, (i'tinîiiil, Loiîtdcit, Offices (cluricig <'AA lA hftNiI: NOItbAà%l, WAT- MOIS & (liOeijrui Ag.-nt*. f sué, ius.tr, Mctotury, Ufie.; $83 & 897, st. Paucl blieut, monetri, L. FAIRBANXS, Ji1. Agenit, Wiitby# T, C1181101,1 iNGITu, P. hL 0., Ilîpi i Vrî fAgaliioes. 18e TRE COLONIAL SEC URITIES COlP'Y, Canada Agency Association, Vif LONDON, ENCILAND, iffuve s large clccilly o c gil' iuy to leioiîs 11i11 îirc'vtlFiriimur h! Ivt yesuns. No uos'itilcis(ic or "-tien rexipielýu,,bQy'n'ýd Lb. us.ucc laîrço for c," >-sciguisscd vilîiation ic li bu tmade, Foir trisî, &e apy teL, CIMN Soc.~retar>,,Boxlicia7, Torouto Or te JOIS AGNI(W, Vultsir, WlciLby, 10 TIIE RQI3sO)N HOULTSE, (LAT£ &OSRIt'TUI&lisiiRtEL,) DIUNIIAN iTIIEET, WIIITIIY, C.W. T' ilIF, snhserhbr beltis te îtnnuue tliucL lia ti? cnlùasod tise bctcilhug firtiiucriy leuoitt au,">i.tuneo'lîitel, Wlieis lics boutsî raneat- biuue. poktetti'ociLllce,, sud lis tIcs Lhiii iay W5> u>iubUI4 catis.at the Itlol,scnd iii stagesl'or Uibridge inuii e levsrtoii bava tlcs.dcir everyncruig. IlasrsI 8perdar. GEORGE ROBSON. ~Cucrsfu1 ilatircways in atteudance.. Wliitity,Mav lors8. 20 B ZqT AND CIEEAE'EST place te get .& good i ni4sicues.,Esucatlon iA stthLIe ands trattouItiiatus iile&nCirge, located tBta fnIe, Tlicisix th ise MusrtiTàL sier nrioenlzîd busiiîi's achicicl lu cxistiuiîe. lu unueciuce o e'!tadeth oe!]V. Ia. D. STattoi, thtes lrycicitneil Intereat buitbeau dispos.ed cif lic nesurl> ail thse Ccilees ! ic utcau.Ilsrasfttr, the Cnlutge àtoxzn wlhl bi nuder (be managcment o! tir. J. C. BRANT, whvit il devote bis whle ntignamidenergies Le tIse Traiu ~or You-on uwliîc wit Le chtalu s4 toog1kuowlssliro of all thic tscaiee,,Op. portalîiioea Itiilnes Educstlu. l'EN. MIANSuifff, BOOK-KIIEÎING, ARITIUME. TIC, BUSINESS i'lAO'rCE, MEICA IAW.,FIlNANCFennd POLITICAL EC,,i±4- Y>1, are tagt lu tis ,n"i fnl' lllastrited lu,. z'uocîcluit e Col- loge Boocixi, b>. a flal corps of'exporisneest and tloroniiy canipetent Itstiu.utt i's. l'plis eau outer ut $Dy tisas. Thsrore nne viea- ions. For termes a:ud tiier Information, addrirs le C.,'BILVANT, DCTI'ArLo, W. Y. Aàpril JO,187 iet-> , it ilils fi fflt ft!û he»rabova tee < is4~4'hilO - slpvo.eni w a lto wu Aot, e I .hisbunslgir Lelicl'!- ~flnng lwa~>me~, wftbout' *ad wson iti *ju.ýs tiîoîc Lihe Covul.n iLietrot, . ingta do s. pb r eiisted ià uabie 'k, restri 47tLsPO bi ties ei otteel, us As - ý 1 doclaring <bat tÇ,e Itanily'eti en wouid lion et bis huai cI'/"0,trd j And dostthoacon £&k liss e ww ctrrisbe4, anid'X.perslabed ln askiuig bis bo"d. ets Wl,iuiy oegooti Lord, vill do." what ý,w t he o ge Orae - tcheen te a blow, and 1iw béggsir, *1 (lue sauot. fwe Paîintig saccla. 'wltlu uty fiata, *' glewing pîctureof o Ains lee's iautyar.d me andIfl ou roeumeut, aund her fth.eres obli -bearing, i Hev <lorey ~t~ d r .thatI sas' thal m)y wr vsero begln1) g (is roin, lloba Xi ~tule htlocgh ilIey wîawa i e,recaed l as *eetoayioue Th wnewithaz omi-groan, whlch slways tej. *i or',ye The wtn. uateti i int eword Il C(Ssnpf lhg fetth ton minutes orn -dcc>'the' cuti,>' sr.ndered'; my unther apolsgy 1 want, ,à eOccr IN rvO PARo, s o em s neriflecs14i famIbiy pide talk or, te walIc -to i)!$affcio o I# sîý nd gàyà5hie ioad >'eu, te cci [Fsom Dic cu e once À IWeek»"] couseànt and bis il '1wns go,'gager I wa, tue wea -terreluirna teLiverpool.tIsaI ay paoutilu an nuu.cltaii 1!>' heart and fstop vere ilght as 'Ileft bha flîot tfi ei t t -0 meniStQ îauitlii,* oLilîg, I kicoi Reeetnuk tat oveniair, andl Lucre wsaannsd I roluP xleo" wn etthi4acuwL unu;ul listcily ilu ihmiays . rend. 1 the ex L -Is ta store o!ýaf1CtitIac Usb ehir1 doUtecl hi lots du e utedi>' milng 1touisig ->'flunco4icnd polt, speechesontoîlpretending Ilrit -o iauiutlciLofwiy, focîdî,î. or (bater. 1My. hsurt Vwnaiment horst' féiguatI aiP,'t ,$Csîî>' yg it.1trWnicd n-îîroectiun Ilg hbappineus ; Licell, au it rush- c a o, in> cre but our quchltiuuti» nausswcns werefier- cd pliat towuis ud villages, scotesi for tene bac a word et B futlyti>'iappruipriate, and ntitanît I thuusht'ow'fec- gay>'DOW ezitauce, At longth ciYoci arc quf IL btat o b.alltitthoui ogdte utjeurne>'1 cam tateais nsl, aualljociurs ho began, *fieri itci u tu> bott b 100 îuippiitcme. .ut l umai; ta' olospasscugons usut huâve gritte; cu wî boae iuked mut net te îuantîsOnur engacge- tiit>Ugf>t nu.ieumodens I ruiiel ta guL ii as Posibile,.1I mient tiltsbc! spo.iLn l er hutr tnd ~Perticenteu, uiig every (cte utîcutre- Lthe irât, audt Jt'ini;ait tutebc diss.reut. .1 -uoieuiicly uIttn y s'a>, arsis hecab- (nom »coiug >'c ;~ os 1uonboto ILi up ne lougerod boy," iluitusut blustre becglii teio madder ns 1 giug t>'Inusoat cried lbicnsy>, eudeluly, u" 1 wuÎî molie a fluug loine tre ciii,,andi breatllutsly'scuit- Old Crcîmp,1-E cîcan bruat ofite. 1 have prepbsosi < tu tedl, Resbgak, a double focr& if >.eu fu orsfw ds>'ai Gerialditto, andiwlut'is utorc,,s have boeusdrive faut." wvantail m >'oe tlni'on lot au> word" IL waa lcicky we met ne members of a surmsutuile 's>WluaL ,% itrange eeincidance, Bob i certanuexcellenutSociety,atoup us lu ou' walkiug chaîes Wby 1 biave prepeses te Aiuice, aud bhave aditcacer; we richl>,aývtd.a aîîu thl lent aoinutwher bceu acceptast." menat, for tiie lionne sescovereel wctl fum 1 bo E a i preuilau c. Gu'o suc yotr hbane ,brether'ln-law i whts w. droei'fs te Rosliuink. l' theow pronuised rsc.liiy Icongnstulata >eu frntuc Licebottouieof >. a placeocf' goiitto) the driver'e banduell- '1.tul) oy lsgel» !Ieart,-sne îuot wc ilucky eliga, yeciand lng llmiuute ring,_ënd give ttuopontmccutenci svluopt Arrivi 1 ? Tliaîck tise gostbt'rrlda;, for iii>'gonesituthe servant,. 1 cocild not-s'ait for thse tLein matad.1I fortuineo1 boi tQ lue anwercdl, but flow round te the befo>'e thut'>plp s 4,uoKLuboen res I 5i'C70crocedVI drawlngreem (the windows vono, ag cure et a masç 6. s (ej; 1 briutc, ILss ail(hast misioleopen,huit te recta ws ompty. 1 knew nothliig; ge olsir>. bushi. iasupoase 1i uuîî ex. enturai, ari isi n>.passage kiteekesielv cAulownflintL lsin. ro iiLhikueaLeceur, tatue and a tdble. I coulsa net ets>' te equhits verls ol.J W01l, (ianildiuîe sfiîd Iliare longm"0 vhiat d'imagei<i '1 40ne. E1p '04d atîtor, ie Imd Or a e un apart ly f u h, tbtro#ighîthe ball, took tu'stalre si, 'how mnittol pa 1>' fn@ j, e _atuils satid rond niyfel(antLise Wbo- ibat ttc>' wbusu rltc ori~l te day, -4er-,our f flr, ecar dôtet. Ituurest 1Into thse roeS nage"r urr>..i sierce lle ti ' w. uê'cre dlieloe da u tcs. pyots5i my mec. ta M>'begyt. cd >ourancth (jorald;Xle aad i worq. bt4%lit.g Over ti. G, llsvns atigutsia ' ieneagl if on r.turcilie bàlesi, uhr Cw ouhSocbulsr,' soci. u tao a m. brc wvas RôeîtrLRicin. ljir aqîint* uil tahf i my i>'snor. lie osmoit g e>' seted Lhy iuy Aitnto-; hiiAimen *à* Ovesr AI di vo ramy bce fct te yoair imuaginaiton, andSGier- Lwined aroctie lier sineudrvaiest; his face client 1 coutl uldîutt lti lier ttuanic u lîiiih ca ft on vaaclose tu lerc-Itekissail lier, thcrc ilostte ti un>' tisuuerty, aciraLcl.td liu on uer lîtiol bcîsi u n istsuke about tLIsE tee; if ta'vutere ptrfectly e Laîid wcîlu thoru, I grutw buldcr sud. c'uts ceuiîthaie e luea dcuivcsl, ii'uCrns epenutiouu wocs: ,çciziîcg tflei wui,<kd mic ber r-lisseS Le could îue'lt. 0) fiiitliluR irt ic I ponidituu, ofioreite urcels ulet îî ge.'tiII cmit ih ichrntircisl Le let Il bctreucreoum Robert lRuiui8,y 1Isoaldown: ike, ut>' property. -lIl wsug«i>r clS folles', that llonror stricken, dSms.vcd, 1 stood fer wlccîstise ac ciOur litie afl'iir wec fueure Setiental, a mcomnt ot trulied uit the deer, but eau>' sas ucucrî> ns1 ltere did you hropoe'r, for a imonstnt. iMaudoned wIth fuir>', .ocir banS te bc "Ationgsl. tue notes" rurbcud liste Lice resoin and cenlieS Ilcucren out thutir a>... 1 I Louughlt nsmach Pore>', yeu are so te viîueaa luow I luâ ~beau clocohrad lucouple etf<laya; yeeci> iclilsscîctst; but lues bave Lise fnieut and flisîîce. The>' lookes coe!, u r.aditns c garei perlicuslass ât:, ticken-Aisnuebîialicedlie on, u~ ct, As 1h.>' 'wi 1 bave tisetliug te tell, excepîtîcaât fuin, At this igluttsfr w>' ising angor, .te-bear-et tutir Micecprenc4in.S utheutrosir>.tu be ityAitîaee gaie a plaicluzuriek, and tIlres' heister I ledl *tvn deiii liaitt%!te.Buit tell De u teob ienacif botween uni er eos, s'hicl lue' ntilunded Lb do yoo i.k tisein feibor wilI éio îs Isisfore scoieto eme sse.I anti gentit', net t e& o n it Influent te" blazeel witli angornna;»ho #food lliko a lion- arriveil for rosai s0f1*)urge lie wili I1lie wiIlubcoui>. tee osa et baycta <octeet lier nes',lovrnfrei i lueiddtelice ta~ L slir tuaI we bave cocns ue bA deccil,,he losth, Ielever aise liagosenccctly fiie lu iaset i 11,11, se- ctî>,didearee, tint seond Sic> si 1ope bc s'ili net thîuk (bat I love 'flic sigsit wax tee mach for met!1- trIeS alternent. cager Aimt Cir ercueîci'.Ilutuven kueve ifte#but out te visIon witlî a u>'iadasontielIwons t e roi chut wsas partiloasé, 1I ahuld love hoar ".A ittu r riluttfrein tlî rount Witt' the lu- flic kuotss'il Lise g ic.iole'i Len c f uttdicîg îny' lit'c nîîîluM>'cares lis lookutd ak tis ýYeus i cilt love but yeci vouEdS etiot teiiutigbourlniq river. Or tIse latiding change. M10 nasrny Iir-lstick fo prosie, Pore>'. Crumpttl ise ruellecfra ailk Srcs.s cac*isel use tu looki it wonuuaniruce e~s mnore mon.>' Lsîu but eauuaagto u-1Geralaitît, Bobîs (Guraidina, vas lue- cothaeasd thon lifiti, anS lue ciiiles Utiia e h iltwith frcaiciccituttutred i $fini; lie tiîîtka LIcE weC are twe ver>' geesî "Il %'liet LA flicstuattar, Perce>' Searcaîr'1"ruoiced inte acy ei>lisug telos's, s'etl boreruw'llbrutt, andSfite erioul. oued iea'ens i thire l luod iisg ounte sots. liluI> l %Lund >, sud lie liaS fîxee loiîes o uir lbond#, boalinsuytLiug lu4pponoeà- tndutrstand wv icsui fur uinilm 1Idoniot tiilîîkefelue rieu>'oi brd"anatifelîobrnzeît boas>',mte, butmo lic usownbsc tait lutîc iLectonSeWith eueeoft LIe loîing glaucce inlatcy wlcispered in m la mow en a le in hane l ti obcrydoisltvic;isesl oeutiica>, trieS te throw lber hou Sutarest seu Andvoatecligeelarilong 55 u, 1te'irnesiround gay vneetk. places." Ttl neisil stit a i u npe , anas Ma i _pcsi ie sr trocti ate vith it dtqct, anS aiquuîted lu, CG qrudeîsiti i t nt'y isidaugliter. W c as wfotteisue lert eS fri tilt aîik hiae confient Lo-muct'w, AaS dut- P.RT I. iuuitnitibeard Poiu ipenIL sWC siall geL iL." u 1den lews od n uto rcettîihccu 8e i wics nigîct, lin. t;rutnp effeS dneo a nuuig a ut n ia rsulcua qi~ir.iiente te Stulle uau'isg. he ie ruth lisitl lisiakedusofash;dreS kDiesa tnd li aa a witicg cta theotbleuîcd ae berli encoïse, un, aS i inderâtulotithe mîserablut huinhi>'apologi êve us a wlIte roishc ceses ci taugers perfidy o>lc i e hters. like haluavieur. hjleig l e bf,.dt o cflitsh a u Eer n îmuy ibience they baS corne te theo $usllhàke ha'l sI ic mno>1 d befoeho i; ant iehicsinguierur Lniitlon tsf cîîanging lovers. und icacunîtient 4enot kt se y ou nis t sn ot h o b Adiiuto na te lue Met'o, Grnlclinuwsite il; forgiven and thiea vd sre i aune-a cool Atrangemenit te Sic>'thcshcld hS ave ai Mtr lit k éïutist ua t blwbs iaS I uaLig- loussîo!fit, to wlce 1 IcouSa net unifier- c neucea bitlbdlis flue nnugb for twett>. eas- CI'%m su ngwitluîtiret utenfit t. i'1. hrd ic.law t, F'rotn tuis heur lie0Abeula hook stndel' gei tslaIlcr se4 ~ali ecaîîopeei< trug nie. 'lho Case, 7ever, vif)c tonc ciar citutar yecior treiutlus Iisteticer. anS epete luacStuadmuit e! a Soout, anS I ncsolies leguv'nier ave sî,ctletd t us 7u ceSas'ir, d-thos bki estliiagitaLetri;a a smesi v., uoter agîtun ileail. Now g 0 flse sd hlViigTs itusnhgsn iVs Lo loinl a nn'sftnieitdiîiip. WVretch- relIt, >'etuucsst datt'aerefandb s rml u at igi s'ou& etlltthe ,,ancuwliuut luth inlumnan good. make >'our pet E viPo nllru inbile hol e, iceps je;4iiiircckeil. 1 via tuflucrablu. E neo.l. Lui sec1 tiaingfscbe pu rricc' later mo epa boaSnoLhiiucrloft te bleueve l.In,1watt flaS, tanS blatek e kiS~as sS y isn appluena n âhrs i lçvcr, tuaI I boafriS toeut lu ime thes that yeu iri sa baegd, boti syru>'tacr end motter L ta'f)tle.,aotegofthIe ûmain te s"en 1 ne titue for 00 my7 tf~ti'fiance, and'otier lier à.cornerwaci pliglitutd ibeneo1 s'as bounel ta lien we have ail t in l*l lusc.a. pilorttitIsit aLfor life; andulYet such Ws te love 1 lucre acquiscat olS Ci ini Ir 1tpitsuSI ns re t >' hue t r, tisst I vutril>. believo liaSc!he sakoul hi,;Saciglter». md, rase!I_ - . redmvforgivanex& 1 :hecld bave tukeabrfho Ira. 41 nb.ved My f4ceor aItter ou> radId'r utoortbatl tula bicuit, Et oui>' renti Rams>',vihe treaw the(bmalter ai a geod sctich leept suy craiinga quiet tfor a- viil, menthe atew5116' Jokut, lue bail uc l<j thisam>fatîcer vas oui>' w retuma, hluever, citit reneveti bniuIcý' o the -a'l aucit a disciple cet 4sqjj ei l;, o 'OmusIterce lafter sa pace. 'stikn te-seet'er opeux bisayes aillE t4ch hIsa a ding or les'ingthic exemnploet01piqu ue sui aSdgrot eOur Cutie. (vu olue« ftbose dssyý lie scitTameelfren i*uaconiradIai o ware drivea ,"16coneçuin' thé1t. id hé ftSb. liu Mugit acen nurasrermo ns," bal (t #truck e i, (at ut>', Tvlîvessel bis s'ritlngse ev 'tl , ImbaS ber go unalogaay veiild b. tte i e Ilb seth~tf et once Le (lloucestfrsirol ago er ctsaule mocueut A dulicieuu dlaLLer ef Pistes L*nd4 rs prevarine te attisalei st' ,wbau My'legshegau (o fait lunting gon tIse lBer.( yoe ibv o'youm hltlio face ln crf Ra m -9191?"'I vhclspered, us recturne : a mike àa utaalsaBefôre ie over 1I alal have AUIl te bal -yod are ton$ wesk t' y, > peem l #les'w, lotme, alanS I vihi tahe to yeu." r,and Loche a seat near me. e', U1d cxpiola say>' sbst cMu> ovu ecs, 'butL tili 1, riu wh bdâte o ay>'vitc- te i ton -oooor<iingl', 1I lut t, 1 ugL ut>' eaiî ore vere Lb. stratch Dos (O hesurrstive. Ilte ver ont,JIsee PeuW, trovi bIs eigar Into tue viII uteis t>' orycs short muet hbc n, bey or, froin tell «On tIaI on roLauiug en off',lIfound a note hag. diot resene AItRcslu.enk. -kues', bl oIt Liverpool and. thîiukiug (bat tise girls urt fror a rida, I ebeyuthe(b ce. 1 feind temnt utheir, M; (lyie> sîhed me te teks cr, the>'y oudnot ay>, titi id te neconpan>' Llum. 1 ly, andi thcon Ibe>'toldmÏe g te commuit su oecuis, et the>' bad jut beard frei 1beggetiofethIlietotepause laceul thamsies under (ho of s'lose capabhlilles th#:P ;baut the>' suiS, sud astiS e couidti neL mal. tiir to!»Lbtne eue knusw qW4el !fiiiscrtue, asud idre'l ou and 1 Iceua ici'> Anticipation e<' sichagi t reahtli'tno en'ger. I teck culisl, Whoe saisitthe aqointe rcurable, anS thsct ci eligiI Iit set hiîcutail riglit. Thie> trgo it uaIoce; Gjeraltiine la fieroino anSdIWy vinedt il Ltouched ber ayes, Autec &geeS Lheugi chie itasinul telS. Bandages *ans placeS ,anet te lie remored -fur a ; vs ratiumedin la a4bas ioun gâte, sud iliere vo got gished Dncobutl hoir malS' r adrenturo. Witc mucit tbeîu threugb heitagardon, ii-u ever to lhem caro,.-I1vas cm, tte>' saiS, tilt lite tite' evIug Luie bandages, as ta>' cep Le <lipir evu roem. lTeo îoîickly, Whou I ratied y I tound thout ln gruet-a n>'y- atcticlpating LIsoincir. te tehouagesi; 1 tinlied bt Lrotnhliiig fIugere, aud r cyen, buat9 sasaw Dor- look et Sisiatu>'sioveel tîeut estul ; tie>. lariked*at ecci m -ran ote .mii'nr, vhen a piorelng abriehe. Aluaee ry arma, Goraldine taîl fainte 'a, I vas ril iL a loeo te by-'our Alunea se honoraS iAIl vas explainad, for abs My euta l', cu Wl al -'e Se euîr aquinto hau Phunged rats iuidesed truc; Aimues sûraîtine equinted eut." tom ut>'pretendet i iomber the straîîge slcnoutaecitanS ým4nlsS c haîne iL t>' dis- ct Ibe mun s nyef aI Beb,' cusplered bis pardou, anS gifid fer w>' uagactlemau- inul, cild fellov,"' hie repliaS. it hie s'ass;cuelake banîds, ail d ferjnjpllutSn, ues a> I cLeS( jcst as ,'oc Sud, for ap- re terril>'agatitis ,thougb dl>' coulil hâsve. belleved tluit (Àeraldl iue rrft"-. You ci> beiit> fersfvace, thit go te bel, aSud Sot ao uIglst'a * go utari>' te elsisbunkaud iace wiLl Gerildins,s'bc dos a &loerr'with a xes'eled face cis Butt 1vîlI guarautce oun forgiven, 'titere viiilieb araldine t» waste in Anger 1 fus tieeecîssilt botewe are te Crurrp C.f vita us lefallen Got eb teraeaa oS oru eut lit Iitp( lise a 'es ciecle bava eic ooap. > it ait>. insisieod,"ou ut> of baSd, ansI, -allier a lut'iad utpatyiug b'ateitoobauk pretecctt i eould net, sce late, bey Mach of a vite' fi sud h(s' uuMoasuero Plastic te ver>' itar 15 MAY sDs' 1 groom i plinaIs £rilk tmal The, liqaeC4eto of a! tou., ti quartz s Ont ln lailu, teO, 14 s aurions pàper lately read bh Seietl~eceie y >'Prof,. Tucris,Thtsbci etf*1a1pI Ikin lu leolepredtice fi>. coi 'cololema iqaiel posseiblog i rýl>ing qulll' ,aend boidiai Lion. -The aico tc, tyblch suppesiug Is te b. perfe.t.eo are nuuueross. Ici mýa>bu se.ealed wster-gles ilapi ad durable freacoeas; susd asperiment fbas basa n ied casa ilu our Aoumesof ?csrtl geil aton@& andem omben purpeses mi5itt be maei 1 liqaiS eould ou>!>'b. preý enougb, aîccilt right ahte0 1 .Jt.'.a i eAt.u4aMài "a a siety et attitnad omsnipl artisclet C004tab. miuafatesred froim iý- Old monumÏents and' bàfldiage vIser. thie atLune vas deayiaig coild hac reacoieel b% liqeid tuiiisiaud it 'cl possible an.. titaf il migIsi hin mad e prie or tilrs. rrr atlor- etfru0mas, eggs, vagatahilas, &C Meallerg>. vcald gaia mach, au Profs Fleur>' pelis eut, b>' s presmis by'wiio qurizsceuld- b. citespl>. ands peadil>' dis-c soliadin water, for golel quarte ceuldL teil bc lte, snd te geld ohtaiuad &sems tre-. cipitate trom thLe.solution. of the qusrtzi Mai37' emüineut îuiauti8ie nanr~e trwem (hein bands ai msklag (hie liqùid storiesss wýîch varlelue muses Expeimeats ibard b...à tusd. lu wbleh a-soslution-hbu bees pneeuned SIsaL coutllhb.cit colS vitout prassure# and iiarieaiag <nom thte co)ntré ouitarda boece s asnew-wbuSe digt et grester hbardaese anS durabiiit> 'Fevaistha4 naturel cmrbîe.---- 1 Xir Iltts Jta uc ,eliÂ_n edi fort le uahitag, on thse pans e! certain jeudi tug ladies in fashiouaeie las, to brlpg lu a nos' style.!fvoariug te bai, ,Tbq ure pnoceediag, ounte pri,çiple ît.>ft unadomned is adonneS îb. mesj as4'*l» ai oblguouu,. ruils, wsten-fshhi, lalit94 bauds, ad eter akoreseaaes Ii eh IL la caslomacte hLutober ap thse btîÎia4 rat the. bair, are te b. houicanded, Thé bain, la short, la te ha ont u.juat aasnre made it, baugiag isiosel>' crntii. siolders- on lewitig Sevu gracetal>' hblaS, .Tis macde§ ot ceuroe, viii b. muty etsitd by tuet etfte dean creatlcres se nature' bi Dot <ien ,a henutifri aupply>'f et' anSmoer. 11u9, but uavercbslesa, IL la balleea ste ekeieiviii b.oea sa vite eu ne l bas's fi ir rial. Tise chtignoni lualers sud thte pecaker are lurgâisg ep. theiu nome et the on'ugetabut te disintarauteil usan of (hein Inotivesl ais !ecl>' nSer. stoofi. Tisa feeling saeMns tehao<th3au oti motiscn, i.vesi't!stera nsud augitter 'are absoluiel>' compalleil, jusu ses' go wse octhor pesple' ia h -ior se b. eut et Lb. fesbiea5 'it la aboutiLimn sas tai ce of the so% iebdsffuiutea cearaga Io $ho*- bote i ovci baï i cals a vnu, sud-bote6 iiierefcre, thése fmi nitle capoatiuhb.mad te locok, uot thse busohacIusnp>'dumpy 1* uow le, bats*-" tipg of beaasy," i4o.g4 A gocel anoedole cf Dr. OarthlaWtold lud oouueci<n with$te Mt-Kat. «Rejs4da riait to, tha 'club sone 'nijitt, bt&id hi~é, ouat abord>. gc, sa hau ld Bt,... p4Ww te attend. soin. goouJ' ine, ' ý -bsviug beati pnoduead, Gartbit (ev .)l- about bis patients, until ramindai uti -be b>. Steell. Hifupen tho jovisl mîslior pitysicien saiel -t'kLco malter wshîle 1 aeo -tissu te.igtit or Docl, for uiné ofi thaut aiavencb baS constitution@ ltai aiIl the Physiienas l inte vorîd caictsavo themn. anS te otiter Os- bye "h k>J itir tiens (bat alIls pbydit in, tbl'a cult kiltst*eom 'vf ~ -> the lfth Langs~H publie, lut, dw ijetoru or b14 tohbid il Il

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