Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1867, p. 3

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foroy o tise gilaed ous round te Mostraet, et docile, sdl b. pesal. W tai eomen.aie a greati pnu. Wuo oaghî, tboer. te hin, and4tu (ry (o mta h. wIIÇ ,la -Iboecourse te lueur race.r of mmI r aveg but 11111e doulj ýAIlUinT,-..Tho London Lnew auagneslatm band. ide, liîin ilte magne&. d tu the lîg-hu:!fi wlre or in tbe fotit of a granla, one gr mîxeit wlîh se.nd. a hap î1rotagl a tube ta ri tamp, wbleh Igniteà nt tat the. iagnealpua fi panes off tliretiglsa whleh mut. i t(ho nattait The. aglieiuam pougtderabty Oleupur fn ýr- ribbcan, taiulili coutil,; on a Fig. §cale, the Ch tusg; andIt IlaI pro. munté ba trled with lime, b wtb th.e magésium iàle ceonomîse tsex.J qtj s liglt equas tothe ,t ball the cqaanîlî> of ighti gisen b hlatheuw id i is potrer of dis~, loeri made'lb>W. partssof (lie bodY' ean ble t opain ai the Witt baeî tisîrodlsced.,loto anvit b A uchee u at aie moe-aret beise. eraulen.. Thtis "l1ocal 1ealted, à. ptedaied by allieter api-a> on the fs-eAu, n.-lntrunsa itain, ttisowlng off lte bort time afior the ln. ed tg pliayton hlpai& ,or tiiua, alelin aht' #POL ;lux, o-London, a te beon reelved (om thoi two aangoneory Ince recentl> lau Candi& Tas-blutacommander 1>y baasten. alielfo. of Europe have ala ote Su. ablimte Forge rtaA(airhof ek rs, nnsse, -evoire evenilagu dtlteoo Whou lastotý (1housse, ydioe rattei bl ia@k men, and unes et whow vas g ;nlsmjblat s it s ite eii.eaebaiae elghleorss-rsed upen Ibnîtatlae te Charge 1judged t tit thei oeil. -îeyto Ibetuacensa. 10 ave ltyeu easretiet -I au'4 prove 16 t et TCumoeh, andl '111* ii*guîrJosAla <o tiai-eoit. Mra ible siinof tison. Len is teft lt uwl(e Y tiilîavidt-,tgitfor. rLtio wtre areatit ligo> on a charge et sapeored tn couirt, as- truant iiaabatîd,$ lo atourod ItJa aeck, 'y (liiuyoa I tYl vOtîr bîokoiîu-trtcif - lu onu-ta for, tîisst bail Mrs. ILu --, do six, lîsitlty uts- iei N. Y. -Trun tng the pîropa-ict( eft « lde4b; i1;-i# ast h ,hta$ by the tine of icîlitn polilicial par. s- <o bedl eadng -the cutomar> lûefid hi& father ito niaivell oaide for me 1 Ifor. n kits tber lin por a boute ne- te look: BEALEI)TENDERSf 'WU i s re"!ived by theu tndorig.d, outil SATURDÂT, Sth or lUNE Yor.tuîiytiLloitîî Casty Jail ih it eef solsi Bed J in 6 ficof jou. e tisthelt ortats . Tagdert mîlot îtate t' ae prie.nprptndi fuîr I3oid Fslu; urrf4 1mussd rbas îot brcitd, t odutivereîl et t la Jas t, ttsi aach qtsntltieiç, tdam u it, as ýusay lb. rsuasld by thse undeiuIgoW. JOUX IIEII, WILL BE IN WHITBY, NEXT WEEK, A@ lie ilsis gvlng tsp tho, btiatnoasathft will Le -STOCKS WANTED. w0 Siarsfof Royal Cassailati, et tmarket 10 Iharas of Royal Cantiditst, at tuarlcct 20 Obire. ut thse Daisi of Commnereoet mar-s là $bIaron csf Ostarlo Borsk, nt-mairket rate». M$O ON 1AN» FOR1 SALE On. mertga o r #100-on o mergago for Pl $,54), boit! o). de o fu #D9. 2 giarcoi of tihe tik ofMontroal, asud a f.w $100 to laîveat on Fari .oeurity, e au onpr- cett. *No eommiflisioîs. Oollçitur, &o., Wlsiîly, C. W. T Store for Sale,.s1 l For lie odc"ALVOFR CASIh. FrfoerrpastteIos-a Cf it.j5 If wî Ly latters <pro-pdd,> tuau A. Il. CaosezOmes, W'sVnmsi-'. la> 22, 1867. -6in-2O r 1t RAM SERAYED! I< Iii. bepra.msof (Vie snlnerbert lot 0,2,titeirtcolwaaslotî --iof Wlîstby, ea oearltiàîsaai, Lelcwtatcr hud; tbltc isoar derPtgned, or gilifg wachtia tirmitJtimguswill 1ud lo hi rewytFry, wltl lbe aultaiîy rûwurîuud. JOSiIfL'tPIElitsON Whî tby, May 20, 1807. 20 Vl the Xnow thy Destiny. Adt K , Iru. . TsoNsrow Uadmgreit EngluAm s- 1.-1 trotagla; CClilrrayasti ansdJ'yhsnticsWho haso ua"siohedfiaciseliific i-auosc lic 0t41 Varkil lis liow lacated ssteraelft(stusisasso N. Y. bItaleeTion- tist poeuaueo"tuh waiirfui puAuirs ai s.acaud i ight, >.,,< ait taunbl lier tu a sqat kaaapwtiga i.V tise grauofirit iliporossssaitstu tihe aïigtss or .asirrki it.lo ifle' liez. Wiillia a a&taritenttrui.,, mi aise maealissae ievery i,' toaisire4ai ftee orin you tare[ ta ury, DIAdby this d i!yfu cai t aitrumeia o n sse.piawer, kitawn iathtIs PY- pain. alcsnairape, gurmaateieta prodiesa eieilsa pictaire ciii efahe tfiture isuatanster wifa. <uf the .sppticai,,ogetlir Ina, wiiis datesr afsarriitge, paaîaîaasus file, leasiaag ssa».of "a""s clsasaclr, &,ilolo. t nûI. 510- iss mil- tauoÀiisidsf a, setqsaacoina uaeen.tise wili ietd forbana dcairei! 'a a certînl t i atiol, or wrttss gitarassîa, finit i t tael pieturé .wisat ltpuapspaata li. 1Uy asacktaasgeaais ia "id laock oaiasr, astil .ssstig place uf lainla, tage, tispaitlisn isitoi outl ronapleisosao. end etaciaahag lfsy cateand isasiîpai en easvastiowpe atijurri ta yaaroii, yau sortit rocceflotls A. isture muiodessimita nfarniatia.s 1,>'rettoutil. AU sue a ittuai M. 1P. TltflNT<)N t(1A il l' Fo. l M iUlau,ssW. Y. i5iit No a fille Wonderful but True. t. l ail: MA lIR i<snIN-GTrOr, tise waisi.renomsr ia-e Atrissir onîaae et e avanstsrca aftlasi' cuticlas Aidswa (cat is t *issspstsea, kiadfyhiealig i I t isalass, asti! Jemvitsg tisatrface a. Nature IntelsaIesi hieîs it aswod uth, aléas, $oh. , maitix nsiW eîsetifui. Fric.i i.m $1, Bsait by Malor F.xiremia, on riteipi <uf an rder ausid td MtY, hsrtea- Na 8 %% '90 sVyas-it N., H4yratUaC, .Oit WOi J Tisa eitiy Asuscrrita Agintsis for tis e itsftise 1I-iy 10.1> i~ c. &.,CHEBAP FOR C.A,8H., a ip'od c6 taken in exçhange rf o *ds. JOH FAQTHRSON. u"d ali uetpuarlis as- the eallas, îkiisaly« isatiisae- cars,,lis te .tisawhite enecca- a.alalats-. 0F11 se cast hab drtaqtcd by tise ncasot r t snsaty, andi F i sa veelaist pa-epsa-aiJi apeatiisim-ntis bcasi2 aarleeouf tarei1iadidlis-tise Yraiai, er-eby at.eFani-tan ù% uudspeauatle tyaa oi saîî utt îvaa-ul3, îsfiti lt tstic avre siigw -s t(iea lai-t s-efainaliocnt gsuaaîee ot s cti. U. l'a-nice 4IY '7lý easitd. Saut bY Mail, Ppai olad, xiî,, ut asa wdus, tas mliOft iUrl'5 à Co., Ciseisuaa, 2» livres- t, Troey, N. y. ld AI.EXTERMATOa, Ver- reusvîng euperga.u. Iflair, Ta tise iiepclsl . Ii lunb.epltaus- arileI, tenwoA " ?Oasisstiled, !aea iot lifas r s-Intjure tise skias, bam i rect y 'on lise aau. Oi iaw"urtnsed-aq acailara . aisom lai r Pant low frcisat'ad, or(rAwmanyarsasi, teuiy, roa.picaeîy, atly a!TaUY exirpothg s0ssaleavang aho ilais wt ammOui astai îaiuai in th ie' osal iarticle asied sy lise Fus-is. and la tisa auy rosi feinal de- pilistri- isii îtu . tt ria,, 10 canuplerIpackaie menit Popo.i, taa ailti rria, an aeciptU fan ondes-, by1 BEROJI.R, SIIIaT &Ca., Chisu, 10ly M5 River St., Troy, N. Y. COURT 0F REVISION F011 TTE TOWNSHIP of PICKERING. NOTICE la licrubly i-on, , a e s Cour-to eviolonaîfors-lise TownîulijoftPekeiiug, witi he lseid et tise roWNsuir PHALL,iiJRoUGIEAlM, AT 14007, ON, SATURDAY, 251h DAY 0F MAI. HEIICTOR IIETON, Pickcering, Mlay DUia, 1947. Cicris. NOTICE. Conita of <>ntstrie, a-> itven, . Yo Wtt: IL .thse Cons-t oiGe- neral quirrs-to- Sa.oiîisof the taue, atad(Co- tta Cuist, ln antd for tisa Coiiiaty or(>astisrio, WMI t,. litldsi) ut tie Coutas-1iouIs, lai tko 'owu of Wlilaly, cit MU3DÂy, lYUNE llth, 1887, kt the, eu on f12 o'coca, fon, of vil iol t id att otisiis icoaicasial, wli tako isatice, sanal us-uit tlieststnaaî-aa acordingly. !USLN . BEYKOLDO, Sherit-, C. O. Pe-r B. LTouaxasoe. îerltlro Offce, Wliitby, lMay-14,1280,7. Id 19 Room Paperi 4 CENTS IPERt ROLL. eautiful Satin Paper, ONLY 25 CENTS lPER IOLIL, ridow Blinde, ô CENÇTS FACII. AT JAS. H. GERIVA'f ASTROLOGY. 1The Wo-tidaïgstoiaslseg S nt.P omodor f~u tcelîto. ade by the great - miadarme H.onca-u A. klPO ERRIG .à a isa svait sert i isth j.W uaî ce lew. lis.e mta-r t eitiaig ssais. insa, riend slcai or vaittasW tat iOifsolsr,, crma, laidls-e. tflu a-af rlitiare mi (nasl. say vf nil iassey Ac.ghva lutasisad-tefilttea. 11111,1ett, jull'ylie Ol fIt icpnauire , owrs, is- luait scflas-teraitrse tir icîls uî ise tlisicie a 'au arai at qas-if)l dear*atai pldili-au Wlh laoeisaisn ta e5aataaii,i Il y niia-re inge assai te luyaobile vlcer s- >aa i ot oery is-nta yti i h mas.li kensi uta 'ride, aiaa-iiai ii ivpa-rumiis.i ie avodisiraeai ilop il o asItî a,- itii c ae, rsitui pu-ca is ol va-litail diask au.i el il ail îs is nta'î a ili taia-., l ollt aisàa lointc ain s g)iii,' Iaîisi aae ala-sies fsa ousi s-1ics5a s al s if aeiii sise rAss fur,- tsaufa-xpiitai aaraaa miot as!lisusasi, li1 les au-isi lis,, ain citaseii-itiejliruvîsa uttts is.. il fir . a dei c isafai'edsfil'yfcsaîsa iti. l'urnti tiaiat!# s tuâ eriti Airiis %Vaaca-iid I bo a-s.a s or-is is dta a ïf toiîis- deîîa Yeu*i l'arai'is ituluig u iaisica niai 1sîi'at was i dai fsisil -s ts ctiua . n cftau ts.aaribou 1aeu lue asi,1tassaai-sri --tia, i l ati as!y iraudrills y weetsiaoiAg asiiisi fanis lasîs , bt-l" I -is-as, co a tierty fli . rk l .i lia-er v a litairia i l'b tCi i mile , lscaUi)tiuio mis!efai, ' ' nif moes x ulis sairrcipu -. i;a liîns liaf gh n sod) pa 'tiioc cnaïftsgte imuiig vsuit, tolitwfitilsil f i'teer inicrd sui, -t i-ailpubmic.mini!, as pa ue cailali"t tsaia sihar Sd geul aitfn te poids t -Gesr Ilures1. hdr e u rs- aale (goa . .eeuss?Ç.r3iNratiiaesis id etiaasautaiaasY ( «rîl îttrwni e aias seulausi ss-u.la aa-Baîda lisbCies- os asisa sasifizzecaria sus hal, asyiisugr sl11 ps-uid, ntaiil lihe sa oits nisit, iagi tartt ts liii a-a-a-r alfu-it y u aiw xs ortisant ii i,ti ,aii. iaC-i aid e,flss- ig biuxolihrd (rm w ae mittiill-a ah il a-esil-a an, at lwlifr h parlai haurWaitlass ietOmsyraoutefa .'. liogiitwl ÃŽrorats.rrte Capiffa tefii ,Y Imar5(, cafaif 0iiiiasutire altlwasî s f i sd sassa lisge l, tuis r auliuIota-i'siiogp saris 11 eassai f lot-r A aidel ranjui- i ursaaits uaa-iit ii,te si-o s-caasing haa ir s id ha Ioaa rge jwisa ava lui l tsîs-la- or (u-aosfaîlf ilgapaiw h saf 'l'y tapss ie tc i, asuitas s s o - ai. i at wtus--as ts suwaisilsasui-iiisira. tiias'e -r4acitd a uritasaihea.P '""e u i wtt l e r eisii Sa r>l it s tisa tisAs-on atarN. . ta ssat- atitiMiv.ruesW. ta siusisX. Y Ani tmiagu-iiaiuic rtase isa iliJi --t-ily fi An niaci, st ai tisi-usite i"Ua-taa-ii as-e itailaw uhc ai. ai îi ia d, n ias- lase isa d-tliia- y -îawuettic n!ataull iia-Oi ii-t'iascai'ssi 11tidi N.0 rasît a duîîi; a-i lass i l t ia-.aIii tds' satkpu s, anti!0. sia otu la, , îîdaes'i .sc. Wist. i aili uca-ni os-]d lita asu aîliisi ua, J'l !u .ii pcaaîs(sa- ii( ii n is- u iat. Atida-ailn iii. -ube oýliiteù s'yi- usil s-atir N. Y. A re o Eve4rItodor ai Znî ri iq.r-ilr i iitsY liitiiý5 a basute-o îîî.,î,î:::ume ui li (uvssuiil uti ba s-eisîidot. t fai ii .utu uiiit'u'î u î is sa.iiîlor tua0m -s- Pr iiiiutaana-a su>ti.iit-riiis-iuîila.Ugjl jf i geQi isa. a-as-,al N.x.LY. Aoofalctdli uifern lne yMo i 0 o ij m ous, tca-ia- i iirss iit iîo ti! ,tti -iii ic nd a-ai. T i iatîorlt. îniî'î, i #e i'tî O. u est uuiN - uu . l iis'uiak. A hailtcs.iîi etu-i es, arte14s- Id ti e-aa is-u-lua.ua 21au $hiat orîi'i-iiî lia-iilsii t tî ils, 5 a 3.uuu 01n 11 hicule as sufiinsit.t flc&I lcisurii glîAîl, VU.iaI-ii-s-a iîIIX08usa1liiECIVIu-îult. mn- o u iiiî ý iiî oi.igiii acure-l' i..'l,,î-ai i sa- tf ta I m', lu g - . m s-tas- -. ise uiri u , a isat a, t he lafi - iiiia -ie. llir C r, e eidi l 1et-r sa-sa-s55 1si 181,1-ii isflanliilst 0s 1 fige Msa-asî l iiiuî s o ai Prla « l-t ile- auu i, s it' --sttsil risut u au ,. r Ailieoigi tîfi ini s-, i wsilosîuîîaitii a- osc ol, d îaaa-tisp r ii-a. (i. -iue iitr sta-sii s-î'ca. 53. c wil i- lài ja fi cr itflouas iaiuiiiiiiii atiiit1a aieîr sai il lorde lies -y t Us Mrà, lm -as ttriil lai aw--p aida i silu-ur- a l ix r" i u n r ua-t t ii> a (is- r-p uaili ens au ig. ~7W' dBLOA 13y -JOFN EDWARDS, vho te instrnted tàsel!, for cash only, thuis YaIuae and new stock, imported direct, f;;im.the firtma- facturing and whoIesate busi n Europe, - -j Ail to b.e sold at uuprecedén'tedly low prices. A al eall and inspection of the goods respectfully invrited. Wilkinson's Bloeèk, 'Brook Street, Whitby. M Ty 18, 1867 P- . A» RESIDENTS O F WHITBy GROCERIEs, HARDWARE; & BOOTS & SIOESO gare ma$, Men ernlargedctôtomeet the eo~azg een .té fTa AIi b. efo"w lIc>s ptairs are rpet i L.needsfze .21l1î1mory, S a l, R t, Plotya.., Nthe n et dedaap &u Plweca nUe., Oam'e Boje., Ebbonï,f Pathers a, XnL eue., à Th~ Ioth~~ epartmoni No 'e Xpente ha"been saparedl-by tbe. iroprietor, in bringin-g tà extensive branctitofsl&busineu to its present inri;alei popiilgrlty. A Most extens stoàk of besI Clothi d antiaikept constautty té >bAud. Att grinm i to er nd w it iproMptitude on thiepremiseý wbere a itutâtPascutersd ae .,AND SURIIOUNDING COUNTRY. The subscriler would beg to state, that "he is now in receipi FRESH Family GRO CERTES AlSO hiÏs usual sply.of first-class Flour and Fecd, whieh lie detemincej to siel for LJSIJ NLY, clicaper tban any house in Town, who does & croi dit busineo. W Positivoly no goods detivered heoreaftc-r, unless paid for at Lime of N. B.-hTe woutd Bay ho ttuoge tndcbted to tita, that an immediate seulement of1 ran-pctive secouait musi be made, tios-dos- t. cas-r>ylaitoefleet (tue above desirsile rangemt.i Whuuby, Ma> 22f 18(17. L. ~RO'~ 1mb OMMERCIAL HOTEL, EN fTUZENe )WN 0F WIIITBY. e O N .ursdaY, May 8Oth, 1867# May 21. 12 o'clock, uonqtha Coitowig vauanle propertte. EYISUtAIWt 1 la-s-rp a- af lee oslsitlit T Tln blsîs-iagoq, wluhihaili be odudnu t ~ tisme et auto. -Tit ast 10 Acs-s'e <5<flic Sonti-liaif cof -18, lusia h als Cot.flirasa andi tie Wast sr-s a-ff lia $oattislibai'fLoit 17, la it lt ti ,-Tse Sîaaitliilisatet LUt 18, In tise tth con. ta, IN0sues-as. -Thsa Etat hall of Lot 14, li 2ma cous, aI aia, 124 ans-aie. -The Soutu-al-vonsof lias.15 ac!d M, in li-d dcssuita.raai-e of Ta-trus,(tm Lot, af -v St., ln the tus-i utof Wlitiuy, qularrou ore. ,-Tse Nos-tb-ltisf of Lût 15, li th(le md of lildosu, 100 nitres- a-a-a LoI, in reaPîsstila-, andI -"cs-Ta rs-os- p aîlity ta catliulilat, iad citbns ia ikius- itageaisa uresits-aess. )r partictaura tply to Mit. JAMIES 11OLDEN, RE subt Os- toe iutu- T well t 'SMcURICI 10EOEITSON s-olicitrs loi- Morti-nes C.s-o ia Clîus-cIlStrect, Toruaito -rente, May 1.1, 1867. tai-tiiJet aidl t1 IE ssndei-eigtacd, Itai'irtai-oIsa-tfrom nt lta- bt-is t la is-l ntiauiîtas aI al pus-in i n- debîcti tist b> Mortgrag>, Note, or Book Debts, a sattitreant out 4iîeme mta-a nal aîote ritit. No fu-tbar snotice wiil be givt-e.. YAUNOLD & Cas. TCli.Tlie 014ldIa-s-iîts-y Uflli,nxt to llotel, 17 MADO-C old Lands!1 E aIa thse nivi-ed oaa-fotxsth cf lot eo. 35, lu tIsai s-t coauenaiou cif Muto AIAO FIVE 8IlARES IN TE rAm MINING COM'INY. Appt> <o. JF. JLELLERa P M. LblM8, 24(1. le. th20 Just received direct from the Mfanufiîcturcrs, and wiIl be sol veryclucp IIA MILTON & CC MILLINERY #& MANTLES, r o HAMILrroN & C0. Teas & Family Groceries, I-IAMILTON & CO tChes &Jewelry GE T TIIE BEJST ;ecriber begn to announce that he lias just received selected asaortrnent of new CGoods, cr.nsistilog of. and Silver Watc~he. Et ~Ear RAngo, tit dandl Plair-Gands, lnge- RingsDroocses, scurt 1Cames, Thimblesu, Locke lis Chus-us, &ic. lâne atisostntlof A m e s-le nu C to c k s , M le e r 9 s n i s s l tI r , f - a l e LA Please note the address, J. JP. JOHNSTON9 Jiepairs -of ail kinds. BETTER TIIAN ir! i e Madoc Cold. Lm!Lm! IIE fid igrud tive ,>7 nd wltlleep À NEW -GEORGETOWN lUNE, ANIE:STHETIO A eeN T, OI'supeFîrl-qaits-. Foi-aie For axtractiîîg Tetis, ilhout plias, at WIIOLESALE & RETAIL, wç- lm. DLJNKLEy & WICKS DENTAL l'o.03189,DILDEits, &c., IBY D UNJJAS ST RE E Ti e p"at n ipo 'd ol l ROOMiLs-a(st in. il. ýChs-aua'a tore r >';()Idb),tté bal it tiîo 55500 price as ou WJ.luyMur-b Gî, 117.2 Wlîitby, uM e ,1 ,ttOaM0-17 A full Stpk of Choice Fresh Groceries, Hlardware, 1nnd -Boots -AND SIIOLS. W~ Adopting the cash system, and the m&to of quick ýreturns nd Omait profits. .4 cali et this eatisbliahtnnt wsll aati'toy boussekeper, 4sud reay money puachmsrs how they ca enl, supplied with economy snd edvantage. Corner eofRing and -Simooe 8treetW, Oahawi. Dabeawe, a7 22, 1807. , 20-Om Q 1EWD' eieIdFlower,l .~ ~ ~ Jand Garden.- LIQTIo 'SýWines, Brandies, LIQtTORS, Iiisiçy, Bett's distilled Milk Punch, PunvhToddy. ;auai~ smoua:us M.US0F LLOKINS.AMn CR0 CKERY AND GLÂSSWAÂRE9 A larger stock thrin ever at No. 1, on the Corne. MyS 87 v KNOWN FACTS GUS N.SIreadvaidSoko 1. GXDSON'S Large and varied Stook et DR1- GO DB Is the best. Great inducements are row be ing offered. Ne.bais just opened a splendid lot of the celebrai ed LYI3STE P, COTTONS, at reduceed prices, also 500 superic Ufotton Grain -Bags. An endiess variety of FL0WIER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS._O A compiete stock of Hlardwvare, incltiding Farmers5Ilarvesting Tools, &c, SALT, PLASTE R AND WA~ TELL LIfrE. W- DRIED IIAMS & BACON. M CHOIQE OROCE RIES Y EOMAN GIBSON, Glres r akn i xhneSonfrP ld N.Y 0f Straw llats, Bonnes, 31lillinery Goods, oC - - 0 - -- - - - -..ciý A sienid ssrtaentofLWes POELL A0os splemndid Pasuso rr-nntofLaieC.-s An immense stock "-of Scotch, Lnd Canadian Tweedg, Ladies Mantie Clotho, &c. LOWS &POWELL. 2,000 yards of C'ai-pets in. Tapestry, (al rool, Union, Hemp, &c.- Rcady-made Clothing. SiIk, Beaver,Fe, and Straw i-lats. The largest aiwl most -varied stock re -have, Tailorin g LOWES & POWELL. to order, and by First-class GROCERIES,-as tasual, of. the best. Field and Gardon Secds, ofthe bcst, and at the Iowest possible prices. LOWES& 2QE. 110* ieIauWatces as-e M oi Tiie AmertetanWaliliisstwatoh Its nait. by ne Msh ncbnes-iun pr-eesasibd b> no iuc4 ineompotnwoikmet. Aliltheîr ope-aUeauâ (roemftreceptîeu of th1e raw 'aet-.ts Ibrauoi W la.,the'4nlvei, tht' gold sundi pi-rcelasa stonsa, te thse camletioui or the Wsteh, are cesiTteit on unIes- on. reot, ad under olie iailtful asud eeatie(puduireeon -But lias çi-at ditlnügafù4lng fatUira-fit tisi W atciies. ta the, face (bai (>eir ers a1ia are alltu.adtuy thé int,.ibe moa(tper1 àan delcatmjaméisever bfo.ag».(o tise ad Ii hainanls.duaty. fv~~s~o o hemore tIta abundr fuertsa f-aery wateh lamtouit. ,sy e macLet-tt inInstiubly reprodatee evau-ysue cecding parthlithse xfist,ùnvyin-ug e.çun itýwiIi0os aiecasaa-y te ua" loea "rfeu< sc 0 iuYpartieular style ais-IthcLu ta adit the linaeti-ed n"iscaex nece.iay-te tras ps-aduce eves-> palofibuat- wÀaeh, sudil fl. lowistlateyt ry sacalidng wtteh mnut batlik. li. Iffatty pat- amy AierlSai Waltbaut Wateb aiaonîd l'e lttor-; Wjrad l, o -awaea- bus oui> w adireu he Comupny, éattiug thse ittmber of bis wsiteh aut -US.pas- wanted, -visather it be aprlni-, plîsiosi, jewsel, os- ws tnots.idbyri.tttrn nisait lie wiuul reealve the Te syrespeetfulja-suban t bil ¶vatela e.irnUanly. Tisey bave fully isuce, u.-e a overls-oing poputarpa-ajstaiee la thae ete lit u lvas-orsf Ltrplau watolip, And solteit à :hbrough espiaation ad rs trials-a for (bois-r ftgt-aeswe-.Tie i,>eîun to maire A belles- Article fer thae Noney. b> lts- tipraîsealmuchainleal prooep thit eauli mo ne tdes- tîse <l -Stslstonod isd adi es-it uystent. 'lubey manaufaatairu eltelica of oves- gsrade, l-om a gosdlIoW'pi-leeti, sud gastanisatarilice, lit sellaaOluverlt nit -cases, tapectati> adupted *0 tho'vadt ef t 'tlst <as-oer anud Iainboarsa, to thse :1neaî cisi-otu- miek-r fitis tuas'îgatoi- cutiaise Ladioist wsrclie, iii plain gsitd or te~e fimesat eaueleit siad -eweled casai; batt tria lmdlmpania.abjo re- qtste 0t ail t(hraisstt-ha% lé' htisitisa> ibatan b.0()D TlMEZFEEU~. It aiscnld -lo aeebrdfis ,,aex&Tt;îis-ingle 1tawci4 gresntbcs- Ilame *stehCmpayî Bon ton,"y &1L WATCIES imadae b> lis-m Arc £iy wiias-ated. BOBISNS & APPLETON To 18wuîx7cx itsw, lILY Yu, uzxwtu.Alozsy3m - gOpJEKT WILKEB, ToxoToj(7 csyiz1& . Ohancery Sl OlP Real E.state. 13USUANT f6> e Doe eorf tae court cd ALCacsy, Ii] tbisansatas-ofnanaaleCu- ttaine Pife.r, aaid otits-, lîisaitlistides- tis aoge ol'Iwely-Asne >ta ,ashndsailu Irlatiîtta-r of. t'ie Twelftis Vietorila Ciuîpîns- aa'.eny-îwo, I Nand witlate atuprobtation of GEOR(#l< L N LLir.qsii-o,, Muater of tîs tusi Cons-t at Wluitiujk, iti b140old tsi>thse uid "temb r , et ofitj et IN TE BAI!> 9 Menday, ànd of lune, next, L-At tise l'Our or twr, o'ctock tus theuas-eriion, foi tave pwanl, tise falloss-ng vatle j agdi sol Ps-mus-as, isie oaiup 1'IKEINGA1D juan, 31 Ito isielC1s iusg onatnposcd Of -tise ,sonî- hâTf lt iisiertwCilty-one, la tîhe igitl~ coîiceaatoot filua 'ownoiap or tPickcrngu, assa tise stis-ialf Of lut musbr tweaity, lu tise ns-asatisconcession et liai-a. PAIRtEL 1.-Bélis- tise aott-ltelf Olot -.nimtber- tas-eity.-omu, in tise etgttth cotaceessta ol thse alowviwhip of Pitckeinitg, lassa ten ascrei, -moisI off the nos-tsipts-t tita-r, uontttnitsg Ilstaîty acre., mos-c or tassa. Upuntîstu prepax-. in ts, tisera aie aboair, salîty â-acrns d-a, atdainu goal sade of caliat ,Upost thése-mises lis crt-etoul a iboçtuisssiuÏPlrk laotsmc, »itla gOOd, PruinBtan, Sihedh* amd Stables,. Tises-eOre aieo ass<>s--iard, asd neyer fsaliaig treatit of muli(tti-non. PARCEL 2.s--Bciiug tise saoatitalf of lot nus-l-tateut,n tise,âci--ettti ecanxiom af Mia, contasasisag uone issnais-aiS&srai,moer loup. Thit lotini unimpi-ovel. ,ma-os Tise conditions of sale ai-e lie standine con-' cittions ocf tise Court of Cisitcery, viti the loi- -loaving -Variation. Tise pnresttei or pas-chasesaalst5tlit tinta of salepi pay down te thse Inanut&a'Slticitor s dapusic oftcauiaoltam. foýr an>'oe isunsied dolisuis, of hlisor ui- lsps'purcbasamotsiv, sud tsi, balanuce, wittlI ltereat tlsni-onfi-onthtie day of sile, wthlm four-wacbafron thé iday Of male. Tisa pui-cbaer os--pnreluamerusaîjnl mgaisan ags-amaauî, fthtie comptetion ofthtIe pus-cisait. Th edc* -: epaed btis a fia' Sa- u tttnent of <tepurs-lmse monotiepuni- ehaatas of tishIue lauintse Toavs.itOff ur ai, eo bieeanlatidto-a canvoaivtce, aund- te bci Ici inito posssasion. Tha pnia'sissr ettlap si lamds lu Piuckaring, on ptymntet thesaprebame mncuy, e.un aorstad, te bce eatttled ta a con- v ysiico, aitltuatinte of sue lispayantsud mlto be li ftb poàioin on tise Irt day of Oc- aIbes- nain. Futeris- purint e ssmayle bail tram J-mes K. Gai-dosan ct' Soite- ndT iil a Os-euaoodÃ"! isateait f Whuitbs- und tise undas-aigtisà Ma1jtaýýti- !tsîs Cons-tai'Whitby, DataI lin s7th dao!t my, 18$67. > (B!isl,) JAMSX. GORDÃ"N, PTr Aubpsl¶Çlfa5 Etiiei kBilkea e ip m". Y hsieivat r e PREUX' sacuri prtcu lis-isal. icilci! aid paet-pni . Ilic--rn i Cia-a-nIas tsçf-a.Aaiils-aa a IUE. S5ttIi7i Coi Sas-u.4e;m ir &«4Ta-uy, . r &ci tljýi OP ALL IKINDS. IR. FRANCIS 10. 10 *qý,qr 0 iý 0, 1 - - - . - M ww qwbwop ma %P #&vu l xl m 1 1 1 - 1 , 1 1-- jý 1 1 1 1 ( G ELI ffi 1 m 1 'l 1 ~, do . LENTB kOlLit, WII ITINVC, il eeasOY s-ci-islasî- -ltc o îsnir -je nifag andi autlfyiug. mW FOIUSALE AT, J. i., ERRtE'F,8 ian FAattuY Duvo o ut Iortgagc Sale.i TIJERE WILL DE SOLD DY ULILE2AUCTION Whitby, 3fay 22, 1807. OCIERE'l LOWES & POWELL, 1 1 1 1 LOWES & POWELL. 1 i j i g, 1 q

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