Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1867, p. 2

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aqww"U - MN - uosid Ie- *1W "Pnu'9mnalal ffaf i O M"ti, Md*te ajo de» la dé sse îgm tp f roaw7sti>ati uuorlhi- uajs issosebons ls1sMat -(baor Mioev>'dêmnnv or ife a<iBau ii ssy 4l.Tb*ooel dé b@ rWsag ea. disspeislte gbooat or koU4 on"ustneilan u$ id"srrMsd. th-, (&AU ~Ilà e4us1eas MM d, tetek Sfforain oeffmet "su1dé hcosm ev l! saMW vjigroor tai lr 4W wder qMokJe b~r is BaUIom at t1w "018eoi; aMdi vistL ver'*de01s bokrmbM uew. te US dskaas, rem6v4iiamai lofeas lin tw umth luso h »ue w * . If gbe b" dmlaichvas se atirsitiv b..... 6M eut bl .. s liii,.,. 'saNpd* 8,4;41Mdg 100555 00t7905U511>'- 44 i ei «r @bsuuit hisid ot macee- v in I W d e e M Wb a is e u r, fn bt e l l s : ;wî~ b o n i t iou î ut m at i sm forthéfitumý#6 ;Zvemetmori al ltudo, leinoace jPit d qeetb>' lt# ovor vjirlmg Oaiees <(tdits. vUe atose, ime, 4eBad l viiiles a"àrtti utui»oion fîuyt me isl «er ll . om oi f <uom«Ma, eût alliva>' lits lt ile1 yoeua pr. i«&»10'1ur thedella pi"s'ue lite jes 0(j (e! lîfo mtitbehuîg eou-' ove.he odt setd ofohou.1 At une o' e lt~ ~~ , ::«i.of"èse«tz brvbw ,»n lie o itcal1 84d, si lai oie 10talaue a pis...!10 worldP1,Ifo e -inlistiuit lt end bar. ira- .1 teirovuluof 66 Wiblo re te othè er pruo- 9îu -Woub ofrsh a*0tlp 3 &Apsart, ibjeotb>' teir vniiug, to pos Iassh p lh. Iobulesmu t<site. tbii&.as itleorneossig, undi la atnul Prin- b"&an utvem«Wé'flls"exftra unen con pnmum w dijut aîuy 11010kpfat lite «eem«o b*w b oto e ,,t. bé )umîlrv*n Mautg lt) le Isls e Irae."on:t tig ma etardl, otprngiIM W '"euss ae ando stimJkirpheneuona, lua tse Wevrosà Palier hamet, y. 0., f" e *o,.b allwe a pont uiie à, 11111041;pronibut canin of suais -sàrange lit- ffl.-.-,, '»W nti uieM.vrgamin. l'.ly spite tou 01Mâi, ;stý kb # MMW ysb@r MOUu ilu, isutnid< lertu ts a tsit. S.itp~ LISviti fi. iverst Piler"veordtsud unueruputousncss ho 'hein eau. Sies, of Ositiva, îlebos"MW"ietParié teDspuiîotb e eliins Prime a( île missonadssie r 'ms d M::M v, solaie tIireti eut, ghveepajK <orelu.totlus, on ibe »mssé>' iai . "thle"osue or it; sinspointmout; asuintul et baiaietata siepe le esi jrie t el'la1 uhure, ever>'f rtn et' poia~e oîm3moo"sent. ene!y unmauîiîy 0oêiltergnobl aotiul.u wvat4 the building o!a( àChïar the "Ug ut ta ommuY e Otîurtt e An itit OisIlleof Whitbi, Upwardsot$800 epu teIisit lebloudof onuunitigatetiinsieoo.di -*louis.nd anicvange. heeortigl>' voa fiad sure umoobudou th e spot, md tat Id pliiul-ito Iatiesapervleandoalu »010-l le vttd iliib.ie 0e0ue sot o-dsy, isimd ibrsievrop.. InbW d hile ohher Cuoisvîthîe ":suulng Éue eiksk on a, ig!> of regrelt a Ubsè .uvii "oelng lte bosoun$$ Md tbn, u al 01 eh !rîhreuaeet Whre lte uîupld feuows les". 0« copyr. byt>' k»wt leseuin ob reosîved:ft <o l laste oftei île rigatsrolo lulsjeo»<utnued t Bisbop, sud uhcoegl eoie"e ofi..iih hog opeo!cimso ii's.t vr sud mors popolou. Ombhlloe oamseni. st rse cîoupeonoaus ai î ple tcs M us, he 'ressîmtee! hltyvîh hutfer opposilug Mir. Camenan, More »ifutn benscail>'iabbas aivays shanaibe leovnnowoighî faleootant i mirepmsenîaioa th he i ls., v011 o io , esa uiol l ir. --IbeInvariable msort o! hbo aumooymous b bi>' m hitostbiii glerat>' lyse Oibier-jumblot together, Manter ble - -. ,..Po .raà th,-.mai uAmmus 16 Caiiaoie oommuli> oue mngglad un vihsisytitlg ipprosohleg te ab proport pisseof wershlp, set bave !requmil le« t oblîgoet te imge t.oehoava or Puffns' Creek, le it ii il Ofts e! vier, linoto" à boeirMis.. Tb@e lnov.nlanlsoio! o d'ime, asut ufrrlng lus beau inconcoivahie, aituti, va are ure, have boom traquent, 1,' espraiet b>' protestants haylng Rom. anestIholle servants,ous oilt .Cm hle iheuseves. Tic lmaiitqe reetion o!r ohareit la île leva vil! provo s bhaasng on8 evor>'grout, and poeahnfis ev.onca o h fitile ouninu>. -Tus eraoui er avi:B»oogLut.- Cerotais m aremintedoth e Roforus meeting tL e b boit aIBrooklu ou the 2Mh, vît!> tic vlav o! slesiug esemaias Leo oeittîle lUtin5 o! Soti Ontario. A large larnout t. oxpeceli a Tues Wma PuaFào Àaîr.-uc. Et. varda advorilses $10,000 vont> of dry goud nireu>' mitee iobbintgof ebels mae; sdfinish, ai île aiguo!fîle MW l lg'iWlklono'eBlotilisud "J s7thu in ordto- u#.eitte duo" o! eUi~om5î'e, leviii have an addituou o! $I0O000more ote astock sexi volr. T j l va i ' L o vu s E L s o v o u s la né lir. LousBroywn, tucoogi ar ousstsWeekm Risansoonemenit. t aw pel4 adi, fis syltemi of!bsless. »C m asébouit em utment iwfi ioavec>' mu who testisete c arr Ute ictréde, Te# oeoasv tle abominable s>'gem o! cSi. dtle sholishet on aven>' haut uicgroster iii. sottsfictlon te seller mset pure. S vari Jn «".,se0i uepublie litaitue pro-, V1 Seêww bo&is vlauula ni , vhh shtOli ad *'*é le tso antiyma à@es prait y hle lam tes t Fiitiy for par 45siotul e1 mgtjiyisgg tslv IMpertinents. île>' aro, lovever, h e i tOri rs tiecoourage to append tber utames to tbdm, ble>'shouit ha ro nesivet a conr' teous rep>', antib. miel viti fair open warguent. As h lu vo have ouI>'a Word or Ivo Of ativiego ffer bti r. Cameronsa Whisbylu lseay. Lott Iho careful 1ev tho e>' inatii mbetigotitooms. Lett îe.s fiud soise other niosuo! atuoeiug Ibis.!- vou besites novel copyiug, anti intulgiug lun nggcavatod abus, o! il. Czanxim.u, if tic>' have noubing else i. empla>' their tume lu thait cons'o-çabiti cflmosîtic eCourt bouse., [he Conuaoseu,ebu nul yes luterteret yulb thoir osa.«or- consfori. U h.e ieprefer S iving vont tb thoir nisiovoienco ajaiuh fi, 10 holding tie Peace, sud vo viii se. vbat vo VIII se-Ihsg's &IL. W. pur- posoly restrain ourseif as preseni !a pi ty to I ih poor siiy snobs#, who, ostrich like, ex- pose Iheir voinerable bodies, whilà hiding thobr dimiuiah.d' hoste. Lot tho.mDot teuipithe CoUoNiclztoo (st, os the msak shall b. tom off, sud tbat too comacituily, beforeseau ssoanded anud indignant publie, ALt pissent va, bave w dual viii Mr. Ca. mmoqsnentwiih his minions or plue.. houniers lu Whitby. last botu ho adriset, -ltabe o uher of-say Tuminoon's con. diieu povders, or go to Mado. aud-fînd ba~uggei ; lest s hippopotamesi, or ovon srul op e- gorills; but Jet thetu b.vsceo! mottuhug vith be hï'Ctmaosg ~'Thoe o! eueraresie noBee anything la tle vayef OmueeîesrTeilet AmioWse, 'vuuit de weli te patrenlu. tho gros of .Berion, sicttOea <l., Tee>', N. Y. TIc>'a sue le0ui>'agontiq le isfor ma' OC île mot vgaine,Prend eent Hugibl"io ullssd~eaai list.mued t b' eauti0io «Oflte Old Wunld, to boasî!> st ai sunîv "rb pison. '- 1-1- So lor- alomuat l; oli e O éi' dm A o Wita iAdy imelti vOie fSe abo ai aesaiabyaa o001,140of!OseDollar,9 mieè oson pioore aus aisla iai viii cuise ber bau te acon n,"y riagipieor henry ti 150 sa.itài-.momivemils éat t"esiuo! it." »tsou tuai iowws, 9gava f tiarerendt !"Seoleus assi . tle <i m ttweugo, Vme uio la tplt& pamtimais of de l ome. Tb tai!à andsýti Ibry departmenîe are sitoate Idk" oipau i thîe bail,in th l îem "#ory, uNd ëspurato f(mhod&Y g sud' groeery., Tbe Liai, . ster thei ilat thoehau broaShî the mysierles 0e hnefl ea perféeeanhlheit. un tr, Bamks's gromerasd liquor i nax.dor t vlisupplietviii evtyt lu bis lins, auds Aiuad up fin a omat fui set aumtraomannen, ait Vins liquon are e! a sâpoulr tqaaisl, sud grossuiesl choie. anti freal, ant, is ien for tle cl..of gooti, Muai resonsith àtzalcy osTas ass.-We satm iiot h ibo fevuhail, lu compin> ', Llao* Coi.l, Obibko, Who vu. i.hi high 1court , aillbatpartieulin lima, la1 acient building. The Colonel on theaw kthe b.hall o! juhiSn, informeti ns hsi tretîîgnou feues ihoe village laed foi onstahie, empbasiing Ibis remamrasas ent«eet, vi(i îhesomvhaî ssrtiug as rimee-Tou'i se him-le'd eat àA 1010' i W. enieusti n tiepldtiiin. 1 usvimi1h: s msoIt d ,frisadGeotl glon.>', "bonMgas rge sa. h!." sud1 îotdntet aer, lie nevitakeàato stutle coubasaton mas sou as aslion'.o steîs, A" isieefficiene>' Jà, i vilage lu lighly semmemtot. Tiecm bofore lis Womsip vs. on tle oompli otEmmna White against John Hub>', fi naliciosi' iiing île piainturg s og, h fondant sait ho billedthîe deg hocaus lbi hlm anti tore Ils troviers, ant ieo i duceti vitaeas., vbo provet liai lb>' seg dsu bîtien b>' tle animai.' The plaintif àsto4, vos>' lady', of ample pcopocteun oledth ble-r onlitte tiog evon bit au>'un4 rf e dit! se It vws, sic sait, d"nlenovaf o r. Ohé aiied upon ^a son o! M irhs, mameti Canipholl, 1 give tee BOn>' lu avefr.!f île tq. hram bel vie las a notet horo o! tle coob.ph, li shavas, sut'vho vs. introdnce tu 0no bI le Colonol, às.tho sultan o! tic village Pa who deniodthel soit impeacîmeni, si eging ibat the Colonel lima.!! hoitsuite bai chaisciai,> svoro "b>'hi H ai vtm plub snt bine" lIai tle dog vuas a eou ulveon s eocker anti a epulita; ia lh rs a quiet craytbnr of uit 1h1.pnpp, It woul ituteno obu atic vont, bui n>' #nap anti koteh people, inplap. Wit eu offeuoti bis voralip one o! bis bot me cooki s a aproseut nti vd ouidtbere td lIen leave bu at tle bouse;- but wisl ie provisos that ito vomit steal its if bo untet i tu ho flhba gooji main. The ktit id ual take. tir. CaîplhIwv anked ,th oase vas tiluseti. Mus 'bite lost ber tag anti bat! to pus> the usao, anti vo caîti ovor the bridge, ot ir rosdtia1 Wlibym On ou aud the vst bai thti cool ou joveir>'. Parties ceqniring agond var- rauteti saiel, or dock, or superiar jeveiryi have an ' excellent opporîuniîr o! euppiying theusles aitih establishment o! Mr. WàvCHaS A»D JEYBLRY.-MI', J. P. usîonp o! Oahava, lu lunrceipt o! a tixmco.-Jnirea bus ievied on Fies. mes t. tho amauni of. *200,000. imae- diaieiy afuer île reseipi o!fAKr. soward's lituahie ntiorteu" in refoeece Itu lie ireattuent o!1tiaximiliansying lis liro sbonit ho uparot, esut auSi vas fescet -ihat Esebedo vonit laie île uu!orînnsîe 'prince. usainateti, uoltatndiug aiters wo tle coulmar>'. Esoeodo vas sent wo coiniau n xpetition agaitiCautales, imbu Lsd rebelleti lu tbe norîh. Carrons, imbo le canitieret Ibticableut o!f ti Mexi- «0u ;encrls, tis appainteti to sueceed ins, and uav commande al hie anmios o! tho ropubli. "6An Impenial recounoitoring Pari>', in ehnding ueo! écfmaximiiian'satijutants, bat itten captuctiedihsdsot."1 20--A larga ant ibîusiasubo îct.tnfg o! Yi 'nisns vus-bit îo.uig!>î as île Acatiemy, o! 'usls.' Colonel Robè-os dehivenei a loctutrbo ou Eegiintand tils Ïilcaiea. Co- lonel Moso deplceo4 île vzongs -of Ira- laund#ut anippaledth'a Irhéblnen for îioir retiras.. 'Tho nue 0o'Buckeianti rish ler es map eret eithneiucaly. Nav Yosx, ut>'20-Tho offsets o! ibo Atisauelobehle, report fiat lb. trouble la bm oss n t atpoli .t as"ihue' mlu-f'ou the elogr-p&.staion iai Nasrtla Cloa 4 tudtte- vili b. e o da>' n "aîj1le "M" r~repaire, nasd oer. log tia-cable ef 11", laaIo od aublugî 4sîa4iUs. Thara lu ceiorepton t 18tie 45.is ILZ OMMUY iPwIM est v oulpuoia >a ' ', ne- 7, m- 1 ..wu, 1 - usant« . for IIA division m e Uuvts1o1 1 as. sffLngotoVs,10" oorg o n.- tr.- lokiriL el ~l.tat. ir. DPsiinsiu 'at1 'th»'*111,11I #hoa piyl"Propriété sirN, 4 propmoiLe- Ittoltibave no elffei n.stimulaingbltj>. of the Baii" 6op y 10'alus to w tboti.prto fW odsnn. s ri, vais,. Aft ouh ot 0001dobi-béwoffil ti ,0 work xcei igly- wel, and-, n ro 1 ~ ter>~ 7 f K 1 r» Nue T h et b ain » ii, ln p rop oluing th o tb ird ay w ay - b e bt th att hLe .vil» o f i se ozr- p r actclo 4in fo r nttio -. n l u s p le am t sd ta 10 i ov t i. ui oi o gteo isdtoast, Mid thaIt iL w1AS noeie f, r i. te tLion, As iLvoire, ball bren taken out ci entertaihing mahner., 18 àe 9, flWUo 7_"?f i4aezâCLo la for' * dwoll OPOn tbeoati and grànd'do.ti of buni-hidPassetiBut demninstrations or! My. ,WlisoC' reaponded aet oastLb. o.g f O<Jii9tUJqrprintipn.,& ,fore,: to rthgto Armny ant NaVyý; Lbey voni knowp1 Ibis kirndivoldibave lb. offeet 6f stimuni- thbu lu Inbis unai folicitiouiarisner, Mir, pbars iov4f, secontisti1liy 'tic. oiovat.i led la~ the orld Or,asnd ho. vaprouito ai m elingtle Young and ardent who .ou.itsec Andi Wiii, tbstboî §am of t» liebgraWtd by' Of Urne, thaï; ,fls, ay anti navyQi v *r oÎanyxrfnas bonored bynet$b. Dr, Tucker,in a Motableoand I.qunt titis Cotincil ta b. expended on lte sontb asddio n««or biter iwrwm nto t £1 i *resn, horsani fiendks. For big, ownexrtO Pe", durini tii, delivery or whig%" ho part of uldeline between lots 18 sud 19, lu roede ime, Oui volinteo g h aigiveto sec- ioaalhnmn ufctrs .dicsie i 'Yoeferously applaudeti, rospodtedto te b. hcon., and 'that Mer, Wi s .. ondtu tonoire M yOthor natiorln theLb. bing entitk'ti to g»>em'ci->alife gvw a 10te, >. toast of!tho eiicai profession, 1iodgioïn andi 3asBiggbc' A'13" mmra ,Tbb . b at -"h. bùd ào tîi ir av awcddhin. feti ia e'a nto- Frterrai ooou fot oo OtMuuionm to erpondti Lb te, sd BU6à Malle two years-nor, perbaps, on.esttiftolti. Ife beiicvelanioîhee,, uit, 'pet thintoui crowded space, and tboshort upon ther eertificsthe Lb. plisb- 15"tp bui Utis ageo41but the nMoment Lb? tolograpb t Cha, erwýe Ïavare o! Lie (net, Ither~taiin Itervai bCtveen reaclîing bhome andti n mnent of Lb. vork, teireodo grant -big ss m isgni itwcd the novu LiaLtii.e soif of! afads wus "ornhati certain tendeincien o! dspoaki- hour o! publication vii not perMitus 10 oi'dO nthe troaure frhe b.aboyea m'L.riion f4, 1117a4441, anti that ton thouiianti men ,or laton-bhat btlie émigit Calil certain 'gpèc- .MaoI& r ci i Slr tiv, eCtdt ' r c pvo, 51ii rert d gtn buad u ori ities andt rus o! mid. , wsof ! nverai allier toatsvoire given anti Wilis. bat (ho ,reove b.autiiorzeti 0 j ci Liosnivolunteors-came fervasd t, m; thos..Anti if lie Wha aspécialty of any abiy respondeti ta, sonf; wveo ,unganti repair ln a temporsry tuanner the 0 rat fâe thn24 bouc, notice, antid ' in hn à kind, or a tact> of ndlatiWorth antun ,tiiebantipiay -d favorite'ais,'ani î1 obridge o aibW iidm b' àrltbo numier erollet i, liati avelta0 l u s ioc tueclînnico. If tiers a s uch t ruly social gathoring titi not'breakup 'Mr..,:Willii -moyeu, soconidet by tIr. î" sud th tei g I6Oi8O00 )m en, r ady 10 support the goveyn- ai tiiig ,, s Io he hors te a Pa lr uîa otil art advancedi ou c oui W e tn eudy p o r , at p t w s rs ni ot e s ha ng s o o. #ai* m ent an ti défendt hLe hoarghs an ti o mses caling lho belevei that le wax bor o a m om nn .. a p i ai n o m k 0 ( i o n i ~ u n l o o!a a ad an .m ec lanie. A nd le va s no v only fol - A d s rption of the n ov voo en m i i g tu of m o neiy r ro d , b i g s &c, p t v te Capisin Jones havit> boon calleti upon, lowin; the tient o! lois own inclination, wiiwcit:vo visitéd il iii b ave to re- make.said -application aL ite next -Meeting poier, I hi bis,hO uaid,viÉh mua p ride to rosponti, a îig bis own fastes, andi indtiîging main over utitl next weck, of titis council. Mnd useoi'han Il tb. doa 011r iote'ors N; e gretngî, Fils own habita ofi thinkin"' anti ating as T *On imotion o! lic. Dryden, scndt Y but, niasa hal no( fallon 10 abfer bands. Ife reictreci cd usefuly andtw usiotel lois neichiors, k -is varfos-sages and passeti, in priée vonl tu tie mn>'glorieux doeds o! the Deirialb' *;sgveil; but lhe coultIdnot lay claim . lu îîiAîL IuTN.W. ihl vrse fhgw s; iii' m i p l t A r ny , a n d i B ritish v ale u rr v iîic , lie sa isi. p ia n t iro p y o r p afrio tis mn fo r d o in g o n i> l' 1 , i 0 ' ' i a m y u o o ti t y J h o d r n irii spoke for tiesuiein everi khautatndi 'istlwuathe vork of inclination. WhouM.$on Mvs; Peud yJh pwe i evier>' ciai, and on eve>'buttie flelt. i.e ieholookedti aoond îim -anti taw fio im- A spécial meeting of the Town (Jounacil Wiilis, tfat flie rebc athorizet anti pondituro, IOlti necd oni>'mention tho e a !Wtrop' mnswua a n>ninesî maie asibelit ailica Town ihall, uallie eil of ceqoired ho 'ran' bisrero> otra maei lteé Inkerman, Aima, anti refer 1ta th blooty in'iii glat; -,,btbotven bho idikedt arounuilte. Mayor. on Thursta>' morning. Ri@ sorer in favoc'of Jas. Cutîle, for printing.uthe tel, efilis of Indis in modem fiomes; orcasty, bin anti sa* vhat more iniglil have hecrt vorshtp took the chair ai hali.past ton $12, anti J, B. L'ickell, for drain tieued lm t. p Pocies adth atlsofte einuadonc, viihie iailities witîiin our meachi o'cloak. Tiso other mombergprctientvere on roends, $3,7et. *pke forrliîemselve,, for the. tects'of lire left iving negcttit, if matielMign miuerabitMciis Brown, Campbell. Donovîîti, Dia. On motion o! tr. 1?ryden, secndet 'b> piaying cel i: Ar'uiy, as titi Trafaigar andtihie Nthe fur anti alinost angry. lie always ftlt tîittfier, Iicitry, Pen>', Powell, anti Pbilp. tir. Wilis »a by.iav vas oit-miedti lrotugli tiose o1 tb. Nec>', anti prove th ie Weili-the one greal dcsiteratUm for Canada vus Tat UE 1191A EFlixothe varionàýsiges antipasset, appoinîing Thei.mp VOtriet ipîluck of Celta anci Saxons. IRetcring tiro ceonomicul and îîroduativeemnployuent Tire mayor inlortinedtheli.couneil ltat ho Jibsepll Burroughs, Collecter iuteao! ofD. 7'iebitrd tn- te fle volunteers, heaskoetiX bo bat de- oft ho immnes aturai tforces of mihecours- bal calîcti the meeting t. conisider whiat EtivartiCroxali. b. rentered roi. fentieti Cua4 (rom invasion lort ncariv ga 1'. îBot 'vs 'vre ail more or legs absorb- 'vas i est to ho done in- referenceIo ftle ahi tir. Viliis moie", secondeti by Mm o! a centry put-i 181, lSl'. a ntia cdsin oar particular vays ofltiîinkinig ;terationa matie by tice"'overnunent in the SpearTs, that viien Ibis auncii ajourns, 010~ weIV'806 t-vhbo bat the,' volunteem iîle $orme nn (o sat'ulat. anti encreuse theu rplans of lte'nov drul agid; tint tire con. !L stand adjoornetunstil the firât Montay nt >'y rge praisodtihLb.efficient sialo o! proeparation-in voatlîtby Lihat means; atliers to leuitimon, ýract balé been let untier tie irat plans t-iJuiton , e~ meet uathLe- Lown bail, 'bu *L ssâ as vbci Lb. v ointe rs no v ere. anti sait o>' at cent fier cent; othrs aigain ta b y whih vere no v no v disapprove ,an t the rooliln, t 10 oclOcký , aM n.- boitg i llio s tflit 8,000 vweîI..triietvoluiteers culianti sei, anti otLero vers p caducs dealors, col' trwl;or stoppeti going on vit the. vork M r. Dryden moyes, secondet b>' M, m. teies ru b. mle ib te fLb id at 24 boucs rio-. luis trient nieur ini(4r.Drapcr ; ail in conséquence,.lbr htacmitfrfiitn ftedrcii h.e ice, anti atvisoi tii. dut>' of overy liunnnecmsar>' in lcir pliacs; lie'vau going bto r. Per>' expîninoti Ibi.alterations pro. îeevo, tepîd evanti ck-i'k, o peàpoint- 'Partaffilit hoin Canada tw beaoms triinedtalqtho une of!*Bay alunost s;nîccesaer>as iawycrs *ves.poselte bchomatis b> clianging the. roof ati10confer vitb .,a aammittee teobhoaip- 'vwiecbactel tearmus in order toe défent, vhen' necessai>,(Laughite.) But (baie men dit not on- troin a queenpost 10 aa imculam on., anti pointeti b>' thé. concil "o! Eàsl Wbtby, f6uest dov. secauistian soi! fro th le tresafth !le inti. oamneflicte saLuai alhfth e i.country,; stalti tbat lhe csotftheo alerations wer vit!> a viev ta seuiiig certain clatnis hei tr amenot dot~ .' for seai uinuit lm made by som nling, calusîit i aI $00. Iftîicalte ations ore b>' le corporation o!f East W hiby pialtl fro o!T i cb .1a~ n PrpOsî[ntgLt e t a t b >' abb . Th i t a y v , in isi.opinion, ioim a e iu Accortiuco withit tiego er . tiis towns ip, andi ( a l . aerk hbc le r - O ! the béai o f (lie g i s : o z e p v o nï n g , T .i a,'i W ft a a t to 4' eie à 1: a h î r cl O u r c o u n utry ' w us t o um e n t p la n , t e >' v a t - o u s lite gth e n- b >' e q u i ed t a10 fo r va r ti a c ap > a ! t iis ie 5 5l S t lu Matt et itsnatralreoorce; bich p m noney,anti in conséquence the Coo.!iluin- 1U 0 tLb. écoumicil of! BisI WitîY. it tisys ahunoit ever-man lookedjo ('anuit aet, As ,iL vweeo, anti b1y nîeaîanica ty cauoaiî gratt, as welas ronentrhem. '_tir. Dryden, secondoti b>' li. Wilii, Tue Casi figures frresu lus more titan 4 More appliances anti askil! 50 guidte t cau as selves lhable (taueiccontracter for damages. mores tint neyeho iîereb>'authorizedta 1q1Z-Despat r0' speech-making. Witho ciookcd iiack,lete 10 oilize labor, contrai our gpont nalurul tir. Draper reg-reéttît ite tiifliauiy grant bis ortor on the tonsurer in fa.o. Allons Wsu re sait,and rememnhrodt tlite placevhere force, anti by Luit moins ncreso tire se- wiîie ai1sd arisens, nuitihouglit liatiut vas of Jas. ILR. tsuon, for lie suriso! $80, batties bave 'te l>'stoot vas tventy.one, or twotty-lvo tuai vealt o! the country'. lVien lbe mv tsedut>' o! the committle tu tsu.-gest s>me amoont do. hi. as assessor for the, pr- ieinbl>oi yeams ago, b.e coutlti nt helis asking the tiie inmmense aunount ot power vtiaitmonuis of getting ovîr ii. In viest' o! tho seul yeai. l oho Mt question wv i itimadie Wbi(ieweiltt utmight lbu ao uilizet ronnin; (Là'waste, i. Final! appropriation of$8MO fromnthe.goy. tic. Spears moves, seconted 1b>'Mr. Omar Ptuis s. vas? To vbom vasahilite iuprteniént miglit say like a man stant:ng in iilonos cmnmcnl, ho tougitt hat the Corporation Wils btIoreve bhoauthori'zet sud in hoîh engs ovin g? To Lb. gcuiîesuîan alitls riglitî ookbng"at lite woter unning iovuî bill, il igitîjuat as Wiibuildth le dril hed ittil- mquireil t0 givo 1tie iiaiugitdgntloead 'te wM. hievom they hai te honor 10 particular icvçdbhlm ta sec il. Somne seif, ad ovunuitd controa icrepropert'. - leOas the 10Lbnnounstopposile their The Gret L no. ane tiroir guest î teicigng-îOopl tlE t cingiîgo tb fa; tîat Ife behioeot aonl i tl, n an>'case, namuSl via Mr&S. ensù, 2; 3Mary, nibet in,'ap 41- is poraeing exertions anti encrpmise manufacurcs voulti ho overtone in lte-'flittho goverument shouiti 'eaoket for simulons, $3; Anu Coidb, $3;1 Mary. 10 Cýde the al vas duo. Mnny migitxt u>'îatoîtors, Countr>'.~ But vin ho loaketi about îim uan approprimîvon to cover the itional Wieciçm, $1525; Charles Sialer, $;A goverume . li if i l M. Wbite's place, vouiti bats oit utie ad v wthe flsiiies viitt wiiciî tite expernse wlîicb wag causeti vii;>' b>' Wiamiam, $4;andtihei reeve do grant bis ew Lit, saune thlng. Didthe>' do so 1In country via biesd, ibo sav liat, ve blt 'uelles. ortier on lte"trea'sumr*(or'paymeuit o! Lie -tiozusvao lookltîg ( te norli tic>'ond olbcr not, ho sait, one M'a ttiniiereliions Ounamotion o!flic. Ferry, Lie counicil 0'une- Counail adournet.colorés! pooj '>' gentlemien vhtolai al flie ativantages of miglit bave bien ten ; one -. si miii sviere 'vont ie commitleon thLiareposI rt,00"- -**quielti>' tisuî i; lite sanie streain andti é ineme fiiiiesf(lier. miglul bave bitem weuîy; nar one iPowell in the chair. The reoiuspî>' ]Injustice toi Volonteers.tnwiem gi foc exertion btanidt(itleul, vît>' dilte>'ianutactory vitere tiser.ouglît 10 be ono emiodieti a slatement o! lie tacts-tir, o vion so e(leproFreili >'the ilt in th oe 5A , andi lîtntrau. T ers 'as m re itn ahi- errIy sating ta i l'e o îm itteethoug t 2h the Edito , of the litIdbe , & rm kktz' O t th o snrPÉ uj sot in lte hDibconcession ? Tt'vas OV.ing dance o! recîufor furîlier itoprovementýis, iL betrhisal tbe next stop shooté tri"'. - ravlihethei »s la the différent outlrpriso lu le iodivido. anti if suahi deonsrai ns As tirelProscrnt_i.arnote it he couacil. Siiinjureti b, il a ais-tbal, andthle publia spirit or! t e man diii anything ta ur'vard m:anufactures, a A résolution vas tien passoti, on mo. Will >'ou pions. ahiov me spacoin die- Eigic vas'isttit vas owvitgto Alld<Pil va-s stop in advaîîecvoulti bave bohe ien tia ion of Mr. 1orry, seconted b>' Ir. lBrown, the CuiioIÇIoi.z 10complaii of a groal -in. been armoted *net for moes itcr's su e fliti.'rWiteolie titi nul wauh tg bave lie impression attinriziisg lin. Sitier; on belîif o! the justice being don.clisé'Voionieerz ai Lbe r keli If ho (Ur. lWhite) batl a uomi ialho vas suds, a paluiot lhtIbho ouiti Corporation, t( otiif>' tbe contracton ta prescrnt;ime. Naotaubt, sic, you ame À Milieu iu Mt fulo mono>'te speaker b-levet it do tvrytting for te bncit o! big nelgl- alter teplan of- ire oof lu accortance avare tatihe Vounteer frce, for lthe th charge 0o anti Spmgiset in btuiling&, uuaciiinpry bw. ai tat a othn oiiseh i-n rti ho vititfliecoanntrcbolan, alItucoaranieifmeutpri l« mp i on ut i0 have but being au aimsprovements. Te ol ostIeal dasingle et el-n cwt lccntico st h 0t n fnaîhiuîg butat eir subsialenco te de, b>' proof, the ut liat lîrougi bis oxortions taninrspaus. coutil assure îtem tat tliocane vas no lte>'coîît agre lte aitaimanoliet-fn dileWlioe talhav p aperî &e- eiol m gci ta unarket aItliteir doors vitero lto( exceptian; but if in arriving uai litIent Mitteo lu contiu-th. agreeunent. In eue main at homeé, fopt on lte ft !tuahu, $w 1, lecoilti obtain as gootias puce for fle r bencittot Isis neiglibars ns veil as itiehf it hey'cati t a gneMr. Situer 10 nolif>' anti von't assiut or encourage lte pour(iseu h 've t as in ci ier W iitby, or T aronto, in te iintirtnkirgs -icit liicarricti out, tliii cn ractor ta go n, ie coî l o !f ite V olunteer in'a n >' va >; n te ter an t or st a ing t ie Tlîev coulti bouit o! saw mouis, gri a iis. lue ansti dnut, tlitouglit, daim ami>'great extra work tabucb teiurninoti accortin- la sorne refus. ta ompia>' hem, anti acluai> --an -am so andi flouring manufactures, owir. i.ilvdulpie0rvtl uli oc b peelcnrc.oneltmait, a 'pretended toyatuît," living nt Wms. Lewis *Whit'sîertoi'pise; mndI lte>' latinov in lie uniglit, la ho sure, lie sait, aCCîUpy 1fr. Pun-y, in support o!fliteimotonissleticage tsaprni.beas milg it t adition a 'voulonrutanu!aClary erocd limsclf in sltivingonotes, or îeuching oxpînincdthiaIttoere vas a quasi-promiselie jainedthticGroenwaod Infauîry o.,an ti uoeciv b>' titu 'vicit 'oulti givo Ouinpiuvmentle to ncy on unorîgagu, -asu umake mono>' through Col. Fairbanks tint the govern- vtsuied tw leumn tie drill thaï; h migit be A.Rogersai humidretis, andf prove a vaît boueiIta obis ass aIlers tii, if luis laste vere ilit I ay iustl ult la>' bal! tie amount (lthe>'preparoti la dolent bis country against Ragera wook t noigititrbooti, go ltaInotl assvas lisii iîlinot; blut lie (11r. Whitet,) vantet it suppositg lte ulîeraions-lo doit no mars mn>' eneun>' via dace niolua il. I tlink froîn lber blt avu localil>' indebtedti a Mr. Whiite; but to bu tustincîl>' unterstoodth lat he ton titan 340), anti thallite Connu>' cauncil titis is bars!> treatuiont for mon via offer aud chi drei tse vitle counsty, aud if lue gais atite>' oui>' ohlosvetilits avn particulgr taste in ivouoltivote tibe renainder go as te muet lteir services la defendth le homeis anti Lewis anti1, inîghil o xpocî, in course o! Lime 10 s$C tut ovn ay,, anti for is iiowuîparliaular lite govornînent grant. lic quile agnpetiprapor'o!flte ver>' mon vionov in fune in Detroit s ic WViitevale, aneaoflte Mosit floumishing profit anti benuilt, anti go again tutclain- viti Air. Draper liaI (ho govomnirnmt, o! ponce turu a colt siaulter onat àe tiîe,' hovua in Canadia.lOkhicda mtiap tail menit foriinseit uiitaLt le launchtner ttc circumîlances, ongit Iola u>'for fuse ta fundtireur mploymcuîI. But lie anti rusiting Thechcian Lokbin caua ttap one, Ener>' penson lut soins abject ltevitale o! flite uiîsrîtiong, andthetimal-ta>' mu>' came-v mn>' bave a mépétition anti clasping piause, anti Mr. Cilchrist, wvitu m atsus n viow lu, anuitactudti r bm ue pur- ter voulti be praponi>' trituon illem, aofisat June7a troubles-vbson Ibe>' viii bcbegget in ut Secretur>' la the contilîco itving fie ar- pose. la vitllie titi. Ilis abject lIr. Draper icquuescoi, sîaling flitI tever>' gladtia10accept o!flte servie«sout(ho ma; tear huit rangeoments in charge, prucedeota eut -fornbhiall an abject un viev vitîn lue oui>' alier alternative vas la stop tli en>00hi>naw SOnmuaitdespise. I bcg 1 to hdit yoo cuommunicatians frottasnuiniter pi gentie- tirst contioncet building theme 'vas, au bcho ruk untul flite gavoruîînenî vas commoni. subscribs myself. vite'anti sufer ,lon exausing Ihîir anioice froua% the thon asket luhîsîf, wvi agaslite persan lu catet il it, muid litIlie was not proparot A FRIEND TOTUIE VOLUNTEERS. Wonan ?11 pou tionaîratian on aconî o!fpnior engage. flue voml ieumasitidesiredti a hleaso? Tireuela assume a respansibilit>' o!flinat kint. Pickering, Ma>' 18. '67. oat iniflieprit4 unontit,amouigst hum jet-mVi tiurelation of ilt uigit no u calt ulo- -tor pro- l'ite resolulion lton passet, andîthLe ê....moîti b>' ltei Mir. T. N. Gi1bs, MaIl1. Il., ee iîni.i» l ué cr-but hlie siret ta si lutle cm- cooncil adjrurit ut nttlntes pasî Il Tou BooT Ducr-TbeBoots -diar>' A c eon absence in bilnîmeal; tram il, J.,ýMnc- cuustances laovitic i liietling tdowuu in o'ciock, vitîtout goiuîg lobo an'otiter lm pnblisbed -Pt ip>'adfuoo vbe aI doncli, Oierk o! thePec,îistn a '%Whiîovaio vas oving-lîo e , ho saiti, busintess. prier .engagement. part ut wvidit' vos bauntlamcl in sucit a>' yas vould it eîo 13henbio.H. sa>U nitedas o ril ent risl grceleti vitismuait applîtise mt anduglter, dtiaretlta, and vouît pieuse lbis tnientis, Enropoan News by Steumohbuep, Zb nilt ... ni aa'utigi> etau fi asl staing tint Ur. White w'va*'uperfect asuit uere vas ouîe panîlcsilar, a t wu$l- lsever thougit of saerificing tluOunr bis nex s --,-" antea, aEverY Ya'rdi Of cloh u>vo vnteti genomait>' accordoti. ' artce, tort furone 'Orf c t ôwe f i s ýâs 010, retir b>' uteprie, elfrelansd ligit ex, aluoud ho imanutat-moInbuCanada, so as: Tie, Czar b, hole 'sesompaniet b>' NomdliouaIÙfe,uer,"u'hico~f551>' ieller beo ample, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O ait meialv>,hepo u l eaye Our mo> on nt.NovGocuoble -s~ati autfor Pairis la June, set fort!> ouarosseons for Our prceeetiags" otugîk. gem ! o r nninuuur,nt;eMi tt . oe a vr vaIi eem teThe palacesof île TuiUiels, or the Elyse., *anti badehifiâ g vlmont tw i"d ru e bes iveeui>.u hltytis utr tmil ottisg, bave beau offeiéd lini for a resiteaoe. ' AYoung It>' eldiug la th*-eQ ay 4 -orf 'Toll ianma men (oimbr, ntiupratitii blssng* O! vien tre bat juilt onteoeion s&anars 0 x-t atl hs h atr og eabt ,bcgtl iai pelScotl indu# >'anti conhntet emnplo>'..,pantietiplitihoiahouaniser, antiàvongnraCanada mtar oglIo.u oe Pl*u&atyuu '1t!hi alir Briisha Provinces, vwoui c...ltai ibe train e e o tet t. ai. elw't' mheart', WC *iaeed.abondant au"c uto tié nos'!> b.onetoiisudr l's àov-Dmint'e,ns iau ife !ofien cgiui 'wil re' SuanSment affer, *44.4 vith aimesi Whisa st opurtiWolo MSa o Witya, oe ! iio"es. ovfo!lte vaut rl. VOOuh utfmlogan>', anti'-ends 'vil!> Panlngtôianunuouseiongnea, 6"ïbut r.1kasocu Lonm(Cu of lffcouIn' v oergeî i.'lpsii.leisevïae il asr ike inumt. g -citimmel, vhies" omets it Ai the oe iti. tormet, -,Tii5magunn ihougi cousiderahly ebesper ita tho vmire onrihbbom lu atil i>;l tikoînret on a k large scai.,te id ho machleua; andibt i. p- t experlieho tlie tivititlime, eo! whiel viti tb. mugnesinn ighî perbepeeonumiso tle ex. b>4y yichding a higlit equsitel a lýiglit viti bai! thé quinte>' o! The light girez b>' tie nov leudit, sud lu ils pover o! dis- Olors ciosc>esenilmbule iIgu oportant discaver>' mae .b> '. ison, that" parts he icbat>'eau td insensible 10 pain ai the vii Îal-bo b heoutrlotucodto 'Pratet ,anti viisb 8eseSs ogt t o arno usure o! baises trot b>' operations. Tis "local 9,e asit t. calîct, le pioduetib>' ssiover cf deu ur pra>'on île, Usud aniroui au instrunieut us àfouaint, ihruving off dle h a a short tinio afien tlinS. us heu lot i. pla>' on any piut ad, body', or lib, ail feling etcbas bavn.be raecoivcd fS.m !eh sltc tîsitvosagt n etaken place recenîl>' ià Candis urbii thebo rbisi comndetr m- vas bati>' beiten, Rt lom ag9emonts Wscomptet osi tre. ut Foyers o! Buropebavreagain 1petitian 1 ic Sue BblIme Porte a ilastof Crete t.'thi e ek ms QU>tRns.-A fwOiran* WlioofParis, Teunesae, veo cig a few eeingas moi, vhen sen ffle t btF.e hnse, 4moe ýriat, nuacusethlàek men, and 3vomot, une10of tmbom vas»e loir nufiafrsm ibathae mont ýo! tii vila muscreats i ava ,d anti are nov lin culoi>' taiW liseghbor àrrestetupon DI steahiug Obesi <rom bis miii, aàbie 10 snb.léutisîetlecharge t court atjutgosih thîe tut. lsho -anapologyho the £=Msd. l e, 11 bave a lldyou aireateti n>' ebeàt-I esu'i provo 15 riry for il.' is, resitieuî o! Tecumseh, andi ré mut fo:ur ebiitren, recent>' the vite o! hi&a neighbor Jouis!> sud veut ta ýDétroit. Mms s canstterabis sumi o! moue>' lite danti Lewis lefI -bis vite t hol>' unproritied for. fev aiy mga on a. charge of Ire Le îs 1appeaied inucourt, op tetem uant hushanti, b er aria sl'ound bsis neél,- )Itons toues, 41O, Wtilim, gbut, vh i>'tii on do li1 idesent yoni brokeu-beanîei ering littue ones for that b.d dnting Io-Mrs.Rogers, wmo isauem's boxc, appareuti>' un- tshamascoe. mtent o! tho N. Y. 2111ribu ioîser urging the propriety o! be national tebi ; lismnot b>' iprobable blai b>' tle lime o! deutileleciion poitleih par. âtes tuill ho tiisdon u it lipuédiation,» or Ilnuepu- M; Pioneer hIs ndignant ai ýdestIitutîonD 't e!- rpapes Kistet iu tuat State, sut-maya s-nde af barre!, o!fifoandnt unit mure tbcu t. nootet la bis is being dtriuteti foc n aetian, unter tue ampeivis. simbaîl. l>' afenon the immense aftélu Pufdduing 'Mils <oh in, vonrnes lu i teins. Fonc asti> killoti, sud 15 otuors S ttuet. Tic miii vas vo- utd bv 491. Mndi avies' im Yoiuçply;iig ttecoumî Ju T*sea mainuluweto he pec Bec! eiuku.; ud pei t tpeau to bedehivcred tte Jil,il, smud MstilussstWY le 'Wbi*lîl By 1, 1847.- W'4f tt ostyppo 's Mr.CHi ID.IALEEIR PLATE» W WILL BE IN ,HITBY, PtEXT Asic ii gving np tliti insu STOCKS Wký 20 Sharea oh Royal ceuna 10Btrso! Royal canai ti u hoof hlueBank of co 15 Ituresof Ontauîio Banuk, -AT.8OK HAND FOI One eulorgigefor 30eu el*550 atoedo. feir J"5. 2 Oblares o! the Batik of 3aut $1000 t0 icvesi on Punisec ceht. § î No eontsulaiouu - J. HÂtiER CE Store for~ B AUTIFULLI One oftue lm cali otie;%ith i.e o For foer artpuie RAM STRAI oNC. C, itu e fSitcoucesi a oheiSuIiugrutai, I£ieSter- bris, -Xuow thy DêBl Utssaxe Fi.TuSxrm. Seg trom, Ctairvau midi'.einan mitanisemi te cienufie eir.. s th %0W louuied .ettim lmdosn X. ato peme siw Utaln utslïaus Wiicia a MWe ofurser tise de feaisrcaouimcperm ye arc icimnu cf absu m= .satmueme c ,lmS emaoig-.int-steprd- i o<thc tuuirc iuatîamd orelaof ttie as viuismu dimaffie, pomuiuum tifs!, elîmatr, " eTitsfunt afibag, -eimm leun muaumui itne 'Winiam a ceriiem onioes- itima giS pleute intiai iIpUrpim»tst5. iDye Im.r o(Wmpieios m netoeîugcfuteu4 aek" a~c ddreud, ta y-14- t( ye puesue iddetmdi ttft.iisL7un . roT, Wonderfulbut 1 -0- MÂD.&MÉIiM oMwc'a, tise -Atrot'vuiud am mtu"àùc Qu a euvsymantme, delwei tes t vuY penuouyouuaietin =M.,andiq 0te â mmi e! itcMe peser, kuovu àn uit gnarmsftaeu prdue a perft suai gf itcefumae hwum t& rufe of lhie mitu 0ii îmuge.iistiaus uiui moiiutrt *rab u" Muesi. titutpienwebioi / 't ~ n I r n} I - i I I 'e ' r - 1, Il i - il I s b r, 1 1 tl

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