Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 May 1867, p. 2

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eus~~ ~ setsanm-ep. "ahI in oeIg utpa aboai& t omrs IseV»a lie-tie naslaaa o Of t1 ilefposu ouvsuéioa fer tise loca lIagll entr.e fivw, (Ot, w thsi*, Gouam s é ifmtlcîé lêj saud tss1t re- .: ep ~~liPdis.tem, ma s moie tk* Wetberofes-,'.ai>' yaprssc~ ise iesr~I sealus su tsrprse * t ss! zgret Mai ia vjcslcp. W.&miti tst i mlstWtsatlaa' tisheseiépunue dm oexlsi1 tssêla sisess- bisaslluldqf, Mo, ouffs toe ( rom *r,"ry partotth. ~IIgaavUst111 taeme cpm.e idte. spsilast ssisse propeeelliateri Menus fiae lratalaiTb@ is tis ïtonc wobt - le-, à*bssiprotiof oui shieuld 4 e, i tcMr". te-busporseud u.d.tail- ise ireautsuo a Flijor fusl', inteatatllhy or otiservise, mkief baibeausdon., AÀsllt bas tokea laue <iens!. are dinidds. 'lIov shah tbsy lbe brongit to etJr s Bau tt. vsiteis brodohdeeiu ea steitol'rmerleui tters voa'î de h. Ans! fer Mr. Gordo n i41Mr. Meutse as te gir.tsiraeauegsv sii ie ao (air bhariag te loti sides, me baie ex- p«W lu 1*«I.These aty et il sbould YW e la intie baekgrandi , réooiro,.ëànaseonoë la oïé suentises-, and miii saasnited! effort sciiere'Oa bealti>tri- umpis. Ifisla laOrder te asceompli Oua- hsuble os&ita iosis geMore, 1Mr, les-- don viii ondnsetdws aveisi tbu, dWilon ert te moesmatorisi portion oet-bis letir. W. uS, las the ýs faetal tisetacts, la fi t t1bitter tisai tiseseaboulis te.sc hiarn%?taitaitiselest-ts ont>' wey ta p&MWy i l pas-ile.sas sud euetise gransd- oljceîhla Ie-Uixîir, -sads!sesu- seas? Tt ltmoi buestolened! aI cause et dlvf«andsts proensa a fatal rupture?1 luiis coproisewqsd e bouerabhe.te s4 pas-ties, ans!to, mssmoes 'ian tue gisîbmsiiiemivss visebaie siresa> 0s'etires! the datagc et bolngtisezom.- fouis. I r vUals! ps-ove tisai tise>, t les, susired totek. nu adîatage et thé' -o. tien, ta Ma* tise>' preefre4 tise gond ef tiis p Is>'tetlser ovaelevato.-Msttera - cttiWut"Sefvrse te isejtytisaitise>' à re ;th.e ipaesiicýme i ugisi-na>' oah bees"rtilate miesh M r. - Gordon, s aubirismn oet1Mwonrentlea, iii, ve alsottIfieol pes-euadis!, Isonei oftheboflrst bluucîtt te. admît tiseneeoa.lty et takins *6. toppuasgo tise contention ofe ee b sspleo-imputation et fs-ans!.TiM delegitasof eachMdisosd ugog aisouis! glas!- Ijsîsîl tiemselie et tise oppestaaity te de se. Andi siseld îbey eves-loo visai la dume te tiamuaeires andi Pari>'; thoen tise -great lied>'ofettie. [teformsrofettue 'tovisa-ý slips ihter.stMdshenld tale tise malter ha* J abois- omna bnds1 by ealliag publieus-est iaga, asd oltises- endors.,es-orindigssatiy deusoessaitise ,course pnrsnd b ss mhi eus tisenses, andI se vipe' ava>'tise, stigmaa miicimusi etiermltese toficis' ihos.u.Cr ovrr-evd.d eolnmes prereut onis-geiug iato ties anjeet more e ai ghs. Enug e mgisbas eonsaisi te uisw tise noceee- - hy-tbe positive suai>' et lmadiste action, toset matte rigis. Ansi tis e msest mmties-tpa-ospt, leaîlng the. respousibit- t>f';ottala detat iiiiics missrefuse' Muavise or Ivus Exascu7mvnCougo-- set'ress stàm .-A "Umeeting e t s *esiire Conneil ol Placé ei Ottawa, on Mheumsecf tIe Sesters tas- Outarie as! Que ersmeags-s e-peaans! telpgrspisea by -iaatil Gable te Ledne. Tise>'vii nm oll>"b o nva boati tise's-riai of the Qsos's P'ruclansatioii. Tise Cotas- a sUl sosaneilnes! tis e& atabibpni or a veukly lino oftateamars, vuSi jsrr fou pQaibie te tise Lever Province. 1lps5 owar is upa,-À No#os sloiuc.tleo~slv t s sa-lis a e la1 *'!"s *f.eïêjumpingsé aconclu ilea. Ils isy.svasiyrubbié «se o tl ridç fu- oniin WbiW beis. des M'ach nfor Party' Us tué CaaOYIoesli ho a = >' eyetlafmltoau opinion, - Apr ut i fis oual thse pnsespspîlpof tt@l Igiéraectisai Proempis as tiat me*re at.ed ad hiveor vas .spaWe Oet m t par la (fr et £jho parut v' "lit er.as ho o1..> ud wbe pcleplsc ho vweld presime t. Pprebste spalr mh.udem. e tls. Wldtl sg aose s i M9vas h lsà gai op the e"ditorfstr'liast' vsek ".A,"fHov many eeeks Van te ssggdln pved*tsg ise ompeua ocn tise oaam f.ie Csaeze, .Ag se, lOut, argumenat voudeU b eîivaste!*v Viti' aàmseouru.ie. n' tla ar mos b>'pr lat tisetae. by.thesdé"&£[SMa Pllr' me eeoiee oelngBorhsà taaay @tory eilled b'<TisBi 'W t" Tishr'. na0ela Terancs O'Bs-ieabotter irnevu t bis asiisesois u'éLIe onld Admirai,'l fs-out bigs issig esMu! s se 1ibe isyms "on boor" iq majemt's ship oet î l",ne 000$tls Slainat." Isla' 9 isi seIf enggs ,ose Mus-t>' ehsasU bu amsaiansl teprepare a 64 Memenandlio' sarc"t tseAdinmit>', I*yimg ehainte soea prize m.n6>'. Tise description ef the pa-eparatlees for prodaselng seob as lot. portant "lbit o' wnitla'Il"!a unique.Ma>, sIAr a groat usa>' aviWas-u att'empts te ,got tise nis et tisepen on tisé paper fia-t ishebo thisa aifrem tise ovres-cisa-ges lsta. -ment; bis nioffert la te $Pongeonti tise riraiet vh bis toqgue la a va>'l-nova te seeelbos, outil flash>' haaulrylng tise-parer froms tise effis te the spongin-oc cbimuiy, Muoly ezuahmhgta voadirmeat -4" 0401 o.ol mïs-siehis a mlsticîlal vritla' met me lassi o>'lu-adeys-e-r tSers oMitd NIe basu, emà, asMI'let Afin vrite ou Ien, if ho cas." iMartay's vit Clieisnau% "ais asoisé- bit" et popes- la She 'lgu.o'" eopy-bool, aud Mari>' sea.les imsel agalatthie tssk "Yos, Plais.thisegve'll mine s-. soiréea tbistime, Sa i ras-te,##oya Marty'. "Tisedate, e ie arf Admirât r, "Ay, s>', tisedate o0' tise ess- frî-t et &Il, siiputs," tise Admirai respeus.s dlAigsteesa buodired au' eue, tiss," Ma-t>'repeatesi, semi>' mataerlng; asid as lu deep uiiogit be-r aoie te eAu te mimd tise shape ef tise figures vwei heals! de- aigu"$ etue es-a, hie pan desribei aboie tise papa- tve or iire caties fous-lis, sîmoit as betere. A figure et 8 iyiug on ils soleptises, W. vas'deseribed. He austaeesi p tise peu, suds leokesi at the mr osienocement ef bis "aa. Ait-wvu rlgbt. Nither peu, 7àInk, tior papes- playesi bida <aise I"tbs tua-." He o eesitise heet fromn $ide te aide, seosnpanying 'it by vsggiagblie on frein ohouider teasiseulder. lie resuaeai, aoilil sepstiftg"iite suds-s n Tise ive addieuocialfgam-es vre proue. edtas!tiseoms-jo docuenst beeame ate- dates! by about oee Ibquesans! jeans. The visele figes-es atosithues,44 oOl. 0"Tbere's tise date o'flise jear pliaste le meen, - ve b'iee, Admira," iseosaisi ghaing Sa ie5 aighios- idhi il-dissla.s pride.. 01I ile the oui o' tpis- JIlU, vii,me boasty ; th.ymroto'a igisisorofeta as-- î'inty. AI', a>', mhiebeaietlsaymeu, eerr> band e'-tbom."y. "éMussatue gonua ...lepraises," sai Clievan, ilS b a happy aigis " as' ais ,riat lte ogat thé las-n a an. Net b-iengisi-op te hanadula' tue papes- 1k. a eov or o Sorsi."41 si ÀuP is'îtishe day o'tishe menthIo hola "Éas ta "v oliy boy 1" -Tises- es-o e vf a o sre paieiug fions-lis. $beensuesllIehe tndsopiratieta. M L "-at up,.ansi dova, bisili>'vat- r~'~i ede.te ppiri ii.Admin iïlfomoraadt. e sr:Oimc.O - Tise MtorLu "I.t w kPs Gàzi lug 4"bit o vrltitis'Pt"-voths resug, viue, aliLnsgi atth ise ne of te isees of bolus teg diffgee, vi b8ve roited, Thor.- vers, iseviver, more tissa "Marty moedisao" eagaed las produi ils. ~ ~ w "B.à"v pprebesd. - Auoritims venies for #àppti ng J Sb., ave làtlhebords gl rea ,e-spota IL- C.I<a Ws-. a Ms-* Ontarle vas in oi.Ant s-ofai Osera doue teo' ti ihmte étise afi-ages e fleetos-la preftsien. les resldeut. P1clmmi cf laquage;- ho eertaielijb, ina*s >' ygiveu sîld:ace et easnlaqt stanesmasip or pliltie sagaoty. ,The, areu' mon lun n'Nortis Ontario, mise isi r hieesi tisir va>' ipvad,_*bo bave pu esi tbrougis aÙ thiise'lasitudes et rogge Canaagn lite, fsou - tise ieiding oet axe teom=potence; ta-oas ýth@ a(ée patisauster te tisat rte 'n'ip ai eeauy ccill-,asd a ou eti@ se W i e.carbis lpoiltiosài aaHors. Tbi mesn voulut le euiaeatiy prefoeaai te Ms-. <smeros, Monanat ftiirau pelr tqisalouee' vitu thoepa-actisa verklng et cur muàliaiinstitutions,i ait' thirdetails, 'asitueur klueesic 1lcealaffales. Tise,'ire proeomiasentiy ms, et tIf pb'eeplesudef tise cont>',partacer et, tbii- aig bo s ympatbIsiesinterçasis la 'tisir intereaté-mon oe r s-j aywi ean b. spolies te asud onsuised aia timasein aorkinig drese or Souda,' suit ansi vis taâte a sous! commua sems viev et poliUcal affaira, sud viso eau bave e( nutes-or objeets go serve la enleriug par hIsusaet. Mr. Cameren, ou tbe centrary la s holiday gentleman, te beseec oui>'si eleetiesi imes, sud vise imagines tisailu la conutor-lg aaiea- byhipermittini bina «Ilf te roprest uboe idiug. M. . -Ton are mkakem tisere..UMs Cameeu labuno priaei.nl bina. Wisyhb ëoe'vaikis! vitisame trou tise couirt houase threegis bohstreets et Toa-ento, ansi d unet appear to e lonee bit uhamed ef t Oh, ios'àa fueagreeable gentleman, asu a Sont! speaker. Wbore eulai yen Sotà botter speaker ln tise coaut,'? Tb! vas tise, steat argumentir e bai' boas-s!la taveetofMr-. Camerea's election. 19 la about an Intelligent as soe otisers ve have boas-siadvanced Inlabis taies-. Ds-oueai lL.-Tbis beaufftit ansi faviepes-lodicai comes te as miii aIl tise tresisseas ans! fragrance ofthtie Jue soses. It improres vits ererj ilune, sud vi are ot ssrpa-hued tis aies fim i laths indispensable companionof tiseir verhaing sa. eli sastheir bison. bous. Its rariesi contents embraace alminseiver>' topic of interest la thse parier, kiteben, andainursery, visila its senaible tcue ansi tise amoat of vsimahie infermation tnisiesi, net te speai efthtie mone>' vaine et ils excellent patternus, reader it a capital in'uestmenl of $3, vitisont tise prensnu iicis c is sent for- oves-y jearl>' smbseaiptiom. Baiase u aacsxos. -lu anotiser part et onr papes- viii o tounaitheais-enLise- ment efthlie Bafale BusinsssaCeilego, ao vici vo cal! partiular attention. This institutioa bu an. eslsbllaied neputmiion, isviag benu lu eperation thirtesa lears. Tihe business lateresi t fBa-ant à Strattea Lus been disposei et ia the Csadisan Soboois, sud Mr. J. 0. Bryant, one ofthtie toansiors ethîe cial, viii deiote bis visele lim te tle Basfale Colhege. - 8aiaMxias-.-Iàsongsstishe candi- dates vise have obtali eeend oaga"cor- lifiestes tus- comamisons vo are glas!te observe ia tise officiai gazette thse namtes of Uema. G(e. B. GOadon, sud John MRenZIeu, oet tisa conuîy. Ua'rsm. CArADA MEnîCAL CoarsesaT.- Tis.s body met at Cttawa on tba l4îh iest.-- Prisent-Dis. Dizea, Dewar) Rieisarssou, Ashmei, Graant, Broes, Clar-ke, Patalle,' Y"te, Beaubien, Sulliva, Turqeai, Mer-ý ton;, Fulton, Miiil, mcpterson, Aikenu, tarelle, sud Berryman. Dr. Tua-quand was eleeteil ps-alient. BaseVAL o0 PuîeDxraas-xssusw,- 9 te M og3p s.Tleos5Jloyu lasf j"teio eo.bo i1-jao'. os-mot -oeil ~Tasce0s-ea eeeglmetob p eaux miti- vil! Sm, iowmmi ets!Miss-"I isas-aieise dberps-ex.Thé dus- s-lIqval', aihast, My hein>', 11 k. us. sema! Glasleviit, le mke 9Ï,y"rtaolo-tà ikoUw uldbiple a ha ud Toreai dk, duos! Nufibree.yeob"Jli I& vsa Mss-ty' sales!vus eouebosg a ie Ma a-su> o-and sud dirais '. iprbstlen, sudveutoeusps-o. djidlagesl oubail; duiing, b>'dignes, aà<il os-a.01o9 "ahi..,- eulag te Càaas tise Creva L»n4& do- I notice, -tisaithe è, leoson -tue tSOtSý Imeatstes- Qeeendsa is haelieved, a-eopa lain uto about tue Stis etf D4m saiiuIet ntelbo d u pinon of the cucs a Btnrteoe' Avre. iom ddit VAS thie rractice, viior-a e aon -as fr, Donoran presL-ted: the.report of Co rai' fluumjestly SSeHd opa $2,tSXS 4e rcinmttee on tbis ubject wbich paso- til~ -foiniuacsn posing the.#moant $1,. *d ibrough demmitte.ofttihe wiolo, 1fr, pu m»otPtbe$2 U&jedeibttdtwhetii muemled tlsat palrties iiequiring te erct fa bar' er thât prsicce wasstrictly crrct sd vonga ebtain pormiision for tho.pur- en in thougbt tii. setion,,whicii ho read, munîtps nacrIxc ihb.a o i be construed that where 'tise perion as- y-1, t i. orrtin 1041 gesd se anet toxed l thse luli 801 O-sea11ofe corpgrantion e1r . C , a. it q.e $2, ho oughin i addition, hje taxedtbe and T. H. McMIanI, taeUrcet awninge. Mr. Draper had'listonedvith due atten, The tmayor called:the- attention of the as o' fi on, and net wiliiout interest. ho sid, ta cencil te thse salarey efthe claef Constable, Ew, igtise rom,,rkseft the recre, end'mts ay, WCiL sss a lol iaeut o 0 i dedeference te the large experience biss- ot lemnine te foigh ar of thal; gentleman, that it W45 ,tllo Srst lisupr. e,-nCodthbg 'n ýif me lu lus, (1fr. Drapes)' . ' prices eofprovisiôns, :and, gave the chiot .ho gr Tpeaesce cesAble a good character for perIorusing AÂil M.that. he recollected e6jsuction being r4W dbis ifutges esatia1tctor 7Ily. ,aierear 1 * t cutaalgeug ot cemato ona y.cd, and said ho vas peëdte b. able te élue, lair, sud ejC tieonî ralse -betere thse by- deseupon the. imaîl tees nov rccei.s lavrSW ho mieb ava rpslteecby ostbes in conse uïeof tthse quiet .. Mçr. th otii t IThe courbe uhilly and god cuer prevallng Iu tovu and ta Du wp e how tbo coonea l to county. The.impoundiaî et gene, h. in. dC a l t.cMmit!ee, sd thero suggest amoid- (enedtboneunl, wus a nouity undor lai meuêt.s ad alteratius - tiser., In commait- ab-a ftetv uts tblgu i tee, the. rcsarkis of d. evemil .the o onors before tise major» olb buMore Properiy madIe. Hol.ailed, te *e. 1fr, Gerie stated the cemmitee.on thsev thse auj amblgulty in thse clan.., aud tokit mrtt loweent rpr. egoo go llterasly what thi. clause. meant, tbat thsa vening ; ho aise gave notice -tlist hbu o fui! hr ar t$,ti« . aont sheuld foerais-heuiod, at tue -neit meeting et tise ceuneil, WU basfu icd e f$2,dthee "otrt les b f8e fu ititroduce a by-law te rajs a e.rtalu égal4 ed cod t ,ail. r atisveoiots ameunt t ofmesîey bydebontures, fer tihes s sud nadissu t Èpoil tex, purIfias.of a mas-ketalto, etectien of build. euvo 1011 tii.y sbenld b. asmcssed$2. 'lh. by lawIii np ,&0.etuy ve proyided tisat tise re-ular Collecter e i Sofcnçseite ek c ith r a. tvu, liond coleettisetaxe, suIf ference te tise drill shed, troin, wsii it cn .41 coube, ho wouîid colleet them ai t thse mrewsudrtojtsatnriegress econs! an tîie an oetioer taxes, and tlaat thfsý lair for found ta ho unsuitable, and -vere con- ie et tiieir rccoery , would apply the sua s d-nndiyti.(oeuen npc er thetise did' for the. collection oetchier dand tlhie aOjitodrecorInspecter, skie taxes. lie wais quito r:usdy te accept tse un gp a CIUeI5ecOel-ft tii. pas ir- ündo gidescin onr a s"ro ese in cemmittee of tihe whlele as th&e Place tor vas put bsk, and the. alteratiesas netno le t dîsuasther. . proeeed w itis; tise plais e e. xpected vote M. lir. Perry- eorplained tijat it vas n- ccy day. order aI possible for hlm te malte an objection te everPo lleqi-d babomee at in by-aw or resolutaun, et auj stage, w;th- Lthe report et the Committe. ou firo and insui of out Mr. Draper'& findîg fault with i La pro- t-aer; but theise djotirnuscuit toolc place ions en praety. ;He was:not goï ilg te es 31fr,.v Draper as, te tise jireper LIps. orhifsî te s ecii* - rpl. iths >r p ;thse coullicil Lsd h'i hUoto oard of Selsool -Trusteet. cen cdtig frem Mif. Draper quite long cuough, cre te ~ ~ ~ ~ h surheopgu7ldnv sseed meeting et tii. Board too ek s tu the. luttoe it. Ho toid -Ntr. Draper tisat l hrglr - -at t, notwithstaîsding that gcntlemnaa's opinion, place on Tucaday evenicg. Members pro- ton, I Sthe proper tiane to diseus a by-law, n-ms sent, G. Il. D.srtigeil, E!q., Chairman, (in eft ti on the second rcadiug. lie again review- the. chair.) Messrs. Clegsr, Maedotieli, Badt4 Ocd thse difficuities fornicrlyinltlic wny, in Frspar, ilowe, Garni, Wilson, Prondruoît ii ir- collecting tise poili tax, wh-ore îmirties re- aand Yarnold. ccliii r, fuseditePI>', and-iad notiiing tliat coula A iaternt et cost et mapf, &c., $62.- 'P, et bc destraincd, andsaid tisaiLthe object u01 va p-enedsu-ocpldaAyi,'its a the present amcuded laîr, vasl o giv. the 31uias r esne n scte.A i i 3.ceuncil astiority ta mate by-lawss, in ulr rom the. departmeis -oet Public 'ticy which tii.7 could erîterce ise collection is7 Instruction iafurmed 'the Board tisat the. tiseo ri smposang penalties- Tse coanîitte. oftise amount of the grammar sebeol grant vus ta lJe viiele, ho contcndcd. vas ne place te cri- $1028, Feqniring te bc raiaed $514. Mr. PrIOF ginate clauses, and theretore a select cern- Ksrklasd, thi.eoad smmes'amOuîiily re-hai le iiUe, or one et tise sttnding ccîumitteei, port vaw eaaa4cert aerabl in id was the. proper body te taise thse isole vitia lut yeares atate of thse acheels. A ie t. matter into consi4ration, irbe would re- h--t id port tisa by-law ii 'proper'olsîpe. cmsiîainfe r atodvse r a Mr. Draper isaîd that liaviug provided, read, cerfityiisg taeie hua-oftMiss laispiai lu bi1s by-iv, -ttlat the pte-sent collecter: PicAlan; ithe ohairoaaîu tated tual Mise doubt4 collecthtie taxes, sand- that it wouid ho -Fraser bad been placed as Isacher tai,. IV dis' Sreasonable to suppose ho.e would make thse porarîI inluMis.MAnspae ,naded ubata .nc collection nt the., saine ias. ho coi!ccted the lattertji place h-Às been filled b7 ber bsdsi ethr axe, fr.Peryspant.lad 0 far' aismer, is M. A. Fraser. A report un- tisec Lauled. Uespectiugtdee question et lair, îoue y1r Wlo eomni addn lie teok issue iMis fr. Perry, 9sud altîseugis -cdbyU.Wlonrcmedii i n hi, was net quit. cicar upon it, ho Look it repare snd altorationa in John et. ucheol, et Cou il ýfor grautod tisat tiie statut., itîseif point ed thse plau.ng o et e &c., ou grounds at -te i euot teaLise. collecter and theo asayer, thse Henry ai. uchool, vas aliowed te stand douev useaus te bc takeis taencforce paymsent. over for a apecial meeting te b. held- on offiÃŽ oRIefet-ritig the mattcr to a coauiaittuewhers-cTaesdayaext onimunof eMr, Maedonell. hodex euoe or twir er e ifc.nd tIse dtc-, Tihe ca read a very interestiugan liea aras net tise proper c rehe isit-;as isrslr eor tIs ww ieiiewn but l.elore tise useaasbesnsof tise councal, i'iadisrciv eoto i on hc w a body, where young isseasîberit ould,' ne will find a place in theae colunn next belierc i doubt, lh desirous et beneflitting by tise week. Several amali aceounnis er. or- delegal orperiecae oft tosss of more experien-ce. dsired taeb.paid, sud on motion etf1Mr. realilY Alter tus-tiser lengtieiised discussion, Fracer tho Board adjourned asorly aftes- ho arri 4tise motion cssrsied. atid tise couaieil %vent 9o 'cloek. abject ,f into coauriittco, Mr. lHensry i tise chsair. e cilcev Mfr. Brown askicl wiicthcr 1fr. Draper By the Cisble. Andu cousidered that tise by-ssw met the rs-- traigi tquirernuts ofthtie net, and isoirhe vas Paria, May 1.-Thse nov Franco 01)17f( rg90ng te enforce payrnent. Anacriesan Telegrapis Company, wiih pro, reasiEr m.Draper nswered tîsat tise depta-y poses te iay au electrie cable hetween or 11 1fr.bien na reeve's long experienure, ne do)ubt, euablcd IBrest sud Halifax, bas heen promised tise Proe him tateneuighten the council witis thae t bonfi ofhi cpnin.- Iie (1r.Drierm)support and assistance of the. Inperiai smadc I intenti3n iaieo*.te prese tihe tirda-id- oen nt e- ing thoen, but toieaee huat tise s'ousaittce Asiseos, May I0.-Kangaris, tise enivoy resp.ect rise, report pregress, ansd obtaiin lirase taocf Greece te thse Usaited States, bas sailed bY tise sit again. Hle wuasglai 1r. Perny cailes! for America. lernr attention te tise maitter; hi slscsald cx. London, M ay 9, evenior.-Tbe Peace suit, ar amine tise lai rne ciosels-, ho was usader Confercuce brld its Lsecond session te-day. an P tise impression tisat it %vàas sasfficierst a.q it Tiea-Par aiafrtc eieauose stn;if itiras net lie underteekthti it Thi ofeowrnceins arh eie io s grce ' steoudh anh Cneec wsar poa-first,31fr. Go Mr. RIay asked if the liv vas sufrîcient the territary cf Luxemnburg te romain in thoroui wmat vas tise use cf tise by-îaw at aIl? the po.sessieo otise Kin4 of Helland as Reforen Furtiier sparing betircen lfesa-. rownlae, Grand Duis, ot Luxemhurg ; second, th, fidenes Drarer and Perry. - nentraiizatiou et tii.e Grand Dcchy l a te th Tise- major interposie& sii that tise ho gnaranteed by al ibhsEnropean Pomers b e discussien isad gene a littie tartiser tisan li otrae Ariearty participatiag iluh fermere tir tiser. as anyncsiy o.1r Frytswtrrs tIneeug t oralDed.-eche j Ms-, Bey insisted tliat tise beli-ringer «Oa Teay, Sth'lest, ainerder -te adetntces»,.po vas appointed*fer ayegrand bat! enter-eu mgunra. fercoatestins 4 idii.l. seoviiii Doon his duties,, siould hi paid hbig ssiI- __or___ "fPsl ar vsoisr e nri is bllorne;the FA-T vra.M.Geêge Ogm sOf, e é motionslabald net bie allovod te pass.o& lis- Drpersupu~-c4 tse etiu, s-gtahe 4tla concession, sodels liiid it si pairI Ing tisePosition e1 tthoSoutis Ward where jpar old bnlloel,sa fev days ago, te Mr., as bhits ti e rapycro pald teeringiug et a Juss-Brittouioet T'Orentoyes t~h<" ipele 1 -l tise lst duzin jears aritioast reeeia'sng bea au>' bcuictfrgmi IL. lieurgeai tisaitisers- omao figureoft$0,eOb,- einadid iew i.ijoe Tai 'u nyR . etLni id leico ied, 1vonldhai roeLard c Net a sinsgle delegate ira talûiperpi ith as tea who lie sheuld vote for a t t nyontlit. As tp thIl."omission" at tii eetiug et such prousieasi Uefr aa Charrie, Sexton, -Ferman, Allison, ilurd crs,Ba-ber, (f ibsen aud«Speing ," 'I ri, irk that jeu 'iae pa 'rticàlarl>' unapp., tise euumeratioi>;1etofidiegobdeuses iose naone veu mention, Messrs. currie ]MOUi, and EWMers ven present'at tus ating, su'd ook su active pas-t ha Lisý nti' of-dolegatea; etftth. otlsorsMessrs xton lid Ferumis re elected duiegats uVeiy~ ~ ~ o ne ea tpartizan felinu l ,r e fPa:Xte-anaios for 1fr. Sprngho se not belon gte tii. Reform part>'it aIl viog turnedisLa ceaIsean timdîe ago, l'kg othus- rcnegaeles, lludeet la deerjint pas'ty te vhich bc tns-ned traite-, anue as. interests hoebasel>' betra auL teu- aste i.convesstJ aud its sines Iraý riew, tisaI viow .so s calied It vas foiradlthat out etf162 <1.1 Les regulari't e lected, ten vere absent; srj sali proportion mien thi lcom- -rot tii. eitier, tise baduesa ef the 'a and the. distance mhics niny bsail aa';el te reace thsa place et meeting, arc sidereai Ot tic' ton Alisntees, PCtou co frein Beach; eft tiese vacancies, tweo se tui db7Mes. Campbll ansd Noit, lutr apnthe. nsguiarlj appoiatei egates, un ace 'ordanat. vits a reacluticas tid ai tihe meetiug,-as more alie two s 'Uxbridge-he rernainiug six avere ainatecan sd oppointed by tise regusa- eté tise viole dclegates assîmbedin or tisat naouehe tovessip»sh îoulai s cause et compliiit that tisey werc ,fflciently reprisente tise noma- sé and balloting mere thocn proceedeai hand viLla mat resuit la already vn, and tLis hics restt ounseit and aspondeisatake sacii grave exception, 0,lead jeu te ascribo Ilcriiinality andi îisness" tae essrs. Thomspsion sud Pax- becanste Is>. ins ltheafunas OPIIInio ec delegates, vere tise men b49L quali- ta carythe bannera and reps-osent unterests et the Reforin party, in thse wsg $truggie. Respectin, tise reîsae- t ofs etyou- coriresponlests, Il air " T. A.B.,"yadIlBroci," t1s-cply %out fear et trutiful contreadiction Lisat 1are Utsuc bathinlutise letter andi pfinit, and unvortiiy et mers claiming leng te the great party et retoran andi >ress ; sud as te jour avril reinartu as le nominations v,'iicis wero ara-ived Mt, s g licou thc resit etfsnfiair comubuls- betucen the suceessssi candidates, 1 ea state tisat Lie>' are eitiser the. nesuît rnieous infeoamation,. or aise lare the iration of 1fr. Goula i ins;eit, iholun- Ledly fuît greatly isumbled and bitter. ýappointeil at tseconsclusions arriresl otîitsstanding lis promises -made ian speecha prerieus te tise nousinations, is protestations te tise ceutrary. after 'esuit vas made kuown. If 31r. G. iot vaut tise nomination foIr tise lIe amuions, mis>'did lho alleî lais namo SPropehoaias a candidate, misicli as misie le iras reseot, and teas-laics 'qa-es neueobjection? %Vas it becauso rpecteai te receiro cora nominations ýave Lise glor>' et resiguing arîichesis-r lugit bcst ? Sucb, at leusr, lu My opinion, andi one, 1 Ihava reason te oa, largçely sîsareai in îy '.thse otlicr aLi rsn.If >fn. CotaIdial net asPleexcpeet Lut sucs a conclusioi soulsi riveCati aibmy aid hc net pronipt>' te beýing put iniînation for an visics le declareslac sd dne. vaut ? wvly did he net utato in at Mailly. ;<itoniard iray lais intention te raa fer the Ontario Ilosîse, if not fer tIse sa at vnic haa ibltes!?.9On iftho -r Kencsly tisongii List tise>' cd unfairiy ScaL tlsvb1y diai tiey not it te tisai elfeci mIen tiesa aisat mas tuemu- kte tîsen? rhat tisay Suidnet isint se, 1 need onlyappeal te tisair etire speecises sa.5trutstul>' nepoa-ted s Globe re.porte-, in visich is lth îgen- sn prafesu doalbc pleased itlatIse ro- 'ni prasanise c ade ail in-tiseir peower sa-e thse nctunn oet asns. Tiornpson ,autasn. As teJIr.Thoip;oil,l(tiite witstishe sentiments aixpresmc-atb>' lulsl, that lie hs< net isitherte is ugIs1> identified hitnsçeit antI tise am cause as te entitie hta th ie con- s and houer bestoaa'cd upeus bia, but lai ho bas receivea tîsat nomnination igit, sud I trust miii, receive the yunquali'sed support et ail true -Bc- rs. As for M r. Ps'xton,I1 can ouiy 'eu ns uexpressed sentiments nas te seom fer thse pesition te mhics ho la iated, and trust ne aucis folly miii ho pted, as te endefiver te deprive hian y tise advocacy ot anetiér convention cen only result in a houe divided i itacit, and cnhure thesueccet o mau usave usau, asa upy-$,a 40s fs le. lad ditien te tise usual iamount -palig tiser. mas an ameiust of gsd iiiug Itihk -"P air bai been l ise leàerdeinainbu.si- 4 UÇD st mon,.1 avliSc IL.,weua w sus c- 5 M .-uqocrrais, FAq., 8eite, scretar>y. e velition - uintramolc.-snd ù tes -1i I The cisirnsax4 taplaisssed th ise et Ior cî»eught beïsL ThUi I diaiindepouadessnt fLe ameetinig,. * 1 1'1.- 1 9attj mon, 1 iheeo iners-'"Paiir - MrBigeîew1 aig ý been called uipen, Play" tisaI I sau for mystlf un<ictated b>' sais tisai Lhe p eqet,- 00las-, vas oui>'oe auy man, aud meam tO continue se-as laur in embsyo; tintat liimoëtiug,waa dsiign. aus poliii arec oncerued. -As te tise'vote ýsd te fofwsssd tii. prejeet by tho appoint. et o Mr. Counrtice, ovés-y one thust atten(Idenst et Provisional Ti ctorg, sud adept- ts convention kueirs that vison ?Jr, For- iug sucd ether meatis as may ble consider. tonîasnaisse vas callei neither hoe not Mr. ed adristable for lsiagiug £bout tise Cou- Ur Cerîeveia eatl s.rmair' s truction ot arailwsay- througi tise ceunt>'. *plâcCýe-e ps-osent, 1Mr. 3MclCa sy W85K.écuas-g upen tie aaecefflty ios-mus- * appoIteai to, net in Ms-. Courtiee's placé, ltsisusteacesda-geht Tu "ais-FIa"' thinits ws u'vreurog, unie"ssii e- aetetrd tts *As h issuj,'beesuse it vas wsdos-steod tisairear part ef tihee otiiay voulutle comple- Ms-. Courtice vas a (GOUMaisn.Whso rely eut off trous the. Sutisb>' Toronto undoraood k isohn I1r, Cous-Lice isad4sist on)îciteue ulde, snd Fort -fop.-on tise srrivcd visen ttseveting mes takirig place ele--- le dwelç spen 'tihe hmas o s Titis wasertionis luke a greal man>'ottiers. seUthin u tsuu aneYeut;ý k weasld bem s pa Fir PlaY" lias made, lu is moudWo tu mrhaogfer all timse te eom. tfiber tee lctte-nntsiri, I llsiaie. " Êair Pi>' irattdisappearng at the Souths7 snd mnusuthave been nt nomne of fis trichlu îsoyi muailook ton supplies te tisenos-tii lo-gerdiniain abo>ut tisis limle, on pcnbis for bilIdig, tencie &ck., sudian os-des- te awis'lutise cnr lovting tlitogu,- is Obtain tise saine, raivay commuicatien Spy-giiass. "pair Play" soc-ns ta ho ver>'"--asnecessar>. Tise present u eatie eu auxibus te bave tise wisele maLter napped te set beote-ctLie trade vus eut ce, andi up and a noir conîvention calleal. I asit, ii. soutisen part efthtie counny depiivea whiatis te lie gailticai? but,-IpMsela Pair etfi-for sfl ýlime Co corne. A ralliva>'tnp- Play" tiist lie ua>' bc. nmsra mn ping Lake Bciigog, ut Port Perry, ho aaid, the ïcisosen teir, caind evolutionise tise ieuli gise tiseni 150 miles et vwater coni-- visec I1idiug;, au <1 liing it sander lais sub- munsicatiosan sd open ails s riclu exterit et jection. I troar net, fon 1 thsias ie viii celants->' tisai coialuesi almoit inexhaus- bic ssc -elle. -tible qasintiries et pine; Thisvas the *Noir, Ms-. Beitos-, 1 can't *tisink Xn., connectiug -link tsy mhicli' an immense, Geulaior Ms-. Kennedy miii -aidcor isssist asmount et trade migiiî te ommaaaesi, inuhreakiusrup tilie convention. Whist, -1 andtI te i hidits county vas ostitiedi sicarstises. etlmn s'belteuian.U-'l exi imeit upon tise ceI t fconstruet. other convention, attefr asing tise language 1i__-_-ulîmaasd slueed tisatthoy coulai tise>' aid aitis ss hia nBrock- If bb5lI fr mucis lesu nov; tisas *lscn aner's mords andai isneun bc biudiai g IL's tise' fimer agitatien tok place, for tise ccntaiisIy onq -seLai-e geîsàtlemcn. Pus-ah- pcople undeastoosi themannov, andi neei air, if Lie grutabirnd ns croakers sîtosilsinetb. aIt is mercy-ýof contractonq, win saîcceesainlugeteing iup' anetir c,nventilon, cisas-"d fabuleus Pi iceï, tck part psy li, snd aenget à[ecasn. Tlaorpson andi Pax- Stock, tisaipis; bein- ovur And aboie tiseir ion isoistes, (sa-iicis I dnubt; muets), and legitimate pnofitScnd se larnnde b ronsa. aihect Messrs. Coaxil -ad Kunsady, d tlsoy Wsen, lie us-oal, me saw.Lie pseéple think s Ilottas- otaii<ç vill exi;L ; er avili a ýTeres'tt'tn' ses' b'asi-itieNispis- ata-oîgor effort ho put forth to ecune theiriuliehldg4 miles-ofa r'saiivici eiectieu ? Netsiries net. Thtu, iris> net was nissunait te filons, fer tise>' iad the -~ luit il rest, ansi de as tIsey aIl agreeai ut tIhe ta-ado utf tisait lino alraiacIf-in oraur ta conventionî, te support hufL'sag. 'Iheîpson ra-cadudmalie. truhutuar>' a ta-ado more anda Paxten. 'flsy es-en weaiat fariear b>' distiant, lu mas ime tise peeppe(,f tiiâ aicclariug the>' voulsi use ail their indlu- éoauîity icre stirring. Onts-ca-y existence- ence te snak-eelecties ef Messîna. iisespson as a COunnLy vouldiae aestroed, if me and Packton sure. If tiiose gentlemen eau chJoiedothur lecalities to outstrip uas, ansi go back ot tijs, I ask-, miat mon't ti>' id-not get a riilreai'iL He nrged armoiay Ie ? 1 miii slow ChO osefr Ltiasie laieu said unit>' et action et'-mssuielengtis, andI tise neit finie I"Pair Pliy" iritebho asils soude a very tua-ible sand, cetrectiive speech give bis nome in fuit, 80 tisat tiie public inii faverOethtie sciseme. - iay judigo is S ot-al)16-isim or me. Ms-.'Slisrif2 Reynolds "paoe,u tatihe llssping yeavil il ire tIse abere a place suncomparat vE ctsnoir unI a few yj-oas- your ucxt issue, 1 isus mgo. Tlacu, iscs"id, bc as ciairman of-tise Yous:,ý&.1 1chai oupan', bldollurs te buldsiandi equap JOhIN NOTT. -tise ssad at £5,OoO ýPer mile, saidsubse- liorelia, MAsY l3ti, 1867.,qVeust expeencce since, proveai hhat the. rosai .coulai ho constructedt'on tuat snm, - IEPLY, for otiser hues simiiarlj situatea ver. huilt 31r. Nott may bo a very important man, b, tise same partiep, 'fer 'tat estimate, andi bass. A haoad guage line could bbiui un bis osin estiation. But be lu net the îsrls hscutj a*setei oa ment desirahie correspondent lu tise verîi.- about £4.500 a mýl., lise narrov guage ai; We mua inlatran sinitisi v have no porhsapsu,23,OOUa mile. Mn. Th a udMr. arrison rcoa-' tinie te preparos bis productions for tise meundeai lise 'prsspriety ot'paasing a regain- presse;luer to alford Se mach space for à tien, als te tic desirstbiiity efthtie undor-! bisp etrubbish aut migiiaif made seisse tk ,beltre proceding vitis1 tissuap- peinimï1ent of previsiotnl directors. of, b. itteai into a stick eft ype. 1-oi auj Mr. HIlbert spoke as te tise couLt argument in bis letter, me recommena inlm gs-adisg, fencins-, tieâ, riglit et msy;&. aidaua'le a calculation thiat - $5,00 per te a-cnd the exiracitfront tise Observ'er, as mile meulai cover ticemiiole- cosof otcon- a reply. sta-neticaiansi eqtiipment.- Thae foliowing resolution mas thosn mov_-,~ CeOR,aeat'a TasrQt's.--An ituast wascd by M. -igleseconalsia by iMa-F. llnl-j lirt, anal pascd uuaaimouisl>'-Tbat tuas iseldat aiPort Wisitby,:cii the. 4t i mt., b>' meeting, sn ricin et tise actlen !bat Dr. Carsosn, Cerouer, on the. body ¶if Jas. bsiugtakeu b>'otiser locailties, te top o [Onaysu vs oini roend ndivecat tise legluimai tasae oethtie countyr- ot Onitario, sud thiseeeasity et a raiimray f sîOry's naa-ais, scar the Bay. Tissabody>'tisaougis tise count>' uort , <rom some îppeared te bave been tve or tisa-eesntis peint on Lake Onutaine; andi furtiier tiaf in the vaier. Tii. jury retua-ned "verdict as appears roira tise report osf eempeteut' Mieogiaseers, as te the ceai et raiivays, ap-, of accidentaîiy dromneai miile underth prove of tise proeut course etfppl. n inluence et liq-uer. paa-Iiamsunt for a charter te censtruet a aalaa> -msome point en Lake Ounio, W1'l, ix assi of thtie Norths Otarin, Le Laite Scugog, mitis a view te an exten- Reforn Cuavunten - siennoeatis tealicverton, or etier points. Mr-. Sexten spote i; asth ie desirabiîity, - et~~o reviviug tise ONlarates-, os- o1stainurg-' Tie Prince Aisart Observe supeahing aaseas-oeealiegoetcs anmuai akeai as te ( if Osic resaIt t ftise fons Ontanri e c-oran %nisetlier au>' saving voulsi ho efrecteaib - eitisis- plan. Hesu polte as te Toronto las- Convention, expresses las dlaaîistaction as >fluinco miiitating -agahaut obtaiuiug a olloars -charterAnasuascrted:-ta amucis greater Wihregard te tise Roteri canasnion'd'te reason 'why tise couusy siould' Waey i oth caT o îeîan ysenai te parliamvent men It ro nongitf atey bla haNetisOnani, o hveosa>'tbiseseves,'te doe r buiness. (Cleuo oe Bay tisai if tisai convention vws ne litter snd laugliter.)- tan expoenat .ofet tiei ov he i.Referas -M1r. Gibbs after linciaiusiug AIl eov- a-a et tis'o tiser townshipstissu il vas *t leaige etftthe meeting, exceît Iisrengh the ise' refor-mersaet Reach', me de net con-circeular receivuai by bils-to attend, asud- bs sire tisai its decision& are iinuinlutise. wnt et information- as teJwiat stcpa hsd ligiitest degace, exeept, on tise silega teas'hithento been talien te advnce tise project, -- beros pressnt, If tii.' deiegaîed butborit>' s'sferrcd te thae forasmes- railway atteuapti ::ftheothr twnsipsin he riidg an. i t tihe repaît shevreaitisaith tisecubr tonsbpa i tie raugPeeplo cisose vlely te bide their tim w-ere dm1>' placet! lu tise Auds oft their sie-npoe'tsat nts t qu. tal Ieach me bave net *tis hitesî isesilaay an aaserting tisatils deslalne sa-res bindisg opn tise part>' uis> a>' ;&as lise delegates neither askesi ur obtaases! ais dIeejated austiseity oftie part>. Tise meeting aitvisic tise dasiegates ýreou wumn a blid at IMaushesier ou liamis mores tisa thse s- on tise trnasti-er. ha 1f., Hospital, Tonon-to, te 90,-for-as- edical ates Mrs. Sinclair, secound( hauo, meves tisai tihes-s Son t.hetreasarer. inuta lug pessns, te lise ama respective nfiaes, tor by tem, ia the kas asamel>', R.Black.e. 5 Graham. $4,50, aud I e nd fotes- na ites ais tise aboie cases ,% psid. out ofthe fisndsfi ad provide" Ms-. Sinclair secon.ds tuoves tiat tise reeve tise treastirer, iu <aveu for $2,25, ton vos-PLI psuite lot 7, iha Le7ti Livringatton. ton $12,50, Cmn side-line isetivrLcra con', and ta E. mundt tisiug Court et Ilavisî0 Mr-. Sinclair, secôal uneves tisat-tise cosandil iute a.Couof et isai eofs-evîsing Lise asmesuna ibip oet Soai tise 3 Tie reeeacting as Tise elenk preduce P.0o1 fer the temnsii ip nlsocount>' papes-, 'in5 vortisea tise Court-et etsuplaints et B. Plîii -against thse nause&pf t 5 vronigfux yentes-ad on tise> not heing evurari anis. The clenie ajse ceas-set ofmDplain-ts, 1 publiandssa is-irte nos recta. Lairves- fouît appeareai ton tise dot pîacing fse-s-aatparties preves tisat the. assos stricti>' in accordance as Lise naines oftios pal montrsohl, tiscy-bTdng tensants or occupaint% n la poaou sion. et Secam etisers et leimes,lk.. lucre stateai tlst Lie>' b parties, mlainforned i parties ceauplsasnofe, 1 lied mîis tise ps-et pro( twe cases, visose naines cnaseai tron lise a-oll, os 8ester stating tisaI he -parties lu question, an,( te tise coitrarj, but 'w *tiaued as torueni>', to c t,',and entereai tieis- n -Mn. Sinclair, seconde usoves Liant thc assesso towship et Scott, tes-i uiow ial>'pas. suai ti te thie $ame, a tise Li Tise Court-nov arose cil, mhich on motion o jourued tus io4 i ons-. Couasdil rusumcais - - Ms.,Stular, seconds meves tiat tisetoilomi- empi- frein perfonsning tlse-temaslip of Scett WmaSteward, 3m-Il Ma-s Wren, James Mia-r Ã"Jasmotion oet Ma- RBe a djeu «rneaiuntilnix a l Tise conneil ýmît at i &-.. s, ttisApa-il,, i te asijurnfîaent Mets Boive lu tise chais. Mi isag s-aS anal app-oveil. petitiona pressntteal c 2j; otis iprayiig tise s tise propt-r authtisca-i, haviu tise Sti Coulie p hiene i b> 1 Mn. Mai less, pa-ayiasg Cuiriesl- te maupport lben faaaily. Couningltais; et Jasin tirpsangfor ai -lune bet«rcu lois IC -W con., .presentashhy --Na Wilson, rozd overscer Ssevyel, fon tueetise oet byMKr. Bowbmdss; et 1 rosaiooessues-, for a Ta thseuse of biss-esd di landl. Mr,. Rowlandl, secôaidî cioves tisIt se proyer Waa. WîlOUghhsy anda Tmapilite Sievels, f-os- ti spectivre rosd divisions, * tisatishe reeve grant his sures-,ila<siur oet tis abisoe pas-pe, fer $7 ci Mr. Sinclair, seconde Moe thlat-tîse proIyer * (e. Gray, said 26 eLle 1< r' , 1 fi Il ILI 0 SI tI 0 m d 01 ý MIL- ---- - ý

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