Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Apr 1867, p. 4

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BER Oug Wto ue Io 1h VOnd -abima *okrjeMilossdo a. eddté aliay flaSt m$i0Aj -&fer ilot'q mad-'aout, QI prP o.é f If.J. Haçkl.y,> vs pp1 éopnauiuîd on te wond or (ort dae (*".trOPPed cff No part icalar at or bissa341Y saribis, Uaif'vu Z Ëlqprectaussons mon mbail dismol A 300r' 01 bYdYoplioble. Onu M itesdýy week, hb aver, docide.d yiupo ver@ *aulfii:ad bhie avesiaoù tée a lipide, hlisthaing se *dtSi dey preriou vlth 4 »Vers, boda"' Pyia w vrý aa1t4-Dg. Cllie ou sitr, o Glu Nov, a De, Saili of 14o, betug ii -StteOidire..Thl0 a nlly bu »Mamo ars and Mor t.ulgîpogitiv. * ravlg s éos s a#.d. ina ifiteý haalaoiitîy nsol i stmacca parîially rf a ohi fil ndé ta nuar c is t dosaîh1 bit thora seoiqed sa q* terri adasire <o do ionce ta bleuet -to toar lita boso.open, Siverai <li.o he eusayid b uika sonsecoup, kdoving -his oeed of pqu'talimegis1but inch offert vau broko offai ii, a saudder aad.l'aclal con. loirtlona hortible go wiîue. Tb@. vildneaî o( bis boharonrtla deacribud ai frigbtti lula i dextlmue, -lunaoai brot inuervata of bis atadnoas, bowiver, tii matilfea:,d <bi sasmni gattenis and kind.beartediîeu liai liad >#er been oboracteriaico ofhad.- Tharîday ulgb an ematie Vas adminitir. ad, wbich alayred the paroxyens <o a grat allant:j but roin theprosîragoin th&& in ensoed he cier rovivid, and graduait> becoatng colin, lo'ickaunto bitisdeuper omnesthbut knows go rassqciîs:ion la Ibis vorid, Tivo'disperate eharactirs nedSBots sud Johusîou attim.puad'ta break ont of 8andwieh jui a loir nîgiiago. 19sema *iisabout saven aoteock ln th. iveiig thb. jlor, Mr.Lascecompaaied by tii, Iurakey, Ut. Vermîtt,., auerod tb. word for the porpoe.of loclulng the prisouirs op, *wboit îhay vire atteck.d by tbe pri, sonores, wvo knocked thom boîli dovu witb a billes of vood faehlouid like àa-bail club froua a aîietmofcf rovood. The crieseof the turulrey gare -noice 10 1Mr. Albert Prince4 v>bobappeuid e a ini tre .lu tbeâ4tr or'recipuioua room ofthe tic loiaod eaîehîag up a revolvr et oalaIber b. ruahed up taithe graîiug, aon by Prisent- log ls ai "th.prsoniro, aOmoi sona l ureobir, auccoided1alukeeping <hem from doing ;uy furbir Injury go Ibeir vielirne, as io yu'ifas(rom, 4a wu tbél Intenton, tusbiug ta the docr and smking tboir ouspp. Tbe jallor vlio vasthlb oi inJuved of the <vo, ok advortagî tif the calaand dri.ggd the îurntuey oui o? lb. vard'and probably savad ili e. Liecl tb.u armait himoîf sud .ucceest.d lnu ok- inpr the priioners up viliout any furîbar outbreal. The ringleailere vire put ln irons, and wviii b.tried for au assant& villi latent toatii. T 'b. Court Journal relates a remarba- bIe casiettiIborniing passion ,.aîrong ia dont A.4 griot pigeon lancier, wbose birdhflad won more races Ilion auy iu the district, vu dyin%, and ho liaS recclivd gres, omaoiatiou rom hiinlistr. "l'il b. oure t'Ogang le biaisa, eh, minuster 7" ha s&id.' IdYeo, l've no doubi about 1<, .Tony,19 sad tîee miisîr; 4"yon have repentait of aitjour s5mb, and YOn bave cat be' a v.ry b.d boy." "dTbatsa rigis ; Vie den. nowv- vry b&add seVarepcaîed of fi 'ait j 1 ad l'il becaàharigel, nminimsear1" contskuea Ib. collier, raising timnscIr up iu basd.- 'Tes, Jobnny,&aS bave villca." "dAnS, dIL, y* coma to beavea dpuday Il' the cêtuer wang on.6#1 he. u 0 al uy' saitd the *liiser. 66And e ho a î ingel, sud, lia'a vingi 111 -esYe. plis.. Gia,"idý iii. miniotar, 46Aieilon, that'à grand," asolaluued joopilili 01 tise for ao oovereitçr." Tbaelucucit of Londonu .W. u 0ofrtidae ioard at $100 for the apprehon. sien of a burgar sow u as'OiPippry Jack' Wbo rqilvptt Sa ltter atylog, the police astbtoritieo arroistMmansd lu tact d0bràjdiug -thm or lnespaisy lua<lie Primf$sa;Hse anto b. 11k. the.Irishi ,s u'i avin tic « avé theli> Sagae r apon t~ halsm'tthi I At în le NISit-ehlo vat abiuoth j * Lot Na, Io, 11h 0m-, Weby. wbtby, 00t., 9, lut .- 0M Land (ircular., L UT of Woltit WiWI#iti4 sud ltcproved ARMS FOR SkALE9 Ai low prie.. afld onslong latins orpay»mautL. Cuona Lot 1. 4tlà *6 2m066 bd Noîtil â1 ttlà 100vdo 06 otth b 0, titi64 100 Il il Lot 2. Y, lo2(0.6 dé " 1, h'" 100 66 Tiso lismt tvlo Loti s wj(An théIai, ck,.(Gon- arnmu. t rondl.) aid tifif 'Aller L4t,.lu ainao, dire boit Ssd 4inile.. < rom ,'sld iouid. Jaty-lot 12, 4tti con. 240 acres.- ai St, Cil ltlier 6O5 si i1 4, 160 dé "14, horst, Wost Besy. 81'dé Lot 7, Igth conceaste, 2 00 aceiîthatu 2 ils out Ugo Bobu iGoUvertimant Bond, aud ooutveeutato vlts, Sclsools, &e.o -Z<ON-Wet7X- 24, Suli coîacslou, 100 lieSut j18îgco. 0 86 .1. w PIuIUW -. -. [i farm for Sale Or to Lot, within a mile of BÉÂVSRTON. A SPLENDID CHIANCEs -on lievertoa i t s sy Né MONEY REQUIRED Iror thlis rsi 11t0) nors taanocut of relit, (if' fariaib. lo4t, 7Wbue epaaded on improv- Wo,,td ticehaiagid foi snlt&bl, Village proporty lu tlaligoo. Or y. K9F.LLER, (if by lutter pro-puil) FRICTION IMAICilES! Ur Merchants and Peddlers, ISUpplîd vitta fàrt.rAt. Matchas CHREAI' FOR CASH14 Whitb Ste AT TUE _ tb ý am MATCH FACTOR!. Jar Boend for thae lus muteh. Wtlhy, April 8, 1887, Ilanaiaos aligtlog 19-tmot, COURT 0F REVISION FOR THfE TOWNSHIP 0F' WHITBY. NOTICZ b erhugion t co bue rt or N raon o ts " Oaulto!Wlittby, viliiho luîi t- I sath Townshtp Hall, ]Brooklin, At tua o'cocek lu tilt toraoo,oret u FfEU#T MONDAY IlE MAY, NEXT. Farrnsfor Sale -o- lArem lantVieTopwisohip cfrMi.er. 9II)lt~ nortit easl port Lot No, 0, 2uud (vis s i te lut. oftila TQWU Jonc our, DAIILINGTON, 00 sre. etouris!, About 40 acrils (Pr hieh orp urcu frounts tusllîpa I omfcrtbet, loionne- 'Dow fragbauu. hasirs)x1-good vet, sud fa tiarit' lv îenss oriuarl cf20 Ttet.'si* proparty IllS bu suid lop, aîad ou long teins. of puy- Lot No. 12, t2tb conu«Aesou MARA, ýTWO IIUNIDRED ACRES AbouthO ceres célégared, log bouse &c. Tiii achill.alot,1 alidle sitsateioaoly sonstour miles irons 1h$ cisrroiS. ALSO tDO %urff, bclmg<th@itgspart 0< thdIÃ"utl-bali 0if lot 149.oueIFon-e91Mat-a, adjbling VILLAG. F RECRIN, Ab)out odtd cabjfqi«aysJ, Am.portia tre.oît ituea. TnoLi ori ce lbCentreJcq offlou o, Ett.somsb..sél Appîy top lm,%PERY Lot0 3 ~ ,71, Toioroitlio 100," 73<, $rd " 40 100 ÀÏ 7 iis 'h- tlzî>rdge, 100 " le 1, $rd "Il uh, 100 66 a Pm 1 4, 21OUI Eaaiy 8f0 6 Lot , Ot, ~ V-rate'lm " Lot2, sio dé Ado 7'.'", loti, s omrti 104 lit;Oel 9th 16 do 20 Lot , 01 el ' do 20 Ldlt s,12l,1" do - 900 Lot 990 làtl do 200 " Lot il. 7T, es do f_- 200 le ipit l1, Oti do 2C(0$4 S EU 27 2sid Wlttty, 60 si Soveritl valss, it ailtiofg lot* fo~r l'asteu, snd prtvaitc re.ttiece olis Illîs Tuvils ofUn d ïeo WtltIy. o o the nt9raatioo, AîOPl tié . tLé-1 PRIOTEITIiN FOR FARMERIS& OWNERS 0r STOCK. VI -ATODLI- STC 12lt. INSIURANCE üCOMPÂ'Y, IIÂUTI'OID, COheN. fINCOSPC'OETRBY TUE Legilature of Conneotcùt, Fwt 41 a uptu hre.W si (00, de roated vittu the Vowptro.ll1u i e euriîy for TlsCompanyts nov prÈpre1 to )lssnalFo- lciseoùitLI VESTOCKC, aaduaont boti DE ATH AND TaEPT. At inodpriti Ratas of 1'renluim bsoad on una Etiglioe erianae ef cir Fh TRAIS. The Pioseur Company of Amrzns Hlour OFFICE.-No 25 malInStret, Tirrtford, coin,. WM IRANCH <>7flcF.-ft,to iingrton etruee, Boso,, Srnu & Wmilnauis Mina. tiers; 100 llrSdvsay, New Tork,1 5ooia A& lAuL.4xJdnuoer; 430 Wtaliit streo, jl'hi ladephi, y&£.A. Coniui, llniiwers; 49 La Battu gtret, Chicago, RAiMU d&Sovî fiivfe, Managers. Towni,'7 LOTS87 Apply te, Le FAIRBANKS, Jl'ys, AoiTWirc FOR SALE. LOT4 ne ANI) c.O ('N 3rirc>o!Ir. erZ, r]I3' adljiiuilàg the aow Building ef LOWES & POWELL The LTS eg ontàla tli'rty-poven aid #one.tiuiî tssat front. ou, hrock t siiet, nauJ 90 tout 4 lucee Jeep tu c lie,,Il tct widui LotL.onB ALkSte, Otwe eàll 13ohunt L. n ritsoek Stret, eiven tilan',.- Rrurss! Jy 9 (eiro t-lialuis2 e. uIlz FroJut, b> 93 (ccl stca thex isc. ar Flor ines plou ,csatiioporlca . ric ovslAiî. 2 Los-e anL SOpp*tqterg4jue0 4 Lots.-F'riac'd; weu.t cf ttho Motliucji6t Clsureti. 12 Lots- yF-toe it l 0% ,iasie . 4< ckct eroun.i, oprsiî, the u sidieuof ut J,. a Lota-Vlen',i. nertia of the reilcacort IL 4 MtcLo)l snt o Mn egdy.eo 4 oi Lcs-isail auho u sdne 3 iesfh rodac oj J. gli:rper. 2 Loff- Crier of Klient ataIii -oi" , treeîs, ws'ptor tishre t Lewlia Itouet. 4 Lola-Nort, or tise $ue.,sn GrIot Miii. iLos-,-issofîttis elrci- cr- J C. Iken,s 5~ ~~~o LosFve..<nIrock StTaet, isertis ou ALSO 50 Village Tos lasiO s Is for prîrate rasucdtusclit haiutruea rts ci tise Towsa WliI he %olA oaa torngternis cf pi nm-nt J. HAU PERART Whitby, sept. SOs, 1860,s Farm.fo rSamle. fR ESouth est 60 gares, of Lot No.2", talu Lthae eth toousson of the, e TOWNZfmp r wTY ALL CLEARED. buartaagpngîrcsard Iwitb te linotantsd bouto0r-fiait teem, àit e'arnu'74M8., large rccmy shAbflags-for,herses, «uia and sehuip Isa traw bhouse M090 *.Ilvoto ed vafla, ud usltëýoe'il -ntheprsuisea. 1('forîiN etoi9 u.,asr17 *veryqulsîs. fors 011k" W arm *lliag, The e lauop0e ~l cel>' respett Oua Appl;* Oý. Tho p, ro i iS, 1817 or Ise, Cabinet Mkr&Uphol- sýtérersi,anrddealers in i kind f6 Cbiet Pur- n iture., 1TaVe Dow on band, the largest and most select Stock 'to be tound in the Cdhntry, whk'h they are aocg Upicat6 Sui&t lio timee, buing duerminod Dot to bu undu.rtwld by any buei iotao Cali and examline befo re purchasing elsewhere. A. choice e Ieetiou o et kMouldings, (Amcrican male.> 3&4 BRCCK 8TREET, 1WI=TY ýNE W Would intimate to the inha,,bitants of'the Town eof Whitby anîd the County et' Ontario, that he bas opeaed an establishmenîteof the above description, in the premises for merly occupied by M4~ R. SNOWV. BAKERY 1-le respcctfully solicits the orders of the I~ubIie. 521 'R. ~JCAMP LL I-lve, decidv t 1 'ithe' baneoflîr »FALL & IVINTEIt STOCK, at cost pri'ic for CASH, in order te make room for thçir Spring purcpliaes which is to be on a mucIb larger scale than 'psual. TIIEY ARE TO OPEN A -EW STORE IN On the lst of' M~i li., "'or the accommnoda- of their-customers. and t i nhabUtan of'NORT11 ONTARIO WITH JLARGE 0K F Dry Cood, RéadyL'made C. thi ng, Boots & ëhoSI, G CERIES. CROCKERY, 1* .V' hîch diey- are deterrnined to se cbeatp- for OAS Thecy bcg-to solicitfrom their northern, jndo a! 8sha re/O o hi r p a tron a go A, is tes eqtfully soliciteêdlat Whitby& Manchestes W TOY, S7I-u PBRU.ARY, 1807. WblLbyJuly i, ýç h urebarer tu gwý' oBile pu * on11 Car 163 KinguSt . West Toron'o A arg e 'v rey ofCrnge s on hand. The proprietrs of this Establialet, posses a ilitiesf or manufaeturing Carniages that enble them to defy compitition, either in price, sîtyle or fiih.(ail and mee for yo vrselve. 39 SPECIANOTf1E Pers-ons engaged iii selling ,rrINWA IIACI &BR-OSa LARGE STOCK- And seec prices and quiality before purchas-, ing, elzewhere, as he re offering great inducemients ohl =ultyand price te the trade, tbt:i A Large Stock,, well a'ssorste d,, The FOrmers' Stove d d r i Sbop is the placȎ,or Farmers to get splied with Milk Pans, Wl1k Pails, Strai nrsa HIorns, &o. In faot, antbiîîg in the Tinlihe.,, I>aett avetroi gius put up ,vith Iron HoIdfats Ozr' ý,W1e are the çO1ý m-anufacturers lof the1 above Pabent Treugli, fer the/Coiinty e0',Ontario, a supertor an- Lîcl]e, the jb ints being Ieocked-ai weIl as soldered.' Piense cah aîîd examine tl Patent belore ordening your-truugh eisewheère. - * ngSty~rc 1aitredueed 1 ices at IH'rll&BROTHER, Dealers i Ht4vate, Stoves, Tigvore, Pointus, 01 ima, . No. 4Brook-at., WlQgtbyý FALIARRIVà I fa rm fo ale. Wh'ùe-Oak Luier-! EIN PIÇRERtnr. m-~H bnoligoia 4A i or sl,i onct suitZshala for sue ud bas £letb Sotb -ousca f Lot o. i AL6CJ1A QUANTITY OF R lu tbeS5th 0cioss s, uoulalrlng 5 gare*, bore10à ume bm fan WAGON TONOIJES; - ang «b dvA-tame _A'7 4UMT 'v1 , ~ AT Ba buL LOaa <T1fJCOTT. I. - i . , e-PLUT Dryw OTHEBESËT IN,'THE TheDryGeods Depat4: va4ied and. ~erior assortment of ove17,l ,The qr ce y ep rt en I Pbotogi 'Via Telles Or atty otchiermod tae My *ic Art. Mr prie, Lo t,- n 6ra l otA in lIseL , mt adddeietoch of ART T8,MA EftALS. * ittnfg Voeu, aqe0TyanS of@.iii ,work i 3'puawlvcp.* riTs asQUALrXT a oit cù.uj Au early colt le sollitad. -d .Wltay, >ly for,808 Salle in- East whftby, WItbin, bix mues ofii. Tovu.. 7P~1E anbaeribr f r thý Iarailie tio*o0& .Luapes. sia tutblOsnopca.d- Orote 0e.17, the 1oi-tacou . ou !U 1TOWBahhp Of Eaat Witby, ONSYAINMNG 100ACE - of hcf tt are nndr a geerl Ata of cultlvi. t-rn; t iarenaisider 1.if ~jIs eJu,!f. TIar1JE1- r>r(vpaaehi* aure i<coi, eouxi.thf,g or o trame bluiIl-inx<s aintablaforftle f4rtm id A iilia gnod 5 s'nlr, th.o !reiaa-d nnd ftrd-n are stood viii, ttihto1ie.-uppîasUd otize trfa rtrea1 ýThée wsh4criblu,r[A. nions t'O alveu a kr,. A" uid vîthors-torp b6511en, mctburate tcraaa. Or If b>'lutter (r-pi), o Wil1b,. U. -Whitbyvfrs INiîrefmng r nnkit for psaat fnl-aos, aè~ o'nuat itevecr vIti. l'rotepsr Froes.j,)f* Huît, rAareIreii ut tend el] l OisAmi nit t:u &lsiuo 1e inoAt rca.oaîtuil i-.n APPlIeatiis e)ia un waideIt., Or to X.. BAKER, llier cf the Bondi %IWlItl.>. duly,4, t'64. - Half a' millio.n MON'EY r]XYLEXD I1 J.uierts-wileriby Id p lropared bt ncd nIXPlt NTEB,8T , fur fronig* £0 loyuîs î w, 1 ga o o;czlud a'~l~ rna nelly t Oebch.F1 Ioe ceaorn Chaane1rp nary, sud examiner, office- VietoLAKABut iii i tMcery' c Toronto. JWlib . C K. Cil R1E4 Bre,(.W.[ CRI-4'L ALN 0ubj, &c.-<, A W, H. 1ER So 4,ltefr lchi o rit ou t re-. Wbîtby, Jre27 POblie.zz-Orc D.L(5cîuuLI A urty Crown AT r" Cbstueeary, 2ttle. F1mvdto rafeyn Btyi notet JtOIINF i UMM ..p 1, 20 wilitby, idorch, 1 1 Publie, Ir% i 521 ý'i FebTuaý 1 Ho 1 1 1 &RE

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