Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Apr 1867, p. 3

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W Mes perumain 7 waJiWA4455 i 1 15?. th j*î >iso.url II ilj tuug l MTJEIISTbyî.L,.*î,tio 111uvrenttlFar- Y(Var, l]MA thiâ day tiecis tfasiîreci., ànttt Ibo te and tunsia 511vili b._ý'PsaWeut tisa Besk, -sdIits rMk la errdBt~y Eo pe wt I imyas! dameg,. sa*o, iib is,4'oiu 00 MMîny-nl (di o tss toekisoidorç,for thse clootim.. o!drectors, fur tissaess.ingya, vi bim [g 'W* Intlie Monday,MO tii.tird day of Joste stext. Tis F'-WisVela £ jr tu betakl ioutt wilvao .,u ivoo, pro,- biwee tssal. ofet d.O«o. IJ rero ts bot DLîUalZrgD. nFIsIIt, we iolaai 'ase Ba#t--4pn oranc$aoq, Ajfl892«W uOMIssd amoanit the#otten et et Bend MXining Oorssnvyai 1Bol- YOe'pjA4 on the îth finit. Ibo êir, i C fld, tise agoni Qr tise ~oa rail, andS .omwlu.cd otber A slsotng soiur-aime cpe, dsriug tie t, 4tsi wbbcb gomon 1LA oày ir v&t.embe'à ettes. Ironi <Fort Bols. Idh' orcb 20 tb, théa& tbeIndigne suiay thr Ieani n, eWar Puis. On kili.d ton passengrs and tise driver, and destroyed the mIL , dondensî reitarAtos -thuusuraneo of thse appuSof gl notb.r #énis - h, iig, f5* tmore oxtengsio tisai thsat of thse Sth of )Irb %forthesem iamof etwhlcb l.esaYi lacopflriie Ivopin labain5 Arrangi l I London, Parl.afid 1)ubllne Âdrims (rom, tise d1dereistlootlt)o ofo thse country, to the 254bis ot., glo.tise sollowlu, sthlsprobable 1qua:sîitles of sa.vulomwsr 4band and prod«ac.ddng dàrlng the segisoù li* 'dWWng 11Jaàcibsse s -Upp.;. Oan~a-WastoaDisrict 4ô1, 000;00,BA iwerstric~ftul 00i,000. I.ov eOUiiidà-OUIs àDstrict 256r000- 0(0, liomîrial Disrict id,000O, Tfiréé, Itlvsap District5,0,40 Dseu'ou ships 5r,000,000, Quais.. District 00,M0,., 000, Ugenniy Ditri-.t 8,0,0-o (Oot mpJ,0410,OO0 t Il T oK 'te. bs fai., Mr#. W Whl»b>, of à son. îl POWELL-At %Wbltbon <ood Pria, dat, t ho loti last., i4e -vueo!fJ. Bi Powell, Esq., userchut, 0of a dalsgbîea. MATHWSON.-YsaOolmmbos, on the Iôluti he tie tt.M r. ..P. Math.. "lse# e àso]. THOMWPSON-At Searbaro,esn thse 22nd ct., IMr. i. Thoauo, ged 47 7eam~ Whiîby, April Z40 1867. spring ............1,5 a $1.86. pend é 6.......m5.a a e, - -a- a- b,., .. lo. a 4ta , gea0.,b. boa..,40c. s -0 POrfr.......,, »C.a 30. .6PU60. 0 4600 HOê*p.- # î $i fe.rt60e skýme*0toi *500 tisai-- étiOitarle llank, BOvsnasall,. '4etdf Avril 20, la5it. NEW CARRIAGE AND Waggo,, SOhlop Io prepaired to massunicture t» ordor, ail kiliti, or IN LATUT SOTYLEO. Pre eia' euud.Y and! pronapty lTit-orà. tisf iait is, Dustitaà tr..at, WLiti$y. 'W b i t y , Â i t î g g 2 a. ? . Farm for Sale. kt nTiI Wiiy, es>tg*aot.d or Pktto' .at ie I and i 1 iéi .oitore for sae, tisttilthtie Mt div 'of May, noit. leamihasitaolo I AC o utao tla *Ms tsê,<eervcd tisaMil iivitaie.vuat"Ils adsi4pitsg. il tosirot, tise FAIlib viii b. mit i<n lots of e.20,> or830 nac.,or ssoisotior quastitiea sn Maîysit psreliatirs. Fut tortuis anti ohher partiefflars, opply tO JAMES WÂLLA4, Wbitby, Aptii g4, 1867. 4nt KINGDOiII 0F CANADA GOLD MliNING àCOhriqN# 'T IIISCnmpàny ta te lao cîslrtred i selotise . provisios .or spi Asti lb dtlsbslt.o tise zranîtssgut chargeror flncoLporatloll té sioscuan i'acturis.g, snsssisîgr, ai- -ot 'eltdiospaletu, V.,Up. 28. t..mfita stooG tis'e Voa-ý $100,000, ompg;oed ot20,o 11,61D.UP SitAllUs o? $5# A Tis ÃŽofoiiowttt5 AIsAJa osprtiing 250 4015135 in theso bst t 24SLh> CIiociit AJPOC, loave takota thtefromahs, f. woIs as Srt adjolnig lut*, May sb. ihispectetiaintise116l>r;s iit Torontto. x'eirlencoed MIons.rons CsssforsslevWho bave satatieti thotsaîti#nt 5'>ittmpc4tioss-cS tige grossi vis:, of the Isot4 ,lsaveaoeiie.is flsem.. swl5vebwitiht ti U rl51saiand expie.. tboesa-, Tise kit, tre the nostis boit b! thse vat haïr otLotNot1?,in bIe1lus oceessoafîtsog ons willeil. lot rlch spobeisuuto os 'aIs LI"e1 an ist.o lut No. 2,1s is tsen.js. o! Mâdsao. iibm a sre >ck rarslu tjeisrosagh îsoib 104iu Iasti u r Jsge ptopst.'tono ofgold dtiat lui. beoes' n. Actsye opora"itswin b. commsencedothei.. Ahove ioida es 8, iSS 'm promoteri f eet ia. otapnarecanuie ate liacuum a undor thse provvional direction of .A. IL. Suais, .EQ., lB. P. P., for Toronte; W. y. Mtsi.wAasi, Ii.@â, De. Il. Il. W'Xaet; Pro- fesser et Toroiste &isool of' Medicinte; Zegm Bcaem , 44bnge Çsnt oftarie' J, (Wlois lunWvfou n th e is te or pnamtr tit- ,fluer ,anti ticil oe e 0 y iaty tsf u . ts fflany>eicilu roidi laloabs Tisa àlots are buS is le. osimpleati da iheea~shpyae~aî~r51L)y e ut oictiwqA# isZiiip,aL0 hy M ua t g 4 1L e yeb lc < E s 'd1 9 Id Ivli 'W -ladodat e daw meýIt ass,, st I se du.odaid cos-I veulntio Ms t icheater. ~ ' For partlcalura appi-j, bito te-pald, OJ.ACDNL. t PROPERTV AND,& GOOO)FAM '~w.~i e oil nt tnw dise o L H idi, osa tihe Fat. I lu D.oet .kown astise "lti dor- clt:er ona ti Onf le Iîalispaibuilding: and baiSais serS 0! land!attsseisM. Zrd.e-Tra bsiiting àlx.,on ?Sortit aidie o Dssntida Direet, and l'i4botweec iei Làvern saag:id tthse raaesdoceQIofA,. ch kdg siq. Tisais.lots are og tihe "crowsa" o!fl)sssdea Stret, anî'l Onslrao ; pmeut'I prmoapeos of Lb. uIs, sdi fot $ulàesoetdessntry arouiti. 6th-819 buildtIa# Lotog on iteUIIàstrue4 à', @ix iots on !Xlsît tresS, buitdan 1) ati Sud aryStrotaIotmsga look toflte.e netie. 8116 Projsortff *111 ho mui itiser iaosor s' Usis &tb-'1'e.n lotA b-5 anti 04i, *,4 .15 ideoi oi Ittreot 1On 5ilich oare-mitusitoticomfortthie DWIrt4fis, 9gÃ"Ititleseta, '(#arédasss, Fruit "Troc$a,-*o.; anti nbOv under a rentmi oe5 Mesasvi. HUmaitandtiniiw. prcusIÃŽtsoa tuJc is ireli sa" thj TPU. I.One lesarsis Payable lot .Jannary 186S, ssi tise haigneo lis iste. aninisai ps.' mssatç, theressllr. laistes t asiper cepuyP>- ÀALSO Thoatwiikssowss FAYM, Nons : U, 17, POURTK C'ON., ofWHT , CONTAININO 95 ACRES, About 85 aerea olestan usntir euitivstten. Tseore etu o gotitifrange Bern, mmiii Or.* çtisrti,2 S vo, anti uflliesstaninsg Coer for tiong, onn îe pressmsem TERMS matie ksaen, onsa pplicationa to, Pnou tTnt lttmsrauob sd GenerelAgent; Wittbyi Whs,7 pi gT dl. Or CIIAiIIEI)LETTE onainuMths i ie Ipost Olice, Wili Ali. ob». Jr., i 4isei A.111 c J. W;. lisrd, .1cm A. I.Jiisaei s Brbwti oinna. lloyge, S; " , Jousc, Browns, w 10roekensiilbounle lovP, 1furj a Lyus,,Ion IMsr». -Bon;!- n, J. 1. LeJane xm. Colesman Jam ., Mnu Mr. E. ColSs,. Mort , 5emtaol < C'lattlsutnI. Maiti wsson, G. 1P. Doev Hiu M îdi Davi. *, su,sn. J. Ettuais t~Iaa. k.,Mary Z. FesSeri. Upj - Rie sr D Jas ardigon .a 0, msa GAMm Gelofe OMM. 'Sers. 1. _OW beiog opne tout, fully aasorted, iD afl the W NEWEST S1TYLES, of choice gn4 ,ft 'ablneb ALSO TO IIAND A FRISH $TOC!ç Oj' Aitof ~ptioqtiIiy, nd il besol vr>~c~eap for cash, or diso onld kindly thank lis old 4uhtomers for lhefr, past IibisralPaýtronage, iind uolicite ap -çarly inspection or his N e* »od , wth à continiance of théefr e t e t 4 t w r YEOMAN GIBSON,- Qld Nl ,<.s' ~re. I'B. >-Bacon, Field 'o4d Garden ÈSeed 1vthe m1ioL Ail- inds of prodtice take i in exchange 1867, SPRING MrORTÂTOW.s. M MIL LAÀN &(OS 1867; We beg toa anounce' the arrivai our Spring and Sunsmer Stock, con- ssting of Dry GoodMlnè, Rteady-made Clothing, Groceries is quors, and Wines, which We dt'predL pared to seil at p -n'ou, defýipg ball ourable conspetition. We offet ipa. cidi lndgoemenfa, in (Cotton Goods Pf ilwë!tY lino;1 als in tesg G(oodé and Print.à premnium of two,,per çept allowed for Bank notes. jIlver taken at paré T. II.McIL &Ci Lowes&Potwell, ARE ILEOEIING A MtJCE LARGER STOCK O0P SP RING GOOD S,, Than mal~, which will be comàplete in 6.few day&o. Tbefr MUilfineçry is wefl -stocked Witî l, ats, Boneta, t>riI, owerS, 1ibons and ail the noveltifs con- Ladig ae IPèctfully rquested -b speCt theré,<STOCK, before nxitig their Sjpring se1ecuôoiws T1hiey have a -lrege ;Stock Of Clo thin, 'Ulie111 r 81EE-SOU&TEST NO¶I0EK Gý» hae ,been bJouÉht f«rCA and Will b. odtpi ELu15 Jut reed a large stock of DI n-, du UMIj~Oloyr, imoeyandden ý4zQ* in- lorciles la 11 HAMILTONc Whithy, .A.pril 24. 1867. SE,] ýSEEDa!'il,41. No.91, on the C'orne: CH t0TRE IYt J ATT E 118-Ssaaos. ~ PNIC E L.iQUO 0 0F' ALL KINDS. FINH 1'< April 17,E 186f No o E Coner Il. FRANOIS;ý JUST REGEIVED' 100 '00C FÃ" a'Selling- Wholesale and Retail, at loiver tiates than ever coir a . - X.g ~Ca.JPIJ~* CI UN. ~- :o:--nef AH-ESTHETIU -'A G, For oxtracing Téetis vitoult 1 lp w . àM. ay.&M DENTA&L ltiOM9, PU!NDAS sTk:]RI *Ifli vIsB.C ' , ROfiLL$,ý)- PIA NOS, ME L O'DEýNS 14 At L. ALLIN'& 7OR VARMEY, STYLE, & OILAPNESS, WE CÂWvT BE BEAT. "Good Goods- ând Iow prices" shal 1alWtys be- ont motta AIl > Who"desiré to gtbran hùdg-on C41. Our STOCK, consistiDg 9f Piain àndi Fan.,y Dry ýGuo, - W~TH1INd.L GIROCER S,C. 1t ehcUfIV eted in the best -En.I 10.57 migiteti *bsat tb;Y 'dsvoitss. 1 ý --- 1 April, 17,, 1 umu ;iý«. At L ALLIN98. ý [r N Àe band, ý 14 SppttlNG

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