rjî PAitrfTpglt.AY~.LÂw 'AND Ot)Ll p '. iî.usaaC , , iamr-* oet eu' il. nittium -.K O@DoWr1,00ho ChItby C. W. A TON.Y Al. V1,4W, 1WK11C. - 9 i or 00% 4,101,, £0.o,>mo hi Lv i. thn t4ufrty 4 in . onBrok r" B TOi ator a laWor, &à .CIO ph by# Jan* 27W, A K. tjtu. ACDOM.uLL. 8 Luttîli, h.., Bli. j W.IL Cet lolnItoia9 Pa ietrg eles oiun Chao. rA O IFJ< -Ndaat,reio,t o te ' m rfWlby,un2, 8W a thé P~ont, ua, L. bow . W. M eit DR. C. 9AT &. Joll#esl -h ttrOh.ot., 11à ,ia. w AW 1I ti ue lort , t .,d or eso S 44,Egir T Stiai,'I'ruUNT.. 4 f4t s, I&RIbWMLr E.i. R. W., BE, D. A., *efsgp,4,.Uie-4ieoadirctlià Afi. o Il T.,Oaw., A W. A i~iA LA W, SOICIîTR IN(b. l j .erk r ye1nee Cor, W., h.. y n ti, eit b 'ot<U.,<.m ioiir< i IVINSIO T.CYorn nc'. or fun. Cno 8.1. (fon 4 , M0 S 'pif . LLpn IaX T, SPIRltby. I AWr. ItL, re.-v JIÙOlil 1LLE isoYeisilmtit1 tt 1nsl> o s the n <lfa o illam*fncitretataW eenpeWhb> Jefesuc i tsp.s d t tlt04dattuuib - - lu --- _s .l, v Ia ...tlR 5,5<5;,%uigtian goW (dosuea. Wlnïf Ltquora amold t gr t tiseaillé'O t njBtsr anet. oetîa ilwiy ta atend t solnorrfiet seu ble f8ihg r LtnolSuuyt 1.514,104. 4 tienonlug sai tIi et UXBRLD ftotl, taini poJ.nii,,gtuuba, aeimsttee G-EoinlOUSE tugo~ tors; ~ ~ wu - M.N Nb lscsr,and it 'alttr - s; tIidis. rRtcplu- ree vnlu.vuCt ii ipis» ng e lituete nonaer. R Tll@Etem4wnil poli ubroga ~ 8 T A G' H ~ fiee an cI c,'ornet <quulWjier tiés uneS a ditvngtan ttll% 11îLLA. eon aelgaemi les1, g a N Tberocrd (sroe eu nui'anp.te -~ -I8AA FENON, bereelen tcfre, uoplue»eu Ils. Ilaus l tecotiife is gruts-n pnilty, rvr o l u r5fl4i muit jlinotisati-V1ts Sru.5~ tisa T mosêteufoor. raqrea; gou e stallsg -Il nn 'o ingcuea'.oiyaens ]Betn uuie.1 I>'olo i Ii ecinOU'I'iasic.uln .A-LB I N O TE L.~su t"" ~ 'c<iss vrhfrosu tRie act A-LIBI N 110 EL. tolit rolllaiouu,>roj$ iluhepro'suellous - il auNrais éar, GlCK, ;*,tet ::ini n u tlm-unukiusg luitessita JAMES î'nopnieîcn. i titttesquane forosn 14 P aisos a p tesr;In t ryi j&oit.orsia«to w, AALROA> ROUiE, 1 oiilopubt te e-cne.ofuiler,gn A nuniser oftils #style oe Imutrumentes, *il - tari - 7iAMMa'uv i)tise&boy#e pstu ita nup'rneeî, a n TltittA.S TOTTIIIIALV,, Pneprl«. leiguneaiucrn.tb>' egpeslcuw rlvenksen, 111 lio ufluuisss onr rn sd es, My o ua i i nelso n0ru>'0o.ieu. e T, a e l o r s i an !g ed . ih u <ro rj 111 0t #t n i Pw os 0 , n i W a ndI lle te lostatisthe bi)ui> b. j'I. tewjtr'îga cf 1 est -<05'ut di - IREVERE ROUIR, loil>'vse% -bar tofuattuneta b>0eui lllorr 0.ctsa, o. yThi. boat NMuctelun. o« tise ftcvno have "W-- lusen theinopinilonufluitfor "dnraistlity cf cou. B. PANK - - Ptpi'etor. stortittlos, itroti<th 0 o seunitend e logu.uoe n Of Stilo>'eu te aond (no WhItb<v cuit daly. Er.ry ubuty.a-tuihxsty ri>' lne atuuidis UWRItnaLLgsiS attentings paîdt! iegnuti. £auoful and lties - ' lia âSmhs.eboSn a gorgeatflmber or' le*ti. 2b Svagqîneus ollia, vlsli u hodocu net thîtuti neesry.n'ta, (I ptsblls.l, a tlteutisa IMarnufactur'era pl il'g 101KM C. ifeMlULLICE, Otfieblue0lnu'ci,,r Inainsunentg thnonili owii ob tssie.Ifrouniisikgilais for vîsIcI Y.Aflotant, Land dGencral Agent, teyavi n mvie.TOl prnudc;ab.loutit wu -AND NOTARST PUBLIC.- lise taclt. A>~u in ba e tntluci uft iheuee euiflgossec; a greai tisais>'pereeona >niutn ste'liws tteatitnals.lonoir netsiusg of SFOifeIntë vîruet, 0oui. o toh isa ffle Pflle of the ecs'.tructuon cf IlRaiso 5.Mr$latrî!di - grru", a ent, ure ecouaeqneutly ito luit>',gtade- Wili.t *ais.)l'iproed Kuronos In thse oemtiss <..levitu't al tneau cis eaurt.ti>. 4) # n deui.s l ., m ut r niulo. ryin- Iuitrunet iutit te th9s t Y B. Colletosei ,aut,d teand! prompt flseugslut tst«urO'y 9Lu fi lîe wonv.ton rainitacuasmale. t - l anust-nmor to ii iem aBclProvincilu uMI rmeite in tuigue cenirt, iurn dutoerissînoei lion,. Lt..Ilot'hi neon. XM L. C lo.Jis 0Seph ewa'nv0ci aeofrm r>' flim>ipoesl, M.0, C., lots. Uopft,,rCavenl, JO. ited b o i h>fl'bn rioos yln. T L. (, M. t.. , u.m"irus i t , q.C.0, . p ., in lugaideS iaraiussue T 0111 AsÃŽu onsc tg.S.1.I. 4 ssasrl T. TP.]RAINER# îl.ïu Umý',ry, lia5., Wisly îdcl IITBlr#.C.W, os Mnre .trainer, (Causan 0L1ml.~' a nt Whltby aaotrtcs..- 71> 15w ARRIAGE AND PINGLE's fOT1EL. g MiATE WiJ', _ t"li KINGt STRglffl OSHÂ El. AUVRIte KIYfit, 'paret! temarnu-11, #AIME$ IPRNGLE, <oi ch raoeGs I CAE I N AGONB, .6 SGLOBE LIOTEL 1EGI,. I TTLS rti' bir ollknowi,oid esiabhiild loge t i teeiansdtpresuiluise have l'etiaulireiaet! '1lrte doen.PAst ruf Mni. ns. In>' i ,< b> the istisbrî, vieore h l , I i.R t Ob .DtsuiIWsis' * ioi dose boan duîu i u.>'to attend rpetuobsull1te istiis,,Jan., liSt. 18'f fldue vsaisuetlingt.as e._____________________ 'thse proîea bM ave blie n voeitensd L onstuniuly d flupe nidtt! Pei, gLe. OL)VISION%-i - noeis lrnpreventan nsaifustue e!eira.îlen t 42TIu 1191110durlièlstc'eyadttTaionnîlal. il naplie iftCOTJNTY 0F ONTAI.J Notive to amrabma»j1eks o. 1, Wrt"r,........St 'lot, 1047, Ltqcrcliol.cintîtcuai.îî,s.<siuîI. lv i'noof.b ali o osrl 4:8 Pxria. R4ent î th, si illenier'st, uldo t. : l-,o*lr'a lExtra llecuidie., b, .yslug .i u 'loîRi, " Whoe.dool bBit e lar. Stisery and 4Uasa:;s . . -6 of%:: ýr Cognne Brad usfhrths e t - b la) c i lotivuUrns ui S nseaori,'..Z. BURNHAN, 'tu, O ONTRI HOEL ALBION LIOTE Le l 'WHITBV; EAST MA39ET $QUABIu, TOItQJÇTU. 0. AWS -- 'RPRJiETOIE. (fooýt tPuSlitîg, sut! uer>' uoousmodatRonsai rniuf loetp fle rkuomosito Ur toutafis o n 'eueisaand. gari pocs t ts. s usgu tfta.eessmt 1 04K» si FEaDAYIf «M kt 1'seton staulilug and uelted.roemtesd rentd t IOIT ' IITORtIA UotoaontTete ole>.. 1<1, 188. 49 Onoeuaa,-vwunr. - TE£ -jli $thI S'usiLL.ro.prlatn. TH RBSO HO SE Pou5 t1%t uuli.tler deutras t oem bits us mis, z.nua'snornz) U- abevis «4# folgRi t;le boppia nebât thoitWJ »Il".w .(t s.tO vio jqooCerntà i . - GII<E UJUtrpluir j met.. A val1 npplled taglie. 'dstubh asg 00-914s suai eioulail yard. JUIIN8F11gimt-r ,é1ico à nonnetat sths rF Jox PI4414.S . . th boldrid'&finly istovues ~ Wbitiy. Ot4 18. fiotoet, vhiiesbausabeaurtuivatêd , £v, refuMru g '.wdtw! mp tmoslsstmltie BROD Ic a iaippole it t ioooolusd lu thsae oi Rs (Z47.<(ÀiW4D4 JQrftuetfiie TOWn.1 OPPOITEIID f~g oPrcE5tli~l~ne4~tufflsthtise ot,i sud à ; OPPOSIZ Tnz lrt»> OtfcLpf l'eitiastenfoi lais.^ jrmnGam, - s,&ffBSlN Oe>'iier st, N8~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r i a' f a s 'su' sgI~ 'i.", lu ULVERP.00W l &ONDON, EAPTAL - ;.ANNAL Z,ooo N A D ....... 0 0,000 T. B. e tuou.iaC.grg,(I'robidnt lua ofu SIAj-wg4 Eq. (Managr, Unfi too Book.) JP 15 I., cà o(Gnei manager Batik cf iMont ~ ai,) G*. y. c ouura, RemisInt 8ecretssry. pire fno.ni<. follice.grontuil on aVeM de'ecipfion'cf property nt tige iowost rtnnc- Nn extra echarge (or Iiliiltiry srlc."4 n.... ft Ve Conts iv. t' ire J'oliiene.(or tsb.-lwnek cforWifo/crr C i, t. re , re jc e e r- im e z n re g oy C re d i f r g. Lire Aus,,rupeo P Si"4e. n ,Anfbglitiol filso.teIolitie 11104 t faioroiis tamrn, e,îil un- '1or Tables poi eiliy suLs.pted to tige clr<uugi- Ait l itifonauioin fi huDrparimeîtocu.n ho >Itui,,u10 t tie Ilf)Mfe.offtlic (mpAtnytIV lMon- traid i t1&roUffhüUt - Caîjis.l f -~AmMK19Jw' 'Y lut Aient, WhutUNIO ASSURANEteO'! - YAPITALr- *2,500,000 STO (PLUTLYSUBSCRIBED.) SNVEOTED OVER ZOOt-D POSIT FUND 1% CANXADA, 00, 000, 10 an t , ('oruIiI, Londsuon, nofiee (dutlin '-letiitng) ue. art"-. Clturel siroet. CANAA l IiAtiCit, -NUMLAND, WA1 (>N h Co., Gisitaa AICuuiss. pau. Coa, ;Seerear>', <iileS 883 h*887 IL l'aui stret, Mostu'eil. LFAIRBANXS, Ju. e1l8iooiulM LEVIKGSTON, r. L 0., R i. gr"d i',e -re ed 2 d onr etnni tliastu or nnen s-cuetoisesu, four clt tavoosg,in ; 4a * Ie ires tae ulule tia e van noever 17eti rrut tisasna et easut, %iêsjy aIlil vi etWo u o ictraite. lbopisg K ts'set at.t tion a comitonaion ou sourp. 1'. S.- .2001E viii a >'ubeeim1îthe amsi attend porsoiah>'liyerloute- W 114 April tri, 187. m-I naiovt Tlcv r rf tve ltir Iet re* ,nI r ri eI v i enotes cl ciIre el i Egyptian O-1l KELILSTES PAKIX INSTANTLT. evatr Sirrce ie e et suruncina indraowu-d da foriu,'ise 4 l umse PIAI' iti,. lot,. mi aite uesr'aisiu'acm i r a(slt n.k toiel 8itass lasou suen ,.uaevuehna st ç stef e0ure w,,lnui tifritiPsi,. assit lm s . ss, pi n sr.cl i ti ris wnleuusgi5.tiflSa wapit i. iiam il wvits c"d aaril s nece-lsi (ucu. erevr true l'VPT#À4OI m(,t.sulisera 'ssn..ae.d tl us.i.u 'aaisOregasaloi-muiisgcnaditleatî ai tst. ftiuu ainspsiiîsu iretsir, nire e it ,' e nul-M 'isyaici huiiemt ir tmh.a tqsiautl <SuIrlul tî ta elace o(tislaiamOr fNPrtlgl, isoerr si. ota oir ispelm, lbt mbuteWiellit l' y tise ippi- yeuiniîutelt. nfeusuly In rxlie. '110,vs11 rlierafigevte w u 4 adileImm@-lu, lrTmeisiuta nd Ilatbe Ji lionuInhsmuntenre. ;r tisytgClWW.O- e. diml yeits ,go litscnmo flm, isr e 'i ndut. citsaum ied sbucsd Ip tu OJsas tfit . " iîlm, rn Ombch',igtffdPM# 4 hoctus f lt V.ys s"Id1111mrs, alim te m, rd rsbtuighnilIrOa eliiet rawusisl. ~~egel'taaxtme, ZSY4tsm Ou sei> itw' nim~rd <'~M & eu e n eu, SI, [à ,iiÇss 10, 4'- le lx ri o m l 'rlBPu - cai, be'.tu bi ad u h wIiaJIl~rhau sat lta i. '85u1'ur 4;ë,bke et eiief 1 1<0id jtethe pi lte <ocf t Woo rar i l *âe 4<0! tettta l',t fr cf hEocil, O'S eO* t roi tucprp iai tt iler ol - ' à Soinarru rIt l foJr getQS We 1-hl Ilbu 'gitd ta M»cme Pr! Alt'edtii Onadaý [it vie» lie: uts vitS fisulm ohki pet laurete. l'emoe trois %cotluud. Uveet blousons (rouis niatire buils i inol-cn 9 u(rs a %t e., YoEi IIiî-l4 me of' tiue hippy di>'. Whoun 1 dlii rewitvit trIce. 'Yen sufissuMns.of tIse isctltr btsus- T he. ery-ota I vi ù i i nui l s- Ast' gosal>'à bonuio B.sven that bi1outu Aniotîg cuit! duolunuPa hujji. Ton mlL mm ci lieal'uh note Ty'va ieuurd the <Io laiS iiiig, A tan nIP.IMar tue cnusuiy dont!, Jr varir utlue vig. 'Yon ninulme, to, au ann a ae l'us îue ir u..îut i t- > (t., iituy alà lienutRheurn1 jpent. W ituihui.b udtise, #Ca, l' n r, fr ransMy yontisui banti*- Bsi vly ny. v.'>' #ogiet 1 "Io, truc 1 love tho he4ibt-bell, 1Yet, Iluoe uelipe-eaf. >'veet bînois m(rom unr satine 1.111. 1 l'n in litte uneet t tuî tisee, Relif erte aprllui.1 1cse e n l te ekaa. i ga À frindorcfmina seelaing Io-reioeas pcot', came te a figsu of satietflot ted --a deor, shueb laditae oireaubti coder tise &sies. go. kuocied, A teel lf coe ait! dé cente iu," aud le veut i lisera vasusDo igst, but a ssOn as isue, rg isecame adapuedt thie pluce, ho sas Rl: sapon a isesp o>' chips ssanaigo, s bc abcst-te ears of>' aupale, bat litS iveet face. 66Wbs o re yeu doisg boeaV bdha su eof tise bey. "Rouss, huit1 I1asnbidisg." dé iding 1 Wbaî foetV" Anitte aise bisvisite anme cevered vush bru aissu * aoliec. icliasobutiyen t n ikstitt1' 119Don't tell iSins>mifatiset dit'. l. "WSaî fort', "Fithor <ou dmuoliaud Seat me becan roI vosalin' t aul9" )r P id yon aven steael1" "Tas, min, I yvu atisiefeonce."-(Te Leusdou tiiene, atar ba.itate to acisue, lidge it iît is aitprofession.) là 'Tb honvi>'don9t yeu &test nov fil a'lIBocau I vantut h1e Ragged Scisoe sud tiscy toIdt! uTison&isait net steel and tisey toit! me o>' (ld lsinsesren. Viti neyer steel, sir, if mi father kuilts miel Said sui (rieuse: 0"1 deu't mcv misa to e ovu yen. Blieais a shilliug; 1 vil à ee visat I can-das for yeu." TiebeybolImoka t iit a moment, ai "6But, pIeuse sir, îeuhdu't ycs liS, ix beur suiiîigte Isymn 71 MyfnIipnd iisongbt lu @frangeafint, vîts- net teod, vissent tire, bnntsed sud breton, as hie iy tSar., lh. confîtl @log s bym but ba said, "Tas. I viii isean >'ct." And 1tisas, lu a aveet voice ha saug st- - " fetr i.ua. mseS uî,t sislS, - LoeMyksu i itul ssl ï'sit'rrme tu ii ntri '(ice., Fais. wîpultj1lus 'he h rotsgliî; (ticusule Lord. tonhiSt out ; 10i tub Klisilion oftTs>' ,r.c,è Gi ir'l> Itle eciijit a 5tac'." - Tisto i hile isymn ; geooie R" Tise genstlemean vent 5t,<uin in tise monusiigi vent opp #tuire ;Sitocke -et' ~tise door--no unuver; cpustd it ant! vent ué.Tise shsilling' la>' ou ste Ilor. Thoa.la>' Ise bey seuls aa sile en iis (se-'-oi isuvas deuil I la tise 'nigbie a -bail <et isoute. TItanS (lot!that lie lS, aid:; ' 5 tifeir littl. eiiI!ate coernauntomiel" li is ne respecter cf pensons, black or visite, bomd or <ne.>e oleryoung. Uemaut!s Hie ungIS40.ts.heomeset tisepourtpt tise da.isiee tise dogratet!sud tie vieékdcet tiSe Hie 61'o"0-,d osaght litlaeuoes to R is boue. ,A (a"i !a'igo lMt. Siýei 6 lutema uer tailon'>' tise prerldaltpeeulnia'>, vsuusrderpshy ussslted b> a <ncui a ,hngaueailawut inite!d à crems, if soi daugeOReus obont, ou t.bu seitpari et hh. isuI1 fruc"riug j<, -Twe maîli piaces e>' '0s *ki Ibars té«eu nemevilanut!Mr. th. isl.w.Tisb,$ lt vs apa hait! à lihtie ipite aogiue 1,M.Siserloek, âtrsiîh au bib frOe bWAndvur"pa 'ftor~~SsbdIl bad?, ,- -vuDL Ko-ViWla' Imu O W ~ae, r repli d i*tm~wk«'~ % b ad tre' !. y 4dsiOl« e. tmn u-,1!eh, lot-- Off 4 -jtr. 1 &i b, p o ie>t m @ Ad.the a uife t aood5~v d . ar i tlpmfg1.- if 7msanbyds.I1.i y o" u, sï RlacpIevr*inawîs1tbm '-%,*,'i dea- 1 tut ~ jr nel loh m teha.bose, ut! cen 0 guni b-ers e ,t1a, t ige>'*tIl . ine greilorm .bisel. si e,"Ai'iwy fouu"dtd <pet £mduufitof "Wo do ou iee P rt _uTh. o.hme Me i rbablc.qurdgeteuskuS.h-ualfn4j ~ ¶iiuk s..I avebee e liedc e linon mteinm ber ir'T fo9r cuqas f taoe.tub* v iiv Wa<.atÃŽI aýibyï dbvCi n ." tisa ar nfl, aud sct itja..., Tey Joa t e o ou tu m.e iaseW.gd 17Â,* repiet 8ib~t.t.usus. ucigisabor pccpi sy. Tisad-y et iu'uotelit t lh geadré ar tt ~~mg boip. 9d'tale raofk 'Oerbio e, au d f ol c ot. nts ed uiab in dsi~1 ibsree ho ir tyc.e loy se e tse li>, vser tie yanl sur- o fi' A t i -os. rms tésa i l ituue o rg u bdi5 SI$l I4i~ sea , s dth vii a c ui en en tM de. ' i r is r vn u t e y Spasut ,1-i. no er e $ i s ia ' a e s a t r t u c i p t Miaimed Foll8eChfi.,stiu d n , vs hoa' s lsiuod tie s.of lar Ad vuto iis u 0000 la a o iae' 4r pred ie post, neiiug o cous orcle la cl Cpefus eopa odd oai t.ade'mis bis o'M cu;wsthe Af aiytishdAt aacu rlit vcd tfimniebt s - bic w it, ln a fa. li.'ve.ssn alsj eutmmrmdd s'y>as b>,l v ait w a'.uluh tan. le 1£Mim.mp ti eyAlerie gra'biuinms ad d, for' tisey f tkniEed ise,. beart 0 io iyali wi iourneya, id j datee'brçomuWietihiLi- nareouse ad i t iildsendr ovqes md l&'« Isé à e sshg. ob.war i l uh, itaser v 4rth on sis ip,çCr*'o udBîdonIMns. rond upoi.The ler ssega n ulca,ia'ty tba Roais, auisbib. ?séy cnenhisig wib 'atenton. a se tis e arud dfty ( sci ecsig , Tud f ou b idredg ça tncl ma flb re ru t se . e> es wt oi poion -ueed m ise s u.' ti - tIft rtb'ot. E a dndrlueste i e ba&cte c eususn ie ua 4tauî o> Arbis csupnet vustisaoth r teprt, vsicis vere seartt!sc iesud C pro e é;il usi th at he oebe Fsé~ - peoiacfAsa' li, itreen, sanrd'isndedcoumn.su Moeb s t colt- t é a re mlaS5 at! nssî'lt a p la for f 119 spp y u r as fat n.cd , Btln uuetseMbiimdnpve oa sije adBs.ct Ualr u to is e glac e C bnity , e, e eami , aeu iécorn e clihgte ArTissfcll.Cer is 5Otia Cu ltsissiist b d iseat! rea-it ,aS' 0 eéieavas 4nttirp adentua( r u +1 wian~'~ d oe bu istcas or, a e1Y DC6C dirul , a»041 u emsbul Td i n t h 4 0 - lit be!ti sir - T s av e r dd t elu t hl a C is n t n e, W b e ulà . r e a $ i« 'v1fn of I e o V a rýà e S 1 ; - = eaacalyad o iliuu lgiigrîi ie Obitin it efl b nu i d s od' btscddy , f mt is of e e s usd i6 se g ab ise bla u trcs idi te ii. air tis e lefr s isiuge'tesai s.F o ecle:qati bashae u' fragra cefuly l t ho fao un tieM dtance, ise tA. Cethen.A a rq e s -b me viserare ta e er o p - twfus2_ iseigisu Sn rilcan s eau lu uhe noutigs , - . . . - - .e ler ," p bapil st lu traimu g e a t u eyt ed. by . gâ-, co:ered ins sneî sud iceirSsmitonitsaïs te m d Fu itives mpm Labo . d' ta>'ep1î. ng ~ ~ ~ M7 suogvuiacm osdvioacna1.Y Coie r.y iulïniigb«Dnn'tor.]h î frO ulm b ecreubtemla ai arufe deit n bhal tiernadeas. it e I rgret e sa tisatuuidoiv-tsrtd a cf BuniiefirikUmg e a rO&ateninî b~- . cotln, Jviare o hei r a nmitie i- N vor1naInsumvs- - - trlA tten re letm i»d e deuîny, a n e pin,(wom sevanes'It uai t soie îsoard- [tc.tii ro,4lchutcu , .,Euiit a bot] '. treribii e t ý'at7é-t' inisa" iesIW.tana c b roncisat aeet ion, AI "on vsics tsed o.-n,0M.flbrrs h ry ew '>' W A onii r e ied i he Suny iena-t y tus' ubere isnoreti a#diinedintoa ne. the bmnsbtpge of év8teîsp eau ural A na o rliui,, but site> sr i sm ho' i o ulsI r id l Maca lonetisr. re ttre Smdr Butg aconsi estiastua su d ajon scfa esue s d Otmie odial, ero bM I id ecc, obaimid iel te andong inancecemCutuitesed ai> u ctier -fioni ia i ity o, us.>' a b;is~ id~~~~~~~~~~~~Te pbid ftme uciusrmiig~t aise vn, inoder atee ry means hno-of eg4-tit 'w spetnspose Soantit. Oersî, e ngs or ndte cango,e wbomGtd bt> su d 's taveing eIt 55r nt sBu'o e uWihSacf tieopiirosaeile n'- sccem nayad t dbstis isa angl silwwtel s ii. d int gb wt hesod;is dtyioMsiof o$« , gree co6 tre uool&.te b je, gwe i, unim th te r. Tf1 hissand1m o ouse> lae, ou.cts'es. uring l r es gif t peaJrnd e PirOttsud aa ithdisanllc bae, bJI en anr darypvlg etiiesas dcby en Wh'l a re tohoiprn 'nu un1 edrs ttn ppeesanlT dIspos br n emiady ChteS,1 '0aud inaut, (or , a ie a' noeu e rnvb n s oR d i s fe ts ui o f er but trat ie iso mid aIl o e ,fno re u p ay0 b r aafati dd sy ez l d lgsrn id oeoadwoecrv n iaal iun"t eks'trcsn d u ctac 'tsdvd svu berscad ofoY.anv eigoCtsansre . aiismednlng to ise o at. i . a s t i fr u e u e v se haento n a ted, T e t, r e r ve t' I a u a m i n f ha u îl eltee a at n u ' atid, u ft O ner, b e c n v a rte d tisa s lla e yS thSa ie d o- u > a d ms e fy er o t i s i, i e b o t » t th o ft m t a i e ed f e - biso thepisewt,a ecf e n yesr , and o' ises. ofewhre rkd gentle n osusrd- lon Bud iteisiisuta au t e>' il deîq , 19tsemnie r laitrTpeid Abu eSt e t hlfe 'i f pant eieecs 1 iil e t u tu' baesaos vte Rtee i semo sudVa caas1rel' l'm ifrm4 ai ed o b e iatithe r i. Ts onet eisacdw pam n -dy isti e iutthed it is b l til>and Pf btmeji v nater A Pani, tru ditic sficchlu; audin fni ndu te inn r. ie pla et! mil an roi w e t J is , Ot n ' ti su uan it> et sgsasufi h bi er i ls a ll i lmo e for Aoneuiesdare r te>b.rd rsieltie petls veeonr * carle 'iisen spsba tise eb ause si w coldnv i. hmi o' ee a rt.i e>'dCuda rcodaic aitsnd ' l n h b t e , î s c u f o l o a i tise vorlda e(aira , and tisa e p auses , V ur . mi e ci a g. t il-is o tov n ue r> et 4y " Al la s i .elas edrd u e t 'ti > i f u e b - ts n s l ,b y v h e lav i s it hfront Crot n C ouva,. , a l e. the iai. Wb ùo f ascn 'neayul îMeaet olu delt.-a vifr pica nsfer e s g l iew Loudon, e al y el u luerruttw s. mi>'Mchic'sammnoiudsi tebsi lnes T faienu of a IOmo teil ae is go'gencrnt l h Occ vf * Tiey u lajbc ai i.,andcuni! ht buielah, c fa yttcungre oia t Jass gn t a u eunt hsuib und enutunul o t e m m srcisut c nld leea ile yiSe apot Ssi s ti e or , ann op n visic is ha dum e!ouîIb o io b b o t . Ot ihl tvhein sn b a s>. si' Ah , i e tug roueynIbo th re suyinr c rs, <eaint!'clI 1 bo, tcd utun eclrd iaib vud v ,s Mr. 80f an eta o' gc suf men yueaU, cau'.' p etitd pcan o7" No itee ad vtet i a tât hest a îged a sGabi l ttiu10,vct e ed ti l t enui fteM cos ap e e e l. a diti ul cfdi slece uer h rothe pu:o sae Lai d ,is ben »I'e em ale e o d i uubrers " S an p p e levan prs fvts eo y a i t! u ytbac idn ts;bo ut4 claiune: ly e c tepie(. uSa O Ibowas nd t1 il PPOU tesrs a rîe ed,'y ia ' o u m> g dd Z'o eimolite mo bsattervrd pefeho ed av isse r a culie in ' ,,ta inirpin- 0 '1mi' piv bgué ti.ir4ismudim le xplo'- it, uner cenfennt uralt rd afitn ntoit'fou, Atst eral physiciansiavis'ee'erforaandt! sud 9 selfboy, borendu ns cfdubonses.emeotvise br Tu ibisd timd o u or Dv bured ople exam, nïd lienbod VoAionsduys duc. e Ioimmn,îy wÇ itdoso of fcc eina!l h, leScm'setrativ weeai scs>t te reb- ieno (el m . (onu Ofmier' rtela eae re4 mor e ver al ho issuee. l pr5air Jo nile , isatî lcid D fs a thn A14,-là or ml t,ectheuiz. tise andmc-the o>' az unia temple vicsa boy ofsdton te s tut ,hale bcd rtheraeingnotie on or t ioingad. tni f i h ismiei isu' ins,'oti tse suibr ad eisithd e r tckise op il oselicf takn i be !c î a1sIsédad o wssém , te n to sev euit eci oetib e krvoldtha. t ler e u >. Criut M Ilnr e u do ara1u u ussea a suscl oua ncis anai»,uni, &0 pr n ftpte d t ionu' t iso cli nt vs.. Tus-lie. s e- iss tup.;e u o nad *u;4 - m)f t>'sb e s,-vath s ane maulot M aiaetse' voa itretst 0 l n idi o l as S~oset a'e m0-;emiu men aer att ie itisanb oinnalm ly d c 'orga r e d net tSiaudi (mi f 'it, oristhae tiseti aby.llstoia* , e oca fda ad i isi eople sbeuid recie ands! a ioiig 1tit hrdreel u "ls u bt ail, ade <S- am.cluel sessenel te Alemand ier'stanuinepî esotheubne a sime. iasleeter oru bd --b is-;b p theao fille s, yof<balpes unanm acas n e isan i ta s tie delongud p l e br aciudapl a nc etio s ei avhe sri ei ak 6h8'eie el. gf ' Tise Nuis ef 'ent tos isi Seter of ' th e layeîai Teug Ag, ' oddet . s ra - f aOu.03a f'é ar ons'u. ~ 4 v 4 plac es; aut! ie Meisîboeliseo o ard cf vlngtiseo timiua tof t is'uêfaie jsgts ulu w. m;qp i.' beaudr SeIn a u.eaiianSiudo thieit lsfie nosed de it A iscre nte B uototte levn»oroft Aitab," sais eleilfbu aaae-vaie te 1414117 defro"Sbe .". éietfront Croto) Congo,,t h m tenu efplaes."n Tise buin etD. ls eresli 1 US t! or heé r ea irs i e >a o'gr e cn t"' ée otil rbI'k~ 4 m aucrsimadebotgs 'lts mer auga; sd Je ille Il, O a e nes- wbebli dm d n he -or 9Mbis-mvie insd, 'swa, bus Boulaed- e .in lutsomm r., te 0#ty A" - th sÃŽog ayGf s tim ute ~ s t î , n.y!' ' u r r n, go sud a eoé f.Io te atacS ytiu s cions iekmas lefel me hse cabIs e l Upat ÃŽQîss. boitli, 'à ~ j ~ j~ 6 i ' ~ ' hliem.- gan Yiei r.ý h e fu pray e d n iaise leus is c lroouru, ,uui raem' th-eeh ' - ' ý #dtânon ' ,iré -en ilov- A Doing ,btisaiIbo~eà ls, eiSed if h. ad i re tsblie equlis,- aiId eved b,. -y-"a2qyà 1 -Ces&bout es'edena u g bcd auupeodple , Ifd t isetht er omtume mal. IbositMuw u t..n ...t' a-Ci l-, t sude iqu' Coeu, lido. det@ 'j o Ob arme aid otkiet' ont+ ant! aIl tu1 goot ntM uieokêul r tnlt tra ,vu flQI n 'te touuts., IJOWLES, tisa Iminsuji Dan- d. DEE, M 1