Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1867, p. 4

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01110 no, cud i. s iiymrefU Ab~,ouo04suIfýonor<1, su *# o To foc q chomp lo Tsudlet aj o uiins é thi ont i le tallesOfromhth*ic"ntoad th*Eut ar olr the - Wh10by, sept, tb' ,.,K~RT t ~sthe o$eKscOI A' 1 p - 1 n.s * , p.1t 1 as-,, bti0 T. IL' , matiot Wct-paro fat,, Quis. ai1 Colutuu87X< Ws to Rlii o onts, go Prinou Albert 7,5 ogiîsto Oya 01 1iU, X;: usill $1 .50. l1usoigcstrs,'n -tilose Nrsisare ,o;sed tj, sb~ars ut (seafiM ee t ofoharge. bisîsa arefullyistteissîleit 5 assi CIIBAP'STOYES W TIu£EPST INCA iDA. M' r Hotel cooklng Btoves, Açroulturai Purnaoes that wil py for themselvos in one 'avetroughs Put upwith ron hold-fasts. ý * 'ew inings Put in old 1E'opalrlng promptfly attend- AUl kinds produce taken in oxohango at tho .OLD STAND. il _BrDock St.Wlltl),Y. Lloney to Loan. sio00,9000 on MoIgîgesecsil u ri o suIt boîrveru rtcvoryioitreterate of intorest, Appl sI ic fr-fened Maeoter Ware. boumai taJouxI7aIDosôN, orosstoM.BP..Pi, . Caron. isq, bi, P. Tornto ROY Jwotrrcl,.11. A., by; Roye. L., *clits'eli, Myrt e;,Aà msucor- b~- ")é bd y s4ri lNd CI e ofier;Bra izueq. =41em e~, 'l 0 ., Vrook,tu; WJsmog a ka; ôbe t.r Sp.,tl ,C 1566. s jk; 'LE#. 163Kigmt.West Toronto. .large variety of Carria&es;on hand Te'prpreïo r aoltdus à #abi~ment, possesafÏacilities forpmsnufaoturing Oarriages thatenable.thein to dol'7 otnmpitition, cither in price, style or fîh Cali an.d ss dr' Vourselves. YA4RI !PRO PEflI BuiIing- Lotj 1%0 fohio Wngla fLtvl! .be salit foi'oaoh, o sfaiVluton u ime, viz., &oti. Bh Con. lige*, 200 Acr Lot II8, tb 41itulier, 200 W e18 s7h~ To»sotto 100 66 Lot? dté" eun 200 6" 19 ip rd "-1 ssh, 100 to J.stîl, front" oi6r6l., t liot 22, do " du I X5 7, 101h ' Somervilie, 100 id Lot 4, 9&18Il do 200O46 Lot 41, 701- b" do .00 dé Lot el 121h là do 200 si Lo9t i tqui do 200 dé Lot 11 il, i" do 200) si lnt Il. dtb "6 do 2(10 id x £,V'27T2udId Wiitby 50 dé sevcridl Ytilblilîltsiagri(ota for buaitexi cuti'privai. o flUoesi tstise Toisa of Lia aov and Wlltiiy.- kor fartiter iisi'ormatioliu. Appliy ROBT. ,PRY Wilsti, Wlsftty, MrI,16.1V Land Ci-rcutlr L I18T of cedS Wlit L»os, and Isprovo FARMS FOR SALE, At low pricma andi ou long teruior pi> nist. Mara-4<orth 5< 11, Iithoon. 100 soica " Southt5f 9, lits - 100 dé dé es 8, 12iLI t '66 100 dé laiaa Tint 151, 4tih le 20 di "' North 5 115. fii " 100 64 46 mttb 6, Sii 100 6 dé l'of , . 100 46 dé 18 , I, ' 10 0 6 Tiselacs two Lott. adjain 511e Monck, (Gov. rnlueLt round,)eand thiuéthr L)taunom*, ar4, tut 8 asit 4 tsillsu frosu sat ogi. îitxley-]Lnî 12, dlii con, M dscem. fi N. Pt. 4, lot caou. si dé %em 14 luiWest Day. 8 SOMER VILLE. Lot 1, 1201t cou.lnri, 200acres, vbtbiu-2 miles ofý Sue Bobeangon Governmenî Bosd, %oes, N W i~...j oceso, XANVERS-4eatls 5 -liît con., 100 S - J. il. PEUXY J. n SI 51 ai s' Farm%, forSae J3 11K tse .ssî ui of tise South-lialf of BEIIMIU0ý11 l2tise 14 h cocouslom, cous. 1AnS cisc tise Sostlsquasrof TotI o, 15, ln the 516 eoùeessbon, oottabulng 60 ores., Tisr#r.li -s geoilf(ime -ibarnuasframe bouge., on excisof thseMid FAR14#Mn suiteci *s libg apringa. W- Tille laulispit. "IiÎm i onfou au, itres a W o ollardon et.0 18, ln tise front of1SN3 oon., *rgeulnwood 41. O. (pre.ptU.> ' -. - Piceringu, Nov. 2o,106e. U- Faim for Sade. 5)ACRES of eueleint landS1 eI NortCh FIRST CN9REÂCLIeli E. ('SUOOESSORs 70 W. -TILL.) r. T ô w n L O T S a n a 1 a e n ai o. 7 puAon, P0SLU kind& of C bin t Firt, IAXL N 1OT I-C EI'y, arXoý f'C * b În e t f u ra -le tYofilIkid oriumbosuatntlojnh il c.niture. Single Réaoesand Mow ers, UV lied and NeG Ci-~'a 'Oncg iHavDowow on hand, thelargnsd moist:select &oclc to lie and Reapers and Nower' om ied Fisd. OlieOtlbrio.j. *0' <loI>ngUs nw uldng ~ lfnnd the country, which îhey a .r f ca ge sittotie~bigo Eia0ILEOLAK ', L O W ' E & P O W E L L , d e rm i se d o t to lie u d e ro o ld b y m n0 ose in t P rim T h e s u b s Wb etw o u d c al t h e a tt e ti o n o f t e.1 -i c u ltr" o1n1W h1t y- o s u, 1 si *et f on u r ok S r . , s 4 9 o t 4 i o o a i a d e a i e b efo re lpu rch a sin g e lse w h ere. A ch o ic e se . ,usn l y o b r t kol I p e o te b r ill be foU nrd l o t eve s7 h I, eF er ilep', il fotwde eotion 01 Git l dig,(m ma w >ter usy requir., and .spetil1y nt titis oMon of the year, te their Stock OU lowIOt L. on Brook ALStreetI4UmERa XL TIiWTrIrIRN MAMMoIW iloctnd»rejlà91et h ti =fet 10 Moillo' 3&4 ROKSRET wTY.£ PhOtographie Galler B. ol ocains.pfrp-and 0. 4 LetsFeuoe, opposlt ' J±~ w j~ ~. IC ]~ ROf several kinde, sd f the Latest lialve. TO t h te JL, ~ w. 2 Lots-Feod 0 test N E WAprY oveu ou nd nec uyb rntcbetsadrigtols eson, have Por~ fteshv eir ic . u d r i . the ro ulde ico ofbeeofl sdded. I a"'or,1 tet eali5 the Jj155O Bis I. scow tho masni wcct of the M etiodlut ~ I ~ 'B alI's O h io R e Î p er a n d Mo w e r c o m b in e d , C ay na C hi f R e a p . cm p lt e ti. PF wI ce, an li thpe psre 13 Lts-releedknon o th nidt,.lclot or snd Ifowor cob n e Manning Sinsgle .Ueper, hecayogeol, iaor Mowr.-Of - to taka l"ctfiroa, oithor lu: eny SindAli of the eboye achinos, wu invite a trial Tley are manuuacurea wlth ýcer0, P00RPS1UWI errond, oppolo ite regidosice of jasÎl O lij, C ý'N »0 t/Itheu ' V rîn nk P OTOG ~hr A (11 fPtlcAr a Mo#-ocoli nsse or te Je'ocanL OIt. i Mniead Wor otighr -Oy sy .th 3 ]Leti$-Fped.,svausof tie, reocîonc offJ. And ean be guiarsnteed to the Purchare-rto give satisilction up-n 8 Loa-lcne.l, est0< h. raldsic 0f . BtE AIRTRIAL OU NO 8,61p, 2 Lots9-Corser of Kent tiiSj)d lin iStretu, u LUE @a ABROWN & LJLJSON. ARIT' AT ILS ~1 vent oft' ridie of Lewis iock. M e C H E20E d4 Le-ts-ru of these 1,m G(ilt Ii qwibJl oATSro -TRAS ILot-Luttisan rm ience of J of ould intimate to the inhabitants of the, okfiynoiis,; Clark'# Votaiî. T wan ofWhitby aud- the (Iouaty of Ontario, that lie bas opeaed BRYANT STRATTON& ODELL'S DI IR 610 Vilage lots, peimal?î inatai orîlyt ai _týablishinent of the aboviVgewription, in the promises for 1Bushîes College & Tolegraphie Inotitu te. quAimnsfl n clgigs..a ropii, l oiuî,a ,ri'a s orts of t55,w. rpîa me ocped y I R O .ÀW. ll-l slcti.DOGL ll b sold on long tersn of paymant. c f l yN.5 O GTL ET E N O IIbMy2,15.a J.____________________ oy clicits the orders of> the * llty sep.buloil 52, eSTABLLSHED IN (CONNETION WITII F r fr S l Groatoutdlacovory of the lth Pb15 ]a*r,.fr S l, it EaâtWlitbyr, within l'isieie.F ~L RRI VALS W l h o u e t s a h a n N o d i .S u b g e r i b e r o f i r s t h f a r m J i @ n o « o -. Egyptian Oil c7, buteMUSlSuo fhes PELVZ AIN INSTANTLY, lwopO Etw ty MEIEZS- o ds & *( rê19T, 0 fCONTAINING 1JoAClizsi, Nover in lce Ibo iocence a' Siîdlclne firu iawuîd 90 of vidaore tender Jagood ia oetdr 10.,S on proistit'do; she En 5éiisr,lstia -provntaîttaare çrood, conmt4thg of c fiants Na~~~~~~~~~-vlik baarionu ciiî a ssiiisetie os5î m.5 stablep, andioiiTie lia- Noi , u w5io arc eari et C> ET COMPLETE GOMER.g <..uTON -ni suî* tahî. ofor thcin,ad MI 90c4l f'ui smas teW" Iswi~iîssg îpo nSr 5119 Inlitition u siier 5he.mlnnodiate isnfervliçlun otr J. D. Osiil, callnt-cls,, oman anti*"ritb ,te acbitarP&d d qsrdo trait i-ti Acc insnt.The; ooseo nittotion la this Cpluire bax direct referoncoto w isdoto o,r ffru lo. IP the roqrus me n"Bu ais-and- toh rosstiltaI f ~ e Thesnbilcrlser-i isln g,.riiu prasp la itolion, oser toowu ti the wai'l. Nao Iussoi sucetiots on thii.Continîent t tro r ac s-îk-koopitsg-lija,, is 'zpnrtmeus sund We"ern 0i wît'l othnout lwtinor le midIs saintacta vazied ad u rior asortinent of overything in the Dry GoodplinaonCcommci{ iar, Commtercial Arltllgnotlc, ittstssaiiip , mp ltlôoi, Analîssls, Pttri a. p o whoraver the L'UYPTIAN OIL blias lien ntorucd Ji i. , &c dca ScIsolursIîIttoaa&a.-1he lit ? *JH O *0 etere aisporeded ait ailier vaîo4elleivbsgelie- l!iG ider, acuit iitlci, hlm rammtlo ieaar Sp ili ée ., . P5gO 1.1..ur. I ll e s tO h rei <1s l. Shai complsa iies rtoagie csouider4ais y amI- T e o r e a orn n i e l tmrcngat$oeset e. cIt iosofitis %ttoi;and C(aris. Mch ..tndout yl 01,th oeteo as.omsosd rtd rila)s ws 8P. o. aie (' .u.'e artnie t isrr plete iàh connue of lusstrnction, oorisled lu acortiiti eempiose progrrammt omait sooi l u io t pot rqliabut Mr hylObo, atasby lthe sisil. Fsrofo rsnat li i cLColoe, or send for. College Mà outhly, encioifiugletter coiu imo o li d c oc r c e.tet vrpdl omria col 8t r ss ]a.n dIL saoJJXeis ndMare Thrstmo u Uic AN D L1IQ UOgRthelyBRYANT, STRATTON ODLL. lJN retirniîn anks toir rut fvos&s. Brssc. ota. and AoeI Jea lis auenyt ris.cYTjl I V I Al ]Bumo u#.lmnf llri#a11«iyek t . O h e quality'always on band. ALB3ION IJOTEL. -BandTand are propara- Lui ttinl e lsle disr il ~rie a i.Au,~UsoP csJIN FR UIRO .EAST MARKET SQUAE, TOILOITO. LfLC ON'Y. iaio eu madte to. M t Y P T I A r < t > J f u r p s R i s è s i s i i l s . N em d e atmc s r g ..zW ~ W b i t b l , 0a b0 ra n 1 1ra I X 0a l u , a O t iB I C R , ~W U Y N D N Gent, Dlsn5,erlc, I4omstâei'flinndi, Cy accom odation nt ctsW. M7 N Got lwTrs o s ie dche.l,,, __odraocares 14c___te,1,- Leader of tIhe Baud. ITROR S PRDA i_ ' >TBISE»125 liitby, Juiyti. vourissg, CUI0 s n, m fitlo Dis" e, .W. SiUoRT BTT EA L - tien ci, s rau 1 ihband , lia isr a nioely coremiy -Dc 0 lvîvn '" v ",;vnt mach s bubg si ve otise MuesasVu- A$ E LLE RTii. xtDmsIlon ofProld$ telg, af i lion pr i n sna haved in th* aîsi Pccrei ieral r.), takeis P AI , nt (Tbaeîriyirmn. T AClu uIeit zsrnilty t. oinTs>' Assurances novw *Ubg ýlblion,L;tr Z1-- b ecntitied to in imediste Bonn, is. OEYT E D lino muinn,' t e ii a ermowsi lise Dross.m méeSyA. ias u t. e s Inte r cnatit siooas sg.steffiss D MEhMiNreiIi DAVIDSON PARK Ude.Injls* clteS 5vimgel i' I ~'T"~iitawhoe'i 1710 la prepared t. 1nd. in oe. a tiils ser, scii11. 2i ___ r o - Montreat, Place ,d oc, 5, oishm lu Mme vr» na.t ShI rt l r* f ar4 s0lA -~-Cuto i. tro b"e îlwuuiib of âluge mat »W WONTO, _WH I TBy OPPBIVATE 1UNDS Solddeeiltya W» eIo.-ave?,'. presonts, the fU*nwefl-knov opne: A sclvn JH~5~NW g nt. Ti.r 82 cêtop y s ic r tn , j FoJtA S. E. GEEtn E . CAPITAL4NDLONDON- AND> GLOBE, àT hoe o- n, tienton Moudsy 'KUSIsu i" 1%10 agnt for tira Oftho, lesgoet ueb LIV RP OL, /I D l 13 cf match noet, et Sou taz 'Inaîtittitln nCanàdi. 'Whibb,. Aut lole, U i --o .. ft. os cok, 1 t eà rtg00isle ns CLAXPERK k 14T.IflT orrme *1Ot*OOtiOfiallerise c* o tnen todr so n or.'VCER Proprietoi' rfOe$ I'liE EDINBURGH LIFE AND' LOAN ASSTRÂN-E -Co, wlllppto iîi a'0k i eg Imst iespet ally. ta nformeiu be b F.arm for Sale CPIAL50,oe daai'agh ofo uc ontyiAmt=M0sbtsi.À CODsjlà OrJifl toLtDnh~smJef ILVNILTsted itihy, ln county retOnterlo, Jbac istbpvey ool.<f,y O9: iIveran Graoubacow INXSURUANCE (v,-- D H5O ad Pre lIiîi,,t o tau Or t 1114, witw_,ýî U& p , _(ý.j e aand reovoated,,md>1 bouhiyIllSid AC SSG cr ij ci d,1, ns :n W ST R N IN U R N C ~ (À' O R N T ,)Atemrne for th. utoivoit,- esiAtentive ostler h1U'gts ins tt.tda o, 11L00 pro UC LP9 - ("LAUELNIYJ iCES "(60 oSer core itbnd a DNTLDB ------ G~D ~ o j t~ roklApril, ,£rOrl6o,ý1 ar n zn ait vq at5s>s t bi w l e o f W E S T R , AN E O M P N Y [ 9,T gG A D JB r cks'« thei11sld 'la nnhVicuge ofoi ltabl e Vprage . r'r i m -bSvî t so rcum f T L L fsiwsc t e r iAn o t e P r t 1 1 0 ,"ot a « y a n d- t Ie s t. yeés.A-Tn s p.u ""à A'ripo!h s Âpl . ' ~ ia. tlOeryTe~usp fti, A ~ ~ eduj s rqait bu2ýoai ~*y OU A l Po pèuoas~~ irrit1w ~ ss, p 1t l.Udfgiqb~ m esjn~ ___ Ala agnt or Povicia Teégr*h C mpay. AlK~ BS. k.p tltakeeî utlvoY t f ir s - t.t . -- M> bKu- . o t m t v iim m m -- - - - L ~ ~ , is L ~ b e nîOy . f -Whitb, Jan.8, AF*tOfficy e Whitck, C.W. Potcery, NoS -, - ,Wsitby. w Afet Offe.tLw Whtyac Jane&o.70 Pof-t, gcvootv wo5tf.y, ,ti ssgte or)e Publie.t IB- A)UT 1-

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