Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1867, p. 1

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.Bi ;WrICZ~Weater umrades auuu.uop karbSret,0tuIa,~~W. Toronto, ji ,e"4. B. 5. OCIII4WU kM. Bo p NOUiTY canWN ATIOK(zY VOS ON- tio, 94tri*tel sud At0n0-P 2~' Qgs-uiWalW'.11w aylmlmg, Bon Stvver. )diutti. c. ar, pty Rteslar I xst tro ROBERT Z. WIii. AýtAUUITEA11 ATO& I -YATLW j> k. Whlibv(,,ban.«W. Je K. GOUIJON, mole-nver Lowoes à Powell,§ té ré, bltby. C. W. OtIITO<, O'riIY1J%LIC, h&CI.5e. soma,îc&a,*0, *a;- T A.UOVEI) hilLsvOMet3mW nlrli iCbmmhorm, lW' On* Door Souihllitei. CilARLBESC, KELLE, £TTOBKIIT AT LAW, SOLICI'fOU> oi1n eor70.(35eyWe. t.Cst 11. J. MACDONELloo '> iIBIiI& hATTi)olIiiY.AT4,Awl 11Rîllloletor Coony 3Cn4ustiUta.rlo, Notary &m0e h. 5., htllî. J. IAME 'ou u'WWOD TrTURNZ4Y,.AT-LAW. SIOLICITOR 10 chney ol.rv i'uhle. <onîeyancei,1 A"vhtpi. .oolio,In îietorlm 131ck. &.st te RoEgiptr>Ofllce. en Brook 4treat. 4A t0 WK'TltilANiIA'rRNYA.A B 1solletr Iin Cltaneery, &ta. OVVICII-l>utdaîret, S8.agora veut or Peat 0111ce. 2 * Wlstby, .Knrn 2, 14. 2 Ct#CIIIIANE h&COCHREANE. B allegro muid iloluries 1'ulilc, &0., &C, pkusi Aieu-vio -OpuieTown S IL. (ootînauli, Li. B., IL M.CocaAuz Cemîir <rovu Attornpy. Port.Parry, 24h ecmntr, 104. 51 Dmvfrister, s.lcator in Ctaaucory, At- tormeyf kcol &OU 0'OVIC-Nezi door te the E1glýtrY W. l. ST£gIILE, Soiletoi. &à., &a., Mr 44, Cbutvcb DUvet, Toronto. 19. atJIIE,13. A.# A.llioîs, ter Tvsolcttov.iti-Ci gnceiY, con- vsygnesro ho. 3ffle-4mce e trict, Northu 0f the foo 00100, Qshsvs,1C. W. 40 DAiIIISTER AT LAW, soletor lunGitan- simýc t-oppsit tb40 joliN iIILiLINfin TAW,elIJAIÇqE, h &C(oN vETA1IclI Oflléée, Prine Abers, tvo dooru vestof d4;<>" TormanoMsi. le .I'. J. ti17o e1,0, j IIJIIGEO Tg Tilt- COUKTY «AUL By ron Street, WiitLly. A. TAINGLE, Whtby. r LEOIIÂNT TÂILOR 1101109f SEZT TIKORAS WUSIt0B1 T ilos-ToqWtt hall- lheUrs 9W I oclneok. -~ AICISOT k WEWLL, 9l" ! ;ixtrec't, 3do$Eto iAIIIII ýVILLMUtle, (% ,,>FII .1.4Ausîgece for York sud Ontarlo, N4emr *avnt.on40-ly EIDWARI>5& h ipoDDBR __ . .. ..U.r grAndUmraiii ie@PG saiing. enuoaea vtria, àatatendre. M.O3YSTON tob e . itrmtb In- SmftOmfdJ~JoS tle.,hé b. V*opm.it i ft4 etee flaeylW a elyulm vrren boast qullty. 4WAn titve i i lasI'U UXB1UDGE. STAGIE H OUSE. iSÀAo FENTON, B EAT Wlflsmand liq nova, ISPelOrAOM niotalonfo~rve!sra;good stablingand ALBION HOTEL. 14 Ito. HM OUlE,'c ýrYOWAS TLTffIDÀLK,, Pre>*W.lt T li ltel lhan 11l4 u4on thorouelîly i-Te ljt4 teb.lue fond hIar *1wsl,ib ,npi.dIIM wl& ite tîqt. Ooo.d pccoînniodàtlon for Ti Vau boordero.sud gticoqtç. REVERE 1HOUSE. B. PLANK, -- -- Prpior t4c.to qteAnd front Whithj cmlli daly. £Véry ntcntioni poid te gueste. C lar d i att 1en- tive' enters. 9 JouN c. icHIJLLIlN, Acountant, Land sand Geneni Agent, AI<D WUTAIIY PUBLIC, car Ofie ln rater 0,lréat, ont door norlh ol Mr, t'lavn'. Prng $tore. wi14 Andd înugroved Flirms ln thLe conitticit .$ <rlarf[ sud kimnos for Ade. 4 N &' colieciouis tattitdod teand prompt IdlpanM 3, lion, Georro( rawl'or.l, I. Aun"%morigon, E.qM. J. 1V., b. Pnx,..rd. Emqï P. P. T T> %cCwikgv Lq, M. 1', V~ 2oh lu ry, E.q., Wd(ty; and cdi- Wr Barrieo aminier, canadIen 1'o.S, Liuudsy, muid Wltby CiiwicO,<ZL (LATE WUIJN'1,) 1ZIYO STRETOSHÀ A., JAMIES PELINOLEg, GLOBE ll(YTEL' T UEZ above wci i known, .14 entabhih J lioli mt,1promit.iaiohenuao)u. 1 tos ueon oîn bond realy te sttnd peosoaite tl ite of SnIbigt uent*, *c h'rit rmipp htave Ipeon convenienti v and ofortall itdn;j~tLdjprd modernim tprovement toeuake the Trveler q homednrifqrhus .taymnd teTb'bonuifui- NoticeA~o Parmors and Othors iyl'roof, l>y galion orb»,rral; >tc4aticlito <lIonlevit, do; do,.; Uflpr'o Extra Roclillc4 whiooLf o, io.he mct Port. Sherry sud Cognltt: Brndy for the .îck, wlth a1i.et Llqnoroitd(ýixjrs 01 the 11MtbrmndO.. Attetlioetira nd lorKes'to Illre. -A. ALEXANDEII. Brookuln, Jan.2tt.1068. 4 ONTARIO HOTEL. WHITj3'Y- O.DAWEs -- PROVRMLWt ofprpr accommodations, Osrefnl atten- tion W lte rolnremno tfiravoloresýi*Ud mptoi itabemsumoas?,mwt nd lsV J9Hi< fas ?UEincl. orltr UtIlE m nbuelbe Joias Wlfoiire. anun ae ramnreset. - As se îný ,tieyrer olmçI~is instrmuments emu be nudupt pitlit st stutcafrot wieh iitcitup e A cral blb, vn for sbrefPeoic limesu1stermd ré rete censdomo l tned Fzr.1TbEiljiptlitape 0< lte s togetîter uhIts ttm*omiist and un ylidft tePt" totà aliltyi. a power, #iida! e'til pnvitîy oet vbrait,4; u, epejr o easi qir Sîre.,4N<e.Potosf Pou» %&auudMug boazrd laollrcJuced, givrl: itydop.acte fflud contaon donu. i teévibra. tion el ai oi'dluaiy soundîlu;ioîrd aeteeui t'ou&,tug b. elning lgiu:nma, ui.itnee, atitoe ulu onl .31e, lia ac44itg-iodtlîîg lunlte gror., b 'Wio'CIitÎvkei tt yf.cn1,eug- iegmie muiid ilbratilon jSitia la'n pe; ,ents wu rlt,vblch inoot platna aor*e able tWý euoevu.r iue~liptle,#taudiutg upoi tbrce pei la sivmayaborlng cqetlty, viueuiier lime dorsJi Wei or not. îîrcvetmug Sur twttlig mtrli, »ehusvniiie Oit o darauge an jsinmstrtet nlgupon foui lepm, Tei.gioovcd bar of tait imatai cempooitioui boeteloro icferred te, place.the Il ion Clad eullmly lu lte .ltad,-he ouiu:d fron t I resultlna' lut groaier purlty, power xémily. ,*'blii làrougfi. sud lndlsiluietlui conparuaan. Eveu'y good miuinfacteer v museuh' mcii qutn- [tityofren lu île. otIi"norf-Iimuo.Yortem' * canuot ho dipensed vîit, frointhe .f.îet tiaI lion-fa injutrleus W lie productiou of a swcu. uaiunouuîoud-makietg laesud a roigi,hbord tWne. 1Wbateheliteliptleform iortitesqnire A(mn lu the beter li tb.cry Lé.a it for s'zea# W deiepo;%,, bnt tîté resutoftietive forma la ml p t o.abieuvry eai-besrtior ileaîud. A ntnner oet heu. ttyle ofet usruineutx, &Il vîit, thé. ahove patenlei l iovemettiq Oie he'.ig inuufurer ity er1péinced -vorknsen, lidlyts Ooiue iorcmit tl iltat lte lei.epeel'ui tf ai -viituinl . fete r clte re- .iî. Mfie lle viii ff cuti hel.ielJuejnor tait caci uces "su0ad appri-ciaee ir o.up.'r icrity civer allierInstrunt[ilyexaiuin ettgor tliemoetvem.. Theolieut Maieinetflite Provintce have gl"cn titeIr oliutiton tuaiâ for "ldnmmblity of con- strucionu, otiuiglt of ourit, anti clairance of abf iliIbsstylo of 1'iano o ulmido UwmI&vÀx.U.tuV' 'fileubooimrber hata giestl number of 'est;- mnîiais, wlcli te do"u not tîiuik ne.ucsuiy tW pnubllas ae ftotluumes Mannfgetuireplm 011'O onuth o.uebiteinferlor Intumuentathticnrît Iuitnaîeobtaitd ront innsianx for wite lIteau' ive un cm ivuent. Tiiia ii ientLc eeIould he, dea uged, muid Mie Instrumuetnt itolefnade te test. A r.ti Piano doca uot mtnti lu need ef ti<'se "crtllietiteo;; a grost juxtiy pemuonf gratinz aceh to*etiîinuisloqnow uollin. nire tIi, îrituciîile ofrlt eet-.trutetiomt cf1vieil() FoitRs, and" are enus*tquentl iy e'.jndges tW de- cl.le vitit amîy iies,. or cetainty. Etrry Ieuitruineuit sutiijId W lte ne*t Iluvi tu is uure Final PzmataI lrovint.iai Exiliî iou, ton i mîy tler Maunfactutrei,mine îny rt'siience luthlie Cottiilry,1I cm ioerinlued * 0kccptLie repnilton vileit 1 avanocftriywi- ltud b utrui u elt teat articesin y line, Y.. RAINIER, WHIT13 y, C. W. M ilS, SIONCIC, respet sipeelftuile ititf .i dli,, mid the publie, tlmît mute i% prepsrcd tlececure cil tor- due eut lier lio urompL; m'l reaucolahie. Lrdies auJ gceuttimai'e toit and e.lî.w bats ciaued, .5e., aiîtie1m1i veu lui aiik ou *%hoshoreumtno- tlieu 40 NEW CARRIAGJI AND - Waggon Shop S AIIELWALF.Y1t piepaied tenianu- f tactter. orjer, ml kinils of CARRIAGES & WAGGO)Ns, SL.EIGiIS. .&e., 1IX LATUYT STYLES, .kpairlng -wtll and- promptly 'Titres doors Erst ir i. Wm. Ling'u SWvo. Dois hî, Wittp, w lmL, .Jan,, lotit. 18<-e Farni for es'al1e TOVWN8ÎP of PICKERING. 1 2ACH"D, belng uort' itaîf e o lieN. 4, 11Zjrd t"îuzeesto f LOKEIgii<, near- ou itu e'.. initiai a tto of gooil eutiîalien, ahi.nd tetu , rtfnrtleior luiAftIt.,f*Ppiy te th. pro prseons hqpretutise.,(if' by bIter, pme" 3<1.1 pritta, oyeV a usi. au"à(oustai Osol Deli',uy, vi1 ninjsud for tse c onu f Qutanoie'us t Mous, llte Moni4ay J~FJ 87 AUtlset ti-1.0o is i Coro00r.nstli. iteBae i tti ,illt 44enoice Mud go lteont olfb7uF loi à AGEIuT. s L~UA/ E$TIMATHD MNIJAL R&- VNE1865v.......-oo FUNDS IIVESTED Iii CA. --AA............... 10,0 OfCjanAPA or Mor,rus y<ls ai f lelct> Dtl.rîBocku 01 .Sx.sw .. po eel.) ýo.Y. c h mEednt lecrotj r twir Tnsnrauwe for te gruuit.lon evsor det.ctrptaruet Pore rtyaoinotolowh elt runno rltve rstes. U-0 ad Ansito .oT'es adixp#4li ms mon ,u atefctirvc %Lorof A eLIPeo., 0 ' no ita h argff e fo t îlit aroy iavmonlu de5'ncàodho loumt Q)a. t .eloWf CI:iîlrn me ,emte fom c Aen. relsitoru. gr ýte'lonth mmlteorabla tiiT", auid u d,îTa llng peill Dur pted W istryiMM.' maTIIO . et mIl ciamUNIuN 000.AIiJIS, 1~ $0. GriAee Cl. WitStreet Orné. BuilJin, mar ite Me , 885Offce.$8 ASSURANR1 gO'Y T. FIJULUL ISUBRiBHP.)LS, IPtPiI IJND 11COMNA NAY*o CAPIRE LANC& : -NILARD, WAT. Capta TwCe., Gauterai Agent.. Fiiez, COLSSecretry, ce 885 h 887, Kay Zi,, leny hosion F5q.gent, Wliy YOn,nuu-4n Prleal olorpl ic m iidlutg. nemi eoIL Spielry Offie. IndatScecti rsAct c Grl Ae.-A; Caitltwo Ii-aLTLeNS STERLING Cu'OB rcgS,-uee nnîn, lalhuu Chll ri LY Betrft ino li'rxcz tonBidiuts W'ilamItoiuarmn on, be Cîirnd IfThoutu. Yonng, Daîhill" onne, ito ih h Bînwcs ,uaolAnna liant. k Lr*t Antms-Shes. Tornce & Marr, i atnteAu0410uaM-Wm SuttiuiandM.T OSfi, 10911 -Jsme Lp86u0. , 24q Temoa-ecGatmli'iJs h .lohnsnn. DUNDS OTI L.U, AIIIAKS J.W ,ORIA BORT. BOSS, Ju;.. -ui r liEo icthre ba i ni reetalhedo lci MONEV T0 LOANzf LYMon Ma Famé aSth, - Ban uelp Obév,. qe granteil iifi ' or elre saseor ag?" XIne U e-dIite$ 0] lmy pou*ie on lt. 0 -3VOTî. Ai a tromtlpîiberaa n touerab déetlô 211re',l mt eslsi o - e ÇoqpamY itsrelued n, ofn BLOW,- - " RITRCOLONL SJC<,ESSOES TO TUE Canada -Âgeney Association, 01P? tiinlIf.NENGLAND, I;Aro lnge ug cformonny te land ont in ýr«Frnj-.f.or ermî.. Neoe"uitmiefin or altlier eeMnse., ieyondusud tl n>iterces for couur',ymtting înd vaittation viii te tmade. For tenus, .&i.. AppIy te, Soeretary, Box 74, Toronto Or fe JOHN AGNE W,. Vinaler, Wltttby. 10 7 -' 1N1UANCE COMPANY OP ENGLANVDWsLIMITED>, For Fire. Life and MVarine. CAPITAL, £1,0004O0M, STERLING. Cnuvottr a-7 Waerloo Plac, London; 77 Kiuig st. Mancester. CIIAIRMAN.-J. Torinini Mliert, Esq., M. . $or Oldhm, Reoin Club, London,,muid tie Grange, . inuton, acar Maneiielar. OU1-NEIAL SMANA.- terllrli iey. Eaq., M. A.. formonl r Feiloi muid Saaile- nuM Lectutrer. Qneem'u college, Cambridg-'. -Ai ndOffice for E.If, A.0 Ontarie Bail, (Jitrcit Street, Toronto. Maiue iukos fron t IApril W 801h ]oveun- bar, amcptei at loveit ratg.. SCOTT A DEFGRÂSSI, manager», B.NB" CAPT. R.LTTROUAS, - MaireIu~nspecteri., Joux AGNEW, iWbitby, M1areh 14, 184. Agnt NOTELOS Afper <mie eiteM 'tione4 asmellst A- ,'ne4ceLAS T ' or rclita anote for $0, imde tyla u,FtIELD, lnlo fver cf DAIm. MO" 0J t te uuder»iig- ed. JOUIt A. TEE, -uirle13hFeb. 1867, 7 uiret,,o-n , , IlWa mum Mma Appli e Feray20, M71. VXSUAJ&T to tite Ast Tse% hng tu"11 utrneCoiupMnsutus(2?,-Victo Cp 52ilsncting or the -reehtieru cf Cor- pu icn orise couiy cf <>tui,wl held IN THE -- TOý NO-F W'T3Yg, TUE SAID COUNT ,ON Uit* y 2r8 oh nxtf ATT nous O07101 X, Pý . For ttepu 09 ot ommsti gvbeitr Itb1 IlzpdJet tablisilu s"Id Vnutlya c1pi, eft , lnaurscc J. 1. lerrv uouameCoavtib, J. B. Bickell, oies (fshan,, S. B Fmî;rhmutts Robert MoLaran W, 11. GRAMi, Chr$ýbCsurcr 0 ., Xcii a«rd1n0 Kobth 1ïpeumnn, Jus. lleuderou, Walter <Ulnihsrd, John Walter Johit sinnos, Goa. Mttiteli, Janus plie, Samnuel Tbems, WlimSntt Jiohn Ilovdcn, Wilztm Tieoutpsoeî, Johnu Thtomt , cIltBryans, Joutbepit h o.u a, li Citle Robeit Miiil, E. erry, Win. laing -.t Bores. Jaunes H1evÀJ . sSpers, Win. jeflr, oTboupnpt John Wat , J BE. Meutgomcery, Yds'.,' Mer, Je 40", Vm. tl , Mi î. ParvetI N. W. B îmll. 1h,. Ira B. Caenter, Y. GI aT- , (tee. W one, Jamea ouig, Jeisre ella, Dnit on, Gaco. Kingttom, ulnle I .vls0, Jack Ilolllda Go. 0 600e. idie, Wn. hio Hlt titanr, uJohnuTvec Ja Titeney, '&W. y llopk jI Smith. Ciai ÎPuy - J i lerigtut, <Johin 1Wih JoitutWiis And 200 othais. Ohancery Sl UP&$UAIÇT te a pfwciofethle Court -of HIAMLLTON And vit it eappr DARTKIILL, thime td Court, as Wbtbj master, naIis ObCit studay, 8d PURMU NT le a 1,eerco litsCourtl otfolvivlu ri it . mnmln a se of iauIL tn ton,ti s tt "ar - tton, the cr ist eeiuhOfo GEO fHA IJJLTON. COIJNTY'( TOWNS P IKEEIG, tu tiiC, 0 ONOTAEIO, Yioman, lion. plte trs -vite dled ouior na 1edAy et APYm' mi, ie .lcis. it â pen ihe f#u, *vIti ~izeonh -ôkK~14ftIt., <rontilt n r Wb Ta ,,end bvpo id .) -W l. . -Thteeoodilfl oa IANE Mgs4,4 rtai' iniluiatrii dltlonso<fteCut of lta eesmcd r rWsciuoSrnaone, otgalln àtdie.sspd - ;r s itefull iileidar, . ii.laid il lb. ou of tbecîr e ml n -ot Oftlueir se. ttie a:uas, for 0t cn'iL , ,atne lt Utlo ilt if uI nwAtec' aI ci tpuy,)h#id hl m, -lu fmt here Mod iu.Olt<ao e"Oa lua vil . u -età.ded *fronthéliste b~uil6, bemd t'fthi i- Isry Créditer set fe.tht holdng ny -ri~,lu preinçe theastom# 'fiu pnrelieae o OL o IntiieI. - atç are e tl, luedo mconveeyalte ii , !ho ,:uuilr yoUI ly, ye Iolt tn te epolld for udbatiug Jei$berprttetiia lipelsui WadcWMl., - g* - ail if;0UIlï M lietouofi, ,4! P,, i-nd W.DILBDlasi,2 -. ~~Da BAKE êJEJ19OD -i 1 R -',,.. vs.BRITTON, prbaiontof G1IQFooy Il. unden.lgned lMaalei cf tis -y, vill te sotd by lte sal itobera îyren Sot, lu F WHITI3BY. th, Naretl bt,p kla tite siteruooiu, able fi-ulsnd,huaI la te or of 1. Uomeen un- 4rh cooeicasouof tii OF ONTÂRI, uuosor le.. uearly lii. ruslteidll anti nn'ier m maiff 14 6!.4 a'go amiPntahl, Bp- sud, utw a n Oýrelsd, ant iveil l% la d#u tivoi mile. anJ laCree, u egttnl'. of tmucefqlt ite fa-oi- ' muin Ite s 'upfi rven pt-r c>ut, pgranuin la A ÏiOtehy. -sud 4dst4 Wyii gpýbàm*allt lioie )lu a Jepoi4 t, ePre- ,#euTtJflt 0<,éi.kOr ber Whou d.a el4 i t; oesUj4 Tii... marinera rouind me _ 2Are mJrtidiJ7.qfltO- T&I ybraue ntothet lllows, Beyn4litemqtsyA. , 1 Té) stcer'liis eonuras bakiiad;' outmslikim1e, Again. ta it ta'ri Th yleuti arrie, Àsioletgraut 1v,. t 'As la afor iist-u : ,Mindetd. rogirtsai, TIlithebaiud toftrom g 8L- ý Ml~djguMy I b ome, "Now rovidence kbasiUveJ 15.1 Tbelev TorkiPâd stieba, foreibly ez- posl e se iadie ,put upon ltepeople of ts Umilsi Buas isj teprotetiouletà 1- "Whdt li ealed 'l betdes ef aature SM likelly o bie. tte- lofic i ititis eotry,>and nisai wlem beau imaage te knock o o eed isgoilsoaul sud' mieaolt ioor.coiegee bavre tee, training ep oflate1 andwbo go about dioceeiag mev isposifs of *tidit eab- amrJly que6'Usinerai v eotl ,'vo@hall #reueaiygo Desr teloe rinc4 For ln- atanee ebri la an artice of grea* nés aMd' mewsky i varions imdasp- '.;util lately v. bave importetlil it owabreai, and bave ibeau "it. obteae 4,in à 'te of tbs disanoce Ïilbbte:trs4orted, iasa tolorab!e rate. But mot long, alisa ata. rai depotsil of emery was diaeovee4, !a Xaaaeltmtts,and the ovacrs of ildesing tu vork it, immediately demamisi et Con. greas te iay a beail dmly ou foregueatery by vey ef proteeliagiteom. Tlwermltle, thet ai i o e s mry VOL bave tei pay :a itigiterpricefor i tesbfriql Canaswusare so nnlackiy as te poissas a natural of il at home. Tit sani letrac, of borIa:anarticle >et absolate mecesity in many msý%1 idnSlrie a. ttil l ieiy, 'Ire 1obtolaeà borax rom Hamrpe ; ot iontg agoý'soîùe prluf mineralogiat lo'uai a aappiy in Califoris; and inslmutly clou- Ireai w aïked te lai a beavl îdnlois borte te 'protectheltsowttera of lte itme M.tpply. Tu& a etesamy, beessasPrevideoce gave, car eoamtry ibis element of maturai vealtit, tiamith a iIothers are le pày double for, &Ulthe beraztheynu. I11ea*» letrac' -of several eathy coloaring matériels, chromes, viichbave lateiy, vs bear, been dlscoveri sad, utiiized in Maryand, te mnfaetrers titers bave nt once demami. .4, 'protection' ty a&iteary dnty >ou- lie, 1foreigo articles. la ail:thege instances vs baie ressen le compiain. tbal lte-Creator bus cmrsed sirit this vhbiph;p eopl#tg. snrdly cati 'maturaI vshî.' -If vo hast ne sappiy of emcîy in maaehaets, Oar vorhmem mighî cotinfue la bey cheap emery abread-9if Calîfrmlsa i ot a sapply of bora:, ire igit contine e bal ubeaup bora ; and se ento the eadof tite chapter. If the geologlsas *n minera! g- ioas doot stop dlacoveri , îbiags lu onr soil, weabait preaentiy bave te pal double .<fr everythittg. I le already one of îhe 1gresteai calamilivticWià 'asbappento l the country te discover a mev ted ef sali or other important' minerais. Thtefrltfr va arc, te'pgoorer vsa"are likly ta bc miaie;'itemore liomulifmlii Proidece bas blâed ns,"tliote rstbotengitly vs ,rJ leci suî* d itegeolglis, lua matcit- lng ~ ~ ~ 0 e1crlir4ea$,promisete make th: el caa ies dir as~cie acorse Fta the peoole."0 REr.Zet. Tviitel wuas temoit moisi Ketitsipr«e ir i 1eruon for aitrewd and langitable -smyimgos, lau dis piiîhb maftisiasitbervl t aisfmer suad .zpreesioosbttest:of lte polpi b. arteriovei tb fa n. Oeslua e w i , f e . e r g e n e y a s m e i t o r e q i s f i , 1 e trodUc> sounelblg queer lu a sermon for lte# Ulme of monamg tue dagging alteuilon ef busissséaeere.Seint -ltat lbis audiences .vas Èeltlag sleepy, te panaed i!à bis dis- oaurssoi dgressasfoUlsi "ltretheru, yen baveu't an7 145e o!f te 1sufferlags ofeOur nlimaries lu the evw WTt manto Es in setio ci lite ejins ar emormons. À gisat maq o f îltu ui vslgt a Pouud, si tcf iie V1getion iogas aud burt viten ttho isiomarles aregolmg B i tis tttle 1etaites *et@eopen.- ed, ami ho pr.sseded , us it bbis dis.-' 'course. Ttec 7ett dal onis'of bis l&aarte*salleu. hins te'"eeomut for teIli lies lat pé1- lte 'gmogsrîuqu,' - galion saretr ztrems ceucera:te tthe ladies, *ite bave se nomeoalladopted lbhe.'bait etf vdMng ttesepUrèbtaéd âlkz,~and mamy vwilI teSA4>tslonger te carry- tupoul vhoe. egin inonly. leusa ppalli ltasf titeit immense nPomer, ,titei& nimifed pover et raprodaction, tteir eamy avalie img ftoniLortmsucT inte acivity, and heïf seeuriîy Iroimeititer detectioa or destrns&# iom. litte lades pondee ACCMEuAwr.Es. SATTE r.so v.G-419191 UN.-On eBandayi'afteruo u naccident' -al W.iuinocmrlathe -iew gar seul but fortnuiaîely vras net aitetded vitit falt ieaulle, alihougit a compte cftem -iai d inarrov escape. *Il secuna uitlSergeanti WsVkcly an dI Routnds'verse, nga ged i b itoîing boles in'-nome "bursiers1ý_or ublalo couliùhitg nsiy titree'-ounces -or FoU'4e1 ascioi, a a ul building in tilsbarract yard, vitich wvaused *as ss ruourer's uho9p for lte Royal artllbey. , A moment - tefore lte explosion occarred Sergesmi %%fae1y vs aitverk ta - aruae in ond ceornerof te room, titicli vus abolit 207 feev long- by 14wd, andgergesmlBeando vias dmilliag a "ýbu's.ler,". Tite formsr hlvit'g beard a biesug souad, anmi f sl.iitb imsgîniig ltai an expiesion'was about tW o='ur abotdi o bis compacte; eand b ti spraug intQ a corner sud "greunusi" oi lay douiu- Thes nett Instant on expomoit uéocur.idensidâuabie àtaM'oiur#ei The reef va*sblownt off die tuildinj, ~a te »ils, viticit voe, of atone, &adi- .*aii* oasutiali re eonaiderably stautleei4 i* of tarage 10,88Saytse u wvan tateit oouI vîit bilfev bninriue., -'waely iecivaw- omlys afoirscratces on lte besd dbdy# Lnt-ilaceauan u bs ired in. sereral plaeusH.evas iomoied-lo lte Iuspit4 but -ho- viliihte9ut again i a fv dayt. fi Seuu5 there vere smme eigluty 1,istero'f la the buildiug at lte lime ofthlie explo- sion>, asud t- if trsmge tiit th ort *of drilliug boica intem sitonititave - besat csrricd on in- suct cloue proimiti te 4 feruace trou iiciusPaikse vite ylin $l oter.tits rooo.-Leadr. The laboofette Protection amutshil bionlits forth s very litide mus-tW'.ý, dmîy ont vool. - The resmît vas osu4ent - fitovevî, to gi1e au ides of w-' ', viieht arinlitaffect 1the verknli,è as -the 21rdn otauds. As 40*4 yoot tarbifY became a cerfaiuty, propriclora et veoiqa - faclories inu Islsd uiisilagiiniag mcMe lo.*lbel ltit leu mm psl lter ui auytbe vitl sffori i4 te Mpeeprlifmn - - t' meslrf GALL M dit treou. WLU, P b. o. and,' on- 0,

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