Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1867, p. 4

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tou w Sousth-boit 1, a ,jont J. -BAIE r, MI,, VO UINE OF. STAGESV RTnmn le. Mas'I9.30,a.-,at elle a.m ", crtto ,îOhw -o in rotgrin !W t Cnhnu og*Ln'. wLatnl0on îgItt 1 lit roesueNIlla r.ritay o x ' t..acrelu t hi a r o i ga tors wllImi o ir.ls ox t@r rc or ruooïmt lw:saw a..bu sd au taiforad CIIEAP 0STÏOYES tir Hte1Cooklng Stores, A*rdoultu*al Jurnacos jhat iwill pay for tdiernolvosin on. Put upwi th ire n'hold-&sts. e~ New lininge pu t in old odtoirin pronmpty attend- AU1 kinde produjptakep in elohante at the@L STAND, IlW WMýBIIAN. Br1se, Whitby. .Vooey f) Lýao. AM Ilunld r ud»o baiéL.. ùgm or #@taiocmrtyo iisomisn posli bulroeriw, filt£j$Vs* esodeiah ais o <f iVhrai Ape!y " în it muuuSMsnbcsto re s llefWemaÙak tvportDnite4taT.,NG eba NI. y,..l., ON 4%,# j .M. ,WIV- y% **4.aU don, EW ,P Moto'otaIisia iW l ,sept, nith0U5L 8 F~rpfo r Sal e. premuicf LiN, 01. 0 QaiL and # 1fo O Boildiiig -Lots. Thse tôlliilog lIa fLotis, wtt! b. mai41.,o (Orqwsb, or ià sut Uttiin a tunerIZ. lmLut k S on. mint, 200 Actag,. t M, 75.1h 4" moliet', 200 66 W3< 18, M11"Tmoroiatlo100 lé Wh 7, $rd '~ do 100 si lom 7, qui Bonnt 200 leut 11, , b"Uxu.rlidqeg200 ~ lt<19, SM là" Ieàehi -100 J'nt 7, front ounSwfîloIg . ldt2,do do 66 OU 7, lots-' Sonservilti, 100 el Lot .,9ftbI" do 210066 lIt s i ii *I do po064 let 8, 12111 "l do 200- dé Lot 9 itila s do 200 si l'ot 11 ti ii' do 200 66 liAÏiIl. Otti ds 24,0O di SME l527Thid" -Wlilhy, 60 d Baeravi s,hisuhl îti log ltla fr bnîlîroi', 'ndlpivI lli uccale t uireo 01Lied Orafrtisr an iSmattoil. Appt>' la, *ROJiT. E. PERRY. 1Wiiluby,)4*rob, 1845. Whiîtity 112 Laod Circular. [L1UT Of 04etod WIMle Lt*, snd iprovod FARMS FOR SALE. ,A lo. prion. and on long tenis of pament. !dara-Watt ~411 ~i1î con. Ion mrcp, *~ Iith 100 Mleî 100 S Rb " u ot 15.1 4tIs 2M " lt 1, y. " 104) 66 ~52. V. 04) fi 4-, B. id 00 6 Tho taut t.. Loto aljnln ttîo Monek, (Gnv. avîtl t iro.1d.) nsî'l tiou > ihor Lotosl I ma, Fire puit 9 anduî4ntie* frotu oii itous. DOzeyioY t2: MIS o4n: 200r4 ei Id S, Gal River &J dé dé l, sortia Wa'st %y. 5 SOMERVILL.. Lot,12h conesmsstf SM9«0%ra, wti tiis oa .7 i begvgam Oos'.M"nn Mud andsi îvanot to Mfils, keioolea, , ELDN-WatK24, &àh ocaisson, 100 35 ~i J.I.pEERY. Iam~for Sale, lx PICKERING. And dM00tth*a,,Us quarter 0of141<..Né, ln 0tis çqia oe'oîa. eoutstîsiting 40 irress, Tigra h'lesa oasýt flm," um 'Aa'd s rani. lionge, ns al$ 4)f thé «itiPA RuIsent i ralr- eMraaa a'. Bhti.44 For sale'# ' tais .w iliisrgstgatbrso fnir Applv toi ALEL WWN .1Aabbmr;o.,. Aabm,, cOe t 10 . - 1.ic4 NOTE, LOSTI. A lipiosaetaa, ,sêaSa.s. West, Toronto. on hand. The proprietors of this, ilities for manuf.oturing Carrnages ýiition, eithor in pnice, s tyle, or fres, vm no3 , AD . i 00)jiiulng ithé n#' alliid<et .,Mo. TÂ>TS omit.taUrty.fO'n andi oufs't4il dap w stiie, Il fe 1 otT.oBrccAlse o S Strs'egt -Con McMltttî'u Stock and i ; 'oo lý; hop-21 feetlo tslr tilos, by 96 loet doopt o àsfisle. 'sForbuinies u pr>oaau, dia..pro"artloa aro 8!J0100. locatious. 2 Loto-Fenmel, ALSP O -ioteT0dneo Jup. il Uarrlig. 4 Loto-Ïfsnsicd, veut tof lta e mthoiosst Cierois. 12 Lots- Y..îicest, knavn as thin id Irlele noiv pjsuete the re..ldemseo of Jan. 8 Lotop-Venicsl. nortia ofrbhe rclone o f U. mcBns'ney, 4 Lots-Vaoe'i l ot li i rcusieanco! o Jolin flaii. 3 LoI.s-i!nneelvest of tihe reildonco of J. J. gharper. 2 Lola-430orof v entitani .lin f1tre.. woot r thoeremi.k'î.es #f L lis1tiucak. 4 Loto *44"tlg artiiss $î. 'on tri-si Y111,1 1 Lst-its, t it# reut.#letco-st' J C. lkone 6 Loii-Vogi'.a*.. "n Brook Mîrset, nornili o 90 Village TAta, piansii;î.tv sitntlad < or privai. reosideiea ln b raviaspart» of thi oms Willl ha mud on long tories orpayonvnt. J., HAM FERRY. Wilitiy, SeM.pt. Si ,- Greateit discovery of the lOth Century!! 1 Patene.lleved wibout takîmg Iledi. Oise 9 Egyptian 0Oiu IYIJLVEB PAIN INSTANTLY. Noyer ape heotueteiruof oipdieoncin rtd dwned aai m eitut bour typvcpirtio Nc -pn heii imloit'e finsitt ad evlie ah. acshe, s aiiu silstts&Obfe bo it la. m oppedilly dihe V.GYP'mAW (>mt.. No onigsac eau n r i et s£lquaiic is i al. rcdkisie ali aniAM4i ravcuq 4chmngo avll a ma l'ai,. inpmnifierboir excreciil. disiupsri slnde i 0n1111,ace. me E»'insigNboe. ld he s h. bnci .usi 'lrmos.sy. and the ""mi -Praaffl i l'u i on- mmien it 16si m Iealo PL No nu( Wit dia wihsn, tgarbo hbu cd ilallser-lin (aM, is'Nimessv tc . dgTiA%À OiM b091. * ""itotndtt".sludN nias etsitv faes'nwold ailI s.lwv aiivlIvsgirepa 55iduio. lihu it ajorpu tsiiin rcdutgtp olmnaihIio MIî us0fluai onasltt*'iohesrtm commciaîsmsl tlm pullN ot'uii i'bv.chiia aieUnbtme tr mqusinît unt by a fmw Igites N. u i"o(Rbtonantlmm or rNcirti4a liwcav ut-.. peroeatalm abs m.yiel8it >y theAmpiN. coliomt uit j'rO'sw Isstrviandsm ari T ,ro.FCVMpen 0O1 if Ibm cuir vmalta'ruIail. O u liytielen. Il wriellolrs tii.wsw.i tCam.sftmdmhelm. Psni' 'sqhtitlo ii V.814sskm"te a ia Ns'i rp. uiv o u eohf ratgkldo isolhaussi ilnz Pl rniu FIIGTTAW ifoMrcarén .. m s.Nmavlli. Oni.ao hsvl, mo pusu'f Tas lhlg. islca ismn.@o.. fita liari" . Hseqn itm o;,5. l v., i'ou .sh.sil.t procura aui fim orthelii V.avt- a Ii, cicd) liebr. iai kIaadfor l$ euîmiéiy ut'Mrsfu aoepasgmuets ctfliig. id cros us . meapanc ntst rtsralggsicsg iii Oa the iiiobi «id wIsllmwostag foriha lr tman. Tue e4yit.iff U 1t4I a ~u4 .smll Nr inssPaly ail e.r.andIoturM siliy apoaitl i.hrdqufra nu.ami. tituues vuît'isa liik*sishir rpm»daetle1c ms>4 s' en csit Ml oal awsty n ma's quse>tiy qn resi i1inie uIo, ifcg, 4a 1 10ium, lusomerotef lf OtN .v m a(0r P gntwm it Simuiui huibirmtmg W crfm ofoée t pvanioi i sw lho. tir«Io uuiblie. prire, 4erouie andise 'ot"re talia for sBale la Whttby t,,' Farm for:Sale Or, te Let, vithin a 4196,01! ~i On. PLEUJUCHANCE# MONE.y R!QU IR ED b. e elaqtiMdfosattble village 'C C, - .CXELLPaL Ul0lior, Ctnni (b»uotrr.aL Isitapa14 (SUCBgSOS. 70 WXL L,) Cabinet Makers <U.phol- sterers, and deal.ers in ail kinds of ýC abinet Fur- nitureî Rave nowr on band, the Iargest'ald Most select Stock to be tond in the Country, whicb they are selling nt prie. to suit thie tines, being dixtmfeed flot to bu undersold by sny bouse le tho tUade. C~ali and cx'imine bet'orepa)rchaming elsewhere. A. choice se- ecetion ot (Jilt 3Mouldings, (-Il,w'kun ,nake. 3& 4 BROCK STREE£T, WHITY. NEW Iwo BAKEIRY H.- MceCHESN-EY,l Woôu!d intimide to Itbe inhabitants of the Town of %Wlîithty anîd the (3ounty of Ontario, that he bas opeced an establIishmez-lit of the abovc description, in the premises for- merly occupied by MRILR.SNOWV. Ile rc3pcctfully solicits the orders of the Publie.. 52 FALL ARIVALS- D)ry .: oods & EGroccrfrs, THE BEST IN THE,~ MARKET. 'Ihe Dry Goods Depaîrtrnent embraceq "vaicd and superior assortmnent of cvery thing in the Dry Goods li2le - 'I'Iîo GCrocery Department is replete witb choice Fresti Groceries. WIN£$ AND >LIQUORS, 0f 1 le beat quality alwvays on ba'nd. 1hîbtl Oeîoban 11, 1866. JOHIN-FARQUIJARSONl FRANCIS KELLER, Repreonts the *foUowlng well-known Cmal ÂGi I PE CIA L -NOTIC-E1 Single Reape rs and IYowers, and Reapers and' Mowers* (.onbined. The ubsribers would eau th e attention of the Agrcultural eom- Manity (0a tbefr Stok 0(Isnpl.mntxi* wboe.lll b. found almoa eveyhng the Tsf- , er ina require, sud aspecially st th-l a mon-oft ha year. te Lir Stock of REAERS& OWERS, Of several kinds, and of the Latest Make. To which ail the La. test uajrovements fournd necesaary by practicable tests durteg Lhe last semho, haie been --ddled. 13a11s Ohio Reaper nnd, Mower combined, Cayuge Chief lteap- ir and Moirer combined, the Manning Singl*e Reper, the Cayugs Senior Moer.-Of sny and ail of the aboie Machines, ire uvite a trial.Tbey are manufaciurcd *!th I are, of the Best M.lPaer4d'Workmantsldp And can be guaranteed to'the purcharer to gi've satisfation upon A FAIR TRIAL 0OU NO SALE. BROWN & PATTERSOIL. 1Whitby, Jely 4, BRYANT STRATTON & OIOLL' Business College & Telegralphic Institute. No. 55 TrONGE STREET, TORONTO. SaAlianreto fifre on lilter,. Wlalt1rTe, (; EOEGCEAx IWO Photographlo Galery; &&'WILINSON,$LOE, T fF Prorrietor of tile aahoyo Gallery W#)Ila foirotel'nIliic tisat it 10snowirbheicuit complet. lu the Prorluace. aa.1lie uh o paes ta talc. Pîctora, itta# ln ]PKOTOGRAPHBS, AXBROTY. IPES-MELAI()TYPES, Or muiv aller mode oftlio Ityxtic Art. SV" PMiefAmLoeasanother GeZZryia Pie£. Qunty. n assne ased so ckboro Qieuavligroom s «Il, end usme n vork o orevi W'Aut ~ary il l lào194. W. I OGL ýWhbiWRay 28, 1845. Farin for -Sale ~~K. GOBE PU & II AATT( (>lEc-.ovrrLvs- -bidiy. C. W.- Csm. D. OtR CHALESCITl AI li 0- Olipor i. . v . U publie, 1W bith5< HAUe IIEOVEl) hiTTa slicrain 1lsàOeua ?t Office... WlIdy, Jure 2, 11;4. L.. NB., MIUNTR C.A.. à S3SIeO oictorCain OM, Whitay-.W to E.IÇDIEW .X I3 AISTER ANT ATT Solicie a.ance -& caetrf.ice Wiutby, ere 27,1, TUE LIVE aPooL,, ,-'AND LONDON A» GLOBE, N"Tl bm» iv tbotounda aller umso unuiteulhourd dtheia e nedarg THIE EDINDURGIT 'LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., vill »PPIyta I be Josigo fniaohesSourtm, li CAPITAL $3à00,om, ue iaaSA0. Douaes miWhltby, in tbaeCom Iontafo, PROVINCIAL INSUILANCE (lo, 0 (CANADA,) th.S1adyMJêur,.4. TN - 0 -- .. RAMER u zuw<aou DÎiITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE 0e, (OforONthe WESTERN INSURANO UCMPANY [0F ENGLÂD.Paro, to Reot. ACOIDENTÂL-DEATII ,INSUitANGO 0e, rENGLANDJ ÂCW g.batnq c eioflh i mfu, CLIE 41 lop OAO 5 ata7th enaSàmon nt the. PEMAEN'3UILDING & AVINGS SOCIETY, [l!erontoj Tuos~oTrm Ill ju ta Iaad fortenuiof LV' Ail chias., et 7*ra. habufld a~o iesprotuor.ar AUda fproe! ty inmrd o eaumwabié t.W=, Ais., oeySd~41ln6ootsJi&Jmly 'Imoufbon i eaftw gîrstu fl>and, ll inrpaàuion gina fpeely _o BppWUUaei.Ais. agent for Provindial Tegieph coapsuy. r ADiAhe7hom im PaEG. ]? = e a fl labvu sh wa a W owiy h, 197.*4i, 26 1

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