Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1867, p. 4

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1' TWO UUNDRED ACRESý A 10 scaard, log bous&,, 'PIsai Ji onlsita&Wh.d iiâ ome fou« luilus thaaan*pcd, TILLÂ F BRIEd iIotn.hlci sudsà Port.fa tttmps 'rusLotail liaco t oi coup 1, at, h.îo o,. TOKAS -& 11 L î q' loi ce Pr(in e' ta 60le$1S. ngors fronÀthtae rt 49 is o a fu , A VI )& et (slesfre hatg@, l 011000sies coeouli> hcod te sud J'sr#@ livrd itla 4o# roro tomoU *ayor hmsfores hi onr ack tm ou ghsd ad b'< l Minpuluo -..lL-~Ia~Coduetlij aoagltu ÂND.nes,- wîl ay fr tmmvsiù oameAN I$d U mVoneytY oI O NI Haudrod 'Pli ndlIais t L»oin ou Morigaqa sa0 ty, ums to suit btorovors, ntea7*ry morto luteocf lutorout. Appoot o efr- au otrWr- houa, $0JOHN 1HpDGSON, Eu'fifanos kthî permitted te T iblt.b, Es? 10:1'.! ira w, M. C. Cam nnE JEt nub on y, b jv. J.B. Worr.t Int vanosws; Wmn. Lunia ,Wht. by;-,1Rev. L. roor f ell eoaU t o m so. io, p lo r> rthourMan oq., aod liou nus; Jouh1s09 Iodon, 90., Uakl- e là: L.t, ict,i, 15. -8 11 mil. to<nath.? aita ph Lt o.1 F,0.l u tii. otit Ors owusl e en a r onIf P4.y ooo . Clark- i~~~ 'Ilta,(î.ad) hty O I TruyErsubsibrbg c alth ttention of ae..out seWiu leiwlch I.wvitont s dosbt.eus of tOil bat ovor tôt np lu ca,îagia, «hncallend siultha BBQWN * 1'ATTEESO-N. 1666.l 13Kingt.Wtest Torono -Alarge variety of carnageson' hand. Thé proprietors o0th Il stalihmet, oussfciitiesfor manufactnriiig Carnages 4lt enable them todèfY cpOmPt'on, either! in price, Style or ni1,OCal and see for gourselves. 3 Land For,,Sale foido Lt OPli telwngIu c osvi a uolslot wu 7, rd " do 100" Lo ts 7,70<" flmont 200 66 Ltil, 7th " U5,ýbl4i 0 200 "6 EJi-100m L.otlý 0front 61 soouritflo, - Lo 2, do 66" -do 0 Losi: 12ib do id0'~ X ~ 272nd"J -Whiiby,- S0O6" sevaral vinatilo buîiullng (ota4 for bnutteos, end privai nieluto.Towns. of UnE 'Yèr foitherlftonîhlou, Appi>. ocf ROBT, E, FERRY.,. 1Whitbig maiOIs, 1865. Whisthy 19 Iand, :Cireo'lar. FARMS -FOR SALE4w" AýlpIo Pim nd on lu# t f ptymant. 2is tit " 100" 66 66Lo 4$ ' -181b " 100" 66NS 16# 6 Soi " 100 d 16 SOnfthV 16, 3 Bi " 00 $" si Lt 1, P.6" 100 di Io, B. os 100 4f *U 14 B~~< 100 di Thiolest t" Liots ajolu tIi, Kuk, (Gov- armoi-troed,) end theochier Lobe-luaMe, are but 8 sud 4 mles frcms said Ricd. BoxIy-L1ot .12, 10h dou. 200srat.. 6 N Pt 4, lut Conl. 87 4 dé SJ ,ïà~v'ar. 665di '6 14, Norhi West Bey. D7" 8,-ERVJILE. Lot',<Ih eenoeauou, 2M0 Oro%4 vithîn 2 ëula of be oa eyon Qevernutnt Boad, auoocuvointto 1, 80001,&0 5arn fôr -Sale. BIN h.Botpart of tie South-hlf of LlE . c, u h SOi oesion, cou- t.aig aàbout 85 scie. And *iao tie South quartor cf Lot No. 10, lu thea oi cc04ustieu on otaniug 50 seras. Thorefa ego e b.anm sd s frsmo bciisaon aehlîof thé aîd FAUXMO. sud veto- Î1ving uprlngs. jW»'Ptie Imsa. For winmo, e&"f. ous llard, on re lot, lu the. front of th on., (roomwood P. 0. (pre.pmIi.) pI'lcle, NOV. 20, 1806. U For gaie. ACCedconcessionoschàeailune dhigsa te of cultiration,ensnsied down god nw foia.uized barn , fâ7m vol! * Appir te, ALEX. BROWN, Aihhuin P. 0. N iTICE. A PPLICATION vWii hamadaeAt tte next .M eu nc i ryuliParieot for a cthar te onostruot Ae lslve>.front soe point o 4en 0ntarie. betvoon tha Western limita of theaThvuaiipcf Wesit Witby anîd %iusgo lt Ilt théieTovrnoiip otEut WltbtbyOPort Par>, on Liii. Sàagog.- LOWS &POWELL, 'n Th Loetale tiîlrty..seveasd #on-tid feat front, on.Brook Streot sd 96futé luoha Lot T. on Brook traotbawaan Kollln'. stock sud Buru'. ho. hqp--21 feot 10 lncha front, by-e fest déop to à lie.. r o business propoa, thas. propartias ara 2 Lots-?eoteth adk cc o <a,. ader! 91p", uarolou, 4 Lot#-yen Wesvat cf tihe mothodist 12 Lofsw-yonecd, knovn as the. 01J1 Cricket «round, eppolto the rogldouce of Jus. 8Lote-onecod, north cf the raoldouoa of Bf. 4 Lota-Tancad onth cf thé reshiDncaof Johlioeu.l 3 Loia.-Youu, West of dis resldonc. cf J. 4, larpor. %LOIu !Corner cf lent .sud Jolin Street## vagit c o remolag.ocf Lavis louck. 4 L40offl ofthe b.tsm Griot milii. 1 Lt-Bout of thé misdacocf J. 0. Bon#,. Lots-Yoncid onBroSte, rrii Clark'# ilotoilBokStet erui Woidmi va ldo o gtes of phe Towt, R"M PRRRY. Whîtby, .set O, 16".Dg Groatteet dlsovery of the lOÙ C.ntUry 11 PainRihvl dwIib us Iektug 11.41 'Egyptïan Oul apea t endOis iaY propiiien beoss lutradaca tohoo Vwiillvlno tha c esid on iii Satta niedlsta dauiu iraa schange vblh Itecci uflIt e Whboo esuffarig. Pain, ho mneteubhov oornciéllng, dl*ipp.rumnd Prompt lu hailaction, "Or mW o te toorid. No ceeýý to t de w ttitothaoued ilcaca-tu ttc4 vhoever ah. IUYMIUJ<OIL ba. boas itarodaoed i us enilrel1ouperedim iunther paih-roleillg. PP raions, lIàni.scoc ist u nredibilo ulitht 011 t. that cempisints berctofbeocéoilIered b>. ami- = utPhysiciai I ncurable.,eait froquonti>. caredbb>a 1vbonles. Ne an"ie efthbanatiaci or Neuaeisl, boureve, delt palie or topoi.,, bu ahmy hb oetteid b> theaeppli. cotionart. 0 . For Dlptieri sd sera Tbroii 5F4yptm U le011 tu unit>. ely relialeireuiody la «ow Il viii relias,"thaeisor"ocasescf lide dc tas-i For <iotiich. sud %tmale aeoInstiant cure. :aioCmu. 4toeasds; pur"' sud adi yil resc dli>.d teu.înukil oihnbln 01,pmonnu Y et BiestiWi f la hL hc.,,m.i .EGYi'TItr7UIL curep Rhanmstiam, Nosmlila '0004 Diplherls, Mir@ TicatChoiera, l ideeW P.sccrhe,, iatnche.. icumoe. Toesimbee, lirache, Sten.ache. 511f Joints. É$tiffN«ecktiprts, Braises, Weunde, Cati, liara., Mosquito Dites Are. J'roveut mach aatiirlng. outilaven ha the meus, .fsav. in ,fer ntaecea bhava fraquanaiyccurred tohere P ersan sud la the ajghttbat. dsed vii. vaiun8 Iorer Pliplciun. The Egyelan 09 in und extenuallin a nai> &Il ial sd sver>.essi>. siied, us If requirea n cm. lna. rubtiig lu liii.e her remei.dta 1 nIa>mer h titan lutemllii> iti, the.groatesouefay, us Il ir, warriud te couSsin ne Injarloio tagmedlents, mmatceanilcaremedy inmenue u mch s ver>.immiii quasatity ireqnlred taitrodace the destred effti. An émiunnut Dragtimra rkei at ho tas (eond thurc lIonieraeOrinla thiidr -pi o<lls 014 it thtnatblriiybotu oooeor eterloia. nov hW l'rft c. cl: end 50 oe= oie s5c b>. Dnoggiu aml ;rf i one over>.. Pm a"in laWhttby>, - lAS. E. GERME. Wb» u , e, , w. 2-> Farm for Sale Or to Lot, wIthln a ile of ]BUÂVERTO]N. A PLENDI) CHANCE, 83 ACRESo, (0sis Iae bouga sud ~adterminus cf Oua Port Ilop4 Lindia>.sud iedotou Lailes>..ý NO MONEY REQUIRED For Oie first timo Jears Otae&Mount cf rout, (If farmi heQ o 1.,)e uxpauded Ou Improe- Monts.Vlig Would bs oxciangpd for uultabl lag propero>. lu Osiave. Appi>. te, C. C. KELLER, Or F, KELLER, (if b>.leolctor, anigtn Osawa. lttr pro-psi .) là .1 Public. -:~ TV ~ E * M CESNEY, Imate t thelinhabitants of the and te u~ty of "Ontarfo, that he bas opened. f th ov d sciption, in the pr mises for - yMR 18 SNO 0W. 'ct lysoli'its- the orders of the à2 /THlE EEST IN E_4RKET.I -The Dry Goods Departm t emibra ii n 'ai4ied and erperior assortinent of everything'a the Dzy G#o line 0& Tihe Grocery. Department is reçptewh ehoice Fresh Grocerics. WINES AND LIQUORS, Of the best Whitbyj, Ocobai 11, 186., qualqt alwa'ys on han~d MOIN FARQUi SON# The subscribers to aquoAt their cus. tomera ad the pubi e ly, that t'c wiIl, during tsmontontmue to ofgoodf aet h. followiug bs esét Br hoP. Sugar for - $1 00. 0a YelIow No. 2j Sugar for - i00, 101 " No. si Sugrar for- i 00.1 sr 91, Gaulated No. ô Sugar for 1 00. sib. d A. Su afor - -i00. I.81 rush ofgugar for - i 00. a i. Good Valen aiains for i00.1 ro 9lba. Best New Ra's for 00, 7Tlhs Bcst ow Laer ina for 1 00.1 if71hz. Good Fige for 1 i00. 141ba& Gond Currauts for 1 I00. Fresh Fragrant Tees from .. SOts to 1 00. Pure Old Malt Whisky $1 10 per gallon. Pure OId Ryo Whis;ky, $1 10 per gallon. Choice Irish Whisky, 12 yeara old, $3 00 per gallon Choice Brandy,'vintage, 1860, $4 00 per gallon. Pure Port andl Sherry Winea. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. T.1. LMeMILLAN & CO. FRANCIS KELLER, INSURAINCE AGENT lepreonlte tue following well-knowU Compauf e: THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON AND GLOBE, CAPITAL $100000,000. THE EDINBURGH LIFE AND LOAN ASSUTRANCE C0., CAPITAL 0500,000. PROVINCIAL INSUANCE CJo., 0F (CANADA,) PIRE AND MARINFr. BRITISHI AMEfrICA ASSURANCE Co., (0F TORONTO,) PVIRE AND MARINE.l -0- WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY [OF ENGLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEATHINSIURANCE Co., rENGLA.NDJ ALRO AGENT FOR TUE PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Toronto] IW' AIl classes of proporty insured on resu;onabie terma. Aiso, Monoy9 Loanod on Real esate. Prospectnses and- il information given freely on application. Aiso agent for Provincial Telegraph Comupany. FIACISKELERPostmaetor s~aC No Agood.aogortment uof Buggiýes, 'arriag;es, ko., Made of the ý best material, will be - old at a smnalladvance, L 'Bank ot TJ'ier Canad Iils, taken fit exehange for work 'l ohei W h itb y ;, O o b er , 1 6 6.îaý g ec l eOn 4a ÂGRCUTTJALwOR K Se 'ýMir -GIN SP E CIA LNOTICE!Ul ingleReaprs an Môersq and Reapers and- Mowers tomlbined. The subscribers would cail the attention of the Agricultural com- uity f0 their Stock-of uImplements, whe wIll b. found alacaoory thfDg the par- mur mal roquir., sMd ssprcisiiy st this smn o f the. ar, teubo!rstock of Off several kinde, and of the Latest Make. To which ail the La tes t mproveuento ound necessary-by practîcable tests during the lust msoaon, have beon addad BalI's Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, Cayuge. Chief Reap- or sund Ifowér coanbined, the. Nanning Single Boaper, the. Osyupne SWITowe.T.OJ any and aIl of the aboya Macwhines, voiinvito a triât Th.y are manuufctured vlth caeo of the. DRes! ./Paterwa40 Workmansldkp Andi can be gniaranteed to the purcharer ta give satisfactioà upon A PAMR'TRIAL DU NO SALE. BRYANT ITIRATToN t& 0J>ELL's Business College & Telegraphie Institute. No.85 ONC0=UEFET, TORONTO, ESTABLLSHED IN CONNEOTION WITH AND EMBEACES IN IT9 COURSE OP INSTRUCTION 0:> A COMPLETE COMMERCIAL EDUCATION 1 u«" T HIS Institution 1iJ undor tho limeidisto su irvigion cfrJ. D. O.icli, asfirot-clsss an d T rcii Accountaut. Tiie Course of rntraction l lnhis oliego hau direct roforonce te tihe requiremoni. of Bus;iness, sud llie ,osult of Icurtoon cr olotigocf tePlcuharb o Baolu" Eduatio on tis Cotin t omý0 fbraces Bo.,k-lepini luaal its depaimnta sud epiicaticns, Commercial Liv, Commercial Arlthuiotie, 1 'emngw.liihPt Composition, Auslysls, uoro~padoceEnglaiGramar lpiiig, c.,&c.Schlarihlps geod dorlug holita cf the hlcdor, and ontîtios hlm to tuitien lu an y cftheo46 Collegen c'i*te Chain, iocatij lu the largost citles of tha States and iaa«ada. Each itudont viii oujoy tii boeft cf a aystomatio aud grodod coursecf Instruction, comurliacd lu acertainicomploste prcgrammnt, ombraiugo .11 Oie sî gcit f s Cemmercual ltducaticu, withtho 0moti xtensive.asortiment of spoelManncript eoIéover nud lu a Commercial I9011001. For fuzUoîlInformation pies.. naît et Collage, or soud for College Moutly, oncicslug lutter stamps. 8.ly BRYANT, STRATTON & ODELL- ALBION JIOTEL., EAST MARKET SQUARE, TOnoOITO. Good Iblng sd overy aeommedatilu, et mod erato ib' Iuergos. W B OARD 01 PER DAY: 1.ýj W. SHORT, PnopazumIeg. Toronto, Dec. 10, lus6. INSOILVENUT-ACT 0F1864. AND AILENDMENTS TIIERETO. Provînca cf CndInluthie Couuty court o. f the Counîy cf on- ounuty cf Ontario. I toil. Iu the. motter of EDWAlRD JOJJNI§TON,- edorf usconsscicon b. esord Oeie derslgnad viii uppl> tothe judgacot the ueld court, for a ditsc-ergs, under tiée ssid AdO. Datedet Whitbv, ln the. Count>. cf Ontario. thistalh dzyof ouuary, A. D., 1M7. Attoey .ferthé a uInsolvent. - 2-2smc os utof Ontariop - ~ ' Toto WIsl*by, on ACRhW.beNorth' f lt 24,TUDA 40 50 ln ~ th i on-o T >Att UOh. f 12 oloek ne. TOWuEIP G.Juctstt h. eeo, Qorme T h e ebove li n a - f i otr cf s u d 9ail th rsý 0 0n w d ili - T b*rs 'P i b ll o u t r a m laru er g o v ra o m v S eord i g jj, goo, sd tIsh l c xoliont t>..E5OiG For rhlWlss api. t1 Lot 290 lu the 10h am etfPi. jSIei aOzuic, T9?Subacrir vo uro cfuill. luforin tlh lulg. t W., lekavi ha la nu T I C K E T S f o r i . e O h 'Pli Snb Yroturus theuka aii as petrougo rO o cordcd te hlm uiilîu a conclu of oh.es»Medurlng tsaanat THOuAS DEvEREgL ibs, Dec. ITtis, Il"5. LT 0lltgraphfe GaIe ~fhEProPrlctorcf tii. aboya Gallary, Ivoi .Llot'ortn tha PublIc tuot lOIs nov thesmi o omploeiluthe Province, e se . a rpa f toe te, ictuirea, aîber lu IPHGTOGRAPHI AMMbEOT Oîn temodacf CtIsa 7lc Ai. Loétheuz «Y cfr 07 Ho juslt sàan DW sck of AR IS s'MA TERI-ALS vork lom V«ulvgo ad a. Wýtby, May ë 25 1b.5*5 H.DOtSGALÎ Fainfor S VMWhtb7,y fta of the rth fans las vo« No.17, oit-h Eti s lo] f là@ Township of Whitbj CONTA,,INIG 100 REI, 90ofvwlilehareou aàgood tc f cultIi dlon; .'the rami oridlaWoed Th, ju p r em ent i *e 0oo co asmztln o f a h i dv.ling, hein, eade shablus -eà M buildinggs unleabie r for oril. e lu oo ,Pider, oie cichard s udà- dn .k wihh thO OhOoat apple.ansu tha a 'Pie guniscrJianxicus a e lvo up sud wkjtharefore sal on mdrt YG-.m Ogappi .te J N0 TNrcturung tiaiks for pont favors, ara«Jdc *"l st o fo inlitià ti t Oiat y have Do Bad n iepreparedtoc attend $del Sdum Ir, t he. union, u h e m aont ross u bla tara,- Aplction cen b. rude o or t. S. BARBE, 1kLZDr é Leader of Oie Baud. whiOiy, JuIy 4, 108. Haifa MilIlion MONEY- TO LENDI1 .L ntit vhesby d heu prapardte l024 P OrFEinvATE lUNDI On (Wood à kWa eur , t ltrite rcoiat 'Pi0eôrovre >,Qyave Mle Own tA. tOpa>. Ohe. pipl bonghts f b-Y $451 JL t lu Clner>.. ch md. ~ Toronto. J1. K. G ARITEIL ity bOlli0,6vr LOI ~ ~ bava C'.W W. il. m SOLICriTO W1AIl MOV iII) h r, , ~ rTONETAT. Ai, fl NotaCrW mooI *, W, 1 litg M font~ A lthny. Nter,1 ,t Cl ltty ron lýtt afS Port alîcOr ig4ClîDee Wiit, Jue 2,SI BU~T7. AT carencoe an !e S LCne', r in l TI>C orerySi tlotg OflicaWiiby. B ARISiTE- i <1 . - &ttroat T.e, hT i.. I. voy~Ac c ff ce P al gelITR A L [I)c..mCoGya iliteo titeppOtO LIlR.i.GIAU A.P IiIERCITAOTtA JYiWigeorth T ieTo ton all u ILsti, rince Ail1t -Roal Ctlou u il 1~ v t ~ 'I I 1 - af Aultisi BROWN & PATTERSON. Whitby, Joly 4, el

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