Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1867, p. 1

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N th* d fria, Court su'o,- nusiisîoN & eiwpolt ' AU ~ ITERS, ttorne7s, Solleitor., &4- 01 0 , - #.W.t*Vl Astaue-uhui4lo 0 orbit«toroto#.W *W AxoumSlioEigiOx. YI .SU'0I TerotojlyIO1S41 55 t4r. sud und eate.ge PtUMAK laphio $îojy, I t I4 t l tic ti l>.moot is -, -0îlil Il s et 1 tne sleliytlu Art. ATER Le.' r S'aie tby, . witJin *the Town. Eatstetleero O * *, i4 lid Tii, lm- e -t"im.gorfIlframe 1 ttti I .O m tltltr onit. ftnmît, ar.îl ail lut 90eJ 'ard-i' lt'ers e'.oeked iqpi t M',jt , ll rs iIi1 t J;WLES8, lthlie premniss assBad r "ft (ýt%'rm, are de- 'nt rtoll, ; e not Hanul. filon u)lîrtte rdt)lend itthvu)Is owi CM, nfilime lnzotmuette ON CIIAIWED oe, LUES llIOLDEN, Oillîl A xfigu.. gleîidnai Agent, &0 'ER. retenu cite. OMUAWI 'IOUNITVCrogWN ATT0IX1Ny ou ON loi ,9m tI eCser, M'ay 4Pulie, *e le-InDigelo W$$h11v siiWg, Dmnda. nsrpen4.$,%siinorlï y tsuo#rv forthe OoUD B AI1ISTIIfiATrONE",AT LAN, Oi,-VitoiaBuldng Bitk .WbltbY 'w flAWSTUlt.A4AW AND enSolTKipu Toronto, 9,12m OlLi-ovo Lovs * Powel',Store, Whitby.. C. W. OshaUBLI?,,W. . . W. go DILLIN081 0oLICrtOaý, O £. TTAS uiliEMVD hbigvOfie te Ontario IVbamhcbréff Ou. Door Soallof tlb. WhIthy, jeu. tg, 1862. -CIIARLES C. EL , A4 TTOIINEY AT LAW, SOLICITORIN on, Blrook, . W.S In. JO MACDONELL, P AIMAITEII& K ATOIINIY-AT.LAW. 90114 r CotuCodal, ularto, Notcr$ ]blie, h.., e, Whtby. X. MAMKER GKEENWOOD, ns OTUlflY-AT-LAW., S0LICITOI 10 I ohancee ur uliOonveyane, B A189 11 Ail)ATTosiNEy-.TLàw solior la Ohancery, fie. (PY7ICE-Dand»s tresl dcorc vss oit ,o .1) asi&04nioteries 'ablie, fie., tfe l'amen Atssas-Orn-Oppoalie Tovn malle SM. Coonstivs, LL. ,W . CocioAw. Ceuunty croeaAttorney. cr Tot erry, Utb Deesnsber, 1865, 51 WOFiyëimENest der.lo\tis Reglatiy Oieso, WhItbyr. 41.17 Wo go OTIELE,- g' 4, Ch.breb -Steel, Torutâs. Bo J.E.MABREWlgE L e L L. B. BARIITZ-AT-LAW, fie. At 1,4wlLv ol ori-hscrCou- &0ae.,h. (3iee-Slmo. Street, North & ~ a 'etOffic, Ochasva O. W. - 40 LYMAN E01110119 L L De" T> AMIISTE AT L 801104citr lu liban- 2, ea40 KAQINOERt, & CONVEYANCING LOSe, Prince Allient, Ivo doora veatof T. 21rmna'store. 12 S. .. OViX. 1D URGE 1 GON TO TITI COUNTY GAOL, A. TIRINGLE, EXRCTANT TAILOR, BROCK STREE1 - 'T«OMAS fïUSTONv, TOWN CIERK thTREAIIUIltgl i WITY BATKINSON àk DGSWELL, TornutoStroet, Trouto.41 :ZIIC13ALD DARKES, fARKI414à VILLAGIC, O. W., OFFICIAL ,LAsslgilee forYork asud Ontario, Botary PROVINCIAL TELEG&AIPIU#> PitPtNIIOING WITII ALL TUE ,PRiCi.,1 -: Vpsi btieascud' Tevns iluOsuadas, andtheii puitti;ita tes. mW <tmmoIn luWlsltby, f accursSot cf the 1].çlstry 1e., Brook Sîret. 8s'Ir Do ROIS.g BAILIT7 fItiTî DIVISIPN COURT.- .BLlCENSJIDAUCTIQNZERL Atdre- .cvetou.40-17 ieiso,sutiOnt tters. 0, datcuof bébstquailimateual la Ail vont mati. op ontthe Promises., Sprgag Importation& of %col1latquait, sud A-TrrOgNgr AT LA'Wl SOLICITUR IN XX.Chaersou ie ,mf . o Rtuoveitto 0004e"Mn door te Office of Mfr.! ams, Clark ot e t uy Court. W Opposite O LU 0F EE SVBNTE DIVISION Couo tbe Coaîî0of Ontario, Couvey- adeer, comilio»t uueem'as Beach, fAe. Zsi»xxoz.-A&lbsrleTC. W. IIONIA MOTEIL, DofNTONIg MOTEL, W . OTTON bea8l o tu thé ls4a. babiantooe oe uni>'1OfVit au gev.laitssiebasbaliîU.asrul nJg, Imm qqPopd jgr.$tIs but ossly.b:,s. 'UXBRIDGE BOUSE UXB:RUDGE. STAGE HOUSE, *ST Wlnosiaui Ilqois;ctupeioraceom e immotatiouftort raveiio; goodstabîlngaud ALBION HO TEL. JAMES BLACK, 14 piop'rietfr. RAILBOAD BOUSE# vurrsy aTAlioW T9HORAS TOTTENDALE, Propnlelor. viti thebhast. Good a&emmodi fat vite boordmt sud gueel-, I Sltages te andi front Whibylh edaily. Evéry attention paldt Wgisete. Cereul adn t oln- JOUX Ç#IXoBVLLEN# bocutant, Land and gennrl Agent, AND NOTAEY PUBLIC.. W Offi1ce ln Peter rireet, oasdoor uoihh of Wil11 ni lï ove Variasllb.eo«uatias of tlntierit. aud flmce foi sale. X, B. Collections alteutied to and prompt remitiauces matie. Bon. D. L. McPbirson, M. L, C. on. John as rlo En ý . l.P, 1. Dansford, r., oI 71m er , _ LsM;Tad di trs Bare Rolu, Canadien Poit, Lindsay, sudtWhltby CnaoswLiu.7 PRINGLES ]HOTEL (LATE WOON'S,) JUIf G STREET, OSHÀ WA. jAMES TRINGLE, GLOBEJIOTEL T liEX sbcve Veil tkuovu,,o oit salibod .Lloie!osud presuices bavebeaenpuiciîaed by the stierlbervhero b. vili alvays be fotiation baud ready tuattend peraonallytp the. vants ofIhie guenta, f&n. The promise*s bas been dooveniaîiy anud "Mfortably fittot np; pinted, paporad, &0. modiernu1mprovemeuîttu uuske tle Travolier 4 hiome daringlisasfayand the Taloe boaa&tul- l'y spplied at al limes. Z Notice to Parmero and Othero Liquors %Wholesiesad Eli,<ro'yn IProof, by gallon or barre!; McNangbion's ouleVit, do. do-,; laspler'a EXtra e.ctllted Wlkkeydo, do' bout Fort.1 Sherry '-and Coguiaek Brandy lor the %s.k, vih oa lotI cf Liqaors and Cigaes of the boat brando. Atteative Ostl.rs, ant i orsei to IRire. A. ALEXANDER. Brookiin, Jau.2ti, 1868. 4 ONTAIO IOTEL WHITBY.' 0. DAIWES - - - PROPRIETOR. suarlor Accommaodations, Carefal san- tion to th. eqffuîr.nu1tcravelors Mnd gueste. ipaiona tahlinig anti shai.rcom, snd resdy caltais t41 raya vithi It lu. VICTORIA BOUSE# 30I, eu5sPRLLL.. Ti.,..Foprletor. '1'R cobserlfedeore to lfoîii l&many I fonentis ltho ln novreairylog on lhe aboie hotol, sud hbsi he snpplesnoue but the bot f it a[e~Jcgrsrof Ad refrçoi sud JOHN ai cn; GutabgL Whiby. Ot. 4. l1804. SULIL oui v rran JO0SEPE EUMEDOI'JUKProprieto, r[tILEab4110,boe Il, i Asiet Port Wbltby, £tla ico ptla ircbecestyle f«r ihese- om00modallon e oU ists u bades ANGLO.AlgRlgC*lN MOTEL. r Eeuboorbeiasltted op the abeve old olelmcea.God tcblltg ucat P pomarOf et"$adiPott" S tus l1n0eVfiy ton; eies lulere. AuhOn osasthol. aru slrusg <oiettitnt eamu De tonied"ptW fois teb alotc, (imvhioh PIteiI.ydé sot Il i tsqaie plinois eqit. 40 bu ixva op a greal MIasyimes beore hep iii Atauti ap te tbeivn fora bIs f Itàn. a - .aýrrqolre te b1 r ama,-h Elpteha. flb as. tîsgethr vll is fe ospoand sud nyieidfug 0sengh adeti 67 the ma" plate-miMlte -te.m toil5SOldtYîaSPOW5Te5id$lesiti aiti 'pttrltf' VlbII uepe lr te auI SquIr ptand nov anaird Sizrez.r-4 fuo POWn'DoubI. ,msding. on dieSq elag ,m=ore lau tdouble ith# vibre. t10Ur di aY1 o ig heurd tle t tetn louA, otihs on uhiglgtesnlree anti pover-lthb. SOI Be,., tise aou eg-or tuing ll ta<pc.v. by viiIt 1lakept oseeunelyfuclcuedllaua &if- lut a fies and utuiti vibraition; this as pMO- ven4 nts crluvich MOIuatlnsoare llUuiIl*, floor le level or net, previutlng auIytvoitlg #train, smib a voui bo Iee tg daraugean lnotrauet riltg upda-tour legs Th# groovret!bar of heuoti ompossltlon. beretefor. referre tet places thte --Iro Chlud' entirslin t*lb. aba -l ou.fo t résultint restr puit, owrsonatit anti sol Ityoftous. atuia of the '4ron.la vblhiis rougisanti indistinct lu compitrîson. Evary good maualhcirer cuesouly scheiinau tI ofIrouni tue 4s lton 0f Pituo-Porteo ls cennuol hodispene iéýrli, frôla theefiact lti trou la tejtrious tW lb. -production of. a moîi harmias auunt.-msklg lzu a ris Isard toue * 1 liét e hliptiefortz.ei gesaflr m le the botter ln th" eor>' t ~kifor gas to deid. upoii; bnt lte rea.ullow 'tvo o îme l4 palpable te oeary ear-Iesrusdor anlearasi. A number of lb ta atyie of Instrament#, ci vîti thI aoepatcttid improyem.ents, ae holug sunoefstr by experleneeti vorkmen, oudi mn>poaisauirvlssoualnyeasalas Mu n tl t.TOvN op WKrrar, and ti i!bu in- sebythe t'oit0Novemaioint, JII iii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U Isetoo!a-wtot o ofUere- aell itpaleviii ouI es hie o g tb.in eaceul nsd eaprelate thein ap boit>' fori cher lneînauonts b> exatili fr th eleveg. bie'ues Muilans 0f the Province bave gis.a t1suir opinion that for "lduebillty of cou- stroelci, itreuigl t1àon0 nsd elegawaie.t abyse Ibisstyle of i'iauc stands uIIIIVALLZD!" bdhebobsoiberlias a grist nember of TesI moulaiviet ho do#a no&titslk ueccsry te P blaits ootttmesmsufouespalm off on the public luferlor instrumente Ibroah testinsonils6 obtaitid irom munsie-ians for visicli t1=> gv an equivalent. TlîII prWct(e hoeld lie lsoge, andlhUIJnotrumdùtthts.lfmade the. té«. Ag6od l iano doc iot stand ln neeti of tlse e rilesaees;a, rlma M y Persong graanis aceitestliîlknov uentblng of the. prifneileo of tIha construction of*Wtauo Fortes,,sauare consequently uloejatiges tW do- aide vltii an fairnecior oerwtany. Every Insuameet sabjecteti ù> th ioliet tborougb Lta te fre iesvlnq the vorkroe. jlisvieg taken more Firot pnzes ai i'rovinelt Exhibitions thon anI otierMafcireue ml resîdence lu the Countri, Ium detersinud te keep the reputation vhlIi have mo fer mue- Ited, by turulng ont the boa& aitielein nay lino.. 3. P.RAINER, wUITBlr, C. W. MIILLIfEit, &o. MR~. IONOKromp e laspropared, te oncl cior. dors nu ber lueoprompti: sud reaoble, Loassd geutlmen's feit andi erav bats clonean oti ., aise ail vont lu snk on the ahorles< ne- lice. 40. N o le E& eh'gven to 1 ers aIl n dt o! A UuspuyucnîIirof su bofns te N RO O t iD TIOKEN", Actnug tors, atthelico n lbhTovl of' T suntiDot otîtervixe.r e0sewbero adilprsbaving jest CI s$agInct the sa d Yilaie ereuesteti ntreseut ir daims te EsOecuteoriqnidation. B. w DEN, i P'. w 1>RB, JAS CAINDtTvI. N. B.-AII 0i9l t iare rat duc vil re.. qîîire to ie»pat or ae rat daY of Jais. usry uczt. Aci xetora. Nov. 29, '66. 8 1 MW CARRIAGE AND Waggon Shop Smu AULWALKEY lu d artite mana. S1,IGIIS, *o., IN LATIOT OTYLRS. .&piRing uetli and promptly Whibhy, 3.In.,l"t. îsee ( or ale il; TasE TOWNBHIP Of FICKRr 1, i~s~ ACFSbeln uoth alf of Lot No. 4, IVoo*"eausier castal. of good ocuitalc, il. remlidrvootilanuti. T"e abovspropcrty viii h. seition rason- able terme. For bter psrtleus, yppi>théb.pic pw.ster lepremimies,V(if y klet pres VN FUD INl g IN A CA........ .»."....1 ,0000 CAXADA OÀUD or, pluIm~u8. TB. Amoi, l4a, Ohairman, (P'initent (Ciilrn Ontro lmwuk.) Mur îAi BuuEss q., <asgrOntario Banik.)1 Rf. IL Nias, !A4., (Genamliabst.Bank G. Y. C.SmuEadiSet.y Fife Insursuce fouelea n ted Véry description«o rprya holvq eaie ràtivo rates. Loss djattd ssoon as stisfactorly N>etacharge fur Military service ln dfceor tbe (Conty. Lire Aspurane Pflcles and Anuiti.s gratti onlte umont favorable toirn sudnt un- Lier Tables sqpecfatlly adapte4 t i. uiruui- stances o<all classes. À611 information lu both flepartmeuts on e obtalned et tis O(lices ofthe Company la lMon. treal &adt ironghont Canada IL.FAIItBAIEKS, du, Agent. Witby. w-,un-ia thi.e n.wýnfli Tkqph OuluiieIlalng, litsaithe EegLry Ã"011e. 18 Tif£ COMMERCIAL INIO'i A&è*,URANg"t GofY. 0AP*MA- 82,500,000 BT. (PULL! USRIE. lINVESTEDO ES6,0000-E POSIT TIJND IN CAN4DA, 650,- 0009 19 and 20 Cocrhtll, Loudon, Offices (daring j ,ùlein¶ 0Grea oCharcli. te CANA A BfANCH, -BORLLAND, WAT- BON JeCo.,Gs Agents. MauCost ary Off«ce - 8958&8oi, L F AIRBANKS, Je. Agent, Whaitby. Onmre-iu Provincial Telograpli O2cBu- liding. fleur tMie Reglstry Office, Inopectcr of Ageîîcles. 18 QuuZ N INSURANCE COMPANY FOR PIRE LIFE & ANNUI'rIE56 Capital Tw. IMILLIONs STERLING, Liverpool. CANADA B9LANGB Omsw-union Buildings, Mnia.BO0A FRD. William Maison, E»q., rC!alrman' Thomas Kys, Heur d;o.sEq., ldon. John Youn#,DavlJ orrsce, Est1. gÂNxhss-Molsons lBank. Làd*Al An-qsza-Messrs. Torrance & Morris MEDWAL AnvEZs-WVm. Sutherland, M. D. Saavzroz-Jamnes IL Spritigle, £sq. AnnroasllcsrsGreeu.4lields & Johinson. Nesident Secrotary and Generai Agenti-A Forban, Union Buildings, 26 lSt. Frsnools Yavier strict. L.FAIBBANKe, in, Agent, WIitby. Orgio-111 Provincial Taegraph Office lBu Lldlug, neur the Ecgîstry Ofice. 18 "ORILLIA -IIOIJSE." ORILLIA. ROBT. ROSS, Ja.. - - Aar rftteits ofths gcsA whitby, IMar 1868,.2 'MONIEY TO LOAN. ONY o Dong F aims, At e8ght LYKAX ENGLIBTI, larrlctor,Osaa nusv,.vg,0 - Applw INUIICkGENREAL AGEN4T, K.RlEDZPAZTK'T. PVloweotpoiotbl. eo forentaui;In aflceraatedon llullrisk*, for. tiseao o r, 'VQWoya«Vitirgo uscred ou<th#e*diaerent elius or nsil vuseels5 sud StaniPoi$ - ensudfroin any ports ou thse Loosaid sud ivra, fiea ProutîPtIlihardanda lossorahle seulemenýt .7.11 jeatolaluis upon the, Companiy zay be relieti JOHIN BLOW, Agent, Whlth7' April 9,lieca TEE COLONAL SEULEf ES COMF'Y. SJOCEssous TO TUEI Canada Agency Assciatio'n, OF LONDON, ENGLANO, gaya a large supply or mouey to land oi provcd Fanms, or ive yogs, .NOoertntiulso or otîter expenttes, hqyoîîd tii, naanei csrge, for conveytttilg mut! valationvili e matie. 'Tor teornis, &À.., appiy to, R. J. U. CHIPMAH'. flccretary, BOX 74, Toronto or bo JOHN AONEW, %VIinator, Wlîltby. 10 or ENgoLAE, (lluITED), For Pire. Llfe and Marine. CAPITAL, iZ19O00,Ooo, STERtLING. Cotai Ovroz-1 Watorloo Place, London; 77 King it. Manceseter, CJ[,ATIAN.,J. Tomlieconiifibliert,Eq. M. Il, ltur Oldhamo, Ilefortu Club, Lor.dou, aud lite Orangre, b'rmaiou, ucar Maacb.ster. ley, lEsq., M. A., foriueily Yellov sud 8 1lo ritu Leeturer. Quttcu's Coliege, Cambrid -. Heaad office for 13. M, A.. Ontario Marine Rlekes frotu lat April te 801h 1'oveui-1 ber, aecptcti ut lotieat raés. SCOTT & DEORA.SSI, .managera, B. N. A CAPT. I. THIOMAS, Mari,'. Itspcctor. JON A u t. Wlilthy, Match 14, 1866.,get DiIL P ACTICALDcutiaî, Oshawa, iDcltt. Booms, durectiy oppo. M M siteltosetc.En neon Ilmeoe8ltrc.t,thlrd doornorth ofthe Ontario Bank. tW- EXP'RfiS AGENT,&0., also Agent for Accident and létendard lueuratueCos. 17 IBROO)KLIN HOUlE, CLARK & VICKERY, - Proprictors. Beg inost respectinlly to lufor, tie. itîhab-: tatnteç ot t Onttty or Ontario, that tltey have ltteed thte aboyé premnioes Iatoely occipietl b> tàtdy l'crrie, wh:;ch tticy have ti' yfurnieb- ad anîd renovated, andttltley are prepured to ueeoîu:nodaieo the travelling publie. The Barq mtecked with tîoeteliedlquors sud cigare, anti au attentivoenotier sivayo lit Ittendance. froprictors Br',okliu, April, 18660,.l UNDERTAKING. T 1191 sîudert6.ud iaviug dlspofed of ie .Ittereet in the cabinet business, ta hîs sans,t TI-LL AND BROTHER, W'in l tatare Jovote lMs attetntion .ealuively toÏi tîenudonualdng bisiiloas. Fucrale lîîllY supplieon *ou selorteAt notice. WCollins kepteoi.utautiy on band. WILLIAM TILL.. Whltby,lMay 16, 1968. 19 Farm for Sk OR TO lENT. t 50ACRffl of excellent là":uti.heng Norl: FI RST CON., REiACII, Ail elearetiocet treetacres of vootiland- t,O pperty le sîteateti on the Whitby sud PCr Perry Grave! Rond, - Tii, ahoefarm vilI b, sOlI& or raeti frotuî ive tea ine years, on resousie terme. Appty pamonafly, (or by lerW pre-pal.) te Jamnes limion,ollestor, Witby, or tW the nndeslgaed. -' DANIEL LAM&ON, WMh,~ Lt No. 15, th On, Whithy.t D[IVISION COURS Fir mTHEc Tlo k"1 01of MIXussatbelles, - Ibéw ýji»s r i. noble Ultg Canatilan loveli)nm yeees Anti vel sbh I e ras abiiOýOf a nr, $bhpsie yebal 'sceu Au1faecieLithaintI oveath le viile# Nor gave &.tboerit te easrmed"lls Tfipres oui>' oîn I trnîy loi. tlth p îet 1love tst le atllai,4 .And- 1g Ost &tioufan.IIn!Fliillro ïM .Zc'svft sudsa f ui , *Aui*is de Goa. IISS Jack smal.-.Tbe Capin's Stloiy. On@ .veuing, uot long cine@#,a atcmber Of Olii aMp-masters cbaacd t. mit et, a soCial sappor, aMd aiturthe eloth vastr. move.d vo veut la for ysau spiiug._ - Among onirtaber wva .Çptèa u-Riebnd> Natter, sud a fluer mtor, betters040r never trode à deck. At leagtb Il came t10 bis tura W te1l ator,, or,. vhst vo pro. ferui-7a-nd watheb.rest o! a b.ddoue relate tome incident or ezPerieu ôl bis ovu lire.- "'Well," saad bo, rejeohing tb. vitie, vbieh vwu at ibat moment pasad Wbita ifort thé Out ime, "1 viii glivsenOa bit lf& veol important bit, Ico, Wloisît 1 bave fault my cuheequeut maohood,19 We prepare t is lten te capt Natter viii thé Most profouii attention, for h. was fot eoly au olh cetmanbaou. neof tih mOsîi faccesfal coamaunders lit oui mer- centile marine. Wu lieueiad bis story* vas as followsa: "I1vas very -Youg vhea 1 fiat t tered on ohip-board, aud etthe a ge cff trtaen -1 coasidared enynif aosailor. Wbeu .1gb., tcen I sblpped on board an u t ndiaman for a long voyage. There vere cix of us on board al abont tbe samne ., sud ve bW about the came dall e 10petrot.-, The aip-tbe ohLculadyDùnlo-vai a a large one, sa ud oui ie vM arge jla proportion, there beIug f-lfty-tvo i!lti .' We U"boys," n vo vere .eaied, mescet togetber aud in ail other respects vore separated frou the -reat cf. the.erev, juct s mach sas ii. offleis veao. The capisin vua snoble-bearted, honorable man, ai kiud and geasons, but yet very strict , 0f course vu yonngsters foond pleaty Mf oc- caion 10. lad faul itiîhhm; sudi vvry Mfien vere bis décisions arrlaignei before oui mecs, sudcieddly cooadmned. la tact veoabouhld bave .roveised mauy of bis jufigmeuta if ve b.d, bal 1the power; but as b. vas lbe Commander,ad v. ouly fore-most bauds-aud boys ai Ibat-bhe bed bis owu vay, aud the lamsiaous dusi.. loua Word eonaequantly of no avaIl sud loat tothe vorîti. Nowvavoboys Lad lasinthe b.conrs. of Our travelos W drink Our grog as velI ns any sailors. We couhlos"aàag"asof ram and vaier vith amach grauce * auoe, and vo claigued the rlgbt te do sot not uy s a ptivilegeo bat as su butoir, te vbicb a lite upon tbe ocen eutitlei U. I sali "vew," but ibere vas ouecf oui nua. ber vbc coahd not ho indaud eti1toaoh âa drap of auythiug iatoxicaîiag, His nu"m vas Jack Smallland ho belonged W one of tLe extreme back tovua of New Jerse. Nov, Jack imall not ouly binmlf te- fraineti eatirely Irorndrlukiag, bat b. asci cometimnes t10Oak s c okt thé staff alone. Hoe gave thai job ap, bovever,for vo maie Aucb sport of biai that hovas glado iea as aloue. But oni captiai bshrp eye and lt vas not loug bofoîore .begau show Jack favori vbich h. dld nti hov te os.Hoe volt Oftntit.Jackt on shore vit bin tlme speudthelb. igLi, aMti snc thinga as ihat, vhile wv-OU oekept, On board 1the chip. 0Ofcoue ibis oreatat s sort or eavy on out part,sud it ended inaà decudedii 1-yul towauda poor Jackt. Nov, 1lu- tratb, Jack vas onecf thbu at fellova inu tbe voil - ne vas kinti, lg log, Lonest,,alvays villiag,10 lead'a help. loghbandtlacaamuof dtisa,aM utrae, a1 frieuti es ever lwie-auly hW vooula'î dzink vith ase that vu aIL. No-that vass'l ail.The tritb ofithe Mater, wv loved the, ides of bolag "ol Balte" better4 tbon va di&i817a,1109iug el, cS'àv. speat - more timea-ln vatebisg for oppo*taiâeW o bavo aàcpée ýtban eydid fi l tlemrigýto, pae.oouueles ln thé profession vea d It @ven g o&ot lenth thtJackimall vas Sc1lled smtmste'latesthe .i vbea the ofià ers vero bu, ccf ad 1bhosed -ewvork ont téi be ekosiags tnoDM slly adidthgocaPtdw .~4a a lu oui ms,sud ha vsu& ctul ye- soto, Wcviraber#Yba Mf us la in r esZe fol partlr, sud pet1 cppesrace ofts lso ~tls~ MWala itî 10e6vn,"1,If seplied, as, e 1ËBll l lavine, neveithelm ll in sonlle TIt lsul'î v ,l"rled ISom. rai, v vée about me ci tl»'brdst ut# Npwmn sien Croited, cf&bcut"lbtheanie atami. "It's opi>' a litîle imple jâlce. - Come, bbrf, it I' a." Th& glanes vosiecordiogy fllled, B anciaram in il. No" ud Iack, l theglass wus movii tbovauda h ll" oi arée g4ilog to Cotutuesce, tit, lviii itep your guni- pan>' Vith vatei vblle yon rsmâanoniieily but! Iii 111nul toneh ivine."o Thia vas cpe orauyn>' ldl>', asti wlil a lint saile, 'but yet il vWu pokot Irmli>', beiug kuoekei'In le je a& , W.' ogeti hlmn to dnintvlih us oxwg-gcé laoore.' -W i bita là'"Met It wu' v a - boy happy bit social g las 1ulimie9 s bot* vecoulti tut more hlm. Ilmenu 1", oued vo at a breaii. tilNgolaineemates uot mee se i Jade, 1 I li psy,, for lb.e vbole of the dianue-for oever>' ertiel. YOD anti I 'levé W. la' thscboule cave tbo vine." 1;And !èas poit.hi oagthe bell. R. asiotiîLe vaitrlonboneàti, vbat .vos lb. f111 -for, thecosapua>' vithoat tb. Vine anti afîsu tLe amonu a b.dbc ustaieti, ho toit ont bis puse io paàY it, vhou Sam Pratt#' vbo I",our'inkovled'leader, oseght big a6M Dt pay l for ve vil! nomest ai îLbeeox. pets.of ooon$ ýVin 8cui ont o!9a sspo la Ibis vu>'. 1Wo, Vauonthting 1 t do w. 1Y"u oleseIou tait. a glass of Vine: "Ver, veli," caiti acit,, sas b.h 1poe oh tis ht bisliplmvedisnd tbat 11e tisietiDot apeait1 more,. . taruei tovards îLbe door thon, but beforo ho ioached ilTim, Blaeit atsd caugbt bimà, nuthlbecme#,lime excbaoming. iltMal 1 ho flesseeIif you go off sol anOI va>'. Yoa'vocommneotiAuii ow yodu'ro got 10 stick il outIl," Tbis vos-ihe signal for mas 10 Commence &gain, sud -once mort vo triedti le rgs Jack,10 drink lb. vine;-anti vbaen e found ibat arging vcahld notý do ve- ot,- moncedti abuse sud seoff. W. accuseti Lini of trylag 10 stop ovei ns on board the sLip, autiof aIl other b.d lblngs Mf wiie ve*coahii thiiak. For avhwiie tb. poor feliov' cemedici ned W to lbis'anger gel 1the upper baud; but a etu ogîb b. camed hbiueliand steppiag bock t10 bis chair heM. cji di hiptus iii Ion IlMt 0me for a muaient 1?" silence gavo consent sd lu s moment mura h. resumet- 14 in ma stters bhave coma 10 tiispasu, I havre resolve t telol Ion vbat 1 Meent 10 Tuep locked op !uÏai'besos.". W. bàd aiva>'. tboagbt from Jack'» manor lt aiewvsssemetbing peculiar viti bis 1f. sud Vaesai!- attention luaa moment di My aîory la bot a short ouo.9p lde-cSn, tinuati,4"sMd I eautellit it~n a vorfeir ehilhood Inover ku'ew vwhst Il Vas 1 Lavesa hsppy -home. My fatlaor wva drakad 1i, Osc, e. b b een' c ýgoodj moa aigod bsbod, batlaa und aIilii bisnbooii sud maie 4 brute cf hlm. Wbet 1 groir older, I had te go ont ast beg for biead. -,AUIldcl asd ivr!atg. I vaded ibrougi stoo i,-bai>' loilses la, tallrmiiimy froetng féét alaist baie. - 1 sa« othor -oblldn dieset v and>sud 40omf"rtbley'ai I 1 mev they Vers happy for -th. 'laagbod antis a liey bouuateti alogtowrarts chool. Thmseboys b.d s1e falei.Itev tahIbir fslbeus ver# no btter tisart Mia.lDé W Wtotcop ,for My motisor bai bumehovunoblea a i 0o1 iafmthrcottii bu If tise aearced déon rmb-atinoliseeni s'halsv>. ;Tinte 1asc.tn, ani I V"asbcst egbt joan a ol. And thon *oight yen bh.d hen y#=rsof tuob orrox anti cufforgasm 'ra vine os tetableivas ontôàicbeý a thée liquco lmstiti rank it 'g lisef,é uo o ' u ia s ' n O va ll'g p nl e ila e ff e iit. i , Tovards iening va returýsed 1the'b slip. Tiser. acfrun'on'tbeeapWald hurwma's ire-caueer tbe side, sud report. eti ouraeiveg 10 biai, bis cououenue c#hagedM. culti hardI>' belloe. lis evide8 teofhie ovu' benses "4look bars, bj#ya beosli s. eb Laszamined se ubc-ioughly, h~ô i tbis m"1u 7", " show bita the paper," vhispcreii 1. Jstk b.d oui pheige, sud vitheatispeak. iag b. baudeti Il to the captain, Ha 100k 1t, anti Lis face chaugod ti lexapressiont severai times.; At lengîb 1 aev a test elt 10 Lic oye. IlBoyi," -b. sid,as b. foideti up the paper, Il lotmo keeop tis,- sud If yon stick, <o youî noble resoliion, yoa sbail nover vaut àa friandi yul. I lite."1 S-W. 1e1 the captai a kaep th e per, ail 'vheu ho biai piîut M lto bis- -C ,ket b. came sud look nué.eseh by thbansd.- vas mach sffeoWe, aud Ibie, the cii. - oumasintie Liai happy, Prou bisS day oiprospietsbrightetiei. Jack fimai ologer b.d oui euvy,'for haolcoit bolti anti taugbt navigation, for ve ver. proud, of hlm. - On tie nazi voyage ve aitluai vere raieda able-,moeaetantisu reeeive* fuIl vagosud ve lofs not tisai noble iseartaicapîsinuntil, vovere tle baaoun officeson boardi otb.r chipe. Jack qSufis i. n asCf tb. batma&- ira ia thoe vorhti, sud 1 belieie 11f tt ont part>'tare atilI living bonorati isut . apece eii on *Tbros yes a go voai Hou"., in Xtev 'Yorite sud uot one' of ni Ladl broken tb. pletig« Wbiui vs made le tb. bote! antIllo Jesieo. Fourleeîw verw then comîcauders otgond abipe, oua vwe a march ant lu Newv ork, lb.heother vujuci goiag ouiqatsAmerican Consul lQ one of the Italian cles o "u the Maeitones,- "Joiepb4 v.re la AGfies V 'On 1the as ii.» "ýI mess, Josepis, lunvliat continent- lb. -Eastern or Western continent lit léWell,îhe land cf -Arioýslela lth. Rasteru contineut; bat <Le people, tire ail of esu are dovn Soutkit" "Whs Aire ita produita V, "Well, asu, il baaii'got su>'; 1h ne«« "Hovedo, th. Afriaspeople live 71, 'No air; by tiisving tbiset breas.'9 "Bit cuvn Joïepb"' 0"Tboaiasvhat in the eqaalorVI 66 WL>', air, ils'. horizontllc toin- ning9 porp cdi elarilythrough thls i ton of astr nmets cund old ge .$William Uggoe viai do vo mos b SAn- old ïailors., air."1 $igese.Nexlj, Jaek, visa id a tAua etlipse las thingasappeara vheft thoesucon gits ou * hast, utiti ruas agaluat the &nu; cousequeutly, ithe sn blsuke d Clau s edisarisceti. Wbat Ilu te Use? ' WbDtis the se of removitig yourbatl, M Ye otlntend te.r q ri

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